a i ..' ; V; III . Advice to old and voting In ce lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take "more magnifying vower thnn lias been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you ytii.:ii:,"gto:" ::aui;ct. Oct. C 2:;:oP. 21. - SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 40 cents. Salea of receipts at A'J cents."'- : - .v. pass tliat point 01 increase, win cause strainei anti 70 cents for trood you iurtner injury. tome eye. using r strained. iitteiiL-ion Ladies II ! -o- Mrs! E. B.Xiggins cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best :it Heinsberxer's. TAR Firm at $i:C0. CRUDE ; TURPENTINE Firm Is now in the Northern Market? purchasing a nt M Oft frti-.-hmrrf XI Of nw f. ' l dip and vircrin. - . COTTON Quiet and stead V. The following are the official uuotations: FALL STOCK mm , All Tn. -e TT V,- , i 1 i V- Ordinary, , 6 5-1C; good ; ordinary, Mr. b. H. Fishblate, the Kim; ? is-ift. inw iirtKr oi. ?,iiiTia Clothier, lias Ins Fall stock reatlj V 'JlGf good muidiinj? for inspection. He always purchases early so i Receipts to-day: Spirits, ,116:rosin, 103; tar, 14G; crude, 77; cotton, ,2,050. MAKTNE NEWS, , ARRIVED. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low as to obtain the choice styles. Merchants buy ins: their stocks this season of the year have , .r;; "7. - ' rL" Stoajuship Pioneei, Wram, New wmcx mcn-iiauio "" "y Yorkrrii vi stnaiioones. have. Mr. Fishblate's stock Is com-1 . Steamer DMurchison, Smith, Fay i . ... . . - I .11 -riiii.. e-nr -l posed entirely or nrst class goods euevme. yjmaiusaiurcnison. , and tailor made-eoan! to custom , !rilVf V.rtreDtsen , , I ue Janeiro, rieitie ajo. .- - make. He employs no women at 2o hnmnnns Anii Potion cents a flay and worK tiiem 10 Hours j Alex Sprunt ficoon. OP THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN V ' MILLINEUY, Fancy Goods and Notions ! , of all Grades and Descriptions, which she will open for sale on or about the ;UTHOP()CTOBEU. each day to make pants and Cheap John goods to palm off on tin? pub-i Srtdordg in'caZs. KOYAL Ijaking powdek I hc..His stores are well lighted day CO.. 106 Wall SC. N. Y- oct 28 dJrtvly tenrm ithvd 3rdpw - SATURDAY. OCT. 6. 188S. IN CONGKKSS rKSTKKOA V. Washington, October,, n. Senate not in session. HpUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - Several private bills having been disposed of in Committee of the Whole, Mr. McRae, of Arkansas, and night, which is very essential for buyers of clothing. We advise our readers to beware of a dark store and Cheap John goods. . , tf : flirAT1t AHATVKT TtfV. KTIUKK And always have a bottle of Acker's English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike vour little one, or la cold or cough mav fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treat ment. A sample bottle is given you ' - Services To-Morrow. St. l'aul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Kcv. V. V. E. Pcs- chau. I'astor. English services at 11 o'clock a.: m. (icrman services at 8 p. m. Sunrtay School i at i::a. in. W. 11. Strauss, Supt. Visitors cor dially welcome. St Paul's Episcopal t.'hurch, corner Fourth and orange streets; Kcv. c. A. Arnold, lfector. Services to morrow at 11 a. in. ana 8 p. in. Sunday School at n:4a.ra. Seats all free. Every body is welcome, sr. Andrew's l'resbyterlan Chuch.cor.Fourth and Campbell streets. Key. John w rrimrose. Vastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 7-:X p. m.. by t he Pastor. SabbathjSchool at ':: p. in. Prayer Meeting and liOcturo Wcxinestiay at 8:00 p. m. Scats free. . . First Baptist