PLHA2 ITOTICi we win to:iatoi...:T3 c:u::;:d Iron orr r : in y tr I l:: .... ; gen:ralut;rcLt,Lut , The iiasae ci tha writer must always tj (.; nlshea to the EdtorT j k v Commncatlima anst ho written cly c i' one adfl'tfttepape1&'4';r-'"1'-" eresimdays excepts Tves. Editor and Prop. ft cTT.T.' . I r no. Three six Ju,ll- une uiontn, 33 cents. ' slivered by carriers, free rersonauuua muab oo avoiaea. And it is especially and particularly nraer stood that the Edltor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated In the eoltorlai coltunns. - : - . 1 ..rweefc '. ,nandliberaL A V V and VOL. XII WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1838. NO 163. Vlve their paper regular IP ID; IP Li V Snstipatioct V u MFAtber of Diseases," be--ath- E no T medium through id8 ,7mof poisonous gases In dS?c(Tandeirete matter 'nUonofdjs. It Ig caused lUJoUnough bile being rrorpldLi! blood to produce SlS JES?tS5?. and to generally &Vch results I- . , . of Appetite, cvt Headache, -..- m Bad Breath, etcV mpntofConsypationdoetnot i tr weather. 1 f-ttnffvinTtricdmost every LilTjuded to try it. I first took a freWd, deduced the dose to a iiiSrr.?l,,rrrti0ns. after each meal. I Emrhiddone me so much good that I. jfuwrienced any difficulty. .1 keep it ia S2S "ould not be without .tV hare ?ZZ. having cured me.' C0. W. JatTAa't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb CO., ua. Take only the Genuine, fitf ha oa the Wrapper the red JgJ TraU- 1.-4 lad ysnuiurc 01 " T J. U. ZJETXIN CO loratclstpdiwljf ensat I1X0S AND ORGANS' KITE TO ME FOR PRICES AND TEHM8 Nivinjr an instrument, as I keep one ir rkUist stocks of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH.- I fan sell tou any of thenrst-class manu- jcrcrea. FROM f!90 UPAVARDS. SBD FQR CATALOGUE. JiX-JJi RAjKian, n. a BRANCH HOUSE ; uDocic street, between Front and Second, WILMINGTON, N. C. )eti 7 The Stokley House, piRTLES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA tomatW'ritrtitSYnie will find the STOKLEY HOUSE well suDDiied with all that Is neces- ry. ward by the dav. week or month at low rates. . PlZ TiSa suDDers t o ordr at anr hour ' dur- the evening. -; AH Of the delii-aHiw at tnlt. w.tAr fish crab. ams, shrimps, 4c, furnished to guests. ; SaUlH2 Bnats Plhln Knots KMehlnor 1,flblft. c, furnished on short notice. ; !"5t0kleT ITmisp f mnt watpr and la Titnin iooyard3 of thevDepot. Xl IT CTtTT VV - Proprietor. SHOE. Ss2in3"s; ' FOlt -GENTLE JkFN. Seamless Shoe In the r? ad a; tcks or nulls. As s JtTf l?a.Us to wear the stoei and oeklng S4! shoe-- Bur .J ffiJ SOEthe original welt S4 shoe which iia. -"m-maae shoes costing from $a ; . y-,.- j I f i .. ..." " I j Hmr. . i . . Inpkx yo NkiT Advxrtiskmkxts. Cash Wanted to Buy . M M K atz Special Bargains P C Miller cigars. Cigarettes Stlvax ti ro t s Carolina Beach IIeinsbkrueu -Copying Presses . Louis 11 Meakes Flannel Shirts WireCloth for your windows and and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - i - .- ; - Indication. ' For North Carolina,fair and warm-; j fre- ;Turner't5 Almanac promised batbe2;-rCo8Uveness.Tosecure mieitt showers for trwrfat-V hut it l IUI8PCU 11 tlifsTtime We will havH some warmer weath-. er now, the wind having at last got i around to the South. Moonllght excursions are in order j now. The moon-will be full on the i morning of the 21st, next Tuesday. ! Prepared by, a' combination, pro portion and process peculiar to it-1 self, Hood'sSarsaparilla accomplish-, es cures hitherto unknown. I Fishing Tackle. A full assortment ; of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. r ' . Dog coWars. Largest and linest j assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's Hdw Depot. " ' "' " The Newbern fire company were stopped just on the eve of their de parture for this city, by a telegram stating that the tournament bad been postponed. Two men were arrested here to day on suspicion of being f romJFlor- ida but they soon established the fact Oat they were from Savannah and were released. If you want to feel comfortable and well all you need is a good Ham mock. You will find the largest as sortment and cheapest at Heinsber er's. j The Recreation Rowing Club will have anotherro wing race to-morrow afternoon, on the river, over the usual course, starting at 6:30 o'clock. Three boats, the Nettle, Little joe and Leona have been entered. You will not forget the entertain ment of the Steen .Mystery Com pany at th Opera House to-night. Go and you will enjoy it. The en: gagement is positively