i Daily "XHE CITY BKAUTirCI a.metiuies when the day is ended 9A ml its round of duties done, ,;7 i watch at the western windows .. . Th cleain of the setting son. : : y When iuy heart has been unquiet,- nd its loninss unbeuiled nv the day's vexatious trials Viid canuot be .reconciled, I fuck on one slope ; of the moun tains ' ' a nd o'er the restless sea, imi I think of tlie beautiful city T h it lieth not far from me. And iuy Pirit is llushed in a ,u- the" twilight- falls tender and sweet, And I cross, In my fancy, the river, .nd kneel at the Master' feet. nd 1 rest in the shade that there falleth " From the trees that with healing That Shadow the banks of the river . q,he riVer of water of life. Aud. sometime, when daylight is ended, And the duties he gave iuh are done, 1 i.lmll watch at life's western win do The "learn of its setting sun. 1 shalffall asleep in the twilight .s I never have slept before, T- dream of the beautiful city Till I waken to sleep no more. There will rail on iuy-' restless spirit I hush, oh, so wondrously sweet, jail I shall eros over the river To rest at the Master's feet. Keduclnc: i he Mirplus. position of the Surplus .in the U. S. Treasury engages the at tention of ourStAteuen,-but a more vital question has our attention, and that is m reduction of the 8ur pltis CousuniRtives. Since the dis covery ; and introduction of Dr King's 2so m .Discovery for Consump tion, there lias been re market tie crease in the .mortality from this dreaded disease, and it is possible to still further reduce the number Consumptives. Hv keeping eon stantly on hand a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery aud using according to directions, upon the appearance of the (irs svmptoms, such as a Cough, a Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest or Side Pain. Taken thus early a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Wiu. H. (ireen & Co's Drug Store. Dr. CULL'S facilitates Teething ClRDV CVniIDulatestheBowels'At ZJAUI 0 1 1 1 U i all druggists. Price 25 cts. Never charge a bdd good is conceivable. motive, if a TKRKIBLK FOKKWAKMNGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption luill cure these fearful svmntoms. and is sold under a fvjaitirc guarantee by Muncls Bros., druggists. Nowadays a frequent and painful dieae, rheumatism, can be per manently cured by Salvation Oil. All druggists keep "it. Price 25 cents. A Farmer Gets Mixed. Fht Fanner: "1 hear that you have a babv at your house." Second tanner: "Yes. and Pol lv'- "ot h tine mule colt, too." FirVt Farmer: "Your wife?" Second Farmer: "No, my rom mare. The doctor says it won't liv.-. Fir-t Farmer: "Which, the mule Second Farmer: "No, the baby. Ami I've been offered fifty dollars for it."' First Farmer: "Fifty dollars for the baby?" Second Farmer: "No, the colt. 1 tell vou it looks just like me." First Farmer: "The mule colt?1' Second Farmer: "No, the baby. 1 puess I'll take fifty dollars for it." First Farmer: See here, iuy friend, why don't you talk mule or baby if vou don't want tget a fellow mixed up?" Second Farmer: "That's what I'm trying to-do. You see I think a Old Bill Simpson's Jack is the MrelKurke A circus tumbler should never be full. m- - Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once: it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnikl from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves winQ, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oth.'r causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. july G deod&wly THE VOTE HY COUNTIES. Counties. Alamance. Alexander. Alleghany. Anson Ashe Beaufort. .. Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe of it. SHE IS "GRATEFUL.." ,lI saved the life of my little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Enir lh Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. VM. V. HARRLMAN, New York, itigtou. Munds Bros., druggists. Cabarrus. Caldwell ... Camden... Carteret . Caswell.... Catawba . Chatham.. Cherokee. Chowan... Clay....... Cleveland, Columbus Craven Cumb'rl'nd Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham... The Power of "Words. The effect an advertisement has upon the reader is very well illus trated by the following, as related in the Mechanical News: "A wealthy man who owns a coun try residence recently became dis satisfied with it, and determined to have another. So he instructed a real estate agent famous for his descriptive powers to advertise it in j Edg'combe the papers for private sale, but .to j Forsyth conceal the location, telling pur-1 franklin, chasers to apply at his office. In a ! Gaston .... few days the gentleman happened Gates , to see the advertisement, was pleas-: Graham... with the account of the place, ; Granville, showed it to his wife, and the two j Greene.... concluded that it was just what Guilford., they wanted, and that they would Halifax.... secure it at once. So he went to i Harnett... the office of the agent and told him that the place he had advertised as such a one as he desired and he tould purchase it. The agent burst into a laugh, and told him that it as a description of his own house where he was then living. He read the advertisement again, cogitated Haywood . Henderson Hertford... Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston. . Jones oyer the "grassy slopes," "Deautnui 1 Renoir vistas" "smooth lawns." etc.. and ' Lincoln...: broke out, "Is it possible? Well, McDowell . make out my bill for advertising ; Macon ! expenses, for, by George! I Madison., .j ocldn't sell the place now for Martin j three times what it cost me." MeckFnb'g; ; Mitchell....! 11 Ground Four Milei to the Theater, j Montcr'm'y j . ... ' Moore j Jisome countries it would seem : Xash grange for a party going to see a! Haiiov'ri theatrical entertainment to make-Xorth'pt'n ! arrive into Mother Earth, travel Onslow 1 four miles tinder the mountains, and 1 . V? t Pamlico Pasquot'k. Pender 1215; Perq'im ns Person Pitt then dart up to the surface within a ttone's throw of the ticket office; hut it is after such a fashion that ome of our people go to their regu lar dose of drama, comedy and trag edv. Recently a party of ladies and'iVwiL- gentlemen of the town of Sutro. I Roniioiilii" who wished to see "The Two Johns" i 5,.,f at the opera house, took the sub terranean cut. Starting at the niouth of the Sutro tunnel, at their own doors, they came up the tunnel o the C. & C. shaft, a distance of a little over four miles. Dismounting the cars, they then boarded the Cages in the shaft and were shot up rd to the surface, a distance of feet. . This way of going to the theater s as much fun for our ladies as go X to a picnic It is really a pleas tir, but until a lady has become Juewhat accustomed toviife in the Pes, it requires a little nerve. It J fine and cool the whole four miles wnder ground. The cars will not JH even the most delicate dress of r5 satin, therefore there is no uble Qf changing clothing. In Jjf room at the mouth of the' tuh .7. a lady may stand before her juirrorand give the finishing touch uower or featherand just in such she turns from her trlass 1G29 943 595 1896 1219 2016 1614 1426 921 2685 1278 1903 1251 699 1171 1550 2303 2481 505 704 352 2030 1867 1338 2479 978 244 1954 1007 OOQO 1576 1695 2101 2103 1365 1133 268 2190 1046 2491 2264 1254 1184 782 i 1 1 on I 867 2679 713 2801 746 1620 1162: 708 1087! 1.570; 95 1 i 3727i 035 901! 1797! 1837! 1751 1733 1284! 1670' 74S! 898, 5 6 X. o G 1245 351 403 1084! 1187 1681 1823 1511 926 1941 995 953 .420 .564 597 1603 650 1671 594 811 .207 612 953 2525 2159 413 28G! 2072 11071 1174 1190 3316 1877 1987 934 704 137 2037 1094 2208 3786 7271 o 1008 2205 1815 2204 1584 o 2092 1799 I 1541 "1365 3041 2816 1247 1165 1645 915 1253 717 598 602 2360 75G 643 " S68 742 792 2269 " 764 2072 910 ! 2577 . 2232 978 438 1204 1154 1617 2041 1236 1008! 1072 1497 744! 977; 1305! t i 1708j 2724 345! 1962! 684 1587 1209 1020 uape as eiteJS sl,ot UP 10 the surface iu the ly, ready to take her seat in the Richmond Robeson.... Rock'gh'm Rowan Ruth' rford Sampson. . Stanley Stokes Surry Swain Trans' l'nia Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren .... Washi'gt'n Watauga... Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey..... Totals. 1490! 2436 440 2044 1058 2361 2443 2636 1517 2525 1100 1334 1371 494 459 488 1838 1155 4772; 1140 648 2796 1301 2145 950 1 755: 1399! 753! 493! 1388; 1234 638 3040, 1148 926 1426 1528; 2879; 2351 472! 