. . 4hA VT.ta 1lvtfvl" fltrlIO't Yla "rtfladieestive organs, re-plates the AHTI-BILIOUS LIEDIGKIE. . ..(.! Almtricta ttielrirlrtnesare i 1 " I'll v rpr ocnlzed, as they possess no ! ?"a;,iht,oiSo, cd. DOJiC sinai Sold Everywhere rties tn freeing the system .biejraniiy sugar Price, 25c ts. - Daily ttoyiovr. Ariel That's Knonjrh. . --. She isn't "an an eel v "-She isn't a goddess, She isiTt a lily.; a rose or a pear; .. "She's simply whats sweetest, Oompletest and neatest, -"Tt-LJZA dear little, :- . Queer little . ; ; I Sweet little girl. .- -"-Indianapolis Trifanc. dear X. Foupd My Dream. found mv dream in. you nearr. ; - T found HIV tli-fnm in v?ri (. 44 lurray St'New York; ; I need not pntv for other lands. b or, lands. -'where dreams come - true.. " - ' ' - IIJATSTUAJKI).". JUi:rKK"i 'useful, en- tlie tr.V! IOTt AUK' :'-;i an-i M aoazinb is the most ..n.i ttfHiiirlful nprlfvlipffl . in tvzi lie attractions for isso wfiux j kills yfain :iovt f-aivAmeneanstJjry. entitle! "r.fn- a, bottle .., 4f sii-kesjiearf,H ixnneaies or -. - A. ," t'iit's of iir! irleson Rjissis lllus!-a-lv Thusf rup; papers on the lKxnin- i-:i:i;i'ia" and a characteristic. j-rrl:il by tMitlier Warner; three , '-Norwegian i'V i'. jdrnsr jerne Bjoriisor'i. tilus! r iwfl; . ?f;m:'; a historical piay by ttiftntiflrof illustrated by J. it. Wewilu, etc iu-.Ti:! Departments are conducted by , v Hitain Curtis, William Dean Lowells h srU's Dudley Warner. ; - For in this (and so commonplace. This lain! so tame to view-r- Fulfilled is all my visioned hope, " 1 found my dream in you. Salvation' Oil, .the. celebrated Atnerican remily for cuts, bruises, 4-sprains, ourns, scaia chilblains, A' Scrap of Paper Saves Her , l.ife r It was just an ordinary scrap bf wrapping-paper, but it saved her life, , S.he-.was in the last 6ta.ges-of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could - live only a short time; she weighed 'less than se venty pounds. - Ona piece of I wrapping paper J she ' read or Dr. Kings.Ne discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped Jier, she bought "another and grew -better fast, continued its use and js how strong, healthy," rosy, plump, 'weighs ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu lm.ru spnrl tnmr tct W.H l o p. Ilni u'ist. Fort Smith. "Trial bottle this wonderful Di ;overy fr Win. H. Green & CoVDrug sto ' V THE VOTE 1$Y COUNTIES. -; -i jm(a matt Uottirenes. At drnrsts. Price 5 cts. I e at re IHOfJfF -"iir ymffi r miccellai:f.ous. Atlantic Coast line, Wilmi rig ton Sc We Id bh R IR A N D B UA NCHES CONDENSED SCHEDUIE. : i TRAINS OOIKQ SOUTH. : i GaroIiriaJJS if ilr c id Company. r .Counties; &e.,J can be had of all druggists. It ! Pri( I A 111 ' E R S P. E ftl OD TO A ES lKR YKARr n a i : ! i: rr m a j a zi x k. . . . . . . II A ! .' 1 ! : U S F. K K h V . . . ." . . . . . . Aill'KU'N UAZAH. . HAIU'Eli'S YOITNO PEOPLE.. ..' IK) .. A 00 ' . . 2 00 i-t- '.i'jf ' Fw to all jrftnv?)Piv ti mif rijf volumes d( the Magazine begin with the Nni.;tx'r for .nine ana ieeeinoer oi eaon year. V!hm uo time is speeuied. subscriptions win te'Viu it h t iie Nurawr currer; rime or re ii'it' or order. : - " KoniKt volumes or Harpers Magazine, .ror tn nr. ears bacJi, in uoatciotn 010010?, wm oe scit bv mall, post-paid, on receipt of 3 00 P- r volume.. UlotJi Cases for binding, 50 cents :n-!i -uv man posx. paio. - li'fx to Harper?s-Magaztne, Alphabetical, Analytical and classified, for Volumes 1 to 70, lu- iusive. from June, 1S50, to June. 1&V, one vi.!.. Svo. Cloth, H 0a -.- t Kemritances should b made by lost-orn e ..Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ok loss. Vpirxnaners are riot to codw thi aAtvrlisprnn without tiie express order of llarper & Brothers uqv 15 , 1 . - . New Yorjc twenty five cents : - '. -..