PXKASB NOTICE. we wm to tfa to receive oommunicam tram our friends on any and all subject general interest, but The name of the writer must aiwayB be nisned to jthe Editor. Communications must be wrltte one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially ana particularly una stood that tne Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the edit columns. . Linrtora PYiTPntfMl. 1 .rverenir- PiEYIEW llTJBdlt0ran1Pr0P' ff j0S;nS POSTAGE PAID: SC-" . mtM S2.00. Three . a oft ' .nn 'one montn, ?:r " ' , 0 by carriers, free pari ol tue city, at the above " ff rates low ana uuw ...n rPDOrt any and VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 2, 1889. NO 104. !Sive their paper regularly this t rr.ost elegant frm ... ..-..-ri'M IQ .11 nrc CALIFORNIA, FiGS C: JSL of.pbnt? known to be nrt- t beneficial to tne nunmu ffiO: -dMn. forming an arreeuLuc effective laxative to penna Slv cure Habitual Consti ation, and the many ills de Sngonaweak or inactive condition of the UOIETS, L;VER BHD BOWELS. I-sthcn-.cn c.xc Ilent remedy known to ftfiNSE THE 7EH3 EFFECTUALLY - e . one is Hil s or Constipated Whir, SO i PUREti-COD, 3EFRE0HSMO SLEEP, P HEALTH and 3TRGMGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Even- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR BYR-uTF OP XG-ai MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKOISCO, CAL. WmiUF. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y Rrsaleby ROrtKltr K HLliAWY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, MbS ly d&vt Wilmington, N. C. The Invalids 1Iojp. M.,ny ieemioRly incurable cases of blood ruiurru. .iiT'iiui.t mvt lucuiuauoui h been euro t in" r.. 1. i;. 4 Boianic Blood toliD. made by the liiood balm Co.. Atlanta, fL nu- to ur la ioi uook hir'u wuueuu- G. w. ii. Raider, living 7 miles from Alliens, I ir i !; tVi r '. i i'. - s n 1 ir i I ill ll KinardS son, Towaltea, Ga., writes: induced u in ijr'nbor to try r. B. 1?. lor ca- mm u i' .i in r it 1 11: mi l 'i iit nin eoBBiiing its use ho was cured sound ana ' . v i ii. ill. ii .lv iiiiii vt ni iL, unit IM.Lawson.East Point, (la., writes: "My tiihd'l scrofula 15 years. She kepi growing rose, hl- her hair and her skin broke ovRarruiiY. Debility. ema uuion and no antutf ioilT.vcd. Alter iilivsicians and nu- pos advertised medicines failed, i tried ii. HI. and her recovery was rapid and com- liver Secor. Haiti more yj.k uiites- "T Hfcredfrom weak luck and rheumatism'. B. IB. has proven to be tlie oly medicine that i relief." James u. Munds, kzt DRUGGIST. FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS JfiJD wheals. Physicians' Prescriptions a spe oy. Fancy and Toilet Articles in great va-J5- Arto5ian Well Mineral Water; come in "fitryat'lass FREE. iamt; "STOKLEY'S." lk7iV' ARE NOW PRE- , ySgF r-'-red to accommodate itto may caU upon us with the . Fifeest Oysters rtle Srove, Middle and Mump Sound Oysters Saraband served promptly and in any W. II. STOKLEY, Wrightsville. Tfce National Lite AND Maturity Association W WASHINGTON. D. C. Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 plied Liabili ties - - - N inc. "OR U io BROWNING, President. SMUKL NOItMENT, Treasurer. IGKOUGE D. KI.li:ilGK, Secret ""V. Manager and Actuary. . J. K A STERDAY, Assri seeretary. 4uiSlai?nec M Absolute Cost. EtelWe Policy. aluo lB CasU at Fixt.-d Age 0&1 ' 7 Ateolutely Limited. Forvi 'ments Vear. f w.eiiabie After Three Years P. 8. KIDDELLK M. D.' - w n Med'cal Director? Sonli1 ,SoN- Special Ageni. i) u,.ral Sational aak Building, Ott1N "AAlt," Jr., Local Agent, The German Schutzenfest for 1886 opened at Charleston yesterday. o- The quarantine regulations went into effect at Charleston yesterday. - There were several casualties in New York during the big parade, amon'r them a number of officials who tumbled from their horses. This way of putting on horseback on a saddle before is very reprehensible- There were high old jinks at the Centennial ball in New York after the presidential party had left. There were lots of people who got disgracefully drunk and some of these were women called in New York ladies. The following exceedingly witty article appeared in the editorial columns of yesterday's