DUFFY'S A. Scrap Of Paper Saves Her Superior Court of North Carolina Life JUDGES. Josh. T. Jamks. Editor & Prop'r. It tfas jutt an ordinary scrap of 2a(i District, Fred Phillips, or Edgecombe. . MISCELLANEOUS. PURE MALT WHISKEY, A SCIENTIFIC REMEDY, XOT A Wilmington. N. C. WEDNESDAY. FEB. J 3. 1&0.' Ho diaonge germ can POSSIBL.7 remain lodged in the body if this Great Remedy in carefully and constantly used. Prof. Wm. T. Cutter, State Chemist of Connecticut, rI have analvzed a trreut mauv fmr.le.- of Whiskey, Wines, Ales, Ac, and v. as sur pnzeajto nna upon Halt Whiskey was never xouna tnis other whiskey facts must commend it to general use and public favor ' . wmnrflnsr oaoer. but it saver! hpr :trei District. II.. G. Connor, of Wilson. me. rsiie was in me lasx stages or y ,.J vvf . XV7T,,w j.t -l i i. . . . . . , 5ri District. John A. Gilmer, of Guilford. consumption, told by physicians that strict, E T Sovkin, of Sampson. IK' was incurable and could live 7th District, Jdmes c.JliacKae, Cumberland, j only a short time; she weighed less h District, w J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus, j Kutered at the PolUee at Wilmington, N.C., thaTi seventy poanos Una piece of I&to ! as Beoond-class maoer : wrapping paper she read of Dr. nth District, Wm. m. snipp, of Mecklenburg King's New Discovery, and got a District, J. U.aerrimon, of Buncombe. ! ; .... ..r ; ... ... -a: ... sample bottle: it helped her. she solicitors. jiijjrri""ij ,r. t, bouht another and grew better 1st District. Joan H. Blount, of Perqwimans. in London lat only oue is ot f t roptiPtfed its use and is now SSSSSSSOtiSS j a Lilteral. U()e woman was chosen, strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh- 4th JMstrict, T. M. Argo, of wW. analysis tnat .Unity's SM,i i,. u ii-olablv tie (ir-t feniiile mg 140 pounds, r or roller particu- 5tn District, Isaac a. itraynoru. or uurnam. '""'""' P'. as i ' ,H.P' ' . ... lars enVl Znn to W H. Polo n-nc k District. O. II. Allen, of Duplin to re :ne case in any a U irriiin n in t lie nisi orv oi iMiir la.nu. : . . , v7 m " r 7,r 7th District, I- ranic McNeill, oi luclnnona. I had examined. Ths LCisr, rort Ollliin. A rial DOtties OI xr.n Dist rict K. V. Ixmir. nf iretlell. fo other ii i rv: .. . o . ... in ' ., . ,... p.' , i ins wonieriui -lm jo very iree at ytn lustriet, i uob. oeuie, jr., ui nuchiugnam. x hill is to beflK rod need into the i Hnhi Vt Roilftmv'H whofacol mid lOtii District, W. H. Bower, of Caldwell. sure and secure the genuine, and take vi r i.i ,vi; ..;i ,i : l rraux wsuwue, ut jtecKieiiuaj , - . .. ...... . .v . I ....... -, - - - It is For Sale Universa!y.I MISCELLANEOUS HUMPHREYS9 SYS' LOQZ Cloth & Cold Binding' 144 wiiil S:l 1 3f: ..t.o-;. r. .u ) v:li.t. MMS. I"- O. K;.i 1ST P. N. Y. 'Thar the English language alone mil he taught in the Wisconsin ! common .schools. The aim of the : ; measdre is tt do away with the1 te-iching of (rernian in tlie schools i of Milwaukee. FKBItCARY FI N. A cultivated ear A year of corn. Goes round on tick The clock. A delicate subject- The invalid. 'Che cobbler. motto "Never too i lae to mend."" The Pmuderat of Michigan L'ni Never travel with more than one versity remarks in his annual report tnnk- The elephant. tiiHt k4a larger proportion ;of women f Soldiers have to toe the mark, hut tl.-T OF miXCU AL SQ- .1 ft H 7 9 Ferer. i out;ostioa. lateismatraas rsics. tliuii of men are taking lv choice f.,M nU..,;...! ............ p,. t.. Womin. Wrm Few. Worm oli... . ,$ Mrc ,"" "winar. iwi i rrhea.oi tuiiurcn or jnmtK s , aoTXoVbKJnS ; j maud for their services in teaching Nenralcia. Tootbncl. Fcche. 