Cmll I Till . url lTk AKlKC POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tula powder never vanes. A marvel of pa rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low teat short weleht alum or phosphate powders. IsK'oSS in xcaL. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. oct 26 d&wly tcnrm 4thDd 3rdpw FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1889. STATE NEWS. Durham Recorder: Maj. J. W. Dowd, Superintendent of the stamp lug department of BlackwelPs Co operative Tobacco Factory, has established a circulating library with a hundred volumes to com mence with, and every time the employes subscribe a dollar the President hands in one. Rockingham Rocket: Mrs. Eliza beth Mclnnis last Saturday receiv ed, through Rockingham Lodge Knights of Honor, a check for $2,000, the amount of insurance held by her late husband in that Order. H. C. Wall, Esq., left Monday for New York, whence he will embark for England as a delegate to the In ternational Sunday School Conven tion, which meets in London July 2nd; that is, if he don't change his notion when he gets to New York. Chatham Record:&& the past week the weather lias been very fa vorable for the farmers. Cotton and corn are growing rapidly, and nearly all the wheat and oats have been "safely harvested. On last Tuesday in thePresbyterian church, at this place, one of our most popu lar village maidens, Miss Nellie T. Leach, was married by Rev. W. F. Thorn to Mr. Robert GK Cook, a merchant of High Point. Oak land township can boast of four eitizens whose comoinea ages amount to 360 years an average of 90 years each. They are Mrs. Nab by Burns, aged 95 years, Jordon Tysor, Sr., 91, Mrs. J.T. Brewer, 88, and Martin Philips, 86. Reidsville Review: At Milton the other day George Lawson, a well known old colored man about the town, died in the country. His friends sent to town for Ford, a col ored preacher, and a drayman, to go out and preach his funeral. There was quite a crowd at the funeral. Ford said: "My friends, they say that George Lawson is dead. He 'pears to be dead, but I dunnot know that he is. I will call him twice and if he do not answer then he must be dead. Oh, George ! (shouting at the top of his voice.) Oh, Uncle George! He do not an swer, my friends he must be dead. Now you ax me whar he is gone to; I dunnot know and cannot tell you. Uncle George was always a mighty curious sort of a man." That ended the sermon and the friends moved off with the body. Charlotte Chronicle: Rev. A. G. MeManawaT, who went to Thomas ville yesterday morning and re turned in the afternoon, said that he observed the country closely between here and ThomasvHl,e and that ah the crops were looking exs 1 cellent. Persons from the West j ern part of the State say that the grain crop this year is unusually fine. Yesterday afternoon, while Charlotte was enjoying a very stiff j breeze and a very hard rain, with the addition, ever and anon, of a ' bright flash of lightning and a peal of thunder, the little town off Lowell was undergoing the exeitement of a real live hurricane. In addition to the rain, which fell in perfect sheets and seemed to threaten a flood, the wind blew at a terrific rate, carry- i ing everything before it. Trees! J l" i were upnootea ana oiown a long distance, fences were carried on the wings of the wind, and the Metho dist church, a large building valued at $900, was blown completely down. The extent of the damage is not known as yet. Clinton Caucasian: We noticed a few evenings ago at the depot two car loads of Western hay. We are j told that seven or eight car loads have been brought here within the I past two or three months, and' for! whom? Not for our merchants ' alone, but for persons who live from one to twenty miles iu the country and do nothing but farm. We learh 1 from Mr. J. E. Royal that not only j hay but corn is bought by some of our farmers, and that within the 1 last few months he has sold over 3,500 bushels. Messrs. T. H, Patrick & Bro., in connection with Mr. ?224 Holmes, have sold over1 6,090 bushels; and not onlv corn and hay, but meat is brought from the' West to feed an agricultural people in the East. One of our merchants has been selling from one thousand to fifteen hundred pounds of meat per week, and that chiefly to far-: men Now this is simply appalling. If a fanner is going to buy meat,' corn and forage, what on earth, we ask in all seriousness, is he pay for them with? There can be ' but one result. It means sooner or later agricultural bankruptcy. I The Burdens of Worn anhotwl . Thousands of women are silently suffering untold misery, simply be cause they shrink from consulting a physician in those numerous coin plaints arising from functional ir regularities and disorders. Many a modest girl and woman prefers to bear her heavy burden in sileuce rather than to go to the family phy sician for advice. All sufferers from this class of disorders can, however, find prompt and sure relief in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a specific in such cases, and has brightened the lives of countless women by restoring them to perfect health. M. THE HAILS. The malls close ana arrive at tne City Post office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 11.00 P. M Northern through and way malls. . 