THIS PA 'nine. Sundays excepted, .ichpd every 1m f4MBH,EdttoaBdP?Q. W JJN9. POSTAQ PA1B: liOft SIX ThrCe rear' (,p month, 36 cents. ontW' 1 nvered by carters, tree paP v oart of me city, at the above m any p tt cents r3"n?rowanciUlJeraL . " . - ; " ! mm Presents in the most elegant RFrm th LAXATIVE and NUTRITIOUS JUICE JHfcLMA OF THE cjqS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plant? known to be m0st beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable md effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the- IMEYS, LIVER BRD BOWELS. tis the most excellent remedy known to CLEkHSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Eilious or Constipated SO THAT PUR LlOOO, REFRE8HIIIC SLEEP, HEALTH and OTRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Even- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR The Dun wc E VI El VOL XI I L WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY. MAY 28, 1889. NO 126i i na PUUfl NOTICE, we win be gtad to reeem from our general TnenMneoftnewrttwmnKMwtxitofar. nished to the Editor. communications fflut be writ n on but one side of the paper. Parsonali t lea most be avoided. And it is especially and particularly ubder stood that the Editor does not always endorse the news of correspondents unless ao stated in the editorial columns. tm 1NDBX TO NKW APVKRTTSFif BTNTS li F Penny A Big Oliance MlTNns RROR Prt.irnri'iMctQ w m mmm aj ' .J J Hbdrick Wblte Goods W M CumuNG Mattresses J G Bubr Notice to Taxpayers J J nsDRicK riygienic Underwear Taylor's Bazaar Grand Opening U M McIntirb You cannot stay Away The "old reliable" T)r. Sao-a's f!n. tarrh Remedy New moon to night at 5 minutes past 12 o'clock. Turner's Almanac promises rainy weather for to morrow. very Some very nice strawberries sold here to day at 5 cents per quart. Moonlight excursions will be in order next week, and the veek after. For Ashing lines, leads, bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Indications. ! Preach lor JNorth Carolina, fair and slight-; to ilorrow evening at 8 o'clock. 1y cooler weather. Seamen especially and the public The bore of the artesian well at ;;"y are invitea to attend. Hilton is now 563 feet deep. At this NEW ADVERT18KMI'NT8. J N KW A OVERTI9EMEHT8. Oer. barque Emilie. Sehurz. clear- point a solid rock was struck and it ed to day for Stettin, with 3,767 was found necessary to remove the j barrels rosin, valued at 4,000, ship drill and all of the piping so as to ; ped by Messrs. R Peschau & Wes- j blast the rock with dynamite. ftermann. City Court. Iidn't Get The Kgijrs. Kither. Before the Mayor this morning: i At least one of those who have Jeff Fan, disorderly conduct, $5 been depredating on bird's nests has and costs. j com? to grief. It is bad enough to E. II. Batson, cruelty to animals, take the eggs from the birds on week case continued until to morrow. j days, but when a bov comes to srief La wn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. mmiLlE. KY. HEW YORK. N. Y For salt- by KOfSRItr It. RBLiliAWT, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ncbSllyd&w Wilmington, N. O. In many instances it has been proven that k. a b. (Botanic Wood Balm), made by the Wool Balm co., Atlanta, Ga., will cure blood poison in its worse phases, even whenail other treatment tails. A. P. BrunsoD, Atlanta, Ga., mites: "I had 2t running- ulcers on one lesrand 6on the other anJ felt greatly prosrrated. I believe I actu ally swallowed a barrel of medicine In vain efforts to cure the disease. With little hope I nnally acted on the urgent advice of a friend and got a bottle of B. B. B. I experienced a change, and my despondency was somewhat dispelled. I kept using it until I had taken sixteen bottles, and all the ulcers, rheuma tism and all other horrors of blood poision have disappeared and at last I am sound and well again, after an experience of twenty yeaa of torture." Iiobt. Ward, Maxey, Ga., writes: "My dls easewas pronounced a tertiary form of blood poison. My face, head and shoulders were a mass of corruption, and finally the disease ogan eating ray smril bone3. My bones ached; niyHdneys were deranged, I lost flesh and strength, and life became a burden. All said I oust surely die, but nevertheless, when I had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pro nounced well, Hundreds of scars can now be en on me. l have now been well over twelve monthi." Mr. Marsden Bellamy, delegate to the Supreme Lodge K. of H. at In dianapolis, has returned to the city. Rev. J. S. Brown has been chosen as orator and Rev. W. A. Alexander as Chaplain to serve at the Nationa1 Cemetery on Decoration Day. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself and superior to all other prepa rations in strength, economy and medicinal merit. Drugs and Chemical?, 1XHLET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, 1 Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions filled day or night at F. C. MILLEirS, lanJ Drugstore. ian Corner Fourth and Nun Sts., The Kings Daughters, Blessed Ten section, will give an excursion to Carolina Beach on Saturday, June 1st. There was more rain last night hut the wind soon got around to the Northwest when it cjeared off and turned cooler. Mr. Jas. U. Chadbourn", who is now residing' at Chadbourn, in charge of industrial enterprises there, was in the city to day. When onions sell at two bunches for five cents it is cheaper to buy them in the market than to go out to the truck farms and steal them. Dr. John H. Hill, of Goldsbbro, an eminent and esteemed citizen of Wilmington in the old days, is here in company with his son, Dr. Thos. H I It Mr. Z. W. Whitehead, editor and proprietor. of that excellent paper the Fayetteviile Observer, paid us a very pleasant visit yesterday after noon. VISITORS. VNtuKs IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY anted to our large establishment, which con tans the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES atte State. Constantly receiving goods en bi you not only to get new goods but all w bleat styles. Our stock was never more complete, and we will give you more for your uafJ than you win receive elsewhere. Special Bargains n ws- Low Quartered snOES, Ladles', Asses' and Children's SLIPPERS. Pve Hundred Pairs lilies" o t h-!'itxer Tlp Lee 0xrorti8 a &fU).,hre buttns Oxfords at $U,..35 Tri)0"-Button Boots, Patent Leather ,al atttlon given to man orders. 6e- R French & Sons, niv i q rL l8 Non h Front St. J- w. Mirn-- "Vyr. suppers at 50c, 75c, f LOO. ft, Resident. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. li' i . "wngtoii Savings & Trust Cft, SJELCT-WILMIJ' OTON-H-u- N IntwS S?m on iatlsractory security; KRON EN BERG, PHOTOGKAPHKR, A ,STI AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Capt. Jno. E. Sellers is in com mand of the Passport and Mr. L. A. Galloway is mate. These gentlemen were both on the Louise before she was sold. The pupils of Misses Burr & James' Female School had a pleas ant picnic to day at the Summer residence of those ladies,on Wrights ville Sound. A lot of strawberries from Dr. Porter's plantation at Rocky Point were in market yesterday. They were unusually large aud were- of a deep red color. Enamoline, the host stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw.Co.'t Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but the best. Monday is given up to the colored folks at Carolina Beach and we un derstand that the 'Sylvan Grove has been engaged for that day of the week for more than two months ahead. Tonng's Congli Balsam is a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all chronic and acute Coughs, sthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. For sale whole sale and retail by Munds Brothers. Isn't it time for the "Recreation Boat Club" to be getting their oars - 1 The Switchback railway is upon Wrightsville Beach, at the terminus of the Ocean View R. R., and is now ready for the cars, which will arrive in a few days. The bath houses will be open on Thursday. Go and See the Silver Kins, Something new and elegant; the most popular white Shirt of the season. Sells at the remarkably low price of 50 cents at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory, Jtp 132 Market st. Sign of the blue awning. tf Col. James G. Burr, Tax Lister, will be at the City Hall on Satur day next, June 1st, and every day thereafter, except Sunday, until the end of the month, for the purpose of receiving the tax lists for all real and personal property and tolls in this township. Mr. W. F. Williams has purchased the E. G. Barker residence on South Front street, between Church and Castle, paying therefor 4.500. It is said to be one of the most elegantly appointed houses in the city and Mr Williams' friends tell him that he has got a bargain. St. Andrew's' Sunday School will have a pic nic at Lake Waccamaw early next month. Forseveral seasons past the regular pic nic of this Sun day School has been held beneath the umbrageous shades of the giant oaks which deck the borders of this beautiful sheet of water. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually n the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. The Regatta last. Some slight changes have already been made in the schedule for the regattas, as announced yesterday in the Review, and in the morning papers to-day. The second race in July will take place on Wednesday, the 17th, aud the second race in August on Wednesday, the 21st. As announced the regattas are to be sailed on the first and third weeks in the three ensuing months, June, Julv and August. .Melons and Fru t. Tt is said tliajt the Georgia melon crop will be enormous next year and the Atlantic Coast Line people are laying their plans to handle it. Mr. Walters, Mr. Kenly, Capt. Divine and Mr Emerson have just returned froiu the laud of watermelons and Georgia majors where they have made arrangements to move the crop as fastiis it comes in. There will be some of it along by the mid dle of June. The fruit crop in Georgia also promises to be enor moiis this year and will pay those who handle it. ror robbing a nest on Sunday it looks somewhat like a judgment. We sympathize with out f young friend, however, in his sufferings and will not tell his name. He is a good boy in other matters but has a perchant for robbing birds nests which it seems hard to overcome. He fell from a tree Sunday and broke h is arm, a simple fracture, below the elbow, aad will be laid up a week or ten days. He didn't get the eggs, either. We've Got a Snake Story. An old colored man, who lives a few miles from the city aud who is said to be thoroughly reliable by those who know him, vouches for the following snake story. The old man has a son and this son begged his father some days ago to let him have an old decayed net which was on the place. The boy got the net and then fixed it in the creek to catch perch. He caught a few of those but one day on visiting his net found that an immense water rattle snake had not only swallowed the fish it contained, but the net itself, up to the cross bar on the end. He couldn't get the net out and couldn't get it down and so died then and there in that fix: The boy called his father who viewed the sight and then told this reliable snake story. Faithful Unto. Death. The employes of this office vere ensrasred vesterdav in noticing: the factions of two iaeons on the roof r i r - - 3T;? tt 1 '1 r 'A ' oi luessis. Durr a- oaneys louuury building, South of this office. . One of these had evidently been sorely wounded, in some way, .and its mate stopped with it. The uninjured bird would carefully assist the other along the roof, from time to time, so as to keep within the shadow of one of the chimneys. During all of the forenoon it remained faithfully at its post. In the afternoon the wound ed bird died and it was affecting to note the distress of the other. It placed its bill to that of the dead bird and cooed and cooed, and cooed again, bejng evidently very reluctant to give up all hope. Fi nally, it seemed convinced of the fact that it was undoubtedly dead and then flew sorrowfully away. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance, pursuant to adjournment May 21st, j met yesterday afternoon. - Messrs. R. J. Jones, chairman, Win. Calmer W. R. Kenan and John ifr. Trie witt were present. The chairman stated that he had called the meeting for the purpose of receiving a communication froiu the Board of Aldermen relative to the city tax levy. The paper was read,, and on mo tion of Mr. CJalder the tax levy as passed by the Board of Aldermen was concurred in. The dog ordinance, placing a tax American History. The June Magazine of American liistory, with which its twenty first volume is completed, furnishes in its table of contents a vigorous il lustration of its unmistakable wealth of resource, and its scope, which is as broad as the country itself. The number opens with a charming sketch of "The Historical Capital of Iowa," now the seat of the State University. The second contribu tion is an exhaustive and intensely interesting account of "The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts," the romantie story beginning with the first set tiers of New England, and closing with the recent inferchangeof civili ties between the Ancient and Hon orable London and American Artil lery companies, the two oldest mili tary organizations in t"he world. Following these delightful papers, Georgia divides the honors of the number with Iowa and JHassacnu etts in an able article on "Georgia land the Constitution." "The Last Twelve Uays or Major Jonnanure, unfolds a sucrirestive field of study, and is to be continued through two! future issues of the magazine. A Boston Writing School before the Revolution." crives a picturesque picture of men and scenes in that i earlv neriod. No feature of the i The Opening of Summer Millinery will take place Monday, Way 27, Tuesday, May 28, Wednesday, May 29 Just received, a new and selected stock of SUMMER HATS for Ladies Misses and Children." F LOWERS One of the finest lines ever shown in this market. BUCK IS AM FRAMES All the Leading shapes, 15 cents each. Lace and Silk Soire Skeleton Frames reduced to 25 cents each, at 9 Our Spring Opening was a success. Our Summer Opening will surely take the LEAD, so we eordially invite one and all to the Grand Open ing. We will also open a New Lot of Sunshades, Parasols, Mitts, Laces and Corsets, at - ., h& gar tit'. ' ;v; TAYLOR S S A 5j A A 118 Market