t - r Hi- H r 1 4 i lis M - . ! 4 - ' : k " HI ' i - -: -. ' i . t ! ' rt -. v 1 .,! - i . ', " I I . ' -. . -.. ,.,-'. t PU 0 Er A LT" V71I IS K , V A SCIENTIFIC , REMEDY, . 7 A DEVERACE. , , V 2To disease germ can "POSSIBITST remain lodged in th.e body if this Great Remedy is care runy ana consianuyasea. Jror. vvxn. T. Cutter, State Chemist t of. 3ozmecticut. "In nave analyzed a rreat knan-vBain'Dlea of Whiskey, Wines, Ales, &ix,and was sur prized, to find upon analysis that Duffy's xiait wnisicey was to pure, as J. pever found this to be the case in any other Whiszey I had examined. These STacts must commend i to creneral use and Xrablio. fav6r. ; - - v j Be sure and secure the genuine, and take It is For.Sale Universaly MISCELLANEOUS. ' SQIIIOPATEIC VETE2I1TABY SPZC17ICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, ' Dogs, Hogs Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat- .meat of Animals and r Chart Sent Free, r criiES Fevers. ConfeatlomannaWinsMon. - A.A. HplnallUenlng-iiiB, Milk FeT?r. ' li.li.-8tra.lna Lamenessf Rheumatism. C. C. Distemper Nasal Discharges. I. J. Ilot or .Grabs, .Worms. -E. K.-Coughsr Ileawes, Pneamonla ' F. F. Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. -" 1. CJ Micai-riaire. Ilemorrhacrn. II. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I. EruptiTS. Diseases, Mange. J. ik. Diseases oi juigescien. . Stable Case. with. Specifics. Manual, Witch Hazel Oil and Medlcator, 87.00 'Price, Single Bottle (orerCddosesX : - .60 ; Sold by Drnggistst or Sent Prepaid on Hecelpt of Price. Homphreys Med. .Co!, 109 Fulton SL, H. Y. HTJIIPEEEYS' HOMEOPATHIC J f SPECIFIC fio.MO In um 2D vMra . The ocfrrnccsnfnl remedxfor Nervous Debility, Vital .Weakness! and Prostration, from ovsr-work or other cause. . 91 per viaL or 6 rials and large rial powder, for 5. Sous BT D&CGGisTS, or sent postpaid on receipt oZ pnea Bwyhwyi' ncie Ce., loo ltea St., 8. I. men S3 eod Airly nrm ,v v.-5 Jim, scca :.t lil-i. J:s:r- i t.uy aro vortii, acvl tv here lb VurvltihliH Coodayorf SjUJth?d. ? Th-n send f ar Imctiil POCL- Tli Y" JJ WiJ ti. . lt0 V-gOf beau titol eoiorcJ plalc ci.;rtiviaxr of Hi3riy ail ki.n's cf fcxls; descrip tins of the trueda; boor to r.-ponize; pbns for poultry hoaros: . infoi JUon rlxmt IncnoatorM, and iiei o t vjshwy 1 uffgs ireio oei tioc.. nt wc per, miuuc Don i ior to venut. If no, roa need the BOOK OF CAGE liLKDS. ISO pages, 150 Hlms rrntrona. BeasbfnToIored pinte. Treataaent and breeding oi all lands Gage birds, for pieagurs androt. Diseases and their core. ITow to build and stock" an Avmry. All aboct Parrots. Prices of all khids birds, cages, etc. Hailed for 151'enta. The Tnree Books. 40 Cts. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, S37 South Lighth Street PhliadclphiijPa. Acnin? Eiiies and Back, nip. Kidney and Uterine Pains. Rheumatic, Sciatic, Sharp and Weakening Pains, relieved in one minute by ' the Cutlcura Anti-Pain Plaster. The first and only Instantaneous paln-kHline", strengthen ing plaster. 25 cents; lire for $L00-- At drug- " giSta, Or Of POTTXR DBCQ A5D CHKXICAL CO., Boston. - D 1 1 I Pimples, blackheads, chapped ni CC rllYI and oily skin cured by Cutictj- iLLO w. a 3 a a - i . - 4 A UT BJL Soaf. MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MADE WITH decziiw . CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEmVQOVAktPlLLS SZ3 CS0S3 ZXAifB ,f OrifrtaaL W,eal7inilMaitf reliabptll forcmlc Never t'nil. .Auk for CkteAettar's I Diamond Brand, red me ( uUIm tMurs, waiad with blue rib I boa. At UrnniAtn. Aiwst no erv Ai rill la iaste ' br bo, piak VrpTa. ere a daa: terfelt.' tend 4e. Iiumni partiealars and MKellef for Ladlea," te letter, by ret am autiL 10.4MM ImII. tfromtltCIES Mare lued tbm. Kame Paper. Chichcstef ChcxoicalColladlson SqPh: lllAP dec 24 4w a yimt1f!eand Standard Ponolar Kedlcai TreatlSt OX the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous and irflysica jjeouuy, aiutuik w wui txisiAirlffl iesuiungtroo