3? 4lt It every CTeninz.'sunaays excepted VjbsH. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. " J SUBSCBIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: ., ygar ft 00. Six ; months $3.00. Three ; aper will DedeUrered by carriers, free Jg: m any part of tie city, at the above -or 10 cents per wee . . .; ertlslngrateilowandUDeraL ; ir- subscribers will please report any and glares torecelre their paper regularly. fcii-t I SrSuKMuent called :i Monim h. ,V5nvm-?.!ou-:th it lss,Ka ivitthrou-h-Flint iwnotwi wit! ttve t b Fa me pre- Diub iCa to lleadliel those, Sby and phlSrmttt lc I. w Constipation, i.?tii tf. mid nervous nrr abandoned Sttr K" Somedyspeotics Sf w(S nul! -etfiil; other have hatlwr J:irt lv.i-i;a may take, datLlugi?ri:iK. The inuferlyiitf? cause is I in Vie JLir-JlR, . - i one tlii nV nor s aally certain, no '?iUremiUn ly:Heptlo who will It will correct Acidity of the . ' Stomach, yH2?ji: Expel foul as, '- s r-3 Allay Irritation, Rii '-iliAf and, at the same tthm t 11 'oZheir Irouhles L'r;f ".-" i-ohGcd. t'spenjic. Some r.of 1 1 -1 , f.imiiiis Liver ji u I'- -' : ."jfu'.. !-'. '. ft " - V , .'; ' r ..-I :i(T are Is - 1 feel f ;-tv ,.V 'lO Will .. .-.... . r. t-trt U LV J:V ' ; ensat aoT28tclsrp d&wly W. A, Martin & Co. 5 m Korth Water Street, Wllmlugton, N. C, Manufacturers ot Naval Btores, Venice and In? ; lorpentlne, Lubricating Oils, Leather Dress InST Oils and V ReadyMixed Pairis,all Colors BREWSTER'S PITCH A SPECIALTY. correspondence solicited. Address BOX 575. "STOKLEY'S " WE ARB : KbW PRE- pared to accommodate til wno may call upon us with the - Finest Oysters to be had on the Coast. We have made special Myrtle Grove, Middle aod Stump Sound Oysters always on hand. 1 Served promptly and In any Kyle desired. W. IL STOKLEY. oct lOtf Wrlghtsville. No. 10. MEJUli WILHlSGIfl.l SIACOAST B. B. ES EFFECT OCTOBER 15, i888, ATt7 A7 M. 1 "Wilmington, - r78 7.-00a.m " 930 a. m 2:30 p. m Prom Ilummodcs. Leave 7:45 a. m. Leave ...lCh25 a- m. Leave....... 5:10 p.m. j. n. chadbourn; jb., '. . General Manager. Wl5tf CAUTIIOW betore leai ich protect irWfersaMtnsthlph tr1.j 5 i. sA Inferior iroods. 50fferg w7lt.1bbTislM shorn at a, re- Wce stamped on the bottom, him down as i them without my name 5, - p. LtJOOGLAS 13SHOE. S oji1t caif S3 SEABrLESS STioe smooth J?. NO TACKS or WAX THREAD ket, easy a haad-sewed and WILL J liz IHJUOLAS S4 SHOE, the orllnU IcwI J-wwed welt $4 shoe. Equals cus Tef05tlnJf from W to $9. IcAiS CGLA8 S3JSO POLICE SHOE. .5t .t better Carriers all wear them. r5..M Hand-Sewed Shoe. No Tack k ktOUGLAS SJM SHOE Is unexcelled JT. 7 wJr-Best Call Shoe lor the price. 2f.aoE 15 the hest la the worid lor . W. kJ? 5ir o wear man a year. k fcrSSPOLAS 04 SHOE FOB BOYS NiriTM.LGLA3 YOUTH'S School "ttitoeiilJK Boy a chance to wear the laiS??JP the world. 'i bTrJrtSPnfre8' Bntton and Lace. II not 4 Bd f- TrSri J?11 "W. L. DOUGLAS, Car 3i3m eoaiP IB. VOSGLAH, 4 VOL XII. Senator Ooriuan says that New. York will give Cleveland 10,000 plu-; rality. It will do better than that, j Senator ' I J sick Bishop Weed, of Florida, is with the fever but the case js.-report- orl na O :llrVtt nna n-t nVtiroiAian - be felt. Jas. McCorniidk, the well, known . sport, wanted to bet $10,000 on Cleveland, on Tuesday night, but his offer went beeginir nobody wanted to win Democratic money. "Indiana is for Cleveland" is, the headline of a long article iu yester dav's New York Star. There is not a doubt of it. - Indiana will surely ; go for Cleveland, and so will New York and New Jersey and Connec ticut and Illinois and probably Cal ifornia, Michigan and Oregon. . mm The English people, in view of the vice and destitution existing in the lower quarters of London, which has been brought to public attention LJately on account of the Whitechapel inurJers, are considering the ques tion of erecting an immense public laundry, which would provide work for these classes, and intend to es tablish lodging houses for their pro tection and support. The Florida Fruit Exchange ad vises its agents