HISCELIiAlf EQUS, 77-? IZD HUMPHREYS' C:iZ:?ATSl3 VEIZ3I1IASY SPECIFICS ytV : Fcr Horses; Cattle, Sheep, -Doss, Hogs, Poultry. Jfi0dPAGEBOOKsTret - i 1--J c laeat f Animal and . ' J X4z2. t.Cfcai-CJnt'Free; r : lull rnint. iAieneRfce"m UMBPer, Nasal Dischargee. - itcarxlaff J; K.-liieVaies f Ulrtlosr Price, BottleldYef 50 doses V . .60 Sent Prepaid n Jteceint mt Price. HnmpKfys'M" CoT, iOS Talton SL. M. Y. ry : ii b a 28 HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC Ho. in w mi m Th enrv race mi mnui lor I.'rnrcasJlsMlity, Vital ,Veatas, and Fxoatxaiioa, from' otot work or other cauo. i xVi.la a.nd Laxra vii nowder. f or S5. Rolij btDI ugoit, or sent poatpald on receipt of rice 4iaapr74leiC, ao rata at., a. i. . mch23eodtwlynrm: ' Wilmington. N. C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 28,"l8S3. as second-class matter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Assuming that what is kaid of her is true a lady member of Dr. How- JOSH. T. James. Editor & Prop'r. d Crosby's church, in New York, I may jusuy jay emim to naving one ; of the most remarkable memories of ; modern times. Without 'the aid of I a .sin die note she writes out after Entered at the Postofflco at Wilmington, N.C., j service every word of the pastor's l sermon, rfot an article or a con junction is omitted, nor a nourior a verb, for that matter. For twenty- ! fi ve years she has been performing thes feats of memory, and during that time she has written out some 2,000 sermons. The manuscripts o some of them she has had i bound and presented to Dr. Crosby. They make forty large 'volumes. She has also written from memory all of his lectures, and has1 classified his opin ions on all the subjects upon which he has spoken during these years, and has made an elaborate series of indexes to them. Even when the preacher drops into Greek, Latin or Hebrew she follows him, being pro ficient in these languages. Carolina 1CC3 - ' " o FOR PRESIDENT: GROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. FOR tice-president: ALLEN G. THURMAN, Of Ohio. for governor: DANIELJG. FOWLE, Of Wake County. FOR.LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: . T. M. HOLT, Of Alamance County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, Of Wake County. FOR STATE TREASURER: DONALD W. BAIN, Of ;Wake County. THY Oj..t JO'Ji ;irSi Uaa- t Wfcl puns lor prr.Ti own (.bout fabcuh&tcrs, ul v Tbea scrsd ior PrmrlJeal I'OI. ? of aaarly all kicdsi cf i tinn tf Lhl 1 batcrs. axul v. nci o t'; t i'y 4( from AHM(:pclk. rjt j .At FOR STATE AUDITOR: GE0.:W. SANDERLIN. OfWayne County cage! 1 FOR If bo. von neod the KflflK OF I l.y, , trattoE. JBoiuitifar cel0rfl Mate i j 'ii i TretineoiUiteediiif ox U kin5x Cage I -ITT UUVUL lUT MU1I ftuu WW!. Aifevaees I f I rul their crov, , How to bmM arid stock I V f ' a liu7. Aa aboot Pcrrota. FHcesof t u Kinos omw, cifw, fcic. Auuiea i -ASSOCIATED PAfiCIEiS. ? 23?JSotttS Eghta Street, I,Idiadelj.iil&, ft SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINGER, OfCatawba County. 0 8JTEOE8T:to HEL canently restored by the use f au entirely ucS v smedy. Tlie Yerba Santa from Spain, t-rnn h Trochees never fail. OnrlllHstrated,32pige boot . ia lesiimoniais, (eent eeaied). JKvery manenoiiZ' -adit. VOW GRAEP TROCllEK CO., t T 1 1 M Q KEVOI.VERS. Send stamp for VI li price list to johnston e son, FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, OfBuncombe County. FOR SUPREME COURT JUDGES' JOSEPH J. DAVIS, Of Franklin County. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, Of Beaufort 'County. A.:C. AVERY, Of Burke County. aOgfl 4w FlttsDurgn, Penn. RICHLY 1 Rewarded are those who i read this and then act; they will find honorable employ ment that will not tafce them from their homes and famliieaJThe profits are large and sure ior every lnansoirna person, many nave maae and arejooTK making several hundred dollars a month, It ts .easy .for any-xme to make $5 and upward per day. srho la willing - to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everytnlngrmew.