New York Herald: The Governor of North Carolina and the Governor of South Carolina are in the city, and the police courts will witness this morning that there i was no honest occasion for remarks between the two distinguished statesmen. Let us laugh! m m- Brother Boscower, of the Golds boro Headlight, is exceedingly wrathy over Mr. Cleveland's letter to M Oldham, of the Charleston World. After stating pretty plainly that he believes the Cleveland letter to the World was made up in the office of that paper, Mr. Bos cower goes on to say: Can the ex-President deny that he told us "thiit my public life was at an end?1' Can he deny that he gave us to understand that he is out of the race for the Presidency? Can he deny that he attributed his recent defeat 4inot to the tariff, but to the bribery and corruption of the Republican party leaders?" Can he" deny that he chargetl the Ne w York World with not being a Democratic paper? Can he deny it that he asked us if there is any foundation in the rumor Miat Mrs. Harrison has discharged all colored servants from the White Mouse? Can he deny of not asking us concerning McDow, the murderer of Capt. Dawson, and the public sen timent in Charleston? Can he deny it that he told us that his future life will be devoted entirely "to the practice of law in New York? No, he cannot. He is too honorable a man to be guilty of denying his own words! By the solicitations of friends, Mr. Cleveland may have lately changed his mind regatding "not being in the race any more,"1 but that doesn't release him of the words he uttered in our presence. In conclusion we must say that we were, are and always will be a Cleve land man, notwithstanding this little episode. There is undoubtedly ; mistake somewhere. Mr. Boscower must have mistaken some of Mr. Cleve land's utterances. That is the only way in which we can account for some things contained in the inter view, as published. local nsr:e ws. Index to New advertisements Jno F Garrell Fine Beet Munds Bros Pharmacists W A Willson To Tax-Payers Mrs E B WiGqrxs, Agt New Goods Strawberries were selling to day for 20 cents a quart. Best assortment of fishing tackle can be found at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. . , . , . " t Nor. barque Niobe, Olsen, from! this port, arrived at Hull on the 29th ! jgj. 0 i The L'AriosQ German Club gave a verv pleasant ; German at Concordia J 1 ?ry pleasant German at Concordia Hall last night. Mr. E. P. Boat- ) ii,.. i wright led. Everything which belongs to pure, ! healthy blood is imparted by Hood's' Sarsanarilla. Atrial will convince von of its merit. Canary and mocking bird cages. A full line of above are now being shown By the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Mr. John P. Garrell has another attractive ad. in this issue. He says that he will show to-morrow and Saturday the finest beef that has been on this market in ten years. Nor. barojio Ehiina, Andersen cleared to day- for Hamburg, with 2,412 barrels rosin and SOOcasks spir its, valued at $6,972.02, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. . Still in the Field. The Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Market st,. has no w on hand a full line of gent's heavy jean draw- ers, the very thing for theseasou, at 50 centra pair, worth 7o cents. tf . J. ELSBACH, PropV. Mr. James Sprunt sailed from New York yesterday for Liverpool on the Steamer City of New Y'ork. The wind got around to the North east last night and it has been cold, wet, rainy and disagreeable to day M IV m overcoats on tne seconu day of May; who ever heard of such a thing before? And yet this is a fact. Fires i ....f i... I 1 J 1 Mr. Wm, A. Willson, City Clerk and Treasurer, gives notice that the listing of city taxes will begin June 1st at the City Hall. Make your house secure by put ting burglar proof locks on your blinds and windows. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Ready mixed paints and stains, white lead, oil and varnishes. For low prices and good reliable goods go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Mr. D. G. Proctor, General Super intendent of the Proctor Screen Company, is in the city to day. A preliminary meeting of the stock holders of this company was held last night and another meeting wil be held to morrow. There is a real work of art on ex hibition at Mr. Maunder's marble yard, on North Front street. It is a child angel, cut out of white marble, and intended as a monument. It is the best thing of the kind we ever saw. It was done in Carrara, Italy, and imported into this country. Young's Cough Balaam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. For sale whole sale and retail by Munds Brothers. Truck in the New York Market. Strawberries have dropped in New Y6rk. Choice sell for 20 cents a quart, but some inferior lots bring but 12 and 15 cents. Peas sell for $1.50 a crate; asparagus $2.50 to $4 per dozen, and cabbage from $2 to $3.50 per barrel. These were the ruling prices on the 30th. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every fam iiy should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Fiixs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. Not Juite Right, It is not the Ladies1 Memorial As sociation, as we had it yesterday, that has purchased a new plat in Oakdale, but the association officers of the North Carolina Infantry. The plan is to inter there the dead of their regiment who now rest in the public ground, a ad to erect a monument over their remains. Th Lutheran Synod. Rev. P. W. E.Peschauand Mr. W H. Strauss left to day on the Caro" 'ina Central railroad, as delegates from St. Paul's Evangelical Luther- ' an Church of this city to the Loth - eran Synod, to be held at St. John's j Church near Concord, Cabarrus county. The Synod will open to ! morning. l'rof. liellezza's Academy. Tlie present session of Prof lezza'a dancing academy will close with a soiree and german at itjrermania Hall to-morrow night. Tlr will lie n. niimher nf fnnfiv , , , iiji.iie.ps nurinf? the evemnrr and it . P I promises to be an unusually brilliant event. The Professor proposes to have one more session here this season, the ow classes to open on ti i , - ,T. j Monday afternoon for ladies and Monday night for gentlemen. Citv Court. Archie Johnson, disorderly con duct, not guilty discharged. Bella McGriere, disorderly con duct, not guilty. W. T. Moore, disorderly conduct' judgment suspended on the payment of costs, amounting to $3.75. Rose Cole, disorderly conduct, $20 or 30 days. Linder Moseley, disorderly con- duct, 20 or 30 days. Lanie Moore, disorderly conduct, rr .... 1 f .1 .... A SA1 STOKl', The child couuhed. The mother "VT . . a morning the poor little sufferer was (lead Moral: Always ' keen L)r '4 Acker's English Remedy at hand. Munds Bros., druggists. ' u it Lti. ) reiueuv vt;j iwjr i-srrras Indications. For North Carolina fair, except on the coast, local showers and j stationary temperature. The "Little Tycoons1' had a very successful meeting on Tuesday night and ft is said that they will treat us to an operatic entertainment at an early day. At a meeting of the congregation of St. haul's P. E. Church, held last night, it was decided to add two more to the Vestry of that church and Messrs. B. T. French and L. J. Poisson were elected. A W. & W. R. R. shifting engine turned a somersault yesterday at the freight depot in this city. She was running on a track over some new made ground when the sand beneath the track gave way and the engine fell from the track and turn ed over on its side. No one hurt. The oyster has gone on his vaca tion. He will take a rest until next September. There is no "r" in May; hence these tears! This is for the city. At the Sound many of the old- timers say that-notwithstanding the lack of an "r" in May the oyster is at his best for a roast during all of this month. The Delaware. The steamship Delaware arrived here yesterday from Fernandina and sailed to day for New York. She brought 35 passengers from the former citv and left here with six more, from this city. These latter are Mrs. Janie Gillespie, D. W. Wil liatus, C. R. Skinner, James Davis James Freeman and J. H. Hill. Tlie last named three are steerage ms sengers. District Court. The U. S. .District Court met ac cording to adjournment at 10 o'clock this morning, when the following cases were