r ; iintiilcs Iic torpid liver, rctislh- iiHiSeffcslcorSa,,,'e,,,atcstlie bow?!" aul re tizaequalcd s an ANTI-BILIOUS filEDEGIHE. in malarial districts their virtues are u iilely reeogruixed, as they joes iec 41 1 i u r prop l I es 1 n freei it s t ii e sy si em iron poiaon. Klesrantly Hiijrar 't(el. JUo.e Kiuall. Ifrice, 25et.t. Sold Everywhere. Oni. 44 Murray St., . w York . - n ILMJSTRATE'IW HiKi'KR's Maoazinb is the most uvpfui: en tf-TaiTiin .r anil beautiful perior!if:-l in thoi von i. Among the attractions for will be a n"".v novel an American story. eiiM tei "Ju- j ucr I.ltfUf sv by Const am-e F. Vooi:-o-i; ilius ! t r.i ions of shakespe.-ire s comedies be !. A.! w.ti-. : :i scrips oi articles on Russia, umstra- - - " - ,? Her Life. ' She lived and labored midst the fowliext things. " Walked at my ido and talked, and oft did iili The' gracious hours that friendly i s twilight hriugs With tod. naught questioning if good or ill Were hers; soft In liable she croon ed at eve. Like 'poppies', breath falling down i tenderly : On infant, evelids that gay sports ; would ieav To ne.tln Iosh and sleep upon her knee. i Her life was colorless and common ; Hace, Ovoid of poetry I tliouglifc it so, j For I was blind, and could not see . rue grace . That grew through common du ties; now -I know, Since she is gone- from me and all her cares I entertained an angel unawares. Oieb. M. Waiter, Messenger of the Adams ExnressCouipany. Baltimore, Mil., says: "Having used Dr. Bull's t, .; nv'r. He Tlmlstrep; pupers on the Domin-! f-oiigh kyrup for the past ten years io:i (ii c.inailii ants a eharacicristie serial by j in my family, I wish to say that I ( ll .. fS ir.wy i ini-r: uir;- - .xuru i consK pr t t ,e i)eht ( Vjncr , SvrilTl I ' ft , ever used: It. has cured mv. chil- pt. idren of croup- several times and saved me manv a doctor's bill. Her A Scrap of Paper Saves Life. . It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper; but it 'saved her life. She was in the last stages-of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and" could live, only a short time; she w eighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of I wrapping paper she read of Dr.! King's New Discovery, and got a5 sampie bottle; it helped her, she ; bought ''another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now ' strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh-! ing 140 pounds. For fuller particu-i lars send stamp to W.H. Cole, Drug j gist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of ; this wonderful Dis tovei-y free at Win. H. Green & Cos Drug Store. , Br. DULL'S facilitates Teethinata. r A f V C VP 1 1 D regulates the Bowels. A. IHUlOlnUn&ll druggists. Price 25cts. TIIK VOTK 1IY COUNTIES. 2 . .,. ,. , . ,, ; ; r t t ' - COUXTIKS. . 0 So -c. c. m H o ' l' 'I !;y i;iori!Sf Jenie ljornso.trs!Str;itetl: c.i !; ;! ;ntis.' uiuiionciii piay oy iv amnoroi i -t-i'iii 'ivii-mir," luustratoirby J. IL v-.e-jiie.jn Tl"' i';!lfor1:il IXartinenty aiv C0!:vliic-:f-(l by c,.,).- Vliliajn Ouitla, Wllilani Dean liowelli? :,ih 'n:n1?s Puftley Wanior. H A ?: I'KRS l'K( PKUIO.DKALS YKAIi: i f ': 1 1 ' i: ! ; :i a ; a z i n t: V, KKIIKY ......... liAAU it ;1KU YorNi PKOPl.i:. I I-M-: 'Kt i : 1 -1 . i .Ml (Hi i.:-' !'l't F.'