i 1 THIS .ApBB i excepted, Sundays l1"' K.iuor and Prop. ,in5S. rvu ...nntus fS.00- Throe montii, 35 cents. rtcuveitxl by carriers, free ...11 W d, U .. . .hP ahove T1 nfibcciiy. N oer landli - 'In.niease report fetbeir paper regmar Tie Daily Review. VOL XIII WILMINGTON, N C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1889 NO 103. LOCAL ISTEKTS- INDEX TO NW ADVKRTISKMENTS A F Lucas Soda Water. Mcnds Bkos Pharmacists M Bellamy- Executor's notice. Island Beach Hotel For lease or rent Best assortment of fishing tackle can be found at the N. Jacobi Hdw. . ft f - r -n F1GS OF CALIFORNIA; I J -i1n "lie uiwv-'" i VLowutobe 1(3 U1 human -i;;, agreeable Elective laxative to perma deittcti.ci consti- btlv cure a-TZ - fitjSaMi BOWELS. Sstcxcdlremcdyknownto r,!Ii,k' or Constipated SO 'THAT corrnsWC SLEEP. HEAL i n i'lu - NATURALLY FOLLOW. it and all are Iverv one j "ji"6 lighted with it. F"& nimniCT FOR ASK YOUM unuu' - - Nor. barqueyimazon, Eliassen,from this port, arrived at London on the 36th inst. The eourt fines for the month of April -amounted to $153 and tbe pound fees to $16.50. The number of arrests made by the Police during the month of April was 150. w We gain this month 47 minutes of i daylight. This month has five Wednesdays, five Thursdays and five Fridays. Strawberries are a little cheaper. Thov arAA frr 951 rtfmts a ouart this M. iivj ovi w m morning. Swedish barque Axel Wasfeldt, Lefvengren, sailed on the 26th from Santos for this port. Some of the fishermen who weut out yesterday had rare good luck and some hadn't. The riee fields and creeks were full of them. Two of our young friends brought home a string more than a yard long, which was so heavy that it took both of them to tote it. We did hot see a drunken man any where yesterday. This is are markable fact for a big holiday. Comfort and economy are to be in the use of oil stoves. Sold IUU11M s m m - by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t. Canary and mocking bird cages. A full line of above are now being shown by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f Make your house secure by put ing burglar proof locks on your blinds and windows. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. lALIFORNI A FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FHAHUW, "" 'or sale by KOliKHT K HKLImi. WHOLESALE DRUGG lb l, irk 91 iy diw ,u' The Invalids Hope. ,110 prmo-i of blood unv .-rinmuij iu " Mtrm scrofula and rneumauwu ft LK't'll . ui'-u jj " made by the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Wi ltt- to Them for bonk filled witli con ldn:-,r prooi. w b Raider, living 7 lniesiromAWHsna, wrttes. -For several yesrs 1 suffered Hh ninnin'i-Ulcers, hhhii uuwu.o ,i nmnnnneetl iiipur.ible. A Sinsie DOUie 01 K. ---- ,..i i, ., n thp nrp B. 1.. (UU 111'' mure ;;uuu i uan - ii ami -t-ijr un-v-i Ready mixed paints and stains, white lead, oil and varnishes, tor low prices and good reliable goods thp IS. Jacobi Hdw. Co. ev Capt. F. M. James reports 10 in terments in Oak Grove cemetery du. ring the month of April. Of these 4 were whites and 8 were blacks. . That tired feeling and loss of ap petUe are entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaprilla, the peculiar medicine. Try it and see. About $100 was realized at the en tertainment given in the City Hall last night for the benefit of the Brooklyn Baptist Church. Indications. For North Carolina threatening weather and rain and slightly colder. Entitled to the Best. All firA entitled to the best that their uionev will buy, so every fain ily should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of t-it ..... i . i t!ratiiii when K.M.LawsOD.Eat Point. Ga., writes: "My l m, " " , in r0n Uetedserofuia if, years. She kept -growing costive or bilious. For sale in ..UQ Sbe lost her hair ami ner?ui uu , ,...a x, nU innniiurclruir t fearfully. Debility, emaciation aim iw mm jpi w r - " PHltr followed. Alter puysiciana uuu u- At the City Hall Last Night. The patriotic entertainment given at the City Hall last night for the benefit of the Brooklyn Baptist Church was largely attended. It was also very successful and very pleasant. Thirteen