- No special ability recLUlred: yau- reader; can do tr as well as any one. - write to us. at onco lor full par ticulars, which, we mall free. Address stlnson mX Co., Fprtland,,Jlatna:.v .1- nov 23 dfimwly EXHAUSTED , VITALIT1 FORELECTORS AT LARGE: ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover County." FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK.; of Orange Country. For Congress 6th District: ALFRED ROWLAND, Of Robeson. For Elector 6th District: S. J. PEMBERTON, Of Stanley. The London correspondeijit of the New York Times says: The name of Gilbert and Sullivan's nw opera, about which so much speculation has been indulged, is no longer a' se cret to such as have the insidetrack in matters theatrical and operatic, though it is still jealously guarded; from the general public. The Times correspondent is in a position to an. nounce positively that the title of the new work is "The Tower of London,'? and that the story is woven about that ancient old fort ress, which is the pride and glory of the genuine Briton. All the guesses which have placed the scene of the opera in Norway, Sweden, and a dozen other different places, have been utterly wjld. In "The Tower of London" Gilbert and Sullivan have produced a satire on the Lon don craze for antiquities, especially for old architectural landmarks, as in "Patience" they satirized the Os car Wilde craze on sestheticism. The cast embraces 11 principal singers and actors, and the chorus calls for 32 men and 24 women, who will rep resent the beef eaters, soldiers, and other human attachments of the tower. rpns science oj LIFE .the grea; Medical Work .of. th i m "ouaand Physical De bility, Premature l)e IVtW'l VllVCri C cline, Errors of Youth MaUIIHII wLLl land the imtold miser - bi consequebV'' thereon; WS00 pages 8 va, 125 pre grlptiona for all & seaaeaCtody f all gilt, only $1.00 ry mail, ealed Moatratlte'Bample free to all youn? ind inie-e'merii-rSarid: now; The Gold aiic Jewelled Medal a warded to the author by the Nation U Medical AaaoclationAddresaP.OBox lS95,Bos. ton,Maaa.;or Dri W. lO'AIlS.EE, graduate of Uar. ' ram Melk"Ctolle.year8t:practLceia Boston, irho may'.bt 'iocMuitea confidentially. Office, Na lBulnchKiSpeclaityvDiseaae8 bf Man. ' Cm thla out 3fen may never ee it ae" . aug 6 4w' fiw?' - - , ; '. TinB Sea Wonders exlst;inthousands UElElL 01 onns, but are surpassed by the marvels of Inventions Those who are lit need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address tcoiauett & Cov, Portland, Maine, and receive free, lull information how either sex, of all ages,-can earn lronx$5ia S25 per day and upwards wherever they live; You are started free, capital not required. some have made over raijnjLBJUPgm naya.uus worK. - au suc- The Raleigh News and Observer gets it down to a fine point when it says: ! : This is not a good day to remem ber that Dockery who, according to JJan KusselJ, is "a Southern man with Northern principles," vilelv slanders the first lady in the land by holding her up on the stump as a "woman wno Kisses negro wenches," with all that the degrading words imply. Nor is it a good day to re member that such a miscreant is a native North Carolinian, who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and belongs to "hierh-toned" society; a college- bred man, born to wealth; a lawyer; a man who never "larmed" but "planted." JNor is it a good dav to remember that such a specimen as he is is the nominee of a political, party in North Carolina for the office of