l PLEASE NOTICE. . we win be glad to receive communlcatld twm our friends on any and all subject general interest, bat The name or the writer must always be nished to the Editor. communications mnst toe wrttte one side of the paper. Personalities most he avoided. And it is especially and particularly on stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents aniens so stated in the edit ; columns. THIS PAT"" Sundays except events ..vies. Editor and Prop. .vn: hOSH. 1,qi'nB PAID: fi.0C SIS BP"" fh i', cents. i one niv"1-" il.00- ..rP,i by carriers, free xrU1 m tue city, at the above cents r ,-,Jte lw,, please rrport any and VOL XI IL WILMINGTON, N, C MONDAY, MAY 20, 1889. NO 119. T DlTU Rl r tt I. TT -, u most elecant form present" ...,lTinll ,ulfiE EUAXAT.VL ..NO NU- ; FIGS OF CALIFORNIA. ' . , .;.i. .hp medicinal of plants known to uc Ebeneficial to the nnman ,teni. iurmiiifc au Active laxative to perma- denu pntvsti. fcntlv cure nuuitu -rr) a rnnnv ills de- ition, auu t- j Sing on a weak or inactive mdition of the NETS, LSVER MD BOWELS. h 15 the nvost excellent remedy known to EAHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or uonsw SO THAT uRE&LOOD, REFRE8HC SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. very one is using it and all are slighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR ,YRtTP OP FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANUIoUU, ual. tUmiE. KY. Ntw rum. . r- For sale by LBOtfEKT K. PFUbAHI, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, l "VT f t Kh ly diw w ummgion, a. u. LOCAL ISTEKTS- 1KOBX TO NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS 13 F Pennt A Big Chance Mund8 Bbos Pharmacists W M Gumming Mattresses R M McIntibe Press Goods City Hall War of the Hoses J J Uedbick "Lyon" Parasols Cobneatj's Bed Bug Intebceptic Opeba House A Merry company Statement National Life & Maturity Asso. The Criminal Court for New Han over county convenes here to morrow. The camp meeting at Gander Hall Capt. W. H. Ellsworth, of Duplin broke up today. The Grove brought county, has fifty acres in corn that The Produce Exchange is closed to day and there .are no markets to report. ? For fishing lines, leads,hobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t up a very large crowd this after noon from the grounds. Young's Cough Balsam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to is knee high, and he will ship beans from his place this week. The ladies of the First Baptist Church arepreparing a very pretty and a very unique entertainment, relieve and cure all chronic and j called "The War of the Roses," acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis j which will be presented at the City and Consumption. For sale whole- j Hall to-morrow and Wednesday I Lawn rakes of the latest and mos improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t sale and retail by Munds Brothers. Entitled to the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, go every fam ily should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrnp of FigS, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. ' Confirmation at St. James'. Rt. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese of East Caro lina, was present at the services at St. James' Church yesterday and confirmed fourteen persons, four males and ten females. The candi dates were presented by Rev. Rob ert Strange, the Rector. Marriage at Masonboro. Mr. William Luiusden and Miss Beckie A. Greorge were married last night, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. A. B. George, on Mason $1.00 by supplying yon with toe boro Sound, by R. E. Heide, Esq Ironclad Oil Stove. N. Jacobi Hdw. Tlie attendants were Mr. D. D. Co. Cameron and Miss Katie Tood, and Col. Jesse Hargrove, of Laurel Mr. John Farrow and Miss Bettie Hill wan in flip p.itv to dav and went Far row down to Carolina Beach this after noon. The work of completing the Mar ket street paveiuent is still delayed for the want of stone. It rained all day yesterday and as consequence there were small congregations in all of the churches. a That tired feeling and loss of ap petite a,re entirely overcome by Hoods Sarsaprina, tne peculiar medicine. Try it and see. We can make you comfortable for NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTHERS BY NEXT STEAMER! The Styles and Prices must be Corrfect for we are selling these goods very extensively and still they come. Black Stlk Flouncing ! Black Silk Drapery ! From lowest grades to the best. Some of the Newest