- , ' THIS PAPER - patns&e1 every evening, Sundays excepted 1 3r josh. t. James, Editor "aid Prop. V ' SUBSCKIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: year, $4.00. Six" months ioa Three montns. $l-0a One month, 35 cents. - -Tne papc wIU 1)6 silvered toy carriers, free of cwrjr. in any part of the city, at the above - jstes, or W cents per wee-y " ' . Advertising rates low aadRbeaL jy- subscribers will please report any and jU failures to receive their paper regularly. v ? tStlif' "'". I N-o-tl v n w iit " I t! '' '' : iito r.-.,.;-;' Jialx:i- n- i r :ncntnll-: :t .j?i:-ii. It,e.i..itn!i.fst! resTxir from U.li ... ..''.;-, .... - - , ,:. ..... , - . . - - '.. .. 5 ... ... .... "v - . .. , ' . :. - '' ' ---.---.--. y . . i s , r . , k' r ' ..... every i ntd.-n': lrsiH-:cU.;ti ii Mmkiii fi-H ti.i. -xrK pre- ctive prament j.Tuiinunl symptoms. lM!H':ti-soii.t mental I"wr fcti a bl.f5U5U-uiHT5in toby a J )ttkittHal4sttave IwiwMpatkra! , " "v ni uerrou tore abandoned ttjUKMMjr mrriwnn. -onelvgpentica wonderruKy fn;ejful; others have atirrltabilily of U mrer. ' atevcr form Ij'8iepsla ioav take." -tethms la certain, . . ' J7k ttnderlyinsr cause is In tfte r.Mn9 . Uione thing-more N cqnafly ccrtai'a; no exrtll remain Oygpepiic who will ' - It -will' correct Acidity of. the , ' stomach, . ; Expel foal gnmf Allay IrrlUtioa, Assist Digestion, and, at the saine . time .. $iart the WAver to working: phen all other troubles soon disappear; ' ' STirife a confirm "dyspeptic. Som titt years a?', l-y theadvtce of Ir. Steiner.of jUfsta, ii.s w.is '.nrtnc") t try Simmons liver Jtttor 1 11 sratefwl-fyrihe rrtic it has inn her, r " !1 Jio read this and art jfictedia any v v, whether chronic or olhr rw.ih. Liver Regiitator and I feel eocfiJtct hcihli lc ;csur.d to all. 'Mho will Uatov.! ." M. Kkih, Fort Valley, Ga. Art off the (irnuine, ilh n ii 4 rr front -f Wrappef, - 1 t; .".-"-r r-T i;y -V - -J.H.ZFIMN As .. 1'filladelphla.pa,' botsjic lstp ddtwiy - cn sat -. . -WT- - -m- VUl, All WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, SEPITinW . LOCAL iiTB-WS. NO 192. Ileath of Mr. John I. Holmes. ISBBX TO NKff AD V JCRTI3 g jfK NTS. " ' Loris H Meares Look A F LucAs-Just Received Geo 11 Beixamv Attention Howell & C'CMxixqFor Sale t JasT Uilet Annual Meeting M it Katz reat Sacrifice Sale K M McLktirb- very Low Prices "M.BiXArr BealEstaterat Auction ; Missus Bcbk & J aks school Notice r F c Mills r Pint" and While Gossamer KEr L T CHRisTJCAS-Notlco to Contractors known resident of this city, which occurred in the mountains in th Western part of this State, near Saluda. He was killed by being thrown from a carriage, daring a runaway of the team," while driving from the summer residence of the We deeply regret to learn of - the f . 1 . aentl" to the adver- NE V A I VKKT1 8E11 BNTS sudden and, tmriA f hisses .Burr & JamesV - John 1. Holmes, -formerly a 'well- .- rinss iroTicn. -v'' 3 Ud to ;:;:ir5 ccu ircn cur frisiusi ca c7 r nishea to the Editor. , L ' one side o tig paper, ; ' Personalities must De arnica. speaaliy.aM parliiairiy .oodttattlie Editor does not always c r ihe Tlews of correspondents enfess ic in tne editorial columns. 