FoIl7rVIce,IS2oranc. Excewe o! rertazatlon, Unerrating and unfitting the victla br Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid tmafcttfnl pretenders. Possess this gresj vork. It contains &0 pages, rojTl 8vo. BesmifuJ Udmg, embossed, foil gilt. Price, only $1.00 bj cx'A, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. IKca ratlre Prospectus Free, if you apply now. The llstlnguished author, Wm. Parker-Jl-; p. eired the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL ram tha National Medical Association, or The PRIZE ESSAxnEllVOU8 and HYSICALOE01LITY. Dr. Parker and s corps ,f Assistant Physicians may be. eonsnlted. conn, lentlally, by mall or la person, st the sfice ol rilJI I'llADODY JtEDICAT, UNSTITUTI to. Balflncbi SU, Boston, Mass to whomalj rders for books ox leUers for sdrics should bt 'iSSCS4 4TT , ." wt 1 . t BOIUNG- fkllLK. y - 1 swnlali rrnnr; thyself.'Zj7 3 - & ': : Josh. T. James, Editor & Proper. ; , ' : . 5 - . Wilmington. C FRIDAY. J AN; 4. 18S9. Entered at tlie Postoffice at Wilmington, N.C., - as second-class matter. There are 2,200 saloons hi. Cincin : nati, or one for about every 13G of". the population. , The Times-Star of that city Is urerimr the Legislature to raise license fees from J $250 to $1,000, and reduce the number of saloons to 550, which is certainly. more than sufficient. To this propo sition -the Commercial Gazette ob jefcts", and stands out for a saloon to every 130 people. in the city. .' ".Georgia Methodists are in favor or temperance, but tliey take Do stock in the third party movement. The North Georpria Conference appoint ed Dr. W. H. Potter, Senator A. H. dolquitt and the Rev. Dr. A. G. Ilayfjrood a committee -lto confer with such other representatives as to iieul may seem best, with the view to the organization of IT non-! partisan temperance alliance of all j the Prohibition forces of the State." : ' The statement was recently pub lished that a woman at Corsicana, Texas, had given birth : to six chil dren, andT it was followed by the news from Milbury, Mass., that xIrs. Frank'De Groote,'of that place, had given birth to four girl babies. The last statement, was true, and Dr. ! Slocomb, .who assisted the little girls j into .the world, wanted to know more about the Texas sextette. So j he wrote to the postmaster at Corsi j cana asking him alxut the" report. The reply was: 4No truth in it whatever. At last accounts the T . ... stlH ueurroore quartette were an anve j though Lilian, the smallest, who was very delicate, . was suffering from a i severe cold. ; f tmmp. . THIS NiSXT HODSK. .' 1 It appears that the next Federal House is going to be Republican by so small a majority if at all that "our frijpds, the enemy" will, haye to'-deny themselves wholly the pleas ure of -anything in the nature Of "shenanigin." . They will iiave, says the Raleigh ATeivs and Observer, to keep their forces strictly in line and constantly in hand to accomplish anything at all.; TheDemocrats will possibly have thopower of denying the House a quorum at any time it may. suit their own sweet wills to do so and the Republicans will - have to govern themselves accordingly. They 'will hve to confine them selves to legitimate business, to leg islation for the benefit of tl.e people rather than of the trust3 and other uionopoliesyelse they will be brought up with a round turn by the side of the house which" really seeks the public'weifare and male to realize what they are in Congress for. It looks as if the Republican would get the certificate in the Tennessee district the Third or Chattanooga district that has been in doubt and in case he does the House will stand 164 Republicans to 153 Democrats, counting all the districts in which, official decision as to the issue of certificates has been reached. There will then be only, two cases remaining undecided those of the Thirdjand Fourth Districts of West Virginia. Both of these are claimed by the Republicans on the original returns and on the recount as