"I 'l 4 "I ml. Us i 4 . 4 4 it ' i - i . , ' ... j f. v -'it . : J t 1 Mi Hi r '!? f , . ... - i .m Ti?f Li . i . a rw r (SB on Absolutely Pure. I IThls powder never vanes. A marvel of pu ritv.strensrth and wholesomeness. More econ omlcal than the orainnry kinds, and cannol be sold in competition with tijp multitude or low test, Bliort weight alum or phosphate jwwders. Sddonlv in cans. KOYAL BAKIMi ruwiilili CO.. 10G Wall St., N. Y. oct 20 dwly tenrm 4thpd Grdpw T3aio Daily Revi9w. MONDAY. DEC. 21. 1888. OUK WASU1SGTOX LETTEIi. (Sp. Cor. Dally. Kevlew.) Washington, D. C , Dec. 20, '88 I -wonder liow many of the readers of the Kkvikw liave ever reflected upon that mystery of every day life that we call uieiilory the name by which we designate the power to recall the past and to picture to the wind the scenes and incidents of the loner aero. Scientists tell us that its seat is at the base of the brain, and that the things that we see, hear or touch, all our impressions, indeed, no matter through which of the senses received, are instantly con veyed by these little messengers, the nerves, to what they call the regis tering ganglia, located there, and that once pictured there they are there forever; and, pleasurably or painful, may be summoned by the will or are arbitrarily called up by some kindred circumstance. "Lull'd in the countless chambers of the brain, Our thoughts are linked by many a hidden chain. Awake but one, and !o, what my riads rise ! Each stamps its image as the pther . ilies! Each as the various avenues of sense Delight or sorrow to the soul dis pense, Brightens or fades, yet all with mag ic art. Control the latent fibres of the heart." How important it is that this men tal gallery, which we are always to carry about with us, should be hung 'round with pleasing pictures, paint ed by the finger of love, that mal ice, hatred and uncharitableness, those three gorgons that have sur vived the days of fable, should hang no pictures ihere. "Oh thou untameable conscience ! thou that never flatterest thou that never leavest us to slumber or to sleep. 'Tis thou that barrest against us the future, that shuttest out from us the present and knittest the everlasting chain that binds us to the rock and vulture of the past." - But this reads more like a sermon than a newspaper letter, and my excuse is that this is the season when memory will assert herself, and, with anticipation, takes pos session of the 'household. What Santa Claus will bring is uppermost in the juvenile mind, while what ' Santa Claus once brought fills that of the senior; and, with the remem brance, comes trooping in the whole line of Christmases, beginning with the happy days of childhood when life was fresh and "the world was all before us where to choose," and Santa Claus was our patrdh saint xmd the most glorious and best be loved of any in the calendar, and actually came down the chimney and filled our stockings. "When nature pleased, for life itself was new. And the heart promised what ilte fancy drew." And in the train came back, also, the forms and faces of those who were with us in those happy days. They came, some from distant land and some from the city of the dead, but all with the loving looks and hapny faces that they then wore, and we thank God that the power co reniemoer gives auumouai prooi that the soul is immortal. The other day I heard a church choir sing an air that opened up the flood-gates of memory. It was old "Ariel," and the hymn begins with the line: , 'Oh could I speak the matchless worth." It was a favorite with Mr. Brad-1 ford Sherman, who led the choir of the Front Street Methodist Church for many years. I do not remem ber all who assisted him. but 1 know ; that the late Mr. John J. Conoleyj and Tliomas M. Uaruner