2 from JiOnlon HOM a.: FADATy 1 iiiiormauoii coint Wm,J -9 a Si B w i that the proper dog now is thegrev- f OfDyapcp.oia. Bilious Stomach 2ft 1 lISiinpresNed or Painful Periods .25 121 White, too Profuse Periods 25 lSlfJroup. Coujf, Difficult Breathing 25 1 41 Salt Hhenm. F.ryhipelns, Erupiionb.. .25 iMRheumtriim. Rtmumatic Pains 25 1 61 Fever nnd Acne. Chills, Malaria 50 lTIPilea. Blind or Bieedinc 5U IVlCittnrrh. influen -.a. Cold in tha Head .50 20 Whoonltiff Coush, Violent Coughs.. .50 24Geurrol Peliilit y.Phyuicai W eaknesa .50 l.OO fclOf I rinsr i WrakBPM. Wettine Red . . . .50 13 21 Disease of the Heart. Palpitc'ioa..1 .00 hound. '.Treyrioiind pup have re cently fetched as high as 850 guin eas, thut price having been paid at. a London unction for the puppy "Fulierton.M Sixty to seventy guin eas is said to he a common price for young dogs with any claim to blood. shoemakers only mark the toe A candidate may be scratched without being cured from the iteh for office. The Washington market poultry raisers contemplate the formation of a Cochin clop. The inauguration of the pancake i season brings stirring times to many a battered household.' SPECIFICS. eta 1 Sold by DrtiRtibts. or sent postpaid op receipt of prtea. iivsruttarfe'SKiMt hk t u. 109 oito tit. ax mch2ec w y nrm 1 - '-4 ' ' Vy ' 'i s ' : - . DiH ' ! t. tv liieax ? . ; Hmq mm 1 r lr: - mv-' 3Pfl.- ' i" Consumption ?ureiy Cared. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive j remedy for the above named disease, j By its timely use thousands of hope-! ess cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two j ootties ol my remedy FKKE to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex- Whenever one press and post Office address. Res- uectfuliy. T. A. ejLrUUUM, m.u.. imi Pearl st.. New York. E ! c. 'pay uOa. Ltifcl eiM'-i .1 : !t: : t iti:ns ct tbe bvds: t ..... .. v s ia Tramps would do well tr give Macon, Wa.. a wile berth in jour neying Southward of these travelling gentry isbrought before the Mayor of Macon and fails i to trivc satisfaerorv evidence that he has means of support he is tinetl f25j' land costs or sent to work on ttie I streets for sixty days. That general Iv settles them: tcki r.i.i.. rP..- 1 IwnK' rfF nil li.f lie irk Tr. Senator Allison is great tvorker. Y . nitvart, frolt. BonsillIiltio or He retires early and rises early, eats j pneumonia. Te same proportion a siinnle breakfast, reaches the Can. ! holds for most other cities. Delays itol long before his colleagues, and pegs away at committee Work until noon. He alwavs stays through the If so. r-- e.--! i bo ?;OOiv OF C-t5F : bfUa Ii:t rtse- JoO illtis-rss:jMn.-. BaarofaJ ncn-d lr.jc. j TiaaU 11 itano bcaeditisoi eli kirfiCiigc j tiirds, i-ye j-lussaro ano jww '. libeceee ; acl their tiB. Iiwv to en ltd ftnd stock j an Aviary. All sber.t lnrroiii. t'riotiu ct f a:i kln ia btR& eagfis, -;e. Slitiic-a tor S t OBfah 'i'iia i'.t;e cxok-. -iO C'ts. f ASSOCIATED FAWCiErtS , South Lijjhih Street: PhUftdeisUaj r, i aB2S55S3B2ESSS5SWa1 ipaaawwr. 3 1 Belted blouse waists of tiie surah -1 1 K or ienev wool 11 re worn ov bung ijirls arid misses, and are similar in style to those worn by ladies. It WEAK KIMEYS BACKACHE Weak and Painful Kidneys, Aching Sides, Back and Chest, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Sharp and Muscular Pains, relieved in one minute by SKtCUTIt:UA HflJAISlWR SS only lustantaneous paln-killlne, strengthen ing plaster. 25 cents; live for $1.00. At drug gists. Or Of POTTEK DRUti AND CHEMICAL CO., Boston. DIM Pimples, blackheads, chapped D5 CO rllYI and oily skin cured by Cunec- r LLO r a Boar. jan SI 4W MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E PPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. JOOCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. Jan 21 4w sessions of the Senate, and watches every move until adjournment. He then returns to committee work un til dinner time. He is very syste matic in his habits, and is thus en abled to accomplish a vast amount of work. He takes plenty of exer cise. and seldom indulges in the dis sipations of society. i ; w 1 In iworrmw ilv ve.tr et m Klndrliiali Remedy for Consumption will al ways relieve, and may save your