Voll ntfS rifttttTenes ! down7' VHP j P ilk 9IIM i Tla n They lone up :? 5r :r'"iS3yi--rwm,e- 1 vs9- Daily R,syiew r-i t Trt ff n s rn ftte-tirat eOeth forth NfcTf h' weebinc Bearing precious seed In love; Never tiring, never sleeping, Fincling mercy from above. Soft descend the tie ws of heaven,- Bright the rays celestial shine; precious fruits 'rflj thus be given. Through an influence a ft divine. j Sdw thy eed, be never weary. Ijft no fears thy soul annoy; Be tin? prospect ne'er so dreary. Tlvl laU reup the fruits iaf Jovw fsO, the scene of venture Mrighten- no r ,MT' "V I See the rising- grain annear: Jook if T , . - ' - 1 ' OOTHiJCwt WHOLESALE PRICESk M I r's U.I.IT3TRATED. -! t -SK-. WW1', -Ttr red newspaper 't well-establishf: Fo tl iiaryiNttiuie is ne; I . f r l-Jtknna He anting. ias earned for It the urfcn Pnl i lLof all impartial read- New I Advice to Mrs. Winslow! hould always betoWwJSf The toll"to quotations represent whoie- tre cuttiner teeth. It rpli.tKn u sale priced generally. in-raAinnir in mn m.. cmld front pain, and the little cher- - ub awakes as "brigha8utaa.G U SoTioCci''' ' is Verv pleasant to tasto T ! iim ut!1- i-s 1,1 ".rin-1; 8 9 Ailanlie Coast Lino fWllmfngton dtWBldonR. R AND B1U.()UB8 ' .tut WEST tje c in hi, soi tens tije giuiis alUiy 8 ail pain, relieves wind, reeulats the bowels, and is the best known reuie-i y ior uiarrnosa, wnether arising from teething or othr caused Twenty five cents a bottle. julybdeod&wlvs rm - T oc UiUCRI .a OJ IK URN VI The experiment of introducing the US Ol CUiCKen criO OfA nla An.. ugain; rhe fields are whiten- I tralia. with the object of extenninat in- - in- the rabbits, has .-proved d fail ure. toivVV nc lude serial and short l!Sawicn '"f wv.nuiar wrirers. of thewldt I? wt-e-P OTrsults. supplement and no exveux m mvvyh omerorartisnc l'" ? nnnn ! lie UiU.rauuii ui ,0 wa-r- 1Ml foreign ihv1- i.o tu n r an :i;V on flattie pe fnit?!s3uresdt r ... tm-1' '? ' me weefety .mkia T IP A T.3 IkPEK : ' . -i vi.' 4 J K JP ' " r , , f -t-i V. ' ..kA'oAlrlv llpoin with v?V,, of each year. When urn in n'11- ivpr - btir HnsineHs UooniMig Probably no one thing ba3 caused such a generaj revival of trade at R. U. Bettamvv3 Drti Stt.re, as their ine "way to ine?r cuBiottiers r sol laflirePrial bottle. Of I)r Kin'a :. . - 7i-cnviv ror uonsurrrmi n Their trude is sioirly enornous in this vers ?alnabl article from the Jact that it always cures and neser disappoints Coughs. Qplds, sthma, flronchitis, Ooup. andml! throat Snd !uhgliseases quickly cured. You can test it beroro buying by getting a trial bottle free arge size jfcl Every bottle warranted. FBOMPTNESS. First a, cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. "I took fr. Acker's English Remedv for Consumption the moment I began to mgh and I believe it saved my I ii .r - Walter? N. VaxAAxtb, Wash f !lnmn. Munds Bros.. dnit?frir,s i at U B Weekly, for ... iiomor s asd :r " in "neat cloth binding, will be b HmidKit if trelght does not ex. SLe).Ior 7 00 per vol ' 5!f iLntiiv uost-naid. on m U1 " ' r MiMinufi bv PoaUOffice KSror IWlt To avoid chance Oi loss. .rf. r i. i t,ilrr-t.isifnpn ri r Rrnthnnt 1889. arper's Youtifr Peoole. ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. tftfa yocno people negina us tenm with tne flrst Number in November. Dsr the rear If will contain five serial sto- tncludlng "Dorymates," by Kirk Munroe; KPdMuiane. uv v. o. Mouuuru auu VinWJtlancl;"by K. K. sThurlo-.vs Trial." by i. T, T.rpo wiahe3 by F. Anstry and Bran. JintiPWH; aserlea of fairy tales written Illustrated by Howard lle; "Home Stud- i Natural Hiatorj. by i)r. Felix, u. os- ; Little Experiments." by Sophia B. Iier "Glimpses of rhlld-liie from Dickens," ?aret E. sanester; articles on various sand pasrlmes, short stories by the best and numorous payers and noems. Iminy