THIS PAPER. '--, HVfininsr. sundara exceDted. We will be laa to rccc:i3 ccnrauricatlo ; from our frter:i3 ca cay irza all Bxitjcct general Interest, tut j.. v , The name ci tlio writer riust always to tar .' nlshea to tte Editor : j 1 1 - ' -, ; - communlcauons'iniist written only on one Bide of the paper.. . ' " j . " , rersonalitles must be avtiacd. " " .' . ; Ana it ts especially and tarUcHlarly unCer uy josu. T. JAM.-Editor ana prop. -t SUBSCRIPTIONS, POSTAGE PAID: Three months. fLOO. one month, 35 cents. JLJU Tiie paper will be delivered toy carriers, Iree If charge. liUiny part of the city, at the above .ites, or 10 cents per week- Advertising rates low and UberaL - . - : , stood that the Editor dcesWt always endorse tw subscribers will please report any and VOL, XIII. WILMINGTON, N C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 3,1889. NO 3. the news of correspondents cnless bo stated u failures to receive their paper regularly. in the editorial columns. 1 1 1 F? I I'lD U;..ll..i V Jl .. j VjV i - - - , - . s .t 1 RV U)VEHtlSK5JE Pii Ciial4 a Ton . . -r 3 . , . '" , A g T mis IS A NEW .SIZK Or WAL-ai.uui is lai e as Peanuts and for certain kinds stows having srrong drnfis it. is a very rufi.- Kememocr, 1 ONLY S4.0O V FK TON. ii (V her- uoais as cur-1 i . Mllli,- MtlOtl will IX iiiri iiii iuviuutf "jiiu iv- 10 J. A. SI'KINCIEK. iDid You Know That . i) in nine ln 3i s e woh gKAM. & LLES ?gni;p3'& SeserUam M'poMahYtic? i . f. it i- i ;-ri:iiniy so, nna.-ttavoner,' w i Holiday Presents !.!C.V COUKiNE .CASKS, liUK-SINH j r. c. Mii.i-i.u s.. I v Imig Store. i'orne.r rouitJi and Nun Sr., ! s. . -rlpnon.s tlllotl day an l Tilu-hr. I II K I'.KSJ PIJIC15 AND T11J5 CHEAPEST I'l l, t. j u t ho oil y to ha vo all kinds of Tl N W )I lv ,,ii. i-;it MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, On Market ,!iv'! Nrl n side; between secon'i and Tlnnl. f:-;i n'ltt s cneerrully fumlslid anl all ontors ivii I'ioinj't atientlo:i. timers; irorn the "oilntr.v solicited. ' - ; -k-'CTtf "STOKLEY'S. . Wfif ARE NOW PRK, pared ito acconunodate all who may call upon us with the . Finest- Oysters to Lo had on'tho Coast.' We have made special preparations-! or the Season. , Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters ,itays on hand, .style desired. MM H) tf (Served promptly and lu any V. II. STOKLEY. -: . Wright svllle. Severe Coses or KI004I Poisou. Thuitsands sufler from blood poison, who would ije cured If they gave K. Ii. li.. (Botanic hlood ualm) a triaL Send to the llloodl'.alm t o., Atlanta, Ga-Jforbook of wondcrfai cures, 1 hat convince tho most skeptical. It is sent nee. I - .1. o. (Jibson, Meridian, Miss., writes: "For a number of ye ars I suffered untold agonies irorn blood poison: Several prominent physi cians did me little If any good. I began to use H. U. with very! little faith, but, to my utter surprise, it has made, me a 'well and hearty person' L " z. t. miierton, Macon. ia,, writes: ylcon traeted blood poison. I nrst tried physicians, anfthen went to not Springs. 1 returned h'uiie a ruined man physically. Nothing seem ed t do me any good.. Jfy mother persuaded we to try li. U. b.i To my utter astonishment every ii leer quickly healed." . Ii nj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga, writes: lI suffer ed j ears from syphilitic blood poison which rei used to be cured by all treatment. Physi cians pronomced It a hopeless case. I had no appetite, I had pains in hips and Joints and lay kidneys were 1 diseased. My throat was ulcerated and my i breast- a muss of. running soivs. In this condition I commenced a use of 1;. B. 13. i healed every ulcer and sore and cured me completely within two months." aec lu im dw - f- II. ORONteBEUG, the moTOGifeAPiircn. . G I V H I M T It I A L. ! Air'wrK GuaranteeiL Pictures taken