ITHIS PAPER every evening, Sundays excepted. pu . r 4 atkm. Editor and Prop. y JOS"- sCBSCBlPTiONS, POSTAGE PAID: n,, six months $3.00. Three Tt-r uiii be delivered by carriers, free rU any part of the city, at the above oriucperweelf. . .....rfisiaiiraicaww ' Subscribers will please report any and ) .Mtmrc? i-' - z VEMILC BY . T- i !i-ilK!t s'(7?" ' , r.Aii'iir;iir,'u;' ii C'H'. 1; 1 I). ?mx- i ' f I" - 1 II I ri'td-i.' " ' a 1. wherr ihe people er.n ee I5lli5 tit send free to one aliifii-.vju i.ieach )clity,the v.ry ft?.-- -j-f iug-mschine recde in " f' -.orld. with all the ttachnn':::. 'igZr IM&Z wii.aUo endfpeeacomijU't! It HMU kf,,-';'fc- ; . . - ai-v " -. . : . ?5Y7V'' v T,.n..f r: 'i hi (riaa.i MMtthhte w riT JO. Vi, , ..... . ..;rr :i. Sitist'i- patrnw, rrU; MUbfa wch h.e tw t.t: i i. k- ... !.ui-n(-. ami in" m-iwo tB? ..i t!K- world. A I p). , - , ,. i .i-'tiai ni'."1 . -i fcJ..;r.: I' J.. . ii . I j, ! rtriH" lO US 91 O"- c .. :u.eVtT lUKi-.ii. . - -t . .1. win A i.- lOfiai ha v. '.V.mifii rr;is- li. 15. U. ..ii;t i .n of women certainly awakens (svuinaihy of every true phliaathroiHst. r rriend. nowever; ia r. n. i. iw itintMlitidni). send to Blood KalnKXH, .. -. . . II j , ,eiitieM.i. t-a.. ua: .;,. in j:. r.. i:. rinen m ne 01 ,jr. 1 1 . i . 1 . ' ..iii".. 1 . 1 v. ... , iisi 1 unvihlnjr to equal B. tt. JJ' . ii liajf Kocky Mount, n. C. writes: o' '. itay for jr, years was I free from head- i . . fl.i u r!rr- ! 'lit. I. D..X. J l"-ii.- i". . ' ke another pcfeon."' j.,,,. w. Lincasier. Ilawklnsvtlle. Ga, . ... 1 .1 f......iii II ', - V I I' h IIUU 111 1 11 II I"I V1K 1IL rive doctors and many paten!, mem Ini - hatl iluiu; her no sond. Six nettles of B. LB. cured her." Mi s. ToinUnson, Atlanta. Ga., says: - For irsl ttireredivith rheumatism, caused by 1 1: -v trouble and indigestion. 1 also was i ... , . . . . . l. ii i ..11. .11 inn ill in' :i i J niiiei unuii tin Him . . . . : ... . I . .. t i!ed.' Kcv. J. M. HioUurd.-on. llaiKston, Avk., vi-ii;.. "Uvwitominpri'ii tv.i'ue vc. isw i tit.T.niatism and female complaint. A lad tember of my ihurcli had been cured by B. B. i. she persuaded my wire to try it. who now here Is nothing like B. B. B., as it quick- y yjve ner reiiei. "STOKLErS." Si , w r. vur. nun i;r.- - -V. 11' II 1 lll t.-..lf l.ll . 2g- Pfred to accommodate ii vi'ho may call upon us with the 4 l ' J Finest Oysters f Ii ;il nn T 1 i ; - I 'rioat U'd li-iv-n liififln nrna .1 i .rations for the season. jVkrtip. (-frnvp. MiHHlft .nH btump Sound Oysters served promptly and In any W. II. STOKLEY. Wrightsville. . oa io tr For Rent. Uootns In SDlpndlrJ lnrAlltles Msni H u. OOSea and lots for sale for e.mli and H EE ta :-nts promptly collected. Taxes andluSH.?! Bsurance attended to without extra charge. MAUTIN T. DAVIS, Heal Estate Agent. K tj 1)9 iMueesa St Drags mid (jhiytcah, roiLMT AUTK I.i;S, PATENT MEDICINES, ......... , l.i.iwm, i i ussus. tic, ei-c also rivcrt)tions tilled day or night at F. C. MILLER'S, Drug store. 1 i orner Fourth and Nun Stp., The Aationai Life AND Maturity Association P WASHINGTON. AC.. 6SH tfiiiir-iiQ s . None. W to d .inhere . .$120,002.0 . MORAS IO BROWNING, 1 1 -resident. 'JKURGB O. ELDKIDCE, secretary. Manager and.Actuftry. tnoe a Absolute cost. ' mrauieed l'ollcy. An tn'ouiesuitrije IHaiicy."U irity Value In casn at. Fixed Agr 1 ' -r Absolutely Limited. iuu ! ; '-' lyinents per Year. rh itable After Three Years, T. S. KIDDELLK. M. !. w ,, Medical Director; u . a. f.iliSON, special Agent. liilix. aomeomce. l -r F Street. N.IW. , ,. - " ah, jn.. Local Agent, wiimlntrton N. C, l?PSe: Wonder exist in thousands ''norms, but are surpassed by the irveisor invention. TtMwe who r proiitabie work 1 hat can be done ' home should at once semi thfir 'nl . l!2 JJjf5Lb i . 