hundreds of illustrations Of exeel- Buallty. Every Une in the naner Is sub- 1 to the most rhjld editorial scrutiny in that nothing harmful may enter its col- epltome of evcrytblns that is attractive arable in juvenile literature. Bofiton The Green Fly. The . aphis is one of troublesome pests in the garden. The common green fly, on green houseor:ijdow plants, and parti cularly on greenhouse grown lettuce is a terrible, nest. For aU jeluiy -ever, .bbaccojs a sovereign remedy. If it is only applied in time, they can be readily kept down, The way es increasesomet i mes lwsnimner on -various Kinds of trees of shrubs iooks all but a miracle, ajd the imagination might lead one to believe tnauroey came into ex istence spontaneously. M. Fpugard sajrs that the ordin ary aphis produces ten generations during a year, and that each insect also brings forth about ten young ones, as seen in the following table: Jst generation, 1 aphis; 2nd genera tion, 100 aphides; 3rd, 10,000; 2th, 1, 000.000: 5th. .100.000. 000: 7th. 1.000.- "000,000,000; 8th, 100,Q00,0O0,0O0,000;9th 10,080,000000,000,000; 10th, 1,000,000, 000,000,000,000. With such figures to face we should say, if possible, find Pand kill that first one. Prairie Farmer. ' - t Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. f&y its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two to any consnmD ion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. 9L.OCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New Yosk. Hartford, (Conn ,) electric light men complain that birds attempt to Oiuui nests in the lamps and lamp frames, causing considerable annoyance. v - - . . . . 8MOKED W", - OB Hi 4t 15 Shoulders, ft. DRY SALTEI) Hp ......... 1S3b' 15 : & m IS Sides, 1 W, ouidersw ft EI.S SolrlTS TlirTwnti'ni.' cond HaatLeMh " i m jsew, iNew xork. eacJu. o (XV New, city, eaca' . 1 65 BSU8VTAX, V fcl'ai - m s, iumngtoo, tM.... 6 00 Ii, ft- Nortb Carolina NorUiern CA7TDLES, ft Sperm... Aaamaanne q (a CHEESE UF ft- Northern Faory Il a Dairy, CreadC. - g Ti- Lguyni 2:3 a 1 69 1 5 1 70 m 9 8 00 14 00 25 30 15 ......... 35 10 13 14 -10 Klo. 00 00 1 35 CORN MEAL, v bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal....:.. '. COTXON TIES. biinrtlft on the0Mll:sTIC8- tilt. I kJfcnof inT A J in . Yarns, T bunch . . EGGS, d0Z.,....j...ti MacKerel. No. 1. w bbi. "..... 00 Mackerel, Na 1, hab bbL 7 5fr 18 24 32 I 30 I 80 i a pliy. 4 J 1 tne most 1 r " . ai it in time do not neg-i Mackerel, No. 3, V may become serious and f Mackerel, No. 2, bi Have You a Cough ? Attend to it it it lor lt.uiav in Consumption. Young's Cough gam will cure all Diseases of the iroat and Lungs. For sale bv . J?iy CoiiJ8 tt unrls RmHiPrs ' T fFZATUH, v DDI The AMERICAN rti MAGAZINE, dutifully A-it n '-ii i 4. -i"i d. 25 cts., $3 Yt. oddard; and cureo. x snan ue giau iu bi MunkittricK; botUs of my remedy free rJ,r?ni?S?nn: of yowjr. readers who have c BK KICKED TQKICK. IIIM11 iMllMWIll1'!!! 'TTTir ril!MIIWMi mi in And a Drummer Was Up for .;.'f 9H 'ft the reekly reast of good Ltrls in everj family things to the boys Which it visits. yn Vidon. wonderful In Its wealth of pictures. In tion ad interest. Christian Advocate lus-POvStaee 1 run.-Lid. $2 nrvoar. VtLX begins November 1,1888. wn. Cw sent on receipt of tiDo-cent Number, Five Cents each. imauivs should be made by Post-Offlce uraer or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1Pts ait not to cow this adversisemcnt wjms oracr of Harper & Brothers. 1IARPEU& BHOTIIERS. New Yoi- 1889 ILLUSTRATED. Harp Done Cigars. " "Yes, we meet with all sorts of people bere,,T answered the railroad conductor, as he sat down . Jn the smoker after making his rounds. "It is a great place in which to study human nature." "Aren't there a good many kickers among travelers?" "Plenty of them. I could have a fight every hour in the day if I wanted to talk back. There "is one in the third seat ahead now. He, lives at R , and he never comes or goes without trying to kick up a row." "He seems ofuiet enough." "But he only seems. I'm expect ing every minute to hear his war whoop. It is just an hour's run to R , and 111 bet he. makes three ITS SCOPE.