8.00 A. Ji N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. Kalelgh & Fayettev;e 8-00 M. southern wav mails A.W r. M, nut hp throueh malls 9.15 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, western malls (C. C. Railway) LOO P. M noiw vonr Y V RR and nolnts sup plied therefrom LOO P. M. Kaieign & 11 amuji n. XV. ajiu ivmvo annnllpsi therefrom LOO P. M. sJmlthvlUP L30 P. M r. , WrlorhfSvUlfi. S.UU J. m. Clinton, special r. jm Specials ior aiaxton, aueswiu, Monroe ana cnariuii MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS. nnsinw n. ft. and intermediate om- nM . 6.00 A. M. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Little River, S. C, and Intel-mediate offices... 6-00 A. M Cape Fear River mail - LOO P. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Wnrthom and war malls 8.30 P. M. Northern through mall, late 11.00 P. M. southern through mails 6.30 A. Al. Southern wav mails "9.30 A. M. Carolina Central R. R 2.30 P. M Malls collected from street boxes in business nortlon of city at 5 A. M., 12.00 M. ana 4.4o f. It and from other points of the city at 5 A. M and I P. M. General delivery- open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M.. and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 i'. -M .. continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M o 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P . M. COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. June 21. 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 34? cents. Sales of receipts at 34i cents. wnsTN Firm at 75 cents for strained and 80 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at 90c for hard, $1.80 for yellow dip and virerin. COTTON Quiet. The follow ini? are the official Quotations 74: eood ordmarv. 9 low middling, 101-16; middling 10 good middling 11. MISCELLANEOUS. MARINE NEWS. tsuckien h Arnica Salve The Besr Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sate by Robert R Bellamy, wholesaleNand retail druggist. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir, i For indigestion anVl foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Gra. Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minigter Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered Kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Hozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. in th s Rkv. O. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. Have You a Cough. ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption. Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. ARRIVED. Steamer DMurchison, Smith, Fay Afcta ville. T D Love. Rr haroue Atossa. Robinson. St Thomas. Paterson, Downing & Co. Schr Edith R Seward, Travers, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss,Son& Co Schr Nellie F Sawyer, Arey, Bos ton, Jas T Riley & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Tribou, New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, T D Love. To the Public. TE WOULD RESPECTFULLY AN nounce to the public that our Restaurant is now open and ready lor the accommodation of all who favor us with their patronage. Pie Fish, Crabs, Sandwiches ready on i he arrival of all trains. Fresh Cool Beer always on hand. Kestaurant within one hundred yards of Switchback. my 30 HEWLETT & CO. GO TO 110 MARKET ST. TO Get Bargains IN 0L0THING AND HATS ! T GUARANTEE TO UNDERSELL ANY other house in the city, and why 1 can do this I will explain: 1st Reason My own sons are my clerKs. 2nd Reason-1 live in my own house and thus save rent. 3rd Reason I discount all my bills. 4th Reason I attend to my own business and try to live economically, and by this can give the purchaser the benefit in buying his Clothing of me. B. F. PENNY. Call early and facts. be convinced or the above je 15 For fishing lines, lead-, bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. f EXPORTS. . COASTWISK. New York Steamship Benefactor 24 nkers mdse. 6 bales cotton, 72 bbls rice. 15 baers neanuts. 170 bbls tar. 199 casks spirits, 179 bbls rosin, 2,500 bolts, 19,381 ft lumber, 30,000 shingles. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUNE 14, 1889. Cotton ashore, 539; afloat, 27; total, 566. Spirits ashore, 2,142; afloat, 583; to tal 2 725 Rosin ashore, 26,321; afloat, 3,415; total, 29,736. Tar ashore, 2,964; afloat, 535; total, 3,499. Crude ashore, 575. RECEIPTS FROM JUNE 7 TO JUNE 14. Cotton, 74; spirits, 1,917; tar, 494; crude, 657; rosin, 5,846. EXPORTS FROM JUNE 7 TO JUNE 14. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 92; spirits, 803; rosin, 694;tar, 1,267; crude, 692. FOREK4N. Rosin. 