3 Absolutely Pure. than there was expessed a firm de- tenulnation to overtake and capture the outlaws. Esquire Hunter went before Judge. Meares and recited to hrra the facts iivt he case, whereupon the iudsre at' once wrt out a war rant for the capture" of the" crowd ! and placed it in the hands of Sheriff Cooper. -Toe warrant authorized tne sneritr to taKe tne wnoie gang and bring them before ' Judge Meares at Charlotte. U It had been represented that the crowd ef labor ers had made themselves a terror tp the people along the line of their march, bv tearing down fences, rob bing gardens and watermelon fields, insulting people, cuffing negro women, shooting chickens and ston ing and firing at people. Esquire Hunter made these specific charges: That members of the gang had shot at a negro boy, a driver for Mr. Harvev Henderson, and that one man had cast a rock at the boy and knocked out one of his eyes: that they raided the yard of a white lady named Mrs. Gorman, snot ner chickens, wrung off their heads and threw them into the wagons, and that when she remonstrated, they GUARD A GAIN ST IU E STRIKE, ........ -And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. You qannot tell how soon Group may strike your little one, or a: cold or cough may fasten itself upon you: One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to if s, treat ment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Munds Bros., druggists, v. The Campalsru Oreau."- .MISCELLANEOUS. UICCELLAUEODS J 0 GT 13 EG ED V EE) Corner Harket and Front nr. 7? VUJAJJ A FRESH LOT OF THOSE FINE ASSORTED CAKES ! T! AT.- Come In ana look at thenuthey are elegant My "PAEOLE DTOMUR" FLOUfi The numerous newspapers of the State have put on their Nwar paint and settled down to business, We may expect some lively music be fore November. The best campaign Organ and one we can recommend is sold by J. L. Stone. Polite and 1101(13 the lead, and is pronounced by ex attentive salesmen will take "pleas ure in snowing instruments and giv- perts to toe the mg prices. t FOR THE SPRING AND Summer trade I am offering the most attractive stocs of DRY GOODS a " 116 Slarbet COMMERCIAL. NEWS. This powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity strength and wholesomenesa. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eons. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct S3 dwlj tenrm 4thv& Srdpw TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1888. IN CONGRESS YKSTKUOAF. s-r " SENATE. Washington, Aug. 20. The reso lution heretofore offered by Mr. Ed munds, instructing the Committee on Finance to inquire and report as to the deposits of -white, depositors . in the Freedmans Bank who were in no way connected with its mis- : management and failure, was taken . npat Mr. Edmunds' solicitation. , v Mr, Beck withdrew his objection .5 and the resolution was adopted. The Senate then, at 11.40, went into open executive session on the Fisheries treaty, and Mr. Morgan resumed his argument in favor of ratification. "Mr. Morgan spoke till 6 o'clock, r and will have half an hour to-morrow in order to conclude his argu- inent. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Breckenridge, of Arkansas, offered various resolutions to correct certain abuses arising under the present' tariff laws in relation to bag ging lor cotton, sugar nt tor con sumption, coal oil, alcohol and cot ton seed oil. Referred. Bills were introduced and refer red, as follows: V By Mr. Anderson, of Iowa, toTle ' fine trusts and to provide for the punishment of persons connected with them. . ' By -Mr. Morgan, of Mississippi, placing cotton bagging on the free list. By Mr. Simmons, of North Caro lina, to allow importers of cotton bagging a drawback during the con tinuance of cotton bagging trusts. Mr. Townshend, of Illinois, on be half of the Committee on Military Affairs, moved suspension of the rules and passage