, m -'i ' " -r : mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tula Dowoer never vanes, a marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesome ness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphatp powders. aUdon iaeoS. ROYAL BAKLNU POWDfiK CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. Oct 26 Q&Wiy tenrm 4iuuu orupw COMMERCIAL OTEWS. - Foterfton's for March. a wplcomf iraest. Peterson March is engraving- airl. ' is a for! WILMINGTON MAKKET. Feb. 11.-2:30 P. M. arlv to harul. The stTel 8EIB1TS TGRPENTINK - Firm I lie ! at ui centg. sales of receipts at Hi ROSIN Firm at 82 cents, for opening chapters of the novelet, "A j strained and 82 cents for good Modern Petruchio," tfive promise of Jf at .torv of unusual brilliancy. a CRUDE TURPEJN TIJN 1 Ulrni " a VotiAt .in f ower fthRrniinL' rricture. The t i- J m- 1 - A 1 3 met "Ml TTA I I All' o-oodlv array of capital snort stones, at ior naru, .w mw U1U tUU VllK"1' COTTON Dall ana nominal. Tha Daily Review, MONDAY. FEB. 11. 1889. STATE NEWS. Winston Daily: The residence of Capt. W. R. Murray, of Greensboro, was burned last night. His son, Robert, and Mr. Roland Taylor lost everything they had but what they could put on, and barely escaped themselves. The fire was discover ed in the roof of the house. Mr. Mur ray had some insurance. Lincolnton Courier: Charlie, the fifteen year old son of Mr. George Pasour, who lives near Hardii. was elMJpping wood a few weeks ago, when the axe flew off the handle, and hit him in the head, cutting a deep gash, and injuring his eyes. It is thought he will lose one of hfs eyes, if not both of them. Concord Times: Salisbury is se riously contemplating a proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $ 100, nnn t.r imnrove the town by putting in an electric light plant, paving the j streets, and introducing a system or sewerage. Hickory has just put in electric lights, and other towns all over the State are moving in this direction. Charlotte Chronicle: There is con siderable sickness among children in Charlotte just now. In one of the rooms at the Graded School, where the enrollment is 70, only 17 scholars were present on Thursday. rDr. J. S. Bell, of Matthews, who was in the city yesterday, says that in and around Matthews there are twenty three cases of measles. The disease 0 .lovoiiwii i malignant, three GLO JW V. IVIVWva -w ' , . u. hints on household economy, me latest fashions, fully illustrated, and numerous pretty designs for the work-table, make up a fine number of this popular lady's magazine. The Peterson Magazine Co., Philadel phia. To Kqalize Freight Rates. A meeting of railroad officers and railroad commissioners has jus1 been held at Columbia, S. C, forthe purpose of unifying freight rates Among the prominent railroad men present were Sol. Haas, traffic man ager Associated Railways of Virgin ia and the Carolinas; Col. T. M. R. Talcott, vice president Richmond and Danville Railroad; D. Cardwell, district freight and passenger agent Richmond and Danville Railroad; T. M. Emerson, general freight and passenger agent Atlantic Coast Line; F. W. Clark, general freight and passenger agent Seaboard Air Liue. The meeting was for the pur pose of securing a more uniform freight classification, and some de tails of the proposed freight tariff were discussed. No action was taken, however, as it was decided to suspend negotiations until after the -meeting of the railroad commis sions of the several States, to be held in Washington, March The folio wine are the official quotations Ordinarv. 