disposed of: U. S. vs. Hood Council, charged with stealing from the U. S. mails. Found guilty and sentenced to two years' imprisonment in the Juvenile Reformatory at Cheltenham, Md., he being under 16 years of age. J. T- Harper et al. vs. English steamship Gaboon. Libel for saN vage. Argued by counsel, Hon. D. L. Russell and Ricaud & Weill for plaintiffs; Hon. George Davis and Messrs. Junius Davis and Thos" Evans for defendants. The Court took the papers. The case of C. P. Moore vs. steam er Delta and owners, libel, is being heard this afternoon. The grand and petty jurors have been discharged for the term. The Disaster at Warsaw. A most destructive wind and hail storm, which developed into a tor nado, visited Warsaw, a town on the W. & W. R, R.. 54 miles from this city, yesterday afternoon, about 4:15 o'clock. The storm came from the Northwest and its path seems to have been about one half mile in width, North and South of the town. The destruction to property was great, although we hear of no one as having been seiiously injured Two churches were prostrated, the handsome Presbyterian Church and the colored MethodistChurch. Other houses were blown over or other wise damaged, trees uprooted ana fences prostrated The storm was of short duration but very violent. Hail fell to the depth of two inches and the truck gardens in its path are ruined. The prospects are now poor for further shipments of truck thence this season. The loss, it is estimated, will amount to $12,0CO and is proportioned as follows: Grj. Lambert, truck and build ings, $2,000; W. L. Hill, truck and tenant houses, $2,000; O. P. Mid dleton, $500; Dr. W. P. Kennedy, loss of dwelling, $200; C. W. West, building and truck farai, $250; L. K Carroll, $250; I. O. Herring, $500; J. M Blanchard, $100; W, H. Murray, ,v r .7, 1 u $500; J. K. Smith, $230; Dr. Hussey, $100; Blackburn Bros, $1,000; A. W n inA. u t pn..!fnr. 4tfi- I"! "r. Morrisey, $300; D J. Aaron, $300; J. B. Winders, $200. The Presby terian Churcky.yafued at $3,250, is completely deinfiybed as is also the nnlnrwl M.-rhiwli.. 'f!inreh. A It ' . tut. a vm is altered by f factarOtOL lJt.; Sage's Cat FV '.. - ut eaifirih The mild ealing pro flfre irresis ariTiii of thutiBton- n. ceq. vj eketeoniyon NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOVELTIES AND .Dry -o- Of : Various : Styles : and apl 17 - There are but two men in the State of first ate capacity as news paper writers.?' One of them is dead and the other modesty forbids us to mention. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. No tic ti Tax- Payers. rpHE CITY TAES FOK THE YEAR 1889 will be listed at thfe City nail, beginning Juno 1st next, and continuing during the month. WM. A. WIL.L.SOJN, may 2 5t Clerk and Treasurer. TAKES THE CAKE! THOSE WHO WANT TO SEE THE FINEST BEEF that has been offered in this market in many year3 are Invited to call at my Stalls in FRONT STREET WAltREl to-morrow. I am not at all exaggerating when I say that It will prove to be the Vey Prettiest Meat that has been Shown here in ten years. There is nothing in Baltimore, New York or Chicago that can beat It. t bought it for the Best, will sell it for the Best; and the Best it is. It will be on sale to-morrow and Saturday I also offer this week a carefully selected lot Of SPRING LAMB and MUTTON, to which the attention or tne puoiic is respectfully invited. J. F. GARRELL, Stalls 1 & 2 Front St. Market, South Sice. my2 2t THE EMPORIUM yTE HAVE N&W A FULL AND COM- plete stock of the newest and latest de signs in AND FANCY GOODS, Notions, &c. Whioh the ladie3 of Wilmington and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and examine. MY Dress-Making Department is a specialty. It Is In charge of an accom plished lady from the North, who has jusf returned from Baltimore, where she attend ed the Spring Openings. We have Improved Facilities in this De partment. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Dresses, Wraps, &c, &c, made lit short notice. Country Orders Solicited . Respectfully, MRS. E. B. WIGGINS. Agent, Ladies' Emporium, 115 MAUKET ST. my 2 tf "It Works Like a Charm." RULON'S MAGNETIC LINIMENT IS A safe and speedy cure for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, sprains, Bruises, swellings, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painful affections. For sale by MUNDS BROTHERS, KM N. Front St. Vocai Music. rjplIB SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO fflve instruction in Vocal Music at his resi dence, No. 713 Mulberry street. Ladles' Classes at 3 p.m. Gentlemen's Classes at 8 p. m. For ; further particulars enquire at residence. . ; 11. h. foster. ! iteiera y pcrnaion 10 rroi. a. v an uaer. . : j April avu lO BY STEAM KK '1 o liEAlt TUB GREAT EvangeUst, Pearson, in Fayette vine, tare 16? round trip only 4.o, meals, berths or state-rooms fncluded. Steamers leave wharf foot ot Chestnut snreet at two o'clock p. m., arming next, morning aooui nrne o-viyck. bteamtr CAPE FEAR, Capt. Toiolinson, Mon day and "1 hursdaiy. Steamer A. I'. HURT, bespn, 'luesoay anu mqai. Mmr. iiisoN, cupt. smitn, veunesaay board, good on either Boat. I T. D. LOVE, Agent. 1 N KW ADVERTISEMENTS. STAPLES ! O- : Prides ! . Mclntire, NORTH FRONT STREET. For Rent or Lease. JIHE ISLAND BEACH HOTEL, SITUATED on the nammocks, adjacent to and In full view of ihe Atlantic Ocean, is one 01 the most attractive and pleasant watering places on the coast. Railroad communication with Uie city of Wilmington, (whlcn is only ten miles distant) , Is made several times a day. Among the many attractions tills jseason will be the Ocean View Railroad, whjich runs one and st half miles up the Beach in full view of the ocean. Pleasure boats always! in readiness and fishing of all kinds In abundance. The Carolina Yacht Club have tnelr annual regatta over a course which lies within a quarter of a mile of the Hotel, and the com petitive races, which can be easily seen .create much pleasure and excitement. The FINEST SURF BATHING on the coast. The Hotel is fitted up In first class style, with lmDroved Sfif iJvf- Pos3esslon Ven Apply to 1. M. J-JOWDKN, Secretary and Treasurer Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, Wilmington, N. C. my 1 lw SATINES QF BEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, IN French Styles, at 10c, 12 c and lap per yard. New Styles, good quality, lat'Tc, 10c and 12 per yard. WHITE GOODS. A small instalment of desirable styles of Plans and stripes, with all the tqualltles of India Linen and Linen de Iceland. An immense stock of Gents' and Boys' Un our laundried Shirts at 50c., 75c. and S1.C Dollar Shirt we guarantee better than any other Shirt sola; the body is Wamsutt a Shirt ing, bosom pure Linen, reinforced back and front. The Shirt is made full width and lengthwise of the cloth, which makes great difference in the wear. I The greatest variety of Gents' COIXAR8 in the city, from 10c each up. A new stock SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS. Something extra In Bleached Cotton at "8c per yard. r ' JNO. J. HEDRICK. mch 15 tf 4 RFST FITTING CORSETiHt WORLD' FOR SALE BY LEADING MERCHAMIS MAYER. STR0USr&C0. api 15 4w To the Public. ALL MY FRIENDS, CUSTOMERS AND the public generally, wilt hereby take notice that after April 30th, 1880, I will not sell any more liquors, wines, beer, Ac I shall devote myself exclusively to the GROCERY TRADE, Including, of : course. Tobacco. Cigars, Ac. A cordial invitation is extended to all to inspect my stock of the BEST FAMI LY GROCERIES in town.; Special attention given to ladies and children. I would ask all to give me a liberal share Of their patronage. Respectfully, OTEBSBN, apKJO 3t cor. Fifth; and Market Sts. To catch Dame Fortune's golden smile Assiduous wait upon her, And gather gear by every wile That's Justified by honor; - Not for to hide it in a hedge, Not for a train attendant. But for the glorious privilege Of being independent. No man can feel independent who nays rent. i One. CasTlV AnnTKuB . g 2L SStnif Mulberr? Waffit. Hi f iViSW.v7fflBki!SE Be your own landlord. Building Lots for , 1 wftk Seventh, Wilson. Eighth. Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh. Twelfrn, and Thirteenth tin,. ,iTt tTlt and w5h for se 0n ,7ie insiahnent rtanTMoney loaned to tho ; wishing; to build. A; tn apt 15 an office D. O'Connor. pets vkuwuigion. is. j.