Congress to erect a raonuraent to T Nathaniel Macon. " ' - In the House the Committee on; . . . A. ,1 9 r V I r - Atjncaiiure reporieu ""'J ! bills making four and a half feet the COSIKIEGCIAL HEWS. .WILMINGTON MARKET. 'rJ 0 : Jan. 31.-3:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm MISCELLANEOUS. legal height of a fence; relieving j at 42$ cents. Sales of receipts at 43 Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes, a marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, abort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in can. ROYAL, BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. T. oct 28 d&wly tcnrm 4thDd 3rdpw THURSDAY, JAN. 31. 1839. tii a finvprnor from actirur as Chair man of the State Board of Agricul tore and providing that the Board shall elect its own Chairman. . Mr. Doughton, on behalf of the Committee on Printing, made a re port in Mrhich it was stated that the committee had closed a contract with Joseplms. Daniels as public printer for the next two years, at the present prices prescribed by law. Mr. Johnston, of Pender, to mcor- P orate Long Creek " High School, ender county; Mr. Pearson, to set tle the boundard line between Har nett and Moore counties; Mr. Ham rick to reauire the docketing of United States Court judgments in the Superior Court clerks office of the county in which the property lies. The House adopted, after a pret ty sharp debate, the Senate resolu tion providing that no person who is a loser in a ; contest for a seat in the Legislature shall tie paid any mileage or perdiem, or any other expenses. - i ' The- following bill passed final reading: To amend the charter of the Barga and Oeslow Railroad, so that its capital stock may be increas ed from $300,000 to $500,000, and re pealing that j part . of the charter giving it the right to use convict labor. ; I At a meeting of the House Com mittee on Privileges and Elections this afternoon, the contest of R. M. Groom against R. C. Johnson, from Pender county, was withdraw. ST ATEN E"W S, cents. ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for strained and 82 J cents for good strained. .. . TAR Firm at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20Jfor hard, $2.30 for yellow i . . cup ana virgin. COTTON Steady. The follow ing are- the official Quotations: Ordinary. 6 5-16: good ordinary. 71; low middling, 8 15-16, middling 9 7-16; goou uiiuaiing io-id. . Receipts to-day: Spirits, 117;rosin, a,o5; tar, 372; cruue, iuo; cotton. 4U2. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. - CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayette ville, T D .Love. Schr Edith R Seward, Travis, Porto Kico, E Kidders Son. EXPORTS. . Durham Plant: The D. L. I.'band will furnish the music at the anni versary exercires at Wake Forest College on the 15th of February. It is safe to say that there will be tine music upon that occasion. The D. L. I. band is hard to beat and we doubt that it has an equal in the State. Durham Recorder: The Rt. Rev. Bishop T. B. Lyman officiated at IX CONGRESS YESTERDAY. SENATE. . Washington, Jan. 30. The Sen ate' resumed consideration of the Diplomatic and Consular Appro priation bills, the question being on' the amendments affecting the Sa moan Islands. - Mr. Dolph stated that he could not conceive why the' government . should 8pend$100,000 in establishing a coal station at Pago-Pago, unless the government should insist that all its rights were to continue, ihe took the position that if Congress . "were to interfere in the matter some thing very different from the pend-? St. Philip's Episcopal Church last, ine amendment would be required. Sunday morning to a large con g re If ne were asked what was to be, he j gation, as large as the church build should say that Congress should ; ing would hold. He preached a direct the President to insist upon i most excellent sermon, after which the restoration by the German gov- he administered the right of con ernment of the status quoat the time : urination to a class of t wenty one. of the Washington conference, and to notify the German government that the United States would not permit the Samoan Islands to pass under control of any foreign nation, ; and that their independent autono- ' my must be maintained. He saw no good