-. . A Chronic Offender. hear" said Wiirgins, 'that Scrogg isn't getting along .well with his third wife. v - - "Serves him right!1 grpKled old Baehe. "Any man who continually repeats the -' same . offence deserves punishment."" rnoMPTNESs.. First aXold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. . "I took Dr. J Acker's English Remedy for Consumption the moment I began to cough and I Relieve it saved my life." Walter N. 7allace, Wash Munds Bros.t druggists (. - - - ... . -: The Same Old Fox. . Stranger: "I hear that this is a great section for fox hunting." Oak Tree Inn llost: 'Yes, siree; parties come down - troiu ' the city every fall; come in grand style, too; been coming for years." , '''Isn't there danger thaTyon will run out of foxes?'' Not a bit. We are still. using the fox we began with.' ' ' "5 o m Harp er's -Bazar. V ILLUSTRATED. HiRPiR's Bazar will continue to maintain its reputation as an unequalled family journal. Its art illustrations are of the highest order, its iterature Is of the choicest kind, and Its Fash ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. ZX& pattern-sheet supplements and fashion plates alone will save its readers ten times the cost or the subscription, audits articles on decora tive art. social etiquette, house-keeping, cook ery, etc.. make it indispensable to every house hold, its bright short stories and timely es says are among the best published; and not a line is admitted to Its columns that could of fend the most fastidious taste, ' Among tho at tractions of the new volume will be serial sto ries by .Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Mrs. Ak xander. William Black and Thomas Hardy, and a series of papers on nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick. HARPER'S PERIODICALS; .PER YEAR: HAMPER'S BAZAR..... HARPEH'S MAGAZINE........ HARPERS 'WEEKLY........... . ..... HARPER'S YOTTNQ PEOPLE... PuA'aoe Free, to all subscribers Ssa!ti. CanaOa. or Mexico. ........ ..$4 00 .......... 4 00 .......... 4 00 2 00 tn the United The Volumes of ' thfi ' Bazar beSin with fhfi 2m Number tor January of each year. When aotirae is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Numbeacurrent at time of recelDt of I order. . ...... -. - - ,-, - ; Bound Volumes of naroer's Bazar, for tltree years back, in neat cloth, binding, ' will be sent lay mall . oostaere naicL or by exnress. free of "spense (provided the freight does not exceed &e dollar jer volume), for $7 00 per volume. t'lQth Cases for each volume, suitable for olndinj, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on ivripi 01 f i ooeacn. . . - nenuttances snouid be made by . Post-omce oney order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, -W.-toDers are not to cow this advertisement vtuitwa she express order of Harper & Brothers Address novr, HARPER & BROTHERS, -New York " 1889. HarperV Young Pehole. A X ' 1 1 XUSTR AT ED WEEKLY. Darpkr-s youno' Pkoplj begins its tenth oiume with the rlrst Number in November. 'Urins the year it will contain five serial sto ics, luclnrltnt' "nnrvmatM "hr Klrt Mrnimp- The ited Mustansr." by W. O. Stoddard; and A Day in Waxland;" by R. K. Muuklttrick; NolS ThurlOWa Trial tr .1 T. Twiwhrlrtpo- The Three Wishes." bv F. Anstrv and Bran- r Matthews: a sertf of falrv mips vTlttn md Illustrated by Howard Pyle: Home Stud 's in Natural History." by l)r. Felix L. os- aiu; unit; lixperunents by Sonbia B. ner- u'kr cjumpsesor Child-itr from inoi-ns Margaret Jw angster; articles on various purrs ana pnsum.es. snort stories bv th hoir "ucra. aiiu uiuuuruus naDers nnn iwmii I'm u iiiuu iiuiiuirxut ui luuMrnuuns oi excel- 'm quiuity. jsvery une m xne paper is sub- meu to the most rlsna editorial s.-mtinv m V rdor that nothing harmfuljcnay enter its col- An eDitomft-of -prvthlnir that Is attract! vp ind deslrahlA In Invenlle literature. Rnstsm Wrier. . - i - A weelclv fA?st of crrwi th1nci to the oovs Fttd "Irl In oroi- fomdr whfh If. VlSltJS F.'wi'.m Union. . - . - ' , is wonderful In Its wealth or pictures, in- rtus- Postaere Freoaid. $2 pryear. IV. J begins Sovember 1, 1SSS- ; Copy sens on receipt of tico-ccnl Snsie Number. Five Cents each. IIP Jl 1 f f .