Gov ernor and hopes to be Governor by rne votes oi JNortu uarolinians. ceed.. nov 2a Cmd ly w ARKERa ClNCETRjONIO wtthont jleteyi bJi cuiw umlaW Ute -worst case uid4s tiabcstramWii - .""i; uwiBuittugn, ijie reeD) bd mcJc, tnyr?lin!yanrtflseafl, and alow: rr drifttni tliealthbi (delay isd. j The surveys for, the Congo Rail road past the 235 miles of cataracts are approaching completion,: and there is little doubt that within the next two or three years the toilsome journey to Stanley Pool, nearly three weeks long, that has sapped the energies of not a few travellers may be comfortably made in a day. The time is coming when a trip to Central Africa will not involve a big caravan and thousands of dollars of expense. Any one who hankers af- :-?Dl&VUtW. I have only to naek his frirnnlr nrfl , &U M I j - - -f- V buy jus ticket, and steam will waft hlniljto the once xaysterious rions ti au; r: J reach. Mr. Stanley once sniil jthat some men posed as African ex- ra wlin However that may be, the travel- A particle is applied Into each nostra and Is I lers follow the explorers in eon, agreeable. Price 60 cents .afc gglstss4by tetUi ... , iwviauiwu mall, registered, 60 cents; -EY iiOTMsaF erabIe numbers as soon as lonj? fed diaorders ol atomaea and bowels, eoo. at OrnSi aug o 4W ' v SCSSAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages Allays Pain and inn am- Sores, Restores the iw imu ana uwuvm, xKy M Yf Li . I VC I I m m M 1 A Good Appeetit Is essential to good health; but at this season it is often lost, owing to tne poverty or impurity of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs, and the weaking effect of the changing season. Hood's Sar- saparilla is a wonderful medicine for creatine: and annetite. toninsr th e digestion an erivin e strength to the whole system. - .Now is the time to take it. Be sure to get H ood's warsaparilla. , , AUGUST ANTICS. i a Warren St., New York. aplSUeodditw.. INVENTIONHSir amonsr the wonders of inventive nmcreas ta method and system of work that ci i be per ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib era; any one can ao tneir woric; either sex. yuuey or oiu; no special aourty required, cap ltal not needed; you are started free. Cut this out ana return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and Importance to you, that will start yon In business, which win DTvag yon in, more money right away, than anythlng-else In the, world ,Craad ouiju free ... noYSSendlyw.: : ..-t-. vto- " ;, ' i JAIC, UNDEVELOPED PARTI l tHa Body enlarged and atrennhened. Fail partica ra nt aaled free, KKIK MED. CO., Bvrrxio, N. X .I'FFEr.EnSntwKEEyOUSaESSorL'iS salt of over-Work, indiscretion, etc address ov WireCloth fpiyour "winclows'and rind doors canbeliad at Jacobi's IIdv7. Depot.- . - . : uiBiiuices can oe covered in a few weeks without serious discomforts. The Verdict Unanimous. JXi?: S.ull Bippus. Ind.. . 1 recommend Electric hntii- h very D,e9t "raed?. Every bottle bas given , relief in every case One man look six bottles; and wis la& "-Abraham Hare, drugisr Bell Jille. Ohio affirms: "The fcst sellfn,: meaicme j. have ever handful years' experience, is Electric BitlpW" Thougands of others hav "ad fneir testimony, so that thevordinf ;Q moas that Electric Rittr a " "U . , r luo nidneyaor Blood Only hall a dollar I tiiif " . Green & Co's. Drugstore. " Fly Traps, best and cheanMt Jacobi'aHdw. Depot. A yonng lady attending blills and parties should have a ( female chaperone until she is, able) to call some other chap her own.