nuns PAPER ff -.S POSTAGE PAID: S ? months $2.00. Tliree B 5"far' ' ... i,n. month, 35 cents. 1 " do delivered by carriers, free P0' " " ,rr of tne city, at the above wee -tafients per week. ..t; i'1 " vh niwrfll. W . - i- il.'r, 1U" AiV,'rfi51Hr-.vill Please report any and "L,,-; their paper regularly. " ' The DlIM R EV I EW. VOL .XIII. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1889. NO 146. LOCAL NEWS. iJfDBx to Nbw Advertisements n F Pkkwt ciofning H L Deans Dont Buy Munds Bros Pharmacists J J II edrick White Goods W M cumming Mattresses Chas M Steiman For Bent Taylor's Bazaar Great Sale KM McIntire Embroidery, &c J J IIedrick Hygienic Underwear Chas F Browne, Agt Glassware II A Baqg Not iee to Liquor Dealers IH t.,nts i:i the most elegant form p LAXATIVE ,NoNUTRITIOU8JUIOE " -OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Cantoned with the medicinal ,ue, of plants known to be 1st beneficial ti the human system, forming an agreeable andrfective laxative to perma Jjltly cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the EDIETS, LiVER AND BOWELS. h -s the most excellent remedy known to CLEUKSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE ELOCD, REFRE8HIWC SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SYRUP or PIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VUliSVIUF. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by ROKERT k hfllamy, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, men 38 ly d&w Wilmington, N. C. Lawn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Haw. Co i Preaching at the Seamen's Bethel on Sunday evening, at 5 o'clock. All are invited to attend. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the best blood pu- rtfter and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., At lanta. Oa.. tor hook of convincing' testimony. .!. !'. Davis, Atlanta, Ua.,(West End). writes -I consider that B. 15. u. has permanently cured mc of rheumatism and sciatica' It. H. saulter, Athens. Ga., says: "B. B.-B. cured me ot an ulcer that had resisted all Oth er trfafii'Hf." ..;. Tinsiey. Columbiana, Ala., writes-. .My motlier and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula. B B. B. cured them.'' Joseph F. sponclcr, "Newman, Ga., writes: B. i:. R. enrirelv on rod mo of rheumatism in 1 M "11 1C M. I 1 M A 1) 1 IfS. t 'w ii ' nil rsiti vir'i; 1 i iwi I'lin HIIUII , . '1 1 . , ' J V . 1 1 1 V V ... I I u.if one Won c or 15. li. i. cured mo. J. J. Hardy. Toccoa, Ga., writes: "1. JJ. B. is niiii'k pura few I'l ni-rV. Thrno Vvnttlnc . . ' I I tt I I l 1 1 ' I l I II III I 1 1 1 i I '-.f 1 V PI I I VI1! W a. spinK, Atlanta, ia-, says: "one oottie ot I'. t'. I! i",mnnl.'itnlv pnvnd m - ef on7om a " w. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: "B. 1 r. ir ..... ' ... . i " luit'u my moiuer ui uiceraieu sore James C. Munds, Agt , IKUGGIST. htrr. i i.i'j tii t 2.- -., salty. Fancy and Toilet Articles in erreat Va- n Ji.iii ii ii .li i ni ui .uri t.wiii i, in and try a class v kr ' ion ik linesident. W. P. TOOMEB, Cashier. Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., 108 j'1!1Nrl:s ST.. WILMINGTON, N. C, Lends Money on satisfactory security, ' '. 1 Illf'Vst (111 Miaiincil-! To nmnnnmrnH -- p "itc i rusts of all Kinds. men 29 tf CLYDE'S 3w Vorfe & WiiminirtoD StftaTuship Co Friday. June 21 . .Tuesday, June 25 jmaay, j une 38 ...Tuesday, July 2 nil t ... 1 1 39, EAST RIVER NEW YORK 1 w t ween Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o-clock, p. m. PSSRu ... . EM Ass vp vveacesuay, June 19 i it - i OwlUIUUY, 1 1 1 11! V j PROM WILMINGTON- L. ... ur a I ri .i . 'O.Nj-'fii -- AeTOH ..... V.". WTl . snv .- 5, 151113 lading and Lowest Thro1 ,'U l':irniinn - mmoxiatinnr'e unsurpassed passen- "ali.bones, Superintendent, Taju. r pot,., WRingiSri( c. "n. iraine aianager. I n vup New Yort. it L Kl? & go.. Gen'l Agents. a Bowling Green, New YorK. Drs: and i hemicalp. 1 AIT1CLBS, A.TENT MEDIGINSS. """Wet braces, Trusses, etc., etc AL ItescripUons niied day or nlclit at F. C. MILEli'S, Drug Store, Loraer FourtU and Nun Sts., There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t We can make you comfortable for 451.00 by supplying yon with the Ironclad Oil Stove. S. Jacobi Hdw Go. A called meeting of the Wilming ton Gas Light Company will be held at their office in this city on the 26th inst. " The regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club, which was announced to moi row, has been postponed until July 4th. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired? Hood's Sarsapa rilla is just the medicine to purify your blood and give you strength". Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes anil brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but the best. t A large excursion party of white people came in this morning from Colnmbus county and went directly down to the seaside over the Sea coast Railroad. v Enamoline, the best stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t . President VanAmringe, of the Ocean View R. R., sent down to Wrightsville Beach this morning a cart load of signs to be used there in designating the various places of resort. We suppose we will have to calj him Capt. Phil. now. We, mean Phil. Thomas. He is conductor on the Ocean View R. R. and every body meets with courteous treat ment at his hands. A big excursion party is expected here to-morrow from Conway, S. C, and other points on theWihuington, Chadbourn & Conway R. R. It is said that there will probably be four or five hundred in the party. We would advise our readers to stop at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory and look at the largest stock and the most handsome styles of lawn tennis shirts in the city and at prices to suit everybody. Wo. 123 Market street. Sign of the blue awn ing. . Citv Court. There was only one offender be fore the Mayor this morning and that was Obadiah Jenkins, he being arraigned on two charges, one for disorderly conduct and the other for assault and battery. Both the caseswere removed to Justice E. D. Hall's Court. Tourists, Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness should take on very trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, is it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. ' Taken Suddenly 111. We are sorry to hear that Capt. C. M. Harris was taken suddenly very ill on the steamer Bessie yes terday on her return from the fish ing grounds. The attack was a se vere one and for a time his friends were seriously alarmed. We are glad to know that he is better to day. Don't be Humbugged Closing Exercises. The closing" exercises of Misses Burr & James1 school have been in progress for several days past and the closing scenes were presented last night at a Soiree given by the pupile. The prizes this session were awarded to the following young ladies: Excelsior Medal to Miss Bettie DeRosset, from class fourth, and Miss Katie Harlow, from the fifth class, there being a tie between them. Little Miss Kate Harlow is the youngest child who was ever granted the Excelsior Medal, the little maid being only eight years old. The prize for the highest num ber of marks was awarded another little eight year old lady Miss Meta Le Grand who has not made a sin gle failure during the session. The J deportment and punctuality prize was earned by Miss Fannie Poisson, who for punctuality has come up to the full maximum, except once, having received one tardy mark during the session. The first prize in the first class wasa warded Misses Amy Quelch and Janie Bunn, there being a tie between them; prize First in third class, Miss Sarah Sloan; second prize, Miss Isabel Carpepter. Fourth Class, Excelsior medal. Miss Bettie DeRosset; sec ond prize, Miss Marie Peschau. Fifth Class, Excelsior medal, Miss Kate Harlow; second prizet Miss Meta Le Grand. The composition prize was awarded to Misses Fannie Poisson Janie Dunn and Loula Woody. At the Soiree last night there was a large attendance, notwith standing the very warm evening. There was a very pleasing pro gramme and the music, which was rendered by Miss M. E.Cushiugand Miss Belle Anderson at the organ, ac companied by Mr. W. N. Jacobs, on the cornet, was very fine. The salutatory, a charming piece, was beautifully read by Miss Loula Woody. The anthem "Great is the Lord" was rendered by a full chorus. "What Does Lit tle Birdie Say?" was charmingly rendered by little Miss Theodore LeGrand; "Little Gustau" was a pretty, piquant, pleasant little piece, rendered handsomely by Miss Louise Covington. "Little Girl and Lark" was by Miss Katie Harlow and Miss Annie Harrison, and charmed all of the hearers, and "Rock-a-Bye Baby" was a delight f