1 1 r l !1(V II vo 011 ro ctflrfpri T .1114 rr nov 22 Gmd w THl VOL XIII. Senator Si high Cameron was 90 years old yesterday. The Iejilature will adjourn MonJ lay, but the business of the session will be wound up to-night. The New York Herald publishes the following. It is the latest from Samoa, but it is discredited in of ficial circles in Washington City. BRRSLiAU, March 7, 1889. The &ehleUehe Zcitung prints the fol lowing sensational private telegram from Samoa: " The German corvette Olga has bombarded Mataafa's camp. The captain of the Ameriean maji-of war protested, but seeing his pro test disreg.ardel lie opened fire on the Olga. The shell burst between j decks, doing much damage. The Olgu then directeil a torpedo at the American ship, blowing her up with all hands.1 -- The New York Herald devotes' nearly a pare to "the burning ques- tiou tf the hour," as to who shall j !ad the victorious Democratic hosts in the next campaign. The prepon deranee of sentiment seems to be in favor of Cleveland while Hill has many warm adherents. The Herald very prettily says: When Cr rover Cleveland took his j seat in his law office in this city yes- j terday and became a private gentle- j man did he cease to be the leader of a great political party? Will he continue in honorable re tirement to guide the counsels and Tne peculiar purifying and build lead in the march of the national jng up po a ersof Hood's Sarsaparilla Democratic organization, whose rep-j make it tbe verv 5est lnedicine to resentative and standard bearer he take at this season. nas Deen since ine votes oitne coun try made him President of the Uni ted states four years ago? In other words, is drover Cleve land still recognized by his party as its leader? And if not, who is the Democratic Biisha upon whom the mantle of Elijah has fallen? These are questions pregnant with interest not only to every uemocrat in tne country but to every Amen-. can, lor upon tne answer nangs tne fate of the two great parties in the next quadrennial battle at the polls. The destiny of the country is bound up in the solution. The only important question of national policy 'upon which the two great parties differ is the tariff. It is the issue raised by President Cleveland as the representative of the Democratic party, and indorsed land accepted by that party. Like the tearless patriot that he is,seeing the inequalities and injustice of ex cessive import duties, and consider ii!: rather the true interests of the people than the selfish dictates of mere sectional party expediency, he boldly raised the issue and demand ed tariff reduction and reform in his famous message to Congress. The Democratic party committed itself to that policy in the platform of the National Convention at St. Louis, and as all the world knows (Trover Cleveland and the tariff re form idea were not defeated at the polls by the popular vote. Had Cleveland's election depended upon the actual majority of all the votes cast last November he would have been returned to the White House with a respectable majority. Therefore the people have not repudiated the tariff reform issue. It is just as much a living issue to day as it was then. And now the question arises. Does the Democratic party mean to continue its adherence to "the tariff policy of President Cleveland and still to re gard as its leader t he author and ex ponent of that policv (irover Cleve land? Or is the policy of the party to be changed and a new leader chosen? Has not every thoughtful Demo crat had this important question brought home to him by the anx nouncement that the ex President has taken up his residence in the very centre of the greatest Demo cratic city in the greatest State of the Union, where he is surrounded and in constant touch with the rep resentatives of the national Demo cratic party? March April May Are the months in which to purify the blood, as the system is now most susceptible to benefit from medicine. Hence now is the time to take Hood's ! Sarsaparilrn, a medicine peculiai ly j adapted for the purpose, possessing ! peculiar curative powers. It expels j every impurity from the blood, and j also gives it vitality and richness. It creates an appetite, tones the di gestion, invigorates the liver and i i gives new life and energy to every jn First Baptist Church at nifrht as teo?