-THE AMERICAN MA -ZINE glve3 preference- to nattena! topics an scenes, and Its literature and art are of th highest standard. Famous American writer All its pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the period, and.ln short, this Magazine Is Distinctively Representative of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to be the most popular and entertaining of the hlgh-elas3 monthlies. . Tmnnvtunt A Specimen Number, with J. Ill 1111 1 illustrated Premium List, and Special Inducements In Cash or Valuable r Premiums to club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt or 15c., it this paper is mentioned. Responsible and energetic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., . feb 749 Broadway J?w Ytlr, Scribner's Magazine For 1S81. - cigars. "? Bazar win ,-.iin Utj!i,in aiT -vuuuuc iu maintain K S8. ottbo. lllgest order, its hwt noml, Jd character. Its Dat- m fcve it,tla?1 laswon plates 1 the kicker took x, abajfLvS' 1UU iLs a'"les on decora-House-keeping, cook- Ri that could. - or rhp TT u,a -sie. A mong f noa 1 PEER'S 1 periodicals; P8R ar: BAZA ' x on AA2I.E F fiBKLY Vc4 Raar betrtn with t .... 4 00 ....400 orXWco. 8 00 in the Untied nth. --. uuarv rr ui. .t Jaar current1 K K SfSfMF Ucar. for three (re ni " WU be sent 09 tte&eto?7' rree or a? torTach v?00 Pe'volwne. Oriw r'uiv rv; lu avoia chance 11 A nrr-"rper a Breihera RPKU BltOTHlfRS, ' new xorc each J mau. post-pahLon loss. I to toruT&T. est m thousands " trun table WA.T.,r 1 WUO f t ul" " Ork that- w j &UettT(,"ul"a at onoe send their ran L.AP:- Portland. MainAS 2fS "ow eWersex, Ser "fer- to per dayd UU wt Allsuc- Urtlrt? i flint f ini; M ik iV' 1 o 111 ttiub vi ill . ; "I'll go you a box of iuuc, uiu icnuvv : They were shaking hands on it when the man rose up and went to the water cooler. He took t wo or three sips of water and then walked hack to the conductor and said: ".JVhen you get ready to clean the drugs and chemicals out of that cooler please let me know. Perhaps I can buyiialf a ton of copperas at wholesale figures." "That's one11 said the conductor.as his seat. rne train stopped and another round was made, and the official had scarcely taken his seat when the kicker came over and said: . "If thire is a-window in this coach that can be raised I wish you would label it for mel" "That's two," whispered the con ductor, "and we've got sixteen miles to go yet." . The Kicker sat down to his news paper, and he vas so quiet for a time the drummer began to have hopes. Bight ten twelve miles rolled behind the train, and he seem ed deeply interested in an article, when he suddenly bobbed up and caaie oieirto the conductor.1 " "til berrift v to one there are fleas in this coach! I've just been bitten by something like one, and I'm go ing to send in a complaint to head quarters. ' 'Are you satisfied" asked the con ductor, after the kicker had taken hia seat. "I've got to be. And that's his usual practice, is it?' "Oh, he's let me off light to da.y." "Well,fs worth a box of cigars to see into human nature in this way," mused the drummer as the train drew up at R . The kicker and. the conductor got off tog-ether, and the former softly jsask 1? cm u TTOO 11 UI1CV JV1UIVS, 1ULU i "Yee." "An tfte bet?" "Aboi of cigars." "All rigbt. Bring my half down to niglit. I'll be going up again to morrow, and yon see if you can't make It six kicks and two boxes!" The publishers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at all tlme3 pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers nave been drawn to It fluting the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and It closes its second year with a new Impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and in teresting will be neglected. THE ItAILWAY ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very stnklng papers; one espe cially Interesting by Ex-Postmaster General Thomas L. James on -'The Railway Postal Ser vice." Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla novel "The Master of Ballantrae." will run through the greater part of the year. Begun in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o. manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Palntefs will furnish the substance of several articles. Illustrated. The brief end papers written last year by Robert Louis Stevenson, will be replaced by equally interesting contributions by dlffere t tortious adHiors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch wTH writ Abe first of tuem tor the January f rmmber.-- T Manv valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of Work, illustrated from original MSS.. a second "Shelf of Old Bqoks," by Mrs. James T Fields, and many oher articles equally noteworthy Illustrated Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. H. Blashfleld, Austin Dobson and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing sport In the best fishing grounds wlU appear. Salmon, Winninish, Bass and: Tarpon are the sabjeafcs jpow arranged. The authors are well known "sportsmen. Illustrated.. 1L,LiUxkatei AttTiCLisq oi great vaneLy, touching: upon au manner .of su hioaraDhy. description, etc.; w -not ef the conventional commonplace sort. . Illustrated Among the most interestmg -4n tie list ef scientific papers for tbe year will be a remark able .article by Prof. JoliD Tlpwbjligt, uon the most recent developments and uses of PHOTOGRAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of spe cial interest will be continued by a groupf papers upon ELECTRICITY la its most recant applications, d.v eminent autnormes: a re markabie paper on DEEP MUfTNG, and ether interesting Daners. uti icpie iiiM&fXims. m-A m numbers, winch inc-tttde ail the liallwa rips, as follows: In A year's subscript ion (18895 and the nam bersfor 1888.. . .$1.50 a year's suescnotion (1889) and the num bers for 1888, bound in cloth 3 year ; 25 cents a number. bbl 9 00 half bid... 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl 7 80 Mallets, bbl 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring. keg... 00 .. . .... 6 ($12 "50 A 8 00 6 9 I No. - 1. ani kLe ave-W 1 lmi 1 mUxu . U Qa am: U uo am: 4iunm uutvu jaKuuuv.i 1 i amau 4j ami o 10pm Leave Warsaw. . . ff 57 am 6 55 pm 5 10 05 85 90 Western, low grade. .. . . .. 50 Extra 4 uo Family 4 50 City Mills Super 4 00 i. a.M raiuiijr , au Corn, fin store, bags, white Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from store. . . . GOats, ijust Proof . . . . Cow Peas HIDES, V It . Green. Dry HAY, 100 lbs Eastern 1 Western North River HOOP IRON, W 2 LARD, 5$ lb Northern North Carolina.. LIME, y barrel 1 40 jMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed... 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 0Q West India. Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, in hhds. US " " in bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 fe " " in bbls 30 Sugar House, In hhds 00 " in bbls. 1ft Syrup, In bbls 23 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 9 9 00 00 86 9 00 9 00 00 10 00 50 00 10 00 10 65 62 67 66 45 1Sk 8 5. 13 10 95 00 3 10 0 00 20 00 16 00 8 00 22 00 15 00 .ti. OILS, V gaUon Kerosene Lard 16 Linseed ... 