-'r' t: (li . ''ftSi':'i!rfrii in t fit I'ltllr i tie voiMinf '"or ilif M ajf azluc ljrlMVtrli the -ii.:.. !.: r-ji .rum and December or c::oh yoar. .vri. a n time t .sjK tito!. subse'rlpttons will i in s H It t he Numoer cuner i mv oi re r. iit of ontor. ' . uo'ina Volumes of Harper's Magazine., for i im- vears back, in neat cloth binding', will be '-nt bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 j.er volume. Cloth Case3 for binding, "i0 cents i bv mall post paid. Index to 'Harper's Macrazine. Alphabetical, tnUvtical and Classified, for -Volumes 1 to TO, nf. hisive, from June, ia"0, to June, 1885, one viii.. 8vo. Cloth, $4 00. i.'eniit tances should be made by Post-Oft! e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chrmce of loss. Xrintpapprs are not to copy tlAs adverlisettien without tne express order of Harper & Brothers. Address IIARPEU & BROTHERS. novl." New York 1889 Harper-8 Bzai ILLUSTRATED. H arper's Bazar will continue to maintain lis reputation as an unequalled family journal, liaart illustrations are of the highest order, its itemture Is of the choicest kind, and its Fash ion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. Its pat i em-sheet supplements and fashion plates alone will save its readers ten times the cost f t lie subscription, and its articles on decora tive art, social etiquette, house-keeping, cook-i-rv. etc., makeit indispensable toevery house hold, its bright short stories and timely es says are among1 the best published; and not a line is admitted to Its columns that could 6f lend t he most fastidious taste. Among the at t t ac tions of the new volume will be serial sto rl's by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett. Mrs. Alexander, William Black and Thomas Hardy, and a series of papers on nursery management T'.v Mrs. Christine Terhune Herrick. HARPER'S PERIODICALS , PER. YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR.. MAR PER'S MAGAZINE HARPER S WEEKLY HARPER'S YX)UNG PEOPLE 2 p0 Isiaoe Five to all substcritiers in the United fi.itrs Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the A ist Number for J anuary of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin wiiii the Number current at time of receipt of onler. ' Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding:, will be sent iy mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for. each volmne, suitable for Wwilng, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. eir$papers are mot to copy this advertisement without she express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 New York 1889. :. ' '9 ers Young Peonle. .AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. How He iMaiiagred It. Two friends who had not seen each other for some time met in the corridor of a hotel. ".Tnekson. how rt vru trttirtr oo ajolJir sine, your marriage?" r irst r:u', .jjicksoii answered, didn'r think you would," his friend replied, "vviieu 1 heard that yn had married :i poetess." :l Vs. some, of fuy friends advised ninM ttjjnarry hr, decJ;ring that it would be impossible for us to get along, but I do gnt along with her " "flow do you manage it, Jackson?1 'I iraise her. poetry." Arhansaw Traveler. - ' - v . . PJlOMPTXkSS. First a cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death.. "I took Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption the moment I began to cough .and I believe it saved mv life." Walter N. Wall ack, Wash" Munds Bros., druggists - - - New Probabilities. When you see a man going home at 2 o'clock in the morning, and his wife is waiting for him, it will prob ably turn out stormy. "When a man receives a bill for goods his wife has bought unknown to him, look out for, thunder and lightning. When a man goes home and tinds no supper ready, the fire out, and wife visiting the neighbors, it is like ly to be cloudy. YVnen a man promises to take his wife to a party and changes his mind after she is dressed, you may. expect a shower. When a man saves his cigar mon ey to buy his wife a new bonnet and the children new shoes, it indicates a spell of sunshine. - . When a man dies and leaves a nice widow with plenty of money, and you see her walking out with the executor on Sunday afternoons, a change is imminent. National News. - m Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow'ssootiiinqSyuup should always be used Avh en children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, Softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or btlrr causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. iulv deod&wly .J4 00 . 