reason why, if necessary, and if requested by the Samoan people, . an American protectorate should not be established over them, and that, he said, would be an entirely different thing from intervention as practised by European powers on ' the continent-of Europe. Further on he declared that the Monroe ; doctrine should be asserted in refer-' -ence to the Samoan Islands, as they j FORKIGN. Porto Rico Schr Edith R Seward -209,306 ft lumber. were six Biriir- come within its terms. Mr. Morgan spoke of the 'feeble- Among the number ham School boys. Charlotte News: Mr. Alexander Foil, a prominent citizen at Cahar r js, died at his home in Concord last Sunday night, in the 54ti year of his age. The will of the late ilufus Y. McAden, disposing of an estate valued at $850 000,.' was pro bated in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court yesterday. At the outset the will pays a tribute to the character of Dr. John H. Mcs Aden, brother to the deceased, in placing the whole estate in his hands without the requirement of any bond whatever. Wilson Mirror: On Mondav. the 7th, Rm Cm jOrrell TTAS A LOT OF SECOND IIAND BUGGIES LA and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and vehicles for hire and horses Doarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I still have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions. R.C. ORRKLL. Livery and Sale Stables, Jan 23 tf Corner Third and Princess Sts. 2 S3 r.;v Viyr. W-ft ;:?. or Lose of jtemory pej .My M-i-toT-.- Vy nr.: of an entirely .. Tlie v a attta from Spain. .Span ctMf lipvr fins. Gir i;':stratil, jKpsuje boo! i"Htii.tnuil. ttr.t wxioil. K very! man shouli Frci nessM of the measures iroposed. and proceeded question, to review the If the statements whole of the an arrangement went into ef feet whereby Wilson is put into di rect connection with Raleigh. The Wilmington & Weldon and Rich . ,i Bt r : ii : i .i FStates consular agents and i "t iVeiwee,;" Kalelh and is train leaves Raleicrh dailv at 10 j o'clock a. m.,. arriving at Wilson at 12.10, making close connection with i trams for Weldon and all points North. Returning, will leave Wilson at 2:35 p. m., on arrival of train from ; -x 1 TfcT xi J 1 a line rnorxn, arriving ac ttaieign at p. m. There will be no change Drofessimr not to intend the disre gard her treaty stipulations, was as suming absolute control of to gov ernment of Samoa and had sub stantially set up a German govern ment there. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Oklahoma bill was brought to the attention of the House. The bill occupied the attention of the House during the entire after noon. Several other amendments were adopted prescribing the method of uisposingoi iana in new territory, 5:30 of cars between Wilson and Raleigh A SAD STORY. The child coughed. The mother ran. No remedy was near.. Before morning the poor little sufferer was dead. Moral: I Always keep Dr. rhen, pursuant to special order, thei ngusn xveineuy at uuuu, committee rose and reported; the j ros., uruggists. rose and reported the i committed bill to the House. The first vote taken was on Mr. Payson's soldiers1 homesteads amendment, and it was agreed to. Pending further votes the House adjourned. . LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on tlie Liver, Stom acli, Bowels,' Kidney and Blood. Dr. Mozlevs Letupn 11.11x1 r is a pleasant lemon drink that positively cures all Bilhousness, Constipation, : Indigestion, Heaiache, - Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, 1 Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, tor 1 Blocthes, Pimples,Painm Back, Pal THE GENERAL ASSE3IBLY. Mr. 1014 of the Code; v m a t aS viae xor tue election , uacltlen'8 aroica Salve ' The Best Salve in the world Cnts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt pitation of Heart and all other dis Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap-; eases caused by disordered liver. ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all stomach and kidnevs, the first great kin Er options, and positively cures, cause of all fatal" diseases. Fifty Piles or no pay required. Itisguar- j cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold anteeu to kxvo ucncui Btvuiuuuu, ov oruffeist. irreparea oniy dv n. or money refunded. Price 25-cents: Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. per box. . J . -. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, lemon hot orops. wholesale and retail druggist. For coughs and coldsi take Lemon j Hot Drops. For -sore throat and bronchitis, CMessenser Report condensed.) take Lemon Hot Drops. - . 1 . For pneumonia and aryngetis, kigo, Jan SO.-The Senate t take Lemon Hot Drops. printing committee reporcea timt a For consumption and catarrh,take ,wmmvi '"vt uo"'. Lemon Hot Drops maae witu oosepuus au.e.,aa puo- por throat and lung diseases, take ... . I nnmn Hot. Ilrnnc T oRrand Kill amon.l ' . " . IVfi. T.ort 0 ni.A .. 0 i..u. f. . - . ; MVUi ! - n1 .nnnfr enmm ccinnora hv tho . .7. S . aiv t"r. Pi?! r.jBnn. to, protect ti.u ; D-AilanaT'Sa J S er; Mr: cstuDOS, i resolution; to pro-, . : ; : vide for the proper representation j ti.mi lV.b of North Carolina'at the centennial ! OCietY UOrR celebration of Washington's maug- ; oration. It appropriates $1,000 and ' went to Committee on Federal. Re- ' lations. I The Senate refused to concur in: House amendments to a bill to per-' rait the 'sale of corn in certain sec-: tions between sunrise and sunset. The matter goes to a committee on conference.- j - The following bills passed final ' readidg: To so amend the pilotage ; laws as to reduce certain fees and to provide for half fees in certain cases;' to divide Clinton son county Clinton townsmps; to make trespass ; free. Capital not required. Some nave made in Sampson and Duplin counties ' over $50 in a single day at tnis work. All suc opon the lands of persons in order ! ce novafimd w to gainer- w norue perries, aog ton- antei an active man(ONEOUT 'ILE SEWING SOCIETY OP ST. JOHN'S Parlsn solicit orders tor aU kinds of plain and j fancy sewlngr, crocnetlng and embroidery. Ladies and Children's aprons a specialty. Orders left at tne. Rectory, or 224 Nortn Third street, will meet wltn prompt attention noY23tf: deep; of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to llallett & Co., Portland. Maine, and township, Samp I receive iree, ruu iniormauon now eiwersex. into Nnrth nnd Smith ' ,Ji"p.wui'nuwifljwiapwu4ftuu t iULU nUriU.aUU OOUIII nnnaHfa vhanmii thav lira 'Vnn am ctartoH gue or otuer. marKetaoie proaucts unlawful, unless the consent of the lantl owner is obtained. - A resoTutidn was adopted asking f V of employment) salary and wotk ins own locality. ences exchanged. janiuiw to begin on moderate himself up. representing in an established house. Refer- gays jit UorsB. Lock Box 15S5, Ni Y rnmsis a new size of coal about I as large as Peanuts and for certain kinds or stoves naving strong1 araits it; is a very cneap iuei. Keinemoer, - ONLY 4.00 TER TON All other Coals as cheap in proportion and competition will be met all round,! which re- membei. f dec 10 J. A. SPRINGER. The Cheapest. fJ'DE BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place In the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street, North side, between second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders fflven prompt attention. Orders I from the country solicited. j dec 1 tf A. A. BROWN. ' - ! General Insurance Agent, i Firo, Lif v Acc dent. BIG REDUCTIONS MADE ON TERM IN SURANCE. j Office vith McNalr & Pearsall, 331Nutt St. Dinrieo fbr 1389. LARGE ASSORTMENT . For Sale Cheap at Heinsbrger's Turner's Almanacs, Branson's Almanacs, Miller's Almanacs, y Blum's Almanac, ALL FOR 1889! Wholesale and retail cheap at HEINSBKR'GER'S. LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. 1an4 ' ' ' " 1 ' " ' ' ' ISCKLli'AKSOUB Mattings 1 -;::-5or1 Only a limited quantity. WUi be closed out extreme 1 .j ' " ' " -0' - ' .1. ' Ohina .Mattings.' -Waich; ;WilrriVB 'jj: t the nicest assortment that I have eVfi. K s 'fiG sho some REAL IS OVELTfBS Mind vou:ih Y1 hand will be sold awaydown; tn nnnreciate. I Some choice RUGS in great variety: V OAKPKT8 if arid he w styles. Pr,Ces that A BT sQUA K Cjuaacror ext-jra super earned wtVi ders. A few of tnese qamafrea oy water and at a h "aPPttw WIN H) W SHAD K-wAlarge increase in thi Ha,Q- select from.! ;.