- - m . - K M. m. m ni, uws snouia De maae oy - rost-omce 1 wy order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. HARPER & BROTHERS.' aov lj New York , Not Kncou raging:. Dolly: ''Aw, Willie, I indst iiavc made aw a twemendous bit with that little Krownsou, girhtshe asked me for. my pivoto. tiie other. day." Willie: "Didy7 give it to-her?"t Dolly: . "Yaws, of cours:" Willie: "Well, that settled you at that house, my dear fel. She gives thosf photos to the servant girl, with-'out when this one calls' writ ten on it." Life." " Profited by the Exauiplc. Augustus and Marie had been maintaining an awkward silence for some minntes. At last she remarked: "You are Very quiet this evenirfg." "Yes I am," he admitted, frankly, 4I don't suppose many of the young men wno visited you are as dull in conversation as I am." - ' "Some of them talk more than you do. There's Jack Swinerlv, he al- wavs has ever so much to say." .""What does Jack talk about?" "Why," sheresponded, carefully watching his face, "his favorite topic is love." "That is a subject that I carefully avoid," said Augustus who was not as much of a fool as he looked. l'm sure it's "For what reason? not so" dreaeful.V . "I don't know about that. I lost a dear friend once because - he fooled with a. pistol. He .didn't know it was loaded." ' ', V Advice to Mothers. . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant tjp taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the Doweis, anu. is uie uesiKuowu reme dy for diarrhoea whether arising from; teething or othir causes. Twenty Ave cents a; bottle. july 6 deod&wly V ; . A ChaDge in Lnck. Tramp: "You seem to have a din ner party goin' on inside." Servant: "Yes." Tramp: . "A big affair?" - Servant: "No, only about twelve Tramp: "Great Scottl is that pos sible, thirteen! - You tell the boss there is a gentleman out - here that wants to see him on a matter of life an' aeatn,1 , : . - While the servant is gone to exe cute this little commission the tramp thus communes with himself r 'Talk about luck. Why, I'm full of it. It never rains but it pours. This morning I had hot buckwheat cakes and sausage . for breakfast, and here's-a go for a dinner what-is a dinner." (The "boss" appears. Tramp (doffing his hat with much gentility:) Sir. I have just learned thJough your servants that at your pleasantlittle dinner party tdday the number at the table is thirteen." Boss: "No, it's only twelve," Alamance. Alexander. AUpghany. A'ffson. Ashe........ Beaufort... Bertie....... Bladen.7.. ; Brunswick Buncombe Burke..-.'.:.' Cabarrus... Caldwell... Camden..". . Carteret ... Caswell..., Cherokee. . Chowan.... Clay. -...., Cleveland.. Columbus . Craven ...... Cumb'iTnd Currituck.. Dare ......... Davidson Davie....... ID u pi in Durham.... Edg'combe Forsytlu..;. Franklin. .. Gaston ...... Gates........1 Graham... t, Granville.'. Greene...... Guilford. . , Halifax..... Harnett... . Haywoxd . Henderson Hertford... Hyde....:... Iredell....... Jackson...'. Johnston. . Jones rLenoir....... Lincoln..... McDowell . Macon,.....'. Madison. . Martin ...... Meckl'nb'g Mitchell..-.. Monte' m'y Moore...'.... Nash......:.. N. Ilanov'r North'pt'n Onslow:... Orange...... Pamlico.... Pasquot'k. Pender.:.... Perq'im'ns Person". Pitt......... . Polk... t Randolph.. Richmond.. Robeson.... Rock'gh'm Rowan...... Ruth' rford Sampson.. Stanley..... Stokes....... Surry........ Swain Trans' I'nia Tyrrell...... Union... . Vance...... . Wake........ Warren .... "Washi'gt'h Watauga... Wayne.... . Wilkes...... Wilson ...... Yadkin......' Yancey... Consumption SuTely Cured. To ; the Editor Please -.. inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases, have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my, remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. - . H ' A NARROW KSCAPK. T V Co!. W. K. Nelson,' of Brooklyn; came home one evening feeling a 'peculiar tightness in the. chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a long breath but-found it impossible. He suffered four days from pneumonia and the doctors gave him up. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Munds Bros., druggists ., - Totals. A622 943 v 1898 950 . 