POSTAGE PAID: TH1S I'PBK .evening, Sundays exited, - JOSH. T, - - ml glx months $2.uu ' month. 35 cents. rt.00- u ontH3- PAiners. free . he deliverer , paper wiu Qf cltyi at the above n rents per week'. :.rl0Ce ' ,nw and liberal. i Vn please report any and rr Ke tir iMer regularly .I-IBRWBTH tv r i - - - j - r - - 1 THE Hi Rev tea? VOL XI IT. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1889. NO 133. It is now stated that fully 12,000 A few green apples were in mar- lives at Johns-1 ket this morning. The M. D's will please note. persons lost their town, Pa. Appalling! The gamblers of Louisiana have offered to pay the State debt $12, 000,000 for a fifty year license. pr;sentsi:i t lie most elegant form THE LAXATIVE aso NUTRITIOUS JUICE jrim-" of the FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Cor-.bincd with the medicinal ues of pkmts known to be beneficial to the human Sn, forming an agreeable L effective laxative to perma ntfv aire Habitual Consti pation, and ,the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, OVER fiHD BOWELS. I- is the icost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated ,0 THAT PUREELOOC, REFREOHIMO SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Even- one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 8YRUP 03E" EIC3rfil MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. iMWlllF. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y Forsak' by lUWEKT R. FSBL.LAIV1Y, WflOLESALE DRUGGIST, mclrifilydiw . Wilmington, N. C. The schr E. F. Northan arrived to day with a cargo of steel rails for the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. Read the notice of Col. J. G. Burr, Tax Lister, in this issue. Major D. O'Connor offers for rent a fine dwelling at Wrightsville Sound. See ad. in this issue. An English technical paper, the Mechanical Progress, complains that workingmen in England have month of holidays all told, while in this country there are but three holidays, with a possible uve, m eluding Christmas and Fourth of July.' - On her last trip from London to Rio de Janeiro the British steam ship Hawkhurst, Capt. Robertson, sailed 2,300 miles with her cargo on fire: this, too, with the knowledge that there were 7,000 barrels of oil stowed away in the hold. Every thing was battened down for seven days. In accordance with a resolution passed by the Rhode Island Legis lature, which adjourned sine die on Friday last, the peopTe of Rhode Island will vote, on June 20, wheth er or no the existing prohibitory amendment shall continue on the statue book of that State or be wip. ed off. - m - More than eight months have elapsed since Stanley and Emin Bev met on the banks of the Aru- whimi, and since that time there has not been a message from either NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE NOTICE. we win be glad to receive comm unleash ns from our mends on any and an subjects general interest, but The name of the writer must always He fur nished to the Editor. communications must one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under, stood that the Editor does net always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. written on but NEW ADVEHT18EMBNTB What you need is a medicine which is pure, efficient, reliable. Such is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It possesses peculiar curative powers. An insane man by the name of Daniel Anderson was brought to the City Hall yesterday and locked j up to await an examination. We can make you comfortablefor $1.00 by supplying you with the Ironclad Oil Stove. N. Jacobi Hdw Co. Convincing Proof. In many instances it has been proven that 5. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), made by the . ,i Hiivxi i!:ilm Co.. Atlanta. (Ui., win cure U1UUU notion in Its worse phases, even when all or her treatment tails. A. P. Branson, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had 2t running ulcers on one leand Con the other itui r,.)t pwariv r rostrated. I believe I actu am- swallowed a barrel of medicine In vain efforts to cure the disease. With little hop tin:iiu- :icteri on the urgent advice of a trie: and jjot abort le of B. B. B. I experienced a phin'ro nrwl inv nnnrtPTlPV WOS SOTQeWliat MendlAil T tomf ncincr it. until I had taken sixteen bottles, and all the UlCerS, rheuma tism onri oil ntliov Vinrrnrsi Of ulOOa POlSlOn have disappeared and at last I am sound and we a?ain. after an experience ui vwcuuj warsnf tnrtnrp " 'iifibr ward iypt an., writes: "My dls " ' " -VI. V., -'IH-'V J , v., . j ease was pronounced a tertiary iorm oi diuuu ooison mv tnpp hpari and shoulders were a mass of eornintion. and finally the disease liPciTtmtinrrnw cL-ull TwitlPS. MV DOneS aCbefl my lddnevsVere derantred., I lost flesh and streueth. anri lire her.fime a burden. All said 1 must surety die. hut nevertheless, when had used ten bottles of B. B. B. I was pro nounced well. Hundreds of scars can now be seen on me. l have now been well over twelve mouths." Ol LlltJIU. BVC1I I KJ nic in ihjk wv. liever in Stanley's "luck" this long and unaccountable silence seems somewhat ominous. Advices from the surrounding country is to the effect that the melon crop is marching to the front with a double quick action. The excursion given by the ladies of Fifth Street M. E. Church to Wrightsville and the Hummocks was well attended to day. The weather has been delightful for a trip to the seashore. Messrs. VanAmringe & Co., will expose at public auction at 8 o'clock to nrght, at store No. 20 North Front street, the balance of stock of boots, Tkhoes, etc., therein contained- Wholesale merchants will do well to note this fact. Critically 111. We regret very much to learn that Mrs. E. A. liUiusden, who has been critically ill for several days past, is considered now as in a precarious r-.onrUtion. So low is she that re- Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, ports Qf her demise were afloat this varnishes and brushes from the JN. ninrninar. At this writiner. 3 n. m Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but 8he is gjn aiiVe. the best. Sergeant Orrell was busy this evening: in notifying the merchants that thev must remove all boxes nntl other obstructions from the sidewalks. Cut 'Km Down. At the last meeting of the Board of Aldermen, an ordinance wasadop ted directing: that all ailauthus, or as thev are sometimes called, trees WINDOWSHADES A nice line of colors, and in all widths, can suit you nicely in PLAIN OR DADO. O Late arrivals of choice NEW NOVELTIES. Just the thing for you. Beautiful White Embroidery and Flouncing. Ohina Mattings, Japanese Mattings, &c. An invoice pf Rugs to be put on sale to-day. Some very choice styles a little under value. Quality the BEST, WIND JW UKAPJSKY AND CURTAINS in great variety. It. M. Mclntire, je 5 NORTH FRONT STREET. Hygiene Underwear FOE GENTLEMEN. We have just opened the lasted ten minutes and from the i second Supply OI these admir- At Carolina Beach. Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather in the city yesterday there was bat very little rainfall at Caro. lina Beach, and the visitors that j were there in the afternoon were j treated to a grand sight. It was a water spout about three miles out at sea and just in front of the hotel. It . 1 of heaven, or paradise trees, must Rnjiinoline. the best stove polish he cut down. This is a wise move beach it looked to be about five feet in diameter in the market. No dust, no mixing necessarv. Use like shoe blacking Every housekeeper should try it. r or sa lebv the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t SHE IS "GRATEFUL." "I saved the life of my little girl bv a prompt use of Dr. Acker s Eng lish Remedy for Consumption." Mrs. Wm. V. Harriman, New York. Munds Bros., druggists Poor fellow! He lost all ot ins family and his fortune by the Johns town, Pa., disaster and now he is a roaming maniac looking for his lost . i loved ones. It tills our very soul with the deepest emotion when we think of his sad condition as related by a correspondent of the Charles ton News and Courier: ment and we hope that our Mayor will see that every tree of this spe- -i p j ,i cies is removed irom our iumi. Thev must beTemoved by the 15th of June, and all who fail to comply Death of Capt. Gardner. It is with great regret that we learn of the death of that whole souled, genial gentleman, Capt. Junius D. Gardner, for so many years past known as a passenger of Mi There was only one case for the Mavor's consideration this morning, i. rPR1-fifinftl in this citv at 3:30 that of Sherman Madison, charged f , . -inrninf, a2.e(i 50 years He was a native of Brunswick ing an omcer. ine case iciu unty but removed to this city open until to morrow morning. manv years ago. Of late his health I . 