90 Rosin 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live rown....... 20 Spring 10 Turkeys 95 PEANUTS, V bushel, 22 ft. 60 potatoes, v bushel sweet...; 35 Irish, v bbl 2 25 POltK, barrel City Mess 17 50 Prime 15 00 Rump ' 00 kick caienna. n Rough, v bush, (Upland).. I (Lowland) RAGS, lb Country City rope, lb SALT, w sack. Alum Liverpool 65 wsDon American SOAP. S ft Northern SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C Extra C. Golden O Yellow. 0 SHINGLES, 7 In. M 5 00 '-l Common . . 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 1 i 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 50 8 i 9 9 9 9 9 14 45 00 16 20 22 25 1 0 00 60 ! 75 UAlLdtSOAJ CHKDUIiE. CONDENSED S TRAINS GOINO SOT TH. Dated 5, '89. I F t MaU ax. Kcxy Mount. I 1 55pm ... qali. 04Uy. isan4ay.l---- - - . - m. . NO. 41, Gaily ex ain-I .0 am AntreTarboro.... 3 55pmi Leave Tarboro. ... K 'JO ami T...: .Ir.r.l Arrive Wilson... 2 27jjm I 00pm, 7 IS am Leave Wilson Aiilve Solm..- Arrtfe Fajettevi'e -l a W UUt . ...t 6 OQpm I.... . iave uoiasooro.. ,i 20 pnu 40 pm 8 35 am Leave Warsaw. 4 16 pml I 9 40 am LsAyeiMngnoUa..,. 4 39pm i 8 40pm 9 56am Ar. Wilmington... ou pm ; ' 55 piaiU joam TRAINS GOING NORTH. : 1 i. . r 9 1 ,i NO 78. daHyy i 40. ! dally ex sundry Leave Fayettevllle tt8 40 am; Arrive Selma.... 11 09am Arrive Wilson.:... .. . .712.10 pm Leave Wilson 3 02 am.LJ 4Tpmi 7 SU pm Ar. Rocky Mount I 1 20pmf S 29 pm Arrive Tarboro i3 55 pmj Leave Varhoro.. . . jio 90 am!....-. Arrive Weldon . . . i 4 3iml 3 40 phi! 9 40pm leaves Rocky M.. arrives at 'Dally except Sunday; - Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves flalifax for Scotland Neck at 2U10 P. M. Re tundng leaves Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. vla Albermarle &RalelghR. R. daily except Sunday, 5.05 p. m., Sunday 3.17 K M., arrive Wllllanist on, N. C, 7.20 P. M., 4.55 r. M. Returning leaves Wil llamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7. 10 A. Mi, Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 9.15 A. M.. ltaO A. M. Train on Midland N. C Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 0.00 A. M., arrive Smithlleld, N. C, 7.30 A M. Returning- leaves f?mirnneid, jn. c, 8.00 A. n., arrive GOldSbOfO, N. C, 9.30 A M. Train on Nashville Branch Mount for Nashville, 3.00 P. Nashville 3.40 P. ML Spring Hope 4.15 1'. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.00 A. M.. Nasnville 10.35 A. M., arrive iiocxy Mount 1L15 A,M., daily except Sunday Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. and 11 10 A. M. Returning leaves -Clinton at 8.20 A.M. and 3.10 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 41 40, 23 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branoh is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 5a Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. Ail rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. m Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmlncrton and I Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers auacneu. t JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gem Passenger Agent. apll3 Carolina Central Railroad Ji 9 9 9 :::: 4 60 80 00 1 9 14tf 70 9 00 9 00 9 5X9 6X9 8H9 0 a o9 9 9 18 00 16 00 915 00 Barrel.', Cypress Hearts.. STAVES. 19 M W. O R. 0. Hogshead TALLOW, ft i - TlJUBj M feet-Shlpptag ,ftn t 1..:.,. . . mm . .11 line M1U Fair. 5 0 00 800 . 0 00 6 ,12 00 71 25 7 SO 9 9 9 5)6 80 00 2S 75 70 00 70 5H 6 5 5 60 50 00 50 00 00 l uiiiiiiuu ji 111 Inferior to Ordinary 3 50 WHISKEY, gal Northern. . 1 00 North Carolina. .. .a.. 1 00 WOOL, J i Washed 28 Unwashep J4 Burry 10 7 2 5 7 an 00 10 00 9 6 U 00 9 13 00 9 8 50 m 0 00 .fi 60 9 4 00 2 00 2 50 30 9 25 a 15 NURSERIES POMONA Hll jec ttwVTwo and aJHaif MiiesVest of Greeasboro, N.C Company. s AtlantlAJkTM.ff SCHSDV 8 SOUTH. 