salve. mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tnts powder never vanes. A marvel of pa rity .strength and wholesome u ess. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight slum or phosphate powders. Soldo in emu. BOYAL BAKING POWDEK CO., 100 Wall St., N. T. oct 91 dAwly tenrw 4thPd 3rapw to day as a great man and said he possessed more of the elements that go to make a great lawyer than any one he ever knew. As most Jot our readers know. Judge Ruffin was an ex Justice of the Supreme Court of North Crfoiina. -The Gardner dwelling, on Cleveland streT. oceunied bv Mr.W.B. Ferreil and family, was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The fire was discovered by one of the in mates of the house about 1 o'ciock It originated in the loft of the kitch en, and there fs strong suspicion that it was the work of an mcendt ary. Some of the furniture was saved, but most of the wearing I and bed clothiner of Mr. Perrell and family were consumed There was no insurance on the con fonts. The building belonged to Mrs. S. F. Gardner, and was insured ffor $1,000 in W. H. McUabe s agency, Her Fortune. SATURDAY, MAY 25. 1889. STATE NEWS. Charlotte Chroniole: The Char lotte Juniors will go to Columbia next week to play three games of ball with the Columbia Midgets. The first of the games is to be play ed on Tuesday. The Concord club is expected to "come up and play a game in Charlotte one day next week. Goldsboro Argus: One of the most important events in the recent commercial history of our city is the purchase of the " Goldsboro Rice Mills, at an exceeding high price, by Mr. Pembroke Jones, of Wilming ton, from the firm who founded and have Operated them so successfully for well nigh a decade of years, Messrs. J. Strauss & Co. Lenoir Topic: Within thirty days the gauge of the C. & L. Narrow Gauge Railroad will be turned into the standard gauge between Lan caster and Yorkvitle ami between Hickory and Lenoir, leaving a nar 1 A 111 .1 row gauge lap oetween mcKory and Yorkville. And work wilFbeat once begun upon a narrow gauge ( railroad to be built from Lenoir to Cranberry. Fayetteviile , Observer: A shock ing accident occurred near Dunn last Saturday. The little ten year old daughter ot Mr. W. C. Jackson was thrown from a cart and kieked to death by a horse, the animal becoming frightened at the driver's I walking by its side. It is esti mated that fully 4.000 people heard evangelist Pearson's farewell ser mon in the Tabernacle last Friday sight and the number of conversions during the two weeks' series of meetings is estimated at 500. Raleigh Neivs and Observer: Mr. A. S. Le, Mr. William Simpson and other Raleigh pharmacists returned yesterday from the meeting of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association which has been held in Durham this week. They report one of the most interesting and profitable sessions ever held. The association decided to meet next year at Morehead City, on the sec ond Tuesday in July. The election of officers resulted as follows: Presi dent J. D. Crooiu, of Maxton; 1st Vice President E. V. Zoeller, Tar boro; 2nd Vice President W. H. Wearn, Charlotte; 3rd Vice Presi dent Parry W. Vaughan, Durham; Secretary E. V. Zoeller, Tarboro: Treasurer A. S. Lee, Raleigh. Ex ecutive Committee II. R. Chars, Reidsville. J. D. Nutt, Wilmington, L Richardson, Selma, .3. jU Prior, Fayetteville, M. Dorse y, Henderson. There was an election of members from whom the Governor appoints to vacancies on the Board of Phar macy. Those elected were A. W. Rowland, Wilson; F. W. Hancock, Newbern; E. M. Nadal, Wilson: W. H. Wearn. Charlotte; L. Richardson, Selma. Wadesboro Intelligencer: Died, at his home near Anson vi lie. on the 18th inst., of heart disease, Mr. Thomas H. Threadgili. aged T4 years, j Mr. Threadgili. we suppose, was as well known as any man in the county, and in many respects was a j remarkable man. He was for about j 45 years an officer of the court at this place, and until about 18 months ago, when he was first taken seri ously sick, he never failed for a single court in aH that time to be on j Preaching nana to attend to tne duties of his position. Last Tuesday even ing Ben Lay ton, of Lilesvilie. was in Wadesboro, and while here imbibed whiskey freely, becoming very much intoxicated. He left town about sundown, taking two bottles of j liquor with