. nlTK evening. stmdays excepted, LtfW ...c Editor and Prop. Ir J rw-keTAQB PAID: sr .... months $s.oa Three too. one month, 35 cents. uveredby carriers, free It rfthe city, at the above week ' -,fps low auu Pse report any and P ueir paper regular MffS firs len , .V,a mr.;t eletrant form p.stnlu ,ELxATIVEano NUTRITIOUS JUIOE "6 1- n7 THE- n nF CALIFORNIA, irtues-ot plants kuuwu S beneficial to the human stem forming an agiccauic id effective laxative w ywiua- ntiy cure nauiw ?w r .twn, and the many ills de- ,dine on a weaK or inactive j.'Hnti nf the HONEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Itisthecost excellent remedy Known 10 MSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated LuftC ElOOD, R6FRE8HWO SLEEP, MtAL I n arin " - NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are lehghted with it. um.D r.ol IrtrtlQT POO ASK luun r.w . . BYHT7P OP riGB MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tmvillt. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by KOHEKT K. BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, hen 35 ly dsw Wilmington, N. C. B. 15. B. (Botanic P.lood Halm.) tyou try this remedy you will say as many per? nae saw. uku u is uw bust uiuuu yu- er and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., At- pta. Ga., for book of convincing testimony. I. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga.,(West End), writes: consider that 1?. B. B. lias permanently J me ol rheumatism and sciatica." R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., says: "B. B. B. 1 me of an ulcer that had resisted all oth- treatment.-- EG. Tlnsley. Columbiana, Ala., writes-. y mother and sister had ulcerated sore hoat and scrofula. B B. B. cured them." fosepli F. Sponcler, Newman, Ga., writes: B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in shoulders. I used six bottles." this. Bernhardt, No. 2026 Fountain street, Btimore. McL, writes: "I suffered with pding piles two years, and am glad to say m. one oottie or is. B. B. cured me." J.uardy, Toccoa. Ga.. writes: "B. B. B. is luiek cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured l had been troubled several years." f. Spink. Atlanta, Ga., says: "One bottle of ib. a. completely cured my child of eczema." p. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: "B. I cared my mother of ulcerated sore Boat." Ngs and Chemical?, fLET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, polder Braces, Trusses, ete., etc. Uso Prescriptions Ulled day or night at F. C. MILLER'S, Li drugstore. VISITORS. pnOKS IN THE. CITY ARE CORDIALLY tm t0 our large establishment, which con Rs the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES Restate, constantly receiving goods en- te J-ou not only to get new goods but all latest styles. Our stock was never more toPlete. and we win give you more for your y than you win receive elsewhere. Special Bargains D AILY VQL XI IX WILMINGTON, N, C., SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1889. NO 141. LOCAL SSTETKTS- ikdex to Nsw Advertisements B F Penny Clothing Munds Bros Pharmacists J J Hedrick White Goods W M Gumming Mattresses Taylor's Bazaar Great Sale R M McLntire Window Shades W S C R R Change or Schedule J J Hedrick Hygienic Underwear Excursion Baptist Sunday School Bbaddy & Gaylord Tlie Racket Store Lawn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co , t There is economy iu building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t We can make you comfortable for $1.00 by supplying you with the Ironclad Oil Stove. 3S. Jacobi Hdw Co. Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Thev sell none but the best. Two great enemies Hood's Sar- saparilla and impure blood. The latter is utterly defeated by the pe culiar medicine. Enamoline, the best stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Commencing with to morrow night and continuing until further notice the night services at Grace M. E. Church will commence at 8:15 o'clock, instead of at 8 o'clock, as formerly. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies and clergy, as well as to business and working men, to attend the prayer and experience meeting at the Seaman's Bethel this evening at 8.15 p. m. The second number of the Bur gaw Herald is at hand. We presume the first was also sent but we did not see it. It is published by our clever friend, Alf. Paddison, and we hope that it will succeed. Capt. F. M. James reports that up to this date there have been in all 100 white and 800 colored interments in Oak Grove Cemetery. This is the pauper cemetery started by Capt. James on Sept. 21, 1882, and the re cord ot interments is from that date. We would advise our readers to stop at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory and look at the largest stock and the most handsome styles of lawn tennis shirts in the city and at prices to suit everybody. No. 122 Market street. Sign of the blue awn ing. tf St. Paul's Evans. Lutheran Church. The services in St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran Church, corner Market and Sixth streets,Rev. F. W E. Peschau, pastor, to morrow (Sun day, will be in English at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. in German. All are welcome at the services. um Quartered shoes. Ladies', Children's 8LIPFERS. fi?e Hundred Pairs 0pera uPPers at 50c. 75c. fl.OO. $1.25. HtUaLlttPee buttons Oxfords at $1.00, $1.35 fe .tom?ulnl2n Boots patent Leather "wstdiffis.on C and D Lasts, we fit u gi, en to mall orders. R. French & Sons, 108 North Front St ifesldeni- """"Sion Saving & iwt G J? 5S WILMINGTON, N. C, S I wst on i .factory security fe'y in the Weok w- -NEW SODA APPARA- w. P. TOOMER, jCashier. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or busi nesa should take on very trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, is it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre ventfng fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c aud $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. Lake Waccauiaw. To add to our other summer at tractions it is proposed through us that favorable rates be made by the railroad company so that, "Lake Waccamaw" may be visited for a day's sport in fishing and an oppor" tunity extended those desirous of doing so of spending their half holi days on Fridays and Saturdays at that beautiful place. No matter what the school of physic, They each can cure an ache or phthisic y At least 'tis said they can But as Science 'turns the wheel still faster, And quacks and bigots meet 4isas ter, To us there comes a man Whose merits hath won countless zealots. Who use and praise his "Pleasant Pellets." The "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" ' of Dr. Pierce, though gentle in a tion, are thorough and never faijL-to cure biliousness, diseased or lovpiu liver and constipation. The days are now at their longest. Day's length 14 hours and 37 minutes. Capt. A. D. Lippitt, of Pittsboro, is in the city to day. Sunset to morrow afternoon at 16 minutes past 7 o'clock. To-morrow is known in the Church calendar as Trinity Sunday. Mr. Walter Hewlett is very sick at his father's residence on Masonboro Sound. Forecasts. For North Carolina, showers and stationary temperature. The Register of Deeds has issued three marriage lieenses this week, one for a white couple and two for colored couples. At Grace M. E. Church to morrow the third quarterly meeting will be held, the Presiding Ehjler, Rev. F.j D. Swindell, preaching! at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m. Sabbath School at 5! p. m. There was only one case for the Mayor's consideration this morning, that of Louis Hicks, who was charged with disorderly conduct and who was fined $20 or 30 days' imprison ment. There have been nine interments here durine: the week. Thev foot up one adult in Bellevue, one adult and one child in Oakdale, and'four adults and two children in Pine Forest. The festival given last night at Myrtle Grove Sound by the ladies of that place was largely attended and it was a great success. Thev sold nearly every thing they had and started their church fund with $44 St. John's Church. Services to morrow, Trinitv Sun day: Litany and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. The evening service, at 8:15 o'clock, will bejchoral, conduct ed by the choir of St. James, with missionary addressees by the Rectors of St. Paul's and St James'. Dr "Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes." ? The remains of the lamented W. T. Ennett were interred to day at Oakdale. The services were con ducted at St. Paul's Church by the Rector, Rev. C. L. Arnold, assisted by Rev. Robert Strange, of St. James'. The pall bearers were Col. W. L. DeRosset, Mr. DuB. Cutlar, Capt. John Cowan, Dr. F. W. Pot ter, Dr. J. H. Durham, Dr. Geo. G Thomas and Capt. R. W. Price. The Academy of the Incarnation. The closing exercises of this acad.