50 St.. 1 scnooi; m this issue. Th next session, Vhich will open on Thursday, October 4th, will be the 25th annual session'of this excellent Uewsberger -Progrressiveness of christl-(family, Macaboy, Polk county, to caiula. it is not known yet whether the accident occurred y- anSty, For other locals see fourth page .The alartn of fire1 this afternoon .was a false, one, caused by some de rangement of the wires. Mil 4. school 1 . leraay or to-day but it .is inferred that it must have taken nlao rhi morningv The only information " -:'.4.: AniUt and Finance. . The Board of Adit and Finance met in regular session yesterday af ternoon. Present. Mr. R T TnnOU ehairman, am Messrs. W. I. Gore, J. Mjojuntlar, and Jno W.-He witt ' -Report of the committe on Streets and Wharves on paving North Front street was approved ine following resolution Was of- w 3SI E"W STOCK OP '- Carp ets and Siiq? PUNOS AND ORGANS. F KITK TO ME FOK PRICES iND TEIOIS Kf3K tiuyino- an Instrument, "as I keep one eftae largest stocks of - PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. IcansiSyou:any of the flrst-clas3 manu- TP i anps" rPPM?llM VTWABDS. Or FROM $45 HPWAltIS. recievetl here thus far is contained ien.-b. H. Manning, Sheriff of the lnate,ram from Hr. J. Dobbin fered by the chairman. county, has returned to the city ?les to Mr. Gabriel Holmes. Whkreas, A tax of $2 00 on thp from his usual Summer visit to rela" He "at his father wasH100 of valuation of the real Anil tives in Maiue. . killed instantl y and that his sister PersoIai property of the citizens great annoyance at t.hi Que eI8e .W injured. Mr. Dobbin PrlOO of valuation wa . inning r'Z Hood's Sarsatmrill nm-ifiac HoltueValso savs in hk rniu.om the purnose of navino- rh0 blotxl, aud cures all such affections, that Ee will leave Saluda to morrow SSw.iT ,cliy ' atscription to the Window Hlass, by the box or iteht.' r thi9 city- with toe remains. The and Eat Carolin3; .Wj! a... , . " I rnnprnl m ,..r 1 , , A , 1 tt '-. H House Furriishiria as Oct,' 1st. f0.!;n air pAsn buyers. sept 18 Just HOjc n C f r o , NORTH FRQOT STREET. ived ,T Th Jn?kTr l A116 Wlngt00. Onslow J HKECEIVED THIS DAY A CARLOAD OP ive money by buyinsfromjacobi-8 IaneraJ w therefore probably take Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley rail- RKKfilWPR 4 vnvriTi. dw. Depot. plHCe Thursday morning. foa now appears that T such -CtitailK S , EAGEJL'S year: there i i i. i - cj vcbo u iito-joiji? I lore - i. v. ViV t ,Js1' ars ago, when he removed ,,u w Aiaerman that the city the Court House doors on Monday witb his family to Jacksonville rfnYJ06 curr.eBt yr h reduced r"r rr'1 le rax levy the next Happiness supreme. This is the condition of all who have been wise and purchased Stnvs nt, Tftr.M;c Hdw. Depot. f where he has since ri "Lr?"XLluu - rauio ua tutu, of isx year m the practice of his profession.that ieby ordered that the of the law. Last Spring he nur- 2lerS Qf thts Bor3 be instructed to cnasea a aummer re dence at Mao- the fMavor w?r, ttprTOef?iPffs to QKrt,r ,.iw... ir- in?. ayor - with the request that b tj) tmcic uie lumuv nave ra, ea a mufit n nf thfl p. i j i - - - tafc wa. vuc aji in. ill cii m iio : t .i ? . i x - wv.v v Fishermen will find the cheapest I "T YM nn u,e r" months. 