AKlN POWDil COMMERCIAL NEWS. 1 jJlJ.CnJJiJLiJ-fcaLav kj. . "VMfK - - THE OENEKAE ASSEMBLY. Absolutely Pi 3 I V "3 iThls powder never vane3. A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 36 dAwly tcnrro 4thpd 3rdpw FRIDAY, FEB. 15. 1889. IS CONGRESS YESTERDAY. SENATE. Washington, Feb. 14. Mr. Mor gan offered an amendment to the resolution reported from the Com mittee on Privileges and Elections, which was laid on the table and or dered to be printed. It instructs the committee so to frame legisla tion on the subject of elections.that it shall not apply to any State whose constitution and laws provide ample security for aa honest exer cise of the right to vote, for a just and impartial counting and return of votes, and for a just, impartial and true ascertainment and cert id cation of the results, and in which State these requirements have been honestly complied with. Mr. Edmunds offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the Committee on Commerce to take in to consideration the question of the expediency of the purchase by the United States of the Dismal Swamp Canal, in the States of Virginia and North Carolina, with a vie v to its being improved and made an ade quate highway for commerce be tween the Chesapeake Bay and the principal sounds of North Carolina, and with a view to utilizing the fresh water of the canal, and its feeders as a basin for metal vessels . of the navy. The Senate resumed the consid eration of a resolution reported from I the Committee on Privileges and jartLiuii. uuvi uao nuuicooii aa. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. On motion of Mr. Rogers, of Ar kansas, Senate bill was passed pro iding for writs of error to the Uni ted States Supreme Court, in all oases involving the question of jur isdiction of the Court below. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, called up the conference renort on the Senate bill for the admission of the State of South Dakota. The report, which reports disagreement, was agreed to. Mr. Springer moved that the House insist on. its amendment and ask for another conference. This motion having been agreed to, Mr. Baker, of New York, offered a reso lution giving the House conferees the following instructions: First, to exclude the territory of New.Mexico from the bill; second, to amend the bill so as to provide for the admis sion of South Dakota by proclama tion of the President, under the Sioux Falls constitution to be re submitted to the people of South Dakota, with a provision for a new election of State and Federal offi cers, and without a new vote on the question of division; third, that the Broposed States of North Dakota, on tana and Washington shall be admitted on the same basis either all by proclamation of the Presi dent, or all by formal acts of admis sion. Mr. Cox, of New York, offered a substitute for the resolution, differ ing only from Mr. Baker's proposi tion in that it provides for the ad mission of North Dakota, Montana and Washington by proclamation of the President. Mr. Baker accepted Mr. Cox's resolution asa substitute for his own. Mr. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, demanded a division of the instruc tions; and a vote was first taken upon that portion of the resolution instructing the conferees to elimi nate New Mexico from the bill. It was agreed to yeas 135. nays 100. But at the last moment Mr. Break enridge changed his vote from the negative to the affirmative for the purpose of having a reconsideration. The motion to reconsider was laid upon the table. The next clause'of the resolution which was voted upon was that instructing conferees so to amend the bill as to provide for the admission of South Dakota by proc lamation without further vote on the question of division. This clause was agreed to yeas 137, nays 102. Motions to reconsider and lay upon the table were made by Mr Baker, and the yeas and nays were ordered on the latter motion. (Stir Report Condensed.) Raleigh, Feb. 14. Bills were in troduced in the Senate today: To authorize Raleigh to issue $25,000 in bonds' for iiuproweiuent of streets, and $75,000 for sewerage it levies a tax to pay the interest and passed third reading; regulating the sale