TUT? PLEASE NOTICE. we win oe glad to receive1 communicatlo from our menus on any ana all subject general Interest, bat ' The name of tne writer must always be niahed to tne Editor. Communications must be wntte one side ol tne paper. - Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly una stood that the Editor does not always endorse tne views of correspondents oniess so stated in the edit. columns. Sundays excepreo, Daily r. JA30?; Editor and Prop. r arRTFTlC" POSTAGE rAlu: f ha C3.n0. Tlnee Till 111 I -J - oncmonth,35cents. 0 n w dcuvcred by carriers, tree k . ,rt of Uie city, at tue aoov r ..1 .-l!LO V r r c self- se report' any and VOL XI I. WILMINGTON, N, C, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1889. NO HO. :nxio .irvir reirulariy. tUtii l"r " THIS J " The view. 7 ' I 3 ftasiisia the most elegant farm AT.V-NUTR.TI0U8 JUICE PIGS OF CALIFORNIA, mmbinc-i with the me &s of plant- known io uc lost beneficial to the human system, ionning a.. x6 ve laxative iu .lfkrt1Y nentlv cure nauuuai nation, and the many ills de eding on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, l.VER ftWD BOWELS. ) ,s the most c xrellent remedy known to CLEMSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whec one is Bilious or Constipated PURE LLOOD, REFRE8HH.O SLEEP, HEALTH and OTRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW Even one is using it and all are delighted with it. ifex your druggist for manufactured only by CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. mmte. r. new york. n. y For --all-1 ROlsRItT R HBliLARlY, , WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, w ii 95 ly d&w Wilmington, N. Cv LOCAL NEWS. 1NDKX TO NRW ADVERTISEMENTS M undb Bros rharmaclsl3 W M Cvumsa Mattresses HM McLntirb Dress Goods ) J Hbdrick ".Lyon" Parasols Mrs K B Wiggins, Agt New Goods Chas P Browne, Agt Must be Sold Notice Mechanics' Home Association Best assortment of fishing tackle can be found at the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Wilmington Light Infantry ; appear in white pants to-morrow. ! But they must be careful not to sit of Mr. H. P. West on the green grass when at parade rest. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, of! NEW A I V KRTISKM EN T8. Clinton, are in the city, the guests ! 1 A VJ JH NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. Geo. S. Willis, of this office, had a rose on a bush in his garden yesterday afte moon that measured five inches across. It is called the Paul Neyron rose. Mr. S. P. Gardner has returned to the city from Durham with his fam ily, who will hereafter reside here. Homicide at Cronly. A fatal stabbing affair is reported as having taken place yesterday morning between two white boys at Ger. barque Antares, from this port, arrived on the 5th inst. at Swinemuiide. The corner stone of the new Fed- V'oniy,. m Columbus county, on the t,i ! eral buildine- in this eitv em-npr arol,na Antral Railroad, about 18 ' :i ... Front and Chestnut streets, will be "T? 1 , ims clzy Comfort and economy are to be found in the use of oil stoves. Sold by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t ,Br. barque Brlstotv, Johns, from be learned of the All that could unfortunate oc- uaia WITH annronriatc fir monies under the auspices of the Grand j ttrnoe is the two boys-John Lodge A. F. & A. M.. on Wednes day the 22nd. Owners of private carriages who this port for Hamburg, passed ! c Pcethem at the disposal of the nnnnnflM n H,flfKJnef Ladies Memorial Association to The wind got around to the South west this afternoon and we may look for warm weather now. Cook, aged about 17 years-, and Willie Mason, aged 15 engaged in an altercation, during which Mason used his knife, stabbing Cook in the lower part of the body, and inflict ing a fatal wound. Young Cook morrow are requested to report them , was taken to his home near the vil to the Chief Marshal or the Presi-, la re in a carriage." and died shortlv Canary and mocking bird cages. A full 1 1 n i f i Vv x , ii t r 1 v i 1 , . V lull iiuc ji cbwvc: nun r-iiij shown by the JN. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f If the liver and kidneys are slug gish and inactive, HoocTs Sarsapa riiia will arouse them to prompt and regular action. Take it now. Ready mixed, paints and stains, white lead, oil and varnishes. For low prices and good reliable goods go to the Jacobi Hdw. Co. The Invalids Hope. tfanv seeminsrly incurable cases of blood phon, catarrb. scrofula anil rheumatism fiat , , .rn rutvil n li. r. l. nuiajuu muw whir, laade by the Hiood Bato Co.; Atlanta, QA. i iic !0 uiciii ior ikiua uiieu nuuwu dctog proof. Y. H. Raider, living 7 miles from Athens, writeg. "For several yesrs i sun-erea fifh ninnln' uh-ei-s, which (lo:tors treated ,ivi I'lMiit.im. oil in.inahle. A single bottle ol is. n. I!, did me more good tuan all the doc rrs. I kepr on using it and every ulcer' a c. Kiu.uvi & Son, Towaliga, Ga., -writes: St induced a neighbor to try B. I. B. for ca- turrli. witlch he thought incurable, as it had rwfcrwl all treatment. It delighted him, and rooHuuiog its use he was cured sound and weir l M. Lawson, East Point. Ga., writes: "My witeiiail scrofula l" years. She kept growing worsi slio lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emaciat ion and no appetite followed. After physicians and nu merous advertised medicines failed, I tried B. k.b.. anu nor recovery was ramd and com- Oliver Seeor, Baltimore, Md., writes: "I suffered from weak back and rheumatism. B. 8. i:. has proven t be t lie onlv medicine that save me relief." . ' W THE OP PKACK PEKPA11 FOR WAR." Make your house secure by put ting burglar proof locks on your blinds and windows. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f Lots of fishermen went out yester day to try their luck but somehow or other the fish did net bite and the results were very unsatisfactory. Mr. E. G. Yopp, route agent be tween this city and Jacksonville, lias been removed and Henry Hall, colored, has been appointed in his place. Ex-President Davis has accepted the invitation to attend the eelebra tion in Fayetteville next November of the adoption by the State of North Carolina of the FederaMon-stitution. ' IF TOO AIN'T GOT 'EM," YOU MIGHT HAVE 'EM. Corneals Bed Bog Interceotic hoes the work ouickly, quietly and Pleasant i). A Permanent Cure "So to Speak." Ask L uKSr;- ,h0 A1l)ha an(l Omega of ALL w Ml I'otsons, aiui t ake no other. For sale inrugjrtst s. inch 2T ;im nacm "STOKLEY'8." WE ARE NOW PRE- pai-eti to accommodate wwMr ill vuu may call upon us with the Finest Oysters Myrtle Grove, Middle and Stump Sound Oysters 5 teJ??nd- Served PromPtlv and m any oet 10 tt W. H. STOKLEY, Wrtghtsvtlle. CLYDE'S 8wYorE & Wilminsrtor Steamship V,a Mr. John H. Lewis, son of Mr. Geo. G. Lewis, wears a handsome pen, of solid gold, with a gold chain attachment, which was awarded him for best penmanship in a writ ing class a few days ago. There were more than fifty contestants. Still in tne Field. The Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 122 Markets!.., has now on hand a full line of gent's heavy jean draw ers, the very thing for the season, at 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents. tf J. ELSBACH, Prop'r. i . Young's Cougli Balsam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and t;ure Jill chronic and acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. For sale whole sale and retail by Munds Brothers. A series of revival meetings are being held at Brooklyn Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. M. Tolson. Considerable interest is being manifested, and they will be continued during the remainder of the week, and proba bly longer Entitled to tlie Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every fam ijy should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leadingdrug-gists. dent of the Association, at the rooms jn rear of St. James' Church. . There was a large and very pleas ant gathering last night at Concor dia Hall at the entertainment given there on that occasion by the ladies of the Concordia Society. There was dancing and feasting and the young folks and the old folks all had a merry, pleasant,sociable even itig. The next festival by the So ciety will be eagerly looked for. Delegates