orA lonely hearts to cherish -IffiBSfth? days are going: by!; Leary souls who perish hile the days are going by; Wmne we can renew, -. IfnHouVney we pursue bepoodweall.iaydo 0bWhile the days are going by. .Ws no time for idle scorning . : tffile the days are going by ; T TSir face be like the morning Thile the days are going by; ; ;J?the world is l 81ll8 fi nf sad and weeping eyes; HPhfle the days are going by. V .11 the loving links that bind us, Whue the days are bjv one they leave behind us. While the days are going by. at the seeds of good we so w, ffi in shade and shine wUI 1 grow, will keep our hearts aglow, Wie the day. are going by. fke Time honored Notre Dame, Bal- ' , timore. Aid. . ; have anifl opportunity to I Wine ourseu m mc t-.i, ISvatii Oil. We cheerfully sub ....imps to the uublic km re- Kespectfullv, - Sister of - - - m Paine, iijh & Eager Sts., Baltimore, iia. "-- '. , - - .1(TWconit in! I'll treat vou to ; s sNo, siree! Ifot for i uiil- Bon. ' r- . V ' , js How inuch no you owe him? ftopgs It isn't that. I'm writing barber jokes for the funny papers, m this fellow is on to me. Hall ' . 1 - - CoJIe. ' ." t Persons, and especially children, : iro snhjeirt to this agonizing com w plaint, which often comes on -snd-ttenlv in the night and without any previous warning. ; , Simmons Liver Emulator should always be at hand, i single dose will generally allay thpain. It never fails in giving relief. It is Harmless, : anu can ue gi?en with safety to a child of the tenderest age. The Original Mr. Isaacs. A foreigner who learns your lanr puage and uses it can - never get it through his head that you under stand his. He was going traveling, r and he stopped on the way-to the ferry to get a cheap overcoat. There was an old man and a young man, father and son, find the son waited on the gentleman. Hefinally found teoatto suit. "How much is this?" -Twenty dollars." :V-AU right. I'll take it." The old man; using strange jargon, lid an' i animated " conversation rh the young one. This" was what it was translated, and the purchas er understood it," which the wan evidently thought he did not; Wou will never make a merchant, Samuel, never." - VWhy. fatherf "Why, you might have got $35 for that coat just as easy as $zu." "WelL I think I'm a trood enough salesman. It's $15 and I thought -1 was doincr wellmaking it $30." "No, you're no good, no good at all." v. ' ." In the meantime the coat was beim? brushed a little for the cus tomer. "When he put it on he said: "That'll ..do beautifully. Now, since it was marked $15 I'll pay you hat and no more." The young one snickered and the old man tore bis hair: but the boy had the best of "the"- old man. Sati Francisco. HAronicle. . .vr: r C8tokttIott Surely Cured. To THE ' Editor Please inform ,Trar readers that I have a positive saedy for the above named disease. Bjfta timely use thousands of hope less cases Iiavebeeh permanently aired. I-shaJIbekiadt6?Kend .two oottles of my remedy: frek ; to any of your readers, who have ' consum p b'onif they will send 'me ; their ex- press and post office : address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. - f . A Bloodthirsty Audience. '. , i Warde. thft np.tnr tells "ft irobd t story. It is, I suppose, a chestnut. I I never heard a theatrical story that ! I was not. What proves it to be an! J 11 A. ITT 1 11... ; viv wuc is iuab Viirue names nit? place it occurred i a. He was play ffVirginius in some small place. Yoa will remember that Appius work, comes in on the last act, has a few words with Appius Claudius in prison and then goes off. That is uie last that is seen of him in the Play. Vhen the curtain fell on this performance of VVirginius'Mn this small place Warde retired: to his dressing room and proceeded to be come the Frederick Warde of every Mr AVarde, the audience has not - "Well,' I can't. help that. The plav is done. . There isn't any more of it ittthebook."'; ..; V" "Bat they don't go.". Turn down the footlights." No use. They won't stir, Won't you go and speak to. them" , ; "Whatr Gal and . tell them the play's over? ' EgadI will. That will he A Warde stepped in front of the cnr Uin; there . the audience sat quite BUU. .... . "Ladies and gentlemen: The play I8 er. Virginia is dead; Dentatus isdfad; I am dead; Appius Claudius Just then a voice sang out from ;; gallery: 4Whatdid you do with mat other sun of a gun?" v7?taird of all deaths in New vHj-are irom xsonsnmption or Wumonia. The same proportion a?I a for WOst other cities: Delays RJ?ai1"erous- Acker English yZl aJor Consumption - will ul- TLjS relieve. And mnvaairA trnnn lifn anas Bros., druggists. . . . A Warninff. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show con clusively that more persons die from diseases of the Throat ' and Lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone without exception, re ceives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and If allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption and to the head, caus iug Catarrh.- Now all this is danger ous'and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death; At the onset you must act with . promptness: al lowing a cold to go without atten tion is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that something is wrong with your Throat Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. - Platform of the Democratic farcy in - ' m North Carollfta. - We again congratulate the people of North Carolina on the continued enjoyment of peace, good govern ment and general prosperity under Democratic administration of the affairs of the State which has now been unbroken for no many years; upon the just and impartial enforce ment of the law; upon the increas ing efficiency of our common school system, apd- the progress made in popular education; upon the 'im provement and enterprise manifest ed in all parts of the State. We again challenge a comparison be tween this state of . things and the outrages, crimes and scandals which attended Republican ascendancy in our borders. We pledge ourselves to exert in the futureas in the past our best efforts to promote the best interests of the people of all sections of the State. Affirming our adher ence to Democratic principles as heretofore enunciated in the plat forms of the party, it is hereby Resolved That no government lifts the right to burden its people with taxes beyond the amount required to pay its necessary expenses and gradually extinguishes public debt; and that whenever the revenues, however derived. exceed this amount, they should be reduced, so as to avoid a surplus in the treas ury. That any system of taxation which necessitates the payment of a premium of $370 by the govern ment on eacn $1,000 or its oonus, taken up with the millions that would otherwise lie idieinits vaults, and paid to bondholders vho pur chased, in many instances, at less than par, is undemocratic, oppres sive and iniquitous and should be refunded. The course of our Demo cratic Representatives in Congress, in their efforts to give reliet to the people from burdensome internal revenue and tariff taxation, meets with the approval of the Democratic party of this State and we respect fully recommend that if they find it impossible to give to our people all the relief demanded, they support any just and practical measure pre sented in Congress that will afford a practical relief from such existing burden Jic80lved, That while the details of the methods by which the consti tutional revenue tariff sheriff shall be gradually reached are subjects which the representatives of our people at the national capital must be trusted to adjust, we think the customs duties should be levied for the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should be such as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on the necessaries of life, distribute as equally as possible the unavoidable burdens of tax ation, and confer the greatest good on the greatest number. Resolved. That we, as heretofore favor, and will never cease to de mand, the unconditional abolition of the whole internal revenue sys tem, as a war tax, not to be justified in times ofpeace; as a grievous bur den to our people and a source of annoyance in its practical opera tions We call the attention of the people of the State to the hypocrit- f a c i. r u i : jcai preieusious ui me iwiJiiuiiuuu party in their platforms that they are in.favor of the repeal of. this on erous system of taxation, enacted by their party, while the Republi cans