of cotton in certain counties. Bill to amend the Constitution, prohibiting members from holding any office created by theLegislatnre, anil to make the Commissioner of Agriculture a State officer, &c, came up as a special order. The first pro nosition was defeated, aud the sec ond proposition adopted. The third j middling 10 1-18 proposition was poscpoueu, so uuu the opinion of. the Supreme Court be had concerning the three fifths rule. The Senate then went into Com wittee of the Whole on the School bill. No important amendments were adopted. The interest bill was made the I special order for to morrow. In the House no bills or import ance were introduced. Bill to appropriate $5,000 for the annnal encampment of the State Guard passed tinal reading and was ordered enrolled. The Raleigh school tax bill was made the special order for next Sat urday. Bills passed third reading: To re peal the act of 1887, making the commission of felony and flight from the State ground for divorce; pro viding a short form of chattel mort gage. The RaiiwayCommission bill is the special order for to-morrow. WILMINGTON MARKET. Feb, 15. 2Q . M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm i at 45 cents. Sales of receipts at 45 i ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for 'strained and 82 cents for good i strained. ! TAR Firm at $1.20. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.20 ; for hard, $2.80 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The follow ing are the official quotations: Ordinary,6 11-16 ;goodordinary,8 3-16; low middling, 9;middling 9 9-16;good Well to Remember Receipts to-dav: Spirits. 91; rosin, 1,155; tar, 405; crude, 30; cotton, 159. MARINE NEWS. 1 ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fay etteville, Woody & Currie. CLEARED. Those desiring to. purchase j Shoes of any description it I would be well tor them to re I member that Geo. R French & Sons are still at their old stand, 108 tt. Front st., where you can find everything in the Shoe Line and get a Glove Fitting Shoe. Having' every size and width, from a B. to W. last, we are able to give you a better fit than can be had elsewhere. Our Ladies' Glove Fitting Dongola Button Boots WINDOW SHADES - In all of the varied Colors and Shading BO. In beautiful Designs and Colors. o- CLOSING PUT WRAPS Only few left don't Uin$ 'Mt and ,i 'SnU HBUSSELS AND VELTST OARPfiTs flr; niuo inducements' in these lines in tmnri m ? tt! q n w pyies and feb Furniture Coverings. IN THESE-ALlYiOST ANYTHING YOUDESfRg wi. Mclntire SfofliPr A P Hurt. Robeson, Fav!ato en in ( Jnera ana tOm ... t i c I 7K w ' LEMON ELIXIR' 1 Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stom ach, Bowels, Kidneys nnd Blood. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively cures all Billiousrtess. Constipation, Indigestion, HeaJache, Malaria, Kidney Disease. Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blocthes, Pimples, Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver, stomach and Kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, If. D., Atlanta, Ga. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 8, 1889. Cotton ashore, 4,452; afloat, 899; j total, 5,351. j Spirits ashore, 886; afloat, 1.110; j total, 1,996. Rosin ashore, 71,941; afloat, 17,764; total, 89.705. Tar ashore, 4,437; afloat, l,685;totalv 6,122. Crude ashore, 357; afloat. 25; total, 382. RECEIPTS FROM FEB. 1 TO FEB. 8. Cotton, 1,819; spirits, 490; tar, 1,930; rosin, 12,017; crude, 300. EXPORTS FROM FEB. 1 TO FEB. 8. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 2,235; spirits, 224; rosin, 200; tar, 758; crude, 335. FOREIGN. Cotton, 1,680; rosin, V0,348. jmon Sense styles, are equal to the best $3.00 Shoes. Remember the place, Geo. R French & Sons, jan 25 tf 1Q8 North FronSt. For she Hoi id ay & A Large andWell-Seleeted Stock of Breech and Muzzle Chins, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES Of Every Description. dec 15 tf W. E. SPRINGER & CO. 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. BUY GUARANTEED TO OUTWEAR ANY CUSTOM-MADE CORSET MAYER. STROUSE & CO. MTRS.