-2oledo Bee. ) .IT " 1. xear me, now ciose tne poor cows are crowded together," she I 1 it TT a t remarKeu. "res, ma am, out we have to do it." "Why so?"s "To get condensed milk." Jaggs "Er John, what is (this? Attendant "Cheese, sir.'v Jkggs- "Whew! Why didn't you have it embalmed before vou sent it un?" Judge. Mr. Waldo, of Boston "Isn't Mr. Wabash, of Chicago, an original young man, Penelope?" "He is more than that, mamma: t he is aboriginal." New York' Sun. vr liiere is a moss-covered i ad an- that says a rolling stone gathers no moss, iiut what use would moss be to it, anyhow? It would only inter- iere witn its rolling. liftings: le was rich ami icnnmnt, anrl wnen he consulted a builder con cerning a new house he said: "I want a wide tiizarro on th rep sides wnere the Children ran rid o their little cyclopedias, and eniiv them selves." JJetroit Free Press. Un the Steamer. Outward ttnnnd. Hf Av UT -mm juuujjua- j. was reading in a paper , just' before we sailed that tnere are 1,000,000 more women than men in German v." Dauo-hter Cat un certain age) "Mamma, I think it willhardlvbe worth nnr'whntft f i - t ' . Germany. ;tsoston Transcript. A HEALTHI GROWTH. 'X Acker's Blood Elixir hn firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior tftVi,erj:pRftrftiions. It is a diseases. The mediVni fM: teed and sold bv Mnnd "T"" trivia " "'"J" Superior Courts of Nortl JUDGES. 1st District, James E. Shepherd, of Ueauf ort 2nd District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe, yrd District, II. G. Connor, of Wilson. 4th District, waiter ciarK,ox vtajce. 5th District, John A. Gilmer, of Gullf ord. 6th District, E T Boykln, of Sampson. 7th District, James C. MacRae, -Cumberland. : 8th District, W J.Montgomery, of Cabarrus. 9tn District, Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. 10th District. Alphonso c. Avery, of Burke. 11th District, Win. M. shlpp, of Mecklenburg 12th District, J. H. Merrlmon, of Buncombe. . SOLiCITOKS. ; 1st District, John Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, ueorn. wnite. (coi. or iiauiax. 3rd District, D. Worthington, of Martin. 4th District, T. M.Argo, of Wake. 5tbr District, Isaac IU strayhorn. of Durham. 6th District, Gv 1L Allen, of Duplin. 7th District, Prank McNeill, of Richmond. 8th District, B. P. Lonff. of lredelL - r 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr.. of Rocklng-ham. lotn iismcx;, w. n. uower, or caiawen. llth District. Frank Osborne, of Mecklenbunr. 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TISTE OF HOLDING C0UKT3 FIHST JUDICIAL - - niSTKICT. . . ' SPBixa Judge Montgomery. Falx. Judge MacRae: Beaufort tFeb. tsm. May 28th, Nov. 26th. cumtuck March oth, Sept. 3d. . , Camden March 12th, Sept, luth. Pasquotank March 19th. June llth, Sept. 17th, Dec 10th. Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d..Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. OcU22d. Tyrrell April a)th. Oct. 29th. Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. ' " Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. ' SSC0ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT, . ' SPRiNG--Judge Graves.- ' Fall Judge Montgomery, flallfax tJan. 9th, iMarch 5th, May ltth, iNov. 12th. ... Northampton tJan: 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct, 29th." , Craven tFeb. 13th. May 28th, N ov. 26th. Warren M arch 19th, Sept. 17th. Edgecombe-April 16th, Oct. 15th. ' THIBD JUDICIAL DISTBICT, Spking Judge Avery, v Fall Judge Graves. Pitt Van. 9th, March 19th, t June llth, Sept 17tlU: . . Franklin Jan. 23d, April 16th, Nov, 12th. : Wllan-n tTPotr (ttYi .Tnno AtYi flft. intVi Vance Feb. 20th, May 2lst, Aug. 20th, Oct. Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d, JDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. - - " Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOUBTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spking Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Avery. Wake Van. th . tFeb. 27th. 