Church, comer of Market and Finn streets, ucv. t. n. in tciiard. i. i.. Pastor. Payer mcelinjr buncUiy mornlnfr at 51:31. Services at 11 a. m. and 15 p. m. After I the morning services the Ii-d"s Supper will ne adminisicrea. Sunday school at a:,J0 p. m. called up the Senate bill to incorpo-l free and the Remedy guaranteed by rate the Maritime Canal Company I Mnnds Jiros., druggists. of Nicaragua, and the measure was taKn np ior consideration. i church Mr. Culberson, of Texas, offered an amendment providing that'noth ing in this act shall be held or con strued in any manner to involve the United-States in any pecuniary ob ligation whatever other than in re spect to the payment of tolls." QMr. Culberson's amendment was aerreed to. and the bill beimriu Com mittee of the Whole the question was put on reporting the bill favor- . a mi i u auiy to me no use. . iiievuie tcmiii ! ed 33 to 6, and Mr. -Fuller made the point of no qnornm. The commit tee then rose. ' '" tMr. Burns offered a concurrent resolution, which was' agreed to, for the appointment of a select joint nnmmit.tPA of t.lir Soimtors mid thrp T?pnresentatives to in vest! "-at til 1'ular monthly meetl n for business Monday j rnree epresenrati es io i ucsi imMi nlsut .lt S o,cocJ Yonn,- People's society of J laeworivuuuB wuuie v itsui whjji i christian endeavor vvennesdav nl?rht at 8 aqueduct tunnel, contracts made for the same, the; bidding tor and let ting of contracts, and the compen sation paid for the work. ' The House then at 5 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening cioecirtn tr fnr (nniiilr;irirtfi or private pension bills. uucklon'H A.rmca Salvo mi ." - . xi. 1. : -.1 1.1 " r i ne cesi oaive m nie wuriu iur Cuts, . Bruises, cores, ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap peLHands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2.1 cents per box. For sale by Win. H. Green. stateTnews. ; CLEARED. Steamer D. Mufchisoh, Smith. Fay- A . Ml TIT! 11 - C " mm I ertevine, v imams cc, iunrcmson. IVEEKIjY sttatement. . f STOCKS ON HAND OCT.. 5, 1883.. Spirits ashore, 7,861 r afloat, -,850; total, 9,711. Rosin ashore, 85,708; afloat, 1,000; ioiui, niKiv. ... . Tar ashore, 1,046; afloat, 115; total, 1,101. Crude ashore, 650. Cotton ashore. 6.134: afloat. 945: to tal, 7,079. . . RKCEIPTS FROM OCT. 1 TO OCT. 5. Cotton. 5,119; spirits,671; rosin, 2,341; tar, .W7;crude, 352. ' KXPORTS FROM OCT. t TO OCT. 5. , DOMKSTIC. Cotton, 1,137; spirits, 428; rosin, 213; tar, 469; crude, 290. , t , - PA LL AND WINTER 1. ..i. Itl. iii UJ Ncr.v Every Week Pome of the Apple c BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALSO . ' Potatoes, " Onions asd Callias;?. - i. . . .. A fresh lot of K. D. CflEESE. Also' Ameri- dan and EDAM cheese. Ur. Price's Baking Powder IN GREAT DEMAND. : It is Excelled by None ! acres. r.i but el ve 8 T, "liare for n f few acres ol bott, rh u U I i I an(1 e tin ma ari.i- ' U5 and is admitted by 'connoisseurs" to bo tne A TUOKOUGIILY COMPETENT NEW YORK IIIIL LINER, - from one of the , LEADING MILLINERY' HOUSES, will be employed to nil "all - - ; Millinery Orders AND ' Satisfaction Guaranteed ! DRESSGOODS Ladles will save money and serve their In - - terestsby awaiting h,er return, as her prices will be - Lower than Ever Before AND GOODS OP LATEST STYLE. -AND AGENT FOR RIM M l CIDemorest-Rftliablo Patterns, K.1M All di hjf xw stviPQ .met, T?PirPrt NOWOPEN AT ' AGENT FOR " Winston Daily: A donation of $1,092.90 was presented to Rev. R. G. Pearson this morning by the cit zens of the Twin-City. StatesviUe'iandmar-: There was a killing frost Sunday