I white people to the education of white children, and from colored people's property to the education of colored children, was made a special order for Saturday. Senate adjourned to Friday. OOMTMLfcKClAt NEWS. Patrick Henry sublime truth he uttered a sublime truth when said, "It is natural for man to in dulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against, a at $ 1.20 for hard, painful truth and listen to that song j djD andVirfrin. of that sirn till she transforms us I COTTON Firm. The follow- into UeaSTS. ne are him, to suu( no arft the official mintatinris: WILMINGTON MARKET. Feb. 2l-2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 45 cents. Sales of receipts at 45i J ROSIN Firm at 82 cents for strained and 82J cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $ 1.20. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm $2.30 for yellow r: . MISGELLANEOUS. Well to Remember our eyes while colds, catarrh or con i'Ordinarv. Hi: erood ordinary ft- low sumption are getting the better of : middling, 9 5-16; middling 9: good us, hoping not, when our plain duty i middMne 10y. is io iret some remedy HKe tne jroiu-: MAKTNE NEWS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. f "This powder never vanes, a marvel of pu rity ,strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the or&liiarv kinds, and canuot- be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cams. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 28 d&wly tcnrm 4thDd 3rdpw THURSDAY. FEB. 31. 1889. IN CONGRESS YESTEKDAV. SENATE. Washington, Feb. 20. Mr. Hoar modified the resolution reported by him yesterday as to Southern elec tions, (so as to utterly require its reference to the Committee on Con tingent Expenses), and as so modi fied it went over till to morrow. The Senate then resumed consid eration of the Sundry Civil Appro priation bill. Among the amend ments reported from the Committee on Appropriations and agreed to by the Senate, were the following: In sorting item of $3,000 for expenses of inaugural ceremonies; inserting an item of $10,000 for the purchase of works of art, under the direction of the joint committee on the Library, i The consideration of the bill was I interrupted by the presentation by j Mr. Piatt of the conference report on the bill for the admission of South Dakota as a State, and for the organization of the Territory of ! North Dakota. The clerk read the substitute agreed upon by the Con eu Medical Discovery t Dr. Fierce, 3,218; tar, 413; crude, 3; cotton, 145 ;mu raKe ir. we bmuuiu uoi listen to the song of the siren, but rather hiil T.oiifffeHow. who tells lis to "Act 'ft at in the 11 vin? Present.-' i ARRIVED. That means before it is too late. The j Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson "Discovery" is one of the great sue- Fayetteville, T D Love. cesses of the age a safe pleasant ; Brsshr Atwood, AJcCrae, Barba remedy to take, and can be had of I does, E (r Barker & Co. all druggists. It is guaranteed to; CLEARED oeneut or cure, or money pain ror ir will he refunded. LKMON KX.IXIB It Wonderful Kffect on the Liver, Stoin- j ach, Bowels, Kidney and Blood. Dr. .Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink that positively! cures all Billiousness, Constipation, ! Indigestion, Hea lache, Malaria, Kidney Disease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blocthes, Pimples, Pain in Back, Pal pitation of Heart and all other dis eases caused by disordered liver. stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. 'Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Afozley, M. D., Atlanta, Cxa. LtMON HOT OltOPS. For coughsand colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Leiuon Hot Drops. For throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. . An elegant and reliable prepara tion. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bottle. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga." in th sat Those desiring to purchase Shoes of any description it would be well for them to re member that Geo. R. French & Sons are still at their old stand, 108 N. Front St., where j you can find everything in the "n T : A 4- riTi. Receipts to-day: Spirits. 