I.! in j" 1 M if m H n m i 1 T 0 i tl 1 .'. .'4 1 - :1 m V.; 1 . ; '1 'rl it; : 1 t: A: y i .1 ,1 i ii; 1 1 A ..-.ri-"- I.? j 5 s i i i . : i it I r , - 1 - - ut- J mm w ' A ?V f W - m I - - I I IM ii i P 0 ' I rsA T - M l t ' LA , wfts drilling w"coli about a wee apo m - -"-r " horse became iritfiueuru away, throwing Wjufroiu Jo the olher and his nose was torn i Katwppn the eves so that it av.is " , - . f tn 1UV III . t f replacing mr o vomits he was COMMEKCIAI TTEVrfc. ,v i orV tr. insert tubes ! . . . 1-1 f n CC1 fllS Pronsrs rignt biiouiuer i ropt & r. oft-ounts he was onvV;rwellandltl8thonBht that he will recover. Statesville Landmark: Our peo- Absolutely Pure- , TM powaer -never jane A vmarvelonju- aM cannot toe 1 n an) Tl PVlT SO j,,r- flriAl ulpctlOl aS iv defeat in iiiui""1" - ev are at this time. Old soldier compare their sensations to those experienced at the surrender, .ind eA ti.ov iirl not feel as bad some un;iaii: h.t - A w- 1 1 1 f I WILMINGTON MARKET. Nov. 17. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 43 cente. Sales of receipts at 43 CTtOSIN - Firm at 80 cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. -.ma tar Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE - Firm at $1.85 for hard, $2.25 for yellow liCOTTON2-Firm. The following nffift a. nuotaiious; vfi"1""- va..- MISCEIiLANEOTJS' - Sea BwivBap AST at last ilisap of the 4 1 ...L- Tin most nauiiui :..-..,r linwpver. is that old people! for many of them do not 1 1 irv tr spti another Dniiiocrutif; Presilent. G 5-16; good ordinary, 7, low middlings 15-16 ;middling 9 7-16;good U1&-day: Spirits, 215;rogn, 425;tar, 208; crude, lOo; cotton. 2,208 5IAUTNE NEWS. Ladies' Imp orium 115 Market St.. J. o. evening. J "e .which readies to i foots Hoots hate powders. OWDKK omicai in"'tV thTTmuititude or low sola in compc i" ;; ;-v- test, snorx weigui, ttiu y feTklsti V CO..106 WallSU,N. Y. ija, .Daily BqvIqw. Saturday, -no v. 17. isss. STATE NEWS. The ladies of refusing -. i I r : 1 1. . . . , - . I ...1 as. Y II W ii .. i-ill.wl I'iinr in liVU in ii'"-' countv last Friday wtrv of the affair w tliHt. Hvrd went 4.u.. wl lUlf!) II 31 imsiiiir nun ,e'ed him to leave and got him on the porch. Uyrd got ou in? ""' . . . 1 .1.,1-itwr MIDI still cursing iioois mm wr out, the latter telling him he want ed no fuss. I5yru goi and jumped on the porch cla kl can wnip neu j. ......... tiinu VII I1T1 I II!T I1IO 111"'" uiv tmpkpt and auvuuowr. . , If Unntu UT.rill'.IV IllUl. """"" ' . T . no piece of plank ami Byra - hond of 1.000 for his appearance at court. nnrl Cihuerrcr: les KA, I . V' v ARRIVED. Steamship Gulf Stream, .Tribou, Nw York 11 (y Smallbones. Steamer I). Murchison, Smith, t ay etteviUe, Williams & Murchison r .pnii. Kreed. Jones. Pnilailel- UKIH . ,. c Geo Harrisg, bon vo. CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fay etteviUe. Williams Muransuu. on witn a Raleigh Kcws terdav morning two nearroes, John wlio u.uL-!n and KuIJS Biooie, i x- a i . .. .