htw, and it is supposed that he started down the railroad on his way home. So far as we can learn he was not seen again until about 6 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, when his dead body was found about a mile this side of Lilesville lying on the railroad track. It is not known certainly which train killed him but it is supposed that it was the West bound tram due here at half-past 3 o'clock. His body wasVery much mutilated, and pre" sented a ghastly appearance. Durham Plant: The sad intelli gence was reaeived here to day of the death of Judge Thomas Ruffin, which occurred at his home in Hills boro. this morning, after au illness of several" weeks. Judge Ruffin was highly esteemed as a jurist, as a citizen and as a friend, and the news of his death will bring sadness to his hosts of admirers throughout the State. One of our citizens who knew him intimately spoke of him Her Face She was as pretty as a picture ami so animated and lively that it did one srood to look at her. one was all this but she is not now. Poor I soul, the roses linger no more in her ! nhoiiiru tliofni inoi- I nafro in hpi vcs is gone. She is a woe begone look . . i n at, mg piece oi Huimmity uuw. one has one of those troubles so common to women and needs Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It recuper ates the wasted strength, puts the whole system right, restores the roses and the luster and makes the woman what she once was, bright, well and happy. "Favorite Pre scription" is the only medieine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfac tion in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which anise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Fiftv cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. m th s Rev. O. C. Davis, Eldr M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ha. ckleu? Aftoica e Best Salve in the world for Cuts, BruisesTSores, Uleatfc Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requireo, it is guar anteed to arive perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cento ner hoT. EVu- an 1a hir RrthArt R Ballsmv I A N SELF-RISING BUCKWHEAT, IN SAND f LBS. PACKAGES. INVALUABLE ARTICLE FOR PRO wholesale and retail druggist. TAKE IT IN TIME. mi "For want or a nan, a snoe was lost; for want of a shoe, a horse was lost; for want of a horse, a rider was lost." Never neglect smau tnings. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption can jyositiveluhe cheek ed by Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. Mumts t$ rot hers, druggists. COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON MARKET. May 25.-2:30 P. M. jnnv tn a rpff minutes, by the addition of water or milk, mos delicious Buckwheat Cakes. MAPLE SYRUP, EITHER IN BULK OR IN GALLON OR HALF GALLON CANS. SSSKI Fresh Veeetables and Fruit cents. ROSIN Quiet at 75 cents for strained and 80 cents for good strained. TAR Firm At $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.10 for hard, $2.00 and 42.00 for vellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet. The foUow tng are tne official Quotations Ordinary, 7$ ;good ordinary, 9 low middling, 10 1-16; middling 10 good middling 11. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 275; rosin, 147; tar, 51 ; crude, 9; cotton, 3. By every Steamer Preserves and Jellies BY THE POUND. Forsale by ,. a at. Joo. L. Boat wright, nor lft & 17 So. Front St. MARINE NEWS. f ARRIVED. Stealer Yemassee, McKee, Fer- nandina, H Q Smallbones. Schr James Ponder, .Lynch, Phila- delpnia, weo riarriss, Son 6r (Jo. The National Life AND Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. ! 1 fl Church Services To-Morrow. Brooklyn Baptist Church, services in the new church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Rev. G. M. Tolson, Pastor. Sunday Services at 11 a. m. and at 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at :? p. m. Prayer meeting Thursdaj night at 8:00 p. m The public is cordially in vited. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chuch,cor.Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. John W Primrose, Pastor. Services at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sabbath School at 4:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. The pub lic cordially invited. Seats free. Front Street Chapel of the First Presoyte rian church. Southwest corner Front and Queen streets, services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., by Rev. W. Mcc. Miller. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Prayer and praise meeting: Wednesday night at 8:15 o'clock. Visitors cor dially welcome. St. James' Episcopal Church, corner Third and Market streets, Rev. Robt. Strange, Rec tor. Divine services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. SundaySchool at ;:30 p. m. Holy Cummunion 8 a. m., except first Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. St Paul's Episcopal Church, corner Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. c. A. Arnold, Rector. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday SchooLat 9:45 a.m. Seats all free. Every- ooay is welcome. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Firth streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard. D. i).. Pastor. Prayer meeting Sunday morning at Services at 11 a. m. and at 8KK)p. m. by the rasiur.- suuuuy scntxn ai y:au p. m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor Wed nesday night at 7:45 o'clock. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Strangers cordially invited. St. Pool's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets. Rev. F. W. E. Pes chau. Pastor. German services at 11 o'clock a. m. English services at 7:30 p.m. SundaySchool at 130 a. Mi W. H. Strauss, supt. Visitors cor dially welcome, St John's Church, corner of Third and Red Cross sts., (street cars going North pass the door). Rev. j. Carmichael, o. D., Rector. Cel ebration every Sunday Morning at 7.45, except first Sunday in the month, when It is at 11 o'clock a. m Morning Prayer, IJtany and Sermon (each Sunday) at it o'clock. Evening Prayer and Bible Studies at 7:30 o'clock. AU Feasts and saints' Days observed by celebra tion at 10 a. in. Visitors to the city will be shown to agreeabls seats. Grace Methodist E. Church, South, corner of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Rev. Walter s. Creasy, Pastor. Services at 11 & m. and 8-08 n. m , conducted by the pastor. Sabbath School at 5:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday at p. m. The public are cor dially invited. Seats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Rev. P. H. Hose. Pastor. chlner Sunday at 11.00 a. m. and R fJ n m ! Sunday School at 4:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Blue study Thursday night at 8:15 o'clock. Visiters cordially Invited to attend. Special hymn service Sunday night. Simon Baptist Chorea corner of Eighth and bwwis. rreacning at 11 o'ciock, a. m. Sabbath School at l o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 3 o'clock, p. m. Bible reading at t o'clock, p. m. Preaching at 8 15 o'clock, p. m. seats ree. juaer m. v. morns, pastor. Fifth street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. R, c. Beam an. Pastor, services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. ou xuuuias-iTo-catnearaL First Mass at 7 ocwuu nass at iu a. m. vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock, p. m. Daily Mass at 6.30 a. m. St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets. Rectory opposite to the Church. Morning Prayer and sermon at n o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7.30 o'clock, lioly communion cele brated on the ilrst Sunday in every month, and on all Holy and Saint's Days. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets. Rev. J. p. King, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. in. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. First Baptist Church (col.) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, Rev. A. M. Conway pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m., at 3 p. m. and at 8 p. m. Sunday School at l p. m. Seats free. Biaoen street M. E. Church, corner Fifth and Bladen streets.. Rev. T. Page Rieaud, Pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. class meeting at 3 p. m. Religious services in every Sunday at 3 P. M. fa. WEEKLY' STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND MAY 24, 1889." Cotton ashore, 664: afloat, 19; to tal, 683. : Spirits ashore, 1,321 ;afloat, l,047;to- tal, 2,308. Rosin ashore, 35,556; afloat, 2,657; total, 38,213. Tar ashore, 5,009. Orude ashore, 42K RECEIPTS FROM MAY 17 TO MAY 24. Cotton, 67: spirits, 1,667; tar, 759; crude, 388; rosin, 1,131. ' EXPORTS FRjOM MAY 17 TO MAY 24. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 169; spirits, 650; rosin, 19; tar, 690; crude, 287. f FOREIGN. Rosin, 9,519; spirits, 350; tar, 1,005. Has Paid to Mem- i bers Over - -$600,0( Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None. HORATIO BROWNING, President. ; SAMUEL NOKMENT, Treasurer. GEORGE D. ELDRIOGE, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. GEO. J. EASTER DA Y, Ass't Secretary. Cents JJUYS A BOX (3 CAKES) OF COLGATE'S White Clematis Toilet Soap. Decidedly the oest soap for the money over offered. For sale by MUNDS BROTHERS. 104 N. Front st. H. C RON EN BERG, Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, A Guaranteed Policy. An Ineontestlble Policy. Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Age Annual cost. Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years P. S. RIDDELLK, M. D. - Medical Director W H. GIBSON. SDeclal Affent. Home Office, central National Bank Buildlntr IN You Cannot Stay Away IN JUSTICES TO YOURSELF! We are showing the Cleanest and Nicest Stock ever dispi tHis good old town. All Kind of White Goods and Light Weight Stuff, Ohina Mattings, Jap Mattings Napier Mattingi Cocoa Mattings. BLACK LACE FLOUNCING AND OKAPElty SILK NETS IN VARIETY! R M. Mel n tire lll'n Ti n i - 9 xuttrn FRONT my 24 STREET. "LYON" PARASOLS, DKTACHABXE HANDLES 'H Something New. been sold rapidly at Convenient for Travelling. Have i m HEDRICK'8 Don't Be Misled, But go to HEADQUARTERS for your Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Wholesale and Retail. The largest stock to select from at JOH! OCt 26 uaau, Jr., Local Agent, wiiminsfton N. C, PHOTOGRAPHER, KTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED A Photographs at reasonable prices. PltAMING A SPECIALTY. feb S tf 116 Market St., south side. Brown's Beach Restaurant AND BATH HOUSES. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE X to the public that my Restaurant and Bath Douses on Wrlehtsville Beach, opposite the Hummocks, are now open and ready for the accommodation of all who may favor me with their patronage. Pig Fish. Soft Shell Crabs and Sandwiches ready on tne arrival of all trains. The Bath Houses are clean, well ventilated and supplied with fresh water, clean towels and careful attendants. A call is solicited. Respectfully, my 22 tf R. . L. BROWN. The Cheapest. THB BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST I Place In the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street, North side, between Second and Third Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from tne country solicited. - dec 7 James Stands, Agt 9 DRUGGIST. full Line of pure drugs an i-nemicais. rnysicians' Preseripttens a spe cialty. Fancy and Toilet Articles in great variety- Artesian Well Mineral Water; come in auu it) a. giasa mtji. jan lft For Sale. LBS. OLD TYPE METAL, CLEAN Will be sold cheap. THIS OFFICE. 1.000 and in good condition. Apply at my n tf T A MED AN HONEST YOUNG MAN if i or a permanent position, witn an old es taousneo nrm as their representative in his own iate. salary, mi 6, witn increase. Ret erences exacted. Gay's Mfg. House, Lock Box 1585, N. Y. men 28 4 w Table Beard. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated with Table Board on mch 27 tf 224 application at 24 N. THIRD ST. The Robesoman, Published In Lumberton, N. C, by W. W. McDIARMID, 8 READ XYERY WEEK BY NEARLY every Intelligent citizen of Robeson county. and has a general circulation In all the rounding counties, Including Marion, Marl- Tileston Upper Room PubUc.wrdially invl- boro and Darlli The K"B1 Year of prosperous and In South Carolina. IAN Is now in the Eighteenth ous and vleorous exl8tnr and is so nrmly established in the hearts nf its patrons as well as a pecuniary enterprise that business men can readily estimate as to its value to them. The advertising rates are exoeeuingiy reaaonauie, cuubiaenng the arvmauuu, ana lunugnce ui we paper. 