J! . - , - v yp, ' ;v v-:,yy - ' yy,: yyy, y - . X- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - I; ill- HI ill1 ii! J.V i. 1 ,1. Mi;!- V. r t. if !:. . - v. t :' i .w . ft 'I 1' i V K I - - i i ; i .V l'j i 3 n v t il PUflESnALT WHISKEY, A SCIENTIFIC REMEDY, V NOT : - '. - A DEVERACE. I7o disease rem can POSSIBLY remain, lodged in tlio oody if this Great Remedy is carefully and constantly used. - Prof. wm. T, Cutter, 8tate Chemist of Connecticut, says: ' ' . I have analyzed a great many samples of Whiskey, Wines, Ales. &c, and wm snr prised, to find upon analysis that Duffy 'a ilalt Whiakey -was absolutef pure, as I never found this to be the case in any other Whiskey I had examined. These jgkcts must commend it to general use and public favor. Be sure and secure the genuine, and take ro other.". i ' i It fe For.Sale Unhrersaly- , :: MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHBEYS' HOHEOPATSXC VETEEBTABY SPECIFICS For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 200 PAGE BOOLE, en Treat ment of Animals and Cbart Sent Free. crass Fevera. Contentions, inflammation, A. A. -Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. Ii:B;-Tiins,Iin.ene9,llheamati8ni. I C.-Ditemper, Naial Discharge. D. I.-Bot or Grabs, Worms. E. E.-Csnhs,lleaTesf Pneumonia. F. F. Coilc or Gripes, Bellyache. ( !. p. Bliscarriase, Iletnorrhaees. II. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases, l. I, ErnptlTO Ilineases. Ulauge. ... K. Diseases ot JLMsestlou. l iable Case, wltb Specifics. Manual. WitchHazel 0U and Siedic&tor, S7. 0 0 Price, Single Bottle (over 50"dOfcesX - .GO, Sold by Drntrgistsi or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys Med. Co., 109 Fulton SL, N. Y. HOMEOPATHIC 00 ' l ySPECIFIG Ho. 1 ; U !' " la nss 30 years. The only successful remedy for Vk - Hsryous Debility, Vital Weakness, - .. .M nd Prostrstion, from over-work or other cus. 1 Mr ril rvr & vila .nd lars-Q vial oowder. for t5. Sou) BT DaccotsTS, or sent postpaid on receipt of priC.BssipBreys' B4kImCo., 109 Whoa SU, . Y. mch.23eod& wly nrmj - Ifeo. sEd ior UOSi lii.' YEKS' , Ci;iOIi containing crioied pLitoa, j 10O encravinffs of diHetcrvt Lreoda, g rices tbojr ere worth, and where to J, uy them. IHrcctiocs fcTrainjiiflr i for Id vents. Aica c.ita or Jog ) Ifnxci&tuns Ciootfa oz au sum 53 Then send for Practical POUL TRY BOOK. . lOO pages; bea.a tiful colorod plater ei:raTinfr9 of nearly all kinds cf Totvlsv tJeeenp (ions of the breeds; how to ccpasize; plans for poultry booses: inlorsuttioa boat incubators, and l:ero to buy Effsa from best stock nt SJiO per tdttinjc Sent ior ? la Cents. l.ii..,vBi!titaaa If so, yoa need the BOOK OF CAGE ItlllDS. lSfO pnaes. 160 lllns rratlons. BeaaUrnT rcloren plate. Treatioeo t and breeding of all kirdb (Jaro birds, for pleasure and profit. D'ecases and their cora How to cnikl acd Mock an Aviarr. All aboct Parroia. Prk- oi all kinds birds, cars, e1o. Maiied for 1 5 Cent. The Tta ee- ennfca, 4lt ts. ASSOCIATED FAKClEV?i, I 237 South Eighth Street, PbiJadeiyiua. i'u. . APQIT CW ANTED. V AufcN I O bora, secy T TCAL ACCIDENT and Sick Ben Write Geo. A. San- HB BCFFAI-O MC- ENKFIT ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, New Yoric nov 26 4W r A England Htdieai Journal, ay: LMWalesINVISIBLE Sound Disc, ' fy rA r" for dearn a, caaMBtratM sonad ware, i U Lrr La the dram, sad oatraaks all derlcei oi roar are and Its possibilities are great. " - sale by H. H. WALES, Bridgeport, ct. 110T26 ivr cnc Agents' profits per montu. Will IDjS prove it or pay profit. New portraits iust out. A $O50 sample sent free to all. W. I. Cnldester & Son, 28 Bond st, N.T. nov 36 4w MASON & HAMLIN - The cabinet organ was introduced in its pres ent form by Masen & Uamlin In lUtil. Other makers followed la the manufacture of tliese instruments, but the Mason & Hamlin Organs have always maintained their supremacy as the best in the world. Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration or the nnequalledoxcellence of their organs, the fact that at all of the great World's Exhibi tions, since that of Paris, 1867, in competition with best mak rVT) A "VTC crs r a11 countries.theyl 1 YlT lihavo invari ably taken the A A - hlsnest hon ors Illustrated S22 to 8900. catalogues free . Mason A Hamlin d not hesitate to make the extraordinary claim for their pianos, that they are superior to all others.- - They recognize the high excellence achieved by other leading ma kers in the art ef piano building, but still claim superiority! - This they attribute solely to the remarkable Improvement introduced by them in the year 1S&J, and known as the "Ma son & Hamlin Piano Stringer," by the use of which is securfir k XT oed the greatest possible purl K I A l I lty and refine ment of tone, 1 together with greatly in- grand it upright creased ca pacity for standing in tune and other impor tant advantages. 4 A circular, containing; testimonials from 300 purchasers, musicians and tuners, sent to gether with descriptive catalogue, to any applicant.- , Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay ments; also rented. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. i Boston. New York. Chicago. BOT284W - MARVELOUS nn M DISCOVERY. Any Book learned in one reading. Mtnd wandering cured. - Speaking without notes, riracy condemned by the Supreme court. Great Inducements to correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, the world-famed Specialist in Mind diseases. Daniel Greenleaf Thompson, the great Psychologist, J. M. Buckley, D. D., Editor of the Christian Advocate, Richard Proc tor, the Scientist, Hons. Judge Gibson, Judah P. Benjamin, and otnerssent Postby . nov 28 4w 237 Fifth Ave., New York. S1TT7 2 ttZttr MT ' a at a aast ss r na a kt f ' : n a Bs& r--." w m i turn i T0 y i ?rrfy Vigor, Weakness or 103 cf Jlcmoryixa yiiK:-iiy restored by the so ;f an entirely iv- .'nv-dy.'THe Yci ba Saul a i rora Spain. Span h-locheeenerrf:ut. Ouril!Jiratt"tl,&?p-.g Iooj d Tcs4imonials, (scut ee:tleK J-t'rv muushou ad it. VON GIUKP TUOCllF: ( U, prol Ay Park IMce, Aow York. r PARKER'S Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color, prevents Dandruff and hair falling Son. and tl.OOat Drtiggi!a. pi 1j - ;Cc A t nsBauassissMBSsatfssBj Jllil 9 5TO.fl r 1 -nov2o'4w Josh. T. James, Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington. N. C. THURSDAY. DEC. 13. 18SS. . Entered at the rostofiicc at Wilmington, N.C as second-class matter. The stock of the Chemical Na tional Bank of New York reached its highest figure last week when two shares were sold for $4,007. a piece. The par value of thestockfcis $100 a share. It is intimated that Mr. Cleveland will not be permitted by the Repub lican Senate to fill the vacancy on the United States District Bench, of I Florida, occasioned by the death of 'Judge Settle. The fact that the office is in the South, where the Re publicans just now are seeking to Ktrengthen themselves, rives the ru mor fcome credit. Prominent Re publican lawyers are scarce in the South, and ho very scarce in Florida at the time of Jud$re Settle's ap pointment, that the President was I forced to come to JNorth Carolina for his man. It may be, therefore, that even should the vacancy be kept open tor Gen. Harrison to fill, he will be put to it to find a suitable man. -- The Georgia Legislature is now at work on the consideration of the appropriation bill. The first section of the bill provided for the salaries of State House officers as follows: Governor, $3,000; Secretary of State, $2,000; Comptroller General, $2,000; Treasurer of the State, .$2,000; At tornev General, 2,000; State Librar ian, $1,500: for the compensation of the secretaries and clerical force in the executive department, $0,000; for salary of Clerk of Secretary of State, $1,000; clerks in the Comptroller General's office, including the in surancc department and clerk in tin wild land office. 