1 . i .1 . ,1 P.. 11.- ;.innii',ul artci We would advise our readers to nas Deeu ureauiu. lluulu 1 tit-i. cri.-, h ii)s siiitfivprt so mucn auu bU fee- srnn n.T. v 1 Lr uu 01111 1 x-ti i.00t ctw verelv with successive rheumatic J"i Lory iuiu loon. u,u inc. iif,u will subject themselves to a fine of conductor, first on the W. & W. R. $10 for each offence. We think it r. and more lately on the C. C. R.R. will pay to get clear of them. He had been in very feeble health Mr. walker Moore. for some time past and this morning ... - ha nnacorl rniotlv n.wA.v. surrounded We are sorry to hear ot the deatn . w Walker Moore. He died at oy Miose uea. v tie was in tne own year 01 nis age. Capt. Gardner was widely known and universally esteemed and his death will cause great regret wher. ever he was known. He was loved and esteemed of all. o;-o- tmnwwioAfl iiinmnps are 1 lA I' ' !-- uvij,- " . il ik-S iU.X V. V. l4--l,r in. Johnstown, and in these Domes are d the most handsome stylW er ft " " held until ffJ'J tafn tennis shirts in the city and at capacitated tor ousiness. unsaie to Keep uicm iuug. ...v.. . nlaces for the dead are in churches prices to suit everybody. and school houses, the largest one Market street He was a 1 . . 1 1, 1 No 122 genial gentleman and an noiiora-uie I . . -. . 1 ; , ,1 1. sirrnnf the blueawn- man and nan many pramw incB Drugs and Chemical5, 'TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc., etc. Also Prescriptions lilled day or night at F. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store, mi comer Fourtli and Nun Sts., VISITORS. yiSITOKS IN THE CITY ARE CORDIALLY invitM to our large establishment, which con talus the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES to testate, constantly receiving goods en abtes you uot only to get new goods but all 'lie latest styles. Our stock was never more complete, and we will give you more for your mne than you will receive elsewhere. Special Bargains la Genis' Low Quartered SHOES, Ladies', ss- anu ciuidren-s SLIPPERS. beine the Fourth ward scnooi . tf house, where planks have been laid ft over the tons of desks and on them Tourists, the remains are placed. A frequent J Whether on pleasure bent or busi visitor ai ow uw iuic i"owo ' ness should take on every trip a Eaj'd ?lt $":Zr7j: of M of FigS, as it acts horse, and to each one he most pleasantly and effectually on meets whom he Knows ne 1 the kidnevs, liver ana bowels, pre- fife 1&?ZL JKSn8? re7- venting fevers, headaches and other of Company K and of the Third nl v ho o-alloned awav either to seek forms of sickness. ingress to a morgue or to ride along ami $1 00 bottles by all leadingdrug the riyer oanKS. ineweeiv I tyists who will grieve to hear of his death. Annual Reunion of Co. K. The annual reunion of Co. K, Third North will be held at South Washington June 10th. A basket pic nic dinner wtu h civen. All of the survivors Died in New York. We regret to learn that Hon. S. Benthner, brother-m law to Mr. Si Jacobi, of this city, died yesterday in New York. Judge Benthner, it will be remembered, was in our city a few days ago on a visit to his sis ter, Mrs. Jacobi, and left with her a few days ago for New York, where he expected to meet his wife and daughter on their return from Eu- m a 1 I. m.m4 rope. rney arrived auu hb uei, them but was suddenly taken very ill and died a few hours afterwards. He was sick during his visit to this Lewis was worth $60,000, his all be ing invested in a large commission business. Today he owns the horse he rides, the clothes on his back a ad that is all. In the fierce wave were buried five of his near relatives, three sons and his sisters, Anna, Louise and Maggie. The last was married, and her little boy and habv were drowned. They were all toss to Truckers. The recent interruption of rail vrwifl nnnnfifttion with the JNOrth 18 playing the wild with our truck farmers. We conversed with one this morniner who was hauling a C5 flint run i'ui acne " nrtn iaiojiii. iino"1"; 1 .. . ... . j-j j. 7 . - n city hut his