-4I2 BROADWAY. V. V. D ntal Notice. LEMON HOT MKOPS. For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and luryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. m thsat BOY OL8PPER AND DIXIE PLOWS. Hoes, Shove s, VALENTINES, GKEHVCS OIF L.OVB, -0- Traces, Agricultural Implements or all KtneU. rTTE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL PREPARED I to do all kinds of first class Dental Work at low prices. Full sets or parr sets 01 teem iur nlshed In a snort time. Teeth extracted with out pain. JAS. E. KEA, S. EL Cor Market and Front Sts. - nrA few comfortable rooms for rent in same building. jan 15 1m H. CHOSEN BERG'S Prices furCabinot Photographs Will be, until further notice, $300 FEB. DOZEN. jan 8 All Work Guaranteed. No. 10. SCHKDULfi WfLMlGHhP SBACOAST K, I -f- Headquorters for Best and Ohaapest Stoves, Stoves. Second Supply Kece ved by Express To-Day. Please call and Make Your Selec. tions at HEINSBERGER'S. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Made of best of White Pine, kiln dried and well seasoned. Large stock constantly on hand. o AxWi Iron, Rims, OAIW, iil IjL TWfNE, KOPB DRIVE WELL PUMPS, Pal : ts, Varnishes, Glass sn?AU correspondence by mail promptly at tended to. N. Jicobi Hardware Co., feb 13 12 So. Front St. IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, Leave 7:35 a. m Leave . 2:30 p. m From nummocks. Leave. Leave 8:10 a. m. Leave 5:10 p. m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. . . 2:30 p. m I Leave 5:00 p. m. o 29500 3 Sizes, 1c, 5 cts. arid 0 cts. Each. A New Lot just in at HEINSBERGER'S . o- iSUCkien ' Armct Salve The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, JBrnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, orno pay required. Itisguar jaateed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. . For sole by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can b$ boup cheapest at Heinberger'- LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC feb 7 STORE. it fork & Wiiiituteioft 1889 1889 THE WEEKLY HERALD ONE DOLLAR A Y t Aft TO KEEP POSTED ON THE News of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOR THE New York Weekly Herald I" Trains or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. H. CHADBOURN, Jit., dec24tf General Manager. The Cheapest. 'I'HE BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place in the city to bave all kinds of TIN WORK done Is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street , North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders I given prompt attention. Orders from the i country solicited. dec 7 tf For Rent. SEVERAL HOUSES, STORES AN O Rooms in splendid localities. Also houses and lots for sale for cash and on the monthly installment plan. Rents promptly collected. Taxes and insurance attended to without extra c jan 21 4w e Acme MA nit facto: r MAN U PACflTHERS OP Fer iiizers, Pine Fibre Pine Fibre Matting. 0 and SELF-EISING BUCKWHEAT IN 3 AND 6 LBS. PACKAGE A 1NVALUABLSAICLERfJ duclngm a reW minutes, by the aJ old water or milk, most delicious Biirkwiu at C.ikfg. MAPLE SYRUp, EITHER INWLKOBINOALWWORiJ GALLON CANS. j -O Fresh Ve-et bies and FruW -o WILMINGTON, N.C T 3HE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now established. anC the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of tills and other States attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet lor comfort and durability and the demand for it is daily increasing. It has vlr tues not found in any othej- fabilc. Tiie FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a tilling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being Tight elastic and proof agamA insects. ceruneates from reliable parties using ou goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. ian 4 tf By every Steamer -o- Preserve arid Jellies BY TIIE POIND. For sale by Jno, L. Boatwright, la&nsaPronia nov if :T X3M B fCi ik 6 2 4 m TO . .ian;v i ?nr. iirr, rncaa T , . , ,i -n j . cnoos mv-?r tn;i t I'-'snmouials, (?out Stiaia. OitrillustrlitwJ,aep(i 'iKOUIlEC(L W Park 1JW, New Toik b FROM PIER 39, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. - At 3 o'clock, p. M. BENEFACTOR ' Saturday, Feb. 9 pioneer Wednesday. Feb, 13 GULF STREAM Saturday, Feb. 16 BENEFACTOR Wednesday, Feb. 29 FROM WILMINGTON- PIONEER.. Friday, Feb. 8 GULF STREAM Tuesday, Feb. 13 BENEFACTOR Friday, Feb. 15 PIONEER Tuesday, Feb. 19 tw Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from points in Nortb and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent. Wilmington, N TH Eo. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. Kcw York" WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Gen'l Agents, feb 6 35 Broadway, New York. Society Work. J'HE SKWLUG SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidury. Ladies' and Cldldren's aprons a specially. Orders left at the Rectory, or 234 North Third street, will meet with prompt attention nov m ti It is and will continue to be the Great st and Cheapest Family Journal IN THE UNITED STATES. -O- Tne coming year promises to be qrowdjad with stirring events. t - In the United States the entrance of new is sues into the political arena has been follow ed by a change of Administration. But "the great economic question on which the cam paign turned Is still unsettled, and its solu tion is now committed to a Congress almost equallv divided between the two great parties. Europe is a vast camp. Army corps patrol tne iroutiers, ana minions or men await the signal for the most titantlc war the world has ever seen. The Herald's news-gathering machinery is unequalled. Its correspondents dot the habi table globe Nothing can escape their vigi lance, and no expense Is spared in spreading the results of their efforts before the Herald's readers. ov 17 tf arge. MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, 119 Princess St I fow AM FULLY PREPARED TO FURNISH my friends and the public Generally with the Purest Drugs that can be found in the city. Also a line assortment of Toilet Soao Brushes and combs. I have a fine assortment of cigars ana Cigarettes. I can be found at my srore Night and Day. JOHN SHE EH AN, the Druggist, o ct 13 tf N. W. cor. Fifth and Castle sts. C. O. P. COTTONSEED LARD, ANTI-HYSPEPTIC. Warranted Free from HogFat PURE, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. F ALL THE NEWS OF AMERICA will be found each week in the Herald while Its FOREIGN DEPARTMENT will contain a panorama of the old World flashed under the sea over the COMMERCIAL CABLES. Special Features, practical Farming, Progress in Science, Woman's Work, Notable Pulpit Utterances, Literature and Art, Stories by our Best Authors INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, james GORDON bennett decu New York He New York or sale by all Grocers. Send for TiiiiKtrntPfi m- pnamphiet, entitled: "Some Things About Lard." the corriiN lit PiiaDUCT c m yobk, For Sale by Hofmes Watters, J. c. Stevenson & Taylor. Jno. L. Boatwright. Brldgers & Rankin, West & Co.. jas. B. Bttggins, A. H. Holmes, Adrian & Vollers, R. W. Hicks. McNair & Pearsall, Glameyer & Kuck, Wm. Oterson, O. M. Filyaw Maffltt & corbett, Hall & Pearsall, w. H.Yopp' A. D. Wessell and others. J. M. FORSHEE, General Agent jan 10 eod 2m Wilmington, N. c. Valuable Lands for Sale. VE TRACT OF LND, LYING ON 0 from Lin'ohi . 100 acres, 26 -mm.. , . 1. mife irom Ljncointon, n. c, consisting of 83 acres, 53 acres Ojearea: s nest for cotton but gives good crops lor all grains. Has a b-wch running through It and a Una spring a few acres ol botton' land on the brancn and !0 acres In wood, oak aid hickory. weL tlm bered. Another tract lying 21 miles ton, mlie from j. C. R cieareu, une spriair or aeJlr.loaa water. Ahr.ni six acres of bottom land near It on the branch -Is No. I for tob ceo, but grows other crow well; 75 acres In yellow pine and oak. For price and terms apply to CRONLx MORRIS mr.h IS cr Anct'rs A Beat Estate Brokf Carolina House, s. E. corner of Princess and Second sts., HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH A F1RST Class Bar. Lunch Room and Restaurant. The finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars al ways on hand. Board and Lodging by the dav week or month. New River Oysters in season! JOHN KOCH. QCfrflr COTwrScoawiPrlneeas, Tlie iHe cauf ilA Association of tiie Carolinas OEREBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that it is open for business and ready to serve its patrons. omces located on second floor of the