4 00 . 4 00 ifarpi M armor's young People begins its tenth volume wiuu the rirst Number In November. During the year It will contain five serial sto ries, including: Dorymates." by KirkMunr-oe; "The lied Mustang," by W. o. Stoddard; and "A Day in Waxland;" by R. K. Muukittrtck; "l3;.Thurlow's Trial," by J. T. Trowbridge; 'The Three Wishesby F. Anstry and Bran lPr,Mattheva; a series of tairy tales written and illustrated by Howard Pj le; "Home Stud ies in NaTuraliiistorv.-' bv nr t-piiv i. n. . .... - - . -- - - - ric b ..portsana pastimes, snort stories by the best wrltrrs. and humorous papers and poems if h many hundreds of illustrations of excel lent iiuallty. Every line In the paper is sub jetted to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in rder that notldng harmful may enter its ":oi-unns. units Axpenments." bv Sonhla B. Her- k: "iiiirapsaRof chiia-ure from nik-.-vna Margdret K. Sangster: artieios on varinua epitome of everything i hat la aiiracuve iid disirabie la Juvenile literature. i:,n Cm-ier. ' - " A weekly feast of good things to the boys ami girls fn every ramlly which it' visits. t:,umk(rn Unhtti. j - n is wonderful in Its wealth of pictures, In Wiiutien and Interest. Christian Advocate V V. 'IVriHx- Postage Prepaid, $3 pryear. I'ttt. -V tjiiiS,-.Xirritit4'i' 1, l?t'li. ' t" .;, n cim sent retript of hpt-4vnt single Number. Five Cents each. Keiuittanees siiould be made - toy. Post-omce Money order or Draft; to avoid chance of loss. V'fjtf7pr jv iiol to coity this a&nmiwment ,r''t""(t the express m-acrof Harper IJrotbers.- Address' HARPER BROTHERS. . aovIj 'tfew York llous Kggs. ! Artificial eggs have been sold in the Pittsburg market and offered to the. public, in the place of real ones. A woman walked intothe .office of the Board of Health on 'Seventh street, with a basket containing four dozens of eggs. "Not one has been laid by a hen " the woman exclaim ed to one of the health officers. "What am I to do about the matter?" she then asked. The gentleman picked up an egg, looked at it, ami he then gazed at the woman in astonishment, paying: "What is wrong with the eggs? They look all right, and I don't, see any difference between them and other eggs. You mean to say they are manufactured? They may be rotten," but I don't think this egg was made byjhemere ingenuity of any 'hu man mind." . "You are just a little mistaken," said the woman, "and I'll prove it to you. Look a,t this egg." She took one, from the basket and broke it, and. when the officers ob served the yolk they were in won der. The yolk was similar to that of a real egg but itls color differed somewhat, being darker and of a browner tinr. Beside that, however, the yolk of the false egg consist ed of a, more jelly-like substance. Its composition appeared to contain gelatine, syrup and starch The white of this manufactured article looks exactly like the white of the; real ngg. Jl had the same transpar ent appearance and the imitation seemed to be perfect. But the most puzzling thing is thA shell. There is no difference noticeable to the eye at all and it is not wonderful-that one should. buy such an egg as real hen fruit. "'. The egg outside of the volk is a perfect counterpart of anvthing W1 the Alamance. Alexander. Alleghany. Anson. Ashe....:. ... Beaufort. .. Bertie....;.. Bladen.... . Brunswick Buncombe' Burke.. Cabarrus... Caldwell ... Camden... . Carteret ... Caswell..... Catawba... Chatham... Cherokee. . Chowan.:. . Clay...:.... Cleveland.. Columbus . C raven CuiulVrPnd Currituck.. Dare Davidson . Davie i Duplin Durham Edg'combe Forsyth Franklin... Gaston ..i... Gates Graham Granville.. Greene j Guilford. . . Halifax.....) Harnett... . Hayuoool .i Henderson i Hertford".. .1 Hyde....,...; Iredell.......! Jackson : Johnston. J Jones : Lenoir ; Lincoln i nr Tx ii Macon j Madison.. .' Martin : MeckVnb'gj Mitchell....! Montg'nf y Moore I.I Nash .