morning and another one equally heavy yester day morning. It caught a great deal of.obacco and it is not an ex aggeration to say that one-fourth of the crop in this county has been de stroyed. No damage of any conse quence was done to any other grow ing crop. Goldsboro Argus: Little Miss Su dio Griswold, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Griswold, while playing with some iiktte incuus an iui. . u. uiyicj ii handsome .new residence on John street, fell and broke her arm. With wonderful presence of mind and ad mirable, "nerve" she -walked calmly over to Dr. KirbyV office, near by, ahd had him to set the fracture. Greensboro Workman: Rev. J. A. Bowles, of the M. E. Church, South, assisted by. Rev. Q.V. Smith, of Greensboro Centenary Church, Rev. W. F. Kennett, of the Metho dist Protestant Church, and others, is holding a very fruitful revival meeting at Oak Bidge church, not far from the Institute. Quite a num ber of the 6t udents are . subjects of the revival. , " - f Rutherford ton Banner: As Mr. B. A. Hampton was returning from thi Democratic Club meeting on Friday night last he was s?t upon, on the outskirts of town, by our or five men and severely beaten wth rocKs. His clothing was cut in seyeral places, and a; pocketbook contain ing something oyer $100 was either lost in the melee or stolen by his .as sailants. Mr.' Hampton made as good a defense as possible under the circumstances but the odds were too heavily against him.. He was unable to identify the partie,s, but' thinks thev were all white men. The as sault was brutal and cowardly in the extreme ''" '''";"' - All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be bought cheapest at Heinsberger1s. - t . HAPPINESS AND CONTENTfltKXT . Cannot go hand in hand it we" look on the dark side of every litjije ob stacle. Nothing will so darken Jifo and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worswprm of Dyspepsia, Con stipation and Indigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Munds Bros, druggista. ' . o'clock. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday nigriit at s o ciouJc. First Presbi'tcrlan Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev. 1. 11. Iloge, Pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and o p. m. Sunday school ut 5 p. m. Lecture and Prayer Meeting at 8:15 p. m. on .Thursday In Lecture Room. Visitors always cordially welcome to all services. Helping Hand Mission Sunday School at 5.00 p. m., every Sunday. Prayer Meeting and Lecture every Wednesday night at 8:15 o'clock. Grace Methodist E. Church, South corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Rev. Walter S. Creasy, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 i). m. Sabbath School ata::jO p. m. PraycrMeetlrig and Lecture Wednesday at 8 n. in. The pub lic are cordially invited. Seats free. Brooklyn Baptist Church, services In the new church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Rev. g. M. Tolson, Pastor. . Sunday serv ices at 11 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. Sunday School at 4 p. m. lTayer meeting Thursday night at 8:15 p. m. The public Is cordially in- viiea. - . Shiloh Baptist Church, corner ot Eighth and Walnut streets, l'reachln'r at 11 o'clock, a. nu Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 3 o'clock, p. m. Bible reading at 6 o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 8 15 o'clock, p. in. seats free. Elder M. V. Morris, pator. St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets. Rectory opposite to the Church. Morning' Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7 JO o'clock. Holy Communion cele brated on the first Sunday in every month, and on all Holy and Saint's Days. Bladen Street M. E. Church, corner Fifth and Bladen streets.. Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. class meeting at ; p. m.- , , Religious services in Tileston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P. M. Public cordially lnvi ed. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets. Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Pastor, Services at 11 a. in. and 7 30 p. m. - St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral. First Mas3 at 7 a. m. Second Mass at 10 a, m. Vespers and Benediction at r o'clock, p. in. Dally Mass at 8.30 a. in. . A HEALTUY GROWTH. Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive curb for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it. Guaran teed and sold by Munds Bros., druggists. Bff. Katz DemorestSewincMich'nes, Only $19.50. Warranted for five years. CASH HOUSE. AGENT-FOR 116 RIarkct Street, FIXK SILK FINISHED ii : ' Lewando'sFrenchDyeHouse. Respectfully, . ( v MCKS.E; B.WIGGINS. 115 Market Street. FINE .T AND PUREST USED, I ROYAL NOT EXCEPl'ED. N Don't Forget Jhat my Cart GbesDownto tibSourw - Weekly ! v , Call and leit me give, you prices. I nitre a kinds of Groceries and the finest) in tho ciry. : Jno. L Boatwright, - ..-v. ' 15 & 17 So.Front St. Located txtueen Cham. 1 " ii . -.Sum At 3 o'clock FAN IT A .... pioni:e?...... uenekactor FAN1TA.. FROM WIUILGT0N Si.M.iMT'vn1! No. 10. . . SCHEDULK WILMHOfOJ SEAfllASf. ft - IN EFFECT SEPTEMBER 11, 1888.AT 7 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave 7:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a, m Leave... 2:30 p. m Leave.... 6:00 am From Hummocks. ' J. II. sept 12 tf Leave........ 7:45 a, m. Leave. ...... K i:2T a. in. Leave.. 5:10 p.m. Leave....... 9:00p.m. CHADEOURN.' ji.,"r , General Manager. oct l Drape Armure de Lama IN CHECKS AND FANCIES. ALL COLORS, STOVES. HEATING & COOKING. LARGEST STOCK and most complete assort ment to be feund In the state, see-our Stock and hear prices before buy ing. You will find that w e can save you money. curis, PISTOLS, SHOT, OAFS, OARTEIOGES, GLASS. (Smaii anii ai:gk.) . Sash, Doors "and Blinds POCKKT AND TABLE CUTLERV, Eazors, Scissors & Shears, In fact a complete stock of HARDWARE In all its branchea We take pleasure In showing our Good?. ' lacobi's ildw. Store, DressF!annelsLadiesCloths.i Habet Cloths. ' Novelties in Tnniniiims. S 1 - - i 1 1 THE ' . 5mHiiH'Eni I pur Sp ciaSty. -yy E ARE NOW OFFERING A PI1IST RATE article of Bergner. & Engcl's Exp-iit Beer, which we guarantee to keep in any climate and for almost any length of time. ' it is bet ter than other Export Leers and xwill keep longer. - - " " Also, always on -hand Bergner & Engers Domestic Beer; Ginger Ale, Soda Water,. Sar saiiarilla, &c, &c . . . - A. .p. LUCAS. : sept 29 lw. Dock St., bet. Front jind second. "JOB7 PRINTING ! PIONKKR BENEFACTOR . .."" FA NIT A , .-v." PIOKEL'K..- W. Through urns Ladin" Tut-sday, j, . ffana Lowest r Rates guaranteed to and from points u K, and South Carolina. ' ' For Freight or Passage apply to V JI'G. SMALLBones, Superinfcndent, TIIEO.-E. EGEk, TraracJSli0tt' h ? . 'Vi BroadW. New Yort SSon't Delay; JEND YOUR BROKEN OK HULKED r niture to me and I will repair It -promptly at low prices." , v I propose to make my living this way t will do the work well ami win nnt ,h much fordoing it., call and see somj tf repairs I have already made. I pair Sewing Machines. Musical tor se., as well as Furniture. Will ii?