Singlejor in Groups. sept 24 tf i ir , CAUTIOW Beware of Fraud, as my name and , the price stamped on the bottom of all my advertised s-Ws before leaving' the iXactorj; "which protect tho wearers against high prices and Inferior goods, if a dealer offers W. JL. Touglag shoes at a re duced price, or says he has tbem without my name and price stamped on the bottom, rmrtoim down as 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. ' The only calf S3 SEA3IXFSS Shoe smooth Jplde. tfo TACKS or VAX THREAD to nurt the feet, easy as hand-sewed and WILL AOTRIP. V . L. DOUGLAS 84 SHOE, the original aod only hand-sewed welt $4 shoe, l Equals cus-HHn-m.ide shoes costing from f? to f 9.- W. L. DOUGLAS &3JM) POLICE SIIOE. KailrOllll Man -mnj 1 r.n(urc ,11 n'r thom. . Smooth Inside as a Hand-Sewed shoe No Tacks "VJi ax Thread to hurt the feet. . W.L.DOUGLAS S2.50 SIIOE la unexcelled rt,r heavy wear, liest t'alf Sljoe for the price. nK-,1 IMirOLAS 82.23 WORKING MAVS SHOE is the best in the world for Jl?n; one pair ouplit to wear a man a vear. , L DOUGLAS 82 SHOE FOR BOYS 1 the bt-t School Mjoe In the world. 3 . L. DOUGLAS 81.75 YOUTH'S School J"m .gives the small Bys h chance to wear the wst . shoes in the world. I All made In Congress, Button and Ijce. If not TXJt2yr dealer, write XV. L. DOUGLAS, ! or sale.by4 SIT. VONGLAHN, - YUmlnstoiu K. C. v7 aag3l 3m.eodlp LOCAL ISTTSTS. INDEX TO N.1W ADVERTISEMENTS Mcnds Bitos Pharmacists: it C Orrell Livery Stables , R M McIntire- Many Thanks J-iS SAMPSoxf-scliedule B Tax . ' ' , P C Miixer 1J oiiday Present s Newton & Bishop Oysters. etc Uoweix & Cuxming Mattressss M M Katz Grand clearing Sale. , J J IlEDRicK-Speclal Inducements IlKTN38ERaEn New Year Gree'lngs jeo li French & Soxs-Extraordinary W F. Spkinger & Co For the Holidays. tockuom)ebs" Meeting Wilmington lnjjs & Tnwt Co S' w .... v -The Legislature ineeW next-Wed- nesday. Dressed turkeys 10J cents a pound this morning. Another very heavy frost this morning, followed, by a beautiful day. . 1 There is some talk of repeating the operetta of King Winter's Court next week. kinds of School Books and can be boupr1- cheapest at Heinsbrtr"' - , - Portable fire-place grates. Just the thin for our. climate. Are sold by the N. Jacobi Ildw. Co. ' t The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous consump tion;' Ifo'od's bjarsaparilla cures ca tarrh by purifying the blood. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to "select from. t The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmmgton Savings & Trust 'Company 'will be held in this f ity'on next Monday afternoon. We invite attention to the ad. of Mr, K.-. C. Orrell. "proprietor of the livery and sale stables, corner Third and Princess streets, as it appears in this issue. We have knives for your boys and scissors for your girls. What wil please them more . for presents? N Jucobi Hardware Co. Po you use loaded shells? You win nnti mat tney will save. you time, trouble and expense. For sale bv the N. Jacobi Hardware Co.. t i Indications. ' For North Carolina, fair and slightly warmer, except along the coast nearly stationary tempera ture. Silver-plated knives, forks,spoons, and child's sets, carving knives and forks. Make your friends happy by making useful presents. A nice line of the above is offered by the1 K. Jacobi Ildw. Co. . t Itrldal Reception. A recentron Was tendered last night, at the residence of MaT. H McIoy, to Lieut. E. A. Anderson, JJi S. r., and bride. A great many friends of the gallant groom called toi tender their .acknowledgements make the acquaintance of the fair young bride. ' The harpers fur nished miisic and 'the young folks. could not let the opportunity pass without indulging in the dance. "It was a pleasant evening, one long to be remembered. ' 1 T. PI and XV. Tliatcher, Primrose