a.OO. .1 nr. 13. THIS PAP1W fvery evenly sundars excepted, Editor and Prop. U' ,utu3H paid: ,rIFT109- SLt months f"? one month, 35 cents. . ,,r.arvA by carriers, free r will w a im above in any Pari cents per we-; rates low ana un- reoort any ana I19.: 1 aoer regularly. . , to recen ' oTTer Skates. ..1 TUB HEALTH OF people I bave luiportea OasH of toiler Skates, rlO sin? The I EW VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N C WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1889. NO 68. you cms all sizes at ElNSBtiKGER'S o INDEX TO NW ADVKKTI8KMKNT8 Notick To all Interested Munds Bros Pharmacists W M Cuif ming Mattresses B F Penny Fine Clothing Ukinsbbbgkr -Holler Skates The Millers Bolted Corn Meal F C Miller Drugs and Chemicals For other locals see fourth page. Gold, silver and copper bronzes are sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The shades on 1C of the electric lights were broken by the hail last night. tiSS AND or savannah n A. n " organs soU HI The New York Herald reports GO., l Ull i l ' Monaav. was better on . T . uthi.V lu ta mecl rJau' ... ... ,...,r PrieflS at fctlDet Sao'"""' " EiNSBKHGER'S ui'L'ic eTdWK. - . - - Praise U. B. B. Some got left and some were taken, wax how we saved our inuni- eipal bacon. Indication. For North Carolina, fair weather, preceded by rain on the coast and slightly cooler. a.- .ilH'll ' , vtmnpn certainly awaken -.spare. hv of every true philanthropist, j Fowler for Mayor EodBsluO. endto Blood Halm Co., ti,a.. for proofs. , ' nosidv Kenuesnw, Ga., writes: L WWW; ' p,, uiV Wife Of tltt'S Jl l- " " v " Register now, there is no time to ami be readv to vote for ir In Q " . ..I 7,. 1,-, ,a i l Wl ' 1 1 f I ,111 J A .1 HI . X 1 I I AmS 5SHLS ft Hv;ii'BS.: school sappi k (L?Wk vftarewaa I free from head-j cheapest at li ii d entirely relieved me. i reel , .notVV person." :..llQ fJJ ! Oil stoves of T iv wife was ii bad health for eight and cooking, 1,'iv-p 1 neiors ami wu.i 1 had done her no good. Six bottles 01 . , Tnmi.nHon. Atlanta. Ga says: "For imffered with rheumatism, caused by; h trouble ami indues lo, 1 - fflSeraT-othef Scs-had . ni.hiinn riarV-stnn Ark.. I It J. 31. Kliuaiuouu, PS- -My wife suffered twelve years with 'ofiem nnri fftmale comnlalnt. A lady 7tL r mvphurfih had been cured by B. B. K persuaded my wife to try It. who now tnere is nothing like B. B. B., as it qulck- Uer relief. "STOKLEY'S" I WE AUK NOW PBE pared to accommodate may call upon us with the finest Oysters h id on the coast, w? have made Reciai paratlons lor the Season. yrtle Qrove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters .Y3 on hand. ' desired. Ifitl Served promptly and in any W. H. STOKLEY. W.lglltkvnie. For Rent. Last night's storm was almost a howler, bur that didn't hinder a triumph for Fowler. All kinds of School Books and ies can be boap1 JHeinsbrerv t all kinds, for heating guaranteed to give N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t satisfaction. Farmers, see the latest improve-: ment in back band hooks and rein snaps sold, by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t If the liver and kidneys are slug gish and inactive. Hood's Sarsapa- rula will arouse them to prompt and regular action. Take it now. If you want a picture framed go to Heinsberger's. He has a large assortment of Mouldings to select rom. FERAL HOUSES. STOUES AN X IWAArrifl In snlpnril1 InpolttlPS A Inn urn ulaa. ...wu. ... .v.v.w. - and lots ror sale ior casn ana s monthly installment plan. ! promptly collected . Taxes audi irxe attended to without extra charge. ft AHTIN T.DAVIS, Real Estate Agent, BVKtr 119 vrlncess St Irugs and Chrmicaie )1LET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, wider Braces. Trusses, etc., etc. .su rrescnptions niiod day or nifirut at F. C. MILLifiK'S, Drug store. MM corner Fourth and Nun Sts.. Tho National Life AND I I 1 1.1.1 V -( A A A A y-v -V LUIU1 1 .ASM ' OF WASHINUTON. Dt. p.f c 1 fta $314,012.19 pWUUes Nnnp. r 10 members . .