, ( Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. A marvel of pu nt y .sirengftn ana wnoiesomeness. 3iore econ omical than tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, snore weight aium or phosphate powders. Sold only in cant, KOYAL UAK1N( CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Oct 28 Ltwly tenrm thpd yrdpw OWDEH T2a.o 2Daily Rottiqw. MONDAY. OCT. 29. 1888. . Washington Gazette: Mr. Aiue leek James, of Martin county, the champion "watermelon producer, raised on one vine 12 melons weigh ing 634 pounds. Greensboro Patriot: On the line . of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway, between this city and Ben . nettsville, S. CM there are now in operation 60 steam saw mills, push ing the development of the lumber business throughout the whole sec - tion, and giving employment to hun dreds of men. Durham Plant: Twenty seven persons "gave their names forchurcii membership last night and about fifteen this morning, making about two or three days. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates left last evening for Char lotte to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr. W. J. Yates. The Dr. has the svmpathy of many warm hearts in Durham in his bereave- ! inent. Asbeville Citizen: Mr. W. K. Vau , derbilt, with a party of friends, has been viewing his recent purchase of lands iu South Asheville. The par- r rot r-rnrl "Ptfnrf.h vtfrfl.av lint will come to Asheville in March to spend several weeks. Tire Meth odist' Episcopal Church North has been holding its annual conference during the past week at Clyde, Hay wood county. An increase of mem bership of 1,000 is reported, and also ..1,800 Sunday school scholars: and 17 new ministers were received into'the conference. The conference ein liranps th whnlp Sratft of North Carolina, and one circuit in South Carolina. The next annual confer ence will be held at Clifton. Bishop Fitzgerald presided over the confer ence. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. C. L. Hopkins, who escorted the iNorth Carolina delegates to the Associate Reformed Synod, which meets in trip from Charlotte to Little Rock was made in 36 hours, the distance being almost 1,000 miles. Col. John F. Hoke, of Lincolnton, one of the most prominent lawyers of this section of North Carolina, died sud denly at his home at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The last ob ject that his eyes ever rested upon was a Democratic procession. Co'. Hoke was at Shelby last Friday,and he arrived home at Iiincolnton on the morning train from that place yesterday. Arrangements had been made for a big political meeting in Iiincolnton, which was to be ad dressed by Capt. W. H. Kitchin. On alighting from the train Col. Hoke went to his home, and after awhile, the procession came along and he went out on his porch to see it. While he was watching the moving column, he suddenly threw up his hands and fell to the floor a corpse. His death was due to heart disease. A singular circumstance mentioned in connection with his death is that one of his brothers and a sister died snddenlv of heart disease. A letter recaived here from a well! known gentleman of this State, brings the information that Col. Dockery's party is making an effort to have Federal marshals and sup ervisors appointed for the elections in this State. It is reported that application has been made to Judge Bond, but is not known how he will consider it. Such applications must be made ten days prior to the elec tion. It is to be hoped that this re port is unfounded, yet it comes from a good source. 'Elections are as free and fair in North Carolina as in any other State in the Union, and the presence of Federal ; officers at the polls would serve tb excite the people. If such a step as this is taken it will be a good thing for the Democratic party in this State. It is an ascertained fact that This Fed eral interference at the polls is to prevail in Richmond county, the home of Oliver H. Dockery. The commissions of two Federal officers, signed by Judge Dick, have been seen, and it is reasonably sure that other commissions have been signed. This does not speak well for Colonel Dockery. mickleirx Arnica Salve The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itis guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. " For eale by Wm. H. Green. LOCAL 3SJ ' JfcS W S4 The receipts of cotton at this port today foot up 2,437 bales. A SAD STORY, The child coughed. The mother ran. No remedy wax near. Before morning the poor little sufferer was dead. Moral: Always keep Dr A ckerV English Remedy at hand. Munds Bros., uruggists. , co;u?.ii:kctai heyfs. MISCELLANEOUS. WILMINGTON MARKET. Oct. 29.