10 consider the matter. place for Gill Twine Rnno f ; . ut ",e nana or nliotlon has been Mr- -,ones hoped that the 7 w a at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t laid It wHl be on the Market To-Morrow. a trial order solicited. Promttielivftrr " A. F. LUCAS. sept 18 3t Dock, bet. Front ahd seconq sta Annual Meeting, - STOCKHOLDERS CITIZEN'S BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 1 80 C, JLITTLE TYCOON-. BENEFIT TELLOW PEVlCUstjFFEliEliS. iSsion iO Cents, Iielafe: EcscrTcJ h. niRtpr upon tnem sorely since thev rouia '..meet "with the annrnvi f Uphe anmtai: mt w : ' left Wilmington. thrf fin. the Board Hp lftK ML . asso ,Rev. L. T. Christinas, chairman of dren died in Jack.n,. the ta .,c "r-: ' Clatl0n mi1 14 In the City Hall' court tlie Building Committee of the Cen- Mr. Holmes was nr. hm,rtMw pavmeof thrc Room this (Tuesday) ereninr; a tralBantistChurch. arlv-p.rtiiri f hf i hfcii-itiii , iho wio i x . . ' tw atr.!w . ... ' v.... t-,- -.u.icu gcuuemau, agoaacit-f wuuo ve uot yet oeen issued 1 K. r election of Board T 71 " , 1 r,"uu U1 1 ue "eu' u lo?lu nusOftU and an indul- ttUU a questiou if the tax could aSr568 Pa otber busimess. Those rnT Wnrk nfThA naivKv nt).n..l. rri. t r xi . . - I l- i i , . I at)lf tn attonrJ trill v iiiU&tJ un- unv,atuultu. xxiu i Kcub iaLiier ana a smcprp rkrir i uo uunecten. if nnv j-. i " ikj reDresfintA fe-o- x i . . .... . I v : ' wuovigu ' was UIK- I . " v w uii x: i may, zlii inst. sious vjiinstian, one who tried most Psea tq right it. Doors onen at n. pHnn v Cine &30 .-. ' wAumua- m5uSeet ff Ssto-morrQ- Mr.A.F. Jucas recieved today earnestly to uderstand his duty n Gore's motion, the resolu- tax of sept 18 it . JAS. T. RILEY, Secretary and Treasurer. frqm Philadelphia a car load of. the a uwrstan.ding to perform it, llou waM adopted, unanimously. d until his re-1 J ne ordinance levying a ta For Sale; CHEAP celebrated Hpmw.rn,i 1 or many years, and which he proposes to keep on hand moval to Jaeksonville, he was a ves- $35 per-montli on "ticket scalpel s MattreSSGS ALL KINDS' regularly hereafter. Tfc win -0,J tryman of St. John's Churoh. He as atlopted by the Boarri f 'im .: for the trade to-morrow and Mr Uad ,,ade mauy warm friends iu his men, was laid before the Board 'Jr ID thebesii Lucassolicits orders from both town ne ?omef where he was succeding Mr. Gore thought it too heavy a Bandana Beds," VERy prvp r and country. well m the practice of his profession tax tc impose. T p n KHfl n ? , V .x T7-r . the sad news of his death will Mr, H. H. Wrowic. rii .fli J vOSIIMDS,- K .ojr ..jim. I narrv Irn D-rioF I liL.- ,o, . x: , I .wxV xxj, vnu PATENT fllBi f ......j.ii. .. " , . . " "co,Wi1i. , vxuer jian. if too Damn tn Ann - The lawn party which was to have friends there as well nhpr been given at the City Hall Park t I: ' last night, for the henefit of yellow L- . , . e colored excr fever sufferers, riv tliA P.olnri ork. tionists to Carolina Beach was held pie, was postponed until Thursday l71? retarn tpiP night, because of the inclement P 'SL U uie.rW was adopted: weather. Wfibon if. will hn fi ue oamtuiwe, representing the ed a hearing. He said the railroad TTHWrT T -l-ttV-. con-panies wanted to stamp out the H lfnrU1 1 ...... : . x. y- . 