-"" give estimates, or probable cost of r ;': come and see me. ' oct3 . - No.llN.fera(l5L Removed. ' - Wilmington ' Savings 1'Trd HAVE REMOVED TO JTa JfiB pirv sr.reet. the office remir nrVvi: n it r n rr . r i r- r-. .-1 ... k II lei UC bl UUOiUJLCU. It' OCtltl . J'. 'iUUMKK cashier. Children' Cloaks, DOLMANS, JACKETS, NEW MARKETS. KT ANTED-AX ACTIVE MAX (ONE OtT f f of employment to beenn on modr-rat , salary and work hlmselt up, ri'prest'ntins in ' nis own locality, an established house, hi ttr ences exchanged. Gat's M'f'q Hocss. sept 13 4w th . 33 Iteade SL, N. V. The Acmo GUARANTEED TO "OUTWEAR A!IY CUSTOM-MADE CORSET iayer: strouse & CO. MTRS.-4I2 BROADWAY. JV. V. Wer want your orders for l'ISI NTI2VG. doing your work well, wRh gen' material MANUFACTURING CO, anu hc.K anuunt to anything we know we are certainly entitled to at least a fjortion. Our money lias not been 'put In old time material ami, we are coystauly aldhtr. new MANU FA CTUKEES OP OCt 1 4w Plan noS Underwear, . Ladles', Gepts' and Children's. , Gentlemen's Fine Suitings. Now CimtclH aro l-t utr . Opftiiod HA ItO A IN DA Y. THURSDAY. October 4.th. - PARTICTLARS IN A FEW DAYsl PJovv Heady. FULLY PREPARED TO FtJRNISII rlends arid the public sreneraUy with the Purest Drugs that can be found in the city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet soan. Brushes and Combs. I have a fine assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at my store Night and Day. " f JOHN SHEEHAN. the Druggist, aug 14 6m N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Just Received. FINE XOT OF BANANAS, - ORANGES, Fresh Home-Made candy every type. Try us on any books you want made to i order. - -; , ' Personal attent ion to "all orders: ; " -V ' . JACKSON & BELL. Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting, 25th Annual Sess,on,v UFTT WENTY-FIFT1I ANN1 r A r; STCRSTn of Misses Burr & James' School will com nco on Thursday, Oct 4th, at St. John's WILMINGTON, M o- the ACJIE and GEM, is now establlshPd, c the results of three years' use In the bas f the best farmers of this and other States u attest their Value ns a high grade manure. Apples. &c. day. sept 17 tf - ANTONIO FANTOPULA, 116 South Front st. Specials CASH HOUSE, 116 illarlcet Street. W 1 LiM 1 (jTON, N. C. i Q.ARDEN HOSEDOG COLLARS, LAWN Mowers, Fishing Tackle. Come in and look at them. . We have the goods and can make the prices to;sulL ' W. E. SPRINGER CO., my 14 tf liFroht St.. Wilmington, N. C; . John Vlorner WOULD' RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to his friends and the nubile eenerallr that he Is now back at his old stand, No. 29 Market street, which has been thoroughly ! overuauieu. repaired ana reiurmsnea. with first class worianen, shsrp razors and polite attention he hopes to continue to merit the patronage or the public - - All of his force is now concentrated at No. 1 29 Market st. - , - . ; . sept 19 oct l For Safe. Th PflTfc T?r.n. 4 .kt,.,xr rVTaftroccno ALL KINDS, CHEAP! OCt tf 12 South Front street. 4 UEOP1?ns MONDAY, SEPT, 34. Careful in- srrucyqn, wei equipped SchooL Business or College preparation. Please enter sons at be- ginning of session. See Catalogues n Rook Stores. '' ;:'v --: ' ':Zi' " VVAIHNGTGN CATLETT, Principal. . sepi212w - J2 N vUI4a. street. A SoiiSuiinhlc OflTir: ANY PERSON INTERESTED IN MANU facturin Mlnlncr Mini no- pi,. the Mechanical Trades or si Pn 1 1 ti ki ' wl'1,ff11ve a copy of one of the best-papers f . . V J ouvji luauLcra, a comDiete v..vuv , i acucm uuti Aim US1 rial UOOKS THE MECHANICAL NEWS V3fAJfeo, fllEBESTJ Dajjuajiaorjus,;: very fine i . P. P. Pillows, M