beautiful young ladies represente 1 the original States, with flags and inappropriate costumes. The nan was ueauMiuuy decorated with the national colors. There were interesting recitations and a flag drill, and refreshments were served at the conclusion of the exercises. Harbor Master's Report. From the books of Capt. Joseph Price, Harbor Master, we get the j following report of arrivals at this port for the month of April: American-- steamers, 9,825 tons; 13 schooners, 3,740 tons. Total Amer ican, 22 vessels and 13,565 tons. Foreign 11 barques, 4,543 tons; 2 brigs, 615 tons; 1 schooner, 138 tons. Total foreign, 14 vessels and 5,296 tons. Grand total, 36 vessels, aggregat ing 18,861 tons. Meteorological' The folio Wrng is a summary of the- weather for the month of April, as furnished-the Review by Mr. F. P Chaffee, Chief Signal Office here: Mean barometer, 29.97 inches highest, 30:34. on the 23d; lowest, 59.47, on the 25th. Mean temperature, 58.8 degrees; highest, 86, on the 12th; lowest, 42 i J on the 7th ana tn; me greatest daily range of temperature was 29 degrees; the least daily range. 6 de grees. The prevailing direction of the wind was southwest, the total move- JSRW ADVERTISEMENTS, We win he glad to receive conununlcatlo from our on any and all subject general Interest, hut , The name of the writer must arrays be nlshed to the Editor. communications must he wrltte one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly una stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents anless so stated fh the edit columns. NIUW ADVEUTI8EMENTS. NOVELTIES AND STAPLES! Carpets apl 17 Of : Various : Styles : and : Prices I R. JM. Mclntire, NORTH FRONT STREET. Citv Court. The following cases were disposed of by the. Mayor this morning: , Frank Davis, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was found guil ty but judgment was suspended on payment of costs. Rinhard Turner, a small colored n.ent 6,619 miles, and the extreme charged with -stealing a velocity of the wind was 30 miles an Qn the gea coast train. He hour,on the 6th and 7th, from north and northwest. The total rainfall was 2.13 inches. The total deficiency in precipitation was 1.20 inches. There were 11 cloudless days, 11 i For Kent or Lease. The Island Beach Hotel, the new and elegant hotel situated at the partly cloudy and 8 cloudy. Hummocks, the terminus of the No frost occurred. Seaside Railroad is offered for rent or lease. The house is handsomely furnUrred throughout with im proved conveniences for guests, and be had at once. was fined $5 for this offense. Robert Moore, colored, was found guilty of letting his horse run at large but judgment was susnenoea. Richard Howell, white, was . i n charged with being drunk anu down. For this offense he was hned $5 and costs. I kept on using ItM. wrifees: ! ui,,.,p,i i- A.i ' mv;i isju. uu. L Wtntrv T,. B. B. lor ea- n i.i. ii l.. flinncriir incurauic, aau U. ill. u O - - - . . . j.., nnrt diiuv.tiK.oit ir. i eiitruieu mm. emu ?1CU .Ul I I' .iwi-'.iti. " - 3 - . ntinu-nL' its use he was cureu somm anu Ac nnssess on can ne nau jil u. every one who has ever visiteu rt knows it is delightfully situated within full view of the ocean and sounds and with every facility and advantage of a first class seaside re sort. m MKriTArtlspri medleines failed. I tried 11 I. R. and her recovery was rapiu anu coui- etf." r s.w iMltimore. Mil., writes: "i heumatism. B. ,B. Uaaproven'to in' the only medicine that aveme relief." gists. James G. Munds, Ast , DRUGGIST. . i . . - ... fi ll line of pure drugs Arm j rate deau wnicij uuw tarieala Physicians' inscriptions a spe- puuuc pit ranev ami Toilet Articles in ereat vil li. Artesian Well Mineral Water; come In HryaghssFREE. janio tST0KLEY'S.,, ,VE AHE NOW riiE- Jfe pared to accommodate Another Confederate t.ot. We understand that the Ladies' Memorial Association have purchas ed a laige plat of ground in Oakdale Cemetery to which will be trans ferred the remains of the Conteci- ln the it is , n. . i their intention to enclose ine piaue and probably to erect a monu 4. fl,,i f.ntiriil The lilot IS 111 f Lit. uu f i-, fc ' ' located