33; rosin, jnoc imc anci gCL d vjiuvc- I Pitting bhoe. Having every i size and width, from a B. to j W. last, we are able to give ! you a better fit than can be had elsewhere. Our Ladies' Glove Fitting Dongola Button Boots at 2. so, in Opera and Com mon Sense styles, are equal to the best 3.00 Shoes. Remember the place, 6eo. Il Frecch h Sons, MlSCELTi ANBOnft Son 8 At Bottom Priceg febl9tf , all Kinds of Mattresses and all ri HOWELL & CUMMINC Oinoitp Clrv Ron 9 ... - - a . ! Steamer Cape Fear, i Favetteville. T D Love. Schr Ida E Latham, : Fernandina, Fla, light, Geo Harris?, I Son fc Co. Tomlinson, Blatchford. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS OX HANDFBB. 15, 1889 j Cotton ashore. 5,314: afloat. 519; 1,051: afloat, 165; afloat, 4.421; jan 25 tf 108 ttorth FrontJSt. total, 5,833. Spirits ashore, total, 1,216. Rosin ashore, 70,378; total, 74,799. Tar ashore, 4,112; afloat, 435; total, 4,547. Crude ashore, 432. RECEIPTS FROM FEB. 8 TO FEB. 15. Cotton, 2,410; spirits, 557; tar, 2.003; rosin, 5,897; crude, 294. EXPORTS FROM FEB. 8 TO FEB. 15. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,934; spirits, 337; rosin, 160; tar, 1,318; crude, 244. FOREIGN. Spirits, 1,000; rosin, 20,643; tar, 2,260. For lit Holidays. A Large 'and Well-Selected Stock of Breeoh and Muzzle Sans, RIFLES AND SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLIES Of Every Description. VV. E. SPRINGER & CO., dec 15 tf 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. CJ fBEiT FITTING CORSETS W0 RLDtI I FOR SALE BY LEADIN6 MERCHANTS . MAYER STROUSE & CO. jfF4l8ROWA Y, V. K J feb 18, 4 w For Rent SELF- buckwhEa ducmginatewmirim v a !ltftl Aa . J . I Buckwheat CYEVEKAL HOUSES, STOKES AN. OJiooms in splendid localities. jUso$ hnuaoQ nml 1 nfw fnr finlo fnp viol's irH ;i I iiu U J .L4.-. WI M.Um U.JU CWI'I I , on tne monuuy insraument pian.H Itents promptly collected. Taxes and insurance a trended to without extra charge. MARTIN T. DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, ov IT tf IJO "-tucess St mm lviAPijK 8YRc "AI.LOS CAS& I -o CORSETS If Veeet bl,8 -o The Coed Luck, Price aiVcts; the best Inthe world ror the price andFi By every steamer' -o- DKUGGfh OF LOVE, -o- ( A MARROW ESCAPE. W. K. Nelson, of Brooklyn. came home one evening feelinp: a peculiar tightness in the chest. Be fore retiring he tried to draw a lon breath but found it impossible. He PULL LINK OF PURE DRUGS AND Chemicals. Pityslclans' Prescriptions a spe cialty. Fancy and Toilet Articles in great va riety. Artesian Well Mineral Water; come in and try a glass FREE. janl5 and the doctors gave him uu. Dr Aekter"s English Remedy for Con sumption saved him and he is weli to day. Blunda Bros., druggists Atlantic View, WKIGHTSVILLE, N, PIUS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER C. RESORT IS ference Committee, looking to the j suffered four days from pneumonia admissson as States of North Da- kota, South Dakota, Montana and I Washington. A vote was taken, and it was agreed to without division. A message from the President. ! transmitting the report of the Sec- j vofjirv oif Riitp arit.fi RftAfittirkA.fi vine i correspondence, touching the case of Lord Sackville, was presented, read and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The contest over the direct tax bill was resumed, Mr. Casvell, of Iowa, calling up the conference re port as a matter of privilege. The constitutional features of the bill were discussed and the confer ence report was then agreed to. Mr. Springer presented the con ference report on the Territorial bill. The bill, as agreed to in con ference, provides for the admission of the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington. The territory of Dakota is to be divided on the line of the seventh standard parallel, proceed west to western boundary of the territory. It is made the duty of the President to admit the new States by procla mation, if the constitutions formed are ratified at an election to be held on the first Tuesday in October. Each of the new States shall be entitled to one representative in Congress, except South Dakota, which shall be entitled to two rep resentatives. Until last night the name of Washington was changed in the bill to Takoma, but it was then stricken out: At the evenine session of the House of Representatives the Senate bill for a light house on Diamond Shoals, off Cape Hatteras, N. C, was passed. An amendment fixes the appropriation at $500,000, and makes the acceptance of the work from the contractor conditional upoa the sue cess of the light. situated at t lie Wrightsville Terminus-of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, and there is no charge tor transportation ot self or baggage to the lloteL