of the Senate bill - concerning a detail of army and navy officers to educational institu tions. "(The bill increases the max imum number of officers who may be so detailed from, forty to fifty.) , The motion was opposed, discussion arose1, and the bill was finally with- drawn for the present, because of . the failure to secure a queruin, and .the House resumed consideration of told her to "go to h 1;" that they stole chickens from Mr. Joe Means; that thev destroyed a garden on Mr. Dave Hunter's farm; and that thev maliciously blocked up the county bridge over Barnett's creek, ref usiiicr to allow 'any . one to cross for nearlv two hours. Sheriff Cooper realized that he had a tough gang to handle, and called upon the Hornet sJNest ltinemen to aid nun in effecting the capture. Captain Robertson,. with 2i) members of ins company, promptly responded, and about a dozen citizens volunteered, making a very ttrong posse commi- tatus. Chief of Police tfrimth and Sergeant Jetton had been dispatch ed on horseback in pursuit of tlie party. The military and civic or ganizatlon marched to the Trade street depot, where'a special car was in waiting to take them in pursuit of the gang, for the public road to Statesville runs alongside the A., T. &O. road so that a locomotive chase was practicable. The Hornets were all fully armed, cool and full of nerve as the race began. At Hen- dersonville, six milesfrom Charlotte, Chief Griffith and his party of horse men were overtaken. The airbrakes were applied, the train stopped and they were taken on board, when the chase was once more resumed. It was a clear track and a single car. and the wheels fairly hummed. At Davidson College it was learned that the band was about live miles ahead, and the train once more forged on. The window sash were lowered, so that the uniforms of the soldiers could not be seen, and when four miles were covered, the caravan was sighted. The long pro cession of mules and carts was slow ly moving along, the front being headed by a covered wagon, from which floated a large red flag. The train went on by to Mt. Mouine sta tion, where it was just out of sight of the caravan. Here the troops disembarked and were formed in line, the. civic corps supporting them in the rear. Sheriff Cooper, flaunt ing his papers in his hands went ahead of the military, to meet the foe.. After a inarch of half a mile the advance guard accompanying, the sheriff met Capt. Kimbrel, who was riding half a hundred yards in frefnt of his gang. The Sheriff pro duced his papers, and within live minutes the entire cadvacade was surrounded. The battle was won without a shot having been fired or a drop of blood spilled It was found that five of the worst men in the crowd had escaped. At Davidson College, that 'morning, tney Had raided Dr. Wilson's water meion paten, ror .wnicn tnev were WILMINGTON MARKET. Aug. 21. 2:3P. M: SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 33 cents. .No sales reported. ROSIN Dull at 70 cents for strained and 72? cents' for good strained. TAR Steady at $1:40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $1.80 for yellow dip aud virgin. COTTON Nominal. The following are the official uuotations: Ordinary, 8 buuu vjl uiuai y , u iuiu, iu w ixxiix dling, 0 11-16: middling 10; good mid dling lOf. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 210;rosin, 617; tar, 309; crude, C4; cotton. 10. MARINE NEWS. P0KK8T AND WHITEST FLOUR SOLD IN THE CITY. Come In and examine my goods imd you'll to be found in this city. . Select ed expressly for cityetail trade, by tbo most experienced buyer, who, with an eye single to the needs of his customers, who are proverbially the most tasteful la- nna that i always nave on hand the best of joies in the city, and at the same time to meet the views of the Goods and at amazingly low prices. . 