life. Mnads Bros., druggists. spepsia MM The Order of Dominican Nuns, which Archbishop Corrigan is about to introduce into New York, is sin gniarly severe in its discipline. The nuns never eat meat and during Lent observe what is known as the black fast, that is, abstinence from even egg's and milk. Two nuns kneel constantly before the Blessed Sacra ment in the tabernacle day and night. The nuns Support themselves by making vestments and altar or namentsand by illumninating books. The new convent will be called Cor. pus Christfi Convent. Lord Wolseley took this view of the future in making un address at; Birmingham: "Those who study the map of Europe at the present moment and the condition of things in ESurope must feci that there is hanging over us a war cloud greater than any which has hung over Ku ..-..i. 1 . ... .V. ..V. t t- ......k,.. ttwlt ...I...., If 1 bursts -and burst it will as. surely as the nun will rise t means not, as in former days, a con 1 ! tesl between two highly trained ar j mies. but a war of extinction, of de- j vastaiion. between grea l armed na j tions whose popnlat ions are armed J and drained to light:"' The chair in which President Cleve- ! land has sat for four, years is one that he had made to order and paid j for himself, t is made of light oak i 1 to match the desk matin from the! rc3 Belentlfleand standard Powriar Wml ueatise 01 and Pbyaical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, L. U:,M., Vir., ! I ill. .w ii vx 1 It ivilfl ina : I. I.. . ........ r .......... i:.... .A... miiii api m jkiWWWP Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of. appetite, a faint, " all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irrcgu larity of the bowels, arc Distress some of the more common kftGY symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well of itself. It Ceiling requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and othe r organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- u . . toms removes the sympa- HadaCrie thetic effects of the. disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat 1, . distressed me, or did me neant" little g00d jn an hour burn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a SOUT room with fresh paint. Last spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOITiacn rilla took three bottles. It il mo an immense amount of good. It gave mo an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced.'' Gf.okge A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla o morrow it i Sold by all druggists, gl, six for $0. Prepared only j oy C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lorell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar jan rlyr-fl vt arm inws-Mpg Hork & Wilmintiri. lesirtunsfrrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Exceesea 01 vertaxatk)u. Enervating and unfitting the victin or Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this grca: rork. It contains 800 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful lading, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $l.eo bj nail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illne rativo Prospectus Free, If you apply now. Tbc Ustmeuished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D., re. eived the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL rom tha National Medical Association, or the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and H YSICAL OtEBIM T Dr. Parker and a coi f Assistant PbysielaDs may be consulted, conn. entiaily, by mall, or in person, at tne omce oj Ing chair, with a seat and hack of! Split eane and a heavy frame taste fully carved. In the next room j PKOV PEKBStt, KAST ItlVER, NEW TORS where the Cahinet meetings are jted between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. neld, are otlier interesting c hairs, a I-; wavs grouped around the time-worn old table at hich so many Cabinets j pwS'TOR 25?