201G : 1614 1426 92t 2685 1278 1903 1251; 699; 1171 1550 2303 2481 505 704 368' .2030' 1867 1338 2479 - 978 244 1954 1067 Q 1245 351 )3 1251 1681 1823 1511 913 1941 995 953 420 -.-564 ; 597 1603 '650 1671 594 :811 205i 61?; 948: . -'- !- 1741 -.952 c 687 2241 1399 ' 2092 1316 1541 1010 3041 -1247 1645 ; 1253 598 1023 1358 .2360 2546 : 643 ; ':742f 201 1 2269 2072 2525; 1408! 1576 1610! 2101 '2130, 1335 183 , 268 2199 1046' 2264 1254 951 - 782 1129 .867 2679 713 2801 746 1620 1172 951 708 1087 1576 3725 635 901 1797 1837 1751 1733 1284 1670 748 898 1215 7777! 1490 2436 446 2044 1958 2361 2443 2636 1517 2525 1100, 132m 1371 494 459 488 1838 1155 4772 1146 648 ,759 2796 1301 2135 952 740, 143310 2159 413; -2861 2072 11071 1174 1196! 3143 1877 1987 : 934 704 137 2047 1094 2208 727j 640i 977 1305 674 1708 345 1826 . 755 . 35771 978; 326! ,2018 1008 18151 sl322 22591 2204! 1584 1131 271 2406 '1008 2470 2495 1444 1326 917 .1132 834 2724 .903 '3021 684 1399f- 1587 753 638 493 1388 1234 -3048 "1148 926 1426 1528 2879 2351 472 1051 605 1239 1240 . 979 1082 - 2285; 481 ! 1828 .1675 1992 1577 1372 1232 1536 -614 h027 1433 . 155 323 335 620 1612 4278 2142 1072; - 624 2500 1939 ; 1493 1213 626 124245 1209 1019 .780 1178 1674 4163 698 '979 1944 2157 1880 1659 1181 1610 740 832 721 779 1375 2593 ' 2171 1711 2823 2395 2739 1690 "2370 996 1450 1671 505 520 - 472 2040 1382 -4618 545 807 898 2781 1706 2159 1071 940 147925 15FJ 405 975 1482 1799 1097 1365 965 2816 1165 JI915 717 602 677 1697 756 -2099 868 791 286 764 910 .2637 2232 438 308 2335 1204 1154 1617 2509 2584 2041 1236 800 182 2609 -1072 2680 2897 877 974 1291 1202 758 1897 569 2099 620 1436 901 858 742 1893 1287 3284 . 1564 1215 1846 1699 2856 1990 425 1288 619 1217 . 757 -982 1293 2328 t 2327 1684 1988 2101 1266 1663 1616 817 1333 1575 410 553 367 997 1936 -4943 875 .1014 - 965 ,2561 2252 1521 1419 989 133475 TERRIBLE FOREWARNINGS. Cough in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, - tightness :- in - the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at nignt, air or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. JJK Acker's Eng- lisli Remedy for Consumption will cure these fearful-symptoms, and is sold under a; positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. . , ONWARD IS THE WORD rpHE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTK ts THIRD VOLUME at the following 1 subscriber, 1 year......l......$L25 : ft subscribers, 1 year.. 5.i ' 10 subscribers. 1 year. ; 10.0C One copy, l year, free to the one sending rliihnf ten-" ' - Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send cas , (charges prepaid) to iT POLK; ebl -7 ' . Raleigh- H Valuable , Lands for Sale. SB TRACT OF LND, LYING ONE mile from Lincoln ton, N. C. consisting of S3 O acre. 63 acrea cieaxea : s beat . for cotton butfrlY?a good crop for all grams. Has a b-vcb runninjt tbrjartt it and a aha sprlnr a few acres of botton Una on the brann and fto acres in wood, ok ad hickory, well Un Another tract Iring 2V miles Jrom il'nolb: ton; 3k mile from 1 R- VL, 1Q0 acres. 25 cleared, Une sprlnR of deliciOua prater, about six acres of bottom land near Ron ttie bra-cnj la No. 1 for tob-cco, but grows other crop well: 75 acres la yellow pine and oak. For price and terms apply to n OT" , - CRONLY UOREIS j. mch 16 . Aucfn Real Euta Erokr The following qupjattonsrepnisent whole sale prices generallyy- In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. Price only 25 tents. Sold by all druggists. : Believes quickly fiheumatism, Neu rdlgiaSivolfings, Bruises, Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, Toothache, uuts, Sores, Backache, &c. ottt r S PLUCS.'Ha'Oreat Tobacco Art Prh 10Cts. At all druggists. ted Pec. 17, m No. 33, daily. No. 27, Ft Mail dally. No. 1.V daily ex tsunday. Leave Weldon. .... .12 40 pm Ar. Rocky Mount. 1 52 pm 5 43 pm 600 am 1 7 10 am Arrive Tarboro. ... I "3 55 pm Leave rTarboro.... io 20 am Arrive Wilson...: 2 25 pml 7 00 pmt 7 43 am Leave Wilson. . . . .13 40 pmi . . Arrive Selma......! 