Band of Music Engaged for 'hejeasoa. We are sorry the Soldier Boys "have gone home so are the girls. Those desiring Board can Hnd comfortable rooms and good fare at reasonable rates. ED. WILSON MANNING, jy23tt Proprietor. Kwuvifl are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable employ ment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every lndustrirus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make 86 a,nd upward per day, who Is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; wo start you. Everything new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stinson & Co.. Portland, Maine. nov 22 dnmwiy 8cribtr'8 Magazine For 1889. A?;ai UfiC 111 nt. The iIeCMtjf il" ciati'r of ifi 'rtflinas Tf EKEBY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC that it is open for business and ready to serve its patrons. Offices located on second door of the Orton House, In the old oflice of Hotel. Telephone Call No. 7. THE MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION OF THE jan 9 tf CAKOLINAS. Second Supply Kece'ved by Express To-Day. . p pj Please call and Make Your Selec. tions.at HEINSBliKGER'S. o- S1 Don't Delay. 3 END TCOUR BROKEN OR INJURED FUR nlture to me and I will repair it promptly an at low prices. I propose to make my living this way and 2,500 BIRD KITES, 3 Sizes, lc, 5 cts. a:id 3 cts Each A New Lot just in at HEINSBEKGER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, feb V THE SEIL.3SEA.3 PRICE 75 CENTS; A French Woven Corsetworth a Dollar. Or. Str Trie ra, PRICE $1 00; An Excellent Corset for Young Ladles Prcserv sacdJellfc the roijNI) For sale by Jno, L, BoatwrightJ 15&178ai Wotice. - V rilifniTiii . J x iftlUJ'i OJ?' THE pnm V contained in the deed of ur uiruw UU1JI , in foe CltV Or Wtlmin - u M.. on Friday, the ir.rii i part of lots 1. 2 and a Tn ! feet on Market street and rnlnM : of ffiffifit. b icon ""irK-OS feb8 30t Att'VfOrTkgnoS Bi Warner's Ora mv i V PRICE $1 (K): A Very Popular Corset. -o Dr. Warner's Fr nch Model, $J ,UO; A Perfect Fitting Corset. MUST BE 80LD, 100 60X1:8 TOBACCO, 150 Barrels E. r. seed PotatoI T t- . , . . , , 20 Barrels onions, IO Boxes LEMONS, SO Dozen BASKETS, 15 Boxes CHEESE 15 Barrels CABBAGE, 200 Boxes HERRINGS. Qn consignment and must be sold CH AS. P. BK0WNE lit I2SVwth Wntarf wni-iriTrt. JVU t II U0CW Oh est, 'HE BEST PLACE AND THE CF1EAFEST I Place in the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK I done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on .Market ; street, Nortii side, between Second and'Third. i Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the ; count ry solicited. dec 7 tf Dr Wa BOY CLIPPER bcf's ileaitn $1.SS5; Hecomraended by Physicians. DIXIE PLOWS. Hoes, -o SlNo..10. win ao tne worm well ana will not cnurge too much for doing it. call ana see some of the repairs I have already made. I will also re j o; n j j.jr i wii t nm n. i pa m pair Sewing Machines. Musical Instruments, !iV IIMW lit in M -Hi -MS? sMlVAOl sc., as 'ell as furniture, will cheerfully giro estimates or probable cost of repairs, come and see me. J. B. FARR.AK. oct 20 No. 11 N. Second st. () For Southport. N AND AFTER TO-DAY THE STEAMER IN EFFECT NOV. 4, 1888, AT 7:45 A. M. From Wilmington, i-suckion h Arnica salve The Best oaive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and a II fekin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. If is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by Robert R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. TITE GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Star Report Condensed.) Ralkigh. Feb. 20.- Bills in trodaced: Relating to Bureau of Labor Statistics ; amending consti tution relative to incorporated towns providing for election of jus ticee of the peace: protecting wire fauces. The bill to establish tree ferries across Cape Fear and Bruns wick rivers failed .tp pass second reading. Jn consideration tne ruiiiroau "TulJUllitniuii bill (special order). Mr. Alexander offered an amend Tnnt. fthangifln the salaries of the commissioners to 2.(X)0 aftd-elcrbsl $1,000. Adopted. An amendment to strike out the clause relating to the profession of the commissioners was lost. On a call fdr the previous question the bill passed third read ing. Bill providing for alternate method for working the public roads passed third reading. SENATE. Bill appropriating the money re ceivetf from taxing the property of The publishers ol SCRIBNEirS MAGAZINE aim to make It tlie most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all times pre serving its liigh literary character. 