! ? evceveznn ex ce pted, - - joSfl. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. : ., v f ;H0(C : months $2.00. . Three ) ear,: one month, S3 cents. ' ' - M bo delivered by carriers, free fWPAPtin nv part of the city, atthe above is ij rcvwi', j c f r cr.i our' rlcnl3 on ' any , tz3 t general Interest, tut '-'.'v ' .Theaa2aoctuio.wrtteViau:t ziv. ..; i ; nished to tie Editor. - r - Communications must be rritt; cl one side of the paper. " ? Personalities must be avoliea. And it is' especially aid partial ly i. stood that the Editor docs not sl-xL 'ys t -the views or cirespondent3 ciLl3 3 tr in the editorial columns. - or10tt;uts per week. . ' tH v . . -to low and liberal. ,4rtrt!.H. will Please report any and VOL XII. WILMIlSfGTON, N,Cm WiEDNESDA AUGUST lr 1888. receive their paper regularly. NO-15L 1 "V M r in din'' ut ' . ,;';.-. I ;. ;- (i.-iive 'a l."i"1Kt' inraient'" ..j'i;lirlvo Co.fdipatlon, -i ? i i vfit:-;ucaliiiulnctl ...'l...iii;;. Kint,1vjiC)tica '!iv i .:v tfi';-liers have' & iir.: r-u-V;,.,Y SfJiy-t": ! t.c'",:V Vy ' ...I.II.I I ! IMHT. t . . . .... . : . . . . . k . Tne L the Llt-llll, - , iiiii"ii:-n is ci'lly certain, no ndi'l r'-niain a d vSM i who will . . It vill correct Acidlly of the Stomach, ; " I'lxpel foul gasesf - II.... T 1 1.' 1 '"' Asixt Utirestloih ;uh1, ut tho same Rltirtthi SAvtr to ltorfiinsr; trlun f ( oilier troubles itn't Some 1 :1 :..'v -t i Jr. teJuertw i : V-iittBWuw liver' ; V-kf t has r: . I are - - c-r,.h:r- SH i ! , fi- I ; en tl-1- -' ' ' b(-..- ... , ' IK .who will unlric, - .. -, j . Sit i.n noT26tc lstpdJtwly chsat PIANOS AND ORGANS: 7 KITE TO M E FOR PRICES AND TERMS before buylDg an Instrument, of the largest stocks of as I. keep one PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTUV " ' I can sell you any o't theflrst-class manu- fat-tures. FROM $190 UPWARDS. FROM $45 UPWARDS.: SEND FOR CATALOQUE. J.llo. 'RALEIGH, N. C. . . " BRANCH H0TJSE : ' 0a Dock street, between Front and JSecond, WILMINGTON, N. C. : Je ai tf '. :' The Stoliley flouse, pAUTIES IN WANT OF " ACCOM310DA- tious at WrightsvlUe will Ond the STOKLEY House well supplied with all that Is necea- Board by the day, "week or month at low rlsrisassupiicrs to order at any hour dur lDguie evening. -v , , . ?, All of the dellcaclea of salt water,tlsb.,crabs, clams, shrimps, &c, furnished to guests. . Saiang Boats, Fishing Boats.Flshlng Tacjde, c, fornidied on short jiotjce. . - "Stokley nouse fronts the- water and Is 1thtn 100 yards of the Depot, . W. U. STOKLEY, J13tf ... . . Proprietor. w L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. FOK GENTIA3MFN. rid SSLfiQe,clf 3 Seniles, shoe In the ki aid rt,.llthoat or nails- As styl- Srt1110860081111? or 18,-and f hurtth ornaUs to wear the stocking MflSi 't makes them as comfortable h.?1- None c- a hanct sewpd Rhoo - Bur 7. O UW. . u ft III! WVv. T - , . ttals rL,d welt U shoe, which ton om-made sflioes costing from f6 .Ueifer,1JJJA3.50 SHOK Is unex- to?ilY&As 3 snoEiswornby all au kT v the 1)681 Pol shoe in the world. BMton tViKfloa are 4 ( ) V - V. J. ir'lll III! Ml III III H. VONQLAIIN, WUmlngtoa. N. C LOCAL3STEWS. : -INDXI TO NBTT ADTERTiaSMKTS. -A FX.cc as Removal - . . 4 iiEiifsBBROBR -pianos - ' F C Millkr cigarsi, cigarettes ' -Louis II il bakes Flannel Shirts Miw E1J Wiggins Visitors to the City - - Shakpik Robert E Lee Sailing Parties - v This iuoutli has'ii've Wednesdays, live Thursdays and live Fridays. Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c.v is at Heins berywr's. V ' WJreGloth for your windows and and floors Ciin be had at Jacob Hdw. Depot. : : . Economy and strength are pecu lia to Hood's Sarsaoarilla. the onlv nly .medicine of which "100 Doses Ona Dollar" is true. . Pishing Tackle A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh Avater fishing at Jacobi's lldw. De pot. - V . :; x'' t . Mr. A. P. Lucas has removed his bbttlingAvprks from Dock street to 128,Korth-Vater street, where the business will be continued in all of its branches. - We are assured on hifrh authority that the absurd rumor as to the Standard Oil Company having made an iff er f or : the Seacoast Railroad is "entirely unfounded. We: lose this month 58 minutes of daylight. : The sun, which to-day sets at 7:4, will set at 6:30 on the 31st. r It rose-to-day at 5:6 and will rise at 5:30 on the 31st. There was a transaction yesterday in Wilmington Seacoast R. R. stock. It brought 131. We could not learn the- amount of the stock which changed hands. , rif you want to . feel comfortable andwell all you need is a good Ham mock.' You willfind the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber gers. t The Y. M. C. A. The appeal issued in the Rkview yesterday afternoon had a marked effect upon the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. last night. There was a much larger attendance than usual and a revived interest seemed to be mani fested in the affairs of the Associa tion. Harbor Master's Report. 7 Prom the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Masterwe glean the following "report of arrivals Here during the month of July: American o steamers, o,bto tons; 1. barque, 391 tons; 12 schooners, 3.005 tones: total American i ves- sels, and 9,814 tons. Poreign 3 barques, 1,208 tones. Total, 24 vessels and-11,022 ton. ; - . Arrested on Snspiciou. A colored wom.au who gave her name as Jane Monroe was arrested last night under very suspycious, circumstances.. She was seen by officer Turlington prowling around residences near'the. corner of Third and Mulberry -streets and was noticed to . enter several yards. This was after 11 o'clock. She was taken to the lock-up and this morn ing was before the Mayor, but an invesfreratiou was postponed until to-morrow. It is thought that she may be demented. - . ' . City Court. There was a large crowd assembled at the City Court this moriiflig and a docket that showed up cases which were disposed of as follows: : Walter Yates, larceny, discharged. ' Walter Williams, larceny, bound over to tlie next term jot Criminal Court in the sum of $100. - ' James '.Williams, .disorderly con duct, discharged. Jno. Spicer and Ed Edwards, dis orderly conduct, ase continued. Mary Barnes, larceny, bound over to the next term of Criminal Court in the sum of $100. ; -: Jane Mouroe, suspicion, case con tinued. Henry Johnson, disorderly con duct, case continued. - Rock Crystal Spectacles sad Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious ; not to take" more magn ifying vower than has been lost to the eve as in.the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than isne cessarv is the dailv cause of prema- Ply Traps, best and cheapest, at jacobi7B Hd if ..Depot. " t - CapC C6110 Va; of the steam, yacht 2b7Ki,calIed. to nee us to see us this luorniiig to correct "the report pub Ifshed by us yesterday toRthe effect that Capt: Leta Potter would carry the yacht- to Jacksonville. Capt. Coup va says that the - tfrfat iill be undei his own charge exclusively on the trip. . , ' . Auother. Attracti- u. If J" The sharpie Robert K.. (jce, Capt. Geo. W. Smith, has bet ri added to the fleet of pleasure , fx xts at the Hummocks. . She is' t e 1 largest sarpe.:that.ha8;ryfi1j pearuiiee-jc there and Js"a.beauty;r Capt. Smithher commander, is an old sailor from the Straits and thor oughly, understands his business, and is also a very clever gentleman. He will take parties sailing, fishing or trolling at snort notice. The Robert H. Lee is owned by Messrs. John C. Davis and (ieo. W. Smith. A Sewerage System. Mayor Fowler this morning- re ceived a letter from Mr. Rudolph Bering, of New York, the engineer to whom he wrote in regard to a system of sewerage for the city. Mr. Heriug states that it will be neces sary for him to come here and go