10511 005 1239 1240,! 977 1082 2285 481 1828 1675 2207 1577 1372 1536 614 1029 1433 1551 323: 335! 620; 1612 4278; 2142! 10721 624 2500; 1937 1493 1261 502 843 180" 620 1430 901 S74 979, 1944! 2137! 1880; 10091 nso; lOlOj 832 72l! 438 2171! 1215 1846 1699 2836 1990 425 1288 1217 757 41S 2327 2823: 2395! 2739i 1690! 2370; '996! 1450: 4.70' .....:! 1382! 801 1706 2159 1071 143250 123040 L 1988 tn-t ! 1260 1663 1616 817 1333 367 1936 1014 2252 1521 14 19 An order to an encampment of British volunteers is "all hair to bo cut quite short, and where possible the mustache only to be worn." Bill I Cures CSH Colds, ULL W Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, f ft 1 1 P 11 Croup,Inci- pient Con-LiUUISfTB sumption, and relieves Consump tive Persons. 25 cents. SYRUP i- LAPSE'S CUBEB CIGARETTES for Cat 013 UAL tarrh. Price 10 Cts. At all druaalstU oct tf JOB PRINTING! We want your orders for PRIXTIXC. Itl l.IXi; ami BINDING, and if doing your work well, with good material and stock amount to anything we know we are certainly entitled to at least a portion. Our money has not been put in old time material and we are constanty adding new type. Try us on any books ycu want made to order. Personal attention to all orders. JACKSON fc BELL. The Acme MANUFACTURINGS. MANUFACTURERS OP Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. o- riMIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS 1 the ACME and GEM, Is now established, anc the results of three years' use In the hands ot the best farmers of this and other States ly attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of ou native pine, Is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet tor comfoix and durability and the demand for It Is dally Increasing. It has vir tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal zo nair, Demg ngnt elastic and proof against Insects. cerancates f rom reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. lan 4 tf 1889. Harper's jjlagazinc. ILLUSTRATED. IIakper's Magazine is the most useful, en tertaining and beautiful periodical in the world. Among the attractions for 1889 will be a new novel an American story, entitled "Ju piter Lights" by Constance F. Woolson; lllus t rations of Shakespeare's comedies by E. A. Abbey; a series of articles on Russia, illustra ted by T. De Thulstrup; papers on the Domin ion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley Warner; three "Norwegian Studles,"by Ujornstjerne Bjornson, illustrated; "Commodus," a historical play by the aut hor or "Ben-Hur," illustrated by J. R. Weguelin, etc: The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS PKR YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 0J HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 ()a HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all sitt str tiers in the Untie Scales, Canada, or Mexico. The TOlumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specitted, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for binding, 50 cents each by mall post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, - Alphabetical, Analytical and classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 18S5, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Oftl e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of losis. yetespapers are not to copy tin's aQivrlisetnf.it, without thpvxpress order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS. novi5 New York riomes in North Carolina, mlv 20 Hours Ride fronj fJew York ! 59 21iiesSouuj of Baieis;b On the Raleigh and Ausrusu. Air-Line R K. - o 1500 ACal!'s LANt IN THE on leaf pine region For eale on eaaT terabit lots to aul: purchasers. 'our acres f.or larger tr&cis $5 per acre, In rfctM-- paj regents ol 10. This land aujolna the "South cm Plaea". a recently established health r ort (01 sanitarium), and Is specially adapted 'or Fruit Culture, as well a3 all ne core?.i&. number of New England people have bought lota In tao town of "southern PineV aQtl 14 13 the df.slre of tbe owners of this land to hv Juee small farmers, mechanics and others troin the Sew England and Middle Statefc, &m well as elsewhere, to locate hero. No State In ine Uukm oCTers greater Inducements to eet ilcra than North Carolina Nowhere can oetter rarmlng country or as nne a climate be found, 'i hia is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. This If bonajtdt offer, and is limited For further particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATiiiCK., Conaila'r of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C or B. A RICHARDSON, iuSltt Chronicle Offlce, AuzuaU.G . 