ul little thing, rendered by Miss Marie Peschau an J chorus, with Miss Annie Taylor, a charming little lass of very tender years, as the baby. Jean Ingelow's "Songs of Seven" were beautifully rendered by Misses Meta LeGrand, Janie Dunn, Lina Craft, Mary Dudley, Fannie Poisson, Mary Munson and Amy Quelch, and the part closed with the Anvil Chorus, by the pri mary classes. Hall then presented the this he did very hand- gracefully. In the course of his remarks he took occasion to pay some handsome and well de served tributes to the painstaking principals of the school. Col. Hall spoke ex cathedra as his own daugh ters were for years pupils with these ladies and he knew whereof he spoke. In the second part of the enter tainment one of the most pleasing features was "Curfew Shall not Ring To-night." It was recited by Miss Mary Jewett, prettily and pa thetically. The "Charge of the Light Brigade" was probably the best of all. The marehing in it was simply superb the best we ever saw on a school stage. Then came "Good Night" and "Away to the Woods, Away," by the full chorus of the school, closed the exercises of the evening. Forecasts. For North Carolina, fair weather, preceded by light rain on the coast and stationary temperature, except slightly cooler in the interior. Mr. C. C. Titehuian is now bag gage master on the Seacoast R. R. and he is a very accommodating and efficient official. This afternoon was observed as a half-holiday by many of the iner chants and the streets have had the appearance of a dull Sunday. The Wilmington Light Ijifantry were out yesterday afternoon in full dress parade. They drew up in line at the foot of Market street and tired several volleys. They were the "observed of all observers" and the "admired of all admirers" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ( It 3 aumbjects - PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to from oar menas on any general interest, oat The name of tne writer mm attfirf. nished to tne Editor. communications mntt be written on bnt one side ot tne paper. Personalities must be avoided, And it is especially and particularly Oder, stood tbat tne Editor doss not always endorse tne views of correspondents unless so Mated In the editorial columns. KKW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Mosquito Nets ! On the Newest Patent Mosquito Bars or Frames. This is something New, Nice, Convenient and Cheep. S1' Col. E. D prizes and somely and Farewell Missionary Meeting. Rev. Charles B. Garlstrom left here to day on the steamship Bene factor, for New York, from whence he will sail in a few days as a mis sionary to Lapland and Finland. A farewell missionary meeting was held last night at Grace M. E. Church, in which all of the Metho" dist congregations in this city par ticipated, and a hearty and affecting farewell was tendered the reverend gentleman. A great many claimed FRAMES TOE SALE SEPARATELY ! o-i These Frames are so made that the Nets do not have to be attached but may be taken off and washed. "YV. 2VC. OxxxacuacLliaLgg', Manufacturer and Renovator of Mattresses and Springs. The W. Ii . I. Excursion. Quite a number of persons went down to the Beach this morning on the Grove and the Passport but it being learned that the Wilmiugton Light Infantry; whose excursion day it was, would not go down un til the afternoon, the larger number waited to accompany them. At 2:30 the Grove left her dock with what appeared to us as the largest num ber she has had on board this sea sou. The Light Infantry were on board, in fatigue-uniforms, but they did not march to the boat. They have had 'a splendid afternoon for it and we know that there has been a happy crowd at the Beach to day. Arrivals at Island Beach Hotel. The following is a list of the art rivals at Island Beach Hotel for the twenty four hours ending with last evening.. In a day or two we hope to publish the arrivals there up to 2 o'clock each day: F. W. Foster, W. H. Bixby, Rev. Dr. Carmichael, Rev. F, W. E. Pes chau, Geo. R. Bate, O. P. Meares. A. M. Waddell, C. E. Borden and wife, DuBrutz Cutlar, Jr., Master Cutlar, A. M. Waddell. Jr., R. J. Katz, T. W. Strange, Miss Annie Meares, G. H. Smith, J. S. Le" Grand, Miss Hewlett, Prof. E. Van Laer, Miss Florence Bow den, H. M. Bowden, Miss Louisa Katz, of Wilmington; John A. Au gustine, Bishop Lyman, Raleigh; H. W. Finlayson