$120,082.31 horatio browning, President. V 0 1 v MSGItC3 l). ELDUIDQE, & fetary. Manager and Actuary. m luauraa. Rt Ausolute Coat, An tncontestibie FoUcj." ktenity Value in Casn at Fixed Agr' Aaouai 1 osr Absolutely Limited. -btilv Pomp ia. . - .vtui uia per ear. : r'' :''--bl. A . if r Th-A v..is: b. RJlOmi-U, M. D4 H. uiitv o Directori .....v.., oprfiai jvirenu ,JbUN '-omf oaitv 1.215 F street, njw. la "N UA A U, J a.. Local Aarent. witmlntrton N. C. Ep!P Wonder8 exlst ln tiiousandfl MUi or forms, but are surpassed by tb.e m im AV s ?J, lnvention. Those who toe hvtn UP, nuble work tUat can be done c : Ti"p . i oulu ai once sejwtn'3ir fcuu 1 , IT Qine have made ,n 1 slSle day at this work. AH sue uov Binv v flint tenons qr repairing broken lats ir youc tjlius, can be aed by the most inexperienced. N. Jacobi l Id w. Co. We have the largest assortment of cook stoves to be found in the, Sta$e to select from and at factory prices. We guarantee every stove to bake and cook well and to give general satisfaction. S. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Havoc at Oakdalg. "Ye havp wv.itten elsewhere of the, hail storm ''.the great hailstorm,1' as it should hye called and since was in land ftve yeceiYed. a not fconi Mr. Itanlan, Superintend ent of Oakdale Cemetery, which gives a distressing aecount of the damage done in that beautiful "City of the Dead." Mr. Donlan says that the destruction there has been great and that never in his life has he seen anything like it. Beaatiful plants and shrubs and even trees are broken and lie scat5 tered all oyer the gronnd. The change from Q p. in. to 6 a. iq. was heart rending. Mr- Donlan says that he cqu,1c ha v & gathered oart loads of hailstones this morning as large as partridge eggs. Jurors for the Federal Court. The following, hve been chosen at liurors for the next term of the tTnited States District Court, which convenes in this city on Tuesday. April 30th: Jf$f Ianover County B. F. Hall, H. C. Evans, Robert C. Orrell. James Nolan, JT. H. Home, W. T. Daggett, Walter McRae, R Ieinsb.erger; Thou. B. Da yis, John J. Forrest, B, F. Penny, Patrick Donlan, John B Heery. Wwi. Qilohrist. Bladen County Alex. McK. Coun cil, C. S. Edwards, Win. McHorrell, Matthew Byrne, D. B. Mel v in, A. C. Cromartie. Pender County W. I. Rivenbark, J. Q. Bell, . T, Riveubark, J: J, riAsen, RM,5 Groom, ft. C. John Son, W. W. Alderman, Richard Woodcoek. Duplin County Geo. W. Brinks ley. Jnlius A. Faison, Owen McCul longh. Robt. D. Hunter. Brunswick County John P. Mur rell, Ruf usD. Hewitt, John L. Thorp, J ujina W. Taylor, 4. M. Mercer. Robeson County A. A'. Bethune, Pougald McCormae, P, P. Smith, W. R, Freeman, ieo. B. McLeol, John Humph rev Seaman's Friend Society. A called meeting: of the Trustees was held in the parlor of the Home at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon with Vice President Geo. Harriss in the chair. The members present were Mr. B. F. Mitchell, Mr R. E. Heide, Dr. T. B. Carr, Oapt. W. P. Oldham, Mr. L. Hansen, OoJ. F. W. Kerchner, Mr. James bprupt and Capt. E. W. Manning, The Vice President stated that the meeting was called to take suitable action in regard to the death of Mr. George R. Venoh, late President of the Society. On motion a committee, consist in of Messrs. W. P. Oldham and K E. Heide, was appointed, to draft resolutions expressive of the esteem in whieh he was held by the Socie ty, who after consultation presented the following statement and resolu tions whioh were unanimously adop ted and ordered spread upon the minutes: George R. French was one of the founders of the Wilmington Hospi tal Association, organized in -1835. At the first annual meeting held by them he was elected one of the Board of ManagerSj AP'l 94th 1886. The Wilmington Marine Hospital Asso ciation wasjmerged into theSeaman's Friendociety which had been in porated in the year 1852. All of the assets were consolidated into the Seaman'sFriend, Society. Mr. French was'tften elected Corresponding Secretary. He held that position until the society became self sus taining. In 1853 he was elected one of the Trustees and served in thi capacity until 18?1 when he was elected, preahlent and has filled this position fer eighteen consecutive years, being eleoted annually to this Mr A 11 tm t , oroce up to trie time 01 ms death. March 15th, 1889, at 6:30 o'clock a. id, at which time his soul took itsf flight. The Seaman's Friend Society now wish to place oh record some token of the high appreciation in which their leader was held and a tribute to