in Congress are taxing Iheir energies to obstruct all legislation inaugurated by the representatives of the, Democratic party to relieve the people of all or a part of this odious svstem. : Resolved, Tiiat the course of the Democratic party, in furtnerauce or popular education, is a sufficient guaranty that we favor the educa tion of the people, and" we will pro mote and improve the present edu cational advantages so far as it can be done without burdening the peo ple by excessive taxation. Resolved. That, to meet an exist ing evil, we will accept, for educa tional purposes, from, the Federal government, our pro rata share of the surplus in its treasury;Vovided, that it be disbursed through State agents and the bill for the distri bution be free from objectional fea tures. Resolved, That the United States being one government and ours a national party, we denounce the ef forts of the " Republicans to force sectional issues in Congress and elsewhere, and to promote dissen sion and ill-will between the people of the different sections of our com mon country. ! Resolved, That it is "due to the people of our eastern counties, who nave so cheerfully borne their share of our common "burdens, that the present or some equally effective sys tem of county government shall be maintained. Resolved, That the Democratic party is opposed to any further ex tension of the t4No-fence" law, un less such extension shall have first been authorized by a majority of the qualified voters within the territory to be affected thereby. f : Resolved, That the Democratic party has ever been the party of the workingman, and has. never foster-! ed monopolies, nor have "trusts' or 'combinati on s" or y 'pools" ever grown up under laws enacted by it: The contest in this country being between aggregatea capital, seeking to crush out all competition,, and the individual laborer, the : Demo cratic party is, as it has ever been, against the monopolist and in favor of a just distribution of capital, and demands the enactment of laws that will bear 'equally ;upon All. i .;: Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the labor er, it is the duty of the legislator, as a direct benefit to the workingman, to keep the expenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit con sistent with wise and efficient man agement. The Democratic party opposes any competition between free and convict labor, but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the expense of honest labor. Resolved. That ours being an ag ricultural State, "it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best cal culated to advance the interests of agriculture; and that in so doing we will most effectually advance the interests of mechanics, manufactur ers and laborers. Resolved, That the Democracy of North Carolina, cordially approve the administration of H on. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative. " . -f Resolved, That the ability,' wis dom, honesty, .patriotism, indepen dence, faithfulness to duty and manly courage-of President Cleve land have won the admiration of all good men; and the interests of the country demand his re-nomination and his re-election. , Went Win We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King'sNew Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never; handled remedies that sell as well, 'or- that have sriven such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not folio w their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Wm. H.. Green & Co., Druggists. Tripe broth is better than no por ridge. . ' DO NOT SUFF15K ANT iON'GEIi. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages of consumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Di. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions and do not find our statement correct. MundsJBros., druggists. uv lam & WUmmiov Sto ant shi p fto FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. M. DELAWARE ..Wednesday. Oct. 17 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Oct. 20 pioneek Wednesday, Oct. 24 DELAWARE Saturday, Oct. 27 FROM WILMINGTON PIONEER Tuesday. Oct. 16 DELAWARE. ; Tuesday, Oct. 23 BENEFACTOR Friday, Oct. 26 PIONEER Tuesday, Oct. 30 sar- Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N TUEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents. oct!3 35 Broadway. New York. To the Democratic Voters OF THE - UNITED STATES : rpHE Graphic Publishing Company issues I two Democratic newspapers the Daily Graphic and the Weekly gbaphic. They are recognized throughout the United States as most loyal and consistent supporters of the Democratic party. Both papers are strong supporters of the National and State Admin istrations. The Daily and Weekly Graphic circulates tn every State and Territory of the Union. The Daily Gkaphic Is published at $9.00 per annum, and the Weekly is published at J2.50 per annum. . . " The recently Issued address of the National Democratic Committee to the people of the TTnlttwl Stotvn Cftct fnrfh In nlnin lnnoiiaon' Its pressing need of funds for the legitimate ex penses of this campaign. Never has money been subscribed more liberally, but never has there been such a demand fortariff documents. Millions of these have been printed and circu lated at great expense. Millions more must be raised. In vlew-Df the ursrent need for campaign funds the publishers of the Graphic have de cided to make the following- offer to the Dem ocratic voters of the United States: To every subscriber to the Weeklx Graphic between now and November 6 the paper will not only be mailed for one year, Dut ONE HAL of the subscription prfce (tl.25) will be immediately sent to the National Democratic Committee, and acknowledged by it. Now, then, how does this strike you ? You receive the Weekly Edition of the best Demo cratic, as well as the best Dally Illustrated, paper in the country at Its regular subscrip tion price for one year, dating from October 1, 1888. and you help your party perpetuate the principles of Democracy and Tariff Reform. Our Cartoons by Thos. NAST.the great Cari caturist, are alone worth the price of the pa per. Send along a subscription for the Weekly Graphic by next mall, getting the paper at its regular subscription price, which alsocontri hnrps tl 2i to the Camnalfrn Pnnd. We want 100.000 subscribers In 30 days, and we expect, witn your prompt ana vigorous suyfui w get them, and your name will go down to pos terity n the columns of the Graphic as good Democrats and good men of business. Address all communications to AMERICAN GRAPHIC COMPANY. 39 & 41 Park Place, New York. H'dqes National Democratic COMirrrBK.) j io West 29th street, - r Nbw Yorx. October 8, 18SS. ) : American Grapaic company: .GenaemerKWe will receive any money sent by you to our Committee as indicated in your 1 ct 12 tf Chairman Campaign committee, 1 Dr. CULL'S facilitates Teething ex tinny CVDIID regulates the Bowels; At all druggists. Price 25 cts. Blli Q Cures Coughs, Colds, ULL W Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, ffa 1 1 ft O Croup,Inci--pient Con-jU U 13 S3 sum ption, and relieves Consump- 0 1 1 Q tive Persons. 25 centsl I f U I CUnvC LANGE'S CUBES CIGARETTES for Co omu&L tarrh, Price 10 Cts, At att druggist- octLtf WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations' represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING . Gunny... 7 8 Standard 8 8 BACON North Carolina. Hams. 14 15 Shoulders lb 8 Sjdes, 3tt ..10 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hams, lb. 13) 15 Sides, lb 10 10X Shoulders, 11k 1 DRY SALTED Sides, 8 9 Shoulders, y lb : 6X BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each 1 40 1 50 New, New York, each.. 0 00 C4 1 75 New, City, each 1 65 1 70 BEESWAX, lb 20 22 BRICKS, Wilmington, $JM....600-800 Northern 0 00 14 00 BUTTER, lb North Carolina 15 25 Northern 25 30 CANDLES, lb Sperm...... 18 25 . Adamantine 9 10 CHEESE, i lb Northern Factory . . 11 12 Dairy, Cream 13 14 State 9 10 COFFEE, 3? lb Java. 27 28 Laguyra 23 24 RIO 20 22 CORN MEAL, bush, In sacks. 00 67 Virginia Meal.... 00 67 COTTON TIES, bundle 1 25 1 30 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard 6& Yarns, bunch 00 80 EGGS, doz 18 20 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbi X) 00 (13 50 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbL 7 50 8 00 Mackerel, No. 2, bbl 9 00 11 00 - Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 6 00 M ackerel, No. 3, bfcl 7 60 9 00 ' Mullets, 12 bbl .r.... 6 00 7 00 N. C. Roe Herring. keg... 00 4 00 Dry Cod, lb 5 10 FLOUR, 33 bbl Western, low grade 50 4 00 Extra 4 00 4 50 Family 450 500 City Mills Super , 4 00 4 10 Family 4 50 5 00 GLUE, lb... 8 10 GRAIN, V busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 65 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 62 Corn, cargo, in bags, white. 