' lO Absolutely Pure, TUla powder never vanes. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesonieness. M ore econ omical than tne ominary Kinds, ana cannot oe Bold In competition with tne multitude of test, snort weierht alum or phos pnate powders.. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK ijsa i'owdjsk CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 38 d&wly tenrm 4thpd 3rdpw WEDNESDAY. JAN. 23. 1880. V THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. (Star Report Condensed.) Raleigh, January 22. The Sen ate cast its vote for United States Senator to-day, Messrs. Emry and Lusk having befen appointed tellers. Mr. Pou placed in nomination, for " the Democratic party, Hon. Matt. W.Ransom. Mr. Lusk placed in nomination Mr. Oliver H. Dockery. ; Messrs. Blair, Lyon and Moore sec onded the nomination of Hon Matt. W. Ransom; Mr. Rice seconded the nomination of 'Mr. Dockery. On the ballot, Ransom received 33 votes and Dockery 13 votes. In the House, Mr. Phillips intro duced a resolution to allow Nash county to levy a special tax. Mr. Dills, to amend the public school laws so that the school fund shall be paid directly into the State Treasury. A resolution was taken up in atracting the committee on railways to look into the matter of the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Baird spoke upon the condition of the road. He said the company which had leased it is not complying with the con tract, .and proper steps should be taken to protect the State's interest. The House adopted the resolution. The Speaker announced Messrs. Lyon and Walser as tellers in the election for Senator. At noon the Speaker . declared the nomination for, Senator in order. 'Mr. Lyon, of: - Bladen, dominated Hon. Matt W. Ransom; Mr. Walser nominated O. H. Dockery. Mr. Carter seconded the nomination of Ransom, and Amis, of Granville, seconded the nomination of Dockerv, as did Hoi- loway, of New Hanover. The result of the ballot was announced Ran -som 80; Dockery 30. A resolution in regard to the Blair Education bill (substitute offerei by the Committee on Education) was taken up and .passed by a vote of 99 to 8. uu&cleiTs Arnica salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcersr Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert R;: Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. i m IN CONGRESS YESTEKD AY. . V ' . SENATE. Wasttttjoto'V. .Tn.22. Airion'!?th i various memorials Dresented was a I ludicrous one presented by Mr.Vest, ! signed by a number of dentists, ask- ing thata bounty of a dollar per tooth extracted be allowed to Auier- ican dentistsin order to encourage portion of city at 5 A. M., 12.00 M. and 4.45 P. honest industry, lower the cost 0J.er-.Plntaoft,Mtclt,',l,iB.A-Ml patients, and encourage iinlnigra- j tion of dentists from other narts of the world, thereby making a Uetter . : market for agricultural luid other products of this country.'- Laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Riddleberger, Senate bill directing a survey of the National-road from the Aqueduct Bridge to Mount . Vernon, and ap proDriating $10,000 therefor, to be expended under direction of t he War : Department, was passed. - The Senate resumed consideration of the tariff bill. The'date for the bill to go into ef fect was changed from the 1st of February, 1889, to the 1st of July, -1889. .There being no farther amend ments offered the vote was taken, tn agreeing to the substitute, and then on the passage of the bill. Both votes were identical, yeas 32, nays 30. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House went into Committee of the Whole (Mr. McMillin of Ten nessee, in the chair), on the River and Harbor Appropriation bill. Mr, Macadoo, of New Jersey, moved to strike out an appropria tion of $125,000 for the improvement of Ahuapee harbor, wis., and ridi culed the item as being for tlie im provement of the harbor which formed part of a farm owned by an individual. ' Mr. Macadoo's motions was lost, and pending further action the comf mittee rose and the House at Ave o'clock adjourned. SHE IS "RATEFUI" by a prompt use of Dr. Ackers Eng-' lish - Remedj' for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harrimajt. New York. ' ington, Munds Bros., druggists. STATE NEWS. Charlotte News: It was reported in town yesterday . that - Mr. Will Overton, who is a conductor