in New York city that the crop of oranges this year will be 2,500,000 boxes of the largest ever grown. Many growers believe it will reach 3,000,000 boxes. The output of American lemons this year amounts to 50,000 barrels, but .all the experts in the trade declare that the time is not far distant when America .will raise all the lemons she needs for home consumption. - ' A correspondent of the New York 2Ymes writes from Sitka that Alaska can never become an agricultural or a pastoral country of any apprecia ble value. If the summers and ex ceedingly; moist climate were-hot against agriculture the topography of the entire Territory is. It is al together too mountainous. The val leys are simply bogs where vegeta tion cannot find a footing. The rough nature of the country likewise renders lumbering unprofitable, ex cept on the shores of the Inlets. He also speaks very disparagingly of the mineral resources of the Terri tory. . .' . . The Democrats in New York are laughing very heartily now at a joke in -which Boss Quay figures as the hero. Some days since, in a spasm of pretended virtue,he offered prizes for the detection find conviction of New Yorkers guilty of fraudulent registration. The result has been that Detective Leary has lifted in out of the wet a Republican who had illegally registered and who will be sure to spend a season in jail. The Republicans are therefore out of pocket $2,000 and have lost one vote. It is the only prize offered by Mr. Quay that has as yet been claimed. Mashed strawberry ribbons sell at one dollar a yard, but you can get a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for only twenty-fiye cents. : LOCAL USTTB WS. 1NDEX.TO NW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mukds Bros Pharmacists J F Garkell Con't be Beat Dkiksbkrgeb Schools Books ' - IIvske & Draper Announcement Id M Katz Fall and Winter Goods -Mrs Auce F KixGAttentlon Lad lea Mrs E B Wiggins Attention uadles.' F C Miliar PinV and White' Gossamer Geo R French & Sons To Whom It May Concern Only ele-ven days now to election. Five weeks to-day to Thanksgiv?- ing. - " " -.- - Another slight advance to-day in cotton. " Florence J. Allen arrived, at quar antine Jo-day. Eggs are very scarce and retail at 25 cents per dozen. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,650 bales. Messrs. W. E. Anderson and Nor wood Huske leave here to-night for Ocala, FIjl .; . - We are sorry to hear that Mr. J. A. Bonitz, of the Me8cngery is sick and confined to the house. -The street force, are now busy making a v gutter on Dock street, from Fifth to Sixth, and on - Fifth' street, from Orange to Market."' I W ILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER A slight advance to-dav-in the price of good strained rosin. . - , " ' Window Glass,'bytheboz or light. Save money by bny ins from Jacobin Hdw. Depot t Pishertnen will find the cheapest Rope, etc., is at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. . - t Rheumatism is fa.tipd hv lactic acid in the blood, which Hood'fe Sar- sapanl la neutralizes, and thus cures rheumatism. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies; can be bought cheapestfat Heinsberger's. . t'1 If you want a picture framed go to Heinsbergers. He iias a large assortment of Mouldings ' to select from. The grand firemeri's parade took place this afternoon hul the report is too late for this issue and is de ferred until to-morrow. Happiness supreme. ' This is the condition of all who have been wise and purchased Stoves At Jacob Ps Hdw. Depot. t North Carolina hams the best in the world are scarce now.; There are only a few to be had and these sell at 16 cents per pound. A large stock of Heating and Cooking Stoves can be seen at Jaco bi's Hardware Depot. He has Stoves at prices that will astonish you. t Mr.' Theodore F. Davidson, Dem ocratic candidate for Attorney-General, and Mr. Charles M. Busbee will speak at Jacksonville, Onslow coun ty, on Tuesday, October 30th. Indications. ' For North Carolina, rain, station ary temperature and easterly