Street, - - - - Wilmington, N. 8. The Trade supplied at a big discount. Orders by mail carefully and promptly filkd. There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f NEW A DVE ItT I S EM. ENT8 . Notice to Taxpayers. T WILL BE AT THE CITY HALL ON 8AT- urday. June 1st, and until the end oi the month, for the purpose o receiving the tax lists for all real and personal property and polls in Wilmington township, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in., and 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. each day. J. G. BURR, my 28 it Tax Lister. That Handsome Gold Watch y111 WILL, BE ABSOLUTELY GIVEN away, can he seen at Munds Brother's Drug Store, J04N. Front street, Tuesday afternoon, CAROLINA BEACH AND SOUiHPORT. WE HAVE White Goods. A LARGE STOCK OF WHITS GOODS, AND Propose to Sell Them. To effect t his, liberal concessions will be mad In prices. They have been placed on the coun ter andmus't be sold. Wc show a variety of FORTY DIPFfiJRBNT STYLES in $ TEAMKR "SYLVAN GROVE"' "LEAVES at for Carolina Beach daily, except Sunday, 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m., until June 4th. steamer PASSPORT, carrying the United States Mails, leaves for Southport and the jborps aany. except Sunday, at 9:30 a. m Leaves Southport at 3 p. m. 4. W. HARPER, my 27 tf Gen'l Manager. Wilmington Seacoast R.R and rowlocks in readiness for tlie j Qf on each male dog and tf3 on Summer season? They gave us some each female dog, w a also concurred fine sport on the river last season jn ! arid we shall look for more same sort this year. season of the Bond of Messrs. Parsley & Wig gins, contractors for furnishing lum i . a i I .i, 4-1, SHE IS "GRATEFUL." I Oer I or i iik umt ui me uii j, m- "1 saved the life of my little girl gruti of $300, was approved, by a prompt use of Dr. Acker's Enc- j Bills for current expenses amount- U AMlSS rbte Pces. atf 11,4, SPECIALTY. "X Market St., South side lish Remedv for Consumption i Mrs. Wm. V. Hahriman, New York. Munds Bros., druggists ng to to $129.89, were audited and j approyed. AFTER MONDAY, MAY 27TH, ill run Depot -N AND lthe Wilmington .Seacoast Trains will run to and from the Atlantic Coast Liae The Time table will be as follows June number however will be likely to attract juoe attention than he "Evolution of the Cmstitdciol,', which contains a vloume of infor- j ma f- Imation in its few brief pages. ine . kjl VI bill- 1U U V a I ''- " P. M.JP. M. A. M.A. M. : Leave Front st.Dept m z aw ;km o ! Leave Princess St... 6 25.3 00 9 40) 6 3a i Arrive Hammocks... 6 50' 3 25' 10 05i T C5 a liymn, "The Washington Centen nial." 'A Hundred Years to Come," and three letters of Hon. Roger Oris wold to his wife, are among the ehoice bits of reading which niakes this particular number a welcome a2- a ts i -ie 3jj ai Ss - - 3 S so ' A. M.J A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Ar.Fr tSt.Dep. S f-S 11 49 5 40 9 59) 7 05 Ar.PrinaMi im KM 5 30 9 40, 0 55 lAcHam ockh' T 30 11 f 5 3 9 15 6 30 from the tiny hair cord check for Infante, to the largest Plaid. We show Twenty Different kinds of PLAIN GOODS, from 6c. tQ Oc. per yard. Embroidered Flouncings, WU 8 1 ITCHED TRIMMING', Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirtings. Our stock is complete and worth the. atten tion of buyers. The Ladles are respectfully invited to calL JNO. J. HEDRICK. my27tf Hygienic Dudermar FOB GENTLEMEN. We have just opened the second supply of these admir able goods. For health and comfort they are greatly su perior to the Balbriggans anST Lisle Thread garments gener ally used. Composedof Cam el's Hair and natural Wool, they thoroughly absorb pers piration and produce a health ful glow of the skin, thus avoiding the chilly and un pleasant feeling expenenced in wearing the ordinary gar ment. These goods are used, approved and recommended by one of the most eminent physicians jn the State. Gen tlemen are invited to call and examine. JNO. ef HEDRICK. my 27 tf I Boarding. rji wo TEMPERATE, H ESP ROTABLE UKN tlemen can be accommodated with food board at T13 Mulberry street. my35 3t mm n. II. FOSTER. without a superfluous page several departments form Ths 6.15 P. M. Train from Wilmington will known as rho supper Train, a spe-iai rri,4 , Kate lic.l:ei wm ue jjoiu wt iu muu ..icitnn 1 an A un..tiknttk -be known as rne Tnopper i ram. n iiiEormcintPAiimffir if you aijpt MNtoHi HAVE 'EM iiao ildn t r rchriirn Ihf ttfimp f?riIDl- i a f mall unntwv .inrt sfLsnn TTekfts are now on sale eompenduuu of history in themselves ar the pnce ff.W n year. rSmSB VatelT"" ' ). iw rajust, Snbst;riil ion nriee O.W a P.ilvlich.wl t VAI RrrtJirlwaV. NeW York. . my 274t oenl Manager. Curneau's Bed Bug Docs the work Quickly, Quietly and v. .1 renoanent cure "SO TO rir liCNSAt 9 tee 'PJm tUl Bed Kus; Poisons, and take no ot TOt MI 1 Intercept of For. alo