THIS PAPER r-- - pnUUsbed every evening, Sundays excepted, By josh. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. .; SUBSCRIPTIONS," POSTAGE PAID:' onJpar, 4.oa months Three months. $L0a , Ono month, 85 cents. The paper will be delivered toy carriers, freo of charge, in any part of the city, at the aoovo rates, or 10 cents per week - .". . Advertising rates low and liberal. ,. subscribers' vrtll please report any and ill failures to receive their paper regularly. p -a ral,$4:d Ton' ... mpu- ii7E nit tin a i about T rir -e as reanuts and for certain kinds J oves"having strong drafis it.' is a very fhean rueL Remember, .. . ONL.Y JB4-n n nthor coals as cheap in proportion and tift 10 ' " DiH You Know That ,K EKA.H & LLES " . . Sgairps & Seerttam, Ppo Llilli YtlC ? Will, it is renalnty so, andSStavoner," too I Fqjv h Holid yv A La rse;und Well-Selected Stock of Breech and Muzzie G.;ms, IMFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES of Every Description1. W. E. SPRING EK & CO., aw 1 t r 11 Front St.. Wilmington. N. C Th -Cheapest'., rjMlEBKST PLACE AND THE' CHEAPEST I'lix-p in trie city to nave an tanas 01 i j i u itii. 1on-issit MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market Mr't, North side, between Second and-Third. F;iinates cheerfully furnished and ail orders ivcii nrorapt attention. Orders from the L-ount ry solicited; . dec7tf - 'STOKLEY'S." Wis AUK INUYV ntis- pared to accommodate jail w ho may call upon us with the Finest Oysters l a be had on the Coast. We have made special itreparauons ior me season. yrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters Always on hand. Served promptly and in any fetyle desired. W. II. STOKLEY. octiotf Wrlghtsviiie. Severe Cases of Blood Poison. Thousands. sufler' from blood poison, who fvouid be cured if they gave B. E. B., (Botanic fclood Balm) a trial. Send to the Blood Balm it)., Atlanta, Ga., for book of wonderful cures, Ihat convince the most skeptical. It Is sent rec. . J. o. Gibson, Meridian, Miss., writes": "For . number of years I suffered untold agonies om Wood poison. Several prominent physi- pns did me little if any-'good. I began to use S. B. li. with very littte faith, but, to my utter urprtso, it has made me a well and hearty persons - - T. Hallerton. Macon. Ga.. writes: "I con- acted blood nolson. I first tried Dhvsicians. nd then went to Hot Springs. I returned tome a ruined man rjhvslcally. Nothine seem- i to do me any good. My mother persuaded ut- iu iry ii. is. ii. to my utxer xonisnmem, I very ulcer quickly healed." Bonj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga, writes: "I suffer J years from syphilitic blodd poison, which pusea to De curea oy au ireauneni. . rnyst- "tns pronounced it a hopeless case, I had no ppetite, I Had pains in hips" and Joints and iiykldnMis wiirA rtlspa?Ad. i v thrnat was icera'ted and my breast a mass of running ores, m this condition i commencea a use or i.'B. b. it healed every ulcer, and sore and hired me completely within two months,." aec io lm acw II. CROHEXBERO, ; ( THE PHOTOGRAPHER. '. - GIVE HIMHA TKfAL! AU Work Guaranteed. Pictures taken Slngletor.ln Groups. ; pt24 tf . ' ' CAUTION Beware of Fraud, as my name and the price f c Miaipeu on ue oonom ox au my aaverusea rvuta tw i 1 n w. - . 1, 1 nl. i . r wearers against hlrh prices and inferior goods. f a uesuer oners VV. L.. iMagias euoes at are tired price, or says he has them without my name Price stamped on the bottomvut hkn down as Lilt. . - L L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE. FOR GENTXK3IEN, flwonlT calf S3 SEA3rL'ESS Shoe smooth te. NO TACKS or WAX THREAD to the feet, easy aa hand-sewed and WILL PjVL. DOUGIAS S4 SHOE, the original P-oude shoes costing from f to 9. - fTi-L: OOUGLAS 30 POLICE SHOE. f'""?w Men and Letter Carriers au wear ipem. inside as a Hand-Sewed Shoe.. No Tacks Vr Vrd to hurt the feet. M V L. DOUGLAS 83.50 SHOE is unexcelled . " J wrai . I. a m rlN tw- itir and in L. DOUGLAS WORKING- to:: l"e best School fclioe to the world. ho htc Pfv'il? the smaU Boys a chance to wear the tsnoes In the world. - ' - . . n w ujurmuL nil fin a rtii . mx r- iiu. fDAjlO In TkAA ' V - T M MA A& Jk! te W. L. DOUGLAS, . - .