-. emy, last evening, was an interest ing and pleasant finale to an un usually successful scholastic year. Rt. Rev. Leo Haid, Bishop of the Diocese, was present and delivered a very effective and feeling address. The Ave Maria was sung by Mrs. J. H. Walters and delightfully render ed. Master Corbett made a pretty little address to the Bishop and Master Donlan's salutatory was very fine. Misses Price and Quinlivan sang a gem of a duet. "Let Erin Remember" a as exquisitely render ed by Miss Cox. "The Cricket on the Hearth" was sung by the entire school, and sung with a will. The instrumental solos of Misses Hattie Taylor and Genevieve Cox were de lightfully performed. The recita tions of Masters Donlan, Reilly, McGarityand the smaller boys were well delivered. "A morning in China," by the young ladies of the Academy, was superb. Empress "Stella," by Miss E. Weill, was a charming presenta tion; as was also "Tonka," by Miss D. Bear; "Lady Chamberlain," Miss K. Westerman; Lady Tyreonell," by Miss A. Green; "Madam Duchalest," Miss M.Green; "SignOra Canzoni," by Miss May O'Connor; "Lady Mc Mountain," Miss T. Westerman; "Madam Du Blaire," Miss R. Bear; "Senora Petipa," Miss Taylor; "Liberty,'' Miss Maggie Price. Special mention should be made of the, exquisite manner in which little May O'Connor rendered the Italian song. f Miss Taylors dancing was very "Hail Columhia ' was Tfce Board of Health. A meeting of the Beard of Health was held yesterday and the follow ing was adopted: Wrerbas, It has been brought to the attention of the New Hanover County Board of Health, by the superintendent ofHealth, thafcthere are certain privies alongBettencourt, Quince, Toomer and Henderson al leys that are a nuisance and dan gerous to the public healtlj. Resolved-, That such privy sinks, and urinals as are in the opinion of the Superintendent of Health anui sance and dangerous to the public be condemned for use, and the own ers of the property where such sinks exist be required to connect with the sewer laid in such alleys. InHenderson alley, where there is no sewer, such privies should be con demned, and the persons who use the privies along this alley be al lowed the privilege of building a water closet at the dock upon such conditions as may be directed by the Superintendent of Health. Resolved further, That theSuperin tendent of Health be required to condemn the use of call single privy sinks which are a nuisance and dan gerous to the public health. F. W. Potter, Sec'y, and Superintendent of Health. The Board of Health at the same time urge on the attention of the public the following It is apparent that the present system of sewers now in use in this city, built and controlled by private individuals, and beyond the execu tive supervision of the public health officials, is inconsistent with the safety of this community. The growth of the town will not allow of the constant outpouring of sew age into the river front, for it only accumulates under the wharves to be left on the hot surface exposed at low tide, a surface having the dan gerous elements of heat and mois ture to favor decomposition and decay and no direct rays of the sun to cover the evil. It is therefore now timely for the authorities to seriously and promptly consider the question of general and efficient sewerage for the town; and it is hereby Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Board of Health that the needs of this city for a system of sewerage, built upon the plans to be made out by a competent sanitary engineer, are now urgent and demand a care -ful consideration of this subject at once by the Board of Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance. Wilmington, N. C, June 14, 1889. NEW AiiVEKTIS EM ENTS PLBASB NOTICJL we wm ne giaa to receive pommnntfltacM from our friends on any and all subjects general interest, hut me name of the water mtt always be Ittr- nished to the Editor. commutations must be written on but one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. NlflW ADVERTISEMENTS. i graceful. in full nhnrus a nanov endiner mtin.TTh.,i..r nirht at a.i; v to "A morning in China." ! Strangers cordially invited. Ask us Something: Easy. What is the matter with the Wil mington turpentine market? The quotations there for yellow dip and virgin are $1.90 per barrel, and Jwe are reliably informed that Messrs. Sessoms & Sons, at Mill Creek, Pender county, are paying $2.20 for yellow dip and $2.30 for virgin. It would seem that if these gentlemen can find any profit in distilling at these prices after paying freight to Wilmington, that the Wilmington distillers could pay more. If they do not do better they will get ' but little turpentine from Pender, as it will pay to ship it to Sessoms & Sons from Burgawand pay railroad and river freight. Burgaw Herald. The markets, as reported in the Review, are taken direct from the blackboards at the Produce Ex change and are the official repoits. What the official reports are is the next thing to determine. Church Services To-Morrow. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chuch,cor,Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. John W Primrose, Pastor, services at 11:00 a. m. ana 8:15 p. m. The Lord's SuDDer In the- morning. Also the solemn service of ordination. SaDbath School at 4:00 p. m. Frayer Meetic ana lecture Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. The public cordially invited. Seats free. First Presbyterian Church, corner of Third and Orange streets. Re.'