1 & 8 8 8 14 15 s to M 10 11 10 (A IUV4 8 . - WHOLESALE , PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In-maMng up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny Standard ..... BACON North Carolina. Hams " shoulders tb SJdes, y lb WESTERN .SMOK ED Hams, lb sides, y & Shoulders, y lb DRY SALTED sides, y k.'. Shoulders, y tb BARRE1-S spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each 1 New, New York, each 0 New, i ity, each 1 BEESWAX. V lb .. BRICKS, Wilmington, 3? M 6 Northern . 0 BUTTER, v North Carolina Northern CANDLES, J lb Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, y lb Northern Factory Dairy, Cream state COFFEE, ? lb Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, y bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, y bundle 1 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, y yard Yarns, y bunch eggs, y doz FISH Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl X) Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbl. 7 Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl 9 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 Mackerel, No. 3, y bbl 7 UAIIiilOAUrt, Atlantic Oast Line. Wilmington & Weldon R. R AN D I 16 AN C II KS 40 3 1 00 1 05 (-4 1 Oil (ri S 00 (U 50 75 70 00 (X) 15 25 25 (ft :J0 18 (A 25 9 (A 10 11 12 l: 14 9 (A 10 27 (A 28 23 kA 24 20 (A 22 00 (A Kiyi 00 ti.M 25 1 IJO 6 (A 6 00 SO 18 (A 20 Mullets, y bbl..., 6 N. c. Roe Herring, y keg... Dry cod, y tt FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade Extra 4 Family 4 City Mills Super 4 Family 4 GLUE, y lb GRAIN, y bushel. Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof cow Peas HIDES, y lb Green Dry HAY", y 100 lbs Eastern 1 Western North River hoop iron, y lb LARD, y lb Northern North Carolina LIME, y barrel 1 LUMBER, City Sawed, y M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 Rough Edge Plank... 15 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. 13 Dressed Hooting, seasoned.18 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 MOLASSES, y gallon New Crop, in hhds " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds "in bbls Sugar House, In hhds " in bols Sj:rup, In bbls NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 OILS, y gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin... Tar Deck and Spar. . ... POULTRY Chickens, live rown " Spring Turkeys. PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 lb, POTATOES, y bushel Sweet Irish, y bbl 2 PORK, y barrel City Mess.. 17 Prime 15 Rump RICE Caiolina, y lb Rough, y bush, (Upland)... " (Lowland). RAGS, y ft Country City ROPE, y lb SALT, y sack. Alum. . . Liverpool Lisbon American SOAP, y lb Northern SUGAR, P lb standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SHINGLES, 7 In. y M 5 Common 2 Cypress Saps 4 Cypress Hearts 0 STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel.. 8 R. O. Hogshead 0 TALLOW, y lb TIMBER, y M feet Shipping.. 12 Fine Mill jjfl Mill Prime 7 Mill Fair 5 Common Mill . 5 Inferior to Ordinary 2 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 1 North Carolina. 1 WOOL, y lb Washed Unwashep Burry 00 AU 50 (A 8 00 (411 75 iffy tj HO s 9 00 A 7 00 A i 5 S 50 i4 4 00 (A 4 50 A 5 00 (A 4 50 (A 5 8 (A 00 (A 00 A Wi (A IK) A 00 (A SO (A 5 (A 10 (A 05 (A 1 85 (A 90 (A 2 7Si 8 ( 40 (A 0 00 20 00 (ffiltj 00 J8 00 (s!22 00 (Alb 25 (A 28 28 (A 30 00 1G (A 22 (A 40 2 9 (A 16 1 90 1 15 (A 00 (A 00 30 10 95 1 60 C4 35 (A 25 2 50 18 00 16 00 15 4 (A 60 80 (A 1 00 1 14 70 (A m (A oo 00 (A ax m 0 b(A 0 (A 00 7 00 2 50 5 00 (A 7 00 14 00 ($10 ft 00 14 25 13 50 8 00 (A 0 00 0 50 (A 4 00 2 00 (A 2 28 (A 15 (A 10 (A 50 00 (XJ 1)0 00 00 00 10 00 50 00 10 00 10 05 52 f7 65 45 r2 90 12 10 95 00 ?)4 10 00 (X) 00 00 00 00 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 25 0 0 90 60 00 00 00 5 80 00 IX 75 70 00 70 r; e; 6 oM 5K 00 " 50 00 50 00 00 6 00 00 50 00 00 (X) 00 50 30 25 15 fMw3$f&tf 4 ..t tin:.