and West have come and gone. Thev carried the town by storm, as it were. The house was chock full last night and tlupei forinance was, superb. It is the first time in our recollection that we have seenthe ladies turnout in force to see a minstrel performance in Wil J mington. .'laving gone toncejthey will be sure to. go again, ; for there was nothing either displeasing or disappointing in last night's enter tainnient. It was a fine show and no mistake. - I ' rrom tlie Dim Past. We understand that a number of the friends of Col. - James G. Burr, the historiographer of the Cape Fear, have induced that srentleman to consent to deliver a lecture, in thf? Opera House on next WetlnesdaVJcontiiIluetl an(i enforced so that evening. Col. Burr will speak then of the old times here and of names and deeds and memories which are fast gliding into o'blivion but which should be rescued and preserved. He will call upon a regular store house of old incidents and we know that the paper li w ill present wiTj be one brimful of interest tooll. No man among us is more qualified for such a talk than is !ol. Burr and we look for a real treat on the evening n question. Fuller particulars wilt appear a little later. "? 1 ' Xobody can write scientifically of " . - rounded. , woman's apparel. The man who at- Sight before last our Methodist tempts it is lost. It is different with . . . - rt Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Either sex j Wenclj, m addition -, to pounding is fully acquainted with the merits jKevi Mr. Creasy, visited the resi of this noted remed'. !dence of Rev. Mr. Swindell, Presid- :' rerona. I ing Elder ' of this" district, comer Dr. W. T. Ennett, of Burlaw, was I Malberry and Second streets, and in Hip. pitv tn-dnv i fil,ed his Pantry full of good things. Hon. C. W. McGlammy was in the ; city to-day, en route for Washing-: :n' ' 1 Mr. R. M. Oroom, of Bnrgaw, and !i r ir r a r i i Mr. W. J. Sutton, of Bladen county, . .. . , were m me cuy 1.0 ay. 1 Mand Mrs. W. A. Johnson, of I jClinton, werein the city to-day, theJu guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. West We are sorry to hear that Mayor Fowler is still quite sick and con fined to his bed. We are glad to hear that Mr. Jno. F. (iarrell is better and hopes to be out in a few days. Only Two In Fifty Years. Rev. Robert Strange, the beloved Rector of St. James1 Church, has been made happier this, New Years than usual.. He is the father of a pretty little girl which was born, we ! hear, on New Years. It is notable that this is the first child born to an Episcopal clergyman in this city in a quarter of a century and it is the first which has been born in St. James3 Rectory since the birth of Rev. Robert Drane, not less than 35 years ago. Indeed, vit is said that there have been but these two births there in nearly 50 years. 4 Installation of Officers. - At the regular meeting of Orion Lodge No. C7, I. (. O. F., held last night, Disrrict Deputy Grand Master W. G. T. Keen, assisted by the fol lowing Past Grands, W.-M. flHays GrandJMarshal, D. F. Barnes, Grand Warden, C. T). Morrill, Grand Secre tary, N. Jacobi, Grand Treasurer, and W. S. Hewlett, GramiGuardian, installed' the following officers to serve for the ensuing term: S. P. G. F. B. Rice. N. G.-G. H. Ward. V. G. John E. Silva, Jr. R. S. J. M. McGowan. F. S. W. C. Farrow. Treasurer Jno. L. Dudley. Conductor -H. O.