-. ; N. Hanov'r; North'pt'n j Onslow ! Orange : Pamlico.... ! Pasquot'k.i Pender. Perq'im'ns Person Pitt . Polk Randolph.. Richmond. Robeson.;.. Rock'gh'm Rowan Ruth'rford Sampson, .j Stanley j Stokes". j Surry j Svv.-iin i TransM'nia Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washi'gt'n "Watauga. Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey...... 1G22! 943 595 i89G 950 201G 1614 142 . 921 2G85 1278 1903 1251 G99 1171 1550 2303 '2481 505! 704 3G8! 2030 18G7) 1338! 2479; 978! 244 1954 10G7 2239 1576 1610 2101 2130 1335 1183 208 21991 1040 2491 '2264' 1254 951 1 782i 1129! 807; 2679; v 713; 2801 j 74G 1G20; 1172. 9511 708! 1087 4576 3725; 635 901 ; 1797! 1837, 1751; 1733! 1284 1670' 748' 898; 1215 777j 1490, 24361 446 2044 1958 2361 2443 2636 1517 2525 1100 1329 1371 494; 459; 488! . 1838 1155 4772! 1146 648 759' 2796 1301 2135!, 952 740 jjjV?" " S-'g'sTV?!.'!" ll j TIME TABLE NO. Pal ins! to llAiirosid MISCELLANEOUS- Co. tisssSBaa' ' s2 io N AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. tC, 1SS7; j Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun- BULL' Bronchitis, pient Gon- and relieves Constimp- tive Persons. 2a cents Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup,Inci-sumption UP : day. . s going South 1 . 'No l Passenger and Freight , Iave Hamlet. N. C. i Arrive at t. heraw. S. U I coino North I - A 'TlAr,in.'nMJ Lea v Cheraw, S. C. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C ...... 8 20 A. .?.:) a. 1245 3-51 403 1034 1251! 1081! 1823! 1511; 913: 1941 ! 995 953i 420i 564: 597j " 1G03 650! 1071; 594; 811j 205' 612 948i 2525; 2159i 413 286; 2072' 1107! 1174; 1196, 3143; 1877 1987 934 704 137 2047 1094 2208 378G 727 (540i 977i 1305 674 1708; 345 ;182G: 755 1399 753 G38: 1741j 952; GS7j 2241! 1399; 2092; 1316 15411 1010 3041! 1247! 1G45; 1353; .598, 1023; 1358 2360; 2546 391' 22G9! 2072' 1408 2577 978 3261 2018! 1008 2205: 1815; 1322, 2259; 2204; 1584! ' 271! 2406! 1008! 2470 2495 1444 1326 9l7i 1132 834 2724 903 302 1 ! 684 1587, 1209 1019! 780; 11781 1674: 4163; G98 979 1944 1388 1234 .3048 1148 926 1426 1528 2157 2879 2351 i 472 1051; m 1239! 1517 552 405" 975 1432 1799 1097. .1365 965 2816 1165 915 717 G02 677 1697 . 756 2099 868 791 286 764 910 2637 2232 438 ' 308 2335 ,1204 1154 1617 2509 2584 2041 123G 800 182 2609 1072 2G80 2897 877 974 1291 120 758 1897 569 2099 620 1436 901 858 742 1893 1287 earn ire LANGE'S CUBEB CIGARETTES for Ca wwnc tartfi. Pries 70 Cts, At all druggist OCt I tf 7 8 8 S 14 15 10 11 13 15 10 10 ' . IX $ ' 9 1240, 979i, 1082 Totals.. ..1143310 1 i 481 1828 1675 1992 1577 1372 1232 1536 G14 1027 1433 155 323 335 620 1612 4278 2142 1072 624 3500 1939 1493 1213 626 124245 1880; 1G59 1181; 1610;. . 740J j 832) 72V 779 13751 2593i ,2171 1711 2823 2395 2739 1690 2370! 996 14501 1671; ' 505! 520 472 2040 1382 4618 '-545J - 807; 2781 1706 ,2159 1071 940 147925 1564 1215 1846 1699 235G 1990 425 1288 619 1217 982 1293 2328 2327 1G84 1988 2101, 12G6 1G63 1616 817 1333 1575 410 553 367 997 1936 4943 875 1014 965 2561 2252 1521 1419 989 133475 ONWARD IS THE WORD fpHE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTE ts THIRD VOLUME at the following . 1 suhscrlber, l year $l.2c H subscribers. I year .,.,... 