66 67 Corn, mixed, from store 00 65 Oats, from store. ........ . 42rf 1 45 Oats, Rust Proof. 00 52 cow peas.. su yu HIDES, 13 lb Green.. V. 5 5 Dry 10 12 - HAY, 100 lbs Eastern 1 05 1 10 Western 85 95. North" River 90 00 HOOP IRON, lb LARD, 3? lb Northern North Carolina LIME, 3? barrel LUMBER. City Sawed. W M ft 2 Z 8 . 10 1 40 0 00. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 16 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, gallon " New Crop, in hhds. - 25 26 " " In bbls 28 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 30 " " In bbls 30 35 Sugar House, in hhds 00 15 " in bbls. 16 18 Syrup, in bbls 22 35 NAILS, 38 Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 2 50 OILS, 3? gallon. Kerosene 9 a 14 Lard 16 1 45 Linseed. 90 1 00 Rosin.... 15 16 Tar 00 -20 Deck and Spar 00 22 POULTRY Chickens, live rown. 20 25 " Spring 10 0 Turkeys 95 1 0 PEANUTS, 38 bushel, 22 ft 60 90 POTATOES, 33 bushel Sweet 35 60 Irish, 38 bbl 2 25 2 75 PORK, 38 barrel City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 16 00 Rump ' 00 15 00 RICE CaioUna, 38 lb 4 5)f Rough. 38 hush, (Upland)... 60 80 (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, 3? ft Country. 00 City 1 ltf ROPE, 33 ft 22 SALT. 33 sack. Alum ,, 70 75 Liverpool ,..,., 65 70 Lisbon 00 00 American 00 70 SOAP, 38 ft Northern .......... 5tf 5r SUGAR, P ft standard grain.." 6X . 6Ji - standard A 6 6)4 1 White Ex C 0 6 Extra c. Golden 5 5)4 C Yellow.. 0 53 SHINGLES, 7 In. 33 M 5 00 7 00 Common 2 00 2 50 Cypress Saps . 4 50 5 00 cypress Hearts 000 750 STAVES, 38 M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 14 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, 38 ft 5 6 TIMBER, 3? M f eet-Shlpplng. .1 2 00 14 00 Fine Mill .' l u$ ui Mill Prime 7 50 8 58 Mill Fair 00 000 Common Mill........ 5 00 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary.... 2 50 4 00 WHISKEY, 3? gal Northern... 1 00 21)0 j'orth Carolina. 1 00 2 50 WOOL, 33 ft Washed 28 30 Unwashep 15 25 Burry '. 10 15 trrmnted. Heav ilunlin Cum and rasffnlficeal t-iili rr and cues a r.-r we wmt one pe .oralit-, to kaep f vslimbtemotl very n-ful' liOL-Sk-i' Tbew wdtImi we'l -a t. w. J i&'.-i fze.a& aAr yo bve kpt tuatk is jroar i- rie f- . C i-uni w au1 Uiw3 tbN to Uiuoe wht, uu.y tt-i -i:ki,ti ; yar o propertj It la pnactMe U Knf ' " Ktrti Ttr, ouiiiJ tU SO LI J flOLU watch and C 4T" SMinvs "' O, theibowlof tb Muaple la cy V Kn:r. rvauiti ia liu-ffe trs4 fa s;nr oar sainptej vJwii tu 1.-w-lt) forinooUtortw w aaualty get trout iiiOuC ta ia trada from tb vrrBoadinr cnsulrr. l'Bia,t4 to j, t rontierTnt effor va knonii made to ortjer timl oar aampid m T fee ylased at oo -vbera they ran I arva, ail ort A nwdica. Write at onc, att maka'aore of tba c dance. Bwk- vnis barily any trooM lor yovtoabowtbeaampl.ei totbi9c w'.ioraay caiiat your boa ad your revard L1 1m nnxt atia'artory. A poaial card a vaics to wriM na coU bntl cent Ocr you know all.lfyo 4a sot eara to co further, why ua karbi fa dona. Bat If yon 4 and yoor addraaa at one, yoa cai. aecun FkXdl oa oftk ' beat aoltd gold watches la Ilia world and ear larr llna r COSTLY SAMrUES. W V-J all eTpreea, frolfht, AddTCMasa Bixssoa caf sux tu, rvaTiuJi. juauu septsatf - Co ( f ft Atlantic Coast Line. Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND BI6A.NCHCH . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.:, NO. 15, daily-ex Sunday; "c 00 4m 7 10 am Dated Sept. 1C, 'S3. Leave Weldon..... i 2 OS piai 3 17pm. 5 43 pmj At. Kocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. . . . Leave Tarboro ........i....- 10 50 am Arrive Wilson . .... I 3 SOpmi 7 OOpmi 7 43 am ; - f Na 27, No. 23, Ft Mall dally. dally. Leave Wilson..,.. '4 10pm Arrive Selma...... 5 19pm.... Arrive Fayettevi'e 7 45 pm ..... ... .... . Leave Goldsboro.. 4 40pm 7 40 pm 8 35 am Leave Warsaw. .;. 5 50 pm 9 33 am Leave Magnoliar. . 6 05 pm 8 40 pm 9 49 am i At. Wilmington. , . 