rm TCI DiPPR 'la. . - ed every evening, Sundays excepted, fU josh. T. james, Editor and Prop. --,-fjcrt?IPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: rpar .oa six months $2.00. Three one year months. $LQa One month 35 cents. n,nrr will be delivered by carriers, Iree ,-- many part otthe city, at the above or 10 cents per wee . ,.i no- rates low and liberal. jt- subscribers will please report anv and VOL XII. ,r failures to receive their paper regmany. TT Review V W ILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1888. NO 236. Tariff Reform is a good thing-in $500; Baptist Charcfa. PoaKhkeepsie, estimated toi an off year. Hope springs eternal. Will try it j - . i again four vears from to-day. $15,000. Mr. Vassar is have been worth over $1,500,000. as much to the process and OTHINO . cbjii in compounding as to . ho ino-rprtienta themselves. UKt IT Take it In time. Itchecks diseases inthe outset, or if rte be advanced will prove a potent cure. Home sMia ne whmi.il The Solid South is now the only hope of the Democratic party. And it is a hope that never fails. M takes theplarCeof a ifc All whole FOR WHOSE BENEFIT re- SSv lives will Qna gt preventive of Sktlon. Headachy Biliousness. Mental Depression. No loss time no interference with business t. .VfTti nrr Knr children it is most tn- f5ue u-. o No dancer from K?i.oTtr taking Cure Colic. Dl- 2SSi, Howel Complaints, Feverlsh lml Feverish Cold. Invalids and '"l.rcnns will find it the mildest Sent and Tonic they can use A little AP"e"J "irrht insures refreshinsr sleep ind a natural evacuation of tho bowels, f mtle taken in the morning sharpens irappetite, cleanses tho -stomach and A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 1 . Urt-n nracricinc medicine for twenty years and nave never been able to out up a vegetable compound that would, tke Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system. L M. Hintok, M.D., Washington, Arlc. Marks of Genuineness t Look for the red rSSlark on front ot Wrapper, and the seal and Signature of J. H.Zellln Co., la on the side. Take no other. nov2Gtclstpdiwly cn sat A. Martin & Co,, in North water Street, Wilmington, N. C Manufacturers of va,ai Rtnroii Vpnlco and InU ft V U - - m Turpentine, Lubricating Oilg, Lea tli 0T. Dress ins; Oils and You don't get any invitations to take a drink to-day. The racket is "let's go out and take a vomit. . . 1 The New York Jfeiald and Mar both failed us this morning. Prob ably they are too Kick to leave home. Our remarks yesterday were cor ! rect. Harrison has been elected by a larger vote than was deemed pos sible. It has been almost a revolu tion. States like Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, which have warered for years past, incliningisteadily to h Democratic ranks, have vv - - suddenly shown surprising Republic can majorities. But for fraud and treachery, however, we believe that Cleveland would have been elected Let's all get to work now, forget our losses and try and catch up on business. The Review roosters don't crw tforth a cent this time. They are too sick. We have a job lot of fluting ma chines which we are offering below factory cost. Jacobi's Hdw Depot, t First West India Fruit. The first cargoes of West India fruit of the season are here now, on the schooners Mabel Darlinq and Equator, both consigned to Messrs. Cronly & Morris, who will sell the cargoes at auction to-morrow morn- the sale to take place at 11 PLEASE NOTICE. :.; V We will be glad to receive communlcatio from our .friends on any and all subject general Interest, but- v ; Tne name of tne writer must always be fur nlshed to" the Editor. commnntcatlona must be written only on one side of the paper. - " - Persoxialltlesnmst be avoided. : Ana it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents anless so stated In the editorial columns. ' , : E W ADVERTISEM KNT8. First of the Season. West India Prult at