. P. II. Hoge, Pastor. Services Sunday morning in the Lecture Room, conducted by Mr. W. Mcc. Mmer. no services at nicrht. Sunday scnoei ao 4 p. in. i-rayer meeting Thursday night at 8:1a in Lecture Coom. Visitors welcome to all services. Front Street Chapel of the First Presoyte- rian Churcn. Soutnwesi corner front ana Oueen streets. Sunday services: morning, no service?;; afternoon, Sunday School at i o'clock; nlghW preaching at 8 o'clock; prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Visitors cor dially welcome. Grace Methodist E. Church, South, comer of Fourth and Mulberry streets. Rev. Walter S Creasy, Pastor, services at 11 a. m. ana s-uu p. m., conouctea oy me pastor. saDDarn scnooi at 5:00 p. m. iTayer Meeting ana .Lecture Wednesday at 8 p. m. The public are cor dially inviteo. Seast free. Brooklyn Baptist Church, services In the new church, corner Fourth and Brunswick streets. Rev. G. M. Tolson. Pastor. Sunday Services at 11 a. m. and at 8;00 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 8:00 p. m The public is cordially in vited. St. James' Episcopal Church, corner Third and Market streets, Rev. Robt. Strange, Rec tor. Divine services at 11 a. m. and 5 p. m. SundaySchool at 3:30 p. m. Holy Cumm union 8 a. m., except first Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. St Paul's Episcopal Church, corner Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. C. A. Arnold, Rector. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Seats all free. Every body is welcome. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. T. H. Prttchard, D. D.. Pastor. Prayer meeting Sunday morning at 9-.30. Services at 11 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. by the Pastor. Sunday School at 3:30 p. no. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor Wed- esday nignt at 7:45 o'ciock. rrayer ana ClOCK. Friday Half-Holiday! My Store will be closed at i o'clock every Friday until further notice. My friends and patrons will please take a N note of this. Respectfully, je 14 R. M. Mel n tiro, NORTH FRONT STREET. tion at 10 a. m. Visitors to the city will be shown to agreeabls seats. Bladen Street M. E. Church, corner Fifth and Bladen streets., Rev. T. PageRieaud, Pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. class meeting at 3 p. m. TRY HE RACKET The Remarkable Cures Which have been effected by Hood's Sarsaparilla are sufficient proof that this medicine dees possess peculiar I curative power. In the severest cases of scrofula and salt rheum, ( whftn other nrpnaraiinns hnrl heen powerless, the use of Hood's Sarsa parilla has brought about the hap piest results. The case of Miss Sarah C. Whittier, of Lowell, Mass.; ttiat of Charles A. Roberts, of East Wil son, N. Y., who had thirteen ab scesses on his face and neck; that of Willie Duff, of Walpole, Mass., who had hip disease and scrofula so bad that physicians said he could not recover, are a few of the many in stances in which wonderful cures were effected by this medicine. . The Sunday School of the First Baptist Church will give a pic nic at Carolina Beach on Tuesday next, June 18th. The Sylvan Grove will leave her wharf at 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. There is a good time in store for all who may attend on this occasion. There were a few strawberries, the last of the crop, we presume, in market to day and they sold for 20 cents a quart. This is a half holiday with some and the Sylvan Grove carried down I a large crowd this afternoon. The police force received to day their new Summer uniforms. Manilla cherries sold here this morning as low as 5 cents a quart.. Peaches are still high from 10 to 20 cents a dozen. Tew advertisements. Baptist 8. 8. Pic-Nic, STEAMER SYLVAN GROVE, TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH. Boat leaves wharf at 9:30 a. m., and 2:30 p. m. All come w no want to spend a pleasant day. Je 15 2t MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, DK"? GOODS, Matting, CARPETS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES; Underwear, SHOES, IA Wilmington Seacoast R.R. o N AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 17TII, the Wilmington Seacoast Trains will run to and from the Atlantic Coast Line Depot. The Time table will be as follows: From Wilmington. Leave..-. 6:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 5:00 p. m Leave 7:15 p. m From Hammocks. Leave 7:45 a. m. Leave 11:05 a. m. Leave 4:00 p. m. Leave 6:10 p.m. Leave 9:20 p.m. Ths 7.15 P. M. Train will be known as the "Supper Train." The 2:30 P. M. Train is dally, and on Sunday this train will leave the Hammocks at 7:20 P. M. J. R. NOLAN, je 15 tf Gen'l Manager. GO TO 110 MARKET S1 TO Get Bargains -iN- 0L0THING AND HATS I J GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY other house in the city, and why I can do this I will explain: 1st Reason My own sons are my clerks. 2nd Reason I live in my own house and thus save rent. 3rd Reason I discount all my bills. h Reason I attend to my own business and try to live economically, and by this can 4 A morning Refresh! ng and Invigorating I St John s church, corner of Third and Red give the purchaser the benefit In buying bis Glassware, Tinware, j Notions,FeatherDu8ters, OIL CLOTH. Everything you need may be found there ait VERY LOW PRICES. Racket Store, 117 S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N C, BBADDT & GAYLORD, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters, New York. my 11 tt sat Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate for Partition. "gY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of sale made on the 17th day ot Mar. A. D. 1889. by the Superior court of New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, in a certain special proceeding pending in said court, wherein John V. Grainger is plaintiff and Fan nie Dawson Grainger, cnas. 8. Grainger, heirs atlawot isaace B. Grainger, deceased, and Wm. L. Smith, their guardian, are defendants, the undersigned, the Commissioner appointed by the aforesaid decree, made in said cause, will sell by public auction, to the highest bid der, at the court House door, in the City of Wilmington, in the county of New Hanover aforesaid, on Thursday, the 20th day of June, A. D. 1889, at 12 o'clock M. , the following de scribed property, situated in County of New Hanover aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: one lot in the City of Wilmington, being the western half of lot, In Block 37. on the south western corner of Dawson and Eighth streets, running thence 6 feet with the line of Eighth street, thence west 165 feet, thence north 66 feet with the line of Dawson street, 165 feet to the beginning; also, another lot, being the southeastern fourth of lot 2. In block 37, be ginning 99 feet from the southwestern corner of Dawson and Eighth streets and running thence south with the line of Eighth street 33 feet, thence west 166 feet, thence north 33 feet, thence east 165 feet to the beginning: also, an other lot being east half of lot 3, in block 37, In said City of Wilmlngtan, beginning 132 feet from the said corner of Dawson and Eighth streets, thence running south with the line of Eighth street 66 feet, thence north 66 feet, thence east 165 feet to the beginning. And also one piece or parcel of land lying in Federal Point townshlp,New Hanover County, Vumn1v1 anil rtpftorlhort as fAllown ftafmr t.hft ( said land on which John H. Savage resides, i , .r,.t atnlnrr Ana hitnlitti onrl nlnAtr.tlwiD QPMO adjoining the land of s. J. Teboe and others. This 18th day of May, 1880. R. H. BUNTING, my 19 4w sat commissioner. CAROLINA BEACH AND BUUTHPOKT. STEAMER "SYLVAN GROVE" LEAVES for Carolina Beach dally, except Sunday, at 9:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. Train leaves Beach at 12:30 p. m., 5:15 p. m., and 8 p. m. Steamer Passport RUNS A DOUBLE TRIP DAILY BETWEEN, Wilmington and south port. Lectins Southport at 6:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. Leaving lunlngton at 9:45 a. m. and 5 p. m., stopping at Carolina Beach on the morning trip Up and the afternoon trip down. Tickets on boats at 5 p. m. and 7 p. m., 25 cents, good to return on same evening only. Except Sunday and Monday. J. W. HARPER. je 13 tr ueni , Tt-.,. . ' n ti v . 91 tA Jn Position. Wa n-ni iv 10 N. front St. For Sale. I TOSS ato., oi.xrc, tais XUlIlfi .wim Foooiuti mnM-ntr nt mo SHE IS "GRATEFUL." " door). Rev. J. Carmlehael, D. D., Rector. Cel- -I saved the life of my little girl Delicious &oua v ute. , Vu1 0 C DCMMY ' 1 OOfl LJS vLD type METAL, CLEAN i. .c iu. . tt j..rwiv Krot iers luatrniuceui ww "'- r. rrr" " r. " m-m m A,wvf OV a prompt Uui ji. xiurvi ft xuut;- C.yro-i-iMk rf O'CIOCK a- m .nnriimg rrajer, j.ilojij i Q good OOnditlOn. Will M SOld ftMto lish Remedy for Consumption."- soda fountain at tempenaure of u Sunday) at 11 o'ciock.Eveinng i calleaxlr te convinced or the above Apply at00 WW W BOW COfiaj - w. y u.nni,rAW Vvlr 1 R4 Purest rTUll Ovrup,muivoimiv.c'o rrajeruuu muiesiuuita uciwu. mi le 15 l my 17 tf THIS fiVTTICE. I Mrs. Wm. V. HARRlMAN, JNew xorK. 34 . 4"', , Aya A , pteastsand Saints' Days observed by celebra-. tacts. n i v u w ruia omcs, aDU IHU6Uri ii"ci wrmfsm j- " 1 U Munds Bros., druggists