- iai.uraa.r. Keo. 16 At a o'clock, P. M. have held their deliberations. The smallest ehair there is the Presi dent's a light bent wood appurten- PIONEEt GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR Wednesday, Feb. 29 FROM WILMINGTON- ance. all gilded. Secretary Fair- i PIONEER Friday. Feb. 8 lith District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe TIME OF HOLOIMI COURTS FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Srnixa .fudge Montgomery. Fall .Judge MacRae. i Beaufort t Feb. tSlli. May 28th, Nov. 36tb. i currltucJE M.irciiutn. Sept. Sd. Camden March I2tti, sept. loth. Pasquotank March 19th. June 11th, Sept. j 17th. Bee. 10tU. Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24tb Chowan April 2d. Oct. tat. li a tea April erh, Oct. Htii. JJert ford April l.'.tb, June isrh, Oct. 15th. Wjislilngton April Oct. 22o, T ri-ell April aOt-ji. Oct. )h. Bare May 7th, Nov. otn. Hyde May IMh, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 2lst, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge MontgomeiT Halifax tJ an. 9th, iian.h 5th, May I4U1 tNov. 12th. Northampton Wan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st Bertie Feb. 6th. April 30th, uot. 29th. Craven t Feb. 13th, May 2sth, Nov. 28tb. Warren March l. h. Sep;. Utii. Edgecombe April loth. Oct. 15th. third judicial district Spuing J udge A very . Fall Judge U raves. Pitt Jan. 9!h. March 19th, tJune llth, Sept 17tn. Frankun Jan. 23d. April 16th, Nov. I2thl Vllson ibeb. 6th, June 4th. Oct, 19th Vance lVo. 20th, .May 21 bt, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. Martin March 5th. Sept. 3d, tBec- Sd. Greene April 2d, Oc t. 1st. Nash April 39th, Nov, itth. FOURTH judicial district. sprijig judge suipp. Fall Judge Avery. Wake "Jan. itth. tFcb. 27th. March 2c;th, t April 23d, 'July 9th, t Aug. 27th, 'Sept. 24th, tOet. 22d. Wayne Jan. 2d. March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. Harnett Feb. oth, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. L3th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judge Shipp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th. June 4th, Oct. 15th. Granville Jan. 30th. April 23d, Sept. 10th, I Trwir 0Hi Chatham Feb. 13th, .May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 88th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21st. Sept. 24th. Orange March 19lh, Aug. uth, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug 26th, Nov. 19thj SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall .Judge Merrimon. Peuder ,Jan;'i9th. May 7th, Sept -10th. New Hanover i Jan. 23d, 1 April 16th, fSept. 24 th. Lenoir Feb. 6th. Abe. 20th. Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th. Sept. 3rd. Nov. 26th. " Sampson-tFeb. 27th, April 30vh, Oct, 8th, Dec. 10th. 1 Carteret March 19th, Oct.,22d. Jones-March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5rh. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge PhUllOS. Fa ll Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. loth, April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. Anson 'Jan.. 9th, tApril 30th, 'Sept. 3d. tNOV. 26th. Cumberland Jan. 23d, 1 May 7th, July 23d TiOV. JZUL Robeson Jan. :ioth. May 21st. Aug. :;)th, Oct. 1st. Richmond Feb. 13th, June 4th. Sept 17th, Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th, Oct. sad. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. loth. Moore April leth. Aug. 13th, Oct 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judsre Connor. Fali -Judge Phillips. Cabarrus t Jan. ;0th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. rredell -Feb. 6th, May ast, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5 th. Rowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov lyth. Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, D3C. 3d. Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct: 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Foi-syth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 10th, Aug. 6th, Nov. BJtb. Surrj' April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Gilmer. Fall .Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th t?uKa"-.AprM June Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. Yancey--April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th. Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Boyldn. Faix Judge Gilmer. Catawba Jan. 16th. July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.l tSept24thFeb" 13tU' tFeb 20th' P1' :i7tu' Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland-April 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 22d. Rutherford-April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DLSTRICT. Spring j udge MacRae, r all j uage aoykrn. MadLson-Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. igth. uncombeMarch 12th, June 18th, Aug.l3th, Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th, SeptlOth. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. " Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct, 15th. Graham J une 4th, Oct. 29th.! Swain-June llth, Nov. 5th. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is entirely a vegetable preparation con taining no Mercury, Potaiiii, Arsenic, or other poisonous substances. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Has cured hundreds of cases of Epithelio ma or Cancer of the Skin, thousands of cases of Eczema, Blood Humorstad Skin Diseases, and hundreds of thousands of cases of Scrof ula, Blood Poison and Blood Taint. SWIFT'S SPECDJIC Has relieved thousands of cases of 'Mercu rial Poisoning, Rheumatism and Stiffness of the Joints. ? - iMISOELLA o Cuattakooga, Tkks., June 27r 188S Swift's Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Qentlemen : In the early part of the present year, a bad case of blood poison appeared upon me. I began taking S. S. S. under advice of another, and to-day I feel greatly improved. I am still taking the medicine and shall continue to do so until I am perfectly well. I believe it will effect a perfect cure. Yours truly. Doc. P. Howard, ill West Sixth St. COLUMBIA, S. C, July 7, 1383 Tho Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : I was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism for two years. I could get no permanent re lief from any medicine prescribed by my physician. I took over a dozen bottles of your S. S. S., and now X am as weU as I evor was in my life. I am sura your medicine curea mcjina 1 would recommend It to anv SHng from any blood disease. Yours WICK . V-ecdnv '.vben thie. remedy h7$s . '-'Vre effectual relief fol8, L?Ux due to 1', tah? the fFr s. eaiupiekasoVi ivn 1 to any address A', IZT 5,;- 1 tyst..phiia:1;y,)iyffe :fthoZT?l G".M7. Me.UMtnsj,1 ini.ii tori, j 1 vix-on . : " ' 1 " "u ! oss of r, " r; r-rrce.st of 15 ct in ." s mnwn this paper. ulUviaji one suffe" truly, ept 9 tu O. E. Hcohes. Conductor C. & G. R. R. Waco, Texas, STay 9, 18SS Gentlemen 1 Tho wife of one of my customers was terribly afflicted with a loathsome skin disease, that covered her whole body. She was confined to her bed for several years by this affliction, and could not help herself at alL She could not sleep from a violent itching and stinging of the skin. The disease baffled the skill of the physicians who treated it. Her husband began finally giving his wife Swift's Specific, and she commenced to improve almost im mediately, and in a few weeks she was ap parently welL She is now a hearty flne looking lady, with no trace of the affliction left, yours very truly, J. E. Sears, Wholesale Druggist, Austin Avenue. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8 Atlanta, Ga. ; New York, 756 Broadway The Robeso niai Ptvbltfuie J i.-i W. W. m 0 mm nov26 law iyuo ch sat Jt TI H Tw,1 are l'f'"''- VfrroT.