to Convention. At a meeting of the Vestry of St. John's Church, held yesterday af ternoon, the following were chosen as delegates to the Diocesan Con vent ion which will assemble in St. fames' Church on Wednesday, the 22d inst: .'; Delegates William H. Green, Ga briel Holmes, K. E. Heide, H. G. Smallbones. Alternates Washington Catlett, Dr.'W. W. Harriss, Berrv Gleares, W. H. Yopp. Citv Court. There were only two cases for the Mayor's consideration this morning. Sarah Ray, who took on a little more than she could carry comfjrt ably, was up for disorderly conduct and fined 20 or 80 days' imprison ment. Ed. Artist, a colored boy, also under the influence of liquor and disorderly, was arraigned. This case was left open until to-duorrow morn" ing. Mechanics' Home Association. A ne building and. loan associa1 tion was organized under this name last night, at a meeting in the City Hall. Mr. N. Jacobia was elected chairman, and Mr. A. A. Brown secretary. The following Board of" Directors was also elected: D. Mc Eachern. T. B. Harriss, N. Jacotoi, John D. Bellamy, Jr., II, P. West, J. S. Allen, A. A. Brown, P. Cumt ming, W. H. Yopp, W. H. Alderman" E. Kuhlbank, W. B. McKoy, J. H Durham, M. O'Brien.- The association adopted the rules and regulations of the Wilmington Homestead and Building Associa tion. Books of subscription were opened to day at the store of Mr. N Jacobi, on South Front street, The number of shares will be limited to one thousand. afterwards. Itedmansliip. Warehouse Wilmington Compress and - Company. The annual meeting of the stock holders of this company was held at the Bank of Ne Hanover this morning, when the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year: President Capt. E. J. Penny-picker. Secretary and Treasurer Walter aicd bet r r. hAST P.IVER NEW YORK i t ....ui:,.: I .,ll K- TnA ween t hambers and Roos&velt sts. . 7YJ . . tjmuo,. At .. I not get it as it had not been written : rusey. i. f. si. ,. ;ii ,,,.,li,..hiv anoAlf ! ( iart. Pennvnackep. who has for VJI Utl, VV VIII uwaui-i - i I ' K f Iv from notes, but whether ' so long a time been identified with . ...s&tnrday: May 25 from notes or manuscript, we know the interests of the Champion Coin- ! Wijj be from Markefc and Fourth,up Wilmington 'already that it will be an admirable press, having been its manager ever Fourth street to Campbell and on since its construction, has resigned . to tne cemetery his position' there to take charge of the affairs of the Wilmington Com press and Warehouse Company, and Mr. Walter Smallbones will aocoui- pauy him. Many addition and itu- 'SS-0an1(roni P01"1 ConsQiuplion orlang scrofula is one facilities of the latter company, The Memorial Orator. Gen. Cox willlarrive to night and i Smallbones will stop at the Orton House. We Directors C. P. Mebane, Geo. W. had hoped to present his address to j Williams, E. J. Pennypacker, Isaac our readers to-morrow and asked Bates, D. MacRae, Jas. H. Chad W. Atkinson. W. W. it. ,SSEK - There was a large attendance at the free entertainment given last night in the Luther Memorial Build ing by Cherokee Tribe No. 9, L O R. M. Mr. J. D. H. Klander, K. of W. , presided, wi:h Mr. A. B. Shiver, Prophet of the Tribe, on the stage with him. Mr. Chas. C. Conley, of Philadelphia, delivered a most ad mirable address, setting forth clear ly and succinctly a history of the order and its principles. He was heard with interest and close atten tion throughout. But the entertainment was not altogether elocutionary. There was some very fine music. Mr. E. P. Boatwright was at the organ and Mr. W. N Jacobs gave some da lightful airs on the cornet. Miss Kate Stolter rendered an exquisite piano solo and Miss Minnie Schwarz' charming voice was not wanting to add to the pleasures of the occasion. A song by a quartette composed of Messrs. Grant, Fleet, Ellis and Reg ister was one of the most pleasant musical features of the evening. Cherokee Tribe now has about 70 members and is in a flourishing. con dition. It was organized five years ago. , ' MEMORIAL DAY, Formation of Procession Route Cere monies, &c, at Oakdale, Friday, May 10th, 1889. At 3:20 p. m. the procession will form and move promptly at 8:30 in the following order: Capt. Chas. D. Myers, Chief, and Assistant Marshals. FIRST DIVISION, In charge of Assistant Marshals B. R. Moore and T. D. Love, will form on South side of Market street, right resting on Fourth street. Colonel Second Regiment K. C.State Guard and Staff. Germania Cornet Band. Wilmington Light Infantry, Capt. 