lers, Cusliohs,1 MOSQUITO NETS, WITH PATENT BAR ! Ojrfcer pfj Mail, If top Damp to call. HOWELL & CAMMING, , tuppgsiie cjty iiaji. -P.' S. Old Mattresses renovated and remade. Upholstering done. Leave orders with us for Mr. J. B. Dempsey, Paper Hanger. Carpet Layer and Upholsterer. , sept 24 - HOWELL & CU31MING, rpHFTT WENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION Chapel, on Third, between Red Cross and I milE REPUTATION OP OUR FERTIUZ ior uie pasi two years. The street cars run ning on Redoross, a.few yards from the build ing, can cover any objection, to distance A weu venuiated schoolroom, pleasant play- sxuuuu, zwu. uisteru oi water ana retired sit uation make it more desirable than more ueiitrai localities avauatue. effort for the advancement of the pupils kind-1 ; The MATTING, made from the leaves w ca ij cuuuaicu i utru care, giving- individual I , ,n attention to each, and ruling . with firm but (native pine: is conceded to be equal 10 - i neir many graduates, some of them now 1 wool carpet for comfort ana aurauj uupj-iug luc Liosiuon 01 teacners. testify to I ' T. M, r-j- theirSUCCeSS. As alwavsstntrt In Vhoii. t dnmonil frT It f a llnllv InCrpaSlU!!. K culars. scholars received ftTiiv fnr Mia". coccirtn I . no deduction Lelng made- except in cases of j tues not found In any other fato iwvu acieu tauKiiess. xnose entering after Oc- luuci uuaiKcu oniy irom aate 01 entrance. ; MUSICAL INSTRUCTION eiven hv Mrs. r S.Cushlng, whose life-long devotion to the science ana long experience in teaching, should be a guarantee for her ability. r vocai music, calisthenics and Free Hand urawmg, iree or cnarge, daily exercises. Instruction in Needle-Work of aU kinds, al- au 11 co vi cuaigu, given w eeKiy. For further pan lculars apply to- Septl8 : THE PRINCIPALS. University ofNorth Carolina Chapel. mil; ST. 0. nrWE NEXT SESSION BE JINS AUG UST 3a Tuition reduced to 10 a half year. Poor stu dents may give notes. Faculty of Fifteen Taachers. Three full courses of study leading to degrees. Three shortcourses for the tralnt ing 01 ousmess men, teachers, physlcians-and puanuacisLS. - .-. law cnooi ruiiy equipped. Write for Catalogue to . " - - . HON. KEMP P. BATTLE; ' JyT.tf lSidcnt. - The FIBRE or WOOL Is extens!re-T tcs upholstering, purposes,- and as t u-o Mattresses is almost equal to w u elastic and proof against insec .5. .. ()0 certiflcat.es from, reliable F-'-J! & u.l goods can be seen at our oC-ce.o. . u ed upon application, ' H. CEpNBS.C:.0' the rnoTOcrarn- f Give mm a rHA" - ' All. Work Guarantee3- . ' Pictures taken Sins or la."-'" -sept 24 tf v - , , ' Limb, Lin LI.ME in exchange LI. ME-' " " LIME " . IS 1 HE WORD e:tte .. octSt - For Sale; QLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR i price at ' REVIEW OFFICE. .own price at aug 14 n ONWARD i lit rjlHE . PROGRESSIVE PARilER mm - t -i ' rT ' r ' -.'. . ts TniRD VOLUME at theollowlnr 1 subscriber, 1 year. 5 subscrtbers l year. ....... . ... . .10 subscribers, J year....'! mcf Ulie CQDT. 1 Tfiar fRV In thn cnrtlrrr club of teV " y "Ml u," - jB.igns pages, 40 columns, weekly, gendcas (charges prepaid) to rot , L. U POLK. febl7. - Raielgh.N. TJotice. jyjR. W. A.' McGO WAN will collect subscrip- UonsdueTHE DAILY REVIEW and solicit new suDscriDers. u LIME LIME LIME "sept 4 t. for TKoVI FBENCH AClaptic IfioVj fplfs DELIonTFUli SUMMfiK .:'f, situated at tne Vright'Tpw!,,. Wilmington- seacoast Por no charge for transportation .. . to the Hotel. " .,, We are sorry the Soldier Voys home so are the girls. a coaifor - roomsand good fare at jSaNM';- r ED. ULtO Sijrc;i.t -r- jyestt -