limited to two appearances, to-night and to morrow nght. Bathing Suits. Come down to Hear1 ,'iarterg 25 dozen Flannel Baling Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t A member of one of the largest wholesale and retail houses in this city told us this morning that he was satisfied that he got more sat isfactory returns from his advertise ment in the Review than from any other paper in the city. - The"First Fox Hunt. The Wilmington Fox Club had their first hunt this morning. They started a fox ' near Capt. Nobles1 place and had a fine run. There were 22 dogs in the pack. Mj Phil Thomas'got the brush and he handed it oyer af terwards to a young lady The Ist of Earth. The remaius of the.lateHoii, A. H. VanBokkelen were yesterday laid to rent in Oakdale. The funeral serj vices took place at St. James Church and were conducted by Rev; Robert Strange, rector of that church, and Rev. Dr. Carmichapl, of St. John's. The pall-bearers were Messrs. B. G, Worth, F. Rhew, Clay ton Giles and J. G. Wright, and Cols. Jno. . Cantweli and Roger Moore. ' The remains were accom piwied to the grave by the Ladies Memorial Association,, members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Produce Exchange in a body, the Wilmington Light Infantry in un dress uniform and the Association of Officers of the Third Regiment,N. C. Infantry. Rock "Crystal Spectacle and Eyeglasses AdyioeVo old anH "young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau- i tious ' not to take more magnifyirtg ' lw tU ' " j 'AO'er ilC0 v. mvuu w , w ttstorv2ViJJ'AS.50 SHOK is unex-i na In thA wmnA nronortion that VOU S.yffigy& shoe is worn by all 1 that point of ihcreftse, Cause ?ieiiv "roektoa.Mas. rcessary ia the 'daily eduse' of prem LtHe.nsber2er'6i Personal. " V Mr. A. Sbrier returned to the city last night from a visit to Northern markets. l Mrs. II. Jacobi . and -daughter, Miss ; Adele, of Florence, 8. i C, are visit ing Mr. Nath'l Jacobi. r Oar clever young friend, Mr. Mar cus Jacobi, is 21 years old td-day. Another vote for Cleveland and tar- I iff reform. : -s -v t A young stranger, a boy, weight 11 pounds, has arrived at Mr. H. H. Gieschen's house f and taken up his permanent Ibodeiherer' 'Vetender our congratulations. Rev. E. A. ' Yatej?, D. D. , for a num. ...... t , ' i - - . ber of years the beloved pastor of Front Street M. E. Church, but now of Durham, is in the city, the guest l of Mr. W. E. Springer. He will re- main here until Friday. Mai. John C. Winder has been an- pointed General Manager of the Georgia, Carolina & Northern Rail way uompany, and with entire charge of the operating departments a iQfi, m. t? w pu.i- has been appointed General Passen ger Agent. It now seems definitely settled that Mr. Sol Haas has really resign- ed position as Traffic Manager or tne Associatea Kauways, to ac cept a similar position with the Chesapeake & Ohio system, but his successor has not yet been announced- , Y. M. C Association. The Young Men's Christian Assso- ciation held their "devotional meet ing last night with unusual prompt ness and success. Toward the close of the meeting Mr. Busey, of West Virginia, was introduced to the members present. Mr. Busey is a young man engaged in Association work, and has been .called by the Wilmington Asssociatioa to the position of General Secretary, He has not yet accepted the position. To-night at 8:15 there will -be a meeting at which every one of the members is urged to be present. It will be entirely informal end short. The Adventists at the lteacb, About the largest crowd of the season, was at Caroliua Beach yes terday. There were probabJy not less than 800 pessons on the ground. The principal interest of the occa sion was in the fact that the Adven" tists wonld hold services there. Elder Sherrill called the Confer ence to order, and said that sugges tions were in order as to. the most expedient plan of establishing an Advent organ: Elder Cargyle offered the follow ing resolutions, which were adopt ed: Resolved, That the chair appoint three agents to represent Eastern and Western North Carolina and South Carolina, who shall solicit shares of not less than ten dollars each, until one thousand dollars are subscribed, to be paid in when the Conferences of Alabama and Georgia shall have raised one thousand dol lars each for the purpose of estab lishing an Advent weekly ne wspa, per in one of our Southern cities at an early day. Th,e stockholders to appoint a meeting, elect the officers and proceed at once to purchase material