his memory. Therefore be it JZesolved, That by the death of brother George R. French, the Sea man's Friend Society has lost one of her best, truest and most devoted members, one who, was always giv ins good connse and wming to ren der substantial aid, faithful in the discharge of all his duties and de voted to the Society's interest. His influence with the parent society in New York has always been for her good. In manner h$ h&a always been kind. tfentVe and courteous. His life h'xs been protracted to well near four score years and ten, he being in his eighty-eighth year when called from labor to refreshment. J2e8otved, That thes$ solutions be entered lyiori the Record Book of ttjg Society and a copy be sent to the Seaman's Aid Society of New York j also, to the family of onr de ceased President, Mr-tew and fellow meiuhev-. With our- sincere sympathy jn this their great bereavement Remarks eulogistic of the life and services of the late President were feelingly and tenderly made by Mr. B. F. Mitohell, Dr. T. B. Carr, Rev. W. M. Kennedy and Mr. R. E. Heide. On motion of Capt. W. P. Oldham, Col. Roger Moore was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Qp Inchon. 04 Mr R. Heide Vice President Geo. Harriss was unanimously elected President of the Society, On motion of Capt. E- W. Man ning, Mr. R. E. Heide was unani mously elected Vice President of the Society, Qn motion of Mr. James Sprunt, Col. F. W. Kerchner was unani mously elected a member of the Ex ecutive Committee The. Committee on Rental and Re pairs, through Capt. W. P. Oldham, reported the repairs" to the Seaman's Bethel nearly completed; also, an itemized statement of the cost, amounting to $391.08. The report was received andordered on file. The thanks of the Trustees were tendered by vote to the committee for the thorough and efficient man ner in which they had .performed their duty and power was given theia to finish the work. NEW ADVEBTISEWET we will be glad to receive cwnraimtAfttio from obj mends on any ana u subject general interest, but The liaiMotitawritCTtnuBt always u nlshed to the Editor. communications must be written only 0 a one side or the paper, Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially, and particularly unuer stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the edit columns. THURSDAY! The Y. M. C. A. Convention meets. I should like to RENOVATE your old mattresses or make a new one on Wednesday or Thursday, so you may be prepared for the reception of delegates. W. M. CUMMING. Opposite City Hall- The City Primaries. The Democrats of all of the Wards in the otty were in primary conven tion last night, with the following results: FIRST WAIU. The meeting was called to order' by Mr. W. H. Strauss, who was made permanent chairman. Mr. A. Jj. Scott was secretary. Mr. George L.s Morton was nomi nated for Alderman, unanimously. No other nomination was made. Mr. J. F. Mjiiwider, present mem ber of the Board of Audit and Fi nance, was unanimously recom mended for reappointment. "SECOSf WARD, The meeting ingthe Second Vard was called to order by Mr. P. Heins berger. Capt. John Cowan was elected chairman by acclamation, and Mr. W. H. Sprunt and Mr. Wrn Blanks secretaries. Messrs. J. Ji. Boatwright and C. B. Mallett .were appointed tellers. The chairman stated that nomi nations were in. order. 1 ,Oo T. W. Strange nominated Mr. Oscar Pearsall for Alderman. The nomination was seconded by Du Brutz Cutlar, Esq, Mr. James W. King nominated Mr. A. G. Ricaud. Seconded by Col. Roger Moore. Capt. J.- C. Morrison put Mr. D. Smith in nomination. Seconded by Mr. B. G. Worth. No further nominations were made and balloting began. The total vote cast was 344, ol which Mr. Pearsall received 197; Mr. Siirith. 