1 I (ODDOate Olfv ttoti . ' imuinn r.-..tr- n . 1 . ... I opposite city HaiL Hui-ij. it was a lec tin P. s.-om Arart. " .T'. . Ite business;but it did notamount kW it was a lPfriti- amuuni. iu r t i - & niLix ijm irir to more than fifty dollars a month and Up&Pflper "anger, .carpet and the profits were not more'', than A4A " sept 18 a. i -vrv . 1 xijo uuiiiiiii v. r i i wur i in r - rornH ' ,;;. ' "'"1 i !Y?Ta . . ? preS8 per month. He thonght. ,. r " "J1 isiMimr uearwei. congratulations toi reagonapie tax would be50 avear 1th us for HOWELL 4UMMHi6, SESD FOR CATALOGUE. JT .3Ej. Stone ItALElGH, N. C. BEAN0H HOITSE toDucic strut, between Front andoond. WILUJNGTQN, N. C. Je so tf The Stokley House, T I X - 1 tM , - . Lj-uiic K WAJSX 0j. acCOMMODA- 0T;pRllt8v,,!le.rl11 nnd the STOKLEY! wr. ' 1 u wM "in whu ouer, nxutAi0 .i V'".. .i:" ,r. vw -.w.ru,,j uuunueu aoout the purnoseof seifti cZ K' Jit "r ." by the day. week er tnnnrf, ar w 'ruesday, 350 pairs Cassimere Pants. 3 ".7" t:? "cv?.5 "Ie W matter: there wer Mention to beheld SSX : fnf niPrt of 41 Ml ...-.l. t nrr uio bii,bco vves. W ere Ule Olrl I - ,""vi..v0,.iu at 12 fl'rijvfr nnAn i ' J."". YM"1'- WAro nnno ,n,.n f-l I. a Uet OH. Rfl &IT,rrracTn.1 ftrirtVo w, at xvUUKWOOOSlOily u.m.u w tUCiU worthy. - Chacon, Lu::r:ii?BM vmu ouusiuerauon oi toe agea and ' TV . . : iTck f5orTntrVr Zkuns- Tiv i-nnfl.f , . mpnn CTJlorel peODle bv t?ivinrI A lie. chairman said th Ro.i their resrriv t" me?t "I and 'tr55 J will ain XS S "15! " ..W . tK not sufficiently informed SysS'S? ?S m i n. Jjr - ' ' l l.lllisi M. F 1 1 1 f ut T"ffi n AvnfT iiaiv liF l I Special Sle. .rish suppers to omnrjit. nnv I wfl,inL.,i'f . . I were once mora made to fppl I Q uegtion. He sutrerested th I Brldre. luzuif cti.r.in;. uiu- . niiicoua v . U.UUU varus or ( aksi i , - z -"u-1 . . r i. xr.v, . . . - -MtK fc&p- , aau ... mere and Union Worsted at 20c. 2S eiv;es remembered and appreciated sideration of, the ordinance be de, said conK ""ed. cast In wamiv. nhrirno .... T"" ".iu",un, j q)- ..ii. , T. J dv me vonnff. it. is avi i j xn x, i rr soin-Tir3' ., iurmsuea to iruests. auujc, wurui avc, uoc anil ooc. -x i , " , v,v. hiiuuij tu-rreu imm me next rpnlnr tiionr I JV r Kaaf -L'"Jcrai x?uDgfioaLs. Mshin-Mnoto TOftiJrSm-,- I m... I tH.' . esteem those whom T4od hue ,,.4 i . . MBAl re&aiar 1Meet-shinatth iasr. , on snort Attt" U,.,"?.'.8 "V. SK' a8 1 ne ' Pd ipc o r.r,:sx?tIl mg, ad it was so ordered tl..w.Coni5iiat ue anveriises. j.-ii-hIj x. " ----v-, t:ii - , i aa it aeems Broner. iXJ.Am7 and Cn?on shoft noTlce? ifh. House fronts the water knnia Within im,;'."1"5 irouvS u i:un JWlsot the Depot. je is W. n: STOKLEY, - Proprietor. on and the price at more years than f)n lnjst saioo J is auottea to man. Surely this w or. current exnensesamonni. oc v Cj hi ui my mi- ij .:i v ; ' t xi , . 