and presses for the publi cation of said paper Elder SherriU o,pen,ed the services with a short hut pointed' discourse after whih Elder Cargyle delivered a lecture frorn the prophecies of Daniel. Owing to th very stiff breeze on the beach the chart could not be used. t Elder Du Rose concluded the ser vices with prayer, after wh ich, by request, the' doors of the church were opened and one lady presented herself for baptism and insisted, on. being baptize hku leaving the beaebj. tr a short recess for din ner the. people assembled at the sound, near the hotel, where the ordinance was administered by Elder Cargyle. After thi, a delegation from Myrtle Grove church gave Elder Cargyle a pleasant sail around to that place, where he preached last night. The agents fox the. Southern Ad v.ent organ are J,. S. Harshaw of Caldwell county, N. C , S. F. Moore of Darlington, S. C, J. P. Stephens Wilmington. Already two barrels of cojpip.euafc, three of "wood, ashe'ad nearly forty barrels q lime have been dispensed at the City HaU to private citizens for sanitary purposes." . Xleadquarters for BassBalls, Ba j Masks, Gloves. Belts ire, i at H?i?3 ' berfx. - v . t "au" y . One huudr'ed hands wanted on pants. Highest price paid. N neJ but experienced hands nppd annlv - ,. ::- i. shrier, . ; Clothier and Hatter, 16 N. Front street. . - City Court. - There was a small crowd asseiu- bled at the City Court this morning; and a docket - that showed . up two cases, which were disposed of asfolc lows: . - - ' Dave West, disorderly conduct, discharged.. ; Henry Faison, disorderly conduct, $20.or 30 days. - The KegaKa To-SIorrow. - -. The following yachts have entered for the regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club which is to be Failed over the . Wrightsville' course to morrow: Lonlie, sailed by W. Atkinson. Little Alice, sailed by S.-P.' Cow- an. Lillian Florence, sailed by H. M. Bowden. Rosa, sailed by W. L. Smith. -Phantom, sailed by R. L. Williams. Idler, sailed by Pembroke. Jones. Mascotte, sailed by W. L. Smith. Peggoty, sailed by Norwood Giles A Special Schlule. The display of fireworks which was to have taken place at Carolina Beach last week, and . which was necessarily postponed, will be made on Saturday night. On that day andon Friday the Sylvan Grove will run a special schedule, making three round trips each day, leaving here at 9:30, 2:30 and 6 o'clock, and leav ing the Beach on the return at 12:30, 4:30 and 9 o'clock. Help the Health Officers. Don't get vexed with the health officer who may inspect your premi ses. He Is at this time one of -the best frierids vou have. Whenlie calls upon you . and tells you that your premises are filthy and must beleaned he is doing nothing more or less than his sworn "duty. Don't get angry with him but turn around, like a little man, aud help him by making his duties as light as possi ble In an emergency it is as much the duty of the citizen as it ii that of an officer to see that the police regulations are duly executed. Resolutions of Resp.eot, At a called, meeting of the Wil mington Light Infantry, held at their Armory last night, the f oUow ing was adopted: We are again ' assembled .in our Armory in obedience to the man date of AlmightyGod to offer a part ing tribute to the character and life of an honored and active fellow comrade who has In the words of the immortal Jackson, "passed over the river to rest under the shade of the beautiful trees." There is no name on the roll-book of the Wil mington Light Infantry that is more thoroughly identified with the his tory of the company than that of the lat Hon. Adrian H. Van Bok kelen, whose name appears among the first Honorary members. By his great enthusiasm for the success of everything that looked to the ma terial development of;our city, by hi untiring and unselfish devotion to our company when there was scarcely a hope of our existing, by material aid as well as friendly ad vice, he has rendered services to us that can never meet with adequate reward, A man of the. most gener ous impulses when fortune smiled upon him; a hero, when the vicissi tudes of life overcame him; of a kind kiwi genial disposition, he numbered his friends bv hundreds who came in contact with him. Honorable and just in his deah'pgs with his fellow man. he , was a typical Christian aentleuian. . Apart "from his direct intercourse with us, we cannot but allude to the great interest he man ifested in the memory of our Con federate dead. v Administering to their wants oiKthe field