well, but it will be seen that even if their claim is justified by the event their side will have a majority of but 7. If the Republicans .get one only of the West Virginia- certificates their majority will be five, and if the two certificates go to the Democrats in stead of the Republicans the major ity, on the "Republican side of-the H6uso' "will be but three. It is evi dent, therefore, that the Rads will have to.be very circumspect indeed Taking into view the contingencies of illness, unavoidable aTsence and so on it is; very doubtful whether they will always have any majority at ail. They will be at liberty to cut up no political shines, and two years hence it is to be hoped they will be succeeded to so large an ex tent by Democrats that there will be no further danger, whatever of the unwholesome legislation pecu liar to Radicalism. - '; ' . " Eupepsy." :: r: 'this is what ybu oaght to have, in fact, you must have it,' to full y en-r joy life. Thousajids are searching for it daily, and mourning' because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent ! an nually by our people, in the "hope that they niayattam this boon. Awf yet it may be nad oy an. we guar antee that Electric Bitters, if used according to-oirectlons amrtne us.e perSlSTJCMJ 1X1, Will unili; yuu uvuu XJl-J gestion and oust the demon Dyspep sia and install instead Eupepsy. .We recommend Electrie tJitters for Dys- gepsiar-mKT all- diseases of -Liver, tomach and Kidneys. Sold at 60c. and 1 oer bottle at Wm. H. Green & Cos Drug Store. ITnenraatisro J- -To notion bted 1 y causejl bv lactic i in blpod. This fcks tha fibrous tissues and 'causes the . pains ana acnes in ine- naeK, kuoui "derK, knees, ankles," hips and wrists: Thousands of people have ' found in ' Hood's SarsapariUa'a positive cure for rheuiuatism. : Thfs, medicine, by its purifying, action, neutralizes the acidity of the blood, and also builds ; up au'datrengthens the whole body. -a - " - M 1 .- - 1- 1 t - SHE IS "GUATEFUt." "I saved the life of mv little girl by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Eng lish Reined v fori Consumption." Mrs. Wm. Y Haruiman, New York, ington. Munds Bros., druggists. Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar saparilla superior to, all other medicines. . Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of bet known remedies'!. of the vegetable king dom. . Feculiar in strength and economy' Hood's Sar- saparilla is the only medi-' cine of which can truly be said, ' One Hundred Doses One Dollar." Medicines in larger and . smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not produce a3 good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits! I Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures liith- i erto unknown, and has won for itap.if j the title of "The greatest bloodXl I purifier ever discovered." V i home," there is now ' of Hood's Sarsaparilla o sold iii Lowell, where it: ; is made, than of a ill .ef other blooa purifiers. phenome- eS yrnal record of sales no other preparation lias VV ever attained such popu larity in so short a time. and retained its popularity and confidence among all classes of people so steadfastly. . , -r I Tin Tint b irttlnooil tn Tmxr rthpr nrpnnMHrns. ut be sure to t the Peculiar Medicine, ' . .. Hood's- 'Sarsapafilla Soldby all druggists. $l;eixfor$5. Preparedonly by C. I.4JOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. JOG Doses One Dollar ; jan i'iyr d4:wnrm ; . mws.Sdp, "5 " UAbP 13-A B SAM jjg Cleanses and beautifies the ha' 'SlsjsSJS Promotes a luxuriant growth ' rever rans to nestore 'Viray Hair to i ts Youthful Color. Prevents Dandnif? ami hair falling 4 SOc. and $1 00 at Orpjrcrists. dec 24 4w e-Acme M A N TJ F AO T If RI N Q- 0 0 MANU FA CTUKEKS OP Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting, WILMINrnON.IN.C. rjlIIE UEPUTATION OF OUE PERT1L1ZEKS the ACME and GEM, is now established, and trie results of three years' use in ,the hands of the best