138; Mr. Ricaud, 137. Messrs. Pearsall and Smith having each received a ma jority were declared the nominees of the Ward. Mr. Ricaud. in a short speech, moved that the nominations be made unanimous, and the motion being seconded was adopted. Mr. Wm, Qalder was unanimously recommended to represent the Ward on the Board of Audit and Finance. THIRD WARD. Marsden Bellamy, Esq., was made chairman of the meeting held for the, Third Ward, and Mr. T. J. Pratt and Mr. W. Otersen were secretar ies. Messrs. A. S. Holden and JeW. C. Love were appointed tellers. Messrs. W. C. Craft, J.F. Post, Jr., J. W. Jackson, and Jno. L. Dudley were put in nomination for Alder men. A ballot was taken and the total vote cast was 218; necessary to a choice 110. Mr. Craft received 140 votes; Mr. Post, 199; Mr. Jackson, 59; Mr. Dudley .79. Mr. Craft and Mr. Post having received a majority were declared the choice of the ward for Aldermen. The chairman stated that recom mendation for a member of the Board of Audit and. Finance' was in order, whereupon Mr. B. F. Hall of feyed the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the electors of the Third Ward, appreciating the faith ful and valuable servicee of Rich ard J. Jones, as a member of the Board of Audit and Finance of the city of Wilmington, most respect fully and earnestly petition the Gov ernor of the State to reappoint him a member of said Board from this Ward. FOURTH. WARD. T ha meeting was called to order by Mr. John L.Boatwright,and Messrs. W. A. Willson, Jr., and T. F. Bagley were appointed secretaries. On motion Capt. Boatwright was made permanent chairman. Messrs. Ed. Daniel and A. M. Waddell, Jr. , were appointed tellers; Mr. T. G. Pickett and Capt. O. A. Wiggins, challengers. The chair stated that the meeting wais ready for business, whereupon Mr. A. D. WwstJl nominated Mr. RufnaW. Hicks for Alderman. The nomination was seconded by Mr. W. S. Hewlett. Mr. John Reilly nominated Mr. John J. Fowler. Mr.Norwood Giles and Capt. W. P. Oldham seconded the nomination. Hon. A. M. Waddell pureed in nomination Mr Louis Belden, and i M, IX T. Cronly seconded the nom- j i nation. Mr. John H. Currie arose and ad- l atui have a very fine Hearse foifunerai oc dressed the meeting in behalf of the r.c. orrell. nomination of Messrs. Fowler and. ' rwSS3MSS. Hicks. Only one ballot was taken, which HaSSOIl's UomPOUIld SvrUP At the recent dinner given by the j resulted in the selection of Messrs. F T.K cults coughs and colds wnre others CalL son and a flow of soul-but aU th VT4 " o a Forsaieby flame the national cev 1 W for Dr. . 1,64581 ved 191 ? Hnsks, 131; Belden, 9a munds brothers. NEW fADVERTI8EMENT8. a member of the Board of Audit and Finance for several terms, de clined reappointment. Capt. O. A. Wiggins nominated Capt. W. R. Kenan; Mr. R. H. Mc Koy, Mr. Clayton Giles: Mr. A. D. Wessell, Mr. L. Vollers. A ballot resulted as follows: Kenan received 59 votes; Giles, 60; Vollers, 2; scattering, 3. Total vote cast 135; necessary to a choice 63. No election. Before a second ballot was taken Mr. Giles" name was withdrawn, and on motion the nomination of Mr. Kenan was declared unanimous. FIFTH WARD. Mr. J. W. MilUs called the -meeting to order and Mr. G. W. Gafford was elected Chairman: Mr. Wm. Uirich. Jr., secretary. Messrs. G. W. Borneman, F. A. Montgomery, Preston Gumming, D. McEachern and G. W. Gafford were put in nomination for Aldermen. The first ballot resulted in the selec tion of Messrs. Gafford and Mont gomery, and these, gentlemen were declared the unanimous eholce of the Ward,, for Aldermen. Mr, J. W. Hewett and Mr. J. D. H. Klander were proposed for repre sentative of the Ward on the Board of Audit and Finance. Forty six votes were cast, of which number Mr. Hewett received 38 and Mr. Klander 7. Mr. Hewett was there upon declared the unanimous choice of the Ward for a member of the Board of Audit and Finance. $500 offered for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head, by the man ufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. DIED. TEACHY Departed this aife, March 16th, at the residence of her husband, Arnold Teachy, MARY ALICE TEACHY, aged 38 years and 8 days. An affectionate wife, a fond and loving mother and consistent mem ber of the Presbyterian Church has passed away from the scenes of time to mingle on the eternal shore with loved ones gone before, (or we know, if this earthly house of oar tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal and on high, and the comforting words to the sorrowing, with the cheering hope of the Christian and words of warning to the care less, spoken on her funeral occasion, by the uged and beloved minister, the Rev. D. B. lilack, will long he remembered by his hearers s. s. N ft W ADVERTISEMENTS. Important. There will be