5.0t 10 subscribers, l year 10.CC One copy, 1 year, free to the one sending cltrtfbf tea. Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send cas (charges prepaid) to L. L. POLK, ebl Raleigh- N Valuable Lands for Sale. ONE 1 40 1 50 0 00 1 75 1 ir (4 1 TO. 20 32 6 00 8 00 0 00 (14 00 15 25 25 ;jo 18 25 0 10 11 12 i:j 14 i) 10 . 27 28- 2: 24 20 22 00 7r IK1 1)4 1 25 1 'M 5 Ck 00 80 18 20 00 7 ro ,. 4 . w 75 80 00 00 (12 50 8 00 11 00 ii 00 9 00 00 00 10 50 00 50 00 50 8 00 00 m 00 - & 00 so 10 JE TRACT. OF LVID, LYING CI. coaaidtliig of S3 0s mile from Llucolnton, n. c acres. 53 aftroa cleared: h oeat ov cotton butClv-8 jrood crops for all grain. .lias a b-aoh rnnninir tarnzh It anfd a ttne aprlnff & few acres or hottou Una on the tran n And so acres la ok aid hickory, well tlm lereL " . Another tract lying Ql wiles irom Llcol. ton, 4i ralie from U it ,lfl0a;re8. 25 cleared. Hop spring of delicious Water, about six acres of bottom land noar Hon inc lra-ch; la No 1 for too -ceo, but grows other crop ell ; 75 acres in yellow pins and oak For price and-terma apply 10 CBONLY MORRIS fn.hlKir mt'r Kxh:p Hf Atlantic View, AVCIOHTSVILLE, N. C. flMHS DELIGHTFUL SU51MER RESORT IS si t nated at t he rlghtsrtUe WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices generallj In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina. . Hams Shoulders lb. Sjdes, y rt WESTERN SMOKED Hams, y lb Sides, y V. .... , , ...... Shoulders, y lb DRY SALTED -sides, i lb......... Shouidere, lb BARRELS Spirits Turpentine second Hand, each New, New York, each New, City, each BEESWAX, -V lb BRICKS, Wilmington, it? M . . . . 1 Northern , BUTTER, lb North Carolina Northern... CANDLES, lt Sperm Adamantine . CHEESE, y lb Northern Factory Dairy, -Cream. State -..TTr.t... COFFEE, y lb Java Laguyra. ........ Rib :.. CORN M EAL, bush, In sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, t?yard.. Yarns, ? bunch. EGGS. J do... FISH Mackerel. No. 1, y bbi .. . Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbl. Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.,. Mackerel. No. 3, U bbl Mullets, $ bbl N. C. Roe Herring:, w keg. Dry Cod, y tb. FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade Extra Family City Mills Super " Family........ GLUE, lb... GRAIN, $ bushel. corn, fm store, bags, white Com, cargo, in bulk, white. corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store. ....... . oats, Rust Proof . Cow Peas HIDES, lb .- Green..... ... Dry.. : '.. HAY, tl 100 lbs Eastern Western North River.. , HOOP IRON, lb.... LARD, y lb Northern North Carolina LIME, barrel LU M BE R, City Sawed, y M ft . Ship Stuff, resawed .18 00 Rough Edge Plank.. 15 00 West India Cargis, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, in hhds " In bbls.... Porto Rico, in hhds 4" " In bbls Sugar flouse,.ln hhds. . ", in bbls Svrup.'ln bbls. NAILS, J Keg, Cut, lOdbaslnl OILS, gallon. Kerosene Lard v Linseed Rosin... Tar... Deck and Spar. . POULTRY" Chickens, live rown. Spring... Turkeys.. . PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 lb POTATOES, bushel- sweet : , Irish. 13 bbl PORK, $ barrel . City M ess Prime Rump RICE Caiollna, E Rough, y bush, (upland).. " 4k (Lowland) RAGS, y lb Countrj'- city. ROPE, Wlb SALT. "8 sack. Alum Liverpool Lisbon American :. SOAP. 38 lb Northern. . , SUGAR, P Ib-standard grain. stanaaraA... White Ex C Extra C, Golden, O Yellow SHINGLES. 7 In. H M Common.. 2 00 Cypress Saps. 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 8 00 R.O. Hogshead.... 0 00 TALLOW. lb 5 TIMBER, w M feet Shipping. .1 2 00 Fine Mill Mill Prime '. j Mill Fair 1 common Mill. Inferior to ordinary wniSKEY, y gal Northern... i'orth Carolina. wool, y lb Washed..... U'nwashep , . Burn' 1 05 85 90 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 - 62 67 65 45 52 90 5. 