-.an' trnrp nil this towSshipare Democrats . of the Seanyort'heyoansrmenwho FvVne Street belpoKin to M.a soforgothemselves and what B. a Tucker, scraping t .alU Viae nwp to SOCieiy iu ic preiitraiui; -- H"i' - .r they owe xo . j t cket. .nnik- whip.h resulted m Moore s tion as iu vuic 1 - . phia, MIBCELLAIIEOnK 'Oft1- DRY GOODS AID CARPETS! I am sending forward from New York rpany New antf EK next few days. TT'VL- WEEKLY STATEMENT TinKS ON HAND NOV. 16, Spirits ashore, 2,Gn Shelby Aurora: Cleveland Coun iracv did valiantly and , "VC:" " fin crains. The ma- S itim yet Catawba still holds the banner with 1895 majority. Cleveland gained while Catawba tieveiami k xumber One 2SL?KUlffil the best in Clevelaurt ""'"A liPr Democratic gains eQtitle her to the silk banner do toV:iv Col. W. H. H. Cowles. Wr.W.T. Dixon S ; MtaDe llaRollTns, daughter of STwp Rollins, were married ast ;r,rr of. t.hft home ot XStK E. A. Yates officiatin . i 1 .wlnnia iT the bride. ig. - Vi bride's ta- - -- ther yesterday evening, jr. uu tm nnnnnn and Miss Dora, om . x j. r T? W IUU1 A jcAf,. , Matthews, orP united in mai c A Yates officiating. Favetteville Observer: There was that we were glad to see uuc ;.t:t Hafnre the elec- onMonoaj , uc several colo. TiPon onenly and boldly ciecianu,, tPhTt0theytended to vow the Dem ocratic ticket, ana iuj - , fully one hundred or more voted u t5Jiyfnr all. f or the majority of the . - , a; .t- rn tup r SI 1 1 VI 1 j i o t-v xi Allr nnfl it, 1 Deinocranu "."'"ry f fl in aid that we are indebted for the in carving up the phiz of Hawkins al ter a verv scieminc UHUU1L1 ........ knife. Moore was worn iug um.i . Hawkins and hail neen uihuia fjr . bv him. m consequence the difficulty occurrt-u - - Hawkins' cheeks was nean .c... MfT and he irot several mun . .v -ashes about the face. Moore maue his escape and has" not -n i.v tured. He went oil ou neu. u.. train for Weldon. The Supreme Court of North Carolina has decided It.J . ' L ,.f n.-ns nnd White against the defendants. On the ; -farst M n ,inV in December the opinion will be J,A i -i . f'.lerk of the cernneu uu. ,v".v7 r . o nrkiirt. of Wake. On r ceivinir the certified opinion of the Supreme Court the C erK wi urn -... oi,m-iy w in will then takt1 IV lilt: ciicii" " - . .,,1 -l-.fan.innts in custojlN anu, nlace them in imprisonment. The decision of the Supreme Court of North Carolina determined finally all .$ raised by the appeal oi the defen dants except the question of juri dfction. The defendants . claiming that to be a Federal question m . n,lnM i-nr to oDtain tl error from the supreme Iorth Carolina. 1888. frvto I o ft! if! Rosin ashore, 81,196; afloat, 2,6-2, total, 83,868. . Tar ashore, 1,288; afloat, 150; total, 1,438. Crude ashore, 403. Cotton ashore, 13,357; afloat, 4,928, total, 18,28o. RKCKIPTS FROM NOV. 9 TO NOV. 10. Cotton. S,749;spirits, 1,093; rosin, 3, 059; tar, 630; crude, 541. KXrORTS FROM NOV. 9 TO NOV. 16. DOMESTIC. . Cotton, 3,205; spirits, 695; rosin, 195: tar, 805; crude, 4i.. SPECIAL 0ASE OFFER For Wxt I'en Iny r E MUST MAKE ROOM FOR STOCK OF will display in a S7SdoffCT totte Ladies Extraordinary Tash Brgai s thiougbout entire Stock. French P wliiclx will De offered at much less than before Tliis stock must be decidedly reduced in npvr ten davs hence