44&B CONDENSED TRAINS GOIN ay 12, 1S89 Leave Wllrain Leave Marion. Arrftt Floren Leave Florence. Arrive sumter. Leave sum tor. . Arrive Columbt ....1 3 20 . ... .1 t 9 m through No. hi runs Centrai n. R LeaMng Lanes 9:15 A. M, Manning 9:56 A. M Train on c. & D. R. r. connects at Florence TRAILS GOING HOBTjfc I' T Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter.. , Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon. Arrive Wilmington... no. 51. No. so. ire, yfc M. rTmT- " 10 35 ft 20 1158 ?. ft,32 11 68 t 6 37 1 15 7 OV ...... . A.M. P. M. NO. 78 Na 14. A. M, . p. M. 4 35 -Sift 5 20 8 59 8 35 J 11 80 A. M. P. M. Dally. tDaily except Sunday. .No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, O., via Central R. R., arriring Maiuung 74 P. M Lanes 7:42 P. M., Charleston 9:30 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with c. and D. train from cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North rrr Train on Florence R. R. leave Pee Dee dally except 8unday 4:40 P. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Rowland 6:30 a. m.. ar rive Pee Dee thOO a. m. Train on Manchester Augusta R. R. leaves Siunter daUy, except Sunday, 11.-00 A. M., arrive Pincwood 12:01 P. M. Returning leave Pine wood I2:30:P. M., arrive Sumter 1:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Ass't Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agento my 11 Atlantic Coast Line. North-Eastern R R.af S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 1888. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet ..... Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Llncolnton. Leave Shelby ArriveRutherf'dt-n No. 41. dally ex Sunday. 2 10 pm 6 40 pm 7 ari pm 9 &5 pm No. 3. dally ex. Sunday. 7 00 pm 2 00 am 3 37 am 6 55 am a. No dally ex. Sunday. 4 15 pm 5 51 pm 6 57 a 8 20 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 3, 1888. i&Ve utheit'dt'n elby No. 38. daily ex. Sunday. Le Tave t.innnlntnn I Arrive Charlotte.! Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wllmlngt'n No. 4, dally ex Sunday No. 6. dally ex Sunday 6 00 am 8 08 am 9 13 am I 40 pm 45 pm 15 pm 45 am 30 am 8 00 am 9 22 am 10 30 am 12 05 pm -0- lemaln line of the K. D. passes TIME TABLE NO. 3 tttpftish the grounds and within 100 feet of f the office. Salemr trains makestops regular JISTaaJll,1Wllt Railroad ray Arti- Charles Scribner's Sons, 743-745 Broadw ay, N.Y. Cuban iron ores are being boomed. Wean Bill of Health, HERE HAS BEEN NO DISEASE WHAT- ever among the horses In my stables, and its thorough healthfulness and sanitary condi tion are amply attested by the subjoined certi- ncait iruui vr. v rajr, - - i Respectfully, R. C. OK HELL. WILMINGTON, N. C. April 16, m This is to certify that I hare Inspected for Glanders the horses and mules owned and in charge of K. C. OrrelL Said animals found in a healthy condition and free from any coat a uipjfc Stables were found in a good sanitary coflBlon. W. H. WRAY.D.V.S.. Stafe, and one of the largest in the bouth. SlOck COnSJBWS Oi Apples, rvauii, roar, Cherry. Plumj Japanese Persimmons, Apri ifc. Meftarines. Mulberries, Oulnce, Grapes, Fltfs Raspbemes, Gooseberries, Currants, Ple-j Plant, English Walnut Pecans, Chestnut, HTltitli'- new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which-my Be w Catalogue for 1888 will show. . . Give, your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destripttve Cata logue free to af plicants. T "IT A TV I TVni 1?V POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C. pr Reliable Salesman wanted in ever County. A good paying commission will b apl 17 tf tflHlHMi X k. Trains No. 41 and 38 make close connection between Charlotte and points North via Ral- eriih8 n5b. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet, to and from Raleigh. rnrougn sleeping cars oetween Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. L. c. JONES, Superintendent. F. w. CLARK, Genl Passenger Agent. . dee 1 - Tral ns AND. AFl'ER FRIDAY, DEC. tft, 1S87, will run as follows, dally except gun- day. GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, '89. Leave Florence.... " Kingstree..., Arrive Lanes.... ... Leave Lanes Arrive Charleston. . . NO. 7. NO. 23. NO. 53. 