- S 2 H fa iP'Vf'-.-- 'J-'-V Jn ' ... ' Hur-ting CaM 1. ' li-.tiit; iit secure oo '''I. '.: io t:.'s Kegibl i ..t..-if '.vp. want one pel -. i.i ti.-u )LK :J!iy, to keep I ili. t :u i?t Hoe of oa ,J.i.S..j ..t:tll'LE9 li. i. i ' '-.r.iid after yc I . !it!l.- oli l i..OWU ttiet vrn.;r own jPofrtj , r ;.v.u.- iu a ! re trade fa .i t.-niiu era month or tw we nsuttlly get from ;. tv- S;" H tra.Ju from th fnrrounuiiig c-'Uiitr r.i3lt t ui . v-in itrfi.l ulor er Jnoun.is naiic ia or- er tiiit o:ir 3a. U.3iua l.e JlCeil at OOA wbere Ciuj thii be til uvi, A:. ri-n. vi'rir-; at once, at Oiake nre ot t!io cUanco. Keali' jiv:.! b". hi: 'Ay any troabj (or you t i sliow ihet-niiil ea l' t '--- ho iuay cU at yoor bom d your reward still bo ssicst '.itiartury. A poKtal card o wbict to write ua ct V HI 1 ' till u.i I after you kiinw all, if yo 0o not caro to po further, vchv n hurtii '4 vV.re.. Butifyoud yend your (!!res at ii t 'in cii b--ttre FKEE one of U beat eoliil Suld -A-atchis th. wi ld and our large llnet fOSTI.V SAMi'l.EH. JVe all t-jtprgg, freight, 4dd?eaaG&0, fcTI.aO" UXt ali, 1 UUXLjLKD, UXIH1 ! tbetr honiti,m i . thnwvi valuaMeftrid u9i(ul ijiii, tiave i-'i't tti:nt in your htrn. J . loth 're rho nry hv-.j .a J.oj.t li.'" It te r- r-3t. U- to riia,-.( n ' tw. (MJI.Cf Wiit. li ami i. .ISfTi sa-j thMiflPicB iu a:jy 1 y. !w; u; alter our s ini;!u- i ar N'fa sept 2J tf Valuable Lands for Sale, QNE TRACT OF LaND, LYING ONK mile from Lincoln ton, N. C. , consUUsut of a"3 acres, 53 acres cleared; 5 etst for cotun butglvce good ci'Oris for all grains. Has & lvie., ruanioji thuh It and a ffne sprine h lew Acres of bottom land on the brancn ami 'Mi acres la wood, oak and hickory, wch tini bcred . Another tract lvlng 2f miles iroro LJnon.. ton, ml'e from v R U , loo areri. 25 cleared, line spring of dt-llcioue water, about six acres of bottom laud near Hon trie bra en . Is i i for toh-cxio, but grows Oliver crup well; 75 acres in yellow pin. and ak. For price and termt apply 10 UROSLV AilOEKI' EBEST to MM 0 INT jranly Vigor, "Weakness or Lo-s of 3fcniory pcx tacently restored by the nee ot an. entirely i imedy. Tlie Ycrba Santa, from Spain. Span h Trochees never fail. Our iHastrated,2page tool id testimonials, (sent sealedV Every man Ehouk -ad it. VON GRAKF TltOCIIKI CO., VJ Fark rice. Rew York. 61 'XT 1 a ? COND ENS ED SCH EDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Hated Sept, 16. ;88. Leave Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount Arrive Tarhoro. . . Leave Tarboro... Arrive Wilson.... Leave Wilson.. A. I A A V. V, itJ.ll . i Arrive FayettevPej Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw.. Leave Magnolia. Ar. Wilmington. No. 23, 1 dally.J 2 05 pmi 3 17 pm! 4 50pnli 10 50 am) 3 50 pmi 'i 10 nmi ' 5 19 pm! 7 45 pm! NO. 27, No. 15, F t Mall daily ex jiaily Sunday. 5 43pmVs"00 nni i 7 10 am 00 pm; 7 43 am .... 4 40 Dm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40 pm; S 35 am I 9 33 am 8 40 pmi 9 49 am 9 55 phi! 11 30 am MISCELLANEOUS. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . A rri ve Warsaw . . . j Arrive Goldsboro. 1 No. 11, No. 78. daily. I dally. T a-; omi o M Jt UU1 ) .7 ' " ' , 1 24 am JO 35 am j 1 10 50 ami 2 25 am 111 jj0ain a 00 am! 10 2- am IT 4j) nm' 3 02 am!l2 42 pmf 1 -H rim I ( X ' ' I'll 1 11 Till ntii" NO. 6(5, daily ex Sunday. 4 00 pm 5 ;0 pm 5 50 pm 6 52 pm 7 52 pm S 29 pm leaves Rocky M.. arrives at Leave Fayette ville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson Ar. Rooky Mount Arrive Tarboro. 