'March 26th, t April 23d, Vuly 9th, tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, tOct.22d. Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. ; - - Harnett Feb. 6th. Aug; 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 23d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. ' Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. s Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec 10th. , ... Alamance March. 5th, May 2lsf, Sept. 24th. uraxige marcn iycn, Aug. etn, nov. 5tn. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. - SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrlmon. , Pender Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d. tAnrfi ifitb tSftnt. 24th. - ' . ' : r Lenoir Feb. 6th. Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. DupUn Feb. 13th, Sept 3rd, Nov. 26th. Sampson- tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct.- 8th, Dec. 10th. Carteret March 19th. Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Judge Shepherd. ColumbusTan. 16th. Anrll 2d. Julv sd. tNov. 26th." An3on Van. 9th. tAnrll 30th. Sent, ai tNo V. . 26th. -, .- ' - ; - - Cumberland Jan. 23d. tATav 7th. .TnrrSM tNov,12th. . ' Robeson Jan. 30th. May 21st. Au20th. Oct. 1st. : ' ' Richmond Feb. Lh. June 4th. sent 17th I Dec 3rd. ' ' ' Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 23d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. SPRiNG--Judge Connor. Fall Judge PMUlps. Cabarrus JJan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th. May 21st. An?. t,h Nov. 5th. - r , ' - Rowan Feb. 20th. Mav 7th. auc. aot.h. Nov 19th. ' ' ' Davidson March 5th. June 4th. Sent., m. Dec. 3d. ' ' ' Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Clark . Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th: Sept. 3d. Davfe April 2d, Oct. 8th. stokes-4-April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring judge Gilmer.- - ' Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. riu-is.t aiarcn qui, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. MltcheB-April 16th Sept. 10th. ancey April 30th. Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th BIJiVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boykln. Fall Judge Gilmer. uatawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. 1 I Ll , 4Iuii&biL:ii Li. GUSH Li tk.A. la LmLa th. A F EiV.'AYS RELIALLE. TQ LADII To LAmrr. ' I N 3 1 S Ptf. S ACLE.S C L0 BYALl CRL'SSISTS.N ASK FOR DIAMOND Br S!?a.CK!CHESTFTsrc:u NDTAKEN0 CTHE3 SEE i, SUA "JRE CM EVERY B0X. . We can eiTesomnch for the money ? Thouaanda sav thi i , & " . Maae after plates arc made it cost far less proDortionat ii ,tUc,r 'fttcr. t , . thaa 100.000. Durlnif its nearly fifty yea- StoSSwuS J V pr,,nt eS? ;3Q recocniied aathrity oa agricaltnral matter the wor. J u-?.'t"n.,l to h- R4,J,rno nmaae u s power in botn hemispheres, re forced if5e 0,tl a 3 hundred orlrinal iUMtrationiand original irticle. on th eFarm S,,B rli .d Household, from oyer fifty different wrlten. Price, ti i il?r 1 Uunl Oft. it I .' These magnificent worka of art are neither old tune chromo nor ordir. " lags, but exquiBite plctureai executed for us by PbotoeUlnff and Mmm"11 f.Vi.rSiii ir"4" paper, 4js mcnes. rrice ii.w eaca. " p bed Dec. 20, 1887; forwarded in tubes, post-paid. OUR G13JSAT OFFER. American Aciienltnrift En. 