winds, brisk to high on the coast. attend ng a storm centre moving eastward over Georgia. ' j We have never seen, in any inar Set. finer beef than that on Mr. Gar rell's stalls to-day:. It is some J f that last carload-'-qf 1,500 pound beeves. It will be cut up to morrow bat there will be moie of it, flanked by a fine line of fat mutton, for Sat urday's market. Miss Hattie J. Fox has leased the premises No. 313vMarket street, next Bast of Mr. McEachern's feed store, and will open there in a day or two with a handsome and select line of millinery and fancy goods. The ladies will be duly notified of the opening through the col minis of the Review. The attention of the ladies is invi ted to the fact that Mrs. Alice T. King has opened a select stock of millinery goods, corner of Second and Dock streets. She is also pre pared to renovate crepes and laces, press bonnets and hats in any shape desired, dye and curl feathers and do stamping and pinking. See ad. in this issue. Death of Ikf r. W. J, Yates, We regret very much to learn, of the sudden death' in Charlotte this morning, at 3 o'clock, of Mr. W. J. Yates, one of the editors and pro prietors of the Charlotte Democrat. Mr. Yates was one of the oldest edi tors in the State. Indeed, we believe that he had ' been in the harness longer than any other. He was a staunch, true, honorable man and the city of Charlotte has lost one of its most upright and valued, gUqs. A Gnst from the Gulf. i t 4 W . . There is a storm on the Gulf Coast, central near Mobile. At 11 o'clock this morning the cautionary northeast signal was ordered ra5v here. At that, time tfre fetorm was moving to the northeast and it is said that we may expect increasing northeast winds here during the day and night. The cautionary sig nals were also" ordered, qp More head and, Charleston. Good Farming. Mr. J; T. Collins, of Bu,rgaw,ujad.a this year on one acre of land 41 buslv els of corp, and on ten acres he made 40 bushels of corn, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 bushels of peas, 3,000 pounds of .fodder and 2,000 pounds of hay. This is by actual measurement and weight. But for the heavy rains in the earlier Spring the yield' would have been much greater. This is what may be called practical, intensive fariuiag. C would like (c fcer iyp iWothhr $ pur Bender c6unf farms; There are as good latods in th at ;cotjuty as Cu befouTi anper (ft the State. ".JLlliJl. v. Oysters come in very slowly. Are they waiting until after the election? An unusually large number of strangers are on the streets to day. Notice boys 1 You can get a Bracket Saw Frame with Saw com plete, at Jacobi's Hardware Depot, for 15 cents. " ' t - . City Court. Mayor Fowler disposed of the fol lowing cases this morning: ;. -, Levi Nixon, perjury, bound over to-the .next term of the Criminal Court in the sum of a $200 justified bond ' - ." .' ohn Watson; disorderly conduct, case transferred to Justice L. H. Bowden. The Fire This Morning. The alarm of fire turned in this mornings at 2:30 o'clock, from Box 31, was causedby the burning of a one-story frame dwelling on Taylor street, between.Sixth and Seventh; owned and occupied by . Fred. Mc Koy, colored. The building was en tirely consumed but part of the fur niture was saved. -There was insur ance with Messrs. Smith & Boat- wright in the Virginia Fire and , Marine Insurance Co. for $200 on the furniture and $300 on the building". Speaking in Fender. A. B. Aycock, candidate for Elec tor, and Edwin W. Kerr, candidate for the Senate will address the peo ple on the issues of the campaign at Mr, C. C. Woodcock's store, in Pen der county, on Thursday, November 1st, and the good ladies of Columbia and the adjoining townships are re quested to come out and bring a basket full to the "brim1 and give them a good old-fashioned farmers' dinner, Young Men's Democratic Club. ( There was a large and enthusias tic meeting of the club last night at their hall on Front and Orange streets, "v It was the recular monthlv iheetingWnd Rafter the transaction oi