be. tween Spartanburg and Asheville, was set upon a couple of days ajro by two roughs, and very badly beaten. He is a step son of Rev. Mr. Wliary, now: of Mboresville, but who was for a longtime pastor of the church at Rocky River. He has gone to his father's home. The particulars of the affair have not been learned. Charlotte Chronicle:' Charlotte lias a female physician. Dr. Annie Alexander has been practising med icine here since May, 188 She is aj Medical College of Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia. That school.is of the "regular" Allopathic profession. Dr. Alexander took a three years' course j in the college, ana then spent a year in a hospital. She is. the daughter of J. B. Alexander, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Mecklenburg county. The Doc -tor savs that for the first six months after her locating in Charlotte, the prejudice against a woman plivsi cian was such as to-almost discour ; m,(i hp After she had secured the practice of a few families, however, she saw her wav clear; and from that day to this she has found her practice steadily increasing. Even vet there is no inconsiderable preju dice to a woman doctor, and strange to sav this is to bo found among a class who jare, regarded as of the more intelligent. She practises only among women and children. PROMPTNESS. First a cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. "I took Dr. Acker's .English Remedy for Consumption the moment I begau to cough and 1 believe it saved my life." Waltkr N. Wallace, Wash Munds Bros., druggists - - - - - - -m o. LEMON ELIXIK Its Wonderful Effect on tlie Liver, Stom ach, Bowels, Kidney ami Ulootl. li Moziev's Lemon iMixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively ,i li'li" yl a.: i! cures an minousuess, onsupawon, Indigestion, Hea.lache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blocthes, Pun pies, Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver. stomach and kidneys,, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. , Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle, isoUl by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta; Ga. LEMON HOT lKOPS. For coughsand colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. 1 For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant; and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. D Atlanta, Ga. ni th sat THE MAILS, fhe malls close and arrive at. the City Post omce as follows: j ; CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 11.00 P. M Northern through and way malls. . N. C. and A. & N. c. Railroads and 8.00 A. M routes supplied therefrom. . . . . , Kalelgh & Fayettev?e 8.00 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 3.00 P. M. Southern way malls Southern through malls DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Western malls (C. C. Railway). . . . Cape Fear & Y V R R and points sup plied therefrom. ; Raleierh & Hamlet R. K. and points 9.15 P. M. 1.00 P. M 1.00 P. M. supplied therefrom -. 1.00 P. M Smithvllle i 1.30 P.M. Wrightsville L 8.00 A. M. Clinton, special. J 3.15 P. M Specials for Maxton, Wadesboro, Monroe and Charlotte 5 45 P. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. II. and; intermediate offi M. ces . 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS "AND FRIDAYS. Little River. S. C.i and Intermediate " onices 3 i. .. 6.00A.M. Cape Fear River mail .? 1.00 P. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way mails . . 8.30 P. M. xwttoiWaUi. .11.00 P. M. . 0.30 A. M. ( Southern way mails . 9.30 A. M Carolina Central R. R. . 2.30 P.M. Malls collected from street boxes in business General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. Ji.-and on Sundays from n.oo to 10.00 A. M 1 "!irnpr'j hp nupru itnnn nn Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open irom a. m. 10 b f. ju.., continuous. Stamp Office open from aoo A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M to 10 a. 31. and 1 to 7 p. ai. : j TERRIBLE FOREWAltNINGS. Cougli in the morning,' hurried or difficult breathing, raising of phlegm, tightness in the chest. quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at nignt, ail oc any 01 rnese tningsare tnenrst stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy for Consumption will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Munds Bros., druggists. Astonishingly: Low i - PricesonallK ndsandQual- ities of Foot Wear at French & Sons'. It, is conceded that you can get better Shoes for the money at French's than elsewhere. You only have to price them yourself to be convinced. Do not forget weare selling Double-Sole and.Heayy Shoes, es pecially inMen'sDepartment? at greatly reduced prices. Geo. It. French & Sons, jan 19 tf 108 Noril Front St. COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. - Jan. 23.