1 35 9 30 2 29 10 55 2 50 U 20 2 501 11 20 5 00 1 30 A. M. I P, M. I P. M. 7 50 9 M P. M. Train No. 63 takes No. 53 South of Lanes. Train on c. & D. R. r. connects at Florence with No. 23 Train. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Charleston. Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes " Kingstree.. Arrive Charleston. No. 78. No. 14. P. M. 4 30 6 2s: 6 28 6 46 7 551 M No. 53. A. M. "7 80 9 10 A. M. A. M. 12 25 2 45 a 50 3 101 4 20 A. M. Dally, t Dally except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence with train on C. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. C, and Wades boro, N. c. no. 52 runs through to Columbia via central R. R. of s. C. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wiimincon. ML C. m&klncr Close conner.tlnn with W. Ml W. R. R. for all points north. JNO. F. DIVINE, n , General Huperlntendeat. J. R. KENEY, Asst Geul Manager. T, M. emerson, Genl Passenger Agent, my. 11 1 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND REPAIR SHOP. INI.WANT OF ANY KIND Repairing done tothel will il to their interest pARTIES Vehicle or want any old vehicles. caii on . C. IS. SOUTHgRLANP ACQ. Corner Second and Princess Stree Send vour hotsea to be shod. We tiav flrst-ciaas Shoer. . mca 5 No l Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.20 A. M. Afrlve at Cheraw, 8. C 9.30 A M. (in ma North. , f No. -Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw. S. O 4s25 P. M. Arrive-at Hamlet. N. C 515 P. M. decietf . . .... :! ..j CM C r : mantaoM' PKINTERS and BINDERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. .- S..U 1 w . 1 jv . . . - John Werner mTOJLV RESPECTFULLY ANN'QUN yt to his friends ana tne public that he IS now back at sis 01a stand, xo. Market Street, t which has been fchoroojrhly overhauled, repaired and refurnished, with , first class wwrtrmea, snarp razors and polite attention he hojestocantinue to merit the P All of his force is now concentrated at Na Market st. sept 19 .HK t HOLii -.tn.lilcasd vtrr u- The. WOiptJ" mf aPter o or )-l-" .. .--t1 ,1. i-irti'-fcr ta aU or t w, uully fr tr..i vsoi'i;., $o.Mo ir. t-iie from tk chn. lUsij&r ii : ; : ir-, Li .!!y tn" lor yea lottc thj.MK-- et-wtbbvsr Hfor ZZi M'trt' t. tn-ML .tl.rl." A natal m r - - - - . K all a m w WM. MONCUEE, supt. dJKSON & BELL. Largest rand Best Equipped Printing Establishment in tne uuy. Orders Promptly Filled. Tlte Acme MAN0FAOTUEIN&OO. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. o WILMINGTON. N.C. tpiIE REFUTATION OFOUK FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now estawiahett, audi the results of three years' use in the hands the best farmers of this and otter States attest their value as a high grade manure The MATTING, made from the leaves of native pine, is conceded to he equal to tor wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It is dally increasing. It has va lues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used lor upholstering purposes, and as a fining for Mattresses & almost equal to hair, being Ufflit elastic and proof against Insects. ' certificates from reliable parties usinirou goods can be seen at our office, or will bemail ed upoh application. ian4W For Sale U NEWSPAPERS FOB SALE, AT YOUK septMtf aug RETIEW OFFICE, Society Work. 'HB SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN'S I'ansn solicit ordera tor ail triiwi lacy sewing, crocheung and em I i. i.utr uuu vimaren'8 aprons a i wrut,-rs leu as UO KectOTT. OT 1 njjj street , wll meet With prompt SttOntlOB )roldery.

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