8,438; spirit, 2,150. Summer B ard. )LEASANT COUNTRY BOARD, TWO miles from Llncolnton. Daily mail. One free visit to Llncolnton daily, if desired. Table satisfactory, with abundant supply of Meats, Vegetables and Fruit. Cool, pleasant rooms. $20 per month. Chil dren less. Address MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON, je 12 tf Woodside, Llncolnton, N. C. Lavpi- Mowers, Best on tne Market! pARDEN HOES, RAKES, AC, SPRINK- lSre, Rubber Hose and Attachments. Bottom prices on above wE. SPRINGER CO apiaott 14 Front St.. Wilmington, N. c ' 600 PIGFISH - . ALIA K IN MY COOPS AT Atlantic View, WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C. Board by the Day, Week and Month. ED. WILSON M ANNING, je otfcf Proprietor. 4IN fill OF PFACB PREPARE FOR WAR." Wilmington Seacoast R.R QN ANO AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 17TH, the Wilmington Seacoast Trains will run to and from the Atlantic Coast Line Depot. rne l ime taoie win De as ronows: From Wilmington. Leave 6:00 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 5:00p. m Leave 7:15 p. m From Hammocks. Leave 7:45 a. m Leave 11:05 a. m Leave 4:00 p. m Leave 6:10 p. in Leave 9:20 p. m Ths 7.15 P. M. Supper Train. Tbe 2:30 P. M. this train will P. M. je 15 t f Train will be known as the '7 Train is dally, and on Sunday leave the Hammocks at 7:20 J. R. NOLAN, Qen'l Manager. Scribner's Magazine For 1880. The publishers Of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enter prising of periodicals, while at aU times pre serving its high literary character. 25,000 new readers have been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it muses its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will show some new effects, and nothing to make sckibner'S magazine attractive and in teresting win be neglected. THE RAILWAY ARTICLES Will be COntin ued by several very striking papers: one espe ciauy interesting by Ex-Postmaster General i nomas u James on -The Railway Postal Ser. vice." Illustrated,. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serla uuvtsi - me master or uanantrae," win run wirougn tne greater part of the year, liegun in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters wui lurmsn ine suostance of several articles. luustraica. une Drier end papers written last year by Korjert louis Stevenson, will be replaced by enuany luieresLing contributions by dirrere ramous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich win write tne nrst of them for the January lx ulu rtri . Many valuable LITERARY ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of wutk, musiratea rrom original MSS., a second jMieu ui via cooks, oy Mrs. dames T Fields and many other articles equally noteworthy! Illustrated Articles on art subjects will be a fea ture reTIa ."nP" appear by Clarence vw., a, u. uiaauiiciu, Austin Dobson and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLE describing sport in the best fishing grounds will appear. Salmon Winnlnish, Bass and Tarpon are the srtKa "".r""1" are weu Known ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variptv touching upon ad manner of subS JravS' biography, description, etc., will apneaa but not of the conventional commonplace lion. Illustrated.' Among the most Interest in"- in tha Hot scientific papers for the year win be a remark able article by Prof. John Trowbridge upon PHOTOGRAPHY. lXT aM USeS f A class of articles which h clal interest win be continued by a groun of application by" to?t autuSST . Unique Illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year' numbers which include all the Railway Irti cles, as follows: a) Antt Aiription (1889 the num- 1UOQ A year's subscription U889) and the num. H"5 bers for 1888, bound In eiotti. . . . . . S3 a year ; 25 cento a number. Charles Scribner's Sons. 748-745Broadwy, N.y, "IF YOU AIN'T GOT 'EM," YX)U MIGHT HAVE 'EM. Corneau's Bed Bug Intercepts Does the work Quickly, Quietly and Pleasant ly A Permanent Cure "So to Speak." Ask tor Cokneau's, the Alpha and Omega of ALL Bed Btur oisons. anu to&e nu uuiei . r ui auie by all Druggists. mch 27 3m nac m gieaic Underwear FOB GENTLEMEN. We have just opened the second supply of these admir able goods. For health and comfort they are -greatly su perior to the Balbriggans and Lisle Thread garmenls gener ally used. Composed of Cam el's Hair and natural Wool, they thoroughly absorb pers piration and produce a health ful glow of the skin, thus avoiding the chilly and un pleasant feeling experienced in wearing the ordinary gar ment. These goods are used, approved and recommended by one of the most eminent physicians in the State. Gen tlemen are invited to call and examine. JNO. J. HEDRICE. my 27 tf White Goods. WE HAVfE A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE GOCDS, AND Propose to Sell Them To effect this, liberal concessions will be made In prices. They have een placed on the coun ter and must be sbld. We show a variety of FORTY DIFFERENT STYLES in from the tiny hair cord check for infants, to the largest Plaid. We show Twenty Different kinds of PLAIN GOODS, from 6c. to 60c. per yard. Embroidered FlouncingSj HEM-SI ITH1ED TKIMMUGS, Embroidered Pique & Pique Skirtings Our stock is complete and worth the atten tion of buyers. The Ladies are respectfully Invited to calL JNO. J. IIEDHICK. my 27 tf all and fom MY LOT OF NEW GOODS, The Finest Ever Brought to the City JUST THE FINEST AND Purest Butter Ever Brought to this Market, Put up in One Pound Prints. 