T of battle, extending a warm heart and helping hand to the widows and orphans of the dead ' heroes - and always fore most in the efforts made to perpet uate their deeds of heroism, his aame-wjll ba inscribed in- letters of gold on. th roll book of the great Oftptam of Captains. Let us exr tend, therefore, to his good wife and his family our sincere sympathy in this, their hour of bereavement, trusting that God will give them strength to bear their loss with that fortitude that characterized his life. P, L. Mkabes, Jno, L. CantweliL Walker Taylor, ' f ; .Committee. r T" 1, Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs J Hdw. Depot. I.fe Will pay you Jo nse Flj Traps, best an4 cheapest at JACobi'EIdTf. Depot t J For the Legislature. Editor Revikw:--I hope that the l, ties of friendship and relation- joinpucmccuicuuci nuu Hcw mm. In Pender we.are beirinniriir to rpnl- ize that a great polilical contest is pending, and we must buckle on our armour of Democratic strength and meet all adversaries in advance.- We are not on -the defence ; now as in days past, but are marching , on the nirh road of De iiocrntie trlnf.ii,lp j The enemv must be charcred from their strongholds, put- to flight and forever demolished., This must be the , last year of Re publican rule throughout this broad land of liberty. Pender fe alive to her duties and will wave high in the breeze of victory,:. the... Democratic banner in rN6veiuberlieXt. j- Many colored voters will be added to Cleve land's unprecedented ; majority. And if we can select, candidates for alhour county offices whose views are broad and liberal, victory is Pen der's. , . V - -t. ' .... " I wili here say in connection that the Democratic party intends run ning for the Legislature our old and steadfast friend and father of Pen der county, . G. F. Walker, whose enterprise and J devotion to the county is indestructible. Do we appreciate Pender as a county? If so, in the coming convention" vote for G- F. Walker. Have we any gratitude left in our hearts for nten torious deeds and work done for the county and her people? If so, vote for G. F. Walker. If we desire in tegrity and ability; then go forG. I?. Walker. Pender county cannot af ford to take any risk now in this election. Both parties are nearly equally divided. A few . votes will turn the scales, and I assert without the fear of contradiction, that if G. F. Walker is made the standard bearer of the party it will be a unit and certain victory will perch on our banner on the day of election. We know whereof we speak and say that he is the only Democrat in the county that can break the party linee and run ahead of his ticket. TltUTIJ, Loare Creek, Aug. 13,1888. GUAIil AGAINST THE STRIKE, And always havabottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. -You cannot telL how soon Croup may strike your little one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon : you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat - ment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Munds Bros , druggists. NEW A D VJSRTISEJtt ENT8. Wanted to Bay HOUSE CONTAINING FOUR TO SIX Rooms, A good cash price will be paid for a suitable place. Address CASH. aug i53t Review Office. Carolina Beach. J AM PEEPABED TO FUKNISH MEALS ON short notice and at anytime of day, for White or Colored, a call, augf 11 lw Fresh Fish twice a day. Give me ARCHIE FREEMAN. CAROLINA BEACH I rpHE SYLVAN GROVE WILL RUN A SPE cial Schedule to Carolina Beach on FRIDAT and SATURDAY next, leaving at 9J3 a. m. and 2:30 and 6p.m. Returning at 12-.30, 430 and 9 p.m. f Grand Display of Fireworks! postponed last week on account of weather, will tafce place Saturday night positively J.W.HARPER, augl6St Gen'l Manager. ; Sharpie Katte M. Daniels, Q APT. I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAR- tles Sailing, Trolling or Fishing. Parties ta ken to the Fishing Grounds outside or up and down the Channel. Charter parties accom modated. For terms apply on Board or at the Hotel, ; jy23tf Sharpie ll(b rt E. Lee, QAPT. G. W- SMITH, WILL TAKE PAK- ties from the Hummocks to any point on the Sound or out to sea. She is fitted with com fortable seats and will accommodate forty passengers. Parties taken Fishing, Trolling, Sailing or to the Blacklist Grounds outside. For terms apply on board. augl tf Builder and Contractor. HAYING DETERMINED DEFINITELY TO locate acrain in Wilmington. I respectfully offer my services to the citizens of Wilming ton as a Buiiaer, contractor ana superinten