a business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. this, Wednesday, evening at 8 o'clock. All members are earnestly requested to be pres ent as delegates Horn the Wilming ton Association to the State Con ventiou which meets to-morrow, willjhave to be selected. Twenty -six members are to be elected, reports are to be read, &c. Be sure to attend. COMPLIANCE WITR THE LAW OF North Carolina, Vol. 2, Chapter 65, Section 3830, we wiU, from and after this date, put up and sell Bolted Cora Meal 46 pounds to the bushel. mch 30 It B. P. MITCHELL A SON, BONEY & DARPER, W. P. OLDHAM & CO. Notice. Km?T,En :-a mam op temperate and 1 Oolumbus-Thos. Barefoot,Joeph ' e (?liver i Folwer nd Hieks, as follows: To- lflSS U. Baldwin. J. H. Lennon. A. C. ! vateea 817; of which Fowler salary, u suited won twr month. 1 Oliver. W. M. HHPiwlcnn llni. u . j r:ttr pi i m i du.uAmj i r i - - . k -. t - - t . Look Rnr i cV v." vl . Ooliau Bull's CORffh Svran. Mr. W. 1. Gore, who has serei a& i. i Ti i ar - " A LL INTERESTED WILL HEREBY TAKE t notice that tne processioning proceedings in which Sneeden et aL, are plaintiffs, and the Wilmington Seacoast R. R. et aL, are defend ants, have been continued by consent until further notice. THOS. W. STRANGE, . H. M( "CLAMMY, RICAUD & WEILL, mch 19 2t Attorneys. R, Op Orrell j AS A i.OT OF SECOND HAND BUGGIE and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles for hire and horses boarded at low rates by the day, week or month. Will try hard to please. Down with High Prices. j. Big Mark Down ! o- Jg F. PENNY GUARANTEES TO SELL ciotnmg 15 per cent less than any other house In the city. Look at our astonishing low prices. Gentlemen's suits from $3.75 to $88.50. Boys' and Youths' suits from $1.75 to $6.50. Pauts from 75 cents up to $5.50. Vests from ;s contb and upward. An Immense stock of Hats and Furnishing Goods which lam offering at prices la reach of every one. All persons in needof any of the above ;will save money In calling at ' HO Market St. also take nleasure in Informlncr mv friends and the public In general that! have ci added to my Clothintr Business Merchant Tailoring, and am now nreuared to make suits to order in any style and guarantee to do It 10 per cent cheaper than any other merchant in the city. I have employed the service of a first class Cutter ana do my work here In the ci ty. Satisfaction guaranteed . I Kespeetflilly. mch 2 tf B. F. PENNY. Just Received. I HAVE JUST Alft RIVED FROM THE NORTH WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T ' r " ' v Great care has been taken In the selection of these goods, and they are guaranteed to please. '-'a' '., '- z The Dress-Making Depart ment is a specialty, and all who desire the Latest styles and most Fashionabl e Patterns should call, and they will be entirely satisfied that everything that they wish In our line can be supplied them at a most reasonable price. Miss Goodwin, who has charge of the MIL LINERY DEPARTMENT, will arrive here on the gist, and will be pleased to have her friends call. MRS. E. B. WIG6ISS, AGENT", j 115 JUAEKET 8T. mch 18 tf J-OTIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN compliance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, en titled --An Act to enable the City of Wilming ton to. encourage mantlfacturlng In that city . ' ratified the 11th day of March A. D. 1880, an election will be held In said city, on the 28th day of March Inst., within the boors and at the several voting places m the several Wards of said city, in which the election of Aldermen is held, for the purpose of ascertaining the wm of the qualified voters of the city touch ing a subscription on the part of the city, "of the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be given as an encouragement to new manufacturing enterprises which may be established witiiin the nmlts of said city, or enlargements of plants already existing. Those favoring such subscription will vote on primea or written oauots. suDSCni Those opposing the same win vote scnption. By order of the Board of Aldermen. JOHN J. FOWLER, mch l3t 162025 Mayor. O SUb- OOjEtl ALL AT J. A. SPRINGER'S FOB OOAL; ood. Brick and shingles. 12 North water Street, ; - - . - -. ,

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