Patterns. Indications. For North Carolina, rain in East club. Alreadv there are between portion, fair in West portion and thirty and forty names on the list stationary temperature. A Bicycle Club. We understand that a movement is on foot to organize here a bicycle medically in any way. Such case tJ ua.;a J iw.ppn are referred to their respective phy sicians. nights. The admission price is placed very low and it is expected that there will be a laage attend ance. Preserve Tour Sight. Dr. W. Schwab, the well known optician from the Savannah Optical Institute of Georgia, has come to Wilmington by request of some of the best citizens of this city, and will remain a few days at The Orton. Rooms 58 and 60, parlor floor. Dr. Schwab has qualified himself as an optician by years of close application and hard study in the best institutions or .trance ana Germany, and has had a practical experience of twenty five years. He can upon first inspection a3apt the glasses most appropriate to re store the vision to its original vigor and cure all the'various diseases of the eye. Dr. Schwab's glasses are all man ufactured under his own supervis ion, from the purest Crystal and natural Stone, and he guarantees not only the preservation, but also the improvement of the sight. An opportunity is now presented to all persons "afflicted with any deficiency of vision to obtain mime diate relief by consulting tne jjoc tor. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in. and from 3 p. in. to 6 p. in. Satisfactory references can be seen at the office from the best citizens of this city. N. B. Dr. Schwab does not treat Such cases 2t Would yon like a REAL BARGAIN in a nice article of BLACK SILK ? If so come and see what we have. The various makes and styles will en able you to get just what you like. C ? RnE 3, CORNETS, CORSETS Good makes and fine styles. COLORED SILK "WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS We have inst ftlospd out a larcre lot of these verv desirable and nrfit.fcv crrnria in. all ! of the leading and popular colors, and will give our customers the benefit of lowest figures. Llgtit, Medium and Dark Shades and 40 inches wide and appropriate trimmings. WHITE GOODS S rOCK- Rmbracing many New Things and at low prices. Respectfully, k. M. Mclntire, Convincing Proof. . . ... 1 w. nrnmn tlinf i wanv msiancob ii mis uccu -7 B. U. (Botanic mootl Balm), made by the Raim Co.. Atlanta, ua., will cure Dlooa toon in Us worse phases, even when all i treatment tails. , P. llrunson, Atlanta, Ca., writes: "I had ranning ulcers on one leg and con the other I felt greatly prostrated. I believe I actu swallowed a barrel of medicine In vain rts u i cure the disease. With little hope I ally acted on the unrent advice of a friend d rot a bottle of 15. B. B. I experienced a lange. and niv despondency was somewhat Bpetled. I kept using it until 1 had taken st een bottles, and all the ulcers, rheuma Bm and all other horrors of blood polslon ive disappeared and at last. I am sound and ell again, after an experience of twenty larsof torture." RoM. Ward, Maxey, Ga.. writes: "My dls iaeas pronounced a tertiary form of biood ttsoa. My face, head and shoulders were a ass of corruption, and finally the disease (gaa eating my skull bone3. Aly bones ached; iy kidneys were deranged, I lost flesh and renpth, and life became a burden. All said most surely die, but nevertheless, when I Kissed ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pro Duaeed well. Hundreds of scars can now be leu on me. i have now been well over twelve oaths."' Drugs and Uiemicale, HLET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, ttoulder Braces. Trusses, pfn ptv lAlso Prescriptions rilled day or night at t U. MILLER'S, Drue Storer. JMH Corner Fourth and Nun stj. Our neighbor of the Messenger ap peared yesterday in its new dress, with a new head, both of which ore vastly becoming. to morrow to day, this being a legal holiday and many more are expected td sign. There is good reason to be- B M1E OF PFACK PfilPAil FOR WR" P Vul AIN'T GOT !EM," YOU MIGHT HAVE 'EM. ftnean's Heil Bug Intercepts s the work Quickly, quietly and Pleasant pLnanenl cure -so to Speak." Ask ikYV i. , s' me AlPua aad Omega of ALL I " niggiata. mch 27 :im nac m ILiypincott's Magazine The June number of LippineoWs HevA that the club will have per- contains the first of a series of haps as many as sixty .members. An (papers of extraordinary interest. organization will be effected as soon These are nothing less than the as fiftv names are secured. The club "Recollections of George W.Childs," The regular meeting of the Board wjj -rv ami secjire the privilege of written from his own dictation by a ....