Auction. The 53d annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington & iug, Weldon R. R. Co. will be held at the o'clock,on board, at Walker's wharf office of the Company, in this city, They bring oranges, bananas, pine an the 21st inst. apples, cocoauuts, grape fruit, &e - 1 We are authorized to state that . Kare Killed the Kat. hor we do not doubt that New York the "Democratic jubilee,about which Let us lauR, and srow fat Don,t Was there any particular fate in this election, and had the "on" in Harrison's name anything to do with it? If so let the Democrats get "on to that racket next time. . i i 1 1 i i 1 . iiiiu r-t-m kia 1 1 1 i in i rv ii i . vn rrrrv.ii a 11 a i i j . a. -a. is safelv Democratic. But the thing - taKe tne irouoie to neitr too i n o o notiTi nncT titi q i inr i"ti s( his, i ih- i i i - a. i i Qn,i nininrr nnw imo f"" ousiv. It we can e sei any iuu out will not alt rwniu It is not a Ul the control of the committee, lf thinff at anybody else's ex Waterloo for us. for the principles u""f pense, let us have it at our own. Ti10!A,,n0 AfnnnfMPfnrino. Hn nf Care killed the cat. let us enjoy life. eat. sleeo and be merry anu 7 , a w and we will bo al next liirht. Let lJ"' F -&-."! I r ,;K1.. rltntllfl US UvJV L V llJtr mcvuciuit auuiuuiv will of the majority. Every dog has his daw We have had the innings seria In 1892 the 153 electorial votes of the Solid South will form a magni ticient nucleus from which the Democratic hosts can start forward to victory in that year. The defeat of Cleveland is not the worst that may happen to us. It we have not lost the House of Repre sentatives we are not far off from that very undesirable result. on which the campaign was fought are as enduring, as the ever- lasting hills. The Democratic party is oftentimes stronger in defeat than it is in victory and it will rise from the ashes of tliis wi th all of the vi&ror and the hope and the undying courage of those who fight for prinerple and thiscifcv wi have on exhibition at the Augusta Exposition one of their pay the piper and pine traw bagging looms, under the better for the the charge of Mr. David Scott, their chief oDerator. It will doubtless attract much attention. for four years and please God we Our figures, as to the majority in will have them again in 1893. Are the Raleighites going to let t n v.o nnr T Wnrp.hftrd Eaves, sro en- yet prevail ' 1 . J J 1 ? l- -k S t m oixr nnwhinnfi.1 of iust ce? The and it is sure to triumpu m t'l " .... ... XI. T -n.nrH rmrtv in this State owe and on this same principle m him mucrr. but not more than they ocratic party will marcn on to v.o not for policy. The set back in tne ponn iaroiiua, i,uw, wm c - lava i - i r I WtPrn States is undoubtedly due tnmK, prove jar rrom correct. xuei wnr orv nf Tariff Reform, but have been some substantial gains a i J v I n nrv nf and some losses but the grains will exceed the losses. four years ago was 20,022. An average gain of 50tto each that same war cry was the cry oi aim some iscs i principle and a principle that wil1 probably far vet prevail. The truth is mighty Scales' majority can pay. In the midst of a general gloom . - i i and disaster the Democrats nave much to be thankful for. We have achieved a glorious victory in our torv fouryears from this November. Onr loss is in real it v rather a check than a defeat. county would make this 25,000. Lebemle Bilder. The Lebende Bilder or tableaux vivants,at Lutheran MemorialBuild ing to-night will certainly ne a errand affair. The committee hav- V. M. C. A, Every night next week, except Sunday, there- will be meetings in the Y. M. C. A. rooms in accordance with the suggestion of the Imter national Committee. Instead of a Y. M. C. A. meeting Sunday the va rious ministers of the city have been requested to preach special bermons to young men. The meetings dur ing the week will be free to all. Topics for young men's evangel istic meetings during the week of BY CRONLY. &. MORRIS." I - . s '- 'T. ' TO-MOREOW (PRIDAYJ. 