farmersf this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTINtt, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to beequai to any wool carpet for comfort and durability, and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vr tues not found in any other, fabric. - The FIBRE or WOOL 13 extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses Is almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. . ..... certificates from reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. lan 4 tf At I ant i cV i ew, WKIGIITSVILLK, X. C. rMIIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IS situated at the WrightsvlUe Terminus , of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, and there is no charge for transportation of self or baggage to the IloteL . Bind of t nsic Engaged for the .Season. - W6 are sorry the Soldier Boj-s have gone home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can find comfortable rooms and good fare at reasonable rates. - - ED. WILSON MANNING, 1y38tf; : - Proprietor." A3ow Heady. - T AM, FULLY PREPARES TO FURNISH A my friends and the public generally -wtrh the Purest Drugs that can be found in the city. Also a fine assortment of Toilet Soap, Brushes and Combs. I have a fine assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. I can be found at my store Night and Day. JOIIN SHEEHAN; the Druggist, oct!3.tf N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. The c Bantifcll? ilbstritid. 25 ds, $3 Year., ITS SCOPK. THE AMERICAN MAG ZINE gives preference to national topics an. scenes, and Its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer till Its pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and,ln short this Magazine is ' Distinctively Representative of ";T - American Thought and Progress. Tt is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and. entertaining of the high-class monthlies. . ; - . - rXlil f l(lff tint A SP1611 Number, with . , - J pmuaumeu i-nriiuuin jjst. Premiums to Club liaise rs, will be. sent on re- celpt of 15c, if this paper is mentioned. Responsible and energetic persons want, ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. - Address, - THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., .feb , ... 749 Broadway, New York.:' the afX us tv F sr . a 11 s v Superior Courts of North Carolina-1888 jr J judges. -vr . .v 1st District. James E. Shepherd, of Beaufort 2nd District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe. .: yrd District, II. O. Connor, of ilson. 4th District, Walter Clarlc,)f Wake. . . 5th District, John A. Gilmer, of Guilford. , -6th District, E T Boykin, or ; Sampson. , i 7th District, James c. MacKae, junior. th District, vv . juoniguiuci j , l 9th District, Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. 10th District. Alphonso C. Avery, of Kmj:. 11th District, Wm. M. Shipp, of Mecklenburg 13th District J. U. Merrimon, of Buncombe. v SOLICITORS. " ' ''. - I 1st District, John II. Blount, or Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. n. White. (coL) ofHalifax. 3rd District, D. Worthington, of Martin. .. . 4th District, T. M. Argo, of-VVake. - 5th District, Isaac R. Strayhorn. of Durham. 6th District, 0. 11. Allen, of Duplin Ttn District, Frank McNeill, of Richmond. 8th District, B. F. Long, of Iredell. 9th District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rockingham. 10th District, .W. H. Bower, of CaidwelL . 11th Districf, Fank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING C0UBTS FIKST JUDICIAL :. ! . WSTBICT. - ' Spring kludge Montgomery. " Fall Judge MacRae. - Beaufort t Feb. t3ih. May 28th, Nov. 26th. Currituck March tth, Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th, Sept. 10th. . Pasquotank March 19th. June 11th, bepu 17th, Dec. 10th. ' v Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th; Oct. 8th. Hertford AprU 15th June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington-r April 23d. Oct. 22d. - Tyrrell April 30th. Oct,' 29th. Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. . - Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. ' SECOND JUDICIAL DISTKICT. - Spring Judge Graves. ' 1 Fall Judge Montgomery. . . Halifax t Jan. 9th, JMarch 5th, May 14th, ormampton tJan. 231, April 2d; Oct. 1st. BerOe Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 29th. : Craven t Feb. 13th. May 28th, Nov. 26th. -Warren March 19th, Sept, 17th. Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. - j third judicial district. Spring Judge A very. Fall Judge Graves, - - Pitt Man. 9th, March 19th, tJune 11th, Sepi 17tn. ! " . Franklin Jan. 23d, April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson tFeb. otn, .mne4tn. uct, Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st, Aug.. 20th, Oct. 15th. . , - . .- ' .: Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d $Dec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. -Nash April 30th; Nov, 19th. . FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICf. .. Spring J udge' Shipp. ; ' . fall Judge Avery. Wake Jan. 9th. tFeb. 27th. March 26th tAnril 23d. July 9th:. tAug. 27th, 'Sept. 24th tOct. 22d. Wayne-rJan. 23d. March 12th, April 16th Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. ; Harnett Feb. ctji, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . . i Spring Judge Merrimon. . Fall Jude ShiDD. -r Durham-Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. , : Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. -10th JNOV. 'MXjXX. Chatham Feb. 13th. Mav 7th. Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th Dec 10th. - - Alamance March 5th, May 21sf , Sept. 24th, orange March 19th. Aug. 6th, jnov. &tn. uasweu April 9tn, Aug. latn, jnov. lztn. Person April 16th, Aug 26th, Nov. 19thi SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . spring Judge Shepherd. -Fall J,udge 3lerrimon. . " . Potirior Jan lOfh UfavWh Sent- inth New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tApril 16th, tSept. atn. , Lenoi r Feb. I5th. Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. DuDlin Feb. 13th. Sent. 3rd. Nov. 2fith. Sampson-tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. 8th Dec 10th. - - Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . Spring Judge PllllllDS. Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16th, April 2d. July 3d, tNov, 26th. . ... - ... - - Anson Van. 9th, tApril 30th, SeptT 3d tNov. 26tn. - ; Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. Robeson Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. ist. . - 7 . - Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept 17th Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct- 23d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTT Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus tJan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. iredeu Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aug. 6th, Nov 5th. . . . ' . . .-. : L. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d JJ3C aa. - - - - -Randolph March I9th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Ktanl-o- A -rri! Ctt rn tK.t . wi.ii j uriH tfvuj XVU. KV11 t r vrvrrr jrrmTrrTAT. nroTpifim SPRiNG-Judge Clark. . - ' ' Fall Judge Connor. i Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Bebi 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th,' Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th: Sept. 3d. Davie AprU 2d, Oct. 8th. i Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th. sent, m: ' Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27 th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. s Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. i Eleventh judicial district -. Spring Judge Boykln. Fall Judge Gilmer. -Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. ' Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th. -Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27tlL Gaston March,19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th: Aug. 6th Oct ssa Rutherford-April 23d Oct 29th Polk-May7th,Nov!i2th: . TWELFTH judicial district. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykln. - Madison Feb. 27t.h. Jniv Bunwrnbe March irrf.Trv0;i"V DPP 'M , . , . a.ui ii, xvua.xaLll, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d; Haywood April 9th, sept loth. a.CB?nT;Ap 24th. Macon May 7th. Oct. ist. - Clay Mav 14th. ctnt. th Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham-,Tun4Ui,octi 29th.i . -fswaln--june nth, Nov. 5tlL J For criminal cases. ' ' tFor civil cases alone. " JFor civil cases alone, excepteii cases.: CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS NEW HANOVER COUNTY Oliver P. Meares. Wiimin court i July 16th MECKLENBURQ COUNTY Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington Jndcrp -" Court begins Feb. 13th, AprU 9th. jjinp th vg. 13th. octfgth, DecTiOtfi! On Corn, Peanuts : and. Potatoes! fJTOY CAKBONATIOF LI1TJB, ' ' ' - . MIXED WITHKAlITIlr RE ULTS ASTONISHING. .nJ 9' v irRENCU BEOS.. . ttly 4U. RookvXPolnt N.C. Deirlns-Jan. 9rt f a v. i , . Sept. I7th NovTigth: ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. " C' PEED'S crsnwiflfl ComDaay, Atlanta, us, .nn nf mr children was troubled "rhPnmtlsm and Dolls for about two Vpara. wo eave ner various nu w ?lSntwitout profit, and began to despair ri curing her at alL i 4 ihHtj cr was persuaded to try. yourSwlft's Specie Alter sue nui m : areu,- fSk bSe a'fflicted'ir thame wayand I am using the S. S. S. and anticipate a prompt and permanent cure. wahwum.'. rich Hnx. Ma; Jutr 7,1888-The.Swift Speclflo OaTAtlanta, Ga.-Gentlenien: Our iitviV-i ;i,n KuTt.hrAA. weeks old broke oitwltheczema.WeWedlthepre from several good tioctors, out wi Special benefit. We tried S. a a, and by the time one bottle was gone her head ben to s heal, and by the time she had taken six .v. bottles she was completely cured. Now she has a full and heavy head of hair a robust hearty child. I feel it but my duty to make v tMsstatement. Respectfully, , H, T. Shobk. - Chattanooga, Tesn., June 27, 1888 The--Swlf t Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : -In 1886 contracted blood poison, and at one sought a physician, who treated me f or ser eraf months.. By his advice I went to Crab Orchard Springs, Ky., where his course xf t treatment was carefully observed. I recov- ered, as I thought, but the next spring pim ples began to appear ott my face and body. These gradually increased to sores and run- . ning ulcers. I was advised to try S-. ., and Immediately after taking it I commenced to improve, slowly at first, but more rapidly afterwards, and soon' nothing remained to r tell of my trouble. 'My .blOod is now thor- v oughly cleansed, and my system free from " r taint, and I owe-my present condltiona perfect cure -to your medicine. I cheerfully 1 give this statement that others who have7 suffered as I have may reap the same benefits -Hardy M. Btot, 24 West Ninth St. Homkb, La., May 25, 1888 The Swift Specific . Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : About two 4 years ago my general health gave way en tirely. 1. was so debilitated that I almost r despaired of ever feeling well again. - All -that the physicians done for me brought no permanent relief. Friends insisted, that I ' . should give S. . S. a fair trial, although 1 1 thought it would be throwing away money. After taking a thorough course, my health and strength returned, and I must say that y 8. S. S. clone cured me, as I discarded all ; others while using it. As a tonic I can most :-: heartily recommend it for general debility, . It certainly is a specific iW; jF. Bbidqhs, J. P. Homer, La. I know Mr. W. F. Bridges, and s will say that his statement is correct. - Joseph Shbxtoh, Druggist, v : :, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed -free. -The Swift SrEcinc Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. nov 26 law lyao '. . -...i "ch sat.