-2:30 P. M. . H US II J) l,V, II (i J ,vC Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be can tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye.' Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. Tlie New Road to Chester. The Georgia, Carolina & Northern road, which lias just been completed from Monroe to Chester, fis one x of the most rapidly constructed roads in the country. A Chester corres pondent of the Charleston Newsand Courier says that it is built after the newest improved methods. The iron bridge across the Catawba river cost $70,000 and is a superb structure All large streams are spanned with bridges of the same, material, and gianite arches stride the smaller water courses. Tlie roaa bed is straight and level, laid with pine ties and steel rails. This line inter sects the Three C'sat Catawba June tion, about fifteen miles from Ches ter, in conjunction with which road we understand it will be operated. giving this town ami county two routes to the Cty by the Sea. Chief Kngineer Matson and Superinten dentDodson will transfer 'their re" spectj've departments to this point in a few days, and next week the road will be ready for business. Gen. Hoke, of Raleigh, is president of the road, but. it is understood to be part and parcel of the Seaboard Air Line, which system is dominated by Mr. John "Robinson ami has Norfolk lor its land terminus. The work of building this road vas inaugurated in 1885 by the incorpo ration of -the Chester, Greenville & Abbeville Railroad. Major. Julius Mills was the leading spirit in this movement. Capitalists saw a future for the enterprise, and iu 18S0 the character of the company was amended and the name changed to the Georgia, Carolina andNorthern, and Mr. S. E. McLeire, of Chester, was made a director. Dirt was bro ken at Monroe in June, 1887, and in sixteen months thereafter the iron horse rolled into Chester. The line on to Atlanta has been located and some grading has been done. The distance to that point from Chester is 220 miles, and no time will be lost in completing the structure. It tra verses a magnificient stretch of coun try, passing through Lancaster, York, Chester, Union, Laurens and Abbeville counties on into Georgia, and paralleling the Air Line Road, with NvhicTi it expects to share the great business from the Southwest. Col. L. C. Jones, Superintendent of the Carolina Central road, in com pany with other officials, .recently went over the entire route from Chester to Atlanta, on horseback. WHY WOMKN FADE. Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption is an absolute cure for colds. Munds Bros , druggists. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 42 cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at ; 70 cents for strained, and : 75- cents r for good strained.- ' . TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.30 for hard, $3.10 lor yellow dip and virgin. ; COTTON Steady. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary, I 6; good ordinary, 7 13-16; low middling, 8 ; middling 9 ; good middling 9 11 16. , Receipts to-day: Spirits, 88; rosin, 92; tar, 152; crude, 37; cotton, 2,487. Fa Trade MARINE NEWS. Our Handsome Stock of Ladies' ARRIVED. V Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayette ville, T D Love. Br steamship Lowland, Holman, Picton, N S, HeideSMJo. Br steamship Phoenix, Philliskirk, Philadelphia, Heide & Co. . Schr James Ponder, Lynch, Phil adelphia, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Gape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Br barque Pons Aelie, Paknoham, Newcastle, Eng, Paterson, Downing & Co. DRESS GOODS Can be found in the Corn r Store. LLA.TFOrjJl . l-u IT'. Ay -OP- DEY GOODS ;MDCARPets I am send egant nig forward from : New York many ?W . it TiliDgS, which will be receiveU - next few days. : W OLjijfiftUOIESf The writer is in New York .-selecting- the NvJ"? reac vanetv. Styles ih;-FashiphabIe . nc selection-a pfreat varietv ' - e and B in New and Elegant Styles are being selected forshipmeiit b f ""During the coining week a great variety of DRFw i,? steauie i j -.