1 most economical, in prices, has in the uiosfc triumphant manner succeeded in making the .k tore on the Corner the "Talk f of tin Parties deslrinar (roods to be delivrfid on fchfl I rn.. - . r - e - -. j jluvvu. wiiere can oe iounu . a Sound, will please leave their orders either magnificent stock of Spring and Tuesday or Wednesday morning, as my cart makes weekly trip to all points, without extra charge- ' : - - ' ? " weekmanyuioreBar-aui . PALL STOCK, 'Brgaill!iiri wwlTE GOOD rm ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay- etteville, Woody &; (Jurrie. CLEARED. ' St eamskipBenef actor, Tr i bo u, New York, H GrSmallbones. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay- etteville. Woody & uurne. EXPORTS. COASTWISK. New York Steamer Benefactor 16 pkrs nidst, 10 bales dog tongue, 100 bags chaff, 6 bbls wax,645 do tar, 181 do rosin, 2 do crude, 100 casks spirits, 23 bales cotton, 47,400 feet lumber. " WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND AUG. 18, 1888. Cotton ashore. CG; afloat. 89:' to tal 102. ' . ; - Sidirits ashore, tal, 4,081. Rosin ashore, total, C7.948. Tar ashore, 2,302;afloat, 300; total, Summer Dress Goods, in all the i leading and most desirable stvies. among which are many excellent i . - . i parcams in tlie various now shades of Albatross, Nun's Veil- ing, Printed Ohallis, Beiges, i rench and American Batines. The Southern Suardsman , I Ginghams, Lawns and Printed j.naia xjinens. uur stock oi - . DBE8S GOOD,, .liarKatnsir, J no. L, Boatwright, augr20 15 & 17 So-Front St. Wilis too, N, C. OFriCIAI. OBGAN OF THE NOKTII WHITEGodds ' " - - . v Remnants Embrold"- CAROLINA STATE GUARD. CONDUCTED BY 4,G77; afloat. 4; to- 67,854; afloat, 94; 2,G02. "WXXjXi X. COLEY 1st Sg't. Co. A, 3d Iteg't, N. C. State Guard. rPHE GUARDSMAN Is endorsed and recom 1 mendedby the Governor, Adjutant Gen eral, Regimental Commanders and all other officers of the Guard. It was officially an nounced as the Organ of the North Carolina militia in General orders No. 6, which were Issued on May 2d, 1888. All citizen soldiers should subscribe at onoe. Subscription price. $1.00 per year. In advance. 53 standard books and THE GUARDSMAN one year for only f 1.50, Advertising rates, $3.00 per inch, send for sample copy. . : Address WILL X..COLEY, : Publisher Southern goakdsman. my 23 tt Winston, N. C. 40-lnch Second Mournino 75c for 60c. 48-inch Black Henritta irorth site Drap Avenue de Sole, worta 1 forts Crude ashore, 740. RKCKIPTS FROM AUG. 11 TO AUG.' 1& Cotton. 149:spiritP. l.G19:rosin. 3.C30:i tar, 1,713; crude, 1,009. EXPORTS FROM AUG. 11 TO AUG. DOMESTIC. " Cotton, .389; spirits, 5.13; rosin, 648; For Sale. OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR 18. wn price at aug 14 tr Kx'raBar&rain Day, Ttnw K AT THE CASn nor8EOF m. m. i&j REVIEW OFFICE. Dividend Notice J : - - tar, 1,584; crude, 785.' ISLAND BEA3H HOTEL "lulls DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF NEW Hanovers haTe declared a semi-annual dlvl dend of 4 per cent., payable to Stockholders of recora or mis uate, on and after the 9th Inst. is. D. WALLACE, aug G it .. - Cashier. -- NOW OPEN ! Society Work. UE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S fta fHlnoeQ Kill . The debate was wholly political arrested and fined $10. They then andJarfrelv unon tne. same line oil L"c witu.iij lhat of Saturday. Mr. McCreary,of Kentucky,closed the debate with the defence of the Committee on Foreign Affairs from the charge of dilatoriness, and the bill was then passed without from the Capt. Kimbrel did not seem surpris ea at tne presence of the - trooos. He had been antici patina an arrest i and at once expressed his willing ness to help the sheriff secure the ! guilty parties, regretting that five ion, with an amendment providing Pf W01 had escaped. The whole frm. t!A ronaaiin,, .lonw fiiin.ii I was then drawn up in line, and m a short time, Jonas Mclver xnat , tne repealing clause shall go into effect