7 40 pm 9 55 pm 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 6G, dally ex Sunday. 4 00 pm 5 80 pm 5 50 pm 6 52 pm No. 14, - dally. No. 7S. dally. Leave Wilmington 1 12 05 am 9 00 am; 10 35 am 10 50 am 11 50 ami Leave Maarnoua. . . I l Zi am Arrive Warsaw;..!.... Arrive Goldsboro. i 2 25 am Leave Fayette vllle ? . . 8 00 am 10 2- am Arrive Selma. Arrive Wilson..... .. . 11 40 am! Leave Wilson Ar. Kocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro... Leave Tarboro 3 02 am12 42 pm 7 52 pm 8 29 pm I su pm f4 50 pm . ...... 110 50 am Arrive Weldon. 7.. 4 30 ami 2 40 pm 9 40 pm Dally except Sunday. . Train on Scotland Neck Branch Koad leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 r. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albermarle & Iialelgh li. K. dally except Sunday, 6.00 P. M, Sunday 5-00 K M., arrive WllUamston, N. C, 8.10 P. M.. fi.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll Uamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C., 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. - Train on Midland N. c. Brancn leaves goios boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smithneld. N. C. 8.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfield, N. C, 10.10 A. M., arrive Goiasooro, jx. c, u.3a A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.0() l M.. arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., airlve Rockv Mount 11.55 A.M., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. andlLlOA. M. Returning- leaves Clinton at 8.00 A.M. and 4.30 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 15 66 and 78. . Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all point3 North dally. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - . Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen'l SUDt. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, augis Wilmington, Coliit&b. a & August?, it Ik f. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Sept. 30, 1888. NO. 23. NO. 27. NO. 15. P. M. P. M. P. M. 805 10 10 t240 11 16 12 37 5 23 12 10 1 20 6 10 A. M. P. M. NO. 50 No. 58. A. M. p. m. 3 20 t 6 20 4 40 7 40 NO. 52. NO. 56. A. M. P. M. 4 40 t 9 20 7 47 - 6 15 10 22 9 05 A. M. Leave Wilmington Leave Marion. . . : . . Arrive Florence... Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. . No. 52 runs through from Charleston via central jk. k. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M., Manning 8:53 A. M, no. 56 runs through from Charleston via uentrai t. k.. leavuur Lanes 6a35 P. M.. Man. nlng 7:12 P, M JT , xrain on u. & v. k. k. coper-&ir mnrencr W1LI1 xso. Dii. TRAINS GtNG NORTH. IN0. 5L NO. 57. NO. 53. P. M, A. M. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... 10 25 11 52 7 00 8 15 No. 59. Leave Sumter.. , 11 52 1 15 t 8 25 940 A. M. Arrive Florence , A. M. NO. 78 A. M, NO. 66. NO. 14. A. M. T 10 00 10 42 P. M. 8 20 8 55 11 50J P. M. Leave Florence ...... Leave Marlon 4 35 52 83 A. M. Arrive Wilmington... 1 40 P. M. Dally. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs ttronch tn nhnrlpstnn s n h Central R. it. arriving Manning 7:12 P.M.. Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9:10 P. M. NO. 57 runs th roil 9-h tr r!haT'lr.etrri iHn rr S SSiim A- Lanes No. 59 connects at Florence with c. and D train from Oheraw anrl Vniermiv Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wll- miiigi.ua wiui w. , k. r. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J, R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T, M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. TIME TABLE NO. 3. Palmetto Railroad Co. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. U, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally exceptSun day. Goixa South. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave HamietJ N. C 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. a .... 9430 A.M. xOing North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C... ............. .45 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C .......55 P. M. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. Jno. if; JLteUrand, SUCCEEDING PARTNER OF THE LATE Arm of A. A. Brown & Co., Commission Merchant, office in the Kerchner Building, Na Water street. Will give prompt attention to all business. Represents some of the best houses : the country. Invites irrespondenoc He 13 ly a&w. P. M. 5 33 6 45 L1ISCELLA1TEOUS. Carolina Central Eailroad Company. . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. - . Na L Na 3. Oct. 11, 1SSS. - ' x daily ex. dally ex. . . . ' Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wllmlhgton.......... 7 50 am 6 40 pm LeaveMaxton.. ....... ...... 11 12 Tim 11 57 pm Leave Laurinburg ill 43 am 12 32 pm Ieave Hamlet... 12 43pm 3 00 am Arrive Charlotte.. ...... 4 00pm 7 00 am Leave Charlotte............. '4 10 pm .. Leave Llncolnton........... 5 46pm - Leave Shelby...;.... f 6 51pm Arrive Rutherrordton....... 8 15pm " EASTBOUND TRAINS, Na 2. No, 4, Oct. 11, 1SS8. dally ex dally ex Sunday Sunday. Leave Rutheilordton. Leave Shelby . ......... Leave Llncolnton Arrive Charlotte.; ., Leave Charlotte. Leave Hamlet Leave Laurtnburg. . . . Leave M axton Arrive Wilmington.... . 7 10 am 8 33 am Q 3ft am 11 11 am 11 21 am 8 00 pm 1 45 am 2 49 am 3 19 am 8 40 am 3 00 pm 3 51 pm 4 13 pm 7 40 pm Trains Na l, 2, 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. l for Statesvilie and stations on W. N. C. R. R. and points West. Take No. 3 for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta ana au points aoutnwesu Also, ior Asneviiie via Spartanburg. Local Freight Ncs. 5 and ft tri-weeklrbe tween Wilmington and Laurtnburg, leavln j Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ix)cai reigntjNos. 7 and 8 tn-weekly between Laurlnburg and Charlotte. -, , Local Freight Nos. 9 and 10 tri-weekly be tween Charlotte and Rutherfordton. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 do not take passengers. L. c, JONES, Superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. oct 9 . - . . Wanted. RARE CHANCE TO GO INTO BUSINESS. Will sell at a low figure a paying business. Reason for selling, going into some other bus iness. A rare chance for an active man with limited capitaL Address" . LOCK BOX? 571, 4f , ' Wilmington, N. C THE MAYO HOUSE. I would respectfully announce to my tie and the public generally that the ' Mayo Hous e, at the Rdeksj iS TlftW ftnpn for trio onQcnn riTtiiAi tVe oom'A management formerly, v Numerous altera tions and improvements have been -made and every facility is offered this reason for Sailing Fishing and Bathing. The advantages forall of these are unsurpassed anywhere on the coast. . - Special personal attention given to the com fort of guests. . v . 1 Two boats dally. The PASSPORT and LOUISE stop each way on each trip. Still water or -deep water fishing at any time and boats ready when the steamers ar rive. Fishing tackle and bait kept ready for instant use. . - Rates by the day, week or month and very reasonable. - . Parties from the country desiring to make arrangements address: MAYO HOUSE, The Rocks, Wilmington, N. C. . Respectfully, m ,Q MBS W & MAYO, YlStt ; Manager. . I AM RECEIVING Now Every Week some of the ' Finest Applec BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, ALSO " 4. Potatoes, Onions and Cabbage. A fresh lot of K D. CHEESE. Also Amcrl dan and EDAM CHEESE. Dr. Price's Baking Powder ". ' ..-- IN GREAT DEMAND. -T.''. It is Excelled by None ! and is admitted by connoisseurs" to be the FINESTAND PUREST USED, ROYAL NOT EXCEPTED. '' ' Don't Forget that, my Cart Goes Down to the Sound Call and lett me give you prices. I Lave a klnds.of Groceries and the finest lixtHe city. Jno. L. Boatwright, sept 24 15 & 17 SaFront St. O K WonV- Mitolea and suffering from Z. rMf&J, and all the er- f."'11 u ualritx, which beTJ? & t0T Peax Treatise on wsease QfMan, with particulars lor lionie Cu- CCTes guaranteed. Acmjw, j mt'S61 CShvS'enn CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ANDi- HEPAIR SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND vehicle or want any Eepalrlns Cone to their old vehlcleti. Win 11 ; to, their interest call on 7 : - :: :" ' :- V' f -- . C B. SOUTHERLAND & CO , . Corner Second and Princess KtWt Bend your horses to be RhSf rTct first-class Shoer. hfvo ; .Society ITorli rjHE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds or mm r- i fancy sewing, crocheting and embrofde?? Ladles' and Children's aprons a sbecliifr Orders left at the Rectory ori