-:- -9J93 Svin s.SCacliinel To at once. establisbl trade in all Darts. Dyl r.lncinir oar machines! gooas wuere wo poupio cau k , tnem, wc wui sena ree 10 ono person in each locality ,the very ' best sewing-machine made in world, with all the attachments. - Wo will also send free a complete line of our costly and valuable art -samples. In return we ask that you snow wnat we sena, to inose woo tny call at your home, and after 3 months ail sn&u oecoroe your own property. This errand machine is made after the Singer patents. which have run out ; Detore patents run out it sold for 9t wta the attachments, and now sells for $50. Besrl8trongest,mostnse hi machine in the world. All is . No capital required. Plain,. - fef instructions given. Those who write to as at once can se re free the best sewing-machine in the world, and the test line of works of high art ever shown together in America, -HtUK Ss CO.. llox 740, A.ueustu, Maine decl0 6md&w ' y'h'X t the Ilody enlarged an 1 strfiicrtbened. Pul'l pjrticu r3sontsc.aiel free.i ElllR MED. CO., J'.TjrrAi.o, N. Y ui s utii-tio'"-r'.i.siffwucHi.op.odybrMlm uii ui vvti vr via., i:iui5t:roilOD. auurcES ,kOV' III VVlio are -Uf-ak. Xn-r-ous and Da blUlaleti, and buffeilng from Ser voiis Debility, - Kaniitul Weakness Sightly Kuilssktns. and all the ef fects of earJy Erii UtOxH. vhlctt lead. tQPrerMiurs Devay, Omttump- l uun ur jrtsaniny tiiu tor 1 ears .1 real ISO on Diseases of Man, with particulars for Home cure, cures guaranteed. o cure no rmi. J. S. Pears.612 and 614 Church stl.Nashvllle.Tenn :V r. . BV Pawner ta and r-Juveiifie artists.- - Sellinsr f ititciiNIv: ( wuinm stxy of it t ' tni little, fat La wild with delight Hon. ClintonB.-Fist. ''JJau'i send me another for I can't SH th rbjidren to bed.' It. JI. Conwell. D. D. "fueow parably veatjundtlegant.'Hou. S. S. Jox. "rajtrinnt. Vin a- A-.iov and Uncle Hemu.' TTnTi.Ffnipavrl fSvw-Vv. T23 Chestnut .Street, it, l hiladclphia. Pa. Oct IViw d&w Hdmes in North Carolina ; " "i -;-". .";''. . ,,: Onlv 20 Hours Bide , from New York I -o 69 Milesoum ofRalelgb On-the! Ealeigh and Auguata Air-Line R IL 1,500 ACUkS F 1iASI if THE cng jeai pine region. For sale on easy terms in loss to suit purchasers. our acres for 9,2b . Larger tracts Z 5 per acre, la monthlv nu mentsof 10. -This land ad; rnt'ZZ1 ern Pines", a recently established health re tmh 8 A37 "lap . ao -nuu as aii me cereair. 2S tWkfh wlii as eise w-nera, to locate here. No State 1 tier than North Carolina. Nowhere 5t." better tarming country or as fine a cUmatee found. '1 his la the oiunlon of nthrt who have settled in North c.nmv mlT- .. yz tonafid offer, and is limited or mrtner particulars write at once to - JOIIN T. PAT14ICK ' '" Commla'r of Immljcratloh, RleiRh, H.'c ian21 tf Cironlclp Ool!i -Ansmst. " Lime. N Lime. LIME In exchange for LIME ; LIME , . LIME PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. 'DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, LUMBER. :" " CASH. LIME LIME FJKENUH sept: Rocky Point. Carolina House, S. E. corner of Princess and Second St TTAS BEEN 'RKmTnm Ttrrr, . 'AS BEEN JCL Class Bar. Lunch Room and tauranV S&-yin??.- Whiskey and cim! UI muui,i- Jew River Oysters insean maoaaa nil Hsar)tearea.- aeTheThandT5e ih Anrttipj child ii aS " BRHH L J.1.JJJJ m m 111 1 m - sw,m m nine .fM i-i-s bx. $r vz, vj r-L ii ; - ? rs -fe;- .snvGa &szmy& w.&wt lumpeineut r.f theFt-og nnd the Mow fie.) i tus or tne otlltt in-anks. cbarmiiir stories 1 J! k-!rovk mi( Ulnst vntirvns v 77 ' ft 4V V cciii r l. A -9 - - speeauy wnen this remedy is taknn .. 1 -o o more euecxuai relief for th lt joshing of food' due to INTfud i than this article, t Pnt ntflPR? ties. Sample packages inpownERtt y mail to any addresfcon receiDt7,?fc .1 stamps. The regularliquidK1 wtby mail. MEXICaTme0 00 North 3d St., Philadelphia Pk.aNj C woo r.n O. . j ovent th eir ailments an 01 cawhio.' rcstoV ;., vcn to r, :. ;m season ulelphi j: ikse mention this naDer. ept tu : - ;. ... University 0 North iaroliE' lchapism'u,;N.