only upon the ratifica tion -of the pending treaty. I i i ; Jtsuckien s Arnica Sal v IT mm m M I v .1 ill I'll V iiiiii - Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt J Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all i fckin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay- required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction. r money refunded. Price 25 cents Ij :3 J : i f " . m STATE NEWS. San ford Uxvressr Dockery said I in his speech at Jonesboro that the kinky headed : negroes would know it when they got ahead of him. He thinks the negroes will go to the was spotted as the man who had sroien caonages, Liim jacKson as one who stole melons, Scott Stevens as one of the men who shot chick ens and the man who cursed Mrs. Norman; Shep Blakelev as the one who knocked the boy's eye out With a rocK. These were turned over to the militarv guard, while the search went on. .Finally, a crowd of twen ty-four was put under arrest and sent on the train. The remainder of the squad were left at Mt.Mourne to guard the teams -while the sheriff and posse came back to the citv A 1 J . witu me twenty-iour prisoners. They were marched straight to the courtnouse. it was then late in the Dancing, Fishing, Fish Supper. Sailing, Boating, &c. LUNCHES lO to 25 cts W. A. BRYAN, aug 6 tf Proprietor- (juaratitim. Notice. BOAHD OF HEALTH .OP THE COUNTY OP NEW HANONEK. ihomas t. wood, M. v., secretary. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 10. 1888. Wukreas, It has come to tlie knowledge of ! tlie County Board of Healtn of tlie County of New Hanover that yellow fever exists In Jacksonville. Fla., If Is hereby declared by the said Board that Inland quarantine shall ,be established this Parish solicit orders for all kinds of nlain ana fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladles' and Children's aprons a special ty Orders left at the Rector, or 224 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention UUY . , .-. Wow Ready. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with the Purest Prugs that can be found In the city, aiso a ane assortment of Toilet Soap, Brushes and Combs. I have a fine assortment oi cigars ana cigarettes. I can be found at my store isignc ana nay. JOHN SHEEHAN. the Druggist, aug 14 6tn N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. 3716 116; Market 8trcf. WIMIINGTOS, J, C. "MACINAW " UJNL.X 1NU1NE MACINAW" HATS SOLD IN WILMINGTON. , LOUIS H MEARES. 13 NORTH FEONT, - Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter Wilmington Sayings k Trosl Cdmpanji Vf AKli.JT, BETWEEN SECOND AND jjjl inira sireets. , JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, President, W. P. TOOMER, cashier. ' Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays Interest on deDosits. . is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. surpasses that of iiyToVmor "yeaH Will Open Mondav hv son in : varifltv.-r.hn.nnAt -"oTifl I J elegance. We have beafcif ally embroidered Skirts ' on Batiste and IndiaLinen ; with Flouiicings, Edgings and Yoking . to match. Embroidered Marseilles Robes in Patterns for Ladies and Chil dren, plain White Lawns.- IndiaO Linens. Lin on (VTrlanrlo rind 1Many more oods. Batistclaire at prices froni Five Cents per yard to tlio finest im ported. Plaid ; "and Striped Lawns. Nainsook and Mill Vt Ecru and White French : Plqne. ' One liuiuirea liaiHlyome li,mbroulered .Bobesip boxes, bought a job and will be sold at half valne. 