6: srood orfinary, 8 3-16; low middling, 9; middling 9f ; good middling lOfc Receipts to-day: Spirits, 71; rosin, 744; tar, 137; crude, 6; cotton, 434. MARINE NEWS. 5th. Chamber of Industry. The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Industry will meet to night at the Mayor's office. All members are urgently requested to be present as matters of great im portance to the city at large will be brought befoie the meeting. A legis lative committee will be appointed to draft and send to Raleigh bills that are very much needed. One is in regard to free taxation for, say five years, to encourage the estab lishing of new industries. Another matter will be to amend the law regarding assignments, providing for a bond to be given by'assignees. There is no provision of this kind in the present law and merchants and commercial agencies are urging a change. Also, that assignees be re quired to render accounts to the be ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, ToniUnson, Fayetteville, T D Love. . Kfhr Rva A Danenhower, John son TCw York. Geo Harriss. Son & Co. - ; mM Schr Mary E Bacon, Eskridge, Baltimore, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Schr Mary A Trainer, Walston, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Br schr Pickup, Starratt, Demer- ara, E G Barker & Co. - - -CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, TTflvetteville. T D Love. shr f!hs C Lister. Robinson, Philadelnhia. via Bueksville. S C, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Nor barque Ida, Anderson, Fleet wood, Williams & Murchison. EXPORTS, FORKIGN. Fleetwood Nor barque Ida 1,000 casks spirits, 1,553 bbls rosin. CORSETS ! -o- The Good Luck, Price 50 cts: for the price the bestn the world o- THE SELMA, PRICE 75 CENTS; A French Woven Corset worth a Dollar. MISCELLANEOUS. Well to Remember MIBCBLLANSOUfc. rtts un Those desiring to purchase Shoes of any description it would- be well ior them to re member that Geo. R. French & Sons. are still at their old io8 N. Front st., where you can find everything in the Shoe Line ana get i uiuv.. Fitting Shoe. Having every size and width, from a B. to W. last, we are able to give vou a better fit than can be had elsewhere. Uuriaaies uiuvc Fitting DongOla Button Boots at $2.50, in Opera and Com mon Sense styles, are equal to the best s.oo Shoes. , Remember the place, Geo. R. French & Sons, jan 35 tf 1U8 w orin rrum,au nr. o .-.v -.4 r Ru ttiiilaO KIa.ii Jfe Mc . m m mj AW v mm w . -m. - . wmii II n I and we do it right For the Holidays. A Lartre andrWell-Selected Stock of Breech and Muzzle Guns, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S Of Every Description. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St. . Wilmington, N. Cj Denial Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL I'KEPARED t o do all kinds of llrst class Dental Work at low prices. Full sets or part sets of teeth f ur nifthPrt in a short t ime. Teeth extracted with- .."... - t i a w ll? A a r rnr Market and Front Sts. few comfortable rooms for rent in 3 an iaim out pain. same hulldlng. H. CRONENBERGTS Price forCabinet Photoffralis Will he, until further notice, $300 FEE DOSEN. jan 8 All Work Guaranteed. Dr. Strnsr'sTric ra, PRICE $1 00; An Excellent Corset for Young-Ladles -.--x nn 'PhnraHniv itiiu TKi ca,u Drooaoiv oe ar- ilORTMV I I , t - II II 1 111. Ull r - w V i- .' TitrboTO Southerner: Tuesday even j ranfed at the present term of the insr J. B. Clonian's residence near j I slatm.e it is claimed that the ... 1 1.. A11 Vti'n fimni Hamilton, witu neariy mi "": , 01.wiit of North Carolina merchants -1 r r- 1 i : . . -. - -t- r x . ,- i ture, wasvurnea. ine me rwu on the roof, which causfht from sparks from the chimney. When he discovered it the flames had spread over an area nearly three feet in diameter. He attempted to extin guish them with water, but his efforts vere unavailing. His loss is about $4,000; insurance $750, on fur niture. Goldsboro Argus: it will come with saddening effect to the few that remain in this commuity who knew him, the news of the death of Junius Cr. Slocumb, Esq., which is reported to his nephews in this city yesterday by telegram as occurring Friday evening, February 8th, at Hernando. Miss., in the nAu vor of hi acre. Mr. Slocumb will be greatly damaged, now their attention has been called to these facts, if no change is made. R. 6h Dun & Co. are asking contributions to aid in getting this law in North Carolina but why should it be neces sary to raise any money at all for such a purpose? If the law is to be enacted at all let it be done without the aid of money. Sudden Death. Mr. P. H. Flannagan, of More head City, who has been nere a short time, serving as steward on the dredge boat Pugh, died very Dr. Warner's Ooraline, PRICE $1 00; A very Popular corset. No. 10. SCHEDULE WlLllSQlOfti 1 I IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From. Wilmington, Iave 7:35 a. m Leave.. 