-2:30 P. M. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady : at 43 cents. Sales of receipts at 43 cents. "- : - -! i ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for strained and 82 h , cents for good I strained.- r ! TAR Firm at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.35 for hard, $2.50 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet." The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary, 6 5-16; good ordinary, 7; low middling, 8 15-16;middling 9 7-16; good middling 9 13-16. Receipts to-day: Spirits. 124;rosin, 884; tar, 102; crude, 56; cotton, 222. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murcbison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Br barque Aurea, Tornebohn, Sa vannah, Ga,Paterson,Downing&Co CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, "Williams & Murchison. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JAN. 18. 1888. Cotton ashore, 5,709; afloat, 4,607; total, 10,316. Spirits ashore, 1,575: afloat, 359; total, 1,934. Rosin ashore, 82,230; afloat, 10,306; total, 92536. ' Tar ashore, 2,952. RECEIPTS FROM JAN. 11 TO JAN. 18. Cotton, 1,716; spirits, 1,028; tar, 875? rosin, 8,348; crude, 477. EXPORTS FROM JAN. 1 TO JAN. 11. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,001; spirits, 573; rosin, 703; , tar, FOREIGN. Rosin, -10,683. e Acme MANUF ACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF F-enilizers, Pine Fibre and 7 Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. ffHE KEPDTATION OF OUK FERTILIZERS 1 the ACME and GEM, Is now established, anC the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure. Tbe MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine. Is conceded to be equal to any wot) carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vir lues not roiina m any other raDnc The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a nlllnff for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against insects. 1 certificates from reliable parties uslnsr ou goods can be seen at our office, or will bo mall, ed upon application. lan 4 tf Homes in North Carolina. nfr 20 flours Ride from New York I iUilesoutA oflialeih n the Calelgh and AngnaU Air-Line B B. 1,500 ACKKS OF LAND IN THE ong leaf plno region. For sale on easy terms is ?16 to salt purchasers. Four acres for $25. verger iracts $5 per acre. In, month! pay cents of 10. Ibis land adjoins tne "Soutt--m fines", a recently established health rc- ort (oi Banltarlam), and Is specially adapted .;t rruii uniiure. aB vreii as all tne cereals. number of New England people have bougfal ots in sue wwn or "soutnferc rine?, ana n e. the dealre of the owners of this land to in- iace small farmers, mechanics and others rota the New England and Middle States, ae veil as eisswnere, to locate here. o state in the Union offers greater Inducements to eet ilera than North Carolina Nowhere can butter tarmlnx country or as fine a climate be round. This is the opinion of Northern men vvno nave setuea in ?ortn Carolina This if a tcnafide offer, and la limited ITcr f nrther particulars write at once to J'.'HN T. FATUiCK, Commis'r of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C or B. A RICHARDSON, ? -21 if Chronicle Ofilo -'nirnstt. Ui tfEAK. UNDEVELOPED PART r the liody enlarged and strengthened. Full partictt ra eent sealed tree. EKIK MED. CO.. Kctfalo. N. Ti nPCCncnS nan HFRVnilCMrCQ Lackof TiSo sin oi over- won, maiscrciion. etc. address kt The MAGAZINE. Brutilollj Illustrated. 