9TII INST., at n o'clock a, m., on board the Sckrs. Mabel Darling anl Equator, lying at Walter's Wharf, we win sell their cargoes of Oranges, BanaBOs. i-ineappies. cocoanurs, urape rTuu, ujsar Cane, conch Sheila,. Limes, CoraL Sea Stars, sc.se. nov oiv vac iinrriiiiTiiciiii v luuriY oiuc State. And it is a victory that means found a sovereign remedy for pain, It is Salvation Oil twenty live cents 'rw frrf iir'K nan we're not the 11 l x M.inl- nnrual- l'nm flift llil.t.tJ in .Tia.r' llflVP f.01 II I ; ..nun., nwii-. uii'Viiant -, very outton, out wts tuuin vt.oi i "t f jji ci vuuu mu, uufwi- pieteu an arrangements, ooutjtional to us much more than national sue cess, xne ivepuunuivu uanj- a bottle. RparlvMixed Pains.all Colors bloom elsewhere but in TNort Car. dl.oo-a.x- jstdbts. ieaayiYiiAcurauii,aii wwiwiwi .nait .gas deadasia June bup; m all arrangements. thirty young ladies and gentlemen will take part. The admission has been placed at 10 cents for children and 15 cents for adults. BREWSTER'S PITCII A SPECIALTY. BOX 075. January. Aidress off 12 tt "STOTLLEY'S. WE ARE NOW 11 PRE-j accommouaTf pared to all who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to be had on the Coast. We have made special preparations for the Season. There is to be great rivalry Jin Washington ' this season between the ministers from Persia, Corea, .r.. 1 1 China and Japan. Tiiey are an wealthy men and can afford to en ¬ tertain, though the Chinese minister is the only one among them who has more money than he knows what to do with. The Japanese minister in that he Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters took Upward. The heaveus now present an inter esting study to the reflective mind. Venus rise one half an hour before the sun, and Jupiter sets with the constellation of Scorpio. E,volently the two have quarrated .and separat ed, Venus cutting her own kindling wArtd nvpnjimtnrv to breakfast cret- ... on,i wiitto finssamer I ' J " bobt R McCartney Tin and Sheet Iron ling, and her spouse preferring seor- Roofer. INDBX TO NKW AUVBBTISBMKNTS. Notice Sealed Proposals Gkand Tableaux Vivants M M Katz Special Uargalns Heiksberoeb -Schools books j A Sprifger Brick and Shingles Annual Meeting W & W R R Co IIuske & draper Announcement Cronly & Morris Fruit at Auction Geo R French & Sons 90c and $1.00 Mrs E 15 Wiggins Attention Ladles. Sunday, Nov. 11 Have You Seen Him? John i: 29, Luke xviii: 35-43. Monday, Nov. 12 Curious, Seri- ous, isaveu. IjUkc xix: i-iu. Tuesday, Nov. 13 Drifting. Acts xxiv: 24-27; Hebrew ii: 1-4. Wednesday, Nov. 14 Dwellers in Darknessx John iii: 19-20; viii: 12. Thursday, Nov. 15 The Danger Thoroughly Understood but not Avoided. Prov. v: 1-13; Neh. xiii: 26; 1 Cor. x: 13. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the Oflice of the Sunerylslnxr Architect, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, un til 2 o'cloek P. M.. r on the 6th day of December, 1X88. for the labor and materials reaulrea in the erection and completion of the Post Office, uusiom nouse, c, ai wiiaiiivu iur, . , heatinsr anDaratus and anDroaches not in cluded). In strict accordance with the speclfl- cations and drawings, copies of which may be seen at tnis omce, tne omce or. tne uperui tetideni, the Builders Exchanges at Baltimore, Md.. Cincinnati. - O.. and Charleston. S. C, Builders and Traders Exchanges,Chlcago, Ills. and Louisville. Kv.. Virginia Mechanics Instl- . tute, Richmond, Va., and Mechanics, Dealers & LumDemens Excnange,New Orleans, ia. jmicu hid must be accompanied by a certified check ior f 500.00 Tne supervising Arcnuect iur nlsh a limited number of copies of tke specifi cation and drawings at Ave dollars a set, upon -the receipt ef that sum in post offloe monex-; orders, drawn to the order of the Treasurer of , tke United States. WILL