-alii I of Audit and Finance will be neia rijing their steeds on the shell road, personal friend. In the present at 3 o'clock, instead or paper Mr. Childs gives a sketcn or his early life. "I owe my success itb AT t. 1 1 1 .1 '4 inlnoi'i 1" -r A T ;.. rtffb U - r 1 t 7I1 110, -i. xU.--xj, . mr. J. -ruwu, yiviJiivwi v..v jsev, Alex, opruut, loruieny oi anna anA f. oHf ir " Mnnv in .. . T.T M. - T 1. .... rw J I MCIUUUK, -MW.-;. bath nouses on wngn.vme mington but now oi tienaersou, teresti personal reminiscences of lias very generously agrmuouiv.u. toconclttct services in tne dbuuu ... whom Ml. Childs , a- . ; f i , h. . ... -i . j.. n;. o v" uisreceipiui-au-iuWu-u.i -res oy ten an unurcu tu u.. has enjoyed intimacy, are given, W. i. next Sunday. Mr. cpruu. is uu ui T.oncrfellow. Irviner. Motley. I , . . . 1 ! v o T " ' - ' Painters, save money by buying the most talented uivines in tins Ticknol Hawthorne, Benton, Ban vour white lead, read v mixed paints, Bwe, ana we uau croft, Lowell, and a host of others. :i ,1 v-.,,i.. fm,n thfl N. to be the new pastor oi inib cuuiou, . nanfir M childs will Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but though no official aoun give his recollections of Gen. Grant. the best. T , . , , will arrive nere to-niguc. my 18 NORTp FRONT STREET. There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t The Rainfall Yesterday. The total rainfall here yesterday, or since the beginning of the rain yesterday morning, amounted to 1.42 inches. Rains have been gen eral throughout the Atlantic States lately and espesially in the Eastern part of this State. Reports report .07 of an inch; Raleigh, .10; Golds- boro, .75;Newbern, 1.78; and Weldon 3 inches. Weldon also reported 2.70 inches on the 18th, (Saturday) mat ing a total of 5.70 inches in two days, which is very excessive. $500 Reward. For manv years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, a standing re ward of $500 for a case of chronic nasal catarrh which they cannot cure. No matter how bad the dis ease has become, or of how many years standing, it yields, indue time, to their skill. This famous remedy is sold by druggists at 50 cents. ANNUAL STATEMENT HO WING THE CONDITION OF THE NA TIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIA TION, (co-operative), OF ASSETS. WASHINGTON: Value of real estate and ground rents owned Dy tne company (less the amount of encumbran ces thereon) $ $50,000 00 Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other States, also all other stocks and bonds absolutely own ed by the Company 33,568 80 Stocks, bonds and all other securi ties (except mortgage) hypothe cated to tne Company as collat eral security for cash" actually loaned by the Company 56,464 49 Interest due and accrued on stocks and other securities 285 50 Cash in company s prlnclpal'offlce and belonging to the Company, depositedlnBank 41,94520 Cash in hands of Agents and In transitu 16,467 40 All other assets, detailed In state ment 16,70000 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Do You Want a Gold Watch If so watch this space for a few days, my 20 tf The annual meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association will be held on Tuesday, May 21st, at Atlantic The Cadets' Picnic. The charming operetta 17-11 .. . , vf Pi-innucc tin rl TiYmrr.h Mprrv Comnauv: or, the Lin. 11, UU1UC1 i JL 1 1 1- o "v. w . m streets, at 5 p. m. Enamoline, the best stove polish Gen. Lloyd Jrice presents a very clever sketch, entitled "A Dream of Conquest." It is somewhat similar of "A in idea to the famous "isattie oi m Cadets Dorking" and snows now easily Picnic," will be given in the Opera New York city might be captured House on Wednesday evening by the by a powerrui naai torce. inere rnrils of the two white graded are other papers of much interest in in the market. JNo fust, no mixing - TTnion n.nd Hem- Uv. nnmher and several fine, strik' -r ,1 1 V.l ,.l.i-. WJUW1B IM UMO VI., I " ing poems. result. VISITORS. rIIToiiS IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY pM to our large establishment, which con- ithe largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ftte State. Const&ntiv romiHn nnnia rou not only to get new goods but all aiest styles, our stock was never more Pkte. ana we win give you more for your you win receive elsewhere. Special Bargait.8 necessary, use