1 ,rrrrr weuenu Assemrii-ir ani ions, through mistake, went into Si-' 1M,t "JPnea oy this g to foao.oa were then audited and ISnroXZ? e,rcePt Clerk of -tEeSupe- the wrons store. I? ,an55 rSJ8 recreation at 5arolina Beach, annroved.and tha !i r.I?J Z n to aoted said couSty for - j:sHiiR7 - o-and again thanking the Cap- The Old Rpii,Vi,ip nirtfr.i, .iV" company, we are, res- kktw i nvRBi0nM: - U.,-;.. ' . .. oo. n. Bellamy. xo. loxorin rrontst., committee: liev. H .Enns. chA.ii. I o.' . . j. septisitd&w t The sign of the Golden Arm. m,W 5ev.9?ipib Sauls, Jas. D. Dry, o.ih-t . ' -5llen Simiqons, Jno. Barnett, A. E oua Feiinw?.T Mfirx,orii ia,-. Jacksop, David Jacobs. J. C Ha: The Grand Sire of the Sovereign ln!b Robert Hill, J. H. Lucas, Jno. r t 1 . c - - the Soyerei Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows has is sued a proclamation tq noh Jodjre in the Linited States, Germany and Tfie Progresslveness cf ; Ohristiariirr inthb ; V - : FirstPresbyterian.Ohurcb, . WILMINGTON, If. c; By Rev- Peyton H. Hope. HEINSBERGER'S !" Presbyterian Ohurch, Kov. John 17. Primrose. : .r? ; Price 10 cents, ror eoio at - JEEINSBERGEirS igSIurler DatStore. X 0L MTSTOJKE, io. 114 Jfar- ket street, to Mr. MAQNUSf bshriek; who will tate charcre of Ann vWifW i ' . ness In hisewn nuno Puwicjreiierally for their patronn-e heretofore so MTwrallylbestowed ; on n i if speafc for him a coritaiuaiiCQ ot th? Sme snip at u Jast oulwSitSrSi "'.iSSX.'SEK clotiuS stffiSS'.S""?. ATTENTION ! Sae of Kcal Estate. 25th Annual Session. A TTHKHnnilT TIittjw I " m v.r.rr.v.r.": "v.uoo wji. 1 the i . I . .jiA- . ..lurimfton at 13 M., oh Monday I r wjCNTY-FIPTn Sept. 2Wh, 1888, 1 will sell, for omiT tZa?& J of Misses Burr & Jam iowins tot in said hUtt- ixii.r in saia mrv-f RHnr,in n x-r . -.r- - -0-""lLl iuie ut rum 111 si. 7 n a. Of th a A, SHEIEK To the rublic; gAVINO PURCHASED -THE STOCK OF T,C4UNKB. VALISES, TifC, m the WJSSSW Jfr Mr. A. . . . "m iua AAu j.mu & ni a rifr rrpnnt v mil SESSION ttnueWhuslMknr sept 18 3t tths Crimiaal Court, The following oases wera called South America, or wherever a lodtre and disposed of in this court to-day: existf, to make the 20th of October, State vs. Mary A. Barnes, larceny or as near that date as possible, a JudSmeit suspended. memorial day in honor of the de- State vs. Obadiah Jenkins, nui- ceased members of the Order. sance. Verdict: Guilty, with a re in obedience to t-his order Grand co,IU4end&tipn to the inerev'of the iw.w uriiop, urroucn Hfand Seon'V.M 1 work to be donp f n nnt,t - retary Wopd.eU, has issued the proc- L Sat William Henry, larceny. StSt lamauon to Cape Fear and Orion eieoant suomits. Verdict: Guil- 1Q'tee- nf Fmirth nr.fl Tsri wl"i12P;i nnmnrin Lt r-" CTOSS and I WOUld rearjectfifllir tu7 ;T.V " JTTT': g. s. 55 fthenlL fio P'heretofosohbe thence W. 110ft teFoum st ' JM': 50 filngon Re4CrsiafeVy2rnVfrJM thSbrnw" MrAsArter' 1 1A : . VlPcmnTnu-rr ..... 1 lno-. fori raviv or v,4 f.. .1UIJ DUUa- I '7 RPSDPtrallT ', v fwuoa lo aistar schoolroom, pleasaat Commissioner, M arsden BEL LAM Y, "ft oWeoion to distance. A larind rrtrlu ?at play- natiAri ri. tt r "ai aa reurea sit- sept 17 etfuiiy. i Notice to Contractors. : Look I rI If CIUL BAPTIST CHURCH, corner fff0" for he adVantS?nerffiS I A ARTICLE ET MY STQIlB AT TOCU I seventh ahd Red Cross streets Wilminff-1 yntrustcd t helr care vimr iH I 1 Li bin A Tinw tYrr .c5lr'. linIIS- I atiAntinr. T " Sa5'. 