, every evening, Sundays excepted, PaCUSllt . itM es. Editor and Prop. - PLEASE KOTICE. . We -win lae giaa to recelTe cocuaiaitio fronx. our trteaas on any ana 'ail subject gterol Interest, imt k V The name of the writer must always be fsr nlshed to the Editor. ' - Communlcationa must be written onlx on one side of the paper. . Personalities must be avoided. ' V And it is especially and particularly unaer stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views ot correspondents onless so-statea. In the editorial columns. " rv JO: OPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: six months SJ.OO. Tnree ou" month, U5 cents. will ix- delivered by carriers, free xuep ''1' juirt of the city, at tiic above r5- . V.i:es low and liberal. Aivertl5in';, " will please report auy and VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1888. NO 160. .n fttrlvc their paper regularly. .;?i1!"-5 1 ' Daily WTR1 KETIEW, C0NSTIPATiOxv t.e ' Father of Diseases, be r,IlU.V. :rp i " medium through I" r;et !"p o often attacks the system bicU d''. :l:.:rl,tion of poisonous gases in h? retcn1'"" . I. fllKi i,0wels. It Is caused fetse trt."1,f,vC?, not enough bile being t.Torpil'-rS'h,. blood to rroduee w fxerc hart ic, ana is geuerauy 'iure !ned with euch results w of Appetite, Sick Headache, , Bad Breath, etc. anient of Constipation does not ttetr e rviv in unloading the bowels. tote&Tni .,niust not only act as a purga- ..a iron - . i 11 The ton ic as well, ana notproauce liveicui-,..,.pr costiveness. u-osecure "erit,!, Vabit of body without changing re?K organizing the system -My attention, after suffering with Conshpa-r-a for two or three years, wascaUed to Simmons Lvi RejsiUtor, and, having tried almost every. concluded to try it. I first took a ful and afterwards reduced the dose to a Vrd'owM not be without it. but have Las, Asst Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. Take only the Genuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red 'j Trade nurk an.1 h:nature of J. IX. ZEIIJN A CO boy 2j tc isrp dxwij cn sat PIANOS AND ORGANS' WRITE Tt M E FOU P1UCES AND TERMS before fcuvimran Instrument, as I keep one oi Tbe larjesr stocks of PIANOS AND .ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. i can soli you any of theflrst-class manu- liwiures. Fli anos FROM $190 UPAVAKDS. Orga ns FROM $45 UPWARDS. ' BND FOR CATALOGUE. J.X-d. RALEIGH, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE : On Dock street, between Front andSecond WILMINGTON, N. C je -Jittf The Stokloy House, pAKTILS IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- tions at Wrightsville will find the STOKLEY HOUSE won supplied vith all that is neces sary. Board by the day, week or month at low rates. Pig FisiisupjxTs to order at any hour dui tusUw evening. All of the delicacies of salt water, llsh, crabs, crams, shrimps. Ac, furnished to guests. sailing floats. Fishing Boats,Fishing Tackle, sc. furnished ou short notice. ftokiey House rronts the Avater and is wuhm Iijo anls ot the Depot. W. II. STOKLEY, J?Mf Proprietor. L. DOUGLAS 3 SMriir ioIt QnUti GKNTI.K3JFN. SaS,fine,calf 583 Seamless Sliqe in the ana rtnrn Vinout tacks or nails. AS styi- ' no r , , M those costing $5 or 6, and tunth f or nails to wear the stocking friiTtM er- makts' them as comfortable S&ebeSr v?"as a hand sewed shoe! Buy fora.'-u- VnSPnulne unless stamped on w L , l- Duglas$o Shoe, warranted." oniv h .VLAS 4 SHOE, the original fWais (.,. ";m'1 sewed welt $4 shoe, which t0Ja Mom-made slipes costing from ?5 a.s 2.r,o shok is unex- uxor i.o:lv, iv - " tar. o ina is th:J,'AS 'f SHOKiswornbyall theai bostscuol shoe inthe world. uanaiia,re raade n congress. er- nte v , ' and lf hot sold by your deal- Fft;,".-L-Douglas. Brcktiii. Mass. s&leby rockton, T7 vnvn r inv xi nued It until I took tw bott es. Since then I I - ft?' i waip 0 D Wednesday andliiiTsday, il THE GREAT ARID STEBKT S1,000 Reward I For Any Fraud, Deception i he Only Mediums izina: in Broa is: t- The Wonderful Mind Admission 25, 35 LOCAL 1STEWS. Inhex to New adtertisemexts. John Koch Now open M M Katz Special Bargains. W & S R R Sunday Schedule F C Miller Cigars, Cigarettes Heinsbergeb Copying Presses Sylvan Gkove Carolina Beach Loos H Meares Fiannel shirrs Archie Freeman Carolina ueaeti Mrs E li WififiiNS Visitors to the city Change of Sailing Days x Y & v;i s Line The! liver and kidneys must be kept in tfood condition. Hood s iio la .i (rppiir rempiiv tnr reo - ultitinjr theseorans. re"""" ' " Fish inff Tackle. A full assortment , Al . . , m'i. of all kinds for both suilt and fresh S water fishipg at Jacobi's Hdw De : nn't t A :o:- STEEN-ROUCLERE ;o:- OMLY or Trickery. - Reader. arid 50 cts. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received .at Jacobi's lldw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. t Our readers have doubtless often noticed that Hood's SarsapariiU is well spoken of in the newspapers. The press is quick to lecojjnize mer it, and does not hesitate to g'rft praise where it is due. The follow ing is from the Baptist Weekly, a leading religious paper: "Advertising may bring an article prominently before the pubjic, but no advertising can. lqns help it if it has not real merit. Hood's Sarsa parilla is' well advertised, .but the best proof of its value is that so many4persons use it on the recom mendations of friends who have proved its peculiar virtues." T yjf -vi' wsml n. : . dOpen jffltSBSrjr J& ; v 0 MYSTERY COMPANY! g- ------- - MASTER MIND OF PALMISTRY. Secure Seats at Heinsberger's Book Hand Wanted. Fifty experienced hands wanted on pants at once. None but experi enced hands need apply. I. SHRIEK, Clothier and Hatter, 10 N. Front street. Hock Crystal Spccta.le ami EyeRks Advie to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to Kike more magnifying -www than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you nass That noint of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using! glasses of stronger power tnan is ne cessary is thfe daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at He.nsberger'si 0 er. IS cS XI 3STEX.S01SriA. Sc ROTJCLEBB The Matchless Manipulators ! AlO EQUALS OfU EARTH I so their 810,000 Troupe of Educated Dogs. A HARE TREAT FOR THE LITTLE Store. GL'AK1 AGAINST the strike, And always have a bottle of Ackers English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike voar little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a iositive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottle is giren you free aud the Remedy guaranteed by Munds Bros., druggists. The Campaign Or .ran. The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their war paint and settled down to business, We mav expect. some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and one we can recommend is sold by J. t. Stone. Polite and attentive salesmen will take pleas ure in showing instruments and giv- ing prices. - T' NEW ADVEBTISEMEWTa. OarolinaBeachJv -: J AM PREPARED TO FURNISH MEALS ON short notice and at any time of day, for White . or colored. Fresh Fish twice a day. GItc me a ealL auglliw , ARCHIE FREEMANl CAROLINA BEACH; gTEAMEU SYI.VAN GROTJS WILL leave for Carolina Beach to-morrpw, Sunday, at rrt rrt Train Inapna DonnK n - f n w, Mrm ivaiLu uvavu m u y xii. j. w. harper; - angll Gen' .roow".OpbhVS'- y have" opened a first class res taurant and LUNCH ROOM" at the S. E. corner of second and Princess streets, aiso fcool and comfortable Rooms. Boavd lw the day, week or month. Meals, dell vere In any part or the city. Special rates to regular boarders. . - - - . auglllw V -JOHNKOGfJ.- Wilmington Seacoast R R. Sunday, Aug. 12, '08. pHE TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS LeavingWilmlngton at 9:15 a. m.. 3 o. m. and 73e p. m. - i.eavig Hammocks at 10:15 a. m., 6J39 p. m. and :0ep. m. JAS. H. CUADJUUUKIS, JR., - aug 11 It Gen'l Manager. New Yorfc is Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 90, EAST KITER, NEW TQRK Located etwero Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. M. . benefactor. . . .Wednesday, Aug. 15 FANITA . . saturaay, Aug. is GULF STREAM .Wednesday, Aug. 23 a js jn jsrACTUK airaraay, Aug. FROM WILMINGTON; 'li FANITA GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR . . FANITA.. .......... Tuesdar, Aug. 14 .Thursday, Aug. 13 Tuesday, Aug. 21 Friday. Aug. 24 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. i For Freight or passage apply to 4 v H g. smallbokes, superinWhdent,' wisnington, f. thbo. E. eger, Trade 'Maiger., I New York, WM. p. CLYDE & CO., Gem Agents, jjr 38 35 Broadway, New YorK. Quarantine Notice BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANONER. Thomas F. Wood, M. d., secretary. ' , WILMINGTON, N. Ci.'Aug. 10, 1888." Whereas, It has eome to the knowledge of tMe county Board of Health of the County of New Hanover that yetlowEfever exista in Jackson Yllle, Fla., K is hereby declared by the said Board that ; inland Quarantine shall be established this day upon the railroads leading Into this city by authority ot the general statutes, Code, Sec. 2883. ' ' - ; It is hereby ordered that two .dejectlvea shall he staHoned at Meares' Bluff, who shall thoroughly examine every ''sleeper, and other passenger coaches, forbidding any per sons coming from Jacksonville or towns sautlz : of that point entering Wilmington. , Rexotced, That a commlttae of two ha ap- i pointed to wait on the railroad authorities to consult with fhem In order to perfect sucli j plans as will thoroughly carry " out a snn- j cient quarantine. A : " , i Ordered, that the above resolutions and or- i ders shall be made public. " j F. W. POTTER, AL P., JOHN J. FOWLER, SuptX Of Health. Mayor, Ch'm. .' " auj io tf howell & cunnn: Wilmington. N. C Pot