this offer. nfe ?J?rt5 nriw and obtain Uargalns from the Largest and Finest Stock of MlLLiSERY, Noti ns, Fancy Good?, CORSETS, ressTximmings, BTjra?a?oisrs, l,aili aj1 ChllcIrnft, HosU ry (FAST BLACK WARRANTED.) The writer is in New York selecting the Newest and Be;r btyles in rasinuuduic. w muicivjni m the . selection a fereai variety. v V , ..i piJnnt . stvles are beintr feleetedforRhiniuent hv fii-c in isew mm tiiraiii'v . . . trainer 'During the coming put on sale. oct 20 week a great variety of I It Kss (;iOi s will be NORTH FRONT STUEET Special prices on U Hat, mm ii hi mj Zrar riTTING CORSETthe WORLD FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. IYI r 1 i.i mum ' OCt 1$ 4W No. 10 SCIIUIULH WiLHl n i WftP.lt Zephyrs, VicliUiaiuuiniA i. - - SKA W JL-iC3 .252. AT M.M.Katz, Infants' Sacques, BOOTES, CAPS, FRENCH FELT, (72 inches wide, $1.25 per yard.) Fmbrnidpred Felt Scarf, Table Covers, camp ed Linen Goods oi au lwswipuuua. IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 188S, AT 7:45 A. M. -O In our Annex can be found the most Complete Stock of v G e n t s ' U n d e rwear ; from Lowest to Highest Qualities At Reasonable Prices, From Wilmington. Leave Leave Leave . . 7:35 a. m 2:30 p. m G:0up.m From Hummocks. Leave... Leave... Leave.. Leave... nov 3 tf SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. 2:30 p. m j Leave 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. 8.00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. J. II. CIIADBOURN, JR., General Manager. Ge:.ts' Half Hose, Hanger- chi of , 1 1 a rs anl Cuffs and the Best One Dollar Unlann dried Shirt sold. -o- CASH HOUSE. - - n - - ,a -. t tnc il n I I i I I .1 .X . ... . . i 1 I o In nnr llnP Wilt And It 10 LUtir QlllU uuuuo m ""v ' ' " advantage 10 give us u, uu. Don't Deay . ni'ii KimKKN Oil INJURED FUR- JijSU lWl'ii ' . r hi . . i .. It- rvnmTt1 iri niture to me ana i wm i"uu,i""j " -o writ of Court of carl vote. i . W-rnhnnna: r$e 11 to tl7e credit of about twenty-five to the creuit- w . ,noujn ht said uiickien'i Arnica Salv rorld for mi IJ.m. .mro in tlie W UtS, u.ov,, 'm ii fl,nn. negroesinutt"Ci" . lt Rhpum Fever Sores, letiei, tbey voted for Major Woot last .Chilblains, Corns, andal teach them tne wisuum Democrats. Vo, Monroe.commoniy ivuy T,41V rPf nhded. I'nce 1fkfn 1,111 Ul XIV- I " - Monroe, imu TlT,tist ner box. V; !' countv for 60 years. .hen he voluntarily rthemup. mt.- Inn fTCWL 1, uuuiuacu I toral supervision oi any uiu..u j-- IN OUU Drtss Goods Department we will display the Latest Novelties in AGENT FOR DemorestSewinffMachines, LY $ii.ro. will much lor doing it. o- n4- lATTT TM'i PO ai tlna wn-o- nnfl 1 propose 10 miiKu no nis .A,1;.. -r.vi.- w-pu nnd will not charge too illiuuuit ' . .. -,l also re- tuments. cheerfully ,,i,-n. oatimii ps fir ) uuiiun: ww.tv 1 COme lillu t: iijC. renuirs I have already made. I will a Jewing .s. ucnines M urfcai Iiwjn Sc., as. well as Future V ill ch( AGENT FOR Demorest R liable Patterns. Respectfully, oct 2-. J. 15. FA KHAR. No. 11 N. second st. DRESS GOODS MKS.E.B. WIGGINS. nov 14 Skin Eruptions, ana posiumv Piles, or no pay required. Itibguair nntPP.ltodve perfect satisracuon, 2o cents AN l TR1 M MINGS -Tv er For sale by Wm. H. Careen. School Books. For Private and Public Schools. ALL NEW STOCK CAN BE BOUGHT CHEAP EST AT HR-INSBKRGER'S. Double Width Ladies' Cloth, wortn 40c for 20c per j-ard. a i ritiren.