ami Kich ard J. Jones, and, I think, their wives, were of the number. - I recol lected ' the beautiful music they srave and the old church in. which it was rendered, with its galleries on! the gorgeous volume of song, that) prepared the worshipper for the , solemn services, led by Uncle Harry Merrick and Willjam Kellogg. Wilmington was rich in musical talent in those clays.'' Besides the members of the choir named, there was P. W. hannmsr. who led the choir of the Presbyterian church, and Miss Grace Mansfield, after wards Mrs. Hallet, I believe, of that choir; and . John Keston, and JL. Burr,Jr., clarum ct vencrabile nomai, and a host of. others who will be re membered bv the survivors of that period. Many are sleeping the sleep of the jnst: but, In friendships silent register they live," and will' be brought back to us in the tender memories of the Christmas Td. Permit me to offer congratula tions to the Review an its vener able age. Many returns of the hap py day. May you live long and prosper, and nnu ever increasing encouragement, and substantial support in vour patriotic work. For your readers I would ask a Merry Christmas, and to all let me say: Pax Domini sit semper vou il eum. Jacobus. - - The Besr baive m the world for (Juts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit liheum, Fever Sores,' Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. IVice 2'i cents per box. For sale byJWm. H. Green. COMMERCIAL. NEWS LEMON KMX IK Its Wonderful Kft'ect on the IA ver, Stom ach, Bowels, Kidney and Klood. Dr. Mozley's Iemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively cures all Billiousness, Constipation, Inditrestion, Healache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, .Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chflis, Blocthes, Pimples,Paiu in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver. stomach and kidneys, the first great cause, of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle SoM bv druggists. Prepared onlv by M. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT HKOl'S. WILMINGTON itf ARK BT. - Dee. 22.-2 :30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 43 cents. Sales of receipts at 43 CentS. : .. -,: ROSIN Steady at 80 cents for strained and S2h cents for good strained. TAR Stead v at $1.10. - CRUDE TERPENTINE Firm at $1.30 for hard; .$2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. " COTTON Steady. The following are the official Quotations: Ordinary, 6; trood ordinary, 7 11-16; low middling. 8?; middling 9.; good mid dling 9 9-1G. Receipts to-dav: Spirits. 188;rosin, 499; tar, 842; crude, llG;cotton, 894. SIAKINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamship Pioneei, Ingram, New York, f! G dinalibones. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay ette ville, Williams & Murchison. Ger barque Charlotte & Anna, Krueger, San Fernandini, Trinidad, W 1, E Peschau & Westermann. Nor barque Hans Fode. Joseph sou, Darbadoes, Heide & Co. Schr M C Moseley, Torrey, Phila phia, Fj G Barker & Co. Schr ftattie L Sheets, Dole, Phila delphia, Geo Harriss, Son & Oo. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Norton. New York.-H G Small bones. Steamer!) Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 sin MvlilISi Will have a nice Assortment of -A. r mm mm mm WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OX HASD DEC. 21, 18?S. Spirits ashore,. 2,372: afloat. 739; total. 3,111. -Rosin ashore, 90,744; afloat, 5..S39; total. 102,.'583. Tar ashore. 5,23r: afloat, 135; total. 5,370. Crude ashore, 3fif: afloat, 50; total 44'. Cotton ashore. 9,933; afloat, 11,574; total, 21,507. RKCKIPTri FROM UE(.'. 14 TO DKC. 21. Cotton, )'.)!): spirits, 48; tar, G3o;crude, n:2. EXPORT.SFUOM DKC. 14 TO DKC. 21. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 8, 40ti; spirits. 1.144: rosin, 5, 732; tar. 2.772: crude, 520. i?rr 1,'tciv For coughsaud colds, tu Ue Lemon Hot Drons. n-'Oiron. o.vou: rosin, i.oui; spirits, ,- ror sore throat anil bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryugetis, take Lemon Hot Drop. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, rako Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by drugtrifcts. 25 cents per bottle. Prepared by 11. Mozley, M. !)., Atlanta, Ga. in thsat KiiiA' Winter's Court. -o- K1 ING WINTER WILL HOLD HIS COURT at St. John's School House on the Night After Christmas! Tlie parts will be- taken by the Children of the Sunday School. Admission 25 cts. Tickets at the door. Santa Claus has been invited and has pro mised to be present in full character, dec 21 3t TT TOR 400. For ihft Ho fduy. A Larsre and Well-SeUvted stock of Breech and Muzzle Suns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES or Every Description. W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. H Front sr., wiimlnsrton, N. c !oc ir tr 3IATTKKSSKS. o . HOWELL & CUMMINO, O cpi. City Hall. O - , SPRINTiS. c O D ublic Generally ! -. p y OU AKE CORDIALLY iNV ITEP TP CALL and examine the beautiful Stock of CHRIST MAS GOODS now on display at 115 Market St., Consisting cf Toys, Dolls, Fancy Gooas. .Ja panese Ware. Tete-a-Tete sets, Scrolls, Biie-a-IJrac, Pot Pourri Jais, Vases, Plates. Cups and Saucers, Brass Goods and Fancy China! ware. These Goods wi i be Sold at . Bottom Figures And Bargains offered in every line. ;ive us a call. I'ollte clerks and always willia? to show goods. T. W STKANGH. deeisiw - Assignee. e Acme MANUFAOTURING 00 .MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and pi ine Fibre Matting. -O- WILMINGTONN.C. ror Rent, OEV2KAL HOUSES. STOKES AND fniE REi'LTATlON OF OUli-FE UTILIZERS the ACME acd GEM, is now established, and the result s of three years1 use In the hands of the best farmers of this and other States "y attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of ou native pine, Is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally Increasing. It has vir tues not foand In any other fabric. The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses Is almosrequal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. cemticates from reliable 'parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. ian 4 tf J Jv Yiira & WUmingtm Mo-smuhlv Co Kocuis In splendid localities. Also -Fi-. three bides, all kvpii up to the col-; houses andloUfor sale for cash and Rj&ja es andt'mi nrwl wnrshiniwrs oxcont the mall on lue moullllr installment plan.iJflijLJ! oreu WOrsnipicr, utepi uu Jiian 1ents promptly collected. Tares andl1'1- spaco clearexJ away juuuethately op i jusurauce attended to without extra Charge posiie Hie puipit, lor uiu ciiuir, ils severe unci uncuhhioncd scats, in which the ladies were arranged o one side and the gentleman on the other. I recalled the one pew that had been appropriated aud cush ioned by one of the wealthier fam ilies, the name being wrought upon Carolina House, S. E. corner of Princess and Second Sts., iur, Y iH rjASBEEN REFITTED WITH A FIRST- the cushion, and, also, how another- HL Class Bar. Luncli Room and Restaurant. nov 17 tf Real Estate Agent. ll'J Princess St FROM PIER EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At ;? o'clock, P. M. PIONEEU m.. GULP STREAM... BENEFACTOR Wednesday. Dec. Li Saturday, Dec. Wednesday, Dec. 20 USui tings & PcUitaIiouery FOR 1,000 One Thousand 1,000 MEN & BOYS ! You r choice of Tailor Goods made to order, and fit guaran teed. Nothing for Labor spent abroad. The money cost for work feeds our own people, comes back to you ao-ain'and builds. up our City. This is