all over the ground before he can give any. idea as to. what, may be needed or the cost of the system, For this his fee will be $1,000 and expenses," which will probably amount to several hundred dollars additional, as he says it may be nec essary for him to make several trips between New York and Wilmington. The matter will probably be laid before the Board of Aldermen at their meeting next Monday. Revisiting the Scene. It is said that Anthony McCor mick, who murdered another color ed man last "Summer on tncwayj from a bush meeting at ili I ton,, jeal ousy being the . cause, ,and who es caped then, was seen in the city yes- terday but that he managed to get away again last night on the C. C. R. R. 'The woman in the case called at the City Hall last evening and stated that he: was here and pro fessed to be afraid that her life was in danger. She was giv'en a lodging for the night and some of the police force started out to look up McCor mick. But it was too late as he had skipped out of town. Persoual. Durham has returned Dr. J. H. from a visit to hisfarailv, who are at Pittsbbro. Mr. J. O. Hinton takes Mr. Morri son's place as Clerk at the Produce Exchange. ' ;'v" Mr. C. G. Herbert, supervisor of the Robert Portlier Brewing Co., is in the city to-day. " Hon. R. R. Bridgers has gone to Saratoga, where his family is located for the Summer. - Ex-Mayor Fishblate has gone North on a visit, which combines b usiness and pleasure. i flMr. W. R. Morrison has resigned his position at the Produce Ex change and has gone North for the Summer. - - ' " V Mr. J. T. Collins, of Bnrgaw, is in the city to-day and favored us with a visit. He says that the crops in his section are about the best he ever saw. Mr; and Mrs. A. Orr left here this morning to locate at Glen's Falls, New York, their old home, where Mr. Orr will start immediately a photograph gallery. Mr. J. Dickson Muuds left this morning for Lincolnton in response to a telegram received last night stating that his youngest child is seriously ill. ' ' - Mr. John G. Christopher, proprie tor of the Pablo Beach Hotel, Flor ida, and owner of the steamer Queen of&'L John's, arrived in the city last night with his wife. r Mr. Gilbert H.Greene has resigned the position of Clerk of the Police tUourt, to engage in other business, and Mayor Fowler has appointed as his successor Mr. Edward Daniel,- who assumed the duties of the .office to-day. ACHILDKILLED. Another child killed bv the use of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup. . Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur-j prising when they can relieve the r Dog collars. Largest andfiHest child of its peculiar troubles by us- asgortujent ever . before brought to tKiur. Xtae"so.d : by llunds JBros., druggists. - - Meteorological. - V" , . . The following meteorological sum mary of Wilmington for. the month of July, 1888, is furnished by the Signal office here: - . - Average barometer for the month, 30.04r highest, .30.26 deg. on 4th; lowest, 20.82 deg. on 13th;"range,0.44 Average temperature 76 deg. ; highest, 96 deg. on 12th; lowest, GO deg. on 3rd; range, 36 deg. ' Prevailing, wind, direction east; highest wind, thirty miles per hour, from the northwest on the 10th. Total movement of wind during the month, 4,448 miles. Average per cent. of. humidity, 81.9. Total rainfall, 5.87 inches; greatest daily rainfall, 1.87 inches on 20th. There were eleven clear days', eleven fair dajTs, nine cloudy days and eleven days on which rain fell. Thunder storms occurred on the 8th, 13th, 25th, 27th, 28th and 29thV , ' The River and Harbor Rill. , The River and Harbor bill, which will probably become a law in a few days, appropriates the following amounts for North and South Caro lina water ways in the Wilmington District, Capt" W. H. Bixby engi neer in charge': .lSrZ::': Pamlico and Tar rivers, $10,000; Contentnea Creek, $5,000; Trent