-icintiro put on sale. oct 20 fit iil L' -- EXPORTS. FORKIttJf. Newcastle Br barque Pons Aelie 3326 bbls rosin. . WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 26, 1888. Spirits ashore, 2,520; afloat, 392; total. 2.912. Rosin ashore, 83.458: afloat, 3,021; total, 86,497. Tar ashore, 1,256; afloat, 395; total, 1,651. Crude ashore, 436. Cotton ashore. 9,663; afloat, 8,600; total, 18,323. RECEIPTS FROM OCT. 19 TO OCT. 26. Cotton. 10,397; spirits, 1,051; rosin, 2t- 285; tar, 1,498; crude, 492. EXPORTS FROM OCT. If) TO OCT. 26. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 1.813: spirits, 992; rosin, 320: tar, 1,823; crude, 501. FOREIGN. Spirits, 3,550; cotton, 4,811: rosin, 7,- 664. This apartment is devoted exel usi ve ly to the sale of LADIES' GOODS. The assortment is complete. We have possiblv the .Largest Stock of DRESS 600DS in the city. We name a few Special BARGAINS. -o - - Announcement All Wool Henrietta, 40 inehes wide, in best Shades, of su per quality, at DOc. per yard, would be cheap at-75e. French Flannel, 54 inches wide, at 85c. worth a dol lar if a cent. - -DXTRi QUALITY Pretty Colors at $1 .IS per, yard. The tfargain or the season. Embroidered-ttobes, In newest styles. Many have already been sold, though we receive a new supply weekly and will be always able to offer something NEW. -o- Cheap Grades of Dress Flannels, Trimmings & Velvets, CASH HOUSE. 11G 31 A I Iv KT ST it K I.-JV . : v.Wov I Uim Purest Drnga tiat WAr wr v - Also a flue nszr11 k-nn u 1 sues and Comffe of jffl ht x;""- i can trrrf . city. Also I Brusnes of cis:ir iu.t OLViu miiriiL hnrt " van . JOHN bhrSJU una 1 WE WILL OPEN ON the most ties of Home DRESS GOODS Monday, October 22 !HMS&& recent production and latest Novel- : after 1x5 transacted. w pSZt me and yorefgn M anuf acturers.- ;octltf - . 4V(ic - - voawer, John Wrnor I70ULD KESPECTJ'ULLV ' BLACK SILKS, 75C, Sl.OO 81.25, Sl;50 I ff 0 8 f K?; i.75,a!l30percent. below reirular pilces. K, Y,ch as teea nJV FAILLE FKANCAISK; ail shades; , wort iT 2121?, 2nd reiuraisnSi . i.60forsi.LO. - 'utlI1: ot: ssURltAHS, all shades, worth ssi.oo for 7ftcj on0E?,0ilC0nIlUe to meft Black KATZINIKK and AUMOUIi SILKS , Vafr?D?S? J the Public t worth &1.1B tor si.48. 2!orco 13 now coaccntratwi .t ' BLACK AND COLORED SILK VELVETS. ; iuai ivtsu u - all shades, worth 20-lnch SILK PLUSHES. S1.50 for 95C. PRENCn DRESS ROB h S. WOrMi 812.00 for $8.25. . - STRIPED SILK VELVETS, worth 91.40 for 5C SILK FINISHED HENRIETTAS, worth Wlc for 65C. Ladles' 54-lnch ALL WOOL CLOTH. worth 85c for 65C. Ladles' 54-lnch HABIT CLOTII.worth 1.2S for 85C Double width SUITING, worth 40c for soc. Double width m incli SUITING, worth 50c for 2."o . ,x Double width ;5a-lach TRICOTS, worth noc for sr.i'. SS-UK'h ENCiLTSIl HENiJIETTA. worth 40C for 25c. DANISH CLOTH, worth aofor 12 1-2C All-U'OOl PLAIDS, w rt-h COii ror 27 l-2( All-Wool 40-inch PLAIDS, worth sot for fiOc AH-Wool W inch PLAIDS, worm Si. 25 for 5c. 3 ackDressCoods MRS. E, A LTIMSDEN i has Just returned from the North with a fine assortment of Fjiii and Winter 0jds. Ladles are invited to call. Ir'4maki-jr Specialty oct 23 tf 110 North Front Street. To Whom it ftlay Concern. Notice is hereby given that any Sillies purchased from us will NOT be "pursued" if paid for or bought by any re liable person. We are not sellingat COST, bu tour prices are as low as the COST price of other Dealers. You have only to come ancisee for your self to have it proven. Geo. K. French & Suits, oct25tf 103 North Front St C L0AKS ! -o- We havejustopened thelarg- est assortment evershown in this market ! -o- Armour, P.vrences, Preneii Stripes and Chocks.. Momie, Dran SeiiKionol, JJ'Alma. Ser-s, Diagonal, Pekln. liennerttts. . with everything else to be found m ( for 3 so. - - 4(1 inch All-Wool CASHMERES, worth 75c for fit-c. . . , - - J-inch All-Wool-CASII.MEKES, WoriTh HOC for 65e. r , 40-inch Ail-Wool CASIIMEKES, xfarth 3-1.00 for 85c. - - ' . Br liiack Knglish ("repes tctt cheap. La dies' Jackets. Dollmans. New M arkets. Ka?- lans. silt Plush Modjeskas and Saeques and Children's Wraps very low. - (JlorH Silk Parasols and 'Umbrellas $1.75, J2.tK)and ?2.a)..