nae j,uo uiau. children have been Every housekeeper should try it fnr. aoXrrn. l rt' H.i. I ilLllVC Vl , i ; For sale by the JM. Jacobi Hdw.ua T riXTI 1 nn Mtion as to veeKiy Ju"c"" The indications at this writing are tbe fact that a charming and de- On the whole, the outlook may be tntthr will he lots of people at ,iufi entertainment will be the said to be ravoraoie, auu wmifewi v . I ill-- -w w . rains, which all sections nave prop ably had by this time, an improve ment will probably be noted in the next bulletin. That just issued by the North Carolina Weather Service, at Raleigh, has this to say The week just ended has been characterized by a deficiency of minfn.il. an abnormally high tem perature and an excessive amount of sunsnme. vnp .c ..iuui to show the effeccsof the dry season, late cotton, wnicn the Hummocks this afternoon. The W. L. L paraded in fatigue uniform nnrl wnt down on the Seacoast train at 3 o'clock. Citv Court. The Mayor had quite Lon" quartered SHOES, Ladles', Children's SLIPPERS. pive Hundred Pairs S'Ooerasiin,-. Pst ir.18 iU "W, toe, fi.w. l.2a. L5wi tf - TiP Oxfords at in . "'inons oxfoiiis at si.oo. i.a ll4Uo- T. FWfcsiT v'-L111111011 Boots, patent Leather B T? lUHH' WOAiJs nn t ty r, , oimeuTt "foot Wtenuon eriven to m.ii myipn French & Sons, 108 North Front St aJ 13 Cheanefit. rfip 1 1 iLACE A'n Tnf nn.nKT m - ' " a V i ., x AMJ ih.Vflk1? have all kinds of Tm WORK L,-mJtrNEV S SHOP nn Murtet. a large docket to dispose of this morning which he did in the following order Moses Howe, disorderly conduct' $10 or 20 days. Wm, Grady and Elander Ferkins, violating sanitary ordinances, dis charged. Havnes Davis, also on the same esDecially . . .. i . charge, case continued until to- 18 Mr. M. C. Suggs, ,a well know painter, attempted to commit sui cide last Saturday afternoon by tak ing laudanum. He was discovered in time and taken to. the City Hos pital for treatment. He is now re covering..! - I f - I wwrw w i -rrr a Z p.hflrirA case continued until to- crowing very siowiy. vyneatgen- wanifia. riiv is reported in line condition Fifty quick and well experienced monow iuuiniu8. Corn probably is in need . of more hands to work on bathing suits; lib , nas. vnuero, The propect for a line yieia g, or iu uays. of truit, espJCHuy tci-iius, o .n,i unnH. rUcrtrrlArW conduct, continues good. Trucks has been ... - . : I somewhat miured m the astern x otr nnon rnr in v msi.i ith , ic f 1 1 . i - - . . - . . UcJrOtT icii vpn v - - -r j- Mary Houston, disorderly conduct, $30 or 30 days Peter Pickett, disorderly conduct, $5 or 10 days Chas. Anderson, colored, fast driv UUUM.J w II w " o I . . -4 f Ji eral wages will be paid. Apply at JS f 10 da's the Wilmington Shirt Factory, INo 122 Market st. tf J. ELSBACH, Prop'r. of A Large Excursion Party. nortion of the State In the Eastern District the rainfall has been below the average general- 1 v but slight v above in the northern portion. An excess of temperature and sunshine is reported with favor able effect upon the general crop War of the Roses. HE LADIES OF THE FIRST BAPTIST Church will give two Entertainments in the City Hall, Tuesday, 21st, and wemesaay nights. Omission 10 cents. my m Total Assets $314,42109 LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, not in cluding those resisted . 8,000 00 OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday. May 22d. The Pupils of the Hemenway and union Schools will present Colin Coe's Charm ing Comic Operetta, A Merry CompaDy, OR THE CADETS' E?IOISTIO Proceeds for the benefit of the Scheol LI TQjry Admission for adults 25C, Children 153. Re served seats 35c Doors open at 7:45 p. m. l lCKets oil aie at Helnsherger's Tuesday morning. my 20 3t Total Liabilities $ 8,000 00 Total Income 214,535 08 Total Expenditures 348,004 18 NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 1888. Amount of Policies or Certificates Issued lis. 000 00 L Amount of Premiums, as sessments annual or other payments received 9,337 80 Amount of policies or certificates In force of previous ygars 186,000 00 President, HORATIO BROWNING. Vice President, W. E. CLARK, secretary, G. D. eldridge. m m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Offioo of Secretary of State, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, N. C, March 1st, 1889. No man can feel independent who pays rent . Be your own landlord. Building Lots for sale on Queen, Castle, ChurCh, Ann, Nun, Princess, Chestnut, Mulberry, Walnut Red Cross, Dickinson, Charlotte, Campbell, Bruns wick. Harnett, Front, Second, Third, Fifth, seventh, Wilson. Eighth, Ninth Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thirteenth streets, nouses built to suit. Houses and lots for sale on the instalment plan. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to JA.n nlwjvii , apl 15 2m Office of D. O'Connor. A Big Chance. MV Horace Piatt, the lessee the hotel at the Hummocks, return ed here last night from Baltimore, accompanied by his wife and some Truck is reported as suffering to . . I A .Trt-rr I n ..r aroiironn tin rt. V Oil i . i , . 1 1 n. hin Hp will take cnarcre a. a cij iBv. .-. i' some exieu. rrom trie ur subu. Jl iuo uuij. i - J . 4- 4-1. - if tn. I x i-1 . i- 1 T t- V. . ,. ia a , i 4.- T..nam. COlOrPU UeOUlB -illll IUI. -lie till w i I II v.ljirai SJ Ifillll' iiJcic im once ana nopes tu i--i- ' mn, ,ifiin.c nf rainfnll for gaests by the first of June. day over tne , w uj, xy S5K 5K' and Tun- were irom xuc Uhine with an unfavorable effect diate points, every station contriDii upon the general crop. Farmers are ting its quota. There were nine cars, unable to transplant tobacco plants, i m li : a . 1 1 -V- wm .- -.. - rnhmtm ff W hich there is an abundance. A aiilUll.iUlU .uur.w.c.c WCFVW "!--,-,--:-. 7. A Jiiknt. bly about.800 excursionists. la mSS&SSX? 71 party there was a colored fire com- jn tije Western District a deficien- t .. . 1 ..-,, - nn1 flioco DtfrA n rt ro i i f 1 1 o Knn t ATI flVf-raL'.' T M ll HKJtXl JL UI t 11 ".. wfimmM. vk, .- I u , v ..m...i, wrw V J . I . ' i. .1 1 : V. 4- ,-, rf welcomed at the depot by the Cape temperature, auu a " .r 14 UH ral Meetings In the Brooklyn Baptist Churcli Services at the Brooklyn Baptist Church every night this week and Rev. W. M. Kennedy, Chaplain of the Seamen's Bethel, will do the preaching. The public are cordial ly invited to attend all the meetings There was one conversion last night i FearSteamFire Company Kf&th and it is hoped that the interest win , the Bannaker Ho?e Reel Co. A crops. Rain is needed badly. Pr rpIIE SEASON BEING LATE AND HAVING more stock on hand now than the atate of the market just! lies, I make the follewlng offer- From this date until June 1st I wlU pro ceed to Unload l and will offer any article In my stock at HEW YORK COST, with freight added for Cash , and 1 This is a Genuine Offer ! No Blow. No Gas. steadily increase. orocessiou was formed and with a i pects continues good for wheat anti Come eari and get your choice of ciotWng .Noruj, iween Second and Third. lied and all orders Orders from the decTtt i i f .nbt ir frnnt tliv mnrched : ran oii. o nnuK uat uaim v ...u..u t,- ' r..i;f -f,.. ,i t.iim hpr or d, j , . . i-i-. .-, iU i-vuvin iwu ii vi" " ..I down Front street and to rne vapf nlsuMi Vrnir ifonurftllv lookiUT Well I n.. Pviiinnnv's iiali on Ann street. ;-.-..... ,,-.. .... u.1i.li wr soiue- X1 t L I vyvitf-j - , 1 - . Hu'w, . " i SHE IS "GKATEFUL." ,4I saved the life of my little gi bv a orompt ut oof Dr. Ackers En rt x H !. WM. Vf lLrSw York, j Uacy ot the excqrsioaists wentUown Munds Bros., druggist to the seacoast. Pros- I want to sell and I am going to seU. Furnishing Goods. reported in j or Men and uoys, Gents Hats, caps, c ...io. in inrol Y-w tim fpemr. which OC' lr lllit "J t. t iL-f Vi v-rww - urred the first of th e month. B. F. PENNY. mySOtf no Krkt Slraatr CAROLINA BEACH. Opening May SSOtli. In compliance with Section 9 ot Seal. t J ' 'An Act to consolidate the Insurance Laws of North Carolina' I ccfctify that the above is a true extract from the sworn state ment of the condition of the NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY ASSOCIATION OF WASH INGTON, o. c, on December 3lst, 1888, now on rile In this department. W. L. SAUNDERS, my 30 It secretary of State. r jiHIS POPULAR SUMMER RESORT WILL open on May 20th. The "SYLVAN GROVE" win run the following schedule, connecting with the new RaHroad to tne Beach. Leave Wilmington every day UU further notice. Sun days excepted, at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. Train 1-eturnmg leaves Beacn at l and 6 p.m. J. W. DARPEB, my 18 tf Gent Manager. For Sale. rlBE CHURCH BL'ILDING OF FIFTH ST. Methodist Church. Possession given at moe. Apply to my 18 tf JOUH C. DAVIS. Anniversary Celebration. WilmingtonLight Infantry WILL GIVE Excursions to the Hammocks MONDAY, HAT 20, OVER THE SEACOAST R. B, Ticket, good on any train daring the day. Tickets on sale at the Book mores, Draff stores and otter prominent places m tie city uy 11

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