- 7 ' Y'th S11UK " the best in uie woriqj ior. 1 VI -- , vpikt pair uliKlil l" wr m ni.u . iwiii Ps 31 3m.eodlp; ' Vllmlnstonr N. C. I ii-Jl lb1 VOL, XIII. The University of Michigan has 1,805 enrolled students. Harvard College 'comes next with 1,790. . It is announced that Lord Cole- ridge has collected $3.5,000 for the family of Matthew Arnold. This i9 sweetness and ligjit. ' - Dr. ; R. B. Haywood, one of the most eminent physicians in the State, died at his residence in Ral eigh on Wednesday night. . J. II.-Bass, now in New York, is known as the "ossiGed jnan." He i.58 years of age, blind, and a living skeleton, weigh ing about 70 pounds. His limbs are so ossiGed that he is perfectly helpless, and all his. body seems to be slowly fuming to bone. - , Georgia's leading lawyer appears to be Capt. Henry Jackson. Three fees that he recently received are said to have aggregated $75,000. He has, it is reported, just declined an offer of $20,000 a1 year to go to New York and become counsel for an in surance company. . . Rear Admiral Luce will not be re tired from service on account of age until March 21, 1880. Luce has a fine war record. He was in command of the monitor Nantucket during the attacks on Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 18tf3. He also did good service on the Savannah when in command of the Pontiac'the follow ing year. What'is the use of wasting time and breath over the tariff bill in the Senate? It is a foregone conclusion that the bill will be passed and that nO amendment offered by a Demo crat will be accepted. The bill will probably go through the Senate by a strictjarty vote and the .Demo crats might just as well keep still and let the abortion alone.; . It will "die dead': in the House. The New York Herald showed its I usual wonderful journalistic enter prise in reporting; the eclipse. Its correspondents were pqsted all along the line of the. sun's shadow and in an hour's time the fact's were col lated and in type. In fact," there were two eclipses, but the Herald's eclipse was the biggest. The moon eclipsed the sun but the Herald eclipsed not only the-zSwra but all of the other big dailies. The beauty craze-has revolution ized society and Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup has revolutionized the treat ment of cough, and colds. XOCAIilSrBWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JIcnds BKOs--Pharmaclsts CCK R Through -Sleepers R C Orrell Livery Stables ; R M McLvrntE Many Thanks J Sampson Schedule B Tax Ueinsberger Diaries for 1888 Newton & Bisfeop-MOysters, etc HOWEl& CuMMiNG-Mattressss M M ETatz Grand ClearlngOsale, J J IIedricx Speciar Inducements F jp Miller I)rugs and Chemicals Geo R French & Sons Extraordinary WE Springer & Co For the Holidays Three companies are booked for the Opera House week o,fter next. - Fresh pork, in the pig, sold in mar ket this morning at 7 to 8 cents per pound. . AU kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be boupJ" cheapest at Heinshrri,,-" Portable fire-place grates. Just the thing for our climate. Are sold by the". Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Oliver Doud Byron will appear at the Opera House in this city on next Monday week, the 14th inst. 'It's only a question of time," and a short time," too, as to when your rheumatism will yield to Hood's Sar- sapanila. i'ry it. Wo have knives for your boys and scissors for jonr girls. What wil please them more for ' presents? N Jacobi Hardware Co. - Do you use loaded shells? You will find that they will sa ye you time, trouble and expend. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hardware Co. t The,steam tug "Alex. Joiies winch, has been undergoing some repairs, appeared on the river again to-day looking as spick and span as a'bride in h-r new dress. CaptJohn W Harper is in command of ber. . Silver-plated knives, forks,spoons, mud child's sets, carving knives and forks. Make your friends happy by making useful presents; , A nice line of the above is offered by the N Jacobi Hdw. Co. , . - t . .... - WILMINGTON, N. C, Indications; For, North Carolina, fain and wanner weather. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select from. " . . t We are glad to hear that Prof. VanLear, who is quite sick, is now better, although he has not yet been able to leave his room. The walls of St. Andrew's Church ! corner of Campbell and v Fourth streets, are completed and the work I' men are now on the roof. So far as we know there will be nothing-at the Opera House next week, unless the Wilmington Ama teurs shall conclude to give us "Pa tience." I j- A Good Idea. On and "after Tuesday next a through sleeper for Raleigh will be. attached to the night train leaving here for Charlotte ou the C. C. R. R. There will be no change of cars at Hamlet, no waking, up inK the mid dle of the night to change sleepers. Passengers can go to sleep at Wil mington, as it were.; and wake at Raleigh. This hew arrangement will prove a great convenience to the traveling public. Sometliinc Sorely Needed . What is needed in Wilmington at this time, and sorely needed, is a fire boat on the river. Every time a fire occurs anywhere on the river front, or on the river, this fact is borne forcibly upon the minds of our peo ple. W have heard it asserted as Irobable that the fire of February, 1886, might have ccn . averted had there been a fire; boat on the river, ready for just such an emergency. Certain it is that such a boat would have been of great assistance at that time and if she could not have checked the fire in its incipiency (which is not unlikely) would have rendered a great help in checking its spread. Had a boat like the Marie been prepared at that time to grapple with the fireshe could have done then what the' firemen could not do; she could have approached, the fire from the rear the river and fought it all of the Way up! to the railway depots. , The. wind, it will be remembered, was on that oc casion from the Southwest, and blowing almosjt half a gale, and ft was impossible for the firemen to fight in the front of the flames. We should think that for. a reasonable sum an agreement could be made with. Capt. Williams, of the Marie, and the owner'of the- btfat, whereby she could be supplied withhose.and kept ready to move, at' any time, whenever her services might be needed in an emergency, Distressing News. News was received here last even ing of a fearful and distressing ac cident which occured at Clinton yesterday forenoon, whereby four lives were lost. The Clinton Cau casian f urnishes us with the f ollfcw ing report: At 10:30 o'clock this morning,' the boiler of Col. John Ashford's Hoop Factory, on Fayetteville street, ex ploded with fearful and fatal results. The explosion was terrific, shaking every building in town. In a few seconds hundreds of- people had gathered at the scene of the wreck. The debris was hastily removed by ! excited and tremulous hands. The bodies of Col. Ashford, his! two sons James and Pender and Lofton Pugh, colored, were found in a mangled condition. Life was extinct when James Ashford. and the negro were found,. , Col, Ashford and his son Pender are in a very critical condition, though receiving all the attention that medical skill and tine nursing can afford. Mr. H.H. Britt, who was working upon his residence at some dis tance, was badly scalded and other wise injured. - It is one of the sad dest afflictions thair hs ever befel Clinton, nd our sympathy, mingled with the deepest r pain and sorrow, goes out to the bereaved relatives. Later, Pender Ashford is dying, and there is- very little hope for Col. Ashford. His sufferings are most agonizing. A special from Clinton in this morning's tar reports the. death of Col.. Ashford, as well as hisont Pen der Ash ford,. -- It was u most distressing accident and Iwa plunged the whole town of Clinton in grief. Col. Ashford 'was well known' here, where he - was highly esteemed as an honorable, upright man and au enterprising, public spirited citizen, and many ex pressions, of syuipathyj have be$j heard. V . 11 l'i 11 ; ' V V II- .11 1.1 . I V I Y FRIDA Y. JANUARY i City Court. Acting Mayor Fishblate disposed of the following cases this morning: Addie Davis, disorderly -conduct, judgment suspended. Jno. Roan, ; disorderly ? conduct, $10 or 20 days. v George Burnett, disordelycon duct, 10 days ina close cell. Jonah Blocker, hogs running at large, $10 or 20 days. ; " v Democratic Club. The first annnal meeting of the United Democratic Club was held on Wednesday night last; in Brooklyn Hall. The following officers were electedfor the ensuing year, viz: President Wr P. Oldham. .Vice Presidents S. H. Terry, H. McL Green; S.' H: Fishblate, J. W. Millis.V - . .' Secretary N. Jenkins. ' , Treasurer Wm. MbEvans. AnInterestins: Event. Stonewall Lodge No. 1 and