A. FRENCH, ; November 6, 1888. Supervising Arcnitet nov 8 3t eod - OPERA HOUGE. it Positively Three Nights Only." EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE, : , CORA VAN TASSEL, Assisted by a competent Company of COMH DIANSand VOCALISTS, lncludlns ; ;V MB. EDWIN YOUNG, v Presenting FRANK RICHMOND'S 3-ACT MU SICAL COMEDY, V "SWEET IS." "SWEIT 16" is a satire on some of the popu lar craze of the day, has a wen defined plot, is free from vulgarity and is as FUNNY AS THE FUNNIEST, and is Replete with Songs, Dances and Reftned Musical Features. . PRICES 15c 5c and 35c - , Ladles' and Children's Matinee- 2 o'clock SATURDAY, . nOV78t WA5TED-An Intelligent, Earnest Man to represent, in his own State, a lfflge responsible house. A remunerative salary to right party. Steady growing position. Refer ences exchanged. GAY'S MFG. HOUSE, nev 1 iv t Lock Box 1585, N. Y. Established 15 Years. RIGHT'S EXTRACT MARY STUART IS In small W the Finest Perfume you can buy. always on hand, style desired, oct 10 tf Served promptly and in any Wrights vine. NOT I Mattresses Renovated ! Mattresses for Sale! ho is fast Ded glass aud sash for your making many warm mends in wasu- j10t houses is constantly to oe nao at ington. Jacobi's Hdw Depot. T a iv.-. woi,i.rwt fif.7m.fan- A fuw mocklncr bird cages left VIIIIIIILT LlltJ I - ' ' 4o thP poiuinir winter will be Miss which we wish to close out at re- v w I . ..... -a T-v J J. tit:..,. rnV)anil Miss Mnfoil nnp.fS. .laCOOl S liUWJLepOU T VL loo VJI (A, L luiiw 9 I UUVJl." . - Cushions -r.Y. Pillows, Feather PiUows, Springs. IffillilniH (Oppsslte City HalL). 1 nov 2 CAUTION Nellie Bayard, Grace Black, daughter of tren tjioi-. TvTicc Hnrlsvn. dausrhter of Justice Harlan; Miss Quay, daught er of Senator Quay; the Misses Pres ton, daughters of the Haytien min ister; Miss Wilson, daughter of Col. John M. Wilson; Miss Thompson daughter of the California Repres entative: and the Misses Fuller, daughters of the Chief Justice. The voung gentleman, aged Ci, ,!,-. jo T,rw f!mwn Prince of Ger- rf uo o iiv " w - - i and will ih Kmoeror vvnen IA m. go i t m r j nil- pions to ins wue s t-ongue. xne study of astronomy is at all times an uplifting one, The Latest. The New York Times telegraphed to theRichmondZ)ispac7iatl o'clock this morning that Harrison had car ried the doubtful States and is elect ed. His plurality in New York is estimated at 15,000. In Indiana he PVirhvv ATrkx- 1ft Pin-ifx' a n r I bottles Or ih bulk. Of ' -V' T. , " Jl nov 6 MUNDS BE0THBK9. oy Tne itev. lt-onerr, trange, to men only. Saturday, Nov. 17 -Not Afraid to Stand Alone. II Sam, xxii: 11-12? Tim. iv: 16 17. ' - 90c. AIID SI.OO. JOB If you want a picture framed to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings tp select has 4,000 to 6,000, and in Wisconsin I V V 1 from. T 2,00U. tiarneon s election is gen- Catarrh originates in scrofulous erally accepted: as a matter of fact. fmnt,. Hood s sarsapaniia punues iQ more uuiiexms win oe issueu the blood and this permanently cures catarrh. W have it now. a razor that will shave you clean and make you hap py. Every one warranted. Jacobi s j Hdw Depot. Married Last Night. Mr. Peter Mohr, one of our prom inent upper Market street mer chants, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony last nisrht to Miss many. Bewire et FranxL as mr name and the price rrpsent VOUIltT Emperor IS dead, restamDednn th hnttom of all my advertised " 1 . . ...... ..v hrx Kt.fo f..innr. which TirotPCt ! i nlnnorlv r I Tl i ' t 11 WDMl lllLO it bUI - .v-w icavuiK vu j m TJJ 10 ajicu.ij v-. r, the wearers against hisra prices and inferior Roodg. If a dealer offers wTL. Ioucla shoes at a re duced price, or says he has them without my name nd price eumrJed on the bottom, put him down as ItUlKL dier. Wilhelmina Doescher. of our citv. . n i ri I ' The Fire Light Upen urate eiove . h R w E pescnau. The is wiuioui equtti