and wife, Cheraw, S. C; Dr. Win. A. Graham, T. S. Brown, Charlotte, N. C; F. T. Glas gow, Richmond, Va.; H. Carlton, Baltimore, Md.; A. B. Nichols, W. A. Oliver and family, Nichols, S. C. Cape Fear Academy. The Cape Fear Academy ended its session, the sixteenth, this morn ing. The pupils during the past week have been undergoing the annual examinations to test their proficiency in studies. A minimum of 70 in 100 is required to entitle a pupil to a Certificate of Distinction, After a year of close, untiring labor the following young gentlemen were awarded certificates, their names standing in the order of excellence: SENIOR CLASS. First Division E. P. Willard, E. H. M. Munson, G. L. Peschau, G. D. Crow, Jas. S. Hall. Second Division E. A.jtcKoy, W. L. Latta, Jno. H. GoteT W. B. Gillican, R. Merritt, A. S. Hall,R. A. Parsley. JUNIOR CLASS. First Division Fred Pearsall, L. J. P. Cutlar, T. W. Davis, H. Pes chau, W. H. Green, Jas. S. King, P. J. Thomas, Leo Solomon, G. A. Heide, O. F. J. Dingelhoef, T. C. DeRosset, C. Giles, Jr., C. K. Bacon, Em L Bear, Frank Donlan, W. H. C. Hodges, John Wessell, Itf. A. Wessell, Arthur Belden,H. D. Olden buttel, R. F. Fowler. Second Division J. H. Honnet, W. J. Hi Bellamy, Jr., Henry Bear, W. W. Vick, R. G. Rankin, Jr., Jas. T. Munds, J. W. Blomme, R. V. Nolan, C. P. Love, G. L. Myers, Isador Bear, W. J. Woody, G. Thos. Smith, Primary Class A. Strauss. Distinguished for not having re ceived a demerit mark during the season: F. Pearsall, F. Donlan, R. C. Sloan, Jas. S. King, J. W. Blomme, H. Bowden, E. P. Willard, C. W. Woodward, W. L. Latta. To whom may be added, not hav ing received more thau three marks: R. F. Fowler, C. K. Bacon, P. J. Thomas, E. Ahrens, F. L. Russell, G. D. Crow, G. L. Peschau. The excellence of this sclrool is North Carolina hams are scarce and in demand in this market. At 1 o'clock to day the thermome ter in this office registered 92 de grees. ' We are sorry to hear that Mr. John L. Maffitt and his wife are both verv sick. The Passport brought up a large crowd of excursionist, from South port this morning. See notice in this issue of the sale of three lots of valuable real estate in different parts of the city. It is all desirable property. Mr. H. L. Deans has opened a nice store at Princess Street Depvt where he keeps a full line of light goods and smoker's articles. Give him a call. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL, AT THE Technically, and according to the almanac makers, Summer com menced In reality it has been as warm as it generally is in the middle of July. And the strawberries are not all gone yet. We saw some in market this morning, from Capt. Souther land's place, and they were as pVetty as any we have seen here in the height of the season. They sold for 20 cents a quart. Carolina Klce Mills. The Carolina Rice Mills Company has been duly incorporated before the Superior Court Clerk of Wayne county, at Goldsboro, and has been organized, with the following gen tlemen as officers: President E. B. Borden. Gen'l Manager Pembroke Jones. Secretary and Treasurer Nor wood Giles. The stockholders are Messrs. Nor wood Giles, Pembroke Jones, H. M. Flagler, Clayton Giles and E. B. Borden. rilUIS HOTEL IS NOW OPEN FOR THE AC X oommodatlon of the public, and the Propri etors will be pleased to entertain tneir guests. With several years' experience at one of the leading resorts of the North, "Bay Ridge Ho tel," on the Chesapeake Bay, MarylaflO, we feel confident, we can supply the long felt want of the public here. The cuisine department ot out Hotel is one of the leading features. Kates $3.00 per day. The Cafe Is now open and guests can get Meals on the European Plan. Fish Suppers at ie Cafe a specialty, ad Meals 50 cejfis. Kespectfully soliciting the patromffl of the public, we remain Respectfully, HORACE PL ATT A 00.. Je a) tf ProprtlTors. Brunhild,Simon& Coy Importers and Jobbers in Liquors, Cigars & Tobacco, 111 N. Front St., WILMINGTON, N. C sole Agents for the oest sc. and 10c. CIGARS in the Market, The Vindex" and "Retaa Maria." Sele Agents for BOTTLED WINES from the tan govi cellars. Royal Hungarian Government Wine c NEW ADVERTISEMENTS U Don't Buy NTIL YOU GET TO PRINCESS STREET Depot, as I keep a fine assortment of cigars. Cigarettes and Tooacco; also Cool Milk, soda water, winger