I w -3- Y r : 4 ' : 4 ' I'M: ! is ; 11' I- 1 J I y Absolutely Pure- this powder never vanes. A marvel or pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be ... sold In competition with the multitude or low test, snort weignt aium or pnospnate powaers. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 28 d&wly tcnrm 4thpd 3rdpw MONDAY, JAN. 7. 18S9. 1 STATE NEWS. ; ' Winston Daily: Mr. P. W.Mickey, a farmer who resides near Winston, butchered thismorninga hog weigh ing 728 pounds net, 860 gross. .- Raleigh News and Observer: Rev. J. W. Carter, D. D., of Parkersbnrg, W. Va.t the new pastor of-the First Baptist Church, arrived in this city with his family yesterday. The examination of applicants for license to practice law will take place in the Supreme "Court on Friday and Saturday, the first fund second days of February. The' applications of nine students have' been filed -up to date. The court meets on Monday, February 4th, when appeals from the First District will be catted. Qoldsboro Mercury: At a meeting of the Golds boro Riles last Tluirss' day night, it was decided by the company to attend the Governors inauguration January 17th. The Presbyterian church, of this city, last Thursday afternoon, was over flowed with spectators and friends to witness the marriage of Mr. Giersh, . a prominent and rising vouner merchant, of Salem, to Miss - amiable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as in same ' proportion that you HW Bur well i pass that point of increase, will cause , .,., .. I vou further in jurv to the eve. Using Charlotte News: The darkies are giasses of stronge'r power than is ne movmg out West at a rapid rate, j cessary is the daily cause of prema Passenger Agent McClesky to-day . ture old agG to the sight. You can get told us that if the exodus keeps up , the begt t Heinsberger's. at tne present race mucn longer, tne 'black belt" will be transferred 'from the Southern States to Arkan sas, Kacsas, Texas and California. ; Ever since the Christmas holidays, train load after train load of darkies have passed through Charlotte for the: West, and they are still going. - One train passed through the city o-day filled with darkies from the eastern part of the State. Greensboro . Patriot: The mer chants of Greensboro will memorial ize the next General Assembly of : Uprth Carolina in a petition asking a repealjof the Merchants' Purchase Tax. The Bank of Guilford opened for business this week in its -handsomely finished quarters on' South Elm street. - The meet ings of Evangelist Pearson have been postponed from February un-, v til May. and estimates have been ! made looking .to the erection, at , some central and convenient point, - of a temporary bailding for the ac comniodation of the large crowds which inav be exnected. Durham Plant: Col. J. I. Alien ' auuereu a serious btruive ui iuratyHiH last night at the residence of "Mr. Jesse Brooks,- on Caswell Heights, and lies to-day in a critical condi tion. ; - Mr. H. N. Snow who at tended a meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Sunday . School Convention, at Rateigh yes " terday, informs us that the commit tee decided upon Charotte as the place and the 2d.' 3d and 4th of April as the time for holding the next session of the State Convention. The committee also ordered that a call be issued for county, convention to be held on the 22d of February for the purpose' of electing delegates to .the State Convention. 