25,000 new readers liave oeen drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of Its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes Us second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espe cially interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -The Railway Postal Ser vice" llUistraiefl. MB. ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN SONtS serial novel '-The Master of Ballantrae," will run through the greater part of the year. . Begun ni aocwhoct. A CORRESPONDENCE aud collection o. manuscript memoirs relatinpr to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern Franco Painters will furnish the substance of several articles. Iltustmtcd. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by differe t ramous autnors. 3tr. i nomas uauey Aiaricn will write the llrst of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work. Illustrated from original MSS.. a second "Shelf of Old Books."' by Mrs. James T Fields, aud many other articles equally noteworthy. Illustrated Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence cook, E. EL Blashfleld, Austin Pobson and many others. fUustratHL FIsniNG ARTICLE - describing sport In the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon, Winninish, Bass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety , touchinsr upon ad manner of subjects, travel. biography description, etc., will appeaa, but not of the conventional commonplace sort. Illustrated Among the most interestimr In the list of scientific papers for the year will be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge, upon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of art icles which has proved of spe cial Interest will be continued by a group of papers upon ELECTRICITY in its most recent applications, by eminent authorities: a re markable paper on DEEP MINING, and other Interesting papers. unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year's numbers, which include all the Railway Arti cles, as follows: A year's subscription (1889) and the num bers for 1888 $4.50 A year's suDscnpuon (1889) ana tne num bers for 1888, bound In cloth 6.Q0 S3 a year ; 25 cents a number. Charles dcribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadway, N. Y, BESSIE will leave her wharf foot at 9:"J0 a. m Mebtftf I of Dock st., ieave 7:yr a. m ! Leave 2:30 p. m From Hummocks. Dr, Warner's Abdominal, 2 OO; 9 Admirable for s; out Ladles. Shovels, -o- -o Agricultural I in pie me ids of all Kind. ' Traces,! J. B Sew d ors i, . $1,00; Celebrated Throughout the Country. Leaves Southport at : P. M W. A. SNELL. 8:10 a. m. 5:10 p. m. j Leave. , A HappyandaFrospsrottsowTear We thank one and all of our patrons aud i friends for their liberal patronage during j the year just closed, and assure them that j no pains on our part will be spared to still further merit their confidence. We are constantly adding the latest pro duction from the Type founders, but have not thought it necessary to speak of every new fout of Type we buy, preferring to let our competitors, who occasionally make a small investment for new material, do the blowing ; they iuvariably copy our styles, and endeavor in every way to duplicate us, becoming mere imitators. We purpose increasing our facilities during ; the year, and can safely handle any work offered us. JACKSON & BELL. Leave Leave SUNDAY SCHEDULE. .. 2:30 p. m Leave 5:00 p. m. 2j& Trains or Cars can be chartered during the Winter months at reasonable rates. J. n. CIIADBOURN, Jr., dec 24 tf General Manager. The Acme MANUFACTURING GO, M ANU FA CTURERS OP Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. o . J. 8. French Woven. $1 OO; i um rnae or cue Parisians and recommended uy orui, ruegrear. Parisian Artist.in Lathes' attire, for the accuracy and perfection of its anatomi cal proportions. v e nave an assortment of sizes in all of the stuuve styies.. xney are offered at lowest N. Y. prices. Headquarters for Best and Chaoj Stores, Stores. SASH, D00KS, BLINK Made of best of White Pine, kflndrtrt and well seasoned. Large stocl constantly on nana o Axbs, Iron, Rims, OAJKS. GILL TWIMB, DRIVE WELL PUMPS, Paints, VarnisheSiGM o- -o- Homes in North Caroline WILMINGTONJN.C. 0n!v 20 flours Ride froni fJe?? York ! rglHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use In the hands of the best farmers of this and other States "All corresnondence bv mall piWHWl am N. Jacobi Hardware ( feb 12 . - i2So.Fraj Fifty pieces New Styles English Satteens. 