-Craig. Warden J. J. Burnett. ; R. S. toN. G. W.H.Scarborough, L. S. to N. G. G. W. Branch. R. S. to V. G. J. T. McCumber. L. S. to V. G. John S. Barnes. Chaplain B. S. Montford. R. S. S,. F. Lafella; . L. S. S. A. T. Hewlett, Trustees of Widows and Orphans1 Fund G. M. Altaffer, J. L. Dudley W. S. Warrock. The installation ceremonies were attended by a number of members of Cape-Fear Lodge, and a pleasant time wias enjoyed by all. This lodge has now ninety three members goad "standing. Mortuary Report for .December. Dr. F. W. Potter, Suyerintendeirt of Health, has filed jh is report for th month of December. There were 10 deaths among the whites and 19 among the- colored populaT tioh. Of the former 5 were males and 5 females; 4 vere adults and 6 were children. Of the latter 9 were males and 10. were females; 12 were adults and 7 were children. Of the number there were 4 still-bcyn chil dren, two white; and two colored, which should be deducted froiu the above, as also one brought 'here from elsewhere for interment1 and one brought here sick and in ex tremis. This makes a total of 23 in a population of 35,000, les thad one per cent, of the population; or, less than one death in 1,000. t This is a good -showing and evidences ,very plainly, to our mind, the coutipued benefits derived from the sanitary regulations adopted last Summer. Dr. ' Potter says to the Boafxl of Aldermen that we have cause to be thankful for the. escape frour the pestilence that last Summer devas tated other cities and thinks that the sanitary regulations" should be we may be prepared for anything which mav possibly menace the Atlantic Seaboard next Summer. Hock Crystal Spectacles and Eyefflasse Advice to old and young: in se . i- - i .. lecting spectacles yousnouiiiDe-cau- tious not to take more magnifying "Our inland and ngUlhie' guar- j From Wilmington, ' vowcr than has been lost to the. eve antine?n : - " ' " ' iave. 7:33 a. m as in the same proportion that , you H "SSSS TnnX pass that point of increase. UKnse jfrorte of the orth Carol. you furthe-irUivv ot-h'e evel' sing.?f ' Classes Of Stronger HOWl?r than IS ne- cessary is thfedjaily cansevof prtma- ture otd age totUiighU Yucan get the best at HeinsbergerV. - ' , ; MrTSwindell has made himself very IHpuiar uuring ms snort stay nere- A Very Larse" House. T x, , w Iast ii igh t's aud lence at t he Opera tf ,. , . . House was the largest we have seen . m. , thre n ea,s' ThZ& Were Pr &" ""l . , ivi ent. The estimated "seating capacity of the Opera House is nearly 1,300 on the three floors 492 in the par quette and orchestra, 400 in the dress circle and 400 in the gallerv. It is said that there were not many vacant seats last night. The gallery gods were out in force. Our esti. mate is therefore hardly excessive! Call for a SanitaTy Convention. We have received a copy of "A call for a 'North Carolina Sanitary Convention, in Raleigh, on Wednes day, February C, 1889.' which we take pleasure in publishing here' with, omitting the Long list of sig natures, for which we- cannot find room in this issue. It is as follows: The interests appertaining to the public health. are of such increasing importance that its demands can no longer go unheeded by tiie general public. The time lias come when men of- all professions who have given the subjects of public and private sanitation anv considera tion, should assemble to interchange views, and. begin in earnest the study of the living questions which concern healthy homes -and healthy towns. 1. Many towns in the State have reached a condition of 'progress which have brought them iace to face with the problems-of sewerage and water supply, involving vast sums of money and the tuture health ot unborn thousands. 2. Our State has numerous loca tions, the merits of which are at tracting the attention of physicians ana invalids in many States, North and West, and these must be studied by us with definite purpose and concerted effort that we may pre sent the public with authoritative statements as to the actual condi tion of our unoccupied sanitaria 3. The questions involved by the appearance now and then of pesti lential diseases in States so inti mately bound to us by railroad com munication that their cause is our cause in a philanthropicas well as a business sense, that."