iuj WUii.r, lieremonies took place at the resi- of Mr. Mohr. In the course Every day he is compelled for the Factory's Agent, iam i uaooui. of thfc evenjDg the Germania Band over half an hour to move his chub by legs and hold his immature body according to military discipline, and is severely drilled by an ancient ser geant major. He wears the regula tion uniform, and returns the salutes pf aged generals with dignied, non chalance. - Tl.i iuamiiticieiit new building Of T- ' r serenaded the UPPy couple. We We now have stove boards to goj wish mucn happiness to the newly under your stoves, of beautiful de-j edded pair. signs, that re guaranteed not to tarnish. Jacqhl's Hdw Depot. f Cora Vanrassel To-Nignt, Wilmington District, Methodist E. Church South, fourth round of Quarterly Meetings: Elizabeth ct., Nov. 3 and 4, Kenansville ct., Nov. 22. Onslow ct., Nov. 24 and 25. T. W. GUTHRLK, P. E., NEW A t VEKTIS EM.JBNTH. txrE HAVE JUST KECElVrU A lot of " ; , . . -: Boys' & Men's Balmorals That we can sell very Cheap. ' . r MEM'S AT SI.OO BOYS' at 90 Cents. Robert R. McOartney, (SUCCESSOR TO E. G. POLLEY.) Tin and fchet-lrou itooier. Guttering, Fipe-Laying, Roof Painting &c , No. 315 Market Street, nOV 83 m WILMINGTUN, JN. C. Brick Sl Shingles. rr jrrr NOW ON HAND AT HIS Coal and Wood Yard. J. J. SPBINGER, nov 8 tf OFFICJK OF THE SECRETARY OF THE WILMINGTON & WELDON R. It. CO., Wilmington, N. C.,Nov. 8th, 1888. ired in the erection oi the new public bil4;n,g i,n this city. i,-r.w Vnrk Times is so tar ad- See ad oi Mr. yrm a. r reucn oui vam-ed toward completion that the lervjsing Architect, elsewhere inthfe roof is on and being rpverecl witli.sue. There is no otper coiujuerr W can rill ease onr woes bv irointr .... " . Ii -..T " Sealed proposals win oe receiveu . , 0nprR 011Sft to niht and until December 6th for labor and . , , . tl h , tfUt,J '- if! . O " . tie Cora Van Tassel in ''Sweet S;x teen." If site can't wake Us forget our trouWeg, for awhile at all events, then nobody can. She will present her new piece, for the first time in lMetal. There is no oijiei wiuiue4- n,.v,prt x Mp.nn.rt.nev has this citv. and she will be well sup- pial building in New Yoek so tall as uouMit out Mr, E, G. Polley's tin ported by Mr. Young and a good this one, i. e not coiiinm business and is now conducting it company. After the stress and strain and other adornments or aisugure- . hJ &t Ur poll ev?s old stand , on of the past week a little diversion will be healthful for the body as wel1 as th.e mind. merits abowthe roots, vy accuiaie , , . . . . work lvellihir measurement engineers . n rAi.'ftHft nfl wft om have determined that the top of t,ie ; mend the attention of the pe0ple IJ I lrtllI AS wall is but two feet below that of his card in this igsue mm w $3 SHOE. FOB GENTLEMEN. the New York tpwer of the East River bridge. Its upper fetor y the. j Cane tack all Correct. j A correspondent write "us from j f!anptnp.k relative to political mat-1 mrtv TTTVTY-TnKID ANNUAL MEETING I nr thP stockholders ot the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be held at the nmna rt thP nnrmnv. in Wilmlnsrton. N. C on the Wednesday next after the third Monday in November, 1888. (November 21st, 1888.) JAS. F. POST, JK., nov 8 lw Secretary W. & W. R. R. Co. Grand Tableaux Vivants, j AT LUTHER MEMORIAL BUILDINGj I Ttiurfcday. Nov. 8th Children, 10c. A Pnvn riinnnn ' To get a Pair of. shoes Cheap. They are worth at leat $ L25. call and get a pair. V ; 1 Ugo. k. Jbrencn Kons, nov 7 tf lOS North Front St 11. CKUUlllU. , THE PROTOOKAPHEB. GIVE HIM A TBIAL! AU Work GuaranteeO. , ' , Pictures taken Slnglo or In Groups. sept 24 tf ' ' ' Carolina Honse, s. E. corner of Princess and Second Sts.i HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A FIRST Class Bar. Lunch Room and Restaurant. The finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars al ways on hand. Board and Lodging toy the day. week or month. New mver oysters in season. JOHN KOCH. oct 27 Corner Second and Princess. , Penny's Priceo. Look atOur Low Prices : Gentlemen's Cassimere Suits from $5.50 to $12,53 Boy's Suits from $1.75 to $6.75- OWN WITH HIGH PRICES. WE -FAY Admission AdnllB, 15c. 2t oct 24 nov 8 i - . .ill . ; 1 1 . 