river, $5,000; Neuse river, $15,000,r Canal from Neuse river to Beaufort harbor, $15,000; Beaufort harbor, $35,000; Bogue Sound, $5,000; New river, $3,000; Black river, nothing; Cape Fear, above Wilmington, $12, 000; Cape Fear, below Wilmington, $245,000; Lock wood's Folly river, nothing; Waccamaw river, $15,000; Yadkin river, above Salisbury, $10, 000: Lumber river, $5,000; Little Pee Dee river, $5,000; Clark's Creek, $2,500; Mingo Jreek, $5,000; Great Pee Dee river, $20,000; Georgetown harbor, $7,500; Winyaw Bay, $100, 000; Canal from Winyaw Bay to Jantee river, $24,000; Water.ee river, $12,000; Congaree river, $7,500. To- tal, $503,500. ;It provides also (with "a .view to possible future improve ment) tor the examination and sur vey, of the Tar river abo ve,Tarboro, Trent river above Trenton, Fishing ana owirt ureeKs (tributaries to the Neuse river), - White, Oak river. Sound from Swansboro to New river, North East Cape Fear river, Cape Fear river for 20 feet depth navigation below Wilmington, Shal lotte river, Socastee Creek (tribu tary of WaccamawJ and the Broad and Saluda rivers (tributaries of Congaree river). - . The Iiight Kind of Talk. Yesterday's Raleigh jVcivs and Ob server has some pleasant 'things to say about our city and about the Wilmington Light Inf antryT We clip this from the local columns; The Raleigh boys bring from the encampment the most pleasant re collections of the people of Wil mington and Wrights vi lie. Spec ially do they remember many cour tesies from members of the Wil mington Light Infantry, and it is hoped that the Wilmington Company-will make a visit to Raleighat some early day and give our boys a chance to reciprocate "these courte sies. ' Editorially the News and Observer; both of whose editors were nourish ed on" Rock Spring water and can therefore never forget the old sand hills, has the following clever and pleasant reference to ourVcity: " It is pleasant to note the spirit of progress now abroad in the city of Wilmington, greater in extent and in the scope ef its purpose than has been the -case for, many years. . It indjeates that the pleasant old town lias" taken hold of its destiny with a full determination to make -It all-it should, be. Its recently improved f facilities of every sort give it reason to hope for the very best results,- f and. counting the well known pub- Jic; spirit of its people: now thor oughly aroused again, in the forces af 'wprk there eau be no dobt that th future of the city, will be made lright by such achieveiuent as lias onlybeen dreamed of so far within its gates. As a North .Carolina pa per; devoted to every interest of the State: every part of its people, " " note the fact with very" great satis faction and predict, as the logical se quence of the more hopeful feeling and' the fresh determination, the coming of the -day when the State's commercial metropolis shall -be splendid in her commercial and in dustrial realities as well as possibili ties. . ....... To th Boys. - Fifty dozen Cleveland and Thur man Caps, just received. Price 25 cents each. - .-. I. SillUEll, Clothier and Hatter, J - ' : 0 16 N. Frgnt street. .ls city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw (Depot. t ' ' v' Indications. ' ' ' . For North Carolina, threatening weather, with rain and warmer followed by cooler weather. . - ' -r-. " -y- -.v i i m "'" ii i i-.im.ii . - . - ,.'