7 Leave Tarboro... Arrive Weldon . ...14 30" ami 2 40 pin !9 40pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tau boro, N. C. via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, i.90 P. M., Sunday 5 00 1'. M., arrive Williamston, N. c;.", 8.10 P. M.. 6.10 P.M. Returning leaves Wil liamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N.C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves ;olds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smiihlield. N. c, 8.;0 A. M. Returning leaves Smithfleld, N. C, 10.10 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 11.35 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch Mount for Nashville, 4.00 I. Nashville 4.40 I. M., spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Jietui'ning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., arrive icockv Mount 11.55 A.M., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. and 11.10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., connecting at War saw with N0S. 15 66 OlCl 78. Southbound Train on Wilson iz Fayetleville Branch is Na 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Ri'jlunond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, augis Wilmi&gtoii, Cot! m a & Augusta li K. n CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 11,1888. Leavo Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. No. 23. NO. 27. No. 15. P. M. P. M. P. 31. 8 05 10 10 t 2 40 I 11 16 12 37 5 23 12 10 1 20 . 6 10 A. M. P. M. No. 50 No. 58. A. M. p. M. 3 20 t 6 20 I 4 40 7 40 No. 52. NO. 56. ! A. M. P. M. I 1 4 40 t 9 20 7 54 6 15 10 22 ! 9 10 I A. M.- No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M., Manning 8:53 A. M . No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaving Lanes 6:40 P. M., Man ning 7:19 P, M Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter. . . . Arrive Florence , . Leave Florence ... Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington. I N0. 51. NO. 57. NO. 53. P. M. A. M. P. mT 10 25 7 00 5 33 11 52 8 15 6 45 i No. 59. 11 52 t 8 25 1 15 9 40 A. M. A. M. No. 78 No. 60. No. 14. A. M. A. M. 1. M. 4 35 f 10 00 8 20 5 22 10 42 8 55 8 35 1 40, 11 50 A. M. P. M. P. M. Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S, c, via Central R. If., arriving Manning 7:12 1. M.. Lanes 7:43 P. M., Charleston 9:10 1'. M. No. 57 runs through t o Charlest on Ma Cen tral R. R. nnivlnrr Mnnri1nr , m t .,n 9:30 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. xso. .vj connects at r iorence with C. and D. train trom Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 7S arfl 14. mnlcrt fln i.nnnnnHAn it rn . ' - WUIH.V.L1W11 VLJ T 11 mmgton with W. k W. 11. ll. tor all points North . JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. R. KENLY'. Sunt. Transnortatlnn T. M. EMEliSON, General Passenger Agent, nov 13 J. TliJK TAULK NO. 3 Palmetto Kiiilroad Co. QN AND AFTEi: FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except ISun day. GOING SOCTil. x N'o 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C 1 8.30 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C. j.:jo A. M. Gdixo Nokth. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, 8. c 4-25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C :54i5 P. M. ,dcc 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. Society Work. 'HE SEWING- SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for aU klnirla of plain ann fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladles' and Children's aprons a specialty. - Orders left at thO li!tirT nr V9J. Knrtr, Third street, will meet with prompt attention. Carolina OcntraliKailroad Company.- -- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Oct. 11, 1SSS. Iieave Wilmington.. lave .Maxton Leave Laurtnburg Leave Hamlet Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. Leave Lineolnton Leave. Shelby Arrive Ruthenordton. NOrl. dally ex. Sunday. No. 3. dally ex. Sunday. t . 111 13 amill 57 pm 111 43 amll:; 32 pm Ail m 9 m nm 12 pm 4 iu pm A in nm 5 46 pm 6 ri pm 8 15 pm 7 iwam EASTBOUND TRAINS. Oct. 11, 1888. Leave Rutherfordton i-avo Shelby Ieave Lineolnton.... Arrive Charlotte Iavo Charlotte Leave Hamlet, liCave Laurtnburg.. . . Leave Maxton.. Arrive Wilmington.. No. 2. dally ex sunaay. No, 4, dally ex . Sunday 7 10 am 8 33 am o 38 am 11 llam 11 21 ami 3 ou pm 3 51 pm 4 13 pm 7 40 pm 8 00 pm 1 45 am 2 49 am 3 19 am 8 40 am Trains No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. l for statesvllle and stations on W. N. C. R. K. and points West. Take No. 3 tor Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Ashevllle via Spartanburg. Local Freight Nca. 5 and trl-weekly be ; tween Wilmington and Laurtnburg, leaving Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Local FreightNos. 