-we must study them and discuss them in order, to disarm these epidemics of their greatest dangers, and to quell the panics that do more harm, if possi ble, than the pestilence. 4. The interests of the public health of the State while ; of neces sity, at this stage of its develop ment, intrusted to the medical pro fession, must be dependent for its vitality upon the interest the gen eral public takes in it, for it is the cause of v the people. A Con vention, therefore, of the represent atives of the people, officials cognize ant of the defects of the sanitation of our houses and ..towns and insti tutions,, .and private citizens who have been studying with interest and practising with all the lights thejr have, the minutiae of health laws, is a potent way of disseminat ing information and of studying our defects and the ways to remedy them; .." For these and many .other consid erations, we the 'undersigned, deem it appropriate to call a Sanitary Convention, to meet in Raleigh on Wednesday, the 5th day ofljVbruary 1889, asking tliat a good . attendance luay be had of County Superintend ents of Health and other officials entrusted. -with the supervision of the public health, and of farmers, lawyers, doctors, ministers, civil and mining, engineers, Mayors of towns. Chairmen and members of the Board of County Commission ers, Superintendents of asylums for the insane and indigent, rofficers in charge of hospitals and peniten tiaries, school-teacher's, railroad of ficials, antr every citizen interested in the present and future health of our fcommunities and homes. After organization the following topics will be presented: "How cau we. best 'secure econo mical disposal of refuse in our towns?11, "The prospects of the future water supply in our large towns?11 'Some of the facts concerning the Sanitaria in our State?" - "What is being done towards pro viding healthful school houses in the smaller towns and the country?11 "How can we establish a Bureau of Vital Statistics, that we may put on record of our guidance and in formation the destinv of the nonnla- t ion as regards bfrt hs, diseases, j ' deaths, and the history of epidemics J ffVtha nnhii itonlth-n ! . vrVfc is neetiea to sustain ine ts crthe north Carolina tsoara f .T!i V' Tflnnht iUlw. CVl cill 1pr.i1 . .. t- ' , " n thJ le f the, nl capest heating ard cop.kmg stoves t . Messrs., R. Henry Newton and (ieo. A. Bishop have formed a" co partnership in the style , of New ton & Bishop" and have located on Front street, next to the Market House, where they pill deal in : oys ters, eggs, fruit, vegetable and all kinds of country j produce. They deserve to do well and we believe that they will do well. See ad. in this issue. . . . . ; . .. . . & - .... .... . A Bad State jof Affairs. I t A lady in this city received a let ter a few daj'sago from her mother at Abbottsburg, wherein she was told that she Qier mother) had not had any meat to eat for. a week and. three days. Onfrecipt of thisletter, she, much worried, wrote to a mar ried sister at Abbottsburg to know why it was that bet mother was un able to obtain meat, and begging that she be' supplied, when for ans- vyer she reseived ja letter stating that she herself had not tasted meat for ten days and that there .was not a pound of meat eiiher in Abbotts burg or Bladenborp. ! " , , , I - ' :'-' ' JLive Long. ani Die Hard. Three small mm met on - the street hereto-day. They were rep resentatives of three different coun ties, Judge Russell, of -Brunswick, ex-Sheriff Sutton, I of -Bladen, and Mr. R. M. Croom, bf Pender. The aggregate weight of the three is just 788 pounds.