-s and uc K1 I A IV I hiutnwd and suffering tmm A' r III P I l r'n,s brWH'i. H'lfiimH' fra?..ne? ill 111 1 Xi'jtiUy Km r( 'its. and ail the ef -fecfsof early Krti Uohi's. which lead 1 oPn niaturK Decay. Cbnstjmtp' Uonm'-lnsarun!, send fOr Pears' Treatise on Ptwases oj Man. with particulars for Horn Cuvfii Cures guaranteed. Xovuvc novuL J. s. PEAKs.612aad ol i Church Rt.,Nashvll!e.T'enn oct ly daw 1 is ki i y y if fella A Ik m m li w S ml t s We thank one and a-j of our patnuig aufl friends lor their liberal patronajje Uuringr the yesr just closed', and insure them that no pain;? on our part w.iil he simred U stiil urther merit- fheirjeoniidence. Wc are constantly adding the latest pro duction from ! In-Tvo( Founders, bin have I not thrtusrllt ii ueccssarv to ff&oK of every new font of Type we" buy, preferring t o let our coinnotitors, who o. casionsllv niake , snuill iuves-tnunt tor new mntijfiaj, dp the blowinir ; they invariably copy 0:1 r xtvles, and endeavor in ever, way t-: duyiicete t:s, becouiilJg iiiere Imitator " ej urpese hi'-reaMuir oir i'aeiHties during rae year, and can offered us. lMir-'- . H i"-.e;aie3 thi Uk;r in. Jn 2i w f'r-rani:-t t-rov.-ta. !,;. -v. r.llitlS n JS KMf) BVK WRF.K BY S every inlelllnt citizen of Kobe an 1 has av:eucr d circulation in ., mil nrlintr .-iu n Hr, n..i,..i ocjro anu l'arnn.'ton in mwh tu Zf Tin- ;,OREsoi 1 ay 1. , V irGL - Year or a prosperous and vimlSS ami i. 0 ttriniv established in nuTl iro i-ons as well as a pecnniari n r.jie D.!bnie.-s men can 1 eacliv raid ts value to them. The advertilTrS txceedlngl? reasonable, conrteS eirculaiioii, and lniiueme or the mm I c cci tor sijeeimon copy. The S -uthern Qtmii OFF I CI AI, ORGAN OF Till sg CAROLINA STATK tiUARu.. CONDUCTED BY SXTTTJL, X. COLE1 1st sg-'t. Co. A. 3d Keg'r., y. c. suites fit K QfJARfeSMAN is endoieedMB 1 meaded by the coveruor, Adiataa eral, lieul mental Commanders and sii ollicers pi the Guard. It was omm miuuceu astuo nrgan or tne ortt mlliti t in General orders No. ti Issued on- May 2d. 1S88. All citizen should subscribe at once. Subscnptiiafl ri.wfti jTai,ui aovaticc. dssianoarai ana tii k u u-akusman one year to fl.50. Advertising rates, $2.00 x.-nsd for earn pie copy. Addreas w ill x. colky. Publisher octfkbn Gcaekiui, my 2; tf Winston. HI Tho only sur j.'nfort to HfiPdi3ERCORNS. theK'et.loc. atDruists. IliScoXctCo.,N. x O CT BrK,i?H?,kE,'oachi5c' Asthma, Indiprestiou ? Vec 10m defective uutidtion Takeia time. 0c. and S1.00 jan 21 4W line. LUi K iu exchange for provisions. LIME LIME LIME LIME urns. sept' " GliOCERIES. " DKY GOODS-, il HAJtDVVAltL .1 " LUMBEli. Hn fcy Point. 3 e.liild's chair is 11 hitr mo that Mr. Derson. at tne omce oi " :he pkabody medical institute' Manning brought over for himself ioi 4 Bulflnch St., Boston. Masa., lo whom al j . r r. a 11 (jui iiiw a reithury wiHtri uieiiv. oec retarv Bayard's ehair is another rdera for book or ietten for advice should be irected as above. Jan 21 4w INVENTIONSSr Uircre one on rockers. Salt liheuin t W, 1 t 1 ii w i itittnaA ! r . . 1 -1 t , , .1 lt..r among the wonders of Inventive prorn-ss Is ; V Xf I? 1 tS i ' 1 1 metnoa ana system 01 -w-orK tuat ci 1 oe per ii.v imuuuii iuiukci uic tuuu . Tviniuu yuara- t:racrv., aim nit: iniif watery iJiiuinij ejvorkers n-om their homes Day lib- often causes indescribable suffering, any one can do their work: either sex. .. tu . i ;ii nbiiitv rnuiiivi mn.; uoou s arsiiiniru ia nas wouoeriui ability recmi formed ting eral: young or old; no spec! Ital not needed; you me and return to us vou. that will start 30J In business. Will tuTnir you in more money riglit away.than anything else in the world, ovand vutjit n et AduieSsTtni & Co., Augusta Valne jiov and Itw (iCLF STREAM Tnwtiar VtK M BENEFACTOR FrldavFeb. 15 PIONEEK Tuesday, Feb. 19 tsr Through Bills Lading and Lowest TBro Kates guaranteed to and from points in North and south Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wllmlnpton. N THEO. E. EGEK. Traffic Manager t?w York WX P. CLYDE & CO.. Genl Agents. ie Broadway. New York. 