near the gates. By the Sad Sea Waves. ' i There were large crowds 01 peopie at the Sound and at the Hummocks yesterday. The train which went down yesterday afternoon at 2:30 carried five coaches and all were full with people standing in the oid mid on the platforms. A run was made acr ss to the beach and over the entire length of the Ocean View railroad. This road has been properly named, for there is a mag- nificient view seawarti over its i ii. o;A nannnt imaarine a tire leugtu, r " delightful ride on a U-w. ... , Av. tui irmd within one nun lllilll Jlt t,m.mma , dred feet of the breakers and wim n A. ,i-i.,f ill the wide expanse ot waters m,iciwi in out to meet the horizon. t n tf ; nid that some uu peo ple passed over-the Seacoast raiN rotld yesterday. ' In Pender County. The Wedding Bells. Mr. Walker J. Bergen, of Brook lvn. New York, but for the paf-t Winter a resident of this city, was happily married last night in St. Thomas1 church to Miss Mary J. Madden, a beautiful and charming young lady, daughter of our ex teemed friend, Mr. James Madden. The church was crowded to its ut most capacity. The ushers were Flanasran, T. J. Sinclair and John Westermann. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Donlan audthe best man was Mr. U. M. Robinson. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. Father Hill, ac cording to the beautiful and tin pressive ritual of tlie Catholic Church. The music, under Pro, Raff's skillful direction, was very Personal. Dr. K.J. Powersof Pender county, is in the city, in attendance on the District Court. Mr. A. F. Lucas is better to day. Dr. S. S. Satchwell vas in the city yesterday. Mr. R. C. Johnson, member of the Legislature from Pender county was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw, was in the city to day for a few hours and paid us a short visit. Rev. F. D. Swindell, Presiding Elder of this district, left hers to day for Nashville, Tenn.. to attend a nieetintr of the Board of Stewarts of the University, of which lie is a member. District Court. The U. S. uistrict uourt, j uges For Rent or Lease. rIHE ISLAND BEACH HOTEL, SITUATED on the Hammock, adjacent to and In full view ot the Atlantic Ocean, is one of the most attractive and pleasant watering places on the coast. Railroad communication with the city ot Wilmington, (which is only ten miles distant), is made Several times a day. Among the many attractions this season will he the Ocean View Railroad, which runs one and a half milef up the Beach in full view of the ocean. i Pleasure ooats always in readiness and nahing of all kinds In abundance, f The Carolina Yacht Club have their annual rocrattn. nvflp a. course which lies within a H,SVT. - ciuarter of a mile of the Hotel, and the com- much pleasure and excitement. The WNBST SURF BATHING on the coast. The Hotel la ntted up in first class style, with improved conveniences for guests. Possession given secretary and Treasurer my l lw Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, Wilmington, N. C fine. . x xi ,.i rf thp ferenronv I -1 ...i Wchmiw.hi' nresidins, COU J.i I'lie CUllulU!""" I UVUU tviivi. mvj - i the bridal Dartv drove to Mr. Mad- veneci in this city to day. The fol. den's residence, on North Front iowmg were drawn ai a grand jury: , " , etrept where an elegant learsu nu.u raincK i-uuiu, A v- , hot day street, L.n.hakt DMin th W. Tavlor. Thos. and the many handsome and costly Barefoot, A. A. Bethune, Dougaiu presents were displayed and ad- McCormac, J. H. Howe, jonnnum mired. At 12:05 they embarked for phrey, A. C. Oliver, Matthew Byrne, Ml HPrCPn S IlUUlC 1" 1J1 uunij". 