7 and 8 trl-weekly between Laurtnburg and Charlotte. . Local Freight Nos. 9 and 10 trl-weekly be tween charlotte and Rutherfordton. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 do not take passengers. L. c, JONESt Superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Gen'l Tassenger Agent. oct 9 Wanted. RARE CIIANCE.TOGO INTO BUSINESS.. will sell at a low ngnre a paying business. Reason for selling, going into some other bus iness, a rare chance for an active man with limited capital. Address LOCK BOX 571, 4f Wilmington, N. C. John Werner WO ULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to his friends and the public ; generally that he is. now back at his-old stand. No. & Market street, which has been, thoroughly overhauled, repaired and refurnished. With first class workmen, sharp razors and polite attention he hopes to continue to merit the patronacre of the public. All of his force Is now concentrated at No. 29 Market st. sept 19 Specials. QARDEN HOSE, DOG COLLARS, LAWN Mowers, Fishing Tackle, come , In and look at them, we have the goods and can make the prices to'suit. " -v '' 1 V W.E. SPRINGER & CO., '1 my 14 tf 14. Front St., Wilmington, N. C W ow Ready. I AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with , the Purest Drugs that can be found- In the city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet 'Soap, Brushes and combs.- I have a fine assortment, of Cigars and Cigarettes J can be found at my store Night and Day. v. J -J JOHN SHEEHAN, the Druggist, octiatl,. N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle Bts. - ; , . - Removed. V' on Sanngs & Trusi Ccmpanj ' HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 108 PRINCESS street, the office recently occupied by Mr. Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., where business will here after be transacted. W. p. TOOMKR octltf cashier. 'v The Robesonlaq, . X . ' . ". ' PubUshed in LumbertonN. C.i by W. W. McDIAEMID, JS READ EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every intelligent citizen of Robeson county, and has a general circulation In all the sur rounding cou ntles, including Marion, iarl boro and Darll ngton In South Carolina. The ROBES ONI AN is now in the Eighteenth Year of a prosperous and vigorous existence, and is so firmly established In the . hearts or its patrons as well as a pecuniary enterprise, t hat business men can readily estimate as to its value to them. The advertising , rates are exceedingly reasonable, considering the age. circulation, and influence of the paper. Send 5 cents for specimen copy. - sept 27 x- IVTlf) arfi IRpnt Vmtm anil nn.' Mutated and suffering from JTr vous Debility, seminal Weakness -Sightly Emissions, and all the et ferts of fiflrlv Vrrti rrhita whfnh lead lQlK e7isctirreDecai!, Conxreinp- , ('.on or fttsantsy, send for Pears Treatise on Disease of Man, with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. So oat no pay. J. s. PEAK.s,i2and 611 Church st.,NashvUle,Tenn octoiyd&w : MR RICHLY read this and thpn &r.- thv vxiati o in uui vhjv luem irum meix nomes and families. The profits are large and sure for every lndustrlrus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month, it is easy for any one to maket5 and upward per day, who is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. No special ability reaulred: you. reader, ean lr t aj wii - as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine. nov 22 dCmwLr Curoiiiia Ilouse, s. E. Corner of Princess and Second Sts., HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A FIRST-' Class Bar T.nneh lfnnm o nil VoetanMn The finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars al ways on hand. Board and Lodging by the day. week or month. New River Oysters in season. oct 27 Corner Second and Princess. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ItEPAlIl SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OP ANY KIND Vehicle or want any-Repairing done to their old vehicles, will ri . .to their interest call on . v - ' ' - ' - - ' C. B. SOUTHERLAND CO. ' i.x - Comdr Second and Princess Street Send your Uorsea to be shod. We have first-class Shot r. k -. men b . 1 y

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