dent. I will do my utmost to please and think that I can give satisfaction In every case. For the present parties desiring my ser vices will please address me through city P.O. Respectfully, aag8 lm nae - . JOHN SHOLAR. TO SOUTH PORT THE MAGNIFICENT STEAMER . Qaeeii of St. John's IIJL MAKE LEGULAR TRIPS TO South- port and return, (Hndays excepted) leaving Wilmington, foot of Dock street, at 10 o'cock a. m., and returning leave" Southport at 4 p. m. .Fare for round trip SO cents, for sJults and 25 cents for. children. - . - . . . - c C. M0SS, Master. : T7. IL CHRISTOPHER, Purser. , J7 9 NEW AIVIIin?10ELIEJJT, Lodt. EITHER ON GETTING OX STREET CAES at Tenth ana Market streets, or getting off at . the corner of Princess and Filth, a Purse, con taining a Lady's Gold Thimble marked C. E. B. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving t he same at the ; . .. aug!3 3t :.-..-:--' REVIEW OFFICE. KliorGalo. OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOI : owh price at ; aigitfa- i..V.' review or: : Loot. YESTERDAY: (MONDAY) EYEIHl (" A Badsre of Wiiailsrton Lirrit r-rr- - - r Corns, with mv namfl'pnmvfii , 1 . : i Under will be liberally rewarded by l ?it aitnesureoiA.u. iianjons. Najjn c r.i street. L. P. THOMAS. I AM FULLY PREPARED ' TO FURNIS II mv frteoda an1 t.hfl -nnhiirt botipmIIv rirh the Purest Drugs that can betiound in tije city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet soap. Brushes and finmhsi T.fiavA a flno ocv ?t r -r t of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be Xourl a t uij owre ijfut ana uay. - . .. ; . ' w ' juuih bHaEHAN, the DrUri-t. ang u 6m N.W. cor. Fifth and Caua s. Healthful! Pine Fibre M attr esses, : P i I Jows and Bolsters ARE HEALTHFUL, CLEAN AND OOMF OR v--' v TABLE" I -::v - Leave your orders with - - ' - ' HOWELL & CUHHXUU, - ' . .' 7 , opposite city nail. - P. S. We Renovate Old Mattresses and make Awning to order. - , : . . ;aug 14 tf OfificiaU ' ; . : , WniriNGTOJi, N. C, Aug.13, 1SS6. fJIHE NEW HANOVER COUKTY BOARD OF Health hereby declare the run;' known "as - jacoos nun," ana now. useaasa sewer passing through, the ctty la a ptfblic nui sance, and dangerous to the public hoalth F. W. POTTER, M. supt. Health New Hanover CoM N. c. QRDERED BY . THE ' NEW HANOVER County Board of Health that all privies that are a public nuisance be at once treated as such and contents destroyed, and officially closed, and they may not be used again.' ! F. W. POTTER, M. D., Supt. Health New Hanover Co., N. C. augH3t - :. Ofriciol. WILMINGTON. N.! C, Aug 13th, 1833. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF Health of New Hanover County, a committee change, the following was adopted:" ' . Jtescavca, That such a detail of officers as ;v ' . . . may be necessary shall inspect all trains en- tering Florence by either of the railroads from the south, ; warnlng t all persons . comuig from Florida or other points infected with yellow fever, and Intending to come to ,Wmtnrton, that they will be put off the train . at a point not nearer the city, than Brlnkleys Station, on the W., C. & A. R, R., or Abbottsburg, on the C. C. R. B-, at their own risk and expense, ana tnat baggage belonging to persoi3 con ing from suspected points shall net be allowed to come to the city, or lf It reach the city it shall be destroyed. '. - Resolved: That a further detail be located at at Meares' Bluff and the Y nearer the railroad be continued as at present. - . - . Also, 1,000 hand-bills, reciting forerroir " res olutions, be struck offor thepurpore cf L-ics distributed on all railroad trains coming trom tha South. , : -'-' - - .F. W.POTTER, M.D. aug 14 tf . Sec'y N. H. Board of Health. Men of Buoinoco ? illilXlAJll- 1Y1LI1 IlKf. II HI.nirT.inB HTin T.nA mlflfflfl E BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTEN tlon to the revolntlon in f Letter Ccrrlcs: Presses produced by putting the . Challenge Pres s open the Market. The "Challenge" takes tha plaee of other copying Presses with many ad vantages over all of them, v - ,' " ' It is the easiest and quickest operated Copy ing Press on the market. ,s ;t , - . One motion otthe Lever docs the wciic and nsures an instantaneous copy.- , ,; It requires no special stand or scre n'3 to fasten ft in position. Trice flO for Press holding 10x13 books. Forale at . .' , , HEINSBERGER'G Hot ICO. "' TyjR, W. A. McGOWAN win collect tu- '-enp-tloS d'J e Tn E DAILY XTflZ Y7 'ts:! z L ,eoaiP Wilmington, ir.C

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