1 Concord Times: On Christmas1 :jjay while out hunting George Cor- . riher, n lad of 14, the son of Joel i Corriher accidentally shot and killed . nimsen. xne nigni oi iiie aotn, ai :ter Mamford Kirk had retired to sleep, he twasa wakened by the noise t of .some one trying to enter his . bouse. .He arose and oidered off the intruder. He then made prepa- ' rftfinns for loadint? hiscrun and while i doing so the person returned and 4r :,: 'began trying to force the frontdoor, : Kirk aii the time calling on him to; - and as ; he man entered ne was the man entered ne was V strnefcover the head and felled by a rblow from the unloaded gqn in the hands of Mr. Kirk. The man prove to be a negro named Green Hori)e. His skull was fractured and he died ; in a few moments. He . was proba bly under the influence of iiqqor. Charlotte News: The new Bapttet Churcn, known as the Trade Street Baptist, has been completed, and the first religious serviee will beheld in it to-morrow night. - -Old Jake fjribbleis a memory of the pai. He " strayed from the county poorbousa last Sunday, and a day orvo ago his dead body was found in the -woods in Sharon township) Coro ner Cathey Jield an inquest fiver the body to day and the jury found tbajt Jake came to his death through ex posure. Nobody know kosr oldl Jake was. People who hav lived here or forty years say that he wm ,told zaan wheu they first-knew ' him. Jate wsed to talk about hav- ing seen: Mars George Washington when ha passed through this .sec tion, but was always-careful to ad" mit thaMie was a young negro then. Jake must h'ave been 130 years old when he died. He might have been even:' older than thatr but 130 is abont as high as we ean go on him. tsucfclen Xrnic Salv ' The Best Salve in the ' world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,. Tetter, Chap- ginl Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kin Eruptions, and, positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Box. For sale Jby Wm. H. Green. TERRIBLE FOREWARNINGS. Courh in the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising o 'phlegm, tightness in tire chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all oi anvof these things are the first stages of consumption.!- Dr. Ackers Eng lish Remedv for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. LEMON EXIXIK Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom acli, Bowels, Kidney and Blood. Dr. Moziev's Lemon Elixir is pleasant lemon drink that positively cures an riuiiousness, v,ous uyuuuu, n!ll! f1 Ai Indigestion, Healache, Malaria Kidney Disease, "Dizziness, Colds. Loss of ADoetite, Fevers, Chills, Blocthes. Pimples,Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis- eases caused by uisortierea nver, mm -a - ' . 1 stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all ratal diseases. .bitty cents and one dollar per bottle, bold bv druercrists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT IROPS. For coughsand colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. . For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. . For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat ajid lung diseases, takf Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion pohl by druggists. 2- cents per bottle. Prepared oy H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta; Ga. in th sat Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: in se lecting spectacles you should be cau- tipus not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eye THE MAILS. i me malls cl03e and arrive at the City Post office an follows: CLOSE. ; Northern through malls, fast 31.00 P. M Northern through and way malls. . 8.00 A. M I. O. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom ; 8.00 A. M. Raleigh & Fayettev?e 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls 2.00 P. M. Southern through malls 1 9.15 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C. Railway) 1.C0 P. M Cape Fear fiYVRK and pplnts sup plied therefrom....; 1.00 P. M. Raleigh & llamlet It. li. and points supplied therefrom : 1.00 P. M. Smlthvllle 1.30 P. 31. WrightSAllle 8.00 A. M. Clinton, special 3.15 P. Specials for Maxton, Wadesboro, .Monroe and Charlotte. .. 