&tt-o S iithe coKou wiUuxet in the benefit derived from Hood s Sarsa- H,ble meeting at Grace Methodist ! parilla, should convince everybody -Church. that it is peculiarly the best "blood j purifier aud spring medicine. An Excellent Exhibit. ' . TT . Advice to old and young: In se ' lectin. KiiectaelP n'.hnni.i K tious not -to take more magnifying wwer than has been lost to tne eve MinthAtiimft nmt;nn ti,t . pass that point ot increase, will cause t . . . . . trlasses of stroac-er oower than isn- Puccn rc ia rlii lour rr ner .r .s. " txireoidagctothesiakt. You clan et the best at Hemsberger's. D k 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. LOCAL ISTEWS- index to new adyebtisemext9 Hoarder's Wanted . Mcnds Bros Pharmacists w M Ccmsing Mattresses Heinsbekgek -New (ioods (ito K J'rench & Sons Genuine F C Miller Drugs and Chemicals Opera Hocse Prescott and McLean Wih. savings & Trust Co Statement Braddt & (Warlord The liacket Store mm 1 Day s length 11 liours and 45 min- i Ut OS. Only 71 bales of cotton received at j this port to day. f j Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 3 j minutes past 6 o'clock. The new moon entered on its second quarter to-day. Gold, silver and copper bronzes are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t But one interment this week in Oakdale and one in Bellevue. Both were adults. All kinds of School Books and School Supplies can be boug.' cheapest at Heinsberyer - The public school at Masonboro Sound, of which Miss Leo Campbell is the principal, closed yesterday. Oil stoves of all kinds, for .heating 'and cooking, iii ! . W t i atistaction. m. .M iiaranteed to give icobi Hdw. Co. Indications. For North Carolina, fair weather and stationary temperature on the coast and cooler in the interior. Farmers, see the latest improve ment ill back band hooks and rein snaps sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co, If you wanta picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select rom. Business and working men's pray er and experience meeting a.t the Sefimen's Bethel this evening at 8 o'clock. Services in St. John's Church to morrow: Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. ; morning prayer 11 o'clock; even ing prayer 5 o'clock. The handsome sum of 118.50 was realized from the lecture recently delivered by Rev. F. V. B. Peschau, in Savannah, Gra. Blind tenons for repairiug broken slats in your blinds, can be used by the most inexperienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The stranded whale at Middle Sound is but a short distance North of the Hummocks, across the inlet, and is easily accessible from that place. There will be preaching this even ing at the Seaman's Bethel at 5 o'clock. The public in general and seamen in particular are invited to attend. The joint services at Grace Metho dist E. Church on to morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock-will be con ducted by Rev. Mr. Law, Agent of the American Bible Society. Wre have the largest assortment of cook stoves to be found in the State to select from and at factory prices. We guarantee every stove to bake and cook welt and to give general satisfaction. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. - At 11 a. m. to-morrow German services will be held in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor- ner Sixth and Market streets, by the pastor. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau. No services at night on account of the , 0 . . , . B,ble Society meeting Dr pochard has reluTned from , , , rtl - ew lork "nd w,u occupy his pul pit Sunday at 11 a. m. No services The annual statement of the Wil "inKton Saving s and Trust Com Pany is published in thisissue. It is j an excellent showing, and especial ly for the clos of the first year. The - capital stock is $25,000 and there is ' $21,824.73 on deposit. The loans outstanding are $35,87G and cash on hand $11,759.99. The management of its affairs is in excellent hands, as is plainly evidenced by this state meHt SATURDAY. MARCH Mr. S. VanAmringe is iibout to ; begin the erection of a handsome . summer residence on his place at j Wrightsville, which is the Northern half of the old Burr property. - S500 Reward is offered by the manufacturers of Jr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a i ease of catarrh which they cannot j cure. This remedy cures by its mild, soothing, cleansing and. healing Vrjertfes- Only 50 cents, by drug- Personal. jUpssi- John Costin anu James: Walton, of Masonboro Sound, who left here several months ago for j Jacksonville, Fla., have returned highly delighted with their visit. Capt. George Morrison has so far recovered as to be able to appear on the street occasionally. Rev. A. DeR. Meares, who has been in the city for a short time past on a visit tx relatives and friends, has returned to his duties at Port Deposit, Md., where he has charge of a flourishing parish. The Governor's Visit. Gov Fowle's visit to AVilmington will be quite an event in our city. Col. John Wilder Atkinson, chair man of the meeting, to whom au thority was delegated, announces 4r , , " ,T m. oreuiuan ami messrs. vv. French, Win. H. Chadbourn and W. laging the housesof the inhabitants; A. Bryan as the committee on re- hut the havoc is not so extensive as .f.-r. oi nf0,toiT1,nn i'Ko that made bv colds and consump cept on and entertainment. Ihese tion bef,re Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup gentlemen will have entire charge, j was introduced, which is now the Col. Strange is chairman of the j great life saving remedy. committee. As stated by us yester day the Wilmington Light Infantry and the Germania Band will parade to meet the Governor Savinss'ftiid Trust f;o. The adjourned meeting of stock holders of the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company was held yes terday. It was determined to change the time for the annual meeting from January to March. The statement of the secretary and treasurer was read, showing that the bank isin a flourishing con dition. Mr. E, S. Latimer resigned bis position as diretcor, and Mr. Pern broke Jones was elected in his place. With this exception all the members of the old board were re elected. Monday and Tuesday. Three performances, such as the McLean-Prescott combination prom ise us for Monday and Tuesday, do not often fall in the way of our theatre-goers. The Jacksonville Times Union says of Miss Prescott: Last night's performance was a delicious revelation. Miss Prescott as Parthenia commanded the re spect and admiration of the house from the moment she stepped upon the boards till the ringing down of the curtain on the finale. Her -im personation Of a most difficult role was chaste, elegant, passionate and eloquent. .She carried her audience beyond the confines of art and swayed them by all the changing lights and shades with- which the author has so delicately, yet power fully, invested the character, in a manner which made them live with her the life she was enacting. En dowed by nature with all that is lovely in face and figure, and a voice full, pleasing and sympathetic, ln gomar, with all his barbaric rude ness, as her companion becomes an object of envy. . Highway Robbery. Mr. Gilmore Hare, of Sampson county, arrived here yesterday af ternoon with a raft - of timber and while seeking lodgings in company with some others, his friends, was accosted by one Bill Simpson, col ored, who offered to show them to a good hotel, a short distance away. They