'John H. Daniel, commanding. Chaplain, Orator and Officers Me morial Association in Carriages. Ladies' Memorial Association. Children's Memorial Association. Schools and Teachers, in charge of Assistant Marshal P. Heinsber ger. SECOND DIVISION, In charge of Assistant Marshals James Reilly, Graham Daves, J. R. Williams, James M. McGowan, will form on South side Market street, by St. James' Church. Third N. C. Infantry Association. Association of Members 18th N. C. Regiment. Organized bodies of other Confed erate Survivors of the Army and Navy, in charge . of Senior Offi cers, Civic Societies. Citizens.on Foot. THIRD DIVISION, In charge of Assistant Marshals S. P. Collier, J. H. Sharp will form on the South side of Market street, next to Third street. Disabled Soldiers in Carriages. Citizens in Carriages. The Confederate Plat at Oakdale Cemeterv will be in charge of As sistant Marshals A. G. Hackins, I John A. Everett and J. F. Stolter. I Pastors of churches are requested ; to have their church bells rung j while the proeessiou is moving. THE ROUTE fkom Wilmington- already wvftp' Sunday. May is and interesting address, ASSEE Sunday, May 19 " .Sunday, May 86 "Death has so many doors to let out I4f V wimiinuton for FETRNANDINA. ; sang an old time poet. In those days BiS?8 tui,w tuv - the' hatl not discovered remedies iiiil l utov viwv;i 7, j t t i i i v f t- Pl 'raesaay. May eni is ur. fierce s uomeu iueiuuai PARASOLS, Sr5s!kE :y.:::::-iXg;Sik that shut these doors, U Tuesaa , aj si eni is ur. rierce & VTomeii itietuum kj .. ..v.. . wTnEii1113111? LowestTiuo' Discovery from the old time doses, pruveiuents are to be mad k.. m':,n-..w. i n r rtrfr Tnnr lr cn nrc ii r i l- on r 5 tomcat on're umMin.S among others new fire proof ware s'eum umoda 't?ht oi smal T8EO. E. EQER, Traffic MaSg?n' WiUnlngton, N c. M. p r VTl . nn New York. 5 Bowung Green, New York. With ZebYanoe in the Senate and ) the 2h Vance cmoH stove . in your I kitchen the country wilt ho a. ft nni dUffiwlt'OT- gard to which wiU be le known yolliby TfifSSISo fcight ime hAJW, N. Jacobi Hdw. : lest me sup rnrougn tnat open uoor. nouses anu auumonai ia;;intie iur It is guaranteed to cure in all cases handling cotton, particulars in re- TMK ORDER OF SERVICE at the Confederate Plat will be: Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. S. Creasy. Music by the Choir. Dirge bv the Band. Oration, by Gen. W. R. Cox. Anthem, by the Choir. Roil of Honor. Hymn: Soldiers of Christ Arise. Floral Offerings. Doxology. 'mom- DKTACHABLB HANDLES. Something New. Convenient for Travelling. Have been sold rapidly at HEDRICK'S . Tan i mrnni m max in rm t n . vr, -t . : tH Jip- A Bargain f r Oae Week ! Special Offer ! WOOL MATTRESSES at sg.oo. made to order. STRAW MATTRESSES, with good heavy top of WOOL, at Wft. no. call early and leave order or use the malls. WILMINGTON SPRING BED & MATTRESS CO.. Third street, opposite city Rail. P. S. several kinds of Springs and all kinds of Mattresses for sale cheap. Also Pillows and Bolsters (of Hair or Feathers) and cushions. The Wilmington Spring Bed and Mattress Co., opposite the CityHall, make a special offer in this issue, to hold good for one week. . See ad. At 4 o'clock this afternoon 849 sh ares had been taken in the new Mechanic's Home Association, leav ing but 151 open of the issue of 1,000. TheyVill all probably be taken by the close of business to night. Eyes Treated. Dr. M. Schwab, of Saratoga, New York, who is well known by quite a number of our leading citizens and highly commended by them, will visit Wilmington on the 15th inst. and remain here for ten days for consultation and treatment of pa tients troubled with their eyes. He has consented to make this profess ional visit, on his return North from