5.45 P. M. 3IONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. DT. and intermediate offl ees 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, 8. C, and Intermediate offices.. 6.00 A. M. Cape Fear River mail 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY." Northern and way mails. 8.30 P. M. - tt Southern "way mails 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central R. It... 2.30 P.M. Malls collected from street boxes In business portion oi city at 5 A. M., 12.00 M. and 4.45 P. M. and from otlw;r points of the city at 5 A. M. and 4 P. M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 .P. M., and on Sundays from 9.QQ to 10.00 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday f rom 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M to 10 A. lit and 1 to 7 P. M. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, -AT- WATSOIST'S r on i uhina.blassware oturockery TOrB. i 115 Princes St. FINE LOT Dinuer and Tea Sets In Stock. IJ'ilie l ea at on'y$G. A full stock oi rockery and Glassware on hand LAIVJPS Atf an Descriptions, the Prettiest in t$js city, . j?TNK VASES,' TOILET. $ETS AND' AMBEK SETS, CIIEAJV V B 8 K B r H & TO I L fcT SQAP8 , v Atxery qfarpost. Eyeryfeody isJnyited to Call, Two foytc clerks In attendance. Messrs. J. M,clt. Cowan and Chas. II. Stemmerman. - A. 7. 174.TS0S, . dec 22 tf v lioPrtaces $t. (Eyajos Block.) Beautiful Mm - WILMINGTON MARKET. ; : , Jan. 7.-2-0 P..M. u SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at. 44 cents. Sales of; receipts at 43 cents. . - . : . ; . - - 9 ROSIN Steady at 80 cents for strained and 82 . cents for good strained. 1 " ' k TAR Steady at 1.10. f CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1.30 for hard, i $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady. The following are the official a notations: Ordinary, good ordinary, 7 13-10; low middling, 8h middling 9; good mid dling 9 11-16. f Receipts to-day: Spirits, 107;rosin, 1,456; tar, 31 ; crude, 8; cotton. 323. . MABTNEj JiEWS. ARRIVED, . Steamship Gulf Stream, Tribou, New York, H G Sinallbones. . Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. ' : Gei brig Autares, Rahden, Barba does, E Peschau & Westermann. Nor barque Monica, Johannsen. Barbadoes, J W Bolles. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson. Fayetteville, T D Love. a MONTHLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 1, 1888. Spirits ashore, 2,234; afloat, ,204; . .total, 2,438. r Rosin ashore, 96,311. , Tar ashore, 5,299; afloat, 367; total, 5,666. Crude ashore, 567. Cotton ashore. 6,978; afloat, 273; total, 7,251. -t j RKCEIPTS FOR MONTH OF DEC. 1889. Cotton,32,696: spirits, 4,500; tar, 8,547; crude, 1,803. v EXPORTS FOR MONTH OF DEC., 1889. DOMESTIC. Cotton. .8,138; spirits, 1,878; rosin, 3, - 676; tar, 4,928; crude, 1.448. FOREIGN. " (Cotton. 14,537; spirits, 4,848; rosin. 29,534; crude, 58. ' . . The Acme MANUFAOTCaiNGOO MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTONJN.C T 1HE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use In the hands of the best fanners of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine. Is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It Is daily increasing. It has vir tues not found In any ether I abrfc The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses 13 almost equal to hair, being Tight elastic and proof against Insects. certificates from reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. lan 4 tf Scribner's Magazine For 188. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn- to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes its second year with a new Impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will shoSv some new effects, and nothing to make bliudw cit s MA-iAiiiNi; attractive an in teresting will be neglected. I THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be cohtln ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General 1 homas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice." iuustruieq. r. I MR. ROBEJtT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serial noveili ne .Master of Baiiantrao." - will run tnrougn tne greater part of the year. Ilegmi in Xovemltei'. a cuitufcsi'uiNiJjiixcii and collection o, manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters wm iurnisn tiie sucstance or several articles. lunstratcq. me Drier end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced cy iamrms authors. Mr. Thomas Ballev AldrirJi will write the Urst-.of them , for the January niTmlvr. . T Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method 'Of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second 'aneu oi lho. uoqks,-' oy jurs. James 1. Fields, and many ftther articles equally noteworthy ArUcleS on ART SUBJECTS viu be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarenjee Cook, . n. Blashfield, Austin Dobson and FISHING. ARTICLE describing sport in the Wlnnlnlsh. Bass and Tarpon aye the subtecti now arranged. The authors are well Known ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES Of great variety. uiujfrapiiy, uescnpuun, etc., win appeaa, but uvb vi cuu-xemiuam commonplace sort. ItluMralea. 1 Among tne most interesting in the list of scieniinc papers ior tne year wm De a remark WW ajriae py trot, jonu 'irowDndge, upon tne mew rscent aeveiODments and uses nf r-uuTOGUAPnx. mtisfratea. A class of articiesr Whir h has nroved of stv. rial Intereat will tw Y-iSrif! nhnti fivi. m irmimf papers upun rur uut i j in iim mosQ applications, by eminent authorities; at-ra-markable paper on DEEP MINING, and cthor Interesting papers. : .,..-r.i-.- .. Uitifue must rations. A SPECIAL uBFER to cover last rear's numbers-, whictijijelach 4 tfce Jtallway Ani cles,fes follows; : -J -3?-. "i . ' ' A year's subscription (1SS9) Imdthe nnm bersfor 1888....'. i;t.:Si- J. ..:. .x A year's subscription (1889) and the num- - oeH yr ?iss, Douna in cloth. . . . t .. 4 . 4.00 " MajtMj jents a number. ' Charles S criBnexs Sonfl.- . - 743-745 roadway,;N Y. W: ( Atlantic Coast Line. ;-. . : - Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND BKANCHB8. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTD. Dated Jan. 7, 1889. 0 gl gI gg P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. 12 40 5 43 6 00 10 45 1 53 7 10 11 58 A. M . 10 20 ...... ...... P. M. P. . A. M. A M. g 3 7 00 7 43 1 31 t 2 35. ' 3 ij; 6 00! A. 31. A. M. 3 15 7 40 8 35 1 20 4 10 , 9S3 2 15 4 35! 8 40j 9 49 2 35 P. M. 0 001 9 55 11 30' 3 55 Leave Weldoa Arrive Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro...... Arrive Wilson... Leave Wilson...";.... Arrive Selma........ Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Goldsooro.. ..( Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia.... Arrive Wilmington. TRAINS GOING NORTH. CO g5 3C A. M M. 4 00 5 40j 5 55 P. M. ;6 15 11 14 U 28 Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw. Arrive Qoldsboro. . . 9 OOi 10 3i 10 50 11 50 2 15 6 55, Leave Fayetteville. Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson. 8 40 11 00 12K) P. M. .1. A. M. 2 57 '. M.l A. M Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro...... 12 38 7 52 1 40 8 291 2 16 1 1 A. M .1. Leave Tarboro...., 10 20 P. M P. M. 9 40 Anlve Weldon.. 4 30i 2 40 3 40 Dally except Sunday. Ti'aln pn Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves nalifax' for Scotland Neck at 2.30 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. daily except sunuay., Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. via Albermarle & Raleigh It. R. daily except Sunday, 5.05 P. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M., arrive Wllliamston, N. c, 7.20P.M.. 4.55 P.M. Returning leaves Wll liamston. N. C", dally except Sunday, 7.10 A. M., Sunday 9:50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.15 A. M., 11.JJ0 A. M., Train on JWidland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.00 X M., arrive Smlthfleld, N. C, 9.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithneld, Nl c, 10.35 A.- M., arrive GOidsooro, n. c, 11.45 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leavea Rocky Mount for Nashville, '3.00 P. M.. arrives at Nashville 3.40 P. M., Spring Hope 4.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10. 00 A. M.. Nashville 10.35 A. Mi, arrive itocky Mount 11.15 A,M., dally except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday,, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.00 A. M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch Is No. 5L Northbound Is No. 5a 'Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia, Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all point3 North daily. Ail, rail via Richmond, apd daily, except Sunday, via Bay No. 501, Vestibule Train, Southbound, Mon day, Wednesday. Friday. . " ' Leave WeldOn 9.50 P. M. arrive WilmlncrrnTi 2.00 A. M - No. 500, Vestibule Train, Northbound, Tues day, Thnrsday, Saturday. " , - Leaves Vilmln2t0n 1.0S A. M ' flrrlvfi WPlflnii 5.33 P.M. ; ' r Trains make close con npt ion tnr nil rnint North via Ricnmond and Wrashinenn. . All trains run solid between wnmintxtnn nnd Washington, and have Pullman Palace siPn- ers attached. - JOHN j?. divine. Gem Supti J. It. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. Jan7 , ' - . . , a & kmanU It, K. Co! CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Dec. 17,1888. Leave. Wilmington... Leave Marion, Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter... . Arrive Columbia...! 4 40 7 21 6 15 M. 9 00 CentraTir. R. XjUTm?a irom Charleston via ttzmestA: M., Manning 8:53 A. M with v u- connects at Florence TRAINg GOING NORTH. No.-23. NOi 27. No. 58. P. M. P. M. P. M. C 25 10 10 0 37 , 12 37 3 55 1 20 , 1 20 5 10 A. M. P. M. NG.-50 . NO. -58. A. M. P. M. 3 20 . ;. .. .1 t 6 00 40 7 21 INO. 52. I A. M. I t 9 20 1P?2 . No. 51. No. . 59. No. 63. Leave Columbia..,. f'$& 730 Arrive Shmrr..-....::. ilf J ? ? Arrive Fprensp ...... i u g Leave Florence .... .. frfo Leave Marion.. ..... M IS A.. Hf J p. m. Dally. tDaiiy except Sunday, central it. Lanes 7:12 P. Kn Kit -Z, . . IU - ... JOHN p. Divnsr n r KSJ?LY, SuWSSn:ndent" T, dec 15 ForRent. house ttdleteTtiSriW -'i Rents prompur couicteZr: awUuw.M,icul4L-u 10 without extra c ilARTTN T.TJAVTS Rea) Estate Agent. " lid Princess t novu Ka to Charl aatnn a r n B.. arriving Manning V P M . M.. Charlp5trT cm t? 1 ' al .11. - . - " '1 W ttirV ' new lr r r. t ' our cct'.; k2 srnaU ,J CECG! blow! r MY HOLIDAY TRADE HAS BEEN UN USUALLY GOOD, ad SAY BETTER THAN ANY . Previoilis I therefore desire to v extend And alia APPY Vety dec SI BEST FITTING CORSETteWORU) FORSAtt BY LEADING MERCHANTS. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. r. MTRS.-4I2 BROADWAY N. K dec24 4w FURS, FUR W E WISH TO BUY in nnn raccoon skins, I u.uuu 10 000"OXSK,NS' . 10 000 oposs''M kins 10',000MINK,N8' 10,000 skcnksk,ns' in nnn1'TERSKINS. 1 uivv vy , We pay highest CASH prices and m ake prompt returns.- CHAS. F. BROWNE 110 North WTater St., Wilmington, NJ c. dec 27 ti 1 The Robesonia Published inLumberton, N. C, by W. W. McDIARMlb. -o I S READ EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every Intelligent citizen of Robeson county. s a general circulation irr all r iicfe sur- round ng counties, Including Marion, 3taii- boro dnd Darlington in South Carolina. 1 he ROBESON IAN Isnow Intiio Klghienth year or a prosperous ana vlsorons pxistrinnp ana isiso, nrmiy est auushed in the hearts' of no jjdiiuua ua s u peciiRiury eniei'pt'ise, mai uusinets men gaa reaauy estimate as to tS valie to them. ThP :ir1vpr(11n.r rafJniv, ixieetomgiy re.isonaDie. considerinL' thp kin-p - - - - - 1 J eirculltion, and intluenjce of tlio paper. end cent for specimen copy. sepfl 1889 . 