3 49 pmU ....... Arrive Fayette vl'et 6 10pm j........ OLESALE PRICES. . 8, 14 8 10 BAGtSING Gunny........;.:. " Standard ................. BACON North Cai-olina. - Hams.......; Shoulders 3? lb . . . .-. . . SJdes, a. WESTERN SMOKED - ' Hams, t.. ,. Sides, , Shoulders, ib.' . 1 ......... . DRY SALTED - " - Sides, v ; ... .... .V ..... . Shoulders, 3? lb.... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand. each. .... New, New York each. .New, cny, eacn... BE US WAX, ... ...... . BRICKS, Wilmington,- M.V.,:. Northern BUTTER, yVb North Carolina Northern.. CANDLES, $lb Sperm.... .................. . Adamantine. . ...... . .". . . ; . CHEESE, J lb , Northern Factory........... Dairy, Cream..,..:. State ..'..:......,... w -COFFEE, lb , - I Java. ........... Laguyra Rio........... CORN MEAL, W bush, In sacks. Virginia Meal: COTTONTIEs; y bundle. . . . ... DOMESTICS '? . Sheeting, 4-4, yard.:.... Yarns, bunch. ..... ..... EGGS. doz... ...... ........... FISH v Mackerel, No. 1, bbl. : . . ... 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl. . Mackerel, No. 2, bbl. Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... Mackerel, No. 3, bbl - MiUlets, bbl v N.C. Roe Herring. keg... Dry Cod, lb......;.... . ; FLOUR, bbl western, low graae - " Extra " Family. . . ....... ; City Mllls-Supf r. r.. . . Famllv.... .... GLUE, .... ........... GRAIN, V busheL Corn, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store .... ! Oats, from store. -........ : Oats, Rust proof. ...:....... uow peas z.. 13 10 7" 1 40 000 . 1 65 . 20 . 6 00 ,. 0 00 . Vi . 35 . 18 . 9 . 11 13 . 9 s -23. 20 . 00 00 1 25 -6 00 18 8 15 n 15f lOiT '9 : 50 1 75 1 70 . 22 8 00 14 00 (4 30 25 10 12 : 14 10 28 N ' 24 22 130 6& -80 20 (412 50 7 50 8 00 9 00 11 00 6 00 - 9 00 7 00 75 80 00 00 5 00 10 50 00 50 00 50 8 00 00 66 00 00 80 . 4 00 4 50 5 00 4 10 , 5 00 10 65 62 67 65 45 52X 00 5 10 05 85 .90 J 2 12 10 95 00 3 1 40 7&3 8 0 00 20 00 &ia 00 : (A : : 26 30 30 35 15. 18 35 50 14 45 00 16 20 ;.22.. 25 0 0 90' HIDES, 3? R . ,reen .. Dry .r . HAY, 5? 100 Ibs- Eastern. ........ , Western... r..... , North River.... HOOP IRON, lb : . . . . . LARD, lb -r. Northern....... .......... North Carolina LIME, U barrel , ..:... .UJUUiCK, city aawea, m. re. - Ship Stuff, resawed ..18 00 Rough Edge Plank ......... .15 00 West India Carries, accord ing to quaUty . ..... .. . . . . .13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 GO 22 00 Scantling and Board, comH.14 00 15 00 MOLAJfi,.r gaiipn New Crop, in hhds. " " In bbls.... ; Porto Rico, lnr hhds...?:.. w , In bbls.... Sugar House, In hhds " m bbls. Syrup, In bbls. NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin oils, gallon. Kerosene.... . . ...... . Lard Linseed. Rosin... Tar... ..... Deck and Spar. .; POULTRY Chickens, live rown. ..... 4 spring .... Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushel, 23 lb. .... , POTATOES, "9 bushel Sweet .... Irish, w bbl PORK, barrel m city Mess i w Prime...... -. 15 00 Rump.-...' RICE Cai olina, lb .......... . . Rough, y bush, (Upland). . " (Lowland). RAGS, $ IbvCountry ... - ty...r... 1 ROPB,ib......i. ....... ...... SALT. sack. Alum Liverpool.... - Lisbon........... - American. ..... . .. . . . ... ; SOAP, $ ft Northern .......... SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. . Standard A...".. ...... White Ex C... ...... ....... Extra C, Goldenv . c Yellow .... .... SHINGLES, 7 Uu V M ... Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, M W. O. Barrel. r.o. Hogshead: TALLOW. W lb. .............. . TIMBER, M feet Shipping.. Fine Mill. ...... , ... MiU Prime.... Mill Fair. .... Common Mill.. . ..... -5 00 Inferior to Ordinary. ........ 3 50 WHISKEY, gal Northern... North Caroliiia. I OQ. WOOL, y lb Washed.......... 28 Unwashep.... ..,...:. '. 15 Burry... ... ......... . 10 25 38 28 30 00 16 23 2 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 20 , 10 95 GO 35 2 25 60 3 75 4 00 4 60 80 00 1 14X 70 65 og 00 5jSf 6X 0 5 O 18 00 16 00 15 00 5 00 3 00 4 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 ...5 .32,00 .11 25 7 50 5O0 (4 80 00 ltf IX 22X 75 70' 00 . 