routine uusmess tne matter oi me cluh visiting Southportwas brought up. It was unanimously decided to send a delegation of seventy fivo men, who will leave here at 4.30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, on the steamer JSesHo?in full regalia white hat and bandana. Members of the delegation were advised to assemble at the club hall promptly at 4 o'clock, and the members of Ger mania Cornet Band, who will ac company them, are requested to meet at the same place - at the same time, , . The matter of attending a politi cal demonstration at Wrightsvi.Ue was also laid before the qlub, but action upon this was deferred until after the visit to Southport. Lippincott's Magazine. LippincotVs for November opens with the long-expected novel by Miss Grace King. 'Earthlings,",the novel which she contributes to 2iincotf8j is her first complete book the first work in which she puts forth her whole strength. It is del icate and beautiful; the story has a tender, dreamy pathos. JohnHab berton develops still further the character of the delighful little child who is the real heroine of hU s'At Last: Six Days in the Ljfe of an Ex Teacher." JTV . Blondin gives a very interesting sketch of his "Ex periences as a Rope-Walker." An article of particular interest is "ifo rality in Fiction." Anothey article that will be eagerly perused is the "Extracts from, the Diary of John R. Thompson..- Thompson, a well known Southern literateur, was sent to London t edit the Index c& be-, half of the Confederacy, and he was thrOwn with, "men like Tennyson, Carl yip, Gladstone, Dickens, Thack eray, and many others, of whom he gives entertaining reminiscences and anecdotes. "Corporate Suretyship" is interesting and valuable. There are poems by Frank Dempster Sher man, Charles Washington Coleman, Jr., and Wilson K. Welsh. The des partments are as interesting as ever. Rock Crystal Sixtctacles and Eyeglasses Advice to bid and vounir: In se lecting spectacles you should beoa- tious not to take more 2gnifatog wtt'er-ihan has been Ipgt ta the ' eve as in the sja proportion that you r $M. tha,t point of increase, will cause yoM further injury to the eye. Using glasses' of stronger tiower than isne- cjpsssay is the, daily caus of premar ture ota age to the sAf 1 ou can get tne Dest at xieinsuerger's. 25, 1888. NO 224. Headquarters for Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Ammunition of all kinds is at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. Shells loaded , at a moment's notice. - v RW AD VJERTISEirt ENTS. - "Remember qHAT MUNDS BROTHERS GIVE YOU A full half-pint bottle of their fresh Emulsion oi Cod liver oil with Ilypophosphltes for 50 cts. A reliable remedy for Pulmonary Diseases. l(H N. Front St. 601 N. Fourth St.. Attention Ladles. TT IIAVE OPENED A SELECT; STOCK OF Millinery GoodsrwMcli it would - pay 'you to see before purchasing1 elsewhere. Also, I will Renovate Crepes and Laces, Press Bonnets and Hats in any shape! Also, Dye and curl Feathers, do Stamping and No need to send vonr wnrt tcai nrhan uoji gcu ib uuuo as g-uoa ana cneaper at home. MRS ALICE T. KING, oct 25 2t Corner Second and Docl? Sts. To Whom it May Concern Notice is hereby given that any 8110CS purchased from us will NOT be "pursued" for if paid for or bought by any re liable person. We are not s elling at COST, but our prices are as low as the COST price of other Dealers. You have only to come and see for your self to have it proven. ; Geo. French '& Sons, oct 25 tf , 108 North Front. St. CAN'T BE BEAT! T WILL CHALLENGE THE RICHMOND Baltimore or New York Markets to show any nuer .meu,b man uiat on my stalls now. It 1,500 Pound Beeves From thft WpRtPim Tlflrt.nf tho fitnTA i-AAAfTrrvH by me last week. It is simply SUPERB l . I wauicvcijf uuuy io come ana see it, ana espec- ia,u.y muse wuu nave any aouDt in tne matter, Once glance will satisfy everybody that it is THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. This Big IVJeat ! Will bft r.iit, nn trumnrmw ' hut. thnm -411 w. more of It on hand for Saturday's Market, as ciiu a x mo iiuv uj. Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sau sages, &c. I will be triad for nvervTwiv t.n it, and DONT BUY IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.' Free and oromnt ripllvprv in Amnr n w- theclty. ' ' Respectfully, J. F. GARRELL, Stalls 1 & 2 Front St. Market, South SlCe. oct 25 2t WANTED A WOMAN OF SENSE, ENER gy and respectability for our business in her locality. Salary about $50 per month. Permanent position. References given aid exacted. J. G. BLANCHARD, Gen. Man., OCtll 4w t Lock Box 1585, N. Y. New Dry Goods Store, At No 25 Market St. JlJEW AND STYLISH GOODS, ALL FRESH from the factory. I have Just returned from the Northern Markets, where I have been to choose my own Stock of Dry Goods, Clothlno-. Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps. &c. . -They were bought for CASH and I will sell them eheap for Cash. Give me a call and examine my Stock and be convinced. , No. 25 Market St. .Third Door West of Bellamy's Drug Store OCt 24 tf : . - rjlLLITJERY MRS. E. A LUMSDEN . - has Just returned tron the North with : ; a ne. assortment of C Fall and Winter Goods. Ladles are invited to calL lrmaktncr & Specfalfy. . oct 23 lio NortJk Front street. , Prescriptions ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. PATENT Medicines, Toilet Articles, 4c Prices reason able. A trial is asked. ; - ' v . JAMES C. MUNDS, A gt. Drug-gist, oct 23 Princess St., bet. Front & second. - PLUASi: N0TICH. Wo wiu be :la4 to recti vo ccnnuctla tc? Wends; on "any asdall ratject general interest, but . " "" - The name of tne writer must always to fur -nishedto.the Editor. Communications must be written - only ca one side of the paper, . v Personalities must beTaTOided. , : And it 13 especially and particularly under stood that the Editor floes not always endorse the views of corresponaents anles3 so stated in the editorial columns. . NEW AJ VEKTISEHI KNTS a Our - Handsome Stock' 67 Ladies7 Can be found In the . CORNER STOKE. This apartment is devoted exclusive ly to the sale oi ' LADIES' GOODS. The . assortcdent is complete. We have possibly the Largest Stock of DRESS GOODS in the city. "We name a few-Special BARGAINS. , All Wool Henrietta, 40 inches wide) in best Shades, of su per, quality, at COc. per yard, would be cheap at 7fc. - F re n c hfl an n el v 54 inches wide, at 85c. worth a dol lar if a cent. - EXTRA. QUALITY ; t . . . - ' -Ladies' Uabet Clotli, Pretty Colors at $1.15 per yard. Thb Bargain of the Season. Embroidered Bobcs, In newest styles. Many have already . been sold, though we receive a new supply weekly and will be always able to offer something NEW. . - Cheap Grades of . ress Flannels, Trimmings & Velvets, with everything else id, be found in a . well ordered Dress Goods Department. - Housekeeping Goods, Towels, Napkins, Fringed Table uiotns, witn JNapions to match. WE SELL THE BEST One Dollar Bid Glove In the South. It is FOSTER'S Five Button Length, in Colors and Black. , None better made. Every pair warranted. Ladies' Merino Vests. Hosiery,Handkerchiefs &c. i ;;.'V '. o -- v';; ; In the adjoining apartment we have concentrated our brock of Cents' Good where can be found a ' splendid StOCKOI French, Scotch and-English Suitings, ALL WOOL AMERICAN CASSIHERES, direct from the Mills in Pennsyl vania, v Dicksev'sMarylandKerseys, and a great variety of goods for Boys' Wear. f Gents' Half-Hose, Merino and Camel's Hair Under shirts and Drawers, Collars and Cuffs, Scarfs and Neckties &c. The success we have had heretofore in catering to the tastes of Gentlemen is a good proof of what we can now do with such largely increased facilities. We also offer a large stock of Do mestic Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Sheet ings and ShirtingsV ,Our 8c. Bleach ing is a wonder. ' With a determination to greatly increase our rapidly growing busi ness, we have made attractive prices that must command the attention of all buyers. . JiioJMecMcI lOl & lOli Uarlzct lit.. oct 15 1'- j r--, i. Trade-OOi