4 , -We have. almost, succeeded in paintiDg V ilmiDgton whiter with white dresses; we greatly .desire to whiten theMest of the -Country. n the sale of White Goods we have no competitor. It would bo profitable to those wishing to purchase goods in that. line to entrust their orders with" us or write for -samples, r Our other great specialty, J' QueeM f St. JflL: Housekeeping Goods, AV lequlab tei?s to y A . , - . , port and return, Sundays excepted) I is in full stock, and is as it t e ver has Wilmington, foot of Dock street, at ic ueejj, it puzzie ana wonderment to our neighbors'. ; Where does he buy his goods? How can he sell at the prices? How is it that all onr cus tomers goto HEDRICK'S to buy all of their Table Linens,' To we'ls and Napkins? Reader, listen; the secret is tins. We buy this line of goods direct from the importer. We know what the people want, and" we know how to buy them, hence we are en abled to sell a pure Linen; Damask at 50 cents per yard, as good as can be had elsewhere for 75 r cents; a White pure Linen Damask at $1.00, as good as any man can show at $1.-10; with all other goods in this line, such as Napkins, Doylies, Tow els, etc., at proportionately low prices. , We offer a full line of Do mestic Goods at prices to suit all classes., .... .. . - Space becoming short, much that we would like to tell in this must h deferred to a. future advertisement: Suffice it to say that wo keep the largest stock of 7OGOUTHP0! THB MAGNIFICENT STEA3II a. m., and returning leave SoutHporta: Fare for round trip 50 cents for U:.: i 25 oents for cnlldrea. . W. IT- CniilSTOPflER. ? urttf. Healthful! Pine yesterday I tne passage polls and vote in one , Bolld phalanx th"araffl .I f 7. . for hitn, and no doubt he said M utfc TO.S?,, whites. .But this made some ne ' groes mad and they say that they are going to get ahead oHnyoBon by voting tne Democratic ticket. Charlotte Chronicle: through this place of a long string of railroad laborers, mules and carts. The force belonged to Mr. J. T. xvoauy, WJio uas juai uui&uru n cuii tract orx the 3 C's road to Rock Hill, V and was being transf erred to Wins i ton, to -begin work on the construc tion of the Roanoke Southern road. - wagons,- in the procession, and eirrhtv men . and women, and all were in charere of Capt. S. J. Kim- afternoon, and Judge Meares sent r upon tne raIll,oads leading into tuis city f KEdMi.aV?Z by authortty or tbe general statues, .code, vuvii, mrii vi I ill iuuuuny. Sec. 3883. It Is Lereby ordered that usiiecL' i ed the commissary and found it well 5511:111 stationed at Meare3' Bldff. who shall i; a .i. , . i ' auuuneu witn cnicKens antt watpr- rri i, vuvwuguij jucxuuo. iiicn: were ueau cnicKens ... A11 1 mm iu ucany iiu me carts, .ine. gang uock Mill last Thursdav and examine and left was due ut Winston this week. Qap tain Kimbrel remained at Mount Mourne with the remnant of his gang. Sheriff Cooper and Deputy Rlia.iff rl 4- .Ml I il "up"" omuiuu win jeave imsmorn mg for Mt. Mourne to arrest eight more or the gang, Judge Meares hav ingiast night issued warrants for mem. -A a ... .notner child killed bv fho co of opiates given in the form of Sooth ing syrup.. Whv mnt.h .".-w . r ... . i - i , " . ' ball, who was acting as tneir guiuei wiuureu sueu ueau J v poison is snr- " m iL . X A. I -vxmvavm I. ll. " i and escort tnrougn ine country vot yruuig wueu iuey can relieve the enna or its peculiar troubles by us- iuKer xjaoy woother. It con- jainsno upiumor Morphine Sold Dy Aiunas iiros.,. druggists. Winston. The crang-passed through . Charlotte Friday morning and took the road4eading the Statesville. It was apparently a very quiet and town,, but the city was scarcely left ' you want to feel comfortable behind before a chapter of rowdy- and wejl all you need is a gootl Ham , ism and lawlessness vos commenced, mock Ton will find the largest as Early yesterday morning Esquire ortment and cheapest at Heinsber Xlunterarrivedintbecity-to lodge er's. V : " 5 : x complaint against . the gang for - . - outre es committed along the way, -y -ps, best and cheapest, a.t nd Jiis story; was no snooner known Jacobi'a Hdw. Depot. , . f every "sleeper" other passenger coaches, forbidding any per sons coming from Jacksonville or iowns south of that point entering Wilmington. Resotved, That a committee of two be ap pointed to wait on the railroad authorities to consult with them In order to perfect such plans as will thoroughly carry out a suffi cient quarantine. - Ordered, that the above resolutions and or ders shall be made public F. W. POTTEIi, M. D.t : JOHN JFOWLER, Supt. of Health. Mayor, Ch'n?. ; aug 10 tf Fresh Fish Every Day ' YPE HAYE MADE AltlJANGEaiKUTS With parties at Carolina Beach to have Fresh Fish cvci j ua.y. uie u8U win oe packed in ice from mciwH.u.; rue wanung piease leave or ders. : . G. G. AMAN & CO. auig v uock sc., pet, rront and Water. 