symptoms uiu xiuuBive attend, are aar.ina npflRinp,. Mr. Jacobi left at 1 1 nr:i 1 w i& kj . . i v - - - - Mcciaiiiuiy wmi.. A . . A' band of jnere rnis mo rillus w uc PlCBCUl from the obsequies cart load of snap beans around town dearly loved by the merchant, who, trying to sell them and he told us that there was practically no mar Five Hundred Pairs Ladies ' Opera slippers at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.35. at lLu?l-Pat Leather Tip Lace Oxlords nS.tUree butt0DS Oxfords at $1.00, $1.35 TiS;f-V,DS. Button Boots, Patent Leather wh!?emer price f2-75' uiE2? .se goods on c and D Lasts, we nt Sn a ftlculr ro-,dl aention given to mall ordere. Geo. R, French & Sons, 108 North Pront St J. w nr-a-ro. with ffrief and mounted on VA UlfiV" " his horse, is now a conspicuous fig ure in the ruined city. Tell the good news to the suffer ing At last is a remedy found, Which might have saved, had they known it. Many whore under the g -ouno. Tell of the "Favorite Prescription, Bid hopeless women be glad Bear the good news to poor crea tures, Heart sick, discouraged and sad. "Female diseases,1' so terrible in their effects,and so prevalent among all classes, can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pressrip-tion. LOCAL. 3STS"WS. ket now for early vegetables. The Kiirrlv i so j?re at that the home "'rr,w " inn l'kft is fA 11 tted and that at least ...... r two thirds of the crop is spoiling One farmer lost fifty dollars worth of truck Tuesday. He had prepared it for shipment but when he reached the depot and tried to send it off was informed that the railroad au- thories would not accept perishable J. fraio-ht. Ofe.onrsehe had to haul " "O the stuff back home and make com post of it. If the blackade contm ues two or three days longer the loss tr farmers in this section will be very great. are do so. Hon. O. W. be the orator of the day music will be in attendance this citv and a grand time is expect. ed by the survivors and friends. i nrrancements have been k7 J V VJJI V - CJ made with the railroad company. Tickets will be good from June 10th until June 11th. Round trip from Wilmington $1.50. Special rates at nffonf noints. The editors of all v j . f the papers of the city of Wilming able goods. For health and comfort they are greatly su perior to the Balbriggans and Lisle Thread garmenfs gener ally used. Composed of Cam el's Hair and natural Woofc they thoroughly absorb pers piration and produce a health ful glow of the skin, thus avoiding the chilly and un pleasant feeling experienced in wearing the ordinary gar ment. These goods are used, approved and recommended by one of the most eminent physicians in the State. Gen tlemen are invited to call and examine. JNO. J. HEDRICK. my27tf White Goods. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, AND Propose to Sell Them. To effect this, liberal concessions will he made in prices. They have been placed on the coun ter and must be sold. We show a variety ot FOKTY DIFFERENT STYLES in There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Uo. T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. WHEREAS THE REVENUE LAW MAKES it incumbent upon the Tax Listerto in stitute legal proceedings against all parties n no- tvioir tavos at nroner value, he 4- foenpfttf nil v invited bv the rtoirf.s nnvniMzen interested in the matter to c xi, ,,vnH0n of nrrnncrP.. examine tne DWKSUUiij aa iucj V' orders 01 uic y hlm all information in regaru w me ments, as we learn from the chair- majtert-hat they may Poes,.R mm 11 r 1 iynrinnQi'1 man, Mr. w. -u- g v ATKINSON' 1'resident. W. P. TOOMEU, Cashier. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . D O'Connor For Rent E D Hall Dog Notice -B F Penny A Big Chance Munds Bros Pharmacists j J Hedrick White Goods W M Cdmming Mattresses E 6 Barker Assignee's Sale R M McIntirk Window Shades J G Burr Notice to Taxpayers j j nEDRiCK Hygienic Underwear Taylor's Bazaar Grand Opening ! - The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias meet in Salisbury J une 11. The North Carolina Dental Asso ciation meets inOfreensboro June 24. Raleigh Fifth V - The Undertakers. Charlotte News: At the meeting of the Undertakers' Association this morning, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President