18B9 THE WEEKLY HERA li 1) ON K DH, It A. i a Y A 11 TO K EE P POST KI ON T H E News Of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York Weekly Herald -o- It is and will continue to be the Great' st and Cheapest Family Jonrna IN TnB. UNITED STATES; -0- wilr-JJiSi -Promises to be crowded . x yuK, uuucuoiaies me entrance of'hew is sues into the poutical arena has Sen ffl wl edbya change of Administration! But the viyu jo uyvr wjmuilUHl lO a COnSTfi5 Mlmrtcf equalivdlvlded between the two Tfrcat parties. ,P sa camP. ArmyorpsPffi ciTXTo i Jir . k T UHU ""iuons or men await the ?v sUn the mOSt tUantlc war the rofUi fit unenSALDT5i?e Whinerlls tHfl ronitc f . '" vr "i pipamug i ST"? U UI ls oeiore tne Her Ain's o. Au iliK -NEWS OF AMERICA WlirR found ftflirh'wooir tVL .v...t . - - hile ' FOREIGN DEPAItTM ENT . in . '. ' : ' ma contain a paricrama of ha nasneoruncler fhe!sea overth" . " W prld COMMKltClATL CAIJIS. Special Features. Practical Fanning, i . : Notable Pulnlt Uttern' ' PrK, . iir -. . wicraiure ana Ai-t, Stories by pur Best Autt ork INFfJRJIATfON ON ALL -SUBJECTS Address, ,JAMES GORDON BENNETT - dec 14 ssvw xor HeraldL ! f Kew York citv 4I&iaiiJaPfflpiwfe We thank one and ai r.r and the ye,ir u.i c j ' . t. a , VlChm'- no piijion ;vir part will t.. cnn. ir - LIMIT, I that further..: lit, their conl.u 1 w still j k . . i:f-" .- ' . iff cr the latest dBitir 'hi ro- . . t L .. . . . t:; . ri.P tterial, .lathe fi opj.; oar sttlr-fi. In fvcry !the( -, ofTe:' 1 ; eason. my hearty thanks to m V , ' wish them all WEWYEAR. Respectfully, Wclntire, NORT HI Klt'th Zi uon t Delju SE.N-nOUHBK0KE.Nu ttUUt repaint proin at tow prices. , -!.-- '. . 1 propose to make mv livi wm do.tue work well and win 3 wf i : macu for doing it. cad land Lch"T repairs l liave aireadv mSS me . J nnlr owfn Ua.h4..' Will .u? &c, as well as Furnitnrp i" give estimates or nmhnhio "iu CtonS come and see ire. c tusc of r, B. Fittfeik No, SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT, : t 3 AND 6 LBS, packages INVALUABLE ARTICLE F0S Pfc ducing in a few minutes, by the addiuo, cold water or milk, most delicious jliukwheat Oakfs. MAPLK SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON 0B HA1J. GALLON CANS. -O Fresh Vegetables and Friiil By every Steamer Preserves and Jellies BY TIIE POUND. For sale by ; Jno. L Boat wright, novy- . - 1517 saFrom st, Sportsman's Supplies, Guns, Pistole, Knives and Ammunition. 3STOJSTE BETTER. TLe Jacdbi Axe, Every One Warranted. Merchants will find tt me most salable. .Tlmbermen declare ; It the BEST MADE. Wheelvyrightsand Carriage ; Makers , Will And that we are Headquarters lor Rfc xiuoa, wneeis, Axels anauoiw. - - e sell the Philadelphia Eagle Car- ; rlage Bolt.-whlch is the BEST j . .MADE. . . HEHMEN wlfihd a large assortment of Fisbiner 8 vuea, sucn as GUI and Seine Twine, Tt Lines, Rope Lead and FLsn- ing Tackle of all kinds. HOUSEKEEPERS WW be shown the largest and cheapest W 4 y v,upiuug ana ueatlng stoves in tne an and many other useful household art! ,. - cles, such as Coffee MlUs, 'tJffuce-' pans, iron-Mortars, etc. I! We WaSour Trade I And shall do all we cai to please you, botu N.Jacobi Hardware 0p.r dee 3 . ' . v . -J2 So Front St POMONA HILL NUKSERIES TWP aS4 a naif MUeswestof Greensboro. Sr P 'he main line t$g r. $ p. r. R. pJ ngh the grounds and ' within 100 ArH am . i J-i twice rf5iTr:r ii? JI?rE in item iralns makes tona mi SaKrirt V16 largest Nursery tn frt f th0 largest m the outfc vi Appies, reatu, iu. v wajayK. S?? Nectarines, Mulberries, Quince, rapes. auunu lognefreetottppijcflnta. Vi5SIM5?.CItea. ' SSatrlDt in Cat- - WU EDO t,,;-1 "a, Guilford Co., Countv. win dj nJ - 7 , ' good paying. .coinmlssloa