2? h6lP but Please th most fas tidious. Neveraffectedbythe warm on tl r iS, tept ntinumi ly on ice Call and buy a pound and you will have no other. mr, mbroidery. FlouncinfirTLr p J CC( Just received to day a lapge assortment of Wwi EDGES AND INSERTIONS aml Black Silk Flouncing ana Nets ! ! New and Elegant Mattinfi tsoTii joiuteti iiu oewiuifs, oume cnoice Patterns A LARGE LOT OP 6l EH-Imitation Walnut nn8 Ier set. This is exM-emeiy low and includes rin?8 errv hitnhh AD KS & UM B It ELLAS -24. on nntl OQ . ; ' u wacke. WINDOW 8HADK? These we are selling In larfee n 7 vv only good springs. uu,uber8 - m-mL-m, tm m mrr. m r jr tar t7 JXS HArlt'UwlA I i i R va r or unices and rooms Nni,. m OU'eC1'oiceP4tt m. Nlclntire Je 17 : NORTH FRONT J, f - GREAT SXLE OF Parasols, Sunshades, Fans, Hats. Corsets. 7 Handkerchiefs, & BAZAAR. 118 Market Street, - - - - 'Wilmington, N, C.1 Carolina Beach Hotel. 1 1889 "Til THE WEEKLY HERAU I piiE carolina;bea(;ii hotel, at the famous watering place of tliat- name, IS NOW OPEN and ready for the reception of guests. Liberal rates by the day, week or month. Bill of Fare unexceptionable. Good rooa comfortable bods ana first class attendants. FISH MEALS ready on arrival of every train 15 L. PEKRY, mySllm Proprietor. I 1 ONE DOLLAR A Y, Alt TO KEEP POSTED ON THfl Shavs for the-Million, JOHN WERNEH, THE GERMAN BARBER begs to inform his friends and patrons that he still holds forth at the old stand, next door to the Nortbwest corner of Market and Front street s. Part ies from t be country visiting the city are invited to give me a calL Clean tow els, sharp razors and first class barbers are our boast. Respectfully, JOHN WERNER, 8 The German Barber. 1889. Harper's M tgazine. ILLUSTRATED Hakper's Magazine is the most useful, en tertalning and beautiful periodical in the world. Among the attractions for 18S9 will be a new novel an American story, entitled "Ju piter Lights" by Constance F. Woolsou; llius. tratlons of Shakespeare's Comedies by E. A. y;n?ries of articles on Russia, illustra ted by T. De Thulstrup; papers on the Domin ion of Canada and a characteristic serial by Cbarles Dudley Warner- three "Norweslan Studies, "by Bjornstjerne Bjornson, illustrated 'Commodus " a historical play by the author of "Ben-nur " illustrated by j. R. Weguelln etc The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS, PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE urn HARPER'S WEEKLY " 4 00 ARPER'S BAZAR ' loo HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 00 Postage Fre&to all subseribPrs in tlie Unite Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. XTTae volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year When no time is specified, subscriptions will oegin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order. I Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, In neat cloth binding will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt0 bf $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for bindlntr cents each by mall post paid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical. Analytical and Classified, for Volumes 1 to ?o inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885 one voL, 8vo. Cloth, U 00. ' ' Remittances should be made by Post-Offl e Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss MSt0P?MT are not to c0 this aaeerttaemen wUfiout tne express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPJSK & BkOTHERST nov 15 New York News of the Entire World SUBSCRIBE FOB Tfls' New York We'WyHer&y o It is and will continue to be fireat'sl and Ckiposf Family Journal IN THE 7NITED STATES. O The coming- year promises to be crowfj with stirring events. In the United States the entrance of mw sues into the political arena has been ed by a change of Administration, great economic question on which tl paign turned is still unsettled, and 1 tion is now committed to a Congress eauallv divided between the two great Europe is a vast camp. Array corps J tl IUIU UlllllVllO VL 1UVU unMW signal for the most tltantic war the wortd ever aeen. The Hekald's news-gathering macal uaequaiieu. ltscorresponaems aoiuw table globe Nothing can escape their lance, and no expense is spared In spre the results of their efforts before the Hn readers. I I I ALL THE NEWS OP AMERICA will be found each weeK in the Hbbalh. wbfl Its FOREIGN PAKTMENT will contain a panorama of the old m flashed under the sea over the COMMERCIAL CABLES. Special