330 p. m From Hummocks. Leave 8:10 a. m. Leave 5:10 p. m. Dr. Warner's French Model, 1.00; A Perfect Fitting Corset. was the last surviving brother of our ; suddenly, of heart disease, late Sat iate revered and lamented towns-; urday evening. He had been ex- man, Maj. joim kj. . f '"""i"' j rjecting his wife to join nim nere and had gone to Front street depot to meet and welcome her but mis- T. & O. i understood the hour for the arrival TrtVin cJ. Slocumo, ana: settled in Mississippi m ii5i more than half a century ago. j Charlotte News: passengers w no arrived in the city on the A. train this morning report the death of the train ai)(i HO missed his at Tavlorsville. last nignt, ui . Mcintosh, the postmaster at that place. Mr. Mcintosh was 70 odd years old. IJ is death was caused by iBrighVs disease. The residence of Mr. John B. Todd, of Paw CreeK township, was burneu winrgrouuu about dusk yesterday afternoon. wrA C oil Vii householu et nr. xuuu ivdi - j fects, the tire making a clean sweep. ; The familv had been absent for two j rl there had been no ure in the house. The burning was the work of incendiaries. LEMON ELIXIR It Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom ach, Bowels, Kidney and Blood. Dr Mozlev's Lemon Elixir is 8 pleasant lemon drinkthat positively cures all Billiousness, Constipation, ' Indieestion, Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Cbills, Blocthes, Pimples,Pam in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases Fifty . rlnlhvr ner bottle oln bv druggist. Prepared only by Mnzlev.- M. D.. Atlauta, (ia. wife. He then started back to the boat arid when near the corner of Front nnrl Ann streets, fell to the side- wvt 7 walk and died in a few moments, from an .affection of the heart. Mrs. Flanagan had in the meantime arrived and not finding her husband nf thp ripnnt took a carriage ana drove up town to look for him. She fnnfl him at the City Hall, where the body had been taken, and from whence it was afterwards removed to Mr. iVoolvin's undertaking rooms, just opposite. The remains were taken to Morehead to day for inter ment, accompanied by the widow. It was a very sad affair and our people have sympathized deeply with Mrs. Flanagan in her distress. Dr. Wa ner's Health, $1.25; Recommended hy Physicians. Leave. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. ft30p.m I Leave...... 5:00 p. m tw Trains or Cars can be charteid during the Winter monthsT&t reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOUJtN, JR., dec 24 tf General Manager. -o Dr. Warner's Abdominal, $2.00; Admirable for Stout Ladles. J, B. 8ewed Corset, $1.00; Celebrated Throughout the Country. The Cheapest. 1'IIEBEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place In the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street. North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders eflven prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited. dec 7 tf A. A. BROWN, Oeneral Insurance Agent, Fire, Life, Accident, BIG REDUCTIONS MADE ON TERM IN SURANCE. Office with McNalr & PearsaU, SSlNutt St. J. B. French Woven. $1 OO; The Pride of the Parisians and recommended by Worth, the great Parisian Artist In Ladles' attire, for the accuracy and perfection of Its anatomi cal proportions. We have an assortment of sizes in all of the above styles. They are offered at lowest N. Y. prices. H. LEMON HOT OROPS. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. , ' ttL For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. " For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops, For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Prepared by fl. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. m thsat 'ANTED AN ACTIVE MAN (ONE OUT of employment) to oem uu and work nimseu up, i?P1T53ruif7i5r ;anty. an estaousne awuw. - tsncfcien's Arnica Salve The Besi aive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt puomn PWer Srres. Tetter. Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all j Skin Eruptions, ana positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. saTBT Uto own locality. exchanged. GlTSMW HOUSE, Atlantic View, WRIOHT811LLE, N. C. -pllIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IS situated at the Wrlghtsvllle Terminus of the w-iimincrtnn sp:iroftst Railroad, and there is M1"'w" .. - ' . - . no chargefortransponation 01 seuur ujs to the ntef. Rud of Susie h$ml m tjtim. We are sorry the Soldier Boys have gone home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can find comfortable moms and srood fare at reasonable rates, rooms anujpfuu lsoh MANNING, ff&tt: iroprtetor. SATTEENS. Fifty pieces New styles English Satteens. 20c. quality at 12 cents. The The 35c. quality at cents. -O - AT I'ltACTI VJES Prices and Sty es Tn li.Tiit ciiorlaa and wflchf in WintAF DreSS Goods, suitable for early Spring Wear. We havfi madfithem lumndurintr the nast week. We have a splendid line left. Bargain seekers should can early. JNO. J. HE BRICK, feb 5 tf INVENTIONS among the wonders of inventive progress Is i method and system of work that c i i he per formed all over the country wlthou ; separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay nb eral: anv one can do their work: either sex. votintr or old: no soeclal abllitv reaulred. Cap ital not needed: you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to you, that will start yob in business, which will brine you In more money rltrht away, than anything else In the world. Grand outfit free Address True & Co., Augusta Maine, nov 22 tund 1 yw Society Work. I 'HE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S lcit orders for all lands of plain and crocheting and embroidery. TELEPHONE 4a jan 26 lm For Rent. SEVERAL HOUSES, STORES AJN-. Rooms in sDlendld localities. Also houses and lots tor sale for cash and on the monthly installment pi an. Rents nromotly collected . Taxes andl Insurance attended to without extra charge. MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, ov 17 tf 1W Princess St i ran VVK MAKE HA mow mM rrinjiv A TtK88fci TO FIT YOUR BED. HO WELL & CUMMING. opposite City Hall. febstf 7- GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR J AMY CUSTOM-MADE CORSET . 5. 2 BROADWAY. A. V. J jan 21 4w The A iL.-RisiN& BUCKWHEAT a 1 MANUFACTURfiBS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON. N.( IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PAC S INVALUABLE ARTICLE ), rinninrr in a fim. . old wntfli nr mm- j... . . uciirjiiUS 11 A PI U UVhlih EITHER nrmiLK OR IN nxi nl J 'ML gallon cans. o t iwiif wire Ollu f By every steamer - BV TIIK POl'.XD. CO. P. COTTONSEED LARD, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. riMIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the-ACME and OEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet ior comfort and durability and th mr it is dniiv lncreasine. It has vir tu'es not round in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses-is nlmost equal to hair, being light elastic and proof against, insects. rAfrifirrs from reliable narties usinu ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mall ed upon application. i&n 4 tf ow fteady. 1AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public generally with the Purest Drugs fhat can be found in the citv. Also a fine assortment of Toilet Soap, Brushes and combs. I have a fine assortment of Cigars and cigarettes. I can be found at niy store Night and Day. JOHN SHEEHAN, the Druggist, octi3tf N.W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. Announcement. Tlie Mercantile Association of the Carolinas EREBY ANNOUNCES. TO THE PUBi.IC1 that it is open for business and ready to serve its patrons. Offices located on second floor of the Orton nouse, in the old office of Hotel. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE jan 9 tf CAROLINAS. . Don't Delay. gEND YOUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR nlture to me and I will repair it promptly an at low prices. I propose to make my living this way and will do the work well and will not charge too much for doing it. Call and see some of the repairs I have already made. I will also re pair Sewing Machines, Musical Instruments, sc., as well as Furniture, will cheerfully give estimates or probable cost of repairs. Come and see me. J. B. FARRAR. oct 29 No. 11 N. Second st. For sale by uiiu. II. uum, rwr ynr C-T nov u ii oum . M . W . 1. L 1 . . . m r I Guns, Pistol?, Knives Ammunition. KTA-"KT-tr TO-rrr-trmciTS The Jacobi Axe. LT'itt? ino urAvwnnrnn unrnnun v win the most salable. Timhermen dec it the BEST MADE. Warranted Freefrom HogFat H Parish sol PURE, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. or sale by all Grocers. Send for Illustrated Phamphjet, entitled: "Some Things About Lard." THE UIHON OIL PhOH CT CO., NEW YORK, For Sale by Holmes & Watters. J. C. Stevenson & Taylor, Jno- L. Boatwrlght, Brldgers Rankin, West & Co., Jas. B. Buggins, a. H. Holmes, Adrian & vollers, R. w. nicks, McNalr & Pearsall, Glameyer & Kuck, Wm. Oterson, O. M. Filyaw, Blaffitt & Corbett, Hall & Pearsall.W. H.Yopp, A. D. Wessell and others. J. M. FORSHEE. General Agent. jan 10 cod 2m Wilmington, N. C. Carolina House, s. K. Corner of Princess and Second Sts., I T AS BEEN REFITTED WITH A F1RST- XI Class Bar. Lunch Room and Restaurant. a m m - a a 1 A m m w m W W mmmy w mrw m Makers Will find that, wa arf IlP.ldauarWrS dMlMin TTnhn 1 1 h ni I."- AVOIUfllUI We sell the Philadelphia rlace Bolt, which is the MADE. EST FISHERMEN Will And a lflrcA naKftrtmcnt Of pues, sucn as um ami Not Lln8, Rope Iad ar lng Tackfe of all Klno& 1T1U uoauunil luo ? aVntrntii or ucoKina- anu iieauus. . . ' riuAui and many otner useiui ""7 ftlP siir;h as coffee JuDs.. pans. Iron Mortars, ew a mm . miw w w WW l 1 1 1 1 uu 1 nd shall do all we can to piejw PRICES AND 6001 N. Jacobi Ha dec 3 Notice. Orders novsixi . Children's aprons a specialty. left At th Rectory, or 23 North Win meet with prompt attention R. C. Orrell TTAS A LOT OF SECOND HAND BUGGIES XL' and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. I stUl have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions. B. C. ORRELL, Livery and Sate Staples, jan 25 tf Corner Third and Princess Sts, WflfTJ Sea Wonders exist in thousands I J p. Fir of forms, but are surpassed by the mmmmmtm marvels of invention. Those who are Jn need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine, anu receive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to 5 per day and upwards wherever they live. Y ou are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single day at this work. AH sue coed. nov 22 8md w iY VIRTUE OF THJb. P0 WEB 01 RICHLY r5 contained In the deed ofjp part of lots 1, 2 aDd 3, in W ieeii Oil M UTKct BUrccu o - ; or- 1G5 reet. jrea , $ -- r nix a vt Kttv for Assigns w MUST bmW 1 AA BOXES TOBAC0P. IBO Barrels .8.8"- OO Dozen EGGS, 96 Barrels ONIONS, ib Boxes LEM059. 50 Dozen BASKETS. ik Boxes CHEESE 15 Barrels CABBAGE. ,..0 r-h WnfAr St.. 40 ilVIVU ,T mm-m r )an 24 tf d&w Twiiewritef m' m rrUP. RDERS ELICITED U"ind::Kemlngton Ty'flj low and high priced JLWO! The finest Wines. Wh ways on hand. Board and week or month. New River isxevs 1 1 iTlrf l l Orstera JO and'Chrars al- by the day, in season. HN KOCH. Corner Second and Prlncem TMioa in anfl 1UI ,,rfftB. -m- . - mm n rn n I rt' 1 1 I ' kt tt nit crmle Of porters and tarbon Paper cw jan 14 1 m . -a ltewarded are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable emoloy- meht that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every indust rtrus person, many have made and are now making several, hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any on to make $6 and upward per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, young or 01a; capital not needed: isa iM we start you. fcveryxuing new. sso special - -, ,1(i 6treni ability required; you, reader, can do fas well 'VrJrf kiue MKn. as any one. rite to us at once ror run par- iifrrnrno roai IICRIfflUSB ' tlculars. wblch we mall free. Address Stinson ilFFtHtHo fMH Htm U" i & Co., Portland, Maine. nov 23 dflmwiy ot oxtz-WaA. lnducrf f LOCK BOX I99D, XM.

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