Orton House, In the old office of Hotel. Telephone CaU No. 7. Tax: MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE Jan9tf CAROLINAS. Atlantic View WRIGHTS VILLE, N, O. rpuiK JJJfiJjlCf ll UL SUMMER RESORT IS siiuaiea at tne wngntsvllle Terminus of the vvilmington Seacoast Railroad, and there is no charge for transportation of seHor baggage tO tllG Hotel Jf Band of Music Ega?ed for iheSeasda. ncnatiBuiiji iu ooiaier uoys nave erone home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can And comfortable ""ma anu gooa rare at reasonable rates. v: ED. WILSON MANNING ?y28tf Proprietor. R. C. Orreli TTAS A LOT OF SECOND HAND BUGGIES JLJL and horses week or and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles for hire boarded at low rates by the dav. month. Will try hard to please. I still have a very fine Hearse for funeral oc casions. Jan 25 tf R. C. ORRELL, . Livery and Sale Stables. Corner-Third and Princess sts. TNTF'FD Soa Wonders exist In thousands mJXmlSUjk if forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Tims wm are iu uxx ui while address receive free, full information how either uv ot all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wheryer they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have maita over $50 In a single day at this work. AH suc ceed, nov 22 emd v yiuuuiuie uia. mui can oe done living at home should at once send thir to Hallett & CO.. Portland. Mains nnrt RICHLY Rewarded are thos wim read this and then act; they will find honorabifl pmnW. ment that will not take them from their homes AtiP?. large and sure vtcij muuouu id pciijun, many nave made and are now making several hundred doUara a month. It is easy for any one to make6 and upward per day, who Is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed we start you. Everytning new. No snartai ability required; you, readlr, can do t asweU as w one. . Write to us at once forfuUpar tlculars, which we mall f rep. ; Artriro llSJrJZ,. I & Co., Portland, Maine. nov22 dtoneSy John Werner WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOOCl to his friends nnrl the nnhllp mnumh that he Is now back at his old stand, Xtl Maricet street, which has been thorn overhauled, renal red and refurnished. first class workmen, sharp razors wd pout attention he hopes to continue to merit V patronaee of the public All of his force Is now concentrated nil 29 Market st. septv Homes in Nortii CaroliM Oolv 20 Hours Bide from New York I 69 MUsSoiitn of Raleisl On the Raleigh and Augusta Air Ltoe B 1.500 leaf nine re a nn . Wtve . 1 on eilt inta tn anlt mil nliiiaaiM Vnnv Mil fdf Larger tracts C5 oer acre, in nwnttjllfj menta ol 10. This land adjoins the era rinoa,r, a recently estebltabed aoTt (oi sanitarium), and 1b BpeetollJ MM" for Fruit Culture, as well as n tie2 A'corcber of New England people lots to the town of "Southern P"K 1b the desire of the owners of this lsw JJJ duce email farmers, mech&nlos w T from the New England and Middle8! well as elsewhere, to locate here. the.Uulon offers greater lnUuoen tlew than North Carolina. Nowhert?, better tarmlng country or as fine "; found. I hiais the opinion of who have settled In North Carolina bona fide offer, and Is limited For further particulars write at one ,1 ' i. or B. A RICH1'0 r. 21 tf Chronicle OtBcP wmw- Notice. D contained in the deed of mortgage SAll rv -niiMi sinntlnn for eflSn. SI u ooor. M., on Friday, the 15th day of Mar, 10i Y VIRTUE OF THE POWKK"' - . - ' ..MlMlflffllW. -W.' narr. or inra l j o nn in n ra'K ijc. feet on, Market street and running of 165 feet. Feb. 8. 1889. M. BKUL feb 8 apt Atfy for Assignee of MUST BE SOLD- 100 BOE9 TOBACC0' 150 Barrels E. R. SEED POTAT zoo Dozen eggs, 30 Barrels ONIONS, lO Boxes LEMONS, 60 Dozen BASKETS, 15 Boxes CHEESE 5 Barrels CABBAGE. JH6 Boxes HERRINGS. On consignment and must be CHAS. F. BKOWgl' 1 128 North Water St., Wiinungw Jan 24 tf elAw Typewriter ORDERS SOLICITED FORT and "Remington" Typewrw. low and hleh nriced machines on Prices stO and fl5 for the -ww5 lor .-aam N. B.-Bcst grade of Ribbons porters and carbon Paper constant jan 14 lm -TU AMI rsEcntEcied free. BBIB JIEb-. ml0J, ilFFEREBS HERrOUSNESS uult of 6vr-Work, ladiicretion. em7 lm