Ger. mania Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, will install their officers on Thursday night next, January 10th. The exercises will be in public and will take place in the Opera House Supreme Chancellor Ward, of New Jersey, wilbarrive here on Wednes day next and will be met at the de. pot by committees from both lodges. He will be the guest of Mr. Thos. D. Meares. While here he will be shown all of the courtesies possible. On Thursday a special train will be chartered on the Seacoast rTr. and he will be taken down to Wrights- yille and the Hummocks, escorted by a large party of Knights and adies. He will be present at the in stallation ceremonies at the Opera House and will take part therein. Something About Oar Doctors. It is still '"distressingly healthy'! here. The physicians have not near as much to do as they had last Winter and Spring. Still, they are not complain i ng. They are a funny profession anyway and there is more real philanthropy among them than is generally tnougnt. Tne more sick there are the more will they thrive and prosper and yet they not only warmly endorse every measure of sanitary reform but these very reforms originate with them. They not only fight disease in the sick chamber bnt they -fight it on the highway. With- them: indeed-; an ounce of preventive is worth a ton of cure, notwithstanding the fact that it is the cure and not the pre ventive which pays them their fees The sanitary measures adopted here last Summer, the good effects of which are visible in the mortuary re" turns is dnex literally, to their per sistenc insistence. -Wilmington Light Infantry. ' At a meeting of the Wilmington Light Infantry, held last evening, several changes were announced in the non-commissioned officers ofjthe company. Mr. M. . wuiara Hav ing resigned the ".position of Adju tant of ; the Second ; Regiment, and Mr. H.H. Mcllnenny having been appointed to that position, Second Sergeant Dnval French was named as Orderly, to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Mcllhenny's - appointment; Sergeants Thomas Gause, " D. T. Cronly and R. L. Holmes were each promoted one grade and ' Mr. J. 'J Smith, First Corporal, was chosen as Fifth Sergeant. ---The Corporals in turn were advanced, Mr. Walker Taylor becoming First, Mr. George Huggins Second, and Mr. C. H. White Third. The list was com pleted by appointing Mr. W. P. Toomer Fourth Corporal. Forj:he Inauguration Reduced rates for the 'inaugura tion of Governor. Fowle, on. the 17th inst., are announced on the C. C R. R. for civilians and for the military in uniform, as follows: From Wil mington, $5.75 for civilians and $3.20 for military; Maxton, $5.15 for civil ians and $2.00 for military; Char lotte, $6.65 for civilians and $3.80 for military; , Lincolnton $7.00 for civilians and $4.00 . for mil itary Shelby, - $8.05 for civil ians and $4.60 for military; Ruther fordton, $9.10 for civilians and . $5.20 for military. Tickets will be , sold January loth to 17th inclusive, good to Teturn until January 21st, inclu sive: Reduced rates for the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ma sons, to be held in Raleigh onTues day n.e& also announced, but these wers published in the Revibw a week or more ago. If 4, 1889. NO 14. j The N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. still lead in me saie oi me nesz ami cneapesb heating and cooking stoves. ,t N6 Raleigh News and Observer re ceived by us to-day. It is the sec ond time this reek that hV has miss- - The Southeast cautionary storm signal was raised here this after noon. There is a storm central in Wesern Florida, moving Northeast. Don't forget the - book.,1, reception to-night at the rooms of the YfM. Si. A. There will be a delightful pro gramme and refreshments will be served. All who attend are. expect ed to present a book to the library. The doors will be opened at 7:30 o'clock. . """ : f v r g T 11 ' ... Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses .. Advice to old and young: In se. lecting spectacles you should be cau? tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily "cause of preriia ture old, age to "the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's.' . - NEW ADVERTISERIENT "Drugs and i hemicale, rjlOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES. Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc, etc. Also Prescriptions filled day or night at - - ( . F.C.MILLER'S, - Drugstore, 3 an 4 Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., Give us a S h p w ND WE WILL SELL YOU DRUGS AND Fancy "Articles at Lowest Figures. We will prepare your Prescriptions day or night. MUNDS BROTHERS, Druggists, janltf . 104 N. Front St. . Oarolina Antral B E. Go. qn and after Tuesday; stu inst., Turouga Sleeping Cars will run between Wil mington and Raleigh, in Trains 51 and 54 Leaving Wilmington at 7.00 o'clock p. m., ,ar riving at 8:20 a. m. ' L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. Wi CLARK, Gen'l Pass. Agt. , Jan44t Diaries for 1889. LARGE ASSORTMENT For Sale Cheap .at : Hjeinsberger's Turner's Almanacs, Branson's Atmaliacs, - Miller's Almanacs, Blum's Almanac, ALL FOR 1889! Wholesale and retallcheap at HEINSBERGER'S. -LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, jan ' :--.v.;' Stockholders' Meeting. npHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Wllmineton Saviners and Trust Company "will be held at their ofiice, 108 Prin cess street, on Monday,. January- 7th, at 5 o'clock p. m. w. r, tuumjijk, Jan 3 St - Cashier. R. HENRT NEWTON. GEO. A. BISHOrM Newton & Bishop, (SUCCESSORS TO H. MOORE & CO.,) .. Dealers in Oysters, Eggs, Fruit, Vegetables , And all kinds of Country Produce. eonsignmens solicited. Give us a calL Front Street, Next to Market House. Jan 3 2t R. C. Orrell, c AN STILL BE FOUND AT CORNER OF Third and Princess, where he will give prompt attention to business. v . Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. . .... . I still hre a very fine Hearst, for funeral oc casions. - - R. C. ORRELL. . Livery and Sale .Stables, . jan 3 tf corner Third and Princess Sts r$ For Rent.'T ':y REVERAL HOUSES, STORES AND X Hnnmn in Knlendid localities. Alsorrfir iwin nnfl lots for sale for cash andTfJ f on the monthly installment plan-fji j; f Rents promptly collected. Taxes andtJ k- insurance aitenaca to wiuuait;xiia kusuk. MARTIN T. DAVIS, . . " : Real Estate Agent, novntf - - - 119 Princess gfi IE : we win to gin to receive ccnnurl:-::o -: from our fxlsrij ca any ana aUstj:cs ? general interest, but ; . ; v The name of the vnriter must always be fur nlshed to the Editor. . I '- . ..... ,, ,. '. , ... .. . . Commuaicaaons must be wrlttca only on one side of the paper. Personalities must bo avciica. - .And it isspeclally ana particularly unfier- stood that the Editor floes not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stAted in the editorial columns. . " N KW APVERTISCEinilTS. Special Inducements : MHO TVf5t R A ST? TOAT . were r avit - -. , a mm mm HI 01 our stock or WINTER DRESS GOODS' - at actual cost. JKO. J. HEDRICkI OlearingOnt Sale. 'yy INTER UNDERCLOTHINO FOR , GEN tlemen .wiiyje sold without regard to cost. Unlaundrled Shirts at 59c.; 75c and the'bet Shirt' made at $1.00. p:.m('nEpmCK. jf tii - Special Bargalno ; : i JN WHITE GOODS, LACES, nAMfiURGIIS and nANDKERCHIErs now on hand; ' , JNO. J, IIEDRICK. o : ; - ' " Attractive. QUR STOCK OF TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS and DOYLES, FRINGED TABLE CLOTHS and f - . .'.. i - r - NAPKINS, in sets,: very cheap. r "V " jan2 tf ' - , ' JNO. Jw HEDRICK. Indubements ; , . .. .... j- - -. OFFERED TO ALL IN NEED OF "'""J" WIRITER SHOEG ' " iro close out our - Vlinter Stock ! Geo. R. Frencli & Sons. . . . . - jaa 3 tf ' 108 North Front St. Grand Clearing Sale AT GASH HOUSE. Stupendous ICeductfonB In all. . . Departments Remnant Dress Goods ! worth from 25o to goc per yard for 15c, DoubleWidlh Dress Flannels ' : and Dobegea, V worth 35c and ioc for 19c peryard. o . Extra Quality Habot Cloths, 54-lnches width, reduced from 90c to 9c -'" ... . .- - ; per-yard. , Embroideriec. ONE LOT EMBROLDERIES,' worth from CC to 10c for 4c per yard. : - ', ' ' ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES worth from 13 to 15c for 8e per yard., - 1 - . -, ONE LOT EMBROIDERIES, worth from 130 to 30c for 10c per yard. . A cordial invitation extended to al to in spect the numerous bargains displayed on our counters. ' " " - M.J1.MB C'AOnOUSB. . ; 116 roricot Gut , . WILMINGTON, K.' C. decl7- , . " Preocriptions A CCURATEXY COMPOUNDED. PATENT Medicines, Toilet, Articles, ic Prices reason able. A trial is asked. JAMES C. MUNDS, Agt." ? OCtS Princess st, tctTITcat & i-ccoad EIIIISII