Savannah, at the instance of citi zens here, and may be. seen at the Orton House on and after the 15th of May. We are requested to make this announcement by those a whose solicitation he has agreed to come, and further to say that his professional charges will be made moderate. Current Press Opinions. With a case of Humphreys' Speci fics at the expense of a few dollars, every family may have in their hands a source of relief and help in any emergency, and may not only render themselves comfortable, but in thousands of cases effect an ulti mate cure. Hear what our ex changes say: Burlington, la., Sat urday Evening Post: ''Last year a case of your Family Remedies saved us not less than one hundred dollars in the. way of doctors bills.1" Waupaca, Wis.. Republican: "Our wife is a homoeopathic physician, and desires another case."1 Chi-! cago. Ills., Paint. Oil & Drug Review. 44Oor family thinks your remedies are a necessary household adjunct; kindly forward a case." Binfr- hamton. l$.Y.,Axe: "We are pleased This has been the warmest day of the season, thus far. At 3 o'clock the themometer in this office regis tered 86 degreesj Mr. B. Bellois has returned to the city from a visit to New York, where he took in the Centennial, with all of its glories. He also visited Phila delphia and Baltimore. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. BOOKS "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THA' of subscription to the Capital stock of the Me chanics' Home Association will be open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 6 p. m., at the Store of N. Jacobi, on Front street, in this city, on Thurs day, May 9th, 1889, when and where all per sons desiring to subscribe to said stock can sign their names to the list of stockholders. The amount of shares will not exceed one thousand, five hundred having already been subscribed. ASA A. BROWN, my 9 it secretary Pro Tern. James C. Mauds, Agt , DRUGGIST. FULL LINE OF PURE DRUGS AND Chemicals. Physicians' Prescriptions a spe cialty. Fancy and Toilet Articles In great va riety. Artesian Well Mineral Water; come la and try a glass FREE. Jan IS Drugs and Chemical?, rjlOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trasses, etc., etc Also Prescriptions filled day or night at FTC. MILLER'S, Drag store. Jan 4 . Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., "It Workslike a Charm." HUB'S U0NWC M1111IT Is a safe and speedy cure for Rheum at Jam, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache. Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Inflammation of the Kidneys and ROT HERS. all painful affections. For sale b, MUNDS B with your Specifics and are -nsiher Wilmnn.fAn OnnAnnff P TJ them constantly with benefit in our j ff ocatuaot family.1'1 Butler, Ind., Review. npRAlNS WILL RUN as FOLLOWS: "Have been using these Specifics I J durin the nast two vears and have i te&re Wilmington ;.00a. m., 3D. m., p. m. i.Vi? 1 ii .earv8 anJ' naA e. Leave Hammocks 7.45 a. m.,5.15p. m,, T pan. only iau to call m a doctor twice, i The last train win stop at Wrtgfitsvllle nattl lntiepenuence, la.. J at tonal Ad (S-iop, m. vocate: "We regard these medicines of such value in our family that we do not care to be without them." Pittston, Pa., Gazette: "Our people would hardly know how to ! keep house without Humphreys J Specifics; they will do all that is claimed for them if iudiciouslv i used." - Humphreys Manual (144 j pajjifO bouud in cloth and gold, sent fret- Bpou application to the 'oin- j pany, iw b niton St.. . x.--. Shasta. Cat., Courier. funded. later on. 1 Infantry. Co, Trams or Cars chartered at reasonable rates. SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Wilmington 00 p. m. Leave Hammocks 5 p. m. my s For Rent. THAT EXCELLENT OFFICE AMD owre on rnncesa street, next Xttor to d utmxt wotu, untu ucu ery coeafu Homes and I ui. ttouaes ana Lots for i instalment man. aim m imAm si Wilson New Xn. O Swtnc MmAtilTMM fnr aato. CP 1 I ' MM I QiBiSY or on t he MAS Ws u state. Salary, 975, with increase. Rot: re aces exaeted. LOCk Box 1W, N. y. T 4 wmjp i A

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