70 .i 5 6Ji 6 6 . 5? 5 00 00 50 5 7 ai4 00 10 00 6 1400 13 00 8 50 0 00 , 0 00 ,4 00i 2 00 & 3 50 f 30 ,..- Unl-i rienitac CmMi ao4 rat'stM b4 cum e Ff.nsor emu near tm i i i r. lu-2!:tr. to keo r lMV .M, cr7BJ.MKe lino o am z their hauctu t , vmlaaM m& rorf law.'- hT y them ia thuM ho ma r hv . cias n mrmirl &nl .iiTY aampies fri-s. ks V.m aiwrvfart tfea Mispio Bar " '-lir. lw7 rnll In Iretd a- k-lrroar Mnpki f we bB 1b ori:,y iir mtmuor mri saaU J set from tr0Kia tnOmfremtM arreoBitiar t",r . Tbia, Ibe TreaAafiA nr kww.i mA9 in 6n.!ei- th ai or imtri tn 7 be pUcl st cm rbrra UttJ no baaeca, aJl rw JlrnvrKa. Writ at oae,a Mke'aaraof Ibac&anca. . BlT ii will b brdljray trjmbl lor roa to aoow taaaaotpi . to tboae h may catt at roar ham mm Toer ivvartt will Vm moat aaUsfactory. - A poatal tmr&m arafeh a wrHa aa eoata ot 1 cant aod after yam koaw aU,lf mo not eara to ca-fortaar, way ma karaa a tew. Bat U 7a MBdmrtasnNttoao. yo caa acenra FREE oaa at t haa aotM cola watcfaea fm tHa wertd mam aor larca nn COSTLY SAMPLES. JVa par ail 'T, JtfJKff sept3tl. . Leave Goldsboro. . Leave Warsaw. . . . Leave Magnolia.. . Ar. Wjlmlngton. . . 3 15 pm 4 10 pm 4 35 pm 6 40 pm 7 40 pm t - a a m t 8 40 pm 9 55pn 8 35 am 9 33 am 9 49 am 1130 am TRAINS GOING NORTH No. 14, daily, No. 78. daily. No; dally ex Sunday. Leave Vllmlngton Leave Magnolia. ; Leave Warsaw.. . Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am! 9 00 am; 10 35 am 1.26 am 3 23 am lQJiOaml 11 50 am 4 00 pm 5 40 pm 5 55 pm 6 55 pm Leave Fayette ville . . . . . Arrive Selma.... ..j Arrtvo Wilson; .. . j. . .'. . Leave Wilson.... Ar. Rocky Mount Arrive Leave 8 00 ami 10 23 am 11 40 am 3 03 amil2 38 pm 7 53 pm ... 1 17 pin I 8 29 ptn Tarboro... Tarboro... 3 55 pm 10 20 am Arrive Weldon . rr.l 4 30 ami 2 40pm 9 40 pm Daily except Sunday. ; ' r -Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scetland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at820 A. M. daily exceprsunday: ' -:' - ".:'- Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Aibermarle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M. arrive WUllamston, N. C, 8.10 P. M.. 6.40 P. AL Returning leaves WU llamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.10 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A M. Arrive" Tarboro, N. C, 9.15 A.M., 11.30 A. M. . r - '' ' , - Train ,on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N C. daily except Sunday,. 7.00 A. M,; arrive Smithfleld, N. C, &S0 A. M. Returnlnf leaves Smithfleld, N. C, 10.10 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 11.35 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville,. 3.00 p. M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P. M., SiiDg Uope-4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nashville lass A. M.,i arrive Rocky , Mount 11.15 A.M., daily except Sunday .' ' .-Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A.-M. and &10 P. Mc,- connecting, at . War saw with Nos. 15 66,. 23 and 78. - -; Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch is No. 5L .Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. ' .- -s: 7 Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. - , . Train No. 78 makes close cbimection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except . Sunday, via Bay L'lne. - .;' . . - - Trains make close connection for all pojiats iNortn via luenmona ana wasmngton. - All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington,, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached.. - ' . -':'.V;v JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. " J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. ; T M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent. dec 15 . . . - : . ,. Wilmington, - Golnmsa & Augusta ii. U. Co. - ' . . .- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Dec. 17,1888., Leave Wilmington.. . Leave Marlon. ........ Arrive Florence...... Leave Florence. . . Arrive Sumter. . . . Leave Sumter....... Arrive Columbia. . . . No.' 23. P. M. -6 25 9 37 1 20 No. 50 A. M. 3 20 . 4.40 '. : 4 40 -6 15 A. M. NO. 27. P. M. 10 10 13 37, : l 20 A. M NO. 52. A. M. 9 20 10 22 NO. 58. P. M. 3 55 5 10 P. M. NO. 58. P. M. t 6 00 7 21 7 21 9 00 No. 53 runs through from Charleston via central c ... Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. M.. -Manning 8:53 A M Train on c. & D. R. R. connects at Florence With NO. 58 . - - e TRAINS GOING NORTH." "Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... Leave Sumter.. ... Arrive Florence . Leave Florence Leave Marlon. . Arrive Wilmington.. NO. GL NO.. 69. No 53. P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 35 t 7 30 5 20 11 58 9 10 6 37 11 58 t 9 20 ........ s 1 15 10 35 ..... .. A. M. A. M. . , ' NO. 78 J NO. 14. A. M, A. M. P. M. 4 35 T.10 40 8 20 5 22 10 30 8 59 8 35 - 11 50 A. M. A P. M. Dally. tDaliy except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C. via uentrai it. k., arriving Manning 7:07 v. ai. Lanes 7:12 P. M., Charleston 9:10 P. M. : No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D, train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & : W. R. R. for. all points .sunn - - -. . - - JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent. ti.it jiikNLY, Kupt. Transportauon. - -T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. TIME TABLE NO. 3. Palmetto Railroad (3o. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. : .WESTBOUND TRAINS. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t, 188", Trains will run as follows, dally exceptSnji- day. -- 'J-'Tr r:Vv'; .i-1: '.-v GOIKO SOCTB. X r- ' ' - : : ' No l Passenger and Freight. ; Leave Hamlet, N. c a....... 8 20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C.. ...... . i . .9-30 A. M. "f ;; ; "Xx ' ; Gorxo . Nokth. ;f ' -- : No-.S-Passengr ; aud Freight: 'tsz&:k Lew Cheraw. 8 c:.........r..J..t.XZ P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. X. C 54J5P M. declStt -Vl WM.MONCURE, Supti. - 8ocictY. VYorii. ; ; . - . - i r I11IE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S JL " - . - - - J Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. . . Ladies1 and Children's aprons & 2?eclalty. i Orders left at the Rectory, or 34 North Third street, win meet w&i prompt attention n0T23tt: . ' . - - No. 4L Na3. Ko. 5. . Dec" 3, 18S&. ': diUly ex. dally ex. dally ex. : - .:r v "V Sunday. Sunday. Sunday.; Leave Wilmington 2 10 pm 7' 00 pm ' Leave Hamlet;.... 6 40pm 200am - - , . Leave Wadesboro .,7 :5pm 3 37 am Arrive Charlotte.. 9.33 pm 6 55 am . Leave Charlotte... - - n." pm Leave Ltncolnton. . . 5 51 pm . Leave Shelby'.. i : 6 57 pm v ArrivelcutherTdfn I; ' 8 20 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS. - 4 No. 08. 'No, 4; i No. 6. ' Dec 3, 1888. dally ex. daily ex dally ex '. ,r, Sunday, Sunday Sunday. LeaveRutnerTdt'nl.": 'X- S .8 00am. Leave KhelbyY, .v. f ? xr. 1 923 am Leave Lincolnton. -C:. --r. 10 30 am Arrive Charlotte. ' ; 13 03pm Leave Charlotte.;; 6 00am 7 43 pm - : Leave Wadesboro. 8 08 am 11 13 pm ;. ' - Leave Hamlet..:. 9 13 am 1 45 am . . , Arrive WHmlngt'n 1 40 pm 8 30 ami - Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points. North via Ral- eigh. - ;.v v ' Trains no. 3 and 4 make ciose ; conneciion at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. - " i Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and charlotte and charlotte ad Raleigh. . L. c. jo e, supenntenaenr. . F. WCLARK, Genl Passenger gent. decl .: -. . . -v-. : h .