- A verv sad and sudden death occurred on the west bound train yesterday morning, jubt TSrrj. a! t riiA vrt. The leceased i Kit; i . ui x v. rowc to in ali, I)r Tc0nh Tlnilder. of Toron w tva - nntonn Willi woa Tlie aeceaseu y.- Asheville. to search of health. SoompMiied on his trip by his wife Indies their intention to spend several xuontns m ."'" r : Western North Carolina But ate decreed otherwnse. Mr. Builder ,7 Vli..- i.'cnacp nnd was aged aieu ui net" about 40 years. Newton Enterprise: Merchants tell ns that farmers are in better condition financially this fall than thev have been for several years. They have money in their pockets, are trying freely and are taking up the old notes that are held against lb Farmers Ljave about hn-J11.6?1;!-..:. .iot. sawinxr. and the nVianee to come up unu toS fthe sMi,S n of hnrd fn-exes si.u. lrwrkir mute irreen ".oreeis perhaps the D., Atlanta, Ga largest ever sown in the county. i-.u.if rhrtmiclc: Mr. Will Pi LEMON KLIXIll Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stoin- Bowels, Kidney anu in.i. ir 1.. T.otnnn Elixir is f pleasant lemon dnnKtnat P"".'J cures all Billiousness, Constipatioir, Indigestion, Heaiach.e, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite Fevers, Urth Blocthes, Pimples,Pain m Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused bv disordered hver, elites , i i .,f....c, fl, f rst. srreat SSISBofTii "Stai i'VuK. fty OneLotSeparableBraidings i. . inihi.r npr bottle ?oii r bv druggists. Prepared onl by H. M. 1)., Aiianm, vjrt. tid Cards H.ndsome AIl-Wool Ko pan Checks, xn.innhes wide, worth 75c for 30c per yard. Pctur r0 OKNAJHUiJN l Brackets of every cheap at HEINSBEBGEK S. vriTIR KOOMS. ALSO rifsr;rint.ion. For sale Blank Books, . ENVELOPES, INK, STEJil. i'Jixo, -O- pAPEK Pencils and Paper Bags v;m;a-p ti.ii 1889, Harper's Young PeoDie. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. IIAKPKR'S YOUNG PKOPLK, IXiglUS ITS .tenth volume with the first NumDer in Durin- the year it will contain five serial sto- -The Ked Atustawr,' hy w. NCiiinklttrick- nav in waxland;" by K. K. MunKViincK, -Nels Timrlos Trial," by J. T. TiowbiWge; tiip Three v ishes " by F. Anstry and Bran di latthevvs; a "eries of fairy tales written and mSrated by Howard Pyle; -Home Stud ies In Natural Ilis.ory." by Dr. Fells L. ,Os wald Utile Experiments," by Sophia -B. ner rirk' "Glimpses of Child-life from Dickens," L-Jxi w snntrHiPr- articles on various "ir1.? ,.i, S short stories by the best writers and humorous papers and poems, Lriic?xJfc,,rtiiiQftf iiinsirationa of excel- Z tUn a ir EverT hue in the paper is sub jected to the most rigid editorial wmmy order that nothing harmful may enter its col umns. . Also a, Large Supply . ; Collars and Cuffs. ' " - r Collars 10c, Cuffs 15a, r The same sold much higher else where. Jno.J.Hedricfc lOl & 103 Market St.. nov 9 1 & 3 N. Front t. HEINSBERGER'S. oct 5 in all shades, for 39c per yard. Mozley, LEMON HOT lKOFS. fni- .hnn(l colds, take Lemon v v-. T 7 4- T "l-Tit.- cnr thront and bronchitis, Ul v " " - ' Hot. flrons. vr iineumonia and laryngetis, x-i- r Ahinn Hnt Drons. For consumption ami catarrti,tiKe tti i,.A..f tiiI lniitr diseases, take Hot Drops. - It. -v t i An elegant and reiiauie pur yen-, tic l i 'sold by drugffist. 23 cents per i rpu v i ' & tlonsfhoid Keduced. aK)dH Greatly OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE WILMINGTON & WELDON R. K. CO., Wilmington, N. C.,Nov. 8th, 1888. - An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable in juvenile llterature.-Bo6ton A weekly feast of good things to the boys , and girls in every family which it visits. Brooklyn Union. , . tnt TOa ,n. It is wonaenui m us weauu ui formation and interest. Christian- Aavccaie S. Y. Postage rrepaid; $2 pryear. 1' beams Surmuer l, isfto. Terms Copy si'iu on receipt of two-cent FULL SIZE, worth $1.25 for 98C 1.50 " $1.19 " " " 2.00 ' 1-39 EXTRA " 3.00 ' 1.69 THE I of -o- "PTTi'TY-THRID ANNUAJLi jujuj.! c r .,r i.vMora nf thp. wiiminson . weldon RaUroadCompany wlU be heldat the office of the complin Wllrn.N.. on the Wednesday neaiwji -in November, 1888. ' (November 2st 1888.) nov 8 lw Secretary W. & W. R. R Co. Vol I stamp. ?" lVn mVmade by Post-Office i , nVT tnTvoid chance of loss. Newspapers ot- without the express oruvruj -"i HARPER & BROTHERS. . New York Address nov 15 The bottle. m th sat. GreatSlaughter of Blankets, UPW.y0r& & Wiionn ar- rv.oi-irf Chronicle: rruexst of Wadesbpro, was r;;,-:,! in that town last Weenies- Kev. C. U. yuin, itu. v"1" . A NAHKOW ESCAVli- pfl" w. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn, 1 - - - . V (nine nome ouc day afternoon -r r Tin 5atJMrn i?aXnl a respected and aged cit and Wpkw Creek township, rtns Ack county, died at hishome at 8 o clock s on the night of theUth. Mr Stan t i!Q fourteen living children, evening feeling a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be r Iim trifl to draw a long breath but found it impossiuie. suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave mm ut u-ker's English Keiuec y ior -umption saved him and he is ueh o tlav. Munds Bros., druggists 10-4 Blankets, worth $1.50 ffr98c. .nript Medicated, worth $5 00 for $3. To ni K.vTra heavy Lambs Wool Blanfcets, i worth $45.00 for $4.50. AMERICAN SELP-BI8DJG BUCKWHEAT, IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PACKAGES. N INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOB ?K0- .' . ' .... .44ir1nn ftf ducmg m a few minutes, by tne r cold water or mllK. most deUclous Buckwheat Cakes. -''. mm mm mmmm " f " MAPLE SYRUP. EITHER IN BULJIOJi in GALLON CANS. Fresh Vegetables By every steamer Preserves aud k ' BY THE ?0&; For sale by ; Jno. L. Boa SSiSE ffias; University of North Carolina Ta wPfP aL niS ueui . f 4.v. One of the loncesi of his death. u "L V Mmrlotte trains of cars ever seen in ag ? i-.i n.nmfi tnwii bv tne lv. -was nauieu --- . T, ' Kr-r pars and H Ulll -O Chapel Hill, N. C. nn flat car, but none oi wic - finiE next session BKiis auul o were loaded.. vn , ltlftn lo a naif deDOt in town, uie T..irtie' event's and Children's FLANNEL TTVMKKUAKMENTS25 per cent, below regu lar value. o nr.n"t miss the oDnortunities offered this week at M. M. Katz i ASUUOUE. 116 Market St., cars the cars at the depot A " H": " ; ir, th country don bmknen ere on top of the To plsssisnalsto the enK.n eer Lincolnton Courier: Some of the oldestoters in the county went up to the colls at Reertsville on last TnX? week aKo ami cast their Danots iw v u i iiitm The names or tnese wwi n.j y -arl Max Warlick, 83 years old Jacob Mr.. War! ick's hn U. years. - V n Adiuna in 1823. dents may give notes. year. Faculty poor Stu- MAGAZINE. Bfautifflllv Illustrated. 23 cts., l a Year WILMINGTON, N.C. FROM. PIER 29, EAST RIYER, NEW YORB Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 O ClOCK, P. M. ZlNE gives preference io natiuua "" AMERICAN MAGA and art areoi tne nov li of Fifteen Lime. Lime. PIONEEK-..' ,rlZ FAN1TA...- BENEFACTOR FROM WILMINGTON oni ii u 1 1 1 hi m i in rz 5VX.V ctoT,iarfi Viimnns American writers i?ru T.amwith si wine variety of lntere&t- it:Voi nf tmvei and adventure, serial . 1 AUj- v . . m-.. A All V u n,in01..rtair 'nv. 'i i ,i ennrt ctrrie rtesrrinuve aCCUUUWJ Wi ,Saturday, jnov. i foremost prooiems 01 iue wiuu, this Magazine ts . . nir-tiAtiT-ohr lorrent.rtlve OI American inougui auu i?,X7n Teachers. Three run courses oi si uuj w0 to decrees. Three short courses f or Hie t rain- ing of nnsiness men, leaiucia. fj pMarmaclsts. Wrtte for catalogue tOKMp p battlK: Jy 7 President. For Sale. LD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, AT YOUR LIME In exchange for LIME LIME " LIME " LIME " LIME w PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. DRY GOODS HARDWARE. LUMBER. CASH. GULF STREAM... REN EFA ITU K . . . . PIONEEK... Saturday. Nov. 17 ..Tuesday, Nov 20 ' Friday. Nov. 23 Through Dills Lading and Lowest Thro .a nri frnm rinlnts In North ! j nr,.oini'n:ri or Va Rates guanuui - - ana hpeciai ,uAXi,.." iiTTe sent on re- FKENCH sept UICUS., Rocky Point. and South CaroUna. For Freignt or a.vvx H g. SMALLBONES, superintendent, Wilmington, N TIIEO. E. EGEK, Traffic Manager - WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, "nov 16 aa uroauwaj. iow It is acknowledged by the Vr?Vrtlcto Dt; lilt uiusu pvfuim v high-class monthlies. ana special uwuLTmcu nt Premiums to club Raisers nS celpt of 15c, U this paper Is mentioneo. ResponsiWeanrget ed to solicit subscrtpUons. wnuj aw exclusive territory. ,A"p W". nov 7 POMONA HILL zyy pomona, n. ; , Two and a nail Miies -7 i ; nne main line of the B. p. .ugh the'grounandg throo twice aaujr 'T.'n!r are cw- 13 ITrm-t and Fruit orowm&j ur" .j J'.tthu. the Lar" n tne to inspect 'VVhe largest .a. r; old ones, which my will show. - . V . .T anthortz Give your orders to ry. c ordir direct from T11 , . Correspondence "gj logue free to apphcanta. j.'VAK LINDU POMONA GO- " o1omall -W -i.retia County. i own price at ugHtf was casuurjuuu ------ of r ( RJ V HEYIEW OFFICE. -While Mr. Jno. Fropst, i r " V

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