'Mc. quality at 12 cents. The 25c. quality at 15 eents. The rs2V. ,-"a55EA. -o r AT I'R A.VTL VJfc Prices and Sty es In Ught shades and weight in Winter Dress Goods, suitable for early Spring wear We have made them jump during the past week. llF lme lett- Bar&aln seeker i g v mi ATrouy Vipor, Weakness or Lo-9 !f H !lf .?! t... II... .I flit CM -ni.,.1,. firtlllSlB ' ' . JEL U, t l ' !i Trochea nevor fail. Ot:r Mirw,$-Wn il it. irriv air w n yntV.lt EK iv I i'J Park 1'1(,-, AeW Io POMONA Hia NURSERIES POMONA, K. C-. TwoandaHalf lies West of GreensW feb 5 tf JNO. J. HEDR1GK. lea i pine region. Kor sale on eav terms i' lots to enit purchaberB. our Jtcro for Largcr tracts per acre, in monthly pi menus ot R-. This land adjoins the '"Souih ern Pines", a recently f-stabilebed health rt sort (ot sanitarium), and is specially adattd for Fruit Cnlture, as vre.U as all ue ctoreale A cumber of New England people have bousn t lots in tbe town of "SoutherB Pinet. " it Is the dt slre of the owners of this land to in duce snail farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States ae weli dj elsewhere, to locate here. No State r. the Union offers greater inducements to set tler than North Carolina. Nowhere can betu-vr i arming country or as line a climate b found l hia is the opinion of Northern ice who have settled In North Carolina. This is bonajtde offer, and Is limited F or farther particulars write at once to jrHN T. PATHICE, Coiumls'r ol Immigration, Raleigh, N. f. or 15. A UICHAJgnKON tar. 21 tf Chronicle Ofliep Augng;- . p attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool caipet for comfort and durability and the demand for it is dally increasing. It has vlr tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBKE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost eaual to hair rino- iio-ht j elastic and proof against Insects. Ll ILd I I 11(11 P u TlQTTina I1f1rr i-.ii I . . . . . ! goods can be seen at ou7 offiee "oVwiirhTS.. f i? " nda of plain and " - . . ... w (uliii- . V III' I I I II I I r I III Lj 1 III! t rV tn-mni v ian4tf Ladled' anrtVThiTn Society Work. j ''HE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S ed upon application. t the Boa? enlarseii aad cuensUiened, Puilnarticu i assL-ntscaied free. EiltE MED. CO.. BcFrAxo. X 1 J1FFFRFR; from WCISVnuouiroc l ack of vfara . w - H4.ll i uvnuoBodT or Mlnr etc, address Njv Ladies' and Children's aprons a specialty. uiwre at, me Kectory, or 224 North nov 26 "iccu ilu prompt attention suit of over-Work, Indiscretion. A. A. BROWN, Cineril Insurance Agent Fire, Lffej Ace dent. BIG REDUCTIONS MADE ON TERM IN SURANCE. Officeith McNair & Pearsall, 321Nutt St. TELEPHONE 4X1 jan 26 lm Valuable Lands forUale. v a. V Till A W a t s - . in-w. ui JjVWJJ, 1.YING ONIi mile from Lincoln ton, N. C. consisting of 83 acres, 53 acres cieare i ; s oest for eAttAa crops for all grains. Bu - buttrives erood o -taca runmnsr tnrougn It and a fine anrin, a few acres of bottom land on the bnntn and ?0 acres in wood, oak and htekory well Urn Another tract lying Si miles Jrom Lbvoin ton, m mile from ii. V K u 100 as , cleared, fine spring of delicious wkter mboul is No. If or tob ceo. but grows other ctom well; 75 acres In yellow pine and oak P jror price and terms apply to -o- THhe main- line of tbe R. & fhrnno-Vi the epMnnHa and WlthiB vui v 41 UXV my 1 Irllllll'f Hill " nj-rtHJ the office. Salem trains maJcesW Fruit and Fruit Growing are corfw to inspect this, the Largest &tX Stock consists of Apples, Cherry, Plum, Japanese rersijn- cots, Nectarines, Muinemes. t", mere P-lsnhorrloo drtOfYvrrieS. tl?3l Plant, English walnut, pecans, &c. All the new and rare variett the old ones, which my new CatawKw will show. to Give vour orders to my authonzea mr- order direct from the Nurseo.. cl Correspondence solicited. Desm-n logue free to applicants. J, VAN LINDLBf. County. A good paying conunw fq giw, - - j i ' '' , ttim fSflCin Sea Wonders exlStJJgwS 1 1 M. N. K if Yrrrma but are surpawp-. marvels of invention. Zm0l are in need of profitable worJc thaxflPj while living at home b&ouML2.?S riS address to HaUett j co., HfiSSl ot all ages, can earn from 1 16 w gtij unwarda wherever they Uve. J o" . iree. oyer ards wherever eyuw. m Capital not Winred. 8om 150 In a smgle day at ffi&t 1 ceed.