1 ' M Tj.n.lM rtmUl m m - . - 1 t . . I i . . -. 1 tlin TrI I TQ1C irk TnilT. GOOr.lflll 111 r f VrWUU 1 - " Kio0r.ihwill bo the COIunOSmS JUnyurxwiC. u.spseuw tuc lo, ,u.0mv. wfe. no tacks orvx thread to . Hip ,,nnpr. y fowing cases thismoining; uri iru fast an1 XWUm ... t : I T 7 taWe. NO TACKS or sewed and Ayilj : -r , V! , i . j. . . josepn iixou, jjenury, oouuuovc SHOK. the otiirtnal . . T , SrJeshoescostlnR troia $ to 9. -r, i.i.M,!0 ir. liia will li:is inado Hnnrt in the SUIU of a S1GQ histified " t.. UUUULAN 3VO FOL1CE (UU1U ruuUftccpotv, H -i ..- ' - thfl followimr chnritab e beauests: bond. v- t TOR THE BENEFIT OF GRACE METHO- jilro4 Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. enyth Inside as a Hand-Sewed Shoe. No Tacks vr it tk...i .. . . v. a wj, ill U 11 U I ft V llf 11. . . F loo cents on the dollar lor our Goods and then sell Cheaper than those who claim to sell at cost to deceive the public - Give me a call and let my LOW PRICES convince you of thLs act. .No. 110 Market st. . U DOUGLAS ,50 SHOE la iineeUe4 twasj wear. Bast Call Shoe for the mice. ,L. DOUGLA8 99.25 WOBKINO. JJAN'8 SHOE is the beet in the world lor wear; one pair oatrht to wear a man a year. .,V L. DOUGLAS Hi SHOE FOR BOYS "Jhe best School bhoe in the world. Rw. L. DOUGLAS 1.75 YOUTH'S School oao (fires the amaU Boys a chance to wear the tahoe In fbe world. u made in Confreas, Button and Lace. If ot To'lfSS16 W' U DOOOLAS' Forsaleibyi re.VONQLAHN, &o 31 smleod lp Wilmington. N.;C. Fourteen Hmrclifs in the city, $7,000 Henry Bradley, disorderly con-j . ji, .v , .1 ; (divided:) Vagsar Home ior agea uuci, uiwuurpti Men CT.OOO; Poor Widows' Coa Fund, $5,000; Yassar Brothers1 In stitute, $15,000; Vassar Brother' Hospital, $252,500; Vassar College, $130,000;John Guy Vassar Home for Orphans, , $100,000; American Sea men's Friends' Society, New York, DIST E. CHURCH, there will be an Entertain ment at the residence of COL ROGER MOORE next Friday Evening, Nov. 9th. 1SSS. Monday and made a brief but ef fective speech. There are but few men in that section of the State to whom, as Senator Ben. Hill used to say, "God gave them a white skin by mistake." The vote of Canetuck Samuel Miller, carrvincr concealed . is asfollows: Democrats Fowle 9.1, weapon, $10 or 20 days. :Waddell94, McClammy 95, Davis W. T. Brown, disorderly conduct, Avery and. Shepherd, 94, Johnson dischanred 92. Pjvddi.on 85. Keiiiiblicaus UoeK. adj. Ice cream and.other.deucacies, too tempt- t . V mtt imfctaA AmnntT nthor nt.trapt.1nnH Jacob Batts, Emanuel Shepherd, ery 61, Moore 65, Robinson. (Vf GfiitU iimbe music; and we nope that, many win Jno. Williams, perjury, case'eon- erie and others 6 Qropjo, John- opportunity to spend tinned, ' " ' son 74. , - ' - Admission io cents. : nov73t .-"V .' . : . . - ' ":"' ' ' : ''( ." 0t26tt . - New Candy & Fruit Stand JUST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT OF BA- nanas, Florida Oranges, Apples, Kts, "Malagra ;rapes and French Candles. A good supply of Home Made Candy always on hand. ANTONIO FANTOPULA. The la- nov 1 11 S. Front St., near New Market. dies in charge have determined to mate this . p-L, Yfhitd &0SSamCr, one of the most enjoyable occasions ever - j gWECT' SIXTaND WAN known In tt cttj of Wilmington., An. elegant 1( Ssippei wjjl served, consisting of Oysters, Sal- Down Fac Powders. Also a full line of Drr.s, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toliet Articles, Perfumes, etc, at ,-F. C. MILLER'S, - lirugKtore. Corner 'Fourth and Nun F ' - P. S. Prescriptions niied at ail hour or night. . - , sept t i 0