'For criminal cases. tFor civil cases alone. .itFor civil cases alone, except jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge, Benjamin K. Moore, WlSnington soiteitor , ceglslan. ad, mSS' May ist July 16th, sept. 17th. Nov. 19th. J 3 ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY YORK SERVER. EST A BLISHED IN The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Speeial Cor respondents at Home and Abroad: Stories, Reviews, Condensed News llOllOl'flllflnf-.- TTI . r ' chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Observer will pub hsli more than " FIFTY PKIZE TOHIES, and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, at tnors, editors, men of smr. nn,i m . v u.ja a v 4 women of genius will fill the col umns ei tne OBSERVER, and If give fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price. $3.00 a vear. Clergymen, $3.00 a year. Great inducements for 1888 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub ocuurx, luru.u DOLLAR. ADVERTISER! San learn the exact of any proposjd line advertising in Americ Papers by addressi Geo. P. Rowell & New; paper Advertising Dure 1 0 SortJiee St.. New York "-t lOcts for 100-poC7 Frtl'i Hi Hiciotv Work. idlE SEWING SOCIETY OP 8T. JOHN'S ATQptning of great value and import : nee to Z' ,;r " 7 ; ; . " 1? 1 1 J arisu solicit oraers ior ail kinds of plain and are started rreo. t ut this j power over this disease. It pnriiie; ?,?m5ioufr'e blood and expels the humor, anoS value and import ;mcc to , . ... L J for book cjiitaimng manv state ments of cures, to C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas. On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes! riiRY CARBONATE OFUME, fa?y crocheting and embrofdery. mixed.wttd'l- . Lfauiw, anu vuuuren s aprons a specialty. UK ULTS ASTONISHING "uft41i"1 Ordera left at the Rectory, or si North; Addree .Ulytf .m.t la the nldPat, and most D0puIar.9Cie mechanical paper published aDd nu"' circulation of any paper of its clt am Fully illustrated. Best class oi n Ings. Published weekly. SendMM MUNN & CO., Pcblisheks,861 BrowlW' ARCHITECTS & BUH n Edition of Scientific A A Tf, l. laanA tfVHltSltf Kreai success, nat" i -hi I ues or Dublic bntldinirs. NumeroM ana run plans ana specie --tajlm nuchas contemplate bnlldin?. rrw-i mgV intw 40 rears' exDeriencc and hay 1004X10 applications fcr An pondence strictly confidentlaL TD A nr MACKS. in case your mars is not ' 7-r, n r ent Office, apply to Mukn sSf' COPYRIGHTS for book, c""" etc, quickly procured. Aaaress EKIRAL Orncl: SSI B0" n innmiiiffn A 1 MM IA 1 uiutia Kit no uut; nawr, or i XSOlXn ! Third street, will meet with prompt attention nov 35 tf 1 IlTBJfiNCil BROfc. : 0Ckv.PolntaN.0Tn o nr anhoK.. :r:,r. .. attemion to eacn. uuu iu-o tlon fofa yeaMn v.n,Ar own sscrtp ! loving discipline. et I I If I I Ml X II V .IMIIliaLLO, . ur JCUDVlne the position of teacn"? 25th Annual SessH THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNU , Cot. Jr .Initios' SCDW " 1 Chapel, on Third, betweer i Beo Campbell streets, where it- nJpie ior tne past two years, i "Imb nincrnn Porfrmsa a tPW varuS"7. Ing, can cover any oblectlon l"Zjt ell ventilated sohoolroom, WYZji ground, good cistern of a.l"'htT uaoon make it more uco -central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, " ly entrusted to their re',n'' wtt ber with tz.ni i,n " "c suuscri : w t ex i ii v fir rno t.iMm 3 We irtil somi nncK1?' --'cAuley their success. As always Bi tl mainder of thrf v? -tiBKTVEii for re" ' culars, scholars received only: for i oanvKhVl4 Januao- 1, 1889, 1 no deduction leingmade except I i LddareirdTT S?w ?rtiw?0 advance To such subscri Nfcw l rk Obuerfer, NEW YORK! MUSICAL INSTRUCTION JJiflO J" science and long vx'"rtMa. vA should be a guarantee for her u,e or iwinir i r" tu tuoi kv. - Tn.structlon in Needk-Work ofS . uwku tso tree oi cnargv, " rvmfr to For further par.lculareJc lfj fi" av