W. P. Wootten,of Wil son. First Vice President drew, of Charlotte. Second V. P. T. J. Hackney, of Rocky Mount. Third V. P. J. R. Parker, of High oint. Pnnrth V P. J. W. BfOWn. O !ThA"ta.te'Rantist Sunday School Convention meets in Durham this week. M ilniinglon Savings & Trust Co., IQ$ RINCESS ST.. WILMINGTON, N. C, Pa-T Inwl. Money on satisfactory security, xute T. n . ou posits. Is empowered to ie 1 1 'iM s of all kinds . men 29 tf H. C ROSEN BERG, v PnTOGUAPHEK. AHisiic and sl'petiblv executed ' T.awn rakes ot the latest ?Lhf at reasonable prices. improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co.; t For fishing lines, leads,bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. nd most P. J. Wilmington. Secretary F. H. Treasurer H. C etteville. r P. woo viu was Burglar Captured. At about 11:30 o'clock this fore noon a colored man went into Mr . i j L. Winners jeweiry store, uu a i-v. ti.Ant st.rppt. and ouereo a OOUtll i.-,vi- 7 lady's gold watch for sale. Mr. Winner not being in his son. Mr Scholar Winner, waited upon him, and as soon as he saw the watch lie recognized it as the one taken from the residence of Mr. C. J. Comfort, on South Seventh street, on Wed nesday night, May 29th., an account of which appeared in the Review at the time. Mr. Winner called in a policeman and had the man arrested, whereupon he claimed to have bought the watch from a Market street jeweler, but when taken to the jeweler the latter denied selling it to him. The policeman then took his prison to the station house where he was searched and a pistol and a oairof silk stockings, which were f i identified as the property of Mr. ; Comfort, were found upon his per- i (l v,r aa tVillmm Oi son. r guve 111s I Mosely, but an old colored man j Vogler,of Salem, who was present stated that he ; Sheets, of Fay knew the man, and that his name was Moses Irving. . ... A J elected dele- Besides the articles mentions -E. M. An F. Woolvin, Wrightsville. cj FOR RENT. FINE DWELLING ON Wrightsville r 1 Sound. Nine rooms, kitchen, stables, &c, all in 1 flrst class order. Apply to u. "Kfu je6 It Real Estate Agt, Wilmington, N. C. Assignee's Sate. m By S. VanAmringe &Co., Auctioneers, rpHIS 8 P. M., AT STOKE No. 30 N. FRONT street, we wul close out balance stock of BOOTS & SHOES. Wholesale dealers will And bargains. E. G. BARKER, je6lt Assignee. Dog 'Notice. T-OTHJE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners or keepers of dogs arc required to pro cure a Badge atthe City Hall on or before the 10th day of June, under a penaltyo ' L je 5 gt chief of Pohce. 1 600 PIGFISH ALIVK IN MY (;0PS AT Atlantic View, WRIGHTSVILLE, X. C. Late to the International Couven- above several pieces of jewelry were Boartl DV the Day, Week and Month, I tion at Toronto, Canada. found npou his person which are at E1). WILSON MAN? j Je5tf tion The Association will year in Wilmington. meet next the City tion. Hall awaiting identifica MANNING, Proprietor. from the tiny hair cord check for infants, to the largest Plaid, We show Twenty Different kinds ot PLAIN GOODS, from 6c. to eoc. per yard. Embroidered Flouncings, HEM-SI ITCHED TRIMMINGS, Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirtings. Our stock is co tion or buyers, invited to call. JNO. J. my37tf and worth tne atten- Ladies are respectfully EDKICK. WANTED AN HONEST YOUNG MAN for a permanent position, with an old es tablished firm as their representative in his own State. Salary, 8 7 5, with increase. Be erences exacted. Gay's Mfg. House, Look Box 1580,N. Y. mch 28 4 w . ; m Bath Sponges. yar B HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE As sortment of Bath sponges, ranging in price from 35 cents to tLXA jun 4 tf MUNDS BROTHERS, a 104 N. Front St. CAROLINA BEACH AND ROU'IHPORT. JUNE 4TH OTEAMER SYLVAN GROVE77 LEAVES Ofor Carolina Beach dally, except Sunday, at TEAMER 9:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. Train leaves Beach at 12:30 p. m., 5:15 p. m., and 8 p. m. Steamer PASSPORT runs a double trip daily, exeept Sunday, between Wilmington and south port; leaving Southport atScdO a. m. and 2 p. m.; leaving Wilmington at 9:45 a. m. and 5 p. m. stopping at Carolina Beach Jn the morriin0- rip up and the afternoon trip down.' J, W. HARPER. e3 GenT Managet