t i w it $ ! 1 . i , i I 2 t t . 1 ' i, lf . o fn V"7 nlK LriwLLS hrmdred and fifteen weddinjrs in Mecklenburg couuty. during the year f 18S8. Register of Deeds Cobb linds f . . i - i nmi nis recom uook snows licenses issued to 194 white .Couples and 211 colored couples during the year. UDon the exniration of his term oi office (jTov. Scales will return to his j home at Greensboro, where he will be president of the Piedmont Bank iind also consulting partner in the law firm of Scales & Scales, of which his nephew, Mr. Wallace Scales, present executive clerk to the.Govi. emor will be the junior partner. COMTHERCIAL NEWS. , " '. . - . WILMINGTON MARKET. . ' j ' Jan. 4 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 43 cents. Sales of receipts at 44 cents. miscellaneous: ROSIN Steadv at SO cents for strained and 82 cents for. goodj strained. - " ' , TAR Steady at $1.10 CRUDE TURPENTINE .Steady atvl.SO for 'hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and' virgin. , - . COTTON Firm. The following cribner's Magazine k For 1881 The publishers of SCKIBNERtf MAGAZINE aim to make It the most popular and entcr-Tirisino- of periodicals. -While at all ' times pre serving Its high literary character. 2o,0Wnew readers have been drawn to It during the past iTnfnnthRhvthe increased excellence of its ; want nnt.fl wv the Railway articles), and It fcllSCELL'A PFOUF 21 AMY THSj SgTi ninwa it a ssAPiinrt vear witha new impetus ahd an assured success. The illustrations will uhnwonmp npw pffftcts. and nothing to mate spt?t hmbr's magazine attractive and In Fayetteville Observer: Last even- j are the official Quotations: Ordinary, j teresting will toe neglected, ing a'iafge assemblage gathered at ; 6 3-16; good ordinary, "" 7f; low - the railway ARTICL ARTICLES will toe contin the rW.of Miss Nannie .1. JmMdltogM t ,V jffl.MKIliS Shepherd, of this place, to the Rev. J Receipts to-day: Spirits, 152;rosin, .ifie illustrated. ' a) ..". ... .... ... , Absolutely Pure ' This powder never varies. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. 'More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be eoxa in competition wun tne muintuae oi low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKIXG I'OWDEK C'U., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 28 dwly tennn ithnd 3rdpw R. P; Pell, pastor of the Presbvte-11,116; tar, 298: crude, 9G; cotton, 153. rian chnrches of "Wilson and RoekW,- '- - Mount. ' - The reopening of thej - marine sews. ., Kgypt mines ought to be a great; ,TnTI,n help to this, section. The coal was , 01. . X5VA , used during tne war- ana proved ri , i "A, "wuu' j good, the great trouble was the ex- etteville. Woody & Curne. pense of transportation in order to j ULMKb-Ur 3 hnd a market, but soon tlie exten- .Steainshin Pioneei. Inrrram. New! sion of the U. r. & Y. V. to Wilming- York. II Small bones. ! ton will obviate this. Tlie snatc or: steamer A P Hurt. Robeson this mine is said to be 465 feet deep etteville. Woodv & Gurrie. and the tunnels running from itex-j .. -' '- I Fay- tend over four acres, part of the work is directly nnder the bed of 1 Deep River.- The mine is now filled j with water, and it will take some; months to pump it dry before the j work of mining the coal can com Tnpnn - 1 EXPORTS. FRIDAY, JAN. 4. 1889. ; IN CONGRESS YESTEKDATV 'SENATE. Washington. January. 3.The presiding officer stated that he had examined- the President's message of yesterday, in reference to the conTention with China, and that it related to and was a supplement to matters which had already been made public. The message was thereupon read, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. xne. oenate at lzr&j resumed con sideration of the tariff bill, the nend ing question being on Mr. - Vest's amendment to paragraph -.313 to change the duty on cotton thread, yarn, wraps, etc., valued at not ex ceeding 25 cents per pound, from 10 cents per pound to 35 per cent, ad valorem. This amendments well as others, - --was rejectea promptly ana by a strict party vote and the Senate ad journed, after- having disposed of three and a half pages of the bill to day. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Reed, of Maine, from the Com" mittee on Rules, reported a resolu tion providing that during the re mainder of the -present session of Congress there shall be no call of States and Territories on the first and third Mondays of each month. These Mondays are what . are known as ' supension days, and the object of the - resolution is to prevent the opponents of -the Union Pacific funding measure and the Oklahoma bill from filibuster ing against the attempt to pass these measures uncier suspension of ' the rules, by introducing volumi nous bills under the call of States, and consuming the day by the de mand tor their reading in full. Mr. Reed demanded the&revious question on the adoption- of the resolution, which called forth vigor ous protests from Mr. 'Anderson, of Kansas, ..who has been one of the chief antagonists of "the Union Pa cific bill. He asked that two hours1 debate be allowed upon the resolu tion, but MrTReed declined to ac cede to the request, on the ground that he had been instructed by his committee to demand the previous question. A vote was reached on tne pre vious question but there . was no ; quorum and the House .finally ad journed without action. . LEMON E1.IXI Its Wonderful Effect on tlie Liver, Stom- ' ach, ISowels, Kidneys and ISlood. Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drinkthdt positively cures all Billiousness, Constipation, Indicrestion, HeaJache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, .Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blocthes, Pimples,Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis- eases caused oy disordered liver, stomach and kl Ineys, the first great cause 01 all ratal diseases, nicy cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by .druggists. . Prepared onl v by.. H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. . - LEMON HOT OROFS. For coughsand colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. -i For sore throat and bronchiti?, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemdn Hot Drops. . For throats and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. : - An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by , druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. m thsat j COASTWISK. j New York Steamship Pioneer i 31 pkgs mdse, 25T bags peanuts, 217 bbls rosin, 731 do tar, 165 casks spir its, 100 bbls gum thus, 50 bbls oil, 45 bales cotton, 77,000 shingles. MONTHLY STATEMENT". STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 1, 1888. Spirits asliore 2,234; afloat, t204; total, 2,438. . Rosin ashore, 96.311. Tar ashore, 5,299; afloat, 367; total, 5,6G6. - , i: - Crade ashore, 567. ' Cotton ashore. 6,978; afloat, 273; total, 7,251. ' RECEIPTS FOR MONTH OP DEC. 1889. Cotton, 32, 696: spirits, 4,500; tar, 8,547; crude, 1,803. - EXPORTS FOR MONTH OF DEC, 1889. DOMESTIC- Cotton.. 8,133; spirits, 1,87S; rosin, 3, -676;tar,4,92S;cruqe, 1,448. FOREIGN.'.-. Cotton. 14,037; spirits, 4,848; rosin, 29,5; XO.4 M.i.rl,, KQ anted Lady, active and intel llsrent. to i-enreaenr. in her own locality. an old firm. Kefecences given and "required. Perm anent poit ion and good salary. ! jviur j onnson, aupi., dee 6 4v Lock Box 1585 , IS. Y Mick. MR ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serial novel t'The Master of Ballantrae," will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in Soceniber. -: ; A CORRESPONDENCE and collection a manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. ' The brief end papers written last year by RnwTt. T,miis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by differe t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the first of them for the January number. '- '.M.nnv valuable LITERARY ARTICLES Will anDear: abaner on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second "Shelf of Old Books." by Mrs. James t. Fieias, and many other articles equally noteworthy j v . musiraiea i Articles oh ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arrangetf to appear by Clarence Cook, E. II. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson. and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear.. Salmon, Winninish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged." The authors are well known sportsmen. . Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety, touching upon ajl manner of subjects, travel, biography, description, etc., will appeaa, but not of th8 conventional commonplace sort. , Illustrated. ', -Among the most interesting in the list of scidntlflc papere for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. . .. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities; a re markable paper on PEEP MINING, and ether interesting papers. . - v Unique Illustrations. A- SPECIAL OFFER to cover last , year's numbers, which include all the Railway Arti cles, as follows: A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888 $4.50 A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound In cloth ............ 6.00 $3 a year;, 25ents a number. : Charles cribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, NY. MY HOLIDAY TRADE HAS-BEEN UNUSUALLY GOOD, Ala) SAY BETTER -THAN ANY . revious reason . ! I therefore desire toextend my hearty thanks tamv J And also wish thein all a ; HAPPY- WEW-YEAR. ' ; Very Respectfully, ; ; ' ' ; CJ. rjjclntire dee 31 ' , ' . . NORTH FRONT STp' ! Oon't Deip f SBND OUR BROKEN OB B,, !f BEST Promptly ! niture to me and I win repair it ; at low prices. -r. 1 propose to make my livinir tW a will do thfrwork well and ill? ni?XiJ 4 ; much for doinsr It. Call and s -repair t nave already made ? .n,,B a nolr UqtoIt, "t1' J Will nlr,7" FITTING CDRSETteWORLD fcrsale! by leading merchants MAYER, STROUSE & CO. J W. MrRS.-4l2 BROADWAY, V, dec 24 4w . JRLD NTS. pair sewlnj? Machines. Ainc? V also! .&c.. as well as Furniture, win n2fnnt ...gve estimates or probable cost I- OCt 30 isacklens Arnica Salve . The Best Saive in the world for Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ilheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ned Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Bkin Eraptisns, and positively cures Piles, or no Da v reauired. Itiseruar- 'anteed to give perfect satisfaction,! m S ' Tkll xl QJCmoney reiunaea. .trice &o ceuis per box. 1 For sale by Wm. H. Green. STATE NEWS. Goldsboro Argus: About one ' thoasandnegroes left from this depot yesterday afternoon for the turpen tine fields of the South. Charlotte Chronicle:- EdDebruhl, the young colored boy -who- drires for Dr. McCombs, was stabbed, in the right . s breast this , morning, by a negro girl about 16 years "old, named Lizzie Davis. ,' 1 ' Charlotte Democrat Mix L. 'A. - Blackweldef has resigned his posi- - tion as sexton of the FirstPresbyte rian Church, a place he has held for over 30 years.' - r Dr. A. H. Gra- ' ham, formerly of Charlotte but now - of Lampasas, Texas, is on a. brief ' ' visit to relatives in Charlotte. ,Dr, ' G. has been in Texas 30 years. Wilson Advance: During the last " 0 six weeks we have traveled over a large part of Wilson and a smal 1 por tion ofJohnston,Edgecorabe,Greene and Pitt counties. . We.were special- ' ly impressed by-the fact that , the farmers in the sections seen are sow- ingjnore wheat than last year. In some sections thfr acreage ;is 15 per himr than- the crop of last mvAAV lW4v TAKE IT IN TIME. t 'For want of a nailT a shoe was lost: for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; for want of a horse, a rider was lost." Never neglect small things. The first signs of .rmeumonia and consumption ca,positivelyhe. check ed by Dr. Acker's" EnpHish Remedy for Consumption. . Munds Brothers, druggists. SUITABLE FOll first HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT China, Glasswpre&Crockery Storey : 1 115 Princes St. FINE LOT Wilmington District, ' Methodist J E. ' Church South, round of Quarterly Meetings: , Grace Church, Dec. 15 and 16. , -South port, Deo. 22 and 23. Fifth Street,, Dec. 29 and 30. . . Bladen Street, Dec. 20 and 30. -- 'Scott's Hill and NewRiver Mission at Rocky Point, Jan. 5 and 6, 1880. White ville, Cerro Gordo, Jan 12 and 13. Carver's Creek, Wayman, Jan. 19 and 29. . Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Jan. 26 and 27. 'Cokesbury. Bethany, Feb. 2 and 3 Sampson. Bethel, Feb. 9 atfd 10 T31orl. IqI QT, Pol, irfonrl 17 Clinton, Keener's Chapel, Feb. 23 Everybody IS IllVlted tO Call Kenansville, Wesley Chapelj M'ch Djonr asd Tea- Sets In Stoclc Pine l ea St at m'y $G A full stock of Crockery and Glassware on hand j . " 1 Jew Yorfe & Wtlmmzius - , - 8t'amghip. Co .; YORK FROM PIER 39, EAST RIVER, NEW Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P. M. OJE WISH TO BUY 10,000 RACCOOISK1XS- ' x; : 10,000, FOXSKIKS ' ' jQ QQQ OPOSSUM &KIN55, 10!000MINKSKINS' : : Q'QQQ SKUNK SKINS, q'qQQ OTTER SKINS, " " -We p'ay Iflghest CASH prices and make prompt returns. - CIIAS. F. BROWNE, -lia North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. -dec 27 tf T h oi R 6 b es o n i a n , Published lnlLumberton, N. C.,by W. W, McDIARMID, -f I S READ EVERY 7EEK BY NEARLY PIONEER......... GULP STREAM. BENEFACTOR.. Wednesday. Dec. 19 Saturday, Dec. 23 ..Wednesday, Dec. 26 FROM WILMINGTON- every intelligent citizen of Robeson county, and has a general circulation in" all the sur rounding counties, including Marion, Ararl boro and Darlington in South Carolina. ' The ROBESON IAN is now in the Elirhtfttmth Year of a prosperous and vigorous existence, and is so rtrmlyestablished in the hpnrt.s of us pairons as. wen as a pecuniary enterprise, that business nien can readily estimate as to ts value to them. The advertising rates are ixceedingly reasonable, considering the age circulation, and influence of the paper. . Send c cents for specimen copy. ; sept 27 SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT - - IN 3AND 6 LBS. PACKAGES. ! N INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOR m - 'I ' duclng in -a few minutes ' bv th I cold water or milk, most delicious Buc kwheat Cftkes..' MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OB 1UL?. GALLON CANS.: J Fresh Vegetables and Fruit By every steamer. BENEFACTOR..:... PIONEER.. GULF STREAM,.'... ...Friday, Dec. 21 .Tuesday, Dec. 25 ...Friday, Dec; 28 Of all Descr'j -tlons, the Prettiest in the city. FINE VASES, -TOILET SETS AND CHAMBER SETS, CHEAP. BASK KITS & TOILET SOAPS AC very near Cost. Two polite clerks in attendance. Messrs. J. Melt. Cowan and Chas. H. Stemmerman. Through: Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. r For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington N THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents, r dec 18 35 Broadway, New York No. 10. SCHEDULE WILMINGTON SBACOAST R. R. Preserves Jellies 1 BY THE POUND. For sale by. - . . ) Jno) L'. BoatwrighV nov? . ' 15&17SaFrontSt. HportsmiVn's SaoDlies. T r-y - I . ' lbby - 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD Guns, Pistols, Knives ai unition, f K9H K liULLAft 1 Y A It . ; - v: . - TO KEEP POSTED ON THE . News of the Entire Word; SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York' Weekly lie raid ITTER. -0- March 16 Andrew's 2 and 3. Onslow, Tabernacle, March tf. Magnolia, Providence, March' 9 dec 23 tf and 10. Brunswick, Concord, and 17. Brunswick Mission, Chapel, March 19. Waccaraaw.-Bethesda, March 20. The District Stewards are request ed to meet at the lecture room of Grace M. Ef. Church, at Wilmington, at 10 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 1889. P. D. Swindell, P. E A, W. WATSON, 115 Princess St. (Evans Block.) Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. IN EFFECT NOV. l 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. It 13 and will continue to be the . Grealtst tid Chf apest Family Jonrnal IN THE UNITED STATES Tke Jacobi Axe, Erery One Warranted. Merchants will find it the most salable. Tlmbermen declare ' It the BEST MADE. From Wilmington, From HummocKS. Ieave 7:36 a. m Leave....... 8:10 a. m. Leave go p. m Leave. ...... 5:10 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave. . 2:30 p. m I Leave n-m n. m. , THE MAILS. The malls close- and arrive at the City Post office as follows: , Close. Northern through malls, fasti 11.00 P. M Northern throucrh and way mails.. 8.00 A. M N. O. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom i... 8.00 A. M: Kalelsrh & Fayettv:e 8.00 A. M. Southern wav mails : 2.00 P. M. Southern through malls. 9.13. 31. ' DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY ' Western mails (& C. Railway)... . . 1-00 P. 31 Cate Fear syvrk and points sup- paed therefrom.. 1.00 P. 3I. Raleisrh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom ...... 1.00 P. 31 Smlthville 1.30 P. 3f. Wrlehtsvllle. 8.00 A. M Clinton, special. 3.15 P. 31 Atonroe and Charlotte v ....... 5 45 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offi ces...... 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River. S. C. and intermediate Offlces.l ; .. 6.00 A. 3L kcape Fear Rlverinall 1.00 P.M. , OPEN FOR DELIVERY. - Northern and way malls. 8.30 P. 31. Northern through mall, late. . . . .11.00 P. M. .... 6J'AJSU Harper's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading Illustrated newspaper In America. Tne iairness or its editorial com- aents on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers, ana we vanecy ana excellence oi its lite rary contents, whlch-include serial anJKhort stories Dy tne Desc ana most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range or tastes and. pursuits. Supplements are rrequentiy provided, and no expense is spared, to bring.jhe highest order of artistic ability to bear : upon the Illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. A new work of fiction from the penaf William Dean Howells, and one by Charles King, will be among tne leading features of the Weekly ior isy. - 8Tralns or Cars can bfl nhartprpri ruirino. luuiimo av j ccusuiiauit) rates. . J. H. CHADBOURN. Jr., dec 24 tf General Manager, Tne comlner vpar timmispa m nMnTni with stirring events.' wu,,ucu In the United States thp. nntra sues into the political a hnc t?. cu a cnangeoi Administration. But the """y.iwauuuun wmcn tne cam. 1 lHPed 13 unsettledand its solu- v.vuiouuyy L-uuiuuea to a consress Wheelwrights and Carriage Makers ' : - . ... - ... ... . , . . . Will find that we are Headquarters for Blffi Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Axels andJMWT - We Sell thft PhllnrtAlnhla RacrlAfhUV. rlacre Bolt, wtum f ttTuvr The National Life -AND- equally divided between the two Jrcat parties i,Br2p?flsv5 caP- Armycorpstroi the frbntlers. and mminn nr J.r.r A: signal for the most tltantin war thaS L eversppn - moo i The Heralits news-gathering machlnervis vuuregiuuc, xuiniug can escape their viin. FISHEEMEN Will find a large assortment of Fishing isnp- txic, uuu as urn ana seme twwb, -Net Lines, Rope, Lead and Fish lng Tackle of all kinds. v Maturityssociation SS2i OF WASHINGTON, D. Cs HARPER'3 IPERIODICALS. N f PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY. .!.$4 00 Assets. ........ Liabilities.;...... Paid to members ....$314,072.19 ... None. ,..$120,032.31 HORATIO BROWNING, HARPER'S 3IAGAZINE HARPER'S BAJZAR. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. ....... ... 4 00 ... 4 00 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Stqu-s, Canada, or Mexico. nnthrn through malls oH iri othersit croesUD as nieh iKouthern way malls..... 9.30A.3I. ter cent. j Carolina Central r. R........ 2.30P.M. as o pet cui . . : T ' Malls collected from street boxes In business Chatham Meeora: air. augar j. portion of city at 5 a. m.; 12.00 m.- and 4.45 p. Hfl.nrhton will erect a roller mui at uta rtln.n next laaiiimer. It will De virile hnildincrand will have a ca oacity of making twenty five barrels j vent to Raleigh on last Monday and settled in fall with the State Treas nrer for the taxes due from this county. The total amonnt paid by him was $0,335.21, and his prom pt oo in raviner is attested by the fact that out fot the 98 sheriffs in the M. M. and from other points of the city at 5 A and 4P.M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. 3L, and on sunaays npm y.uu to iu.w a. m. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10l30 A. M. ... - : Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. ai. to 5 1 . continuous. stamp Office open from 8.00. A. M. to 5 P. M . Stamps on sale at -general delivery 6450 A.M to 10 A. M.andl tply.iL , The Volumes of the Weekly, begin with tiip. first Number for J anuary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will bee-ln with the Number current at time of receipt of order. l Bound volumes of Harper's WeekLr. for three years back, in neat cloth blndlne. will hp sent, by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the . freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per vol ciotn cases ior eacn volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. . j. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlra Money Order or Draft; to avoid chance of loss. Xetcspajjers aiv Hot to corn this adcertisemeni wUunti ih express order of Harper & Brothers; novla . i ; "Vew York fdotice. For Sale. Ctote oy Ave Kettl befp hS! QW mRWSPAPSKS i:or sale, at yoot jp-w, a. mcgowan n collect sutsenp. Chzxlotte iW There were four1 litfj:. jWffvpw tlons due THE DAILY REVIEW, and solicit newsubscrlDcrs.- - - - - . . (. tl, President. -O v.' GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. 31anager and Actuary. -'Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Jncntestible'Pollcy. Maturity Value in Casn at Fixed Age JAnmial Cost Absolutely Limited. - OnlyFour Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; , P. S. RIDDELLE, M. DA WH. GIBSON. SPeclal3Antl)lreCt0r- iiomoomce. 1.215 F street, n iw - JOHN nAAlt, Jr., Local Agent? ' w" wwaiington N. c. ALL THE NEWS QF AMERICA Will be found p,ar.h wptt in tKa -n-.. . . t . - w ww xi.Xpnd.UJ, IV illiU FOREIGN DEPARTMENT win contain a panorama of the Old Wnrin uasuea unaer the sea over the 1 . : -r COMMERCIAL CABLES. Special Features, Practical Farming, , progress m Science, .- , Notable Pulpit Utterances, .- - a . wucraiure ana Art, Stories by our Host Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS Address, JA3IES GORDON BENNETT " dec . .New Yort Herald. ' Will be shown the largest . and cheapest 1U oi uopiong and Heating Stoves In the city - ana many other useful household artf . .- ciessuch as Coffee Mills, saucc ' . , pans, iron Mortars, etc. VVe Want Your Trade! Aha shall do all we can to please you, botn la . , PBICES AND GOODS. . N". Jacobi Hard ware Co., 13 So. Front St POMONA HILL NUKSERIES - ' PQMONA, N. C, Two and a Half JlllesWest of Greensboro. Nf -o- We thank one and all friends for their Vibenl t7nf-""25 yJ rjihe main line pf the JL & d. R, IL V& l&??hShf!L grounds and within 100 feet of iio;,-Baiem trams makestops rcgm JtylZJZcix way. Those interested Fruit and Fruit Growing arerdiaiiyliivitetf iPfct this, the Ingest Nuraery ttt state, and one. of the largest in the sow. . rw aslsts of "ApplesT Peach, W tki1' Japanese-Persimmons, Aprt- ?cAanes' Mulberries. Quince, Cirap ! f!v Ita"le? qooseberrles. Currants, jiUKJiau ainut. i'ecans. tneu": D1?T?P a noner ln thousands new font of Type bu7 viefrinl rvzT'r." Y. f-: OSje WHO I firnoll r "xjr uiu.b.v a r-r : -rf t-v new material, do th i tlowtof -5 .: to invariably copy -ur stvlel? are in need of pron table work that can be done while living at home should at once send their ouuiras w uauctii a. ui., ruruana, JuUine and receive free, full information how either sex of all ages, can earn from $3 to $23 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. -Capital not required. Some have made over $30 in a single day at this wort All suc ceed. . . , nor 23 6md w the year just closed, and anmm-fhan. .A no pains on our part will m cno. t.i. farther merit their condenVe. ' " ' r ue are constant! v addinoL fho tstrawhprrij io- rrrr",. wnes. ducuon from the Type Founders, but have Ji me new rare varieties as wea not thought it necessary to speak or r5 ?to1S5es' wWca my, new catalogue for 1S new lODt oi Trnft w hm . r l . L 'eJfoxlS orders to my authorized agent w order direct from the Nursery i?11?811461106 solicited. Destriptlve cata logue free to applicants, v -- Address ... .j ,, - -v ' rSrrReabIt'JSalesman wanted la ef COOnty. i A etiM niTlnw mmmlwhil ill and endeavor in mpnr 7, . beebmlng merelmitator u purposeincreasing our facilities during offerers SafeIy ; JACKSON & BELL.