6TlD8r individual 1 Own nrtdo n.tn w-ri o. '. ttfa,,SnrS, rSrt fid Sgg iWiiSSr:' auUDg nrm . Tes, which will thesame. We furnish aU material SilWany graduates, some at V, I abnutlOtlvorllth. - - - ' ton new for Lodges, of thl. city, and commits with j. reeommendation t,bliyOW fS& make ar- U1:r5y w me yoqrt. J uqement Four ni?d,u ,,p.r at :30 o'efock p. m. I s ' ' instruction given by Mrs. m in the State Wl. sclenm nfiVi Wi long devotion to . the State vs. Amo TiV A ' ' s -i J REV. L. T. CI , . -"votvu, tll9UiUriiY 1 . a nave been appointed to rangeiuents "ARES, 1 5 U rUnMn H to S3 fu casto-mad 2rt 3.SO 'iHiT.Tina t,7V 1 'r. R?.-,?-50 SHOE Is vnexcell HrW -H?wrld for rourb wcir: o sjj.ia. 'r a clmoo totruw th be jWlliningtonN, j Addrs nil rmiri I science and CHRISTMAS, conduct. Appeal from Fowler, May sept 18 st - 709 Red cross st" city, or. Motion br ikfpnriant oof - fr: 7 . ' - . : r All In. ' fl S IT T.ii-i.V'i. i . .... .. u..- . xis 10 arp. nip Kintr n.i! , . . !:!!- ;Tiiirtieth Year, viiuiv,c iiiujcu. auueai cravpn tui-in nf 1 - should be a ruif-AcV..,ieaCa Vocal mnSc ntTrbT.1 "i."l'v 1 au Kinas, ai- Irl? given weekly. !Pnf ia - - , jrjtt PRINCIPALS. tt ...?!h,. inS their appeal waived. Appeal granted - 43P range St., Corner of Fifth, 0AE0LINA BEAOir tJ'TJi' flKTIIKR SOTK.E TOE SYLVAN I u T V T rn r.il v,l' " vermerotiaiits would not have. Mr. Fishblate's stock is posed entirely of first class orwi. and tailor made-eqaul to custom maKe.. He employ's no women at cents a day aiuj w'firk tlieiq 10 hour each day to make nants And'Vih John gootls to palm off on the nub- e. His stores are well 'lighted ilav- m - 7 wiucn ia very essential iTor ouyers of clothing. We advise our readers to beware of a dark' at. Of A and Cheap John goods;. ' r . $ 1 , 7ic' '"7",; - uvum iu me uuuuai session wm Dectn iD ViMri-v OHnvir uhh i. - " Appearance bond of iSS For 1 ' . - ; U. , . r - sepiatf &cate vs. .-Marshall Blanev AcsAnlti rinir fl.Tlff WVhita UnceamA. ' ri UAVU U VOOOillGI , J.W. Harper em Manager. Hi vCBonEUBEi:a, ;the pnoxoaBAPurii:: " x GIVE QlftI A 'VlilkL I T .; ' i .An 3Vonc Ouaraneeed. - Pictures taka. Slngielor la Groups. ang2i ly : .,-,,.: . r-;;.w . Fresh Fish Erery Bay -yEARE NQW PREPARED TO SHIP ALL kinds of Fish ; on short nottce; ' X ' aog . - Dock st,, Ut, Front ai;d w-r and battery. Verdict : Guilty. Jedg, rrlTLOW S sweet sixteen ment: Three months in paUilty jail 11TW,S SET sixteen k For C3ont. TDHYE BOOMS, SUITABLE FOR A JL." FiT Sale flhimTi AND SWAN - "A' V with authoritv. &o. : HKS Aiso" State VS. Thos. Jefferson John TertM r :UUC W ?VGUOB&BSt ORR ELL'S STABLES. F. a MILLER,. Moseley, T. G. Walker, Walter Scott artri .1 TnVm--Kn 1 x. w uu uovu, mrcouy. un trial. 1 ' mmpf Fd-rth r,ri ir,. ' - - . I T 41 SW . -f-. -.x-x VJtO.. Heaflrtno-rT "ou.!U,w ni W an hours, day --"I'ttij lvri iwwwr, oiiut, j i"t J - , .; -;---- v ...-" ri -.tsept JJ tl sept list ket street, aeptjsjr Apply to d. ocorr; I Caps, Cartridcres and Ammunition! V. . - - d of all kinds is It Jacobr.ffdwr Del' 1 ?,c net. ' Shpiia iV. SM.J " ,uowli;ers! e. "s a notice: . y .T jf1 1 MouIdins to select ; J is pt Received. j yiNE Lot of bananas, oranues, Apples, tc, Frgsh Home-Made candy every day. . ' ; . - Ler.c!s money on satisfactory Eecurl '.y. -Pays Interest oa depc - aeptu w' ANTONIO FANTOPL'LA, ; : - 115 South Front t

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