12 10 ' 95 00 11 1 40 1 8 10 0 00 20 00 16 XI 18 00 22 00 15 00 v25 2G 28 - 30 28 30 30 35 00 15 1G 18 22 3o 2 '40 2 50 9 a H 16 I 45 90 1 00 15 16 00 20 00 22 20 25 10 0 95 1 0 60 90 35 60 2 25 2 75 17 50 15 00 00 4 60 18 00 aio 00 15 00 00 1 143 10 65 00 00 rK 6y. 6H 0 0 a 00 5 80 00 IK y 75 70 00 70 6 5 $X 00 11 25 7 50 5 00 5 00 2 50 1 00 1 00 23 15 10 2 50 5 00 7 50 14 00 10 00 6 14 00 13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 H 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 25 x 15 - v : . ... , -M.i-L- M D B - .... ... - .-.3j M Sf t Aif:jr' ) - - B 5 EH 1 iav.m-tiiZC y? 1 Terminus of the is see in trie rear egx. The woman i bought them in the marker at thirty . Wilmington seacoast Raiii-oadv and there cents a ilozen.- ZW.ur iHspatoh. no clwrge tor transportation of slforbagga she is "giTatefui.;" : Bid of Susie Fcsufi! far ifec Fmsoi. 'I saved the life of my little girl hy a prompt use of Dr. Ackers Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, 2fev Vork. jngton. unds .Bros., druggists. ..' lfbee im4e. : j hT -pi turmia t-: to llio, xrbo 1.3- ' It U psik4n la t:t-V GULII wxrhtiu ' th maplet la ur we Iliuliy M lr.: Uesr ClM eau'ilM cke a I . . !.-- Jit;. cn arm re OB p. .- . 1 ! r, to kep r I'.rt irate .. 'rju4 &Wr yo -rf-.Tn 1 i.n.nt nJ liiovs tbaf ndo ! v-l:ti f-rm av.atbor tw 'j r nXiii tr StKAt in trade from tk v ilji IV unfei .kritl otter mrt Freight: 4,25 P. M. dec 16 tf .5.35 P. M. WM. Supt. University cr North Carolina Chapel Hiil, . C. rjpnE NEXT-SESSION BE JIN S AUGUST 30. Tuition reduced to $30 a half year! Poor SluT dents may give notes- . Faculty of Fifteen Taachers. Three full courses of study leading to degrees. Three short courses tor the train ing 01 business men, teachers, physicians nd pnarmacjsts. Law School fully equipped. . Write for Catalogue to HON. KEMP P. BATTLE: Jy 7 tf J t President. WlTT8SSTiP:CTTfr'T J'i'VENlLCf. OWESK PEOPLE Uii-fv &-itJ VTJI ; PaimtrCos PAW8 & CLAWS -$1.C0 . ... Vss I 3ut t-'t'tirtttenf of til Frtrf t.tarl tltte' Mouse.) . :,!' nf 'the oildrvt pranlcs. -5;:;n:ii:ii ntori:s rzh u-. r'5i'itrvikin jllustrt-riouy by Ue Priisci" of :iiv..-iiilu iuljt-.ts. Selliiitf iuii!icii!fl.v. Tih'.i it: "It yif1iU li'lle tiii;." uil'I Ifith drli$iit.r lion, i liiitou 11. Fitfk; ''Ji'tt,:srutt n-r onoif-'ror can't ft ih' '-MUtrrv to f."K. II. CoiiwvU-1. D. "Ineovi linriibli neat mnl eleyitnt Iiol!. S. ( o. Tam inol-i-Ht; tt A-Uwp thirl llfinti ." Hili.Uok.rd Crosby GENTS WANTRI). IirHRAltD BRO T23 Chfstnnt siret.'t, iniaUelpIiia, ln OCt 11 4Wd&W Sew Yorfe & Wtioiiugtiii Steamship Co OarolmalOeDtral Railroad Company. CHANGrE OF SCHEBULK. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec, 3, I8S8. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet. . , Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte Leave Charlotte... Leave Llncolnton. Leave Shelby...... A-rrtveRutherfWat No. 4L dally ex. Sunday. 2 10 pm! r 1 ; 5 pm t fzaa 1 No. 3. dally ex. Sunday. NTTs. dally ex. sumuy. 4 l.'pm 5 51 pru 6 57 pm 8 20 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS Dec. 3, 1888. I No. 38. dally ex. jsunday. Leave Ruthei-Tdfn Leave Shelby.. ... Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet..... Arrive Wilmlngt'n 6 GO am 4i 03 am 0 13 am d 40 pm No. 4. dally ex Sunday 7 45 pm 11 15 pm 1 45 am 8 30 am No. 6. dally ex Sunday. 8 00 am 22 am 10 50 am 12 05 pm Trains No; 41 and 33 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral eigh. . . . . Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh Through' Sleeping Cars between "Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. L. C JONES, Superintendent. - F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent -deci ' .. -?,.v -.. ' JtllLrllj I read this and then act; they avUI lind honorable employ-' ment that will not take them trora theirhomes ' and families. .The profits are large and sure for every indiistrirus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. Itls easy for any one to make $5 -xjid upward per day, who is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; .we start you. jsverytning 1 nc-w. ,0 special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for lull par ticulars, which we mall free. Address stlnson & Co.. Portland, Maine. . nov 23 aTmwljr , CARRIAGE REPOSITORY A SB ' . REPAIR SHOP. pARTIES IN : WANT OF AN Y KIND vehicle or want any Repairing Cone to their old vehicles, will fl call on - t o their Interest FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, .NEW YOKE Located between Chambers and Rboseveltsts. At 3 o'clock, P.M. PIONEER........... GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR ...... Wednesday. Dec. 19 ... ... . .SatuTOity, Dec. 22 . ... . .Wednesday, Dec. 26 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR... PIONEER .... GULF STREAM . . Fridaj-', Dec. 21 ...Tuesday, Dec. 25 Friday. Dec. 28 tsr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In Nortn and South Carolina. . : For Freight or Passage apply .t H G; SMALLftONES, superintendent.. Wilmington, N THEO. E. EGER,' Traffic Manager. 1 New.YoVl-i WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agents, dec 18 35 Broadway, New.Y'ork. No. 10. SCHEDULS ffllBISCIO.V SEACOASf I!. L 1 WRKag?5&. O. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. Coiner Second and Princess Stree ' Send your horses to b3 snol. We hav tlM&-oiass Shoor. - moh Jo h n Werner , lirbULD RESPECTFUIXY ANNOUNCE to his friends and the public generally that he is now back at his old stand, No. 29 Market : street, which has been thoroughly overhauled, repalred-and refurnished. With tlrst class workmen, sh?rp razors aud polite attention he hopes to continue to merit the patronage of the public . - - Ail of his force is now , concentrated at No. 29 Market st. - , ; . 1 septl9 . 983 Solid Ctltl Wirh.l Sold for until Utely. MM wtlcll la tb world. tl ack caper.. r-J . . . ...... . . . aaattaf uatca. Jlotn ladira' kad ccnu' ize. with work and cum of oqiwl vo, . uac rersoa in caca m ealtijr caa aecara oao free. together with oar lare and val- - J Haaalei. Tketo aamplea, a 'f'IMe.Ml after yoaharokaoc letn in yonr homo for S.moatki and ahown then t taoaa fto mky hai called, they become your owe property. Thoe rho m-rite at once caar be ear of reiiac ih Vavtehi d Smple. We pay all ezpreee, flrelirht, ete. Addrcaa tiuaoA Ss Co., Bx 81ft PortlM4 ltitlB. dejc 10 6m d&w - . -S i rartect mi 1 ii av. .'VT-Jr.', IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. . From Wilmington, Leave 7:35 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m From nummocks. Leave. . . Leave... SUNDAY SCHED.ULE. Leave 2:30 p. m Leave...... ... 8:10 a. m .. 5:10 p.m. 5:00 p. m, ("Trains or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J., H. CHADBOURN, JR., dec24tf , K General Manager. The National JLife -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Assets.. i. Liabilities........ Paid to members .$314,072.19 None. .$120,032.31 HORATIO BROWNING, President. GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary. Manager andActuarj o -Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestible;Policy. Maturity Value In Casn at. Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited, pniyFour Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years; I -P. S. RLDDELLE, M. D '. Medical Director.' W, 11. cs I BSON. Special Agent. Home omee. 1.215 F Street N.IW. JOHN HAAR, Jr., Local Agent, oct 28 . Wilmington N. C. HE .SEWfNG SOCIETY OF T. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and eiabrokfcrv. ladles' and Children's aprons a spccialtv. Orders left at the Rectory, or 224 North Third street, will meet with prompt aUeution- nov25tf: . - . . Df? WO Woiitlrr exist In thousands Eijhr of forms, but are surpassed by the . marvels of Invention. Those who j are la need of profitable work that can be done We are sorry the Soldier Boys have gone home so are the girls. ..- - ' ; . Those desiring Board , can find comfortable roqms and good (are at JS'&o.' ' jySStf: r -Proprietor. TkMitncruil trtaV.!,, Writ t KK.a HakiMiiilhrfun.. 5a.l-S It wiii t EtAT'ItV BSV trOBCl I Wi1l A Tfc Qt hrhTTtA WfintllI lt rinVi cm.-l t.v.ti - .. . - - - u uuiuu 0uvru villi, ouiftl VllvJI XlITolVL "?Tp2Z Co- Portond, Maine, and "wrnci-- -.t i ontr. i.i.rrouk :i,ifyo reecive frce, full Information how either son. do t cr u rf jr.i. . . Nrbj !jde. R.uiiyoad , oall ages, can earn from $5 to tZJj per day and aBdyocdriiatocc, jw -Br i iiEE et of u : tmwanfci 'wherever they live.- Y'ouare starutd i mMr '"l'''. free. CapiTal not reoulretL Some hav mari 3. . . I ' t. .a .. ...... - . .. -.. . . 7 All nor S3 emd sue- f aVaiaal Wial century. Not Among the wonders of inventive progress la method and system of work that ca 1 be per formed all over the country, wi thou ; separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex. young or oidj no special ability required. .;ap- inot needed: you are started tree. Cut this and return to us and we will send you free. ltal out something of great value and importance to- you will) that wm start you in business, which bring you in more money right away.than anything else in the world. Grand, ottfjit free Address Trite & Co., Augusta Vaine. nov -i oma jyw HA HA nA 1889. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Hakpek's ; Wkmly has a well-established plac e as the leading Illustrated newspaper in Am( rica. The. fairness or tfs editorial com men ts on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of -all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of Its Ute rarx contents, which include serial and short 6tor es by the best and most popular writers, flt i ; for the perusal of people of the widest ranf e of tastes - and pursuits. Supplements . are frequently prortdedi, and no expense ia spaied to bring the highest order or artistic abil ty to bear upon the illustration of the cha lgef ul phases of home and foreign history. . A m w work of fiction from the pen of William ; Dea a Howells. and one by Charles King, will be a mong the leading features of the Weekly for 889. . . ; , HARPER'S IPERIODICALS. . PER YKAR: r'':r-s .i 'tV. PER'S WEEKLY.. . . . 00 PER'S MAGAZINE....;........'...... 4 W SPEIt'S BAZAR ..... . . .V. .............. 4 0ft HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE... . Pastaac i'ree to all svJtatcrioers in. the States, Canada or Mexico. r - - - ... 500 . .1. w Unitea Tlie Volumes of the Weekly beirln with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt or order.:- r.y . ; ' ... . lU)Und VOlumPa crf , ItarrMr U'wHr fnr three years back, lh neat cloth bindinc will be ant by laaJL, postage pakL or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed pne dollar per volumes lor z in wr oL Cloth Cases tor. each vt Juim nuttiibto frrr binding, will be sent bv-.inalL ixsr-rald on receipt of tl 00 each. . . - R6btlttance3-shouId be made liv Pnht-Ofllre Money Order or Draf v, to avoid chance of los. XeipsoapersUre not to cmit this adrettlseraenL ieit7.fit ttr express order of Harper & Brother". notJ5 ' . w YorU . Fpi ' Sale. QLl NEWSPAI'EKS FOR SALE, AT YOUB own price at" - aaglltf UEVIEW OFFICE s f