true economy. ihave Domestic Goods from clear old North Carolina, the Queen ofStates and the Home of Chivalry,Tennessee, Mary land and Pennsylvania, Im ported Goods from England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. We levy- tribute from the reputable factories of j the world to supply our cus tomers, and will do it at satis factory nrices. , Gents' Under wear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cufls direct from the maker, all of which.are of fered at prices appalling-to our competitors. While catering to the needs of Gentlemen we'do not slight the Ladies. WTTare showing the largest stock of DRESS GOQDS in the city, all first class goods. No jobs, no sec onds and no catch prices. We lopped oft one quarter from regular prices in all Dress Goods, and have made reduc tion of prices of all other goods. Wearers of -fine apparel and judges of value will find our prices startling. In every de partment our stock is com plete. White Goods, Hosiery, Laces, Trimmings, Velvets, Table Linen, Napkins,Doylies and Handkerchiefs. We are receiving now for Christmas trade the handsomest stock of Handkerchiefs that we have ever had. Besides the cheap er kinds, we have a great va riety of Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, some of them mar vels of beauty, the handiwork of not alone industrious but truly artistic workers. We have many desirable goods to I show the Ladies if they will honor us by a call. We do not quote prices in ouradver . . i -i . nsement ; mat lias become hackneyed and altogether common, but can and will name prices at our counter that we guarantee cheaper than else where for same class of eoods. We are selling our 50c. Cor set for half -a dollar and vouch for its being as good as any 75c: Corset on the market 300 of them received direct from the factory this day. We keep many other desirable styles of Corsets, including the J. B. and Dr. Warner's Health, Coraliiie and -Abdominal. Buyers of Gloves should not forget our 5 Hook Foster at $1 .00 per pair, every pair warranted. Gentlemen are advised that we have a 1.50 Kid at g j. oo. Special 1 00 clozenTowels jat $1.00 per dozen, the'eredi- table production of Wilming ton Cotton Mills. Until the 20th of December we shall I receive daily additions to our stock. y e invite all. t7t 11? i.a ill i4T4 1 Mil rt . . m -jm , : y Jy- DlQMlfitta imI AA f . A nice and useful present, At low nrioaJ? TIDIES; SOAJIFS, STAND OOVf Lace -Ourtains Jn 'Great Varfei" CH KNILLE CURTAINS, POLES " T?im5? rem holiday TKADE.-A inr i: '.-fS y moot a few New Oriental KW; Entirpl v ae4 -V m - mmi iia iuur s Wit APS FOR LADIES AND CHILDUEN-W?r-ii-- last one, if possible, during tlie ueiff nU prices even lower than VerS" r. lH -J dec 17 r rrr: ; .-. -li ET. rpiIIS IS A NEW STZE OF COAL ABOUT I .11; istm-p ! .m l'pnnnt.s nnd for fortnln klnrls Wp of stores liaringr strong f.rafis Jf. is a very ,. niture to rae nnt I ONLY JS4.00 PKI1 TON. All orher Coals as cheap in proportion and competition will be met all round.-which, re member. dee 10 J at low prices. - 1 I PronosA to ' .. . round, which re will do the work- wrti th,s r -- " - r much lor doimrV not cha . A. SPIUNOEK. I repair, I SfL sfiR 5 -c, as . well as Vamt xl, A'nuanS ifelve estimates or chPP,?3 CASH HOUSE. 'I sp;:ei.u. iakgaixs you HOLIDAY i'SISXFKTS -O in cofion aria Wool, and All-Wool iu:ttfi-i;l.s, froiii .w to fS.(M oath. HANDSOME SILK DRESS PATTERNS $7,155, I J o & $J4 10 eacli I come and see "loNe Cost SELF-RlSIN- UCK WHEAT, i ,K?AXDCLU.s.rACKA()Es iuuclnsrlaafewminute,, mc old wawror milk, most 'delicious MAPLK SVRUJV EITIIKK IN BULK Oli IS (MLLONOU JMLP.' (iALLOX (!AKS. o Gloria IT iiib ellas, Triple Platctl Handles, fl.