0 uranti ne at outh port Handkerchiefs in all qualities to retail store in the ue jouna in any outn. We keen OF C05LMIS- QKDEKED BY THE BOARD slonersof the Town of Southport, thataftr the 17th day of August, 1888, no refugees from any of the Infected towns of Florida, south of Wayeross, snail be allowed to enter the Town of southport, either by land or water, unless they are provided with certificates . showing that they iave passed through the quaran- A-l X uues ajiong ine route, and have been allowed free pratique by the officials in charge. a first class stock of Gent's . Furnish- !r l7u.s' 4undrjed and .Unlaun dried Shirts, Collars and Cuffs-Bal Drigganana JLisle Underwenr- T!a and Scarfs in all the new . styles. iii'nuse in every quality, to be soia at inanrellously low prices. we invite attention to . our ntnt-k of Imported and Domestic Woolen ouitings lor tfents and Boys which we can have made to order hp m . J ciass j-anor at the most reasonable, piiutia. , lnasmucu as Wft' an haro for the People's sood. tli where they will receive tl mt cordial and polite attention. itespectfully, Jell JoJin J. Hedrict. HAVE OPOI WowOpetik WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to my friends and t.h v t- wn, t'r'ilf-'rJl I iv I i 1 !l I . i am now iiuiy prepared to serve t he m. T havn i??"?!?' &lth?. Ixwer End of t.n nam. "WW, wuere i,auies and Gent lpmT! r. V7q r ticlpateln these interestlnS, f9 Ordered, That the Captains of all passenger lines be notified that i nn rvm nr ho,; I will be allowed to land from their boats" el- cepi sucn as are allowed free pratique in the City of WUmlnirton. ... . H, tuu r&eS Tnat person entering the town south of wayeross, either by land or water in vlolaUon Of the letter and sntrf r. f Va JvJL- Hi go fishing. also have Swings for the (Tj?ii S 1 ao nereoy certify the within as a true codv Bait and Tackle for those f ' i V?1? J f??1 of Town Commissioners. i i v uiav ii-m in in k ai ir irn i wvw . , T H. BOWDOIN, 1 rr " ?x u nammocKS. . aug js tf RWaowoiN? !A.lS88. W. T. PINNER, .Tdwnciert. fJov. Open TAURANT and I.UCHg S.r corner of Second f day, week or month. na rf. nf the Clty.v FPCC1 boarders. - - JO' II Inr Chapel.Hiil, S. C. gS rpHE NET SESSION 11E JINS AUGUST S3, Wit pf ovt- SS-SKarpie-KBttf. din? -' . c .vcnV. ' UniversityoNorthCaroIina Fibre Mattress lows and Bolsters ARE HE ALTHFUL, CLEAN AX5 C ' . ) : TABUTi -; Leave your orders with . H0T7ELL & CCI1U1 4 . '-'' Opposite Cltj HaiL . " P. S. Wo Renorate Old Mattresses t Awnlns to order.. ( , ; . ONWARD S THE V.: rpHE PROGRESSIVE FAKltfS I tk THIRD VOLIJMEaVthe loUoW i' k subscribers, iyeaT....... ; lOIsubscribers. One copy, 1 year, free tfc tne club of ten. jA ' 5: -Eight pages, 40 columns, (charges prepaid) to r k ; u r. febl7 - . . Wanted to Btf ms, A good cash price triawf suitable place.' Aaorcyj Tuition reduced to mt a n a r v-p n r ' rM ueuLsmay- grive notes. Faculty of Fifteen laacners. unree fail epufses of study leading .rr rnnK?0X, to desrrees. Three shan. h. tirZ , rt APT. J. W. J0Hv- ing of business men, teachers, physicians and Kj - mnyor P5"15" pharmacists. - - " 'V"10.. - Rmh.TTomBgor cU-, Law School full vpmilrmArt , . - .Write for Catalogue to . : - : HON. KE21P p. BATTLE; . Ken to the '."cBarttr I u 11 I 1 ;.-h fae Kit V i&d u o$ II

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