1 HUD. Ji . '"I - - Lennon, B. b . Fenny, jouu jr J. J. Pridgen, C. S. Edwards, R. M. To the Public. ALL MY FRIENDS, CUSTOMERS AND the public generally, will hereby take notice that after April 30th, 1889, I will not sell any more liquors, wines, beer, &c. I shall devotamyself exclusively to the GROCERY TRADE, including, of course, Tobacco. Cigars, Ac. A cordial invitation w e: pdel to all to inspect my stock of the BEST FAMI LY GROCERIES in town, special attention given to ladies and children. I would ask all to give me a liberal share of their patronage. Respectfully, apl 30 3t cor. Fifth and Market fits. SODA WATER SEA80N. TTAVING GREATLY IMPROVED FACIL1 tSes I am now prepared to offer my manufac tures for the season of 1889 in quantities to suit any purchaser. I make all kinds of ' Wide Awake. Wide Awake for May brings to a close "The Adventures of David Croom. i r-v :-l P,.ono " trt ClVe I Vane ana i"' r, follows: .'7 it I II UC IHI liOOU UOUncil, sieaiiiiK The Grand Jury have returned A friend at Burgaw sends us some place to -Sybil Fair's Fairness; it ru -ery interesting items of news. He brings to a pause, too, "Five Little j ii,,,mntr Ar ii!i.n 1 tr o 1 r.n cr with ITOUl t lio may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to fie had on the Coast. We have made specla PfWatlons tor the season. Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters served promptly anu iu ivuj W. H. STOKLEY, Wrightsvllle. mat on hnriil RJ!e desired. m io tt The National Life AND Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C To Go to New River. Capt. John W. Harper, owner of the steam yacht Louise, heretofore nlvinc hPtween this citv and South port, has sold her to the Onslow Lumber Company, the parties who are to build the W., O. & E. C. R. R. The nurchase money has passed and . . , we understand that the boat is to De taken to New River where she will te put to work, probably in connec tion with the railroad, sue is a staunch, trim little craft and has been on the Cape Fear so long we hate to see her leave us. - . i. VXT says that the proposed Burgaw & peppers Midway," to go along with mnth however in the m Paid toMem bers Over - -$600,000 irued Liabili ties - None, vs. the U. S. Mail. . rw 11 c:n:: U. S. Lvs. Richara norren, .iiuuiv distilling. - Harper et al. vs. English steamsnip Gaboon ', libel. . The latter case was on trial at our close. VANILLA SODA, ; LEMON SODA, OttANGE SODA, STRAWBERRY SODA, CREAM SODA. HORATIO 1SKOWX1NG, President, sAMl KL NOHMENT, rreasuTpf. GKOROK D. KLD.UIDGK, SBcrctary. Manager and Actuary. The Passport to Ileturn. The Passport will return to Wil mington and join the Cape Fear fleet again this fcjummer. This wil be pleasant news va many. Some how this gallant little crait una gained a warm place in the affec tions of the people of this city and section. Capt. Jno. W. Ha?per will eave here to-night for .New lorw, with a select crew, to bring her out, expecting to return here with her about the 8th or 10th. She win ue this Summer be nr R R. inav no longer u- them next looked upon as a myth but as a fix- fresh table of "Five little Peppers ed reality. Mr. H. A. Colvin with a Farther On." Mrs. Fremont has a squad of men started out from Eur- lonff story in this number, entitled caw on Monday to make the neces- "Besieged," a tale of the wild min sary surveys. The road, he says, iug day8 of 1840 in California ' Ted will be built. The right men are at dy, isa story of two beautiful dogs. Kni. i it is understood that voai fine. known to many Boston they have lots of money behind youDg pe0ple. "Litte Cy Downer's them Mr. George A. Ramsey, of Ride" i8 a swinging civil war ballad Burgaw, the energetic vice rrB- Qf a brave uiuc 7 i"TQ7 Neu , v.;. at rifisprves a ereat Ur tv . crives an account of last nin8' inflammation of te Kidneys and (leilt Ul lino - T iuu; o -,iif t th pamest ner-l-a Mav Dav celebration. sistence he has displayed in pushing chapter of the Children of the White forward the interests of the road. House series is entitled The House Sunday last was a gloomy day. hold of Andrew Jackson, aaa J There was a cold rain aud-in some fQi of anecdotes and pictures. ' Men J - .Mu..nntv.P wind was sim-lknd Things11 is full of original aueo pans ui - - -i --i r . .11 i ! a rni. .ao tiler, a .triA hail I r nf as1 notat Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "It Works Like aCharm." ,,0 im nxTT?TTr f.lKlMENT IS A R safe and speedy cure lor Rheumatlam, JroouPadache, Sprains, Bruises, sweUimrs. Inflammation of the luaneya au A all painful affections., m For mvr 104 Ha r roni su Executor's Notice. rTAMNG,N THE 1ST PAY OF MAY, 1889, . --.. . r.f thA last will ana . 