9 WUU IW B VISITORS. yiSITORS IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY" invited to our large establishment, which con tains the largest, stock of BOOTS and SHOES in the State. Constantly receiving goods en ables you not only to get ,new goods but all the latest styles. Our stock was never more complete, and we will give you more for your money than you will receive elsewhere. Special BnrgiiiDS in Gents' Low Quartered SHOES, Ladies', Misses' and Children's SLIPPERS. Fire Huodr d Pairs Ladies' opera Slippers at 50c, 76c, $L00. $L25. Ladles' Pat. Leather Tip Lace Oxfords at $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. Ladies' three buttons Oxfords at $1.00, $1.25 DU1U 1.0U. Ladles' Doog. Button Boots, Patent Leather Tips, 12.50, former price $2.75. Mavmg these goods on c and D Lasts, we fit we rnubt uiracuic root. Special attention given to mall orders. Geo. R. French A Sons, my 13 108 North Front St. BAZAAR, 118 Market Street, - - V - WilmiDgtoD, H.G Novelties in Fans, novelties in Parasols and Sun Shades, Laces, Gloves, Mitts, Corsets, Hosiery, Underwear,. Rib bons, &c, &c. Correct styles, Fashionable Goods and Prices guaranteed the LOWEST. A LARGE STOCK of Colored and Black Silks for trimming. The trade supplied at liberal discounts. Orders by mail promptly fulfilled. New York WUminartoi Steamship Co. FltUM at, JfiAST RIVER NSW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P.M. PJONBSR BENEFACTOR. . Saturday, May 25 .sMHuraay, June unsurpassed passen- FROM WILMINGTON- YEMASSEE d,,; l-uesaay. May 28 iVAV;,;; loay, May 31 j. hnnnv .1 nno mr Through Bills Ladfncr mm T.nwMr "JSrrfi Irom P"its in North These steamers have ger accommodations. ror mreigni; or Passage apply to v H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, ip rr,.. vviunington, N C. iramc Manager. WM. P. CLYDE CO.. Genl AgetS my a ftBowUng GreenT NewYort fiu w met runii m wal" 'IF YOU AIKT GOT 'KM," YOU MIGHT HAVE JEM. oraeaa's Bed Bag Ifitereeptie JfwLJEZiSPSSL tty and Pleasant. 1 S:i?r" to speafc-' Ask IBPiaonsd SUSSSS. Jf ALL by all Pmgglsta. mch 27 3m n m A Big Chance. J. W. ATKINSON, President. W. P. TOOMEB, cam. rjTHE SEASONiBEING LATE AND HAVING more stock on hand now than the state of the market justifies, I make the follewing offer- From this date until June 1st I wUl pro ceedto Unload ! and will offer any article In my stock at NEW YORK COST, - with freight added for Cash, and CASH OISTXTST 1 xaia w a Genuine offer ! No Blow. No Gas. a nui tu wu ttuu l am going to seiL Come early and get your ehoiceot Clothing tor Men and Boys, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, sec B. F. PENNY. my 20 tf lf Market Street. Wilmington Savings & Trust Oft, I Aft PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, X. C, vu Lends Monev nn fwtlsfnrtorv security. Pays Interest on Deposits. Is empowered M execute Trusts of ail kinds. mcbatf Lawn Mowers, Best on the Market! QARDBN HOES, RAKES, Ac., 8PW- le, Kubber Hose and Attachments, hotm prices on above at w- SPRINGER CO apl tt u Front St., Wilmlngwn, . c Wilmington Seacoast B.E. fpRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: Leave WUmington 7.00 a m., 3 p. m-, P- ft Leave Hammocks 7.46 a m.,5.15u Hh The last train will stop at Wrigfitsvule untn 8.10 p, m. Trains or Cars chartered at reasonable rates SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Leave Wilmington 3.00 p. m. Leave Hammocks 5 p. m. my No man can feel indenenitont. whn n.n v. J UUI U VV 11 laiiUKird. Klllinincr Tnto sale on Queen, castle. ChurchAnn, Nun. Princess, Chestnut, Mulberry, Walnut, Bed Cross, Dickinson, Charlotte, camnberi ivk, narnen, n rone, second. Third Fifth Eleventh. Twelfth, land tfbirteentn stree& Houses built to suit. Houses and lnta on the instalment plan. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Appiyto i n JAMES WILSON, apl is 2m office of D. O'Connor. R. C. Orrell JTT AS A LOT OF SECON D.H AND BUGGIE and Harness for sale cheap. Horses and Vehicles boarded at low rates bv ha zZ:- month. Will Try hard to mB m- IstUi have a very flne Hearse for funeral oe- R. C ORRELL. ,JJyana Sale Stables. Corner Third and Princess sts. JtaJltt Ready Mixed Paints l WHITE LEAD, VARNISHES, BBU8H, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Largest and most complete stock in tto 8W Can fill all orders promptly. Builders' Supplies of all Kin DRIVE WELL PUMPS, WtedowGJassofall Size, French and American, Single and D00 Obscure, Ruby and colored. Wire Netting and Frame For Doors and Windowa Platform, Counter and Scales f Goldsboro Cotton P Moat Unproved Cotton Plow on Nart Fishing Supplies of mil Kb9 Weod, Coal and Oil Cookii Stoves! N. JaooM HardwawOfti

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