-,..! VA "ne aridafQlIs - jan 34. . .... v'i ' - T , , . , ... ADmiiincement. END Of The Mercantile ARSociation tlie Carolina rj EREBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC tnat It is open for business antl ready to serve Its patrons. i Offices located on second floor of the Orton House, in the old office or howl Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF TUE Jan 9 tf CAROLINAS. For the Holidays. ' A Large ;andWell-Selected stock of Breech and Muzzle Guns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES Of Every Description. J W. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St.. Wllmin?ton, N. C NORTH pr,v i - " l. ' . - VJ'l'Xlk. v buy ymmmT vm. i i lOUR BROKEN OR . niture to meandi wiii j at lovr prices. " No. 10. SCHKDULK WILMIVGIONfi SKACOAST R. I 75. US. i - ! IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave Leave. Leave. 7:35 a. m 2:30 p. m From Hummocks. Leave J..., Leave.!.... SUNDAY SCHEDULE, .j 2:30 p. in Leave..l... 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. ' 5:00 p. m. fir-Trains or Cars can be chartered durincr the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOURN. Jr., dec24tf j General Manager. Sew Yorfc & 'Wilminsrtor Steamship. Co GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR ANY CUSTOM-MADE CQRSET MAYER,STROUSE&CO.- jan 21 4.w j ' . , ' " j r.lpropotomdketoy, will do the work weir much fordoing it iU m , .repairs I have aireadv pah- sewing- MaK?. "I- 1 come and see oe. - r10 cosi y oct 2 r actual cost. i -. I - : fZO,y:i.i INCREASE Tll:DE. THE BALAKCB ! . ' : " "" J".:'-' f DliESS GOODS, f-t JNO. J.IIEDKrCK: of our stock of ;WJNTE1I Of earing Out Sale, Tfr INTER ft tlemen will be sold UNDERCLOTHING FOR GEN without regard to cost. ; . - r - I'; Unlaundried Shirts at 59c, 75c and boat Shirt made at $1.00. JNO. J. HEDRICK. Special HargaiKS TN WHITE GOODS, LACES, 'HAM BURG IIS and HANDKERCHIEFS now on hand JNO. J. nEDRICK. Attractive. &ELF.KISIK( . JN 3 AND ft LBs. PACKAGE 'N.INvALUABLK'AimCLK,, ducingln a few minutes, by the ld watr or mUk, most delicious Buckwheat Cckrs, MAPLE SYRlf EITHER IN BULK OUINGALLONO " -'" ' GALLON CASS. . 1 ! Fresh Vee:et?bfes ar.dF: UR STOCK OF TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS and DOYLES, FRINGED TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS, in -sets, very cheap. janStf JNO. J. HEDRICK. ' By every steamer ntiii TELEPHONE 4a jan 26 lm MUST BE SOLD. 100 BOXES TOBACCO, j 150 Barrels E. R. SEED POTATOES, 200 Dozen EGGS, ; 20 Barrels ONIONS, lO Boxes LEMONS, 50 Dozen BASKETS, 15 Boxes CHEESE, 15 Barrels CABBAGE, 20O Boxes HERRINGS. On consignment and must be sold.! CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt, 128 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. jan 24 tf d&w - FROM PIER.29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK i . i I Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P. M. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL PREPARED to do all kinds of first class Dental Work at low prices. Full sets or part sets of teeth fur nished in a short time. Teeth extracted with out pain. JAS.E.KEA, S. E. cor Market arid Front Sts. s tA few comfortable rooms for rent In same building. jan 15 lm II. CKONESBERG Will be, until further notice, ' "; $3 00 FEU jan 8' All Work Guaranteed: ; " . ! Preserves and Jell BY Tnfi P0USD. For sale by - Jno. L Boatwriglt, nov 7 15tlTSaftE BENEFACTOR PIONEER. GULF STREAM ...Wednesday. Jan. 30 . . . . . .Saturday, Feb, ....Wednesday, Feb. FROM WILMINGTON- ; " : I i PIONEER Tuesdav. .Jan. oq nrft th rrmr- rm a . " wmv uiir oij3ijvai Fnciay. Feb. ! BENEFACTOR. Tuesday. Feb. C. O. P. COTOON SEED LARD, Throuarh Bills-Ladincr and TiwpRt. Thm Rates guaranteed to and from points in North tuiu owuui v;arouna. ;For Freight.or Passage apply to . H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wllmlnerton. N . THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. ' New York WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gnl Agents, jan 26 . ,35 Broadway, New York. ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. Well to Remember Warranted Freefrom HogFat PURE, ' WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. For sale by aU Grocers. Send for Illustrated pnamphiet, entitled: t "Some Tilings About iArd.' - : - i m COTTON OILPliOBUCT CO SIWIOBK, I For Sale by Holmes & Watters. J. C. Stevpnsnn Jtr. Tn vlor. Jno. L. Boatwright, B ridge rs & Rankin. West i.MJujjKiiia, a. ix, ii oimes, Adrian vouers, k.. w. hicks, MCNair tt PearsaU. Glameyer & Kuck. Wm. Oterson. n m thitsw Vnfflt.r. Jtr vrvtt. TToi: Piimi -m t V- ' J. M. FORSHEE, General Aeent, Jan 10 eod em Wilmington!. N. C. t t!ie U&dy enlarged and trcnjhcneL Fall part lea 1 3-t $2 . O, -Those desiring to1 purchase onoes oi any description it would be well lor them to re member that Geo. R. French & Sons are still at their old stand, 108 N. Front st, where you can find everything in the onoe une anoy get I a Glove Fitting Shoe. Having- every size ana wiatn, irom a b. to W . last, we are able to give you a better fit than can be had elsewhere. Our Ladies' Glove Fitting Bongbla Button Boots JFFFRFRSrsoHHFBFn 1 8 Mr so Lac of in upera and Lom- yiRoil mon Sensptvlf; arp pmnl i n A UUii I . ' J - -''I w vu uuj. .J ,ult cf QTeWort, ladletton. etc. adda or the best $3.00 Shoes; Kemember the place, ' Geo. R, French & Sons, jan85tf XQ8 Nortli Frontt. Carolina House,. P.. E, Corner of Princess and 'second sts., Atlantic Viev, WKIGHTSVILLE, N. C. rjMI8 DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT JS situated at the W rightsviUe Terminus of the nuiujuigwu oeacoasi uauroaa, and there is no charsre for transoortatlon at to the HoteL - . Jud of Music Engaied hi tke 8esi. We are sorry the Soldier Bova havA cnn borne so are the girls. - . Those desirinsr Board, can find cnmfnrtaMe i rooms ana guoa iarp ax reagonable rates, v , M' : WILSON MANNING, - jy 28 tfj . . - proprietor;. KJJiiJta SULlCITiSO FOR THTu WriTiT.n yand-Kemington" Typewriters, the best yv "u.oU pucuu macnines on-tne market. Prices $io and $15 for the World" "and $50, W?' -eAngton. Address vr ,v 1 KJiKy- wiimington, n. c. N. B. Best grade of Ribhnns ftihhon porters and Carbon Paper constantly on hancl. ForReh't.'?; SEVERAL HOUSES, STORES A N L ' "wuia iu oyieiiuiu iocauues. A1SO r M. pb hnnsps on rt Into tn- i:. " "c AU uasa anu uu me mouiniy installment plan.! Rents promptly collected . Taxes and ut.mnw (incui iu wjuium extra charge. MARTIN T.DAVIS. . ieai jisuice Agent, ' Princess st ovl7 tf The Acme MANUFACTURING 00. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 Fertilizers, Pine Fibre arid Pine Fibre MattingV: WILMINGTON.IN.G. rjPHE REPUTATION OP OUR FERTILISERS the ACME andEM,lsnow established. anC the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States - T attest their value as a high grade mannr The MATTING. mateivS tl! . ' native pine, is conceded to 1 equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for itis daily increasing.' jS haa vir fug not toand In: anypther fabric. The FIBRE erivotji. ia pwn6i,,. npholsterlng pnrpose-nJhror Mattresses is aimosc'ennai tn ,oi elastic and proof againsnnsecte" ' - B oemncates from. reliable parties nsinsr on goods can be seen at nnr nffl ?H ed upon application. H AS BEEN REFrTTEP WITH A FIRST. Class Bar. Lunch nonrrt a The finest Wines, Whiskeys and Clgaraalt ways on hand. Board and Ltyioino- WtKv week or month. New mver Ovsth rf. - JOHN KOCH. Oft 27 ; -.. Corner secpnd and Prtncess. - I AM FULLY PREPARED v TO FURNmn JlJ,J:tn the Brushes and Combs, i have a toe assortopiv? J Sportsman's Snppfe --? - " " ... , Guns; Pistols, Knives t IgcAmmunition.v OSTOiSTE BETTEB. -0- lllfTLe Jacobilxe. j Every One Warranted. Merchants; :i :: the most salable. Timbemen deo. . " 7 ; It. the BEST MADE. . . v Wheel wrights arid font', : Makers; 1 Will find that we are neadquartenfi;, r - Spokes, Hubs, Wheeia, AxeU ing ' : : ; ; riage Bolt, which Is tne ius MADE. ' W, i HOUSEKEEPEKS f Will be shown the largest and TO;" ; of Cooking and Heat&g s"fflii ! and many other useful house,. , . - cles, such as Coffee JjuJT : pans, iron Mortara, etc. We Want Your TraM, And shall do all we can topleaseP . - : PRICES AND GOODS. JT. Jacobi Hardware dec 3 James "C.Munds, A FULL LINE OF PUB ' it JLjy LSVV1.-I nicies W rtottr --a rtoofd r, wall Mineral n01 al : and try a glass frjcis. - Jdhiii Werner ' lMnf I V A)' .! UfTOULD RESPECTFUi fT W to This friends and the. PuEnf J,' that he is now back at his orthor : MnrtPt. fifiwt. whicn nas wr. va first class workmen, sharp jraw i. attention he hopes to continue w .. nntrmi Atrft of the DUDllC. ' .tMl " jUarket st. .

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