'or - German),' wlti be A fe!t.i our now volume, published Dec, 20, !SS7,enUtled r"01 IetT t 0DR HOIJES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY TDF' 150 handsome IlmstraUona, bound in cloth and receipt ox 9x,ou, nlrt. nriM mm ... the extra ten cents blc for packing ; ead posllw 01 in Send; to "usurer Specimen nnmber, xsnIl5i or Gar. ian,Tdll description of New Dooks preentl a and new subscribers, and full description or th-. tures, and Portrait of nunkncy, the painter of thp, sreat works, now attracting world-Wide sxttentlonL UBSCItIPTIONS CAN BEGIN ANY TIME. Addreui I . Mrr,Mwa wnoip wos a luil treat i A. Badical Curo f or Nerrons rAh, ihoosandoosos they obealntelf reetn'tj cramaterolT Tyi5vK,rlaoTnr,,?ei1 totlioQlI enjoyment 9Sm Bnd Strenpth and Tisorons Health .twh.lrtljCler.roTI1 tho Eonay obscure diseases roneli sbout by Indiwsretion, KyncTOre, Ovor-Braia ! wi, m 'wireoinaniBsncs, we asic tact yon eeaii na CailTji'ACSAGB FREE, with I'ln'd Pa iVOB sicnttfia medical ts.il l an.tBcsars ssnsj. lifcfSEDT CO lr f - have FKCn T.Jr-f V-T.IXJmto ""J"-,,co CK for Tem- ra r n jbt. na r" k aaa a ra-ewmc . CLEVELAND Swu TBfURMAN? By Hon. w. U. HNSEL;'also Life of -Mrs. Cleveland, exciuislte Rtw7 rn,a ridge Box, Free Trade 1'ollcy, &c, complete. Agents atork rSr? otere c best work, apply quick and make $200 to $500 h 7;SI oZT''1'1 v . . . . . - -e - - - . - . UHinn rtrtnri . n..' . . ..... . ft i" "-'' j After fort years'. etjKificncd iu the '. li-v'psr.ttio of more, ilmri Una I Tnniirri . Thotinndaoplicatlons for patents in the United .States and- loreicm inn. trios the pnblither3 of the Sc-tontjiaa j American continue to act as solicitors ; for patents, caveats, tradenarka, copy- riffhts. etc.. for the United Ktat arui T to obtain patents in Canada, England, JjVancer, Cetiaany,"and all other countries Their ex-peri-enoo w unoqualed and their facilities aro uoaurs paasco, - - DravTings and EpeciScutions prepared ami filed " in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very ' reasonable. Ho charge for examination of aidelu . t. or dia wings. - Advice by mail free Patent s obtained through Mann ACo.ar noticed In the SClEIkTiPIC ABIEltlCAN, which has . iuu iMgBi! uircuiauuu uiu ia luti uiosb lniiaoatlli ncwepjtper of its kind publishod in the world. Ihe advantages of each a notice every patentee Tliis Ijirgeord 8T!endidly'iIIustrated newspapei J is published 5W13EIXjY at $3.00 a year, and is uamitted to be ths best paper devoted to science, ,--iiichaoics, inventions, engineering works, ? and ' oilier departments of industrial progress, pub- iis.icri in apy countvy. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented ? each week.. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers, - It hava un irfvnt.mn tn . nftfnnt irrito tn - sinnn k iyo.7 puDiisners of rscientinc Amt ii itroaaway, New York. . -Ifandbook about Dtnt.s tnailod fre j rrlK.-KlttT. Ah. lencan. John Werner ?T to Ms friends and the RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE lends and tho nubile crpnpmiiTr mux jj ta now oacK ax; nis old stand, No. 9 Market street, which has been thoroughly overhauled, repaired and refurnished, vvith Urst class workmen, sharp razors and polite attention he hopes to continue to merit the patronasre of the public - - The "Little Barber Shoo aronnd th enrnom will still be kept un under the lift1 ""fY? Au uuoj. utut: uuu, jsu.ccs; snampoo. 20 cts, at both places. Jyetf Dlvidena Notice. rUl.K JJIKIfiCTOKS OF TnE .BANK OF NEW, Hanovers have declared a semi-annual divi dend of 4 per cent., payable to stockholders of record of this date, on and after the 9th Inst. . - S. D. WALLACE, aug 6 It , - . cashier. MVStnrtnm . Its action. 0- I Jer, bimie;!: results. Co- celled as ih1 purifier. 1' veloas as - tcrative lj Btimulant e: on a torpid t, ' Asoveeipc for Indigestion, i pressioB j vantofannr i Headache a. iKs'vonsnf vanish as in -magic after t i kincafewdc Pimples a speedily when this remedy la taken.