25 tts., $3 hn. ITS SCOPE. THE AMERICAN M AO Ami:, gives prererence to national tonics nn scenes, and its literature and art are of th uiyucaLSLuuua.ru. f amous American writer nu its pases witn a wide vanetv of intar lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial ana snort stories, descriptive accounts nf nnr turcuiuai pruuieins oi ine period, and.m short Distinctively Representative of American Thousrht and "Prncncc It Is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the j jugu-vioas luuuLimea. Till 11 UT tiiTl 1 A Specimen Number, with A III M"I I illustrated Premium List. ana special inducements in Cash or Valuable irrtuui um; lu v;iuo itaisers, wiu oe sent on re- ceipi. ipc, u uiis paper is mentioned. tsr Responsible and energetic persons want ed, to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., teb . 749 Broadway, New Yorfc i AMERICAN MISCELLANEOUS, r Diaries for 1389. LARGE ASSORTMENT For Sale Cheap at s Heinsberger's Turner's Almanacs Branson'sAInjcs, Millir'sAImanacs, Blum's Almanac, ALL FOR 1889! Wholesale and retail cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Jan 4 ; , C. Orrefl, j (T .N STILL BE FOUND AT COKN1SK VP Third and Princess, where he will give prompt attention to business. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horse boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. ' I still Have a very Hue Hearse for funeral oc casions. R. C. OR HELL, I.i very and Sale Stables, Corner Third and Princess Sts. jan3tf Amioiiiic mntv The Mercantile Association of tlie Carolina rjTEREBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that It Is open for business and ready to serve its patrons. ' Offices located on second floor of the Orton House, In the old office of Hotel. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE Jan9tf CAROLINAS. Por the Holidays. A Large ;andWell-Selected Stock of Breech and Muzzle Guns, niX lsEti AND SFUKXSMAW'S SUP1'L,IJS Of EVery Description. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. C, No. 10. SCUKDDLR WPIXGiOr- SEACOAST R. R. IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:43iA. M. From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave .. Leave. . . Leave... 7:3T a. m 20 p. m Leave.. Leave.. 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. 2:30 p. in I Leave 5:00 p. m. "Trains or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CnADBOURN, Jr., dec24tf General Manager. v - Th? Cheapest rj'HE BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place in the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street. North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited. dec 7 tf Societv Work. fmE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladles' and Children's aprons a specialty. Orders left at the Rectorv. or u Tsrnrth iiuru screei, win meet witn prompt attention Caroiina House, 8. E. Corner of Princess and Second Sts., HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A FIRST Class Bar. Lunch Room and Wpsrmirant xue unest wines, wniskeys and Cigars al ways on nana, lioara ana Lodcincr hv thp ri week or month. New River Oysters m season' dOM KOCH. oct 27 Corner Second and Princess. H. CRONENBERG'S Prices forCabinet Photographs Will be, until further notice, $3 OO FEfi DOSEIT. Jan a All Work Guaranteed. u -1 o IL CO GO 00 X 1 a ti James v. Muuds, Agt , DRUGGI8T. FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AND A Chemicals. Physicians' Prescriptions cialty. Fancy and Toilet Article m tTr riety. Artesian WeU Mineral and try a glass FREE, water; come In 3 an 15 Dental Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL PREPARP-n to do all kinds of first class 1 DentS l Wort i S low prices. Full sets or nrt. sto ffced m short time, feeui Trtfedwith: OUt pain. JAS.E.KRA - : . E. cor Market and Front sts. HTA few comfortabift mnmi samebulidrng. J an iBlm MISCELLANEOUS Attention is Galled To'a feAV pairs of VK1T NICE BED BLANKETS whioK VBRYOHEAP. Thompson's Corsets. A complete line oi sizes, wener yorsecs .ox good st vle J'l"clc . - ------- p-yies fl ; iadieb Gents5 andlChilciWh'sUnder AT CLOSING OUT PRICES "h OSLYA FF.W WKAPN-And they must be sold, it terest to se them. - : ' imWfTlTLK M VIIfTifl SOIllR VPrv tritA AKX SQUARE A fewclamaged by water and wiil bes n nrices. ' - - 0 for l F ...irTiM w vulvar fiA iprTa a , M ANI ViS liYI3 that will astonish you- window SHAUK Of all AND Ma tun iv A ssooia ti on OF U AHJUN(i'i ON. 1). C. Assets -, f314.072.10 Liabilities None. . Paid to members . ..$120,083.31 -o- IIORATIO BKOWNINO, President. GEGRGE D. ELDKIDGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary.. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An IneontesMblc Policy. Maturity Value ln;Casn at FLxfd Age Annual Coit Absdlnrely Lijritt;i. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Fon'ei table A tier Tim- Years i. S. lilDDEI.LK. M. D. Medical Director W fl. GIBSON, Special A?eni nomeOfliee, 1,215 v Street, N- V. .lOHN HA AH, Jr., Local Agent. or:tafi- wiiniintron n n rjpo INCREASE TRADE.,' THE ' BALANCE of our stock of WINTER DRESS COODS at actual cost. JXO. J.IIEDRICK. -n- arm s: J INTER UNDERCLOTHING VCtM awn tlemen will be sold without regard to cost. Lfnlaundrled Shirts Shirt, made at 1.00. at 59c, 75c and the best ; JNO. J. HEDRICK. rO- i VI JN WHITE-GOODS,; LACES, HAMBURGHS and HANDKERCHIEFS now on hand. JNO. J. HEDRICK. Attractive. QUR STOCK OF TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS and DOYLES, FRINGED TABLE CLOTHS and ai'kins, in sets, viy cheap. Jan2tt j JNO. J. HEDRICK. FROM PIER;29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORE Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 O'clock. P. M. GULF STREAM BENEFACTOR...."" PIOTSTRPR 4onaay, Jan. U vurday, Jan. 19 : Wednesday, Jan. 23 ...Saturday, Jan. 26 ! pruLF stream".'.'.'.".'. FROM WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR.. PIONEER 1 GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR. . . .-Sunday, Jan. 13 ......Wednesday, jangle i Tuesday, JanT22 .-riuay, Jan. 25 tar- tar- Through Bill3 Ladincr nn . Kates guaranteed to andfrom points 1 vZSZ and south OAmiin, m points in North --For Freight or Passage apply to " H G. SMALLBON sfflgtotendM.t ' THEO. E. EGER, rrimJ WM. p. CLYDE & col. Genl AgSftI Yrk" janj3 .roadway T FULLY PREPARED TO wnwvTon tte ?K Sa city Also a flnf asnnt of tne Brushes and Combsr a. ftn2SlSSLSoaPt of Cigars and Cicrafetter il as5rtIrent' my store Night, and Sly 1 Can o;t,o tf JOIlN SHEEHAN, the Drumrist ' jan 14 - ' fGUAR ANTEED TO OUTWEAR fANY CUSTOM-MADE CORSET 1 ATF77S.-4I2 BROADWAY. A. V. Jt jan 21 4w 1 : i o. colors an V. styles. clntire, V w orth "Front's - . 1 -" -1UC """.I. repair it'Pn)1D ,", at low prices. - I propose to make my- Uxing Will tlfk U'AKl- rli ' mucn lor aomg it. call nnA mi nait, repairs I have already S e pair Sewing Machines. jiSLJtt J &c, as well as Fniit-illnctiwJ much for dolns- it. n ,L?S Furniture: give estimates or nrohnhTl cheSv come and see nee. :.e. . of 1 Oct 2:1 ELF-RlSDju; t & invaluable AUTICLB ' .A. ... ducins1 fn a few minutes," by the cold wafer or milk, mor,t delicious Buckwheat Cak " -Cf - MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OK IlALf. v - GALLON CANS. -o- Fresh Veet?b!es and Fruit B3' every steamer Preserves and Jellies BY TIIK POUND, For sale by ' Jno. L. Boatwright nov 1517SaFroiita Sportsman's Supplies, -o- Guns, Pistols, Knives and Ammunition. 3ST03STE BETTER The Jacobi Axe, Every One" Warranted. Merchants wi the most salable. Timbermen declare it the BEST MADE. Wheelwrights and Carriage - Makers Will find that we are Headquarters for Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Axels and WW -We sell the Philadelphia Eagle car riage Bolt, which 13 the BEST ..... - MADE. Will find a large assortment of Fishing: ijwb, sucn as Gill and Seme twu Not Llnesjjtope, Lead and Fisn-, lng Tackle of all kinds. HOUSEKEEPERS Will b Khnwm v.. -i .VionnPSt W of Cooking and Heating Stoves in tne cw and many other useful household ara- - cles, such as . Coffee Mills, sauce J pans, iron Mortars, etc. We Want .ir Trade I And Shall "do all va non tr TilAnsfl vou. Wtl 8 PRICES AND GOODS. M". Jacobi Hardware Co., dec3 12 so. Fronts, has revolutionize world duruilWP t1 Wonders of inventive prfxfJ method and trrefoTn n t1' thnt. Kl 1 nf aU over the country withou ; ting the WOrkftra fmm their hnmes. YJZ, any on young or old: younff or oiri. rn oiWini ahinrv rpnnirea. S. nreaea;you are started uw. out and return to us and we will sen&JWzZ ?eHilng: of great value and import fou. that wiu start you In business. iiiS you in more money right awaT." anythlncr 1ra in th riH nmnd ouu r Address Turns & Co.i Augusta aine v uuiu jyw , John Werner OULb'RESPKiyrFTTT.LY ANNV$fw M;0 his fripnrta onrt tho nnhllC ECDCr that he Is now back at his old stand, Market street zvhih haa hon thof0oi overhaulfid -ypn-ifro oh T-ofumished. INVENTION first class workmen, sharp razors and P attention he. hopes to continue to patronaire of the publlo - - A . so. All Of his fnrno ia nnn. ntirvntratOU 2a.Market Bt. " ' - '

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