4.000; for salary of the Cierk of the State Treasurer, $1,000. The New York irorW savs: "With one State, Colorado, estimated, the popular plurality for Cleveland over Gen. Ilarrison, in the Union, is 98, 204. In 1884, by the Tribunes fig ures, the plurality was only 23,005. In the Northern States Harrison's vote is 4,074,903 and Cleveland's vote js 3,605,746. - The Republican vote in the North 4s 469,157 larger than the Democratic vote in a total of 7,680, 649. In the Southern States Cleve land's vote is 1,920,757 and Harri son's 1,353,396. The Democratic vote in the South is, therefore, 567,361 larger than the Republican vote in a total of 3,274,153. There is noth ing in the returns of the election to discourage the Democracy, or to warrant the wild Republican boast of another twenty-four years' lease of power. A San Francisco correspondent takes exceptions to the accusation of Easterners that all Califoruians are braggarts, and says it is only partly true. He notes a marked difference bet ween the men of North ern California and. those of the Southern section, and especially of the IiOs Angeles region. Tin North ern Cttlifoinian simply states the facts as he finds them, but he allows that the Southern brother is gifted with 'i poetry of diction and a flood of imagination that easily enables him to outbrag the world. The San Bernardino men really have cause to be jubilant, for their country, though it possesses a desert more terrible than anything in Arabia, is now recognized as the best grape growiug region in Southern Califor nia. At the recent pomological fair at Lcs Angeles its table grapes and dried fruit were the admiration of all who saw them. An enthusiastic vineyard o nerval Is Northern Cali fornia the France 'of America and Southerd California its Spain, the former giving the wines of the table and the latter those of the dessert. The failure of the French vintages this year has caused a brisk export demand for the California grape, and it is predicted that the time is not far distant when the people of the East will give California the J money that it now pours into the purse of France for light wines. A Worn tin's Oiae;very. "Anrihcr wonderful discovery has been made and that two by lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her and Ur seven yefU9 she withstood its severests tpsis, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep She bought ot us a botile of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption aod was so much relieved on taking first dose that she siept all night and with one bottle has been mir aculously cured. Her nanie is Mrs Lather Lutz." Thus write W. j. Ham rick fcCo. of Shelby. N C. Get a free tiial bottle at W. II. Green & C .'s Drug Store John Grasse, the Sioux chief, says that an Indian's head can h3ld only one idea. He might have added that that idea is wrong. -Make No Mistake?. If oahave made up your mind to buy, Hood's oor,o.,fia ,W nnf-. hfl indnced to Vt cs nt 2nd District, Tea j-nuupa. o xwumuo. take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla District, H. g. Connor, of Wilson. is a peculiar medicine, possessing 4th District, Walter aaxkgf W.' by vKtare of its peculiar cdmbina , 5th Bisect. nertG -tion. proportion and preparation curative power superior to any other gth District, W- J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus, article of the kind before the people: --ffnggSS InScASe. For al 1 an ect ions arising from 5 in- glSct, wn SMvt Mecklenburg uure blood or low state of the sys 12th District. J. H. Merrlmon, of Buncombe. tern it is unequalled. He sure to get Hood's. DECKMBEU DOTS. T itQt ahn.,1 - , J"" , V t V arbor enlture? asked JLaoatt or friend. "Yes, I think I lo." "Well I want to ask you a question: Are all forest trees aeedersf&'iftinffSi Says a novelist of to-day. describ ing arr" interview between lovers: "Between them there passed an ecstatic kiss." And neither of them got it! Aw. what muffs they must. have been. Burdette. You can't weigh grams with a gram mar, Nor sugar cure hams with a ham mer, Do sums with a summer. Stew plumbs with a plumber. Nor shear an old ram with a rani luer. Springfield Union. Dentist "Well, how do the new teeth work?" Patient "Not very well. They seem to cut the others.'' Dentist "That is perfectly natural, f hey belong to an entirely different ?et, you know." San Francisco Ex aminer. Visitor at Cannon Foundry "This is all