- The'editor of the IlK view came along and as the rep represi?ntative of New. Hanover made one more to tjie. party andjran tile aggregate weight up 200 pounds, making it 988 for the four, but he was considered. a mere baby in that crowd and was ruled out. -.The fact is, people live lopg,!grow fat and die late in this favored section of the country.' j, . NEW ADVERTI8EMKNTS Stockholders' Meeting. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Wilmington Savings and Trust company win oe neia atstneir orace. ids rrm- cess street, on Monday;, January . 7th, at 5 U UlUK p. 111. I .. X J, j an 3 St cashier. K. HKNRY afuwrox. GEO. A. BISHOP. : Newton & Bishop, (SUCCESSORS TO It. MOORE & CO.,) Dealers in . . Oysters, Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables ... - j . And all kinds of Country Produce. Consignments solicited. Give us a call. I Front' streA. janiisc Nexit to Market House. R. C. Orrell, C AN STILL. BE FOUND AT CORNElt OF Third and Princess, at here he wilt give prompt ' 1 attention to business. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses I - boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I still have a veiy fine Hearse for funeral oc- casions. w -'IK. C. ORRELL, LI very and sale stables, corner Third and Princess Sts. -jan3tf Ifiillll OFFERED TO ALL IN NEED OF WINTER! SHOES - - - - J ; - ' ' ; . TO CLOSE OUT OUR i ' . Winter Stock! Geo. 11. French & Sons. jan 3 tf 108 North Front St. No. 10. X A mmu: wilmisgiqji -seacoah l : jfitte wastes i si ; ' JN EFFECT NOV. 4. 1SSS. AT 7:45 A. M. From iiummocj:&. Leave, feioa.ra. Lcve. '. 5:10 p. m. Leave .-210 p. m, . , 1 SV'NPAV SCHEDULE. Leave........ 2-10 p. m j Leave ... 5.-00 pi in. - arrnlnanrCarsMn 1 haifprwl Jlnrl7ir - the winter months at reasonable rates. . , JL.cumosau3i; ' dec24tt General Manager, Inducements - i- - - NEWAPVCKTIOnnCUTP. Spsicial Indiiceiiients rQ INCREASE TRADEi THE BALANCE of our stock of WINTER DRESS QOOD3at actual cost. JO. J.IIEDRiCK. , Clearing Opt Sale. yjy INTER UNDERCLOj'niXG FOK GEX tlenien will "be sold without l-cgard tp cost.f Unlaundried Shirts at 590., Wcand tho best Shirt made at fl.00. , JNO. J. IIEDBICK. , : . '" -. 7 ma o . Special bargains TN WHITE GOODS,'- LACES, HAMBUITOHS. and nAXDKERCniEFS now n hand. " : o . ' . J Attractive. :: QURSTOCK OP TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS , and POYLES, FRINGED, TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS, In sets,, very cheap. jan2tf - JNO. J. HEDRICK. Grand Clearing'- Sale CASH house; -o- - Stuiicndous ncttons In all Departments. Remnant Dress Goods ! worth from 250 to oc per yard lor 15c. - : O - Double Widlh Dress Flannels andDebegeS) worth 33c and 40 for 1!W per yard. ' - .L Extra .Quality-Habet Cloths, '. 54-lnciics width, reduced from 90c to-; DCi ;. per yard. ' 1 o- ( ; Embroidoriec. -I ONE.IxOT EMBROIDERIES. Xvorth 4rom4 to IOC lor 4e per yard. ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth rromii to l5Ctfor 8c per yard. ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth from 13c to SOoifor 10c per yard. p '. " ' 4 A cordial invitation extended to all : to ' In spect tne numerous bargains displayed on our counters. - - CASH HOUSE. 116 rjarkot Ct., WILMlNGTOKi K. C . t Heinoborgor'o ' LIVE B00K&MUSICST0RE . 4 . . . ; .: - X . . " " fj'OALL, YOUNG AND OLD, LARGE. ANT Small, in Town and Country, who have given u their trade,-not only m the Christmas Week, but during1 the whole of last year, which has been large, and for which, we are -'-" .- - I verythankfuL . 1 , We offer Fresh Inducements for In Cooks, Pianos. OrsaDS," Novelties "in Fancy Goods, c, 4c - HEINSBERGER'S. LIVE BOOK AMD MUSIC STORE. For the IloliOay." A Large. andWell-Selected StoeK or Breech and Muzzle Guns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES - - - pt Every Description! v decbtf W. E. SPRINCElt & CO, li Front feu, Wlisiiniton, n. C, - I.I.Iitz' V ) S4 J '