-. m HTTT K Rewarded are tnose wno . Klf, H I Y read this and then act; they ? VAVjbs . flna nrmorabie' employ- ' ment that will not take them from their homes and families. -The profits are large and sure for every lndustrirus person, many have made , and are now making several hundred' dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make 1 3 ' and upward per day, who la willing to work Either sex, young or. old; capital not needed: we start you. iverytnlng new. - No special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write taus at; once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson ; & Co., Portlanit, Maine. nov 22 dCmwly CARRIAGE RE P0SIT0RY " ASI! - - . . -. . PARTIES IN WANT" OF.ANY, KIND . . : Vehicle or want anyaRepalring dohe to tnelr old vehicles, wllOn " to tnelr interest caU on j ; - - ' - i -; ' '. - i . . C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO.. . v Corner Second and Princess Stree ' : SeVd your horsei .to. ba shod. : We hav - arstHsass Shoer. i ;;; -; : mch.h . WOULD a RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE ; to his friends and the public generally that he is now back at his old stand. No. 29 . Market street,, which, has beenithoroughly overhauled, repaired and refurnished. With ' first class workmen, , sharp razors and polite -attention he hopes to continue to menfc the patronage of the public' r l- -" - . All of his force is now: concentrated at N04 Market st.'p':;: vs-;;septll : i,tZr Soldfer4i&H.MtUUui7.l S Baat t89 wateo latha warld. H ; w I Farfsc tlaiskMtper, . War-X 1 7 1 yataaaad. Bry Sou4 oi4 k . Hum Lin fia Batk lAimm' aad canta' aisaa. with works and caaaa of aqaai vaiaa. On If mon ia aacb la- ealtiy caa aecora ana fraa. tocatbav witk er Uira an4 vat abla Una f flaaaelill Vies Taa sajaplca, aa us a -watcn, wa aaan od after yoa aara kese icq la yaw horaa for A caootaa aad aaowm them ta taoaa tia may hare called, they become yoa owm praperrr. Thaaa , rha write at once can be Mn af tttMrng taa Xrmtem id Sauaplea. Wepay all axpceee, tnirfri, etc. Addraa tinsoa a.Gw.i Box G1Z MortlMmdt ZZjlXm: deol0 6md&w .: - . '": ' , - m fm ya.ssr r sr 3 teas - a?' .SL. . 1W weM- INVENTIONHSS ; among the wonders of . inventive progress la -method and system of work that ci l be per -formed all over thefeountryi wlthou i separa ting the workers from their home3. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, somethlng'Of great, value and Importance to you, that will start you In business, which will bring you in more money right tway .than anything' else In the world. Grand outfit free Address Trot & Co., Augusta Maine, nov 22 6md Jyw --- - '' ,1889.. -.-;'-.;':: Harper's T7cdlly . ILLUSTRATED. ' Hjlbpib's : Wxbkly has a weltesubUshed place as the leading. Illustrated newspaper In America. - The fairness of Its editorial com ments onjeurrent politics has earned for It the respect and confidence of' all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of Its . lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, at It for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplements , are frequently provided, and no expense is spared to bring he highest- orderof artistic ability to bear upon-the Illustration' of the changeful phases of tiome and foreign history. A new work of fiction from the pen of William Dean Howells. and one by Charles King, will be among the leading features of the weekly for 1889. .': . I .'.--Cv '.v- . - - i HAJtPER S JPERIODICALS. . HARPER'S WEEKLY. ....4 00 - HARPER'S MAGAZINE. . . . . . . . . ; 4 0Q ; , HARPER'S BAZARr............. ......... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUG PEOPLE. .TT......... 3 00V Postage Free to all subscribers in Ite United - Kales, Canada, -or Mexico. . - The Volumes of the Weekly begin with tho" firs Number for January of each year. When, no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order.- . --- . - . .. -. '- -. . - Bound Volumes of Harper's .Weekly,- for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight," does not ex ceed one dollar per yolame), tor $700 per voL Cloth Cases tor each volume, sultablo for binding. - will be sent bv mall. Dost-naid. cn receipt of $i 00 each. - : r' Remittances should be made tor Pos6oir.ee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Kevspopers are not to aowj tfiis advertisemen i without the express ortfr of Harper & Urethra. nov J5 ' - - , yew yerje - - Tl JR. W. A. McQO7AN will collect SUCSOl?-. Uons due THE DAILY 'JlSYtCW and tcVclt I-

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