- lal-r ?o more etiectual relief for the mmt t loathing of food due to INTEMPER.LX than this articled Put uplnlarge75ccnt I ties. . Sample packages in pottdeb form t by mail to any address on receipt of l'J v in stamps. s.The resrularlianidform eantw? sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDIOXJSC iOO North 3d St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' :,B!RDsHflIM!; " Tlie great secretof thecanarybiidbre of the Hartz Monntaina in ftennanr. J i Manna wj 11 restore the song of cagebirdv prevent their ailments and restore toem good condition. v- If given to a bird lui the season of shftrlflin.?f eathers.it willin u cases carry the little musician throosb t critical periou without loss oxson&s ?nj. nai 1 on receipt of 15 cts. in stamps, "OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd St. Philadelpbia, 5 . , ' ea se mention this paper. ept9 tn th sat MANUFACTURING CO - . MAITU FA CTTJliERS OP Fertilizers,: Pjne Fibre k , Pine Fibre Matting. Alexanders-Jan. 30th, July 30th.! Unlon-Feb. 13th, tFeb.- 20th, vShnrpie Kobert E. Leo, i APT. fl W Q rr.TT - . . ,,. ,..,iAilf YiJji, TAKE PAR- I ties from the Hummocks to any noint nn thk I Sound or out tn con 4 JLrVmK h the fortawp Qnto ,-r,r wicn com- - - au i tf TOSOUTHPORT TDE MAGNIFICENT STEAMER " Qaeeo of St John's ILL 3YAKE LEGULAR TRIPS TO South- port and return, (- undays excepted) leaving VHTT11 TlCr4nn fnnf rvrxni. .. o--, wADuccb,aL jo o'cock a. m., and returning leave Southport at 4 p. m. Fare for round trip 50 cents for adults and ! 23 cents for children. w. n. CHiusTopinS.0-811, Marj tSept. 24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. E1,1111 W Aug.jBth, Oct. 22d. guthert ord-April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk-May7th. Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICTAlU blSTBICT, Sprino Judge MacRae. Fall Juds-e Rovkin. Madison Feb. 27th. Julv imr.b. tNov. loth. Buncombe March 12th. June 18th. Aug.l3th, xiansyivanin Ami Haywood-Aprli 9th sent inFh-Jackson-Anrti mAhSSPtJS&u - Macon-May TthToct. 1st. Clay Mav 14th nt etZ Cherokee May 21st" Oct iith Graham-,Tuiift ath VcsJ2tlJ- Swaln-uneiith;N:5thr , For criminal r.n tFor civil CRISPS Alnrta For clrtl cases alone, except Jan cases. CEIMv "C1RC,UIT COURTS. Court beglnwaTad xJSh Solicitor. July 16th, Septmh, No S19U1' May 21st - . MECKLENBURG COUNTY Sept. :i7th, The National Life ri LMINGTON. NX OP WASniNQTONl D. C. ' . . t '. Misses Burr & James. yy 7 mjiiK school for ClrlS and llttlA hnim . nmnnn . Jl" f Mrs. M. S. Cushln? will havA . Masical Depajtmeut charge of the -AND- nftTTW T?T?PfTTATION OFOURFEETlLtf" the results of three years! use in as L the best farmers of this and other 6uk attest their value as a high grade Baas ,;. The MATTING, made Ifom tie Jea? native plne,: Is ' conceded to beeq v ' wool carpet for comfort and duratu: J - demand for it is dally, lncreaslc?. il - ' :" ';- r : ... . :' C " tues not found in any other fatna "i The FIBRE or WOOL is extessW-J - mpholsterlng purposes,' and as ' Mattresse3 Is almost equal to hair, hc - Assets...; Liabilities..;..... Paid to members .$314,072.19 ; . None. 1120,032131 HORATIO BROWNING, Presidenr. GEGRGE jy. ELBRIDGE, -'. " Secretary. Manager and Actuary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. ' A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestlble Policy. " Maturity Value in Casn at Fixea Agej Annual cost Absolutely Limited. : Only Four Payments ner Year - Non Forfeitable AftCThSYVars p.s.riddelle:m:d. W, H. GIBSONrspeclalSS1 UCta. -. WUmiiigton. c. elastic and proof against sec:ln nr ' jernncates irom rcuawo yt i goods can be seen at our office, w ed upon application. . t , ' JOH? ; . PRINTING TVe want your orders for I ..j , doino- vonr work well, with g? and stock amount to anything r : are certainly entitled to at leass . Onr mnnpv baa not been"- PD1 ia. f material and we are constanly tjpe ' ' lr3 . Try us on any books yen 5sl order.' " . , ' : -, ',. . Personal attention to all order. . ' . JACKSON J1" V'5

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