grand, stupendous, as touuding. But where will your oc cupation be when universal peace prevails?" Proprietor of WorKs "Casting Cannon " to celebrate it with, sir." Chicago Tribune. "If you think ui3T legs eccentric," Said a grasshopper to the bee. "And my forehead queerly pointed Where the brain box ought to be; That my mouth has feeble motions Whence dark mysteries do exude, Please to know I ones existed As a Pythagorean dude." Judge "Father, the paper says you 'of filiated at the wedding clad in the traditional garb of the clergy.' What does traditional mean?" "Traditional, my sou," replied the poor minister, as he looked at his .heap suit, of black with a sigh, "refers to things that have been , handed down."' Chicago Tribune. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. B3- its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. HOW UOCTORS CONQtJER DEATH. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says: "After a long experience I have come to the jjonclusion that two thirds of all deaths from coughs, pneumonia and consumption might be avoided if Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption were only carefully used in time." This won derful Remedy is sold under a posi tive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. May affect any portion of the body where the mucous membrane is found. But catarrh of the head is by far the moi common, and the most liable lo be neglected. It cannot be cured by local applications. Deing a consti tutional disease it requires Ringing a constitutional remedy like ii . . Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, reOISGS wori;in, through the blood, eradicates the impurity which causes and pro motes the catarrh, :d sooa effects a perma nent cure. At t!se ta:ne time Hood's Sarsa parilla builds op tl.o whole system, and makes one feel renewed in strength , and health. If -you suiter ImpUTO from catarrh, he uro to gi j try Iluods Sarsap;:rilla. B,OOH I used Hood's Sursa parilla for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from it. The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially in the winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises Hood 'S in my ears, and pains in er0 1 the back of my head. 5arsaparuiaTlie effort to clear my head in the morning by hawking and fpitting was painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave mo relief immediately, while in time I was en tirely cured. I am never without" the medic cine in my house as I think it is worth its weight in gold." ClirOO Mbs. G. B. Gibb, 1029 Eighth farr1 St., N. W.. Washington, D. C. Vaar r n " I was troubled with that annoying disease, nasal catarrh, and never found relief till 1 took Hood's Sarsaparilla." J. L. Routt, Marksburg, Ky. N. B. Be sure to. get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, gl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Ham. IOO Doses One Dollar " deeio lyr d&wnrm mws2dp HINDSRCORN3w The only sure Core for Corns. Stops all pain. Jns comf ort to the feet. 15c. at Druggists. Hjscxji & Co.. The best of all remedies lor Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges tion, Exhaustion and all Stom- ..1. I 1 1 . - - A 1 the most effective cure forvflj Coughs, Colds, Dronchiiis andf affections cf the breathing organs. It promotes refreshing sleeD. imoroves the annetite. - VSct overcomes nervous prostration, and cives new 1 i f e and strength to the weak and cd. 50c and $ x.00, at Drgguist nOTJMUw MEI Who are Weak. Xercous and Da. bilitated and suffering: from Xer rents Debility. Seminal Weakness Xighlly Einissions, and all the ef fects of early Ecil HabU. which - - lead toPremature Decay, Constmip Hon or Insartisy, send for Pears' Treatise on Diseases of Man, with particulars for Uon. Cure. Cures guaranteed. Xootre no pan. J. S. Pu aks,612 and 614 Church st.,Nashvllle.Tenn octaly d&w HJotice. rf. W. A. MCGOWAN will collect subscTiD- M uonsdueTHB DAILY new subscribers. KEVIEW and solicit U e i... fvnrfi nf Wnrih Carolina 1889 - D""w - " - 1: " - - l"'-LTfSMtort:-r 1st District, JamesKShepherofufort SOLICITORS. 