Aie, c. Try me. je211w H. L. DEANS. I Glassware. HAVE IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE OVER Ten Thousand Dieces Ulassware tnar must h BU1U. CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt, 138 North Water St., Wilmington, N, C. je 21 tf d&w Notice to Liquor Dealers LL PERSONS INTENDING TO MAKE application for permission to retail spirituous or malt liquors from the 1st day of July, 1889, are requested to hie said application with the County Commissioners on or before June 24th, 1889, in order that Commissioners can act in telligently on said applications. . H. A BAGG, Ch'r'm B'd of com. for New Hanover Co. June 31st, 1889. It For Sale. VALUABLE HEAL FS' ATE, With the foolish idea that Catarrh! the privilege of shaking his hand evideI1Ced by its steady popularity,! cannot be cured! The -world moves, and medical science is progressive. The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Cas tarrh Remedy will pay $500 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh, no mat ter how bad or of how long stand ing, which they cannot cure. Rem edy sold by druggists, at only 50 ots. and wishing him God speed. Refreshing aud Invigorating the present session having been one of the most successful. Paiustaking, v v i C1 1 .. ll7n,A. . .. .. .H. r. . . . f I f Huutln.. .. .. .1 unfipiiiff lohnr i UeilClOUS OUUtt VV I (IB U YiX Willi Jll fill cm i uaiiiuii; auu uuuiiiug .m,vv i Munds Brothers' magnitieeut new :n advan.inr the uuluils are shown xL soda fountain at a temperature of b 4he nuiuber who have gained 34J. Puresi jjtuu oyrqp,BiiaBiwaw , i feu Si il T?IRST THE LOTS FRONTING 66 FEET r each on Front and Nutt streets and 167 feet on Mulberry street; can be divided into eight building sites for Stores, six of 22x66 feet, and two of nxti& feet. This Is the most val uable and desirable piece of unimproved real estate in the city. Second A Lot on west side of Fourth street, between Princess and Chestnut. H6X128 feet: has a two-story dwelling, known as the Alfred Prince residence. Third A Lot on Fourth street, east side, be tween Swann and Nixon streets, fronting S3 feet on Fourth street and runs 150 feet to James street; has dwelling of five rooms. Apply to Je2l3t CHAS. M. STEDMAN. H. CBONENBERG, and Natural Mineral Water. 1 certificates, .ete. PHOTOGRAPHER, RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. Ux Market st sonUHMc, Fftxest Brands ot Straight and Blended WHIS KEYS from anywhere to be found at our place. SOUTHERN STAR RYE, BOUQUET RYE, 1876 O. K. CABINET. Je20 tf Drop In A ND SEE OUR NEW SODA FOUNTAIN te-morrow. morning, je 19 tf It wfli be in full mast Friday MUNBS.BROTHERS, 104 N. Front St. Native Meats- QN AND AFTER THIS DATE MY STALLS will be supplied every day with the choiest Sampson, Duplin and Onslow STALL-FED BEEF, as ; a fine line ox Western N. c. Meats; These are the heist in the market ana are so guaranteed. Good Beef cattle are BometLmes hard to get at this season, but I have made ar rangements tor keeping my patrons all sup plied hereafter. At the same time I offer some very fine N. c. Muttten and Lamb and VeaL Call and inspect my Meats before making your purchases. Goods delivered promptly in any part or the elty. Respectfully, J. F. GARRELL, stalls l & 2 Front St; Market, south side. je la :it Carolina beach AND BUUTHPOBT. STEAMER "SYLVAN GROVE LEAVES for Carolina Beach daily, except Sunday, at 9:30 a. m. 2:30 p. m. and 7 p. m. Train leaves ircacn ai ivum p. m., 15 p. m.. ani 8 p. m. Steamer Passport RUNS A DOUBLE TRIP DAILY BETWEEN Wilmington and Southport, Leaving ouuiupuTL ai oum a. m. ana z p. m. Leaving TT 11 at ami t hp aftarnnmr trln dnwn TifL-frK m boats at 5 p. m. and 7 p. to., 26 cents, good to return on swunc evening oniy. Lxopt Sunday and Monday. niixitfion ui w:4o a. m. ana dd. m. stopping Carolina Beach on the moraine trip up je 18 ti J. W. HARPER, Gen'l Manager. Brown's Beach Restaurant AND BATH HOUSES. J WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that my Restaurant and Bath Houses on Wrtjrhtsvme Beach, opposite the HununoctaL are now open and ready for tSe accommodation of all who mv famr m. tnih their patronage. J-f!-" and sandwiches .7icJ wv arrival oi an trains. uc oaiu uouses arc ciean, well vent anl suDDlied with fiwh w-i-r- . ani careful attendants, a call' Is solicit &rtt & &L.9JI0WN, Rated