(3; rnilE NEXT SESSION BE 4IN8 "AlTGrSTj Tuition reduced to $30 a half year poor i. 1 dents may give" notes". Faculty of pm Taachers. . lrree full courses of etudr leX to degrees. " Three short courspsfnr thi ing of business men, teachers, physicist pharmacists. ' ;-. Law scuooi muy equipped. ... Write for Catalogue to WON. KEMP P. BATTLE; Is the oldest and most, popular scientific m mechanical paper published and hag the Urn circulation of any paper of itstslass in thewaS Fnlly Illustrated. Best class of Wood Enim inRS. , Published weekly. Send for ipwima copy. Price $3 a year. Four months' trial 11 MUNN& CO PuBushkes, 361 Broadway; ARCIIITECTG BUILDERC ri Edition of Scientific American, v '- A Rreat success. : Each Issue contains oolond . lithographic plates of country and city retido. ces or DUblic bull dines. Numerous Land full plans and specifications for the on a ruuu as (.wtciuiAtQ uuiiuiuK rjico eHW S TSV. 25 cts. a copy. 1UNN & .CO- PCBUSHias. may be gem ed by apply- ing to Htm & Co, wh 1 v. 1 i : uaTvuouuTB I l 40-year8' experience and have mads ore U 100,000 applications for American sod f eisn patents. Send for Handbook. Com pondence strictly confidential, s TRADE MARKS. , - In case your mark Is not registered in the Ptt ent Office, apply to Munn 4 Co., and proew immediate protection Bend for Handbook. : COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, nun, etc., quickly procured. .Address t j ; MUNN & CO.; Patent Ssllcitori. ; geeuai; OffiC? i 361 Bhoadwat, IL l .- - - ' ' 1 1 gig .Taniy Vipbr, 'WcaknesB or Lo?s of Memory pa ' hi icotly. restored by the use of Rn enuitiytl : ie(ly. The 'Xe)r3a Santa from Spaia,Spj Jh Trochees nevr 1 ailOiu illustrated, aapiige N d testimonials, (sent seitfdV Kvery mansM id it, VON GUAEI? TKOCIIEECU, tf SO Parle JPlee, AeWlork. ADVERTISERS' Can learn thp exact cost ofny-prppp advertising in Americaii Paperyiato ! Newpaper Advertising Buresu, IO Spruce St. NeJw1.YorK. r, Send 'l O cts. fop lOO-pacje FHftphl 25th Annual SessldB- TP HE TWENTTPIPTn -ANNUAL SESbW? I rt tllc-nna T.. i. -r. t DnhnAl trill OJUr mence on Thursdays Oct. 4th, at SJoJ I Chapei, on - Third, between Bed Cross ! Campbell streets, where it-has been wc"? for the past two years. The street caff nine on Red Cross, n. fAw vards from tnecu" weu .veniiiaiea scnooiroom, piea ground, good cistern of water and asm uation make It more desirable than dwic cciii.rai locauues available. . no -Jhe Principals, as heretofore, will spaT effort for the advancement of the VWMJ$ ly entrusted to thPir nort trt-rinff indiwrr ?fora5! culars. scholars taooi nniv for the sessic no deduction telng made except to ca" protracted sickness. Those entering &P r "Lsl , ( a If 111 V A.VA -T toDer cnarered onlv from date-of entrai v - M U8ICAL INSTRTtOTTON trtven by irs,. . . - - r-f . . M 1H Whnon 1ffa1nncr lAVOtlOn v .1 science ; and long: experience in Wfrr slrbuld be a guarantee foil her ability. -fl Vocal music,- calisthenics and Free Hf" wawuiff, iree or charge, daily exerciw a v Instruction in Needle-Woricof ajl Kinl3,, so freeof charge, given weekly. Vunnerparacuia The Southern Guardsman Winston, N.fc. OFFICIAI, OltaAN OF THE N0Ia. CAROLINA ' STilTE GUARD - CONDUCTED BY . - 1st Sgt. Co. A, 3d Reg'rl; N. C. State r.as 1HE GOARDSMAN is 'endorsed andrecp mended by the Governor,- Adjutant oe erai. Regimental Commanders and ail mb officers of the. Guard. , It was offlcial.f nounced as the Organ of the North Carp'1" militia in General orders-Na X which IRSlTlfl An Xtotr.o ..1000 . All 1fl7Pn BOlUt1 should bubscrlbfl Atnnm. ; urcrittion pnw. XST yeai ln advance. 52 standard l. ojakDSMAN -one year for ojj for sample copyT . - . ' : uju. -Aurerusinc ratAU iim tierujiu. . . uurt-s glials X.COLJS1. f , Publisher Southebk O0ARiw'n W23tf y,. Winston. N,V- t j . i i m II 1 v - - SSJ ft Hie great secret of the canary blraL I the llartz fountains in jcarr; i-i t um p eriort without 1 oss of Bon P ;:i i 1 on receipt of 15 cts. in stuL,8?