accepted the offer and started out with Simpson. The others were tired and declined to go further but Mr. Hare went on and walked up the W. & W. R. R. track with Simp sou. Finally, becoming tired and suspicions, Mr. Hare refused to go any farther, when Simpson turned and dealt fma a severe blow on the ; head, felling him to the ground. Mr. j Hare attempted to rise but Simpson swore that he would shoot him if he istirred. He then rifled Mr. Hare's pockets 0 $8, all of the money they contained. The blow dealt by Simp- son to his victim was a severe one, but fortunately the skull was not broken, although the scalp was cut. As soon as possible Mr. Hare, re- ported the circumstance- to the City Hall and officers are now looking for Simpson, and they think they will get him if be has not leftthe city. It is a clear ease of highway robbery, 9, 1889. NO 59. NEW ADVBRTI8BMKNTH W. M. opp. City Hall, MATTR KSSES, Made New, BTJSINESS 3PS,I3STOIFI-,ESSc RULES nr Broad Gauge Principles io Business. -NO MORE THAN PROPER VALUE FORJLNTTHINGr . - LESS TH AN THE USUAL PR 1 C E FO R MATHTNftS WHATEVER IS BEST TO BE H aD WE HAVE ' WHATEVER WAY GIVES BEST SERVICE TO OUR PATRONS ( WE PRACTICE. ( TRUTHFUL REPRESENTATIONS, WE SELL GOODS FOR ) WHAT THEY ARE. Utt WEN EVER DESTROY A CONFIDENCE WHEN ONOE WE) WE HOLD OUT NO FALSE HOPES TO BARGAIN SEKERS C AS FREQUENT AS WE GET BARGAINS WE SELL THEM AS i SUCH. c 5 OUR AIMS ARK LOWEST PRICES, BEST QUALITIES, BEST t STYL KS. I I.' C 1 1 T . X TTUO t) DOT rilTCiHAl nn . . j YAuurio, jjiho a uuoiujaiitis, u ear oATIBFAOTION ( H EST BUSINESS AND BEST IN EVERYTHING. ' 5 mch 8 Nor. barque Monika, Johannsen, from this port, arrived at London on Thursday. t In Borneo the monkeys are caus I ing considerable excitement by nil- Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church to-morrow at 11 a. &i. and 7.30 p. in. Miss Schwarz will sing at the evening service. The evening sermon will be one preached by the Rector some two months ago,on the text: "The Wages of Sin is Death.'' This sermon is repeated at the re quest of a large number who heard it before. Seats free. All welcome. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast. 11.00 P. M Northern through and way mails. . &00 A. M N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. ftalelgh & Fayettev'e 8.00 A. M. Southern way mails 2.00 P. M. Southern through mails P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY." " Western malls (C. C. Railway) iho P. M Cape Fear &, Y V R R and points sup plied therefrom 1.00 P. M. Raleigh & Hamlet li. Ii. and points supplied therefrom , 1.00 P. 1 Smlthvllle 1.30 P. M. Wrightsville 8.00 A. M. Clinton, special 3.15 P. M Specials for Maxton, Wadesboro, .Monroe and Charlotte 5 45 P. M. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces 0.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, S. C, and intermediate offices (i.oo A. M. Cape Fear River mail i.oo P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls 8.30 P. M. Northern through mall, late .11.00 P. M. southern through malls g.30 a. M. Southern way mails 9.30 A. . Carolina Central R. R 2.30 P. M. Malls collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 12.00 M. and 4.45 P. M. ana from otner points of the city at 5 A. M and 4 P. 31. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 p. 31., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. l Carriers delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 t0 3U.oUi. 31. Money Order and Register Department open irom o a. A. 10 jr. so.., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to iu a. si. ana 1 to 7 p. m. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Boarders Wanted. rj-ABLE BOARDERS WANTED AT 303 MAR kct st. TERMS REASONABLE. mch 9 3t J. W. ATKINSON, President. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. Annual Statement fF THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND KJ TRUST COMPANY. RESOURCES. Cash $11,759.99 Loans 35,875.00 Furniture and Fixtures 42L85 $48,056.84 LIABILITIES. . capital Stock ..?25,00aoo Due Trustees' A ccount 93L 16 nue Depositors 21.824.73 Surplus f.-. 300.95 $48,056.84 Yiinngnou, c, .uarcn 1st. im. mch 9 In Corneau's Bed Bug Inter , ceptic, J D. NUTTS GREAT PRESCRIPTION, FOR SALE BY inch 8 lUNDS BROTHERS. James U. iund9 4f-t , 1KUGGIST. A. FLLL LINE OF FUttE DRUGS AND chemicals. Physicians Prescriptiofis a se- W. lSLFJft: tmi try a glass fkke. jaai& PLSAfiX NOTICE, ikwe win be glad to receive comatmlcati from our Mends on any a&l ail8Utrt general! "The name of the writer must always be d nlshed to the Editor. communications must be written only pi one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endors th vlews)f co,espondents oniess so stated in the editorial columns. NEW A 9VERTISEMENT8. CIMMIXO, Made Over. O . m. mcintire, NORTH FRONT STREET. OPERA HOUSE. . , m , Two Niguts aud Matinee,. March lltli and 12th. . MArie Prescott & R. D. McLean, supported by a Selected t orapany lu Repertoire of Legitimate PlayB. '"MONDAY NIGHT : - 7"I3RC3-IlSriXJS- TUESDAY MATINEE: TUESDAY NIGHT: A WINTER'S TALE. Reserved Seats on sale at lieinsberger's. ' mch 9 2t Racket. Racket! OUR BUYER LEFT FOR NEW YORK CITY Thursday, March 7th, at 8 o'clock a. m. He expects to reach New York Sunday morn ing, lie will remain in New York two weeks in order to attend all the most important auc tions ana ouy our gooas cheap. Large t tties of goods will be coming in from quan March luth to March 30th. We expect to havo the largest, cheapest and best assorted stock- ever carried in this house. Any one wishing to purchase Rugs Window shades, Floor Oil Cloth and Matting, will please hold their orders untU theisth of March, when we can show them the cheapest stocif ever sold. You who wish to purchase a New Hat or any kind of Millinery Goods must remember that our New York Milliner will ha here to commence work on the 15th of Hards. She is a good Trimmer and has had several years' experience in the business and will be able to satisfy any order in Style, Quality and Price. Some merchants say that the Racket Store sUIs shoddy and inferior goods, because their goods wero bought at auction. We Bay it iw not so. what is the cause of auctions? And why should auction goods be inferior? . There are various causes lor auctions. Many mer chants overstock themselves by buyinir too many goods, and when their creditors are go ing to press them they will sell for cash for whatever price they can get In order to sare their credit. Many times the manufacturers are compelled to sell their stock at auction In order to meet their bills and there are many other, reasons for first class goods being sold for less than it cost to manufacture them. We are always looking out for these chances ,to purchase and consequently we are always able to sell you your goods at far below the manu facturer's price. Don't fall to give us a CalL Racket Store, 117 8. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N. C, BRADDT & GAYLORD, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters, Broadway, New York, mch 9 tl sat. 1 Lost. 1 OLD CHARM, ON ONE SIDE "AD AL- tiora" and on the other the Initials K. C. a Finder will be rewarded by returning game to J.R. WILLIAMS, mch 7 .it southern Express Office. ARTISTIC mmm. M FANCY PRINTING RUIiIlV6-BfNDIN6 BEST EQUIPPED OFFICE IN THE CITY. Every Department in charge of competent and reliable workmen. Good Work and Confidence knowing that we always do what ie promised brings U3 WORK. JACKSON & BILL, Th 3 Leading and Reliable Printers. Society Work. f1HE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S rarish sjollclt orders tar an anas 01 pug 1 orders left at the Rectory. r 23 won Third street, will meet with muiiiWoo

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