- Shawls, skirts and Jerseys very cheap Me rino Underwear for Ladles and Misses and Gents, corsets, llosierr. Gloves, Housekeeping Goods, Towels, Napkins, Damasks, Marseilles Spreads. Lace Curtains at prices unsurpassed. Handkerchiefs for Alen's and Boy's wear. Sta ple and Fancy oressGOOds. : s- : Have not the space to enumerate our large assortment and prices, but can assure you we can sell you as low at home as any of the Northern Retail Houses, and save you ex penses. ' - - -...... Samples sent on application, orders filled promptly and freight paid on all orders over $8.00 Wc study to please at the CASH HOUSE of m nw Mm, Siik Plush Wraps, Silk Plush Walking- Jackets ! -o- Lndios' NewmarkHs ! in all the Most Fashionable Shapes. a well ordered uress uoods Department. o Housekeeping Goods, Towels, Napkins, Fringed Table Cloths, with Napkins to match. . WE SELL THE B EST Oiitt O liar Kid Giove In the sVuth. It is FOSTER'S Five Button Length, in Colors and Black. None better made. Every pair warranted. Ladies' 'Merino Vieste, Hosiery,Handkerchiefs &c. o In the adjoiningapartment we have concentrated odr otock of Gents' Goods, where can be found a splendid stock of French, Scotch and English Suitings, ALL WOOL ASERICiN CASSIMEBES, direct from the Mills in Pennsyl vania. Dicksev'sMarylandKerseys, and a great variety of goods for Boys1 Wear. Ladies' Empori Ib Kxtencled to thtt i aditi, : AND THJS. Publc 'Oonomllyi TO CALL AND EXAMINE O u r Stock, which will be open .iV .- : . . ed agd displayed at our 1 -o- Gents' llalf-Hose, LUieS YVaiKI?ff jaCKeiS, Merino and Camel's Hair Under Children's Newmarketii, Children's Cloaks. -o- shirts and Drawers, Collars and Cuffs, Scarfs and Neckties &c. The success we have had heretofore in catering to the tasteg of Gentlemen is a good proof of what we can now do -with such largely increased facilities. . We also offer a lartre stock of Do- nOMFl A"NTT1 ST-'F TRPIVT me?tic Goods, Prints, Ginghams, jVlUn HViSJ OL Jj JLIlJjUa, bleached and Brown Cottons 'Sheet ings and ShiVtingsi Our 8c. Bleach- jpg is a wondeK ' With" a (letermination to greatly increase our rapidly crrowintr busi ness, we have made attractive prices iiiui, iijum, commanu me aiiennon of all buyers. . No. lirMsrkH; St.,' Jno.J.Hedrick, -o- Huske Draper, oct 23 WEf?EIUOVATE H AIR WOOL AND JHOSS MATTKESSJLS j a ad make tliem as gaoa as new. For Health ana uomiort, mattresses saouia De jENOvA TED every 3 or 4 years at least. ' U' 1Q1 & lOS Market St.. oct 15 1 & 3 N. Frpot St. Just Received. FINE LOT OP BANANAS, OEANGES, Apples, ate. Fresh Home-Made Candy every aay. sept 17 tf oct 116 Market St., WIJLm J NGTON, - N. C. enny rices. book atOnr Loirlricc. Gcnthnwn's Cassim reSui.s f cm $5 50 to $12.50 Buy's Scits from to $C ll ' JQOWN WITH HIGH' PBICES. WE PAY 100 cents on the dollar for our Goods and then sell Cheaper than those who claim to sell at cost to deceive the public Give me a call and let my LOW PRICES convince you of this fact. :b. if. xE3ST2sr"5r, oct 36 tf . No. 110 Market st. FALL OPE f! which will take place on teste li 25th,26th&27tliiii. Pink and White Gossamer ritlTLOW'S SWEET SIXTEEN AND. SWAN Down Face Powders. Also a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toliet Articles, renumes, etc., at .7 . . -P. C. MILLER'S, ; Drugstore. " Corner Fourth and Nun Sts.. P. S. Prescriptions fiUea at all hours, day or uiguu oupu ix u School Books. gCIIOOL BOOKS, Fpr Private and Public SchoQls., ALL NEW STOCK CAN BE BOUGHT pHEAf- iiT AT HEINSBERGER'S. ABTpNIO FANTOPDLA, - ' - 16 South Front St.. COpposlce City palL) Leave word or drop us a postal card and we TV 111 i turn cct fJ3 u I es Wanted . jyjDLES ONE -PAIR WANTED. LARGE, send for your mattress in the a. in. and re-1 Young and First Class In all respects, it finished tn the p. m. " - - 1 . J. A. SPRING ti.7 . HOWELL & cumuxii. " tj Central Wood and coal A. SPRINGER. Yard, Pictures and Cards ORNAMENT YOUIi ROOMS, ALSO every " description. rjpo Brackets of cheap at For, sale x : HEINSBEBGER'S. Blank Books. pAPEE, ENVELOPES, INK, STEElf PENS; Pencils and Paner Bass . -: -. j . ...... , cheap at OCt 5 Wait and see ourSTYLES and PRICES before ;tnaking your purchases elsewhere and you will hot regret it Very respectfully, 11-rlTlLl MRS. KB 11 rjarlfott. - WILlilNqTQ.ViK.Pi 1 Wakdex hose, doq at them. We have the goods and caa - a riTiui'viiE.ii ' r -rvnrrn 0 n IS IHt VVV the' prices toult. 'my 14 tf ONWARD fpHE PROGRESSIVE th THIRD VQLP3IE at the - 1 subscriper, 1 year.... ' ; . s subscribers, 1 r'-'.-Wl- W subscnDers. V,'n me one One copy, 1 year, free to f 4. . hS- IU subscriDers, clnb of ten. 1 no'ht tias (charges prepaid; to feM7 V p i i lav I (v I; 1! "1 ilk