-"." ' A double track fon the Seacoast R. R., -for. next Summer's traffic, , is already talked of. " . - - The committee - have v been more successful in their renewed effdrts to get money for the .Firemen's Tournament and it . is likely nqw that it will take . place, probably thismonthj. "x A Good Sanitary Showing, y ' Dr. F. W- Potter, City Physician; has filed his report for the month of July; . It shows a total of 38 deaths during the month, of which 2 were still-born, 2 Were brought here for interment from other- places and 1 was executed. These should prop! erly be deducted from the mortuary statemeut aud this leaves hut 33 deaths during the month, which is considered an r excellent showings There were only 4 deaths from ma ¬ larial fever during the month iand all of these were among the colore people. Of the 38 deaths here, re ported, 11 were white and 27 were colored. ' Of the whites there were 6 males and 5 females; 6 adults and 5 children. Of the colored there were 15 males and 12 females; 13 adults and 14 children.. Dr. Potter remarks in his report: ; ' - - ' The heavy rains lrave cut the streets in several places. In two localities I-noticed stasnated water 24 hours af ter.the rain. Lime . and copperas will be used there freely. It is srratifyinef to see so little pohdihg-water after the very heavy rams. The, weeds are go wing, rapid - Iv in some places and it irould be well to get rid of them before they cast their seeds. I believe the rapid decay of such vegetable matter late in the season causes increase of ma larial and other diseases. I would call attention to the sewer between Market and Princess streets. ' : THE MAILS, The mails close arid arrive at the City Poet omee as loilows: t " ; . C CLOSE. , r "' )' Northern throug-h malls, fast:..': . .11.00 P. M Nerthern through and way malls. &QQ A. M N. C. and a. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom. . ....... 8.00 A, M. Balelgh & i ayettev;e, &00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls. ................. 2.00 P. M. Southern thipugh malls. 9.15 P. M. J- DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. K j' Western malls (C. C. Railway)...... .30 M,: Cape Fear & Y V R R and points sup-- plied therefrom 6.30 A. M. Raleigh & Hamlet li. R. and points " supplied therefrom. ... 6.30 Ai M Smithvllle : 2.00 P. M. Wrightsvule. ... .... 8.30 A. M. Clinton, special. . . . I. . . . ... . . 3.15 P. M MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ; . Onslow CVH. and intermedlat offi- - - ' ces.... ...... v...... ......-.......; 6.00 A. M.' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ." 4. Little River, 8. C.,.and intermediate - ' Offices. ......... .. 6.00 A. M. Cape Fear River mall ..... LOO P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. , Northern and way mails.. . . &30 P. M. Northern through mall, late.' . . . . . . . .11.00 P. M. southerh malls...... .a........;..... 6.30 A. M. Southernway malls., 9.80 A. M. Carolina Central R. ... . . . . . 9.00 P. M. Mails collected from street boxes In business Eortion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M.' and 4.45 P. t. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. --; - - - General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 tOlO.30 A.'M.-- - - : r Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A; M. to 5 P. M., continuous. stamp omee open irom 8.00 a. m. xo 5 P. m. " Stamps on sale at general delivery 60 A.M. toiuAvjM. anaiioii'.Jft... - , new Aoviasnse n kxts Sharpie Rob erf E. Lee, QAPT. G. W. SMITH, WILL; TAKE TAK ties Irom the Hummocks to any point oh the souna or out to sea. sne is nttea witn com-" fortable seats and - will - accommodate forty passengers. Parties taken Fishing, Trolling, Sailing or ,to the Blackflsh Grounds outside. For terms apply on board. aug 1 tf Removal. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to my friends and customers that I have" re moved my Bottling Works from Dock, between Front ana second streets,, to sio. iz& ,JNonn Water street. - - r - ' . augllw .. - A. F. LUCAS. Hose Farm 1 PASTURE FOR CITY -MILCH COWS. I have six acres of fine Pastures Will Pas- f ture a Umited number of Milch Cows. - Drive . t hnm fnt anil in of-. Hft-xr nan a nav nroolr iirw wexi water to annic wiu guarantee an in crease in Milk. Pasture in city limits. jy312t . . W. J. KIRK HAM. Fish arid Oysters. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY our friends and the pUbllc generally that we have opened a Fish, oyster. Egg and Gen eral Produce DeDOt at No. 15 Dock street, be tween Front and Water, where we will be pleased to see them and fill promptly all or ders entrusted to our care. - Respectfully - jy 31 2m ' "G. G. AMAN & CO. Wov York J3A PEES AND MAGAZINES, " , - " . Also city rapcrs - - Are for sale at. HEINSBERGER'S jya NEW APVEKTlOCIir ! . Rianoc,' Organs, Gnitaro.Vioi:: BANJOS, ZITHERS, Mandolines. Accoidcoii : fiichter HarmonI . " ." r ALSO TILE BEST.VIOLIN; AND GUlTAIi STP. II , For Sale at HE1NSBERGER' n '17.31 Attention Domocrat npiIEKE "WILL-'BE a meeting of tii YOUNG MEN'S DKAronii ATTn r-T titi v day Evenlngr, ; Aug. 1st, at 8:30 o'clock-, at Li wri a jio.il, wmer r xxiut ana uranse street ; . oy uruer or me I'TCBiaent. Jy 303t J. CMORUISON; Secretary. 0AE0LINA BEA0E. TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE SYLVA GROVE will leave lor Carolina Ecach ere; weekday at 9) a. m; and 3 p.m. J. W. I1ARPE1I, Genl Manager. Jy27 t - - v Atlantic Viqv;, WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. nillS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT I situated at the , WrightsvUlo Terminus cf t ' Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, and there i no charge for transportation of self or barer to the lloteL j - Band fif Music Engaged far ih Sc:so2; . We are sorry the Soldier, Boys have : home so are the girls. -. . ' -v Those desiring Board can find comfortali rooms and good fare at reasonable rat es. ED. VILSON MANNING, yfrZ&tt , ... . :,; :, proprietor. ; ; Jnoi F. LtpGraiiil, SUCCEEDING PARTNER OF TIIC I.A'i : firm of A. A: Brown & Co., Co. ir. i Merchant, office In the Kerchner jjuu . No. Water street. Will give prompt attor.t i to all business. i Represents some of the best housc3 in t: country. Invites Correspondence. Jel31yd&w. . Wiimngton :Seaboast O. ; SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 27,'8S, AT G A. : Frodi Wilmington, ; sv "From nummoci:,. Leave , . . . . :30 a. m Leave.... .;. . 930 a. m LeaS ....... .11:50 a. m Leave, ju. .... 3:0J) p. m Leave.. . . . . 5:00 p. m Leave..:..... 7:55 p. m Leave. ...... .10:00 p m Leave 7.4 " c j Leave ..la:' a. i Leave Kip. i Lea-e....... 4 ( i i. i Leave........ fi:.;) p. s -Leave Leave. 11:4 ) y. . . - j.iLCHADL'jur.:;, jk., July .7 tf - . - General iiaaar. JCE.: COLD' SODA .VVATEU AND MIL' : SHAKES. Also & full linn nt hrn"? P.if . Medicines, Soaps, Perfumeries. Hair -BrwiL: can oe iouna at - F. C. MILLEIVS, ' , ' Drug Store. - Corners. Fourth and Nun U, r P. S. Prescrintlons filled at all Lour. c or night. ' , ivittr "MACINAW" ONLY GENUINE "MACINAW" HATS HQV : . IN WILMINGTON. " . LOUIS H: ME AI L ! ' f .1 NOKTH FKONT, - . Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter ' Sharpie Katie M. Daniel: , QAPT. I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAT ties Sailing- Trolling or Fishing. - PartK 4 f ken to the Fishing Grounds ouulclo or v . down the Channel. Charter parties t modatcd. .For terms apply on Board or j 1 1 Hot4v , - . . . Jytrit: .'4-. .'"V ; ' ; ' - SCtomeiTcssp or t'c gCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK. EVJ ; day, except Sunday, leaves foot Market 1 1 . dally, except .Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. i.i. i . Southport, the Forts and to Sea, .Ret tux!; ;, leaves southport at 3 p. m. ATen Cent Excursion every excrAnz r o'clock, except Tuesday. ; On Tuesday J at 60 p. m. ' I - ' Jy 23 it y- j.h. harp:::.: : :$25.pO Reward. OST A DIAMOND FliOM A RING v 1 lng tvs Carats. The above reward will 1 for the recovery of tbo soma Lost I the Postofflce and 31 arket and si x w f :r r - - ' - - - S. II. Fl'-IlLLA'i Jy20 tf - . - .North p. :: HO WELIi cum V V - A - . -A A '. 2W - ::n -WXW

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