-oeach. Fresh Veet bles and Fruif: V.y cxery Steamer Preserves aud 3eVies IIY THE POUND. -o Ladies',. GeiuJs& Childrenfs HA X I) li 11 Is IE FS, For sale hy Jno. L. Boat wrigbt, l5lTSaFront Patent Leather Tips. o- FANCV -EMDIIOIftERED CHINA SILK AND ALL-THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN andkerchiefs I -o Grand Ch 1st mas Display o FU'JM WILMINUTON- DENEFACToK. . . , PIONEER.. GULF STREAM... ...Friday, Dee. 21 -TXsday, Dee. 25 .'.Friday, itec; 23 iamily sliowetl its disapproval or tlie The nnest Mines, Whiskeys and Qsare-al-nsurp'ation by cusl,ioninS another SJft pew, and eiubroidermg on the bauie - . joiln kociiT "This is anybody's pew.' I recalled oct 27- Corner Second and Princess. raf Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro jtates guaranteed to and trom points in North and South Carolina. For Freight cr Passage apply to ' c, H G. s.MA.LLBONJi3, SBpprUitciident. : T1IEU. E. EQKWTraffic'ffir0n ; WM. i :lyie Co.. Gem Agents, dec la 35 JJroatrwar, rNew J'orlr.- Jno.J.Hedrick, IOI & 103 Market St:. nov.23 1 & : N Front St. Wanted. f A CHANCE TO GO INTO BUblNESS. Will sell at a low figure a paying business. Rj&sson lor sellin?, going into some other bus iness.' A rare ciiasco for an active man wltli Uttiited capitaL ' Addre&i- - ; t - : r - LOCEBOXSn, - - . - WllDiington, Nv-a- 1 l H.I.7;: .6 M Tk KM S Si y t-i i if rASHHOU.vE. 116 Market St., WILMINGTON, N. C. dec 17 amoved. Wilmington SaviDgs & 'frost Ctiapany HAVis REMOVED TO No. 108 PRINcESS street, the oJBce reeently occnp"ed by Air. Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr.; where business will here in er u i,ransact,ea. w. i TOOMER octltf Cashier. We' call the attention of our . lady friends to the fact that we have received a lot of Ladies' - Pv nK.nn" 1 ,A U.,4-4-n Unntc with Patent Jjeather Tips, that we are selling a t $3.00. Also a lot of finer quality ?K $4.50, sold elsewhere at $5.00, If you intend to buy any Christmas Shoes you will do well to call and examine our Stock. Geo. R. French &Son,; dee20tf 108 xVorili FrontSfi Sportsman's Sapplies. Guns, Pistole, Knives Ammunition. 3ST03ST E BETTBB. Hofiay Presents. I the most salable. Tlmbermen QccW cases, work Boxes, etc., etc.. also a complete j stocK of Drugs and Chemicals at F. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store. Corner Fourth and Nun Sts.. P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night, , Tlie Jacobi Axe. Merchants wiuwr It the BEST MADE.' t- vyheelvyrlghts and Carriage Ivlakers Will find that we are neadquarters vfr . SDokes. iiuhs. whpeis. Axels and bo We want your orders for PRIXTTXC. uuuau aau IM)IJSG. and if uoin your work well, with good material and stock nmoum to anything we know we arc cenainiy entitled to at least a portion. Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Axels rf age Bolt, which is the JJiT fishebmeN nnrt.lnn.l " CrtV Onr money has not been put in old time I WU1 fin(1 a Janje assortment of F1SML material and we are constanlv addinrr new A . Try us ou any books vcu want niadn tr I urutr. , - Personal attention to all orders. , JACKSON & CELL. 2s"et Lines, Hope, Lead and Yvn- log Tackle 01 au Hnua. HOUSE K EE FEttS , . - . . .- r. Will be shown the largest and cheap f or Cooking and Heating Stoves u yj. ana many otner userui nousei'- -cles, such as Coffee Mills, b&nor pans. Iron lortars, etc. We Want Your Trade I 0t Mow Iteady. - I AM i'ULLY riiUiAKfi) TO -fUilttfSU ray frienfis and tha Duhiic ccxnnv with flm D,...v. r-. .1- . i m . . . . 1 iuou a iiuti iULiuriniL'nL or "i niiPT,; snan 1 Ann c inn r ii n ua f a mo-iQA vou. vv ji usucto aim omu t nave a mie assorcccent i . piciCES AN1 GtWiis- Vm TT. .Tap.nhf FarHware Co o:t 13 tf t K.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. J aec3 - v v ' i 12So. Frobl I V 04 5 A.' Ml le. Oct