1 2 11. .i.Anrr t 1PM1 1 A CVA I ply terrific. There was a.so s m. n.; aoie. i u-.- J" Katnhen ,mMt o Mrs. France E. MeKoy, , :.i.;t, :ii , c.wfrniK to i ue i .men n tne u iiivc i .-nsnpets in some localities. in 1862, and -John O. Whittier's ceaseUi I herehy give notice to those indebted nun ... I - ,, 1 .. J. " I , J.1 Cmf..ir ' I would invite special attention to the qual 1 lty of the GINGER ALE, manufactured at my works, ft has been pronounced by good Judges as superior to the imported ale.; t use none but the Beat, Pure Extracts and can guarantee all that goes out ot nay boose, orders from the city and country solicited. Respectfully, A. F. LUCAS. oock Street, Near Second. apl 29 tf But if no colder weather comes it is j little dog and the Singer a URO. .f. KASTEIIDAY, .ton secretary. tasunmce at Absrilute Cost. ''Uar.intecd Policy. iriLoatestlble PoUev. - w "uui i o.T Annliirlv T.lmlted. wj four Payments per Year. Forkitaie After Three Years probable that there will be an abundaifce of fine fruit in Pender county this year. The trackers in and about Bur gaw are jubilant over the results nts of truck- Ul3 . . . . j 1 lie S I IU W Utr I ' J SC.3VJi4 io mw?"w i uiuiu '"""o . ,1 Aiianlif Ills rf the berries .rtnsi Shhnnl fthfl Helen Hunt UijU I ell Kc VI lcin . n iiivu- - v tween this city, Carolina Beach, the ! are beinr shipped off North. They morial Building) have receivea a Rocks and Sottthport. Jt is calcu - reaUze abovt 35 cents a quart out igift of fOW to tneir muu lated that she will make t wo round I ftre looking for a decline in a few and Mrs. Bradbury ofClevetanU,unio trips each day, lying nt Southport t days. hence, they are pushing w?r Wide Awa&e is f:;.u at-nilit. This means ai ieisi iuhi waru tneir smpmeius as i ciivti j- joiurutj vuiuiJtvM.ji, Thui'c is a. "KehaVlOr Jk ' v " w . May Song," anartice upon 'Walk ing,'" with many other articles atnries and noems. We notioe that the Wide Awake children who have undertaken to Me the estate of my said testatrix to make I April 26 ih tO Maj 20tll. to nivment to me; and to those having claims SSSSf saidestate to present them to me on or before the of Mrs. r rauctniiv - mj my 1 law 6w wed 50,000 Shingles. SHINGLES. ML ST BE SOLD AT ONCE. .CUA. F.-BKOWNE, Agt, 128 North Water St., W ibnlngton, N. C. aplotf d4. GO BY STEAMER TO ?EAK T GREAT vaugeust. Pearson, in FaywOeyme. Fasj for round trip only 4.oo, niJ state-rooms Included, steamers leave Wfcart toot of chestnut street at two o'clock p. in.. ..rH.im npvt mornlnc about nine oxJOCK. Steamer CAPE F EAR. Capt. TtMnllnarMJKom- iv.,v ana 'limrsia. cit-amer a. r. and Smith Friday, h, vm Stmr. ( apt. Kooeson, lraexuay D. MCKC'IIISON, Oapt- and Saturday. . Tickets only on ooara, gooa on evwicr nu ap!20tt T. D. LOVE, Agent. trips i day to Carolina Beach. Still In the Field- possible, ton. A lteward of S500 The Wilmington Shirt Factory, is offered by tl o. 123 Market St., has now on hand &Jft28 the manufacturers of arrh Reined v, tor a is P. S. HIDDEI.LE. M. D. Medical in rector j 8fn. Gibson, special Agent. - m "Hce. remral National Bank BUildlnfT. Q. GIBSON, o. 123 JaarKetst.. nas now u tAPph which Miev cannot a full line of gents heavy jean draw- cure Tne soothing, l-leaasing ers the very thing for the season, at am healing properties of this rem 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents. ledy are irresistible. 50 eents, by tf J. ELSBACH, PropT. , druggists. Lawn Mowers, B-t on mn Mark! ! HAKES. C. SfKi.NA- -1ARDEN ElOES. vonno. Conch Balsam a remedv that is selling entirely upon its merit and is guaranteed to T,::'a Rrnhiti ! . Rubber Hose and Attachments. acute v.ougus, V ' prices on above at ODUI..VK nd Consuiuptioo. For sale wnoie-. ..ii8-.. lleaadwUtU by Mands Brother.. Bottom John Werner IXroULD RESPECTFULLY 'ANNOUNCE VV to his friends and the public generally that he is now back at bis old stand. No. w Market street, which has been thorwW overhauled, repaired and refurnished. WlUi first class workmen, anarp iazwr jr-rz atreation he hopes to continue w jp. ' 'Aitl jb,, Local Agent, 'i WUmlngton, N. C

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