1st District. John H. Blount, of Perquimans. 1 2nd District, Geo. 1. wnire. tcui-j yi i 3rd District, D. Worthington, or Jiarxm. ! Atty TMstrfrr T M. ATVTl Of Wake. 5th District, Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. District, O.H. Allen, of Dupun a; District. Frank McNeiU. of Richmond. Qtti TMat.rlft. R- V. Time, nf IredelL 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rockingham. inth nistriet. w. IT. Ttower. of caidweu. 11th Dlstrlcf , Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. ft.h District. James M. Moody, of Buncombe. XI MB OF HOLDING COUKTS FIKST JXJCICIAl. PISTBICT. SrMNO Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge MacRae. Kpaufort tFeb. t3ih. May 28th. Nov. 36th. Currituck March &th, Sept. 3d. nnrnrt AnMflreh 12th. SeDt. 10th. Pasquotank March 19th. June 11th, SepU 17th, Dec 10th. Perquimans March S8th, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. Oct. 22d Tyrrell April 30th. Oct. 29th. Dare May 7ih, Nov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 2lst, Nov. 19th. ' SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT spking Judge Graves. Fall Judge Montgomery. nallfax-Jan. 9th, March 5th, May 14th, tNov. lath. Northampton Wan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 29th. Craven tFeb. 13th. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, Sepr 17th. Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTBICT. Spking Judge Avery. Fall Judge Graves, Pitt Van. 9th, March 19th, t June 11th, Sept 17tn. Franklin Jan. 23d, April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson JFeD. tscn, fune4tn. ucx. itn. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. Martin March 5th. Sept. 3d, Bec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Avery. Wake 'Jan. 9th, tFeb. 27th. March 26th, t Aprtl 23d, JiUy 9th, tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, toct. 22d. Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. h. Harnett Feb. oth, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 28th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26tlL Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, Sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug 26th; Nov. igth SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrlmon. Pender Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover tJan. 23d, tApril 16th, tSept. 24tn. Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. DuDlin Feb. 13th. SeDt. 3rd. Nov. 26th. Sampson- tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. 8th, uec. lotn. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16th. April 2d. July 3d. tNov, 26th. Anson-Man. 9th, tApril 30th, Sept. 3d, tNov. 36th. Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMXjr 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. Robeson Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aug.20th,Oct. ist, Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept 17th, uec oTu. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 23d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus Wan. 30th. April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell -Feb. cth, May 21st. Aug. 6th. Nov. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th. Aucr. 20th. Nov 19th. Davidson March 5th. June 4th. Sem. 2d. use. ;a. Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. -Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 23d. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept. 24th. Wilkott March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. : Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. Dane April 2d, Oct. 8th. . Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12tb. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DI8TRICT. spring judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, J une 4th. Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. - eleventh judicial district. Spring Judge Boykln. Fall Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th. July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30tn, July 30thJ Union 'Feb. 13th, tFeb. 20th, Sept. 7th, tSept. 24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. . Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 23d. Rutherford April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. 1 TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykln. Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. . Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug. 13th. Dec. 3d. Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood Aprtl 9th, Septl0th.C Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. oranam June 4tn, Oct. 29th. J Swain June llth, Nov. 5th. For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. tFor civil cases alone, except Jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benjamin R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 2d, March 19th, May 21st. July 16th, Sept. 17th, Nov. 19th. ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 13th, April 9th, June 4th, ug. 13th. Oct. 8th. Dec jbth. ' On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes rjTRY CARBONATE OF L.IMS, MIXED WITH KAINI1 RS UIFS ASTONISHING. . . . Addrea FRENCH BROS.. - Uly 9JU . Eockv Point N." EXHAUSTED VITAL1T.1 THESCIENCKOl LIFE, the grea Medical Work of th age 00 ManhoodKerv 009 and PhyHical De bility, Prematore Da IIfllU TUVCETI IT chne, Errors of Youth .III U II I II I OtLi land the untold miser 2s consequent Uiereou, S00. paes 8 va, 123 pre criptions tor ail diseases. Cloth, foil silt, only fl.00 y tuaiL, sealed. Uliistxative sample free to all younj ind miri.ite-.nred men. S-iid now. Tke Gold nC lewelled Mjdai jiwardeti to She author by the Nation- on. Mass.. or Dr. W. IL PARKEIt, gradaate of Hap. Taru Medical College, 25 years' practice iu Boston, irho may be consulted confidentially. Office, No. 1 Bolanch St Sp ecialty, Diseases or Joan. Cat this oat. Yoh may never see it MgtdBr nov 26 4w ' , IkciyorMlar alt of over-Work, indiscretion, ctc, address hv- Bm wittiest OUE t -mwa -. T - USlPalBcrCes iAXT . ?AVS CLAWi 51.0t r'irite' of the FTVf the fMf.".) the uddrfet rrsrika. fM:triK!i?ir stones and ';. vttUittit iJlligtV!'tir!i bv lilt? lTIHCf . .. Ltilt- artistK. Sel.ii:iK iKinieiiNely. . v til 111 i( t mnf iV:i. i .iiiitoii B. " lorSmHtfiiiranrihi r'nr Arti', t lit rhi 'l'i-n tu bt'i.nh. H.Oouweli 1 . D. Mfot tirvnb'v "-'' undelctfintyHcii. S. S. ( OX. Taacitrnt, iqu- und Unrle R, m u Hon. Ho.. ru CroeV vi:RT WANTKH. HI7BRA1H) liKO 23 Clsestnut Street, i-iiiladeiphia. I n oct 11 4w d&w , 1889. rpsrs VVeek';j. ILLUSTRATED. Harpek' Weekly, has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has? earned for it the 1 resaect and confidence or an impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, wnicn inciuae senat ana snon fit It for the perusal of people of the widest ranee of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense is area to oring tne nignesi oraer oi arasuc llltv to bear upon the illustration of the chaneeful nhases of home and forelen history A new work of fiction from the pen of William Dean Ilowells. and one by Charles King, will be among the leading features of the Weekly ronssu. HARPER'S PERIODICALS.. PKIi YKAIt: IlAKI'KIt'S WEEKLY. UAUPEIi'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. ...$4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 001 . m ... 2 00 United Postage Fixe, lo all subacrttters in the Mates, Canaan, or Mexim. The vTolumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin wit h the Number current at time of receipt of oraer. Dound volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free or expense tproviaea tne ireignt aoes not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for Dincung, win De sem, oy man, poso-pata, on receipt oi $ i uu eacn. Remittances should be made by Tost-Office ! Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wuitOHt tne express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. nov J5 "Vew York 69S SeTvins.MTsicIiincI To at once establiahl trade in all parts, by I placing oar machinal J uid roods where tne people can tea them, we will send person m each, locality .the Tery oest aewmg-macaiiM maae in world. -with all the attachment. Wo will also eend fsree a eomnlete Une of oar costly and valuable art samples, in return we ask that yem show what we send, to those who nay cau at your home, and after 33 montns ail ensii Decern e your own Dronertr. This srraad machine Is made after the Sinjrer patenta, which hare run out ; before patents run out it aola for mVif. with too attachments, and bow sells for . Beet, stronrest, most ase- marbme in the won a. ah is No caoitsi reouired. Plain. nf instructions giren. i hoie wno write to tu at once can se ra fret) toe best sewinr-macmne in tne woria, ana lest lineof works of bitrh art ever shown tog-ether in America. CVJQ ass CO., Bsx a.us;uc. jmsuaaH UCU1UDU1U06W The Acme FREE Kir a utttti noiTf nTMn nn fi?""""" I'SIANUFACTURERS OF a .tit r-k . . . I bllvlo.lb icixncuuui; a r eni i izers, r i ne r i Dre ana gS05ciaffienMjw WILMINGTONJN.C.1BnS5Snaa2S- rTIIIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the acme and GEM, is now established, and m the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States ly attest their value as a high grade manure. i The MATTING, made from the leaves of on uauvc viae. ia conceaea to oe eauairxoi anv wi uixpt;( wr iouixun. axiu uuraoiiity ana the aemana ior it. is aaiiy increasing, it has vlr tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for juattresses is aunost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. Certificates from reliable nartles nsinir mi goods can be seen at our office, or will be mall. eu upuxi ayyuc&uon. ian 4 tl Atlantic View, WKIGHTSVILLE, N. C. rpilIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER ?RES'0RT IU situated at the W rightsvllle Terminus ' cf tr.e WUmlngton Seacoast Railroad, and tjiore is no charge for transportation of self or tac: ? to the HoteL Bind of Hcsic hnid for lie 4. v.I. We are sorry the Soldier Boyi Jta home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can find ' rooms and good fare at reasonabl 1 r ' ED, WILSON M.I Jj28tf i: . HISCELLANEOUSn Pttriflen melons UmtUat :Ji torJJl for 1 J! speedfly'when this remedy Is uk PPi speeouy wnen this remedy Is taken tPP . f If J -, 1 ' e y Hi 0 I the Body enlarged and ct-enstbened Full partlcn Jk rih?, aLf001 .Hg. to ' WEMPEfc? W rs eont scaled free. E1UE MED. CO.. Iffalo, N. Tf J . i!ic .Pat Up inlarge SsSS nrKRCRQ FB3M HPRyniSfiHiTfffi .of Visa tie- ?AliaPowMf52H by mail to anaddre oce?,?0 55 l.istarops. TtiereCTiaritaSirtVlW u .1 sianiya. xae i reguiarrrquid tarin g nt ent by mail. 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PJ: Howell & Co.f Newf reaper Adysirtising Bureu, lO Soruee Sw New York."- Send JO cts. for 100-pai PsnnphW 25th Annual Session; - : . - . . . . oiteCim TIIK TWENTY-FIFTH AKNUAbw of Misses Burr & James' 8chool mence on Thursday, Oct. 4th, -ut Chapel, on Third, between lCr, CampbeU streets, where It has beenjoca for the past two years. The street carsjrof lng, can cover any obiectlon to well ventilated schoolroom, VJrl ground, good cistern of water and renrw uation make it tnoro desirable w central localities avaflabJe,n ri..-,- The Principals. s lreretofore,CiJPiJnT enorx ior tne aavancemeni m w I ly entrusted to tfieir care; PZj effort for the advancement of cae W?zZzr .Afna ' AT 'fll occupying tne posiuon oi usu their success. As always stated in J1: tuetr buCCcbs. tuwajBBWMw I (nrtnl St"""! u Pi r-i ... -I tober charged only from date sof i n ft F l hrfi M att i n tr musical instruction gj MIC TlUit? JViaiMIIg s.cushlng4 whose . llfe-longdeTOtloa W science andlon experience f shomld be a guarantee for her DunA; El0 so free of charge, given weeay.- v . The Southern Guardq Na CJ Winston, OUTTTrrfAT. ARflAV' OF TI, CABOMNA FTATB OVA ; - CONDI7CTEP BJ 5. il is"t srr. co. a. OTwrtM fffTci flTOEGUAr-MAN la eTrtluuat L mendedl , Governor, aw eraL Regimes l JfZa officers of thexJuard. cifc nounc 1 as the Organ of the on "Ucfl re on uir n. im. Ail ctax?" May m. r-rmwn enKu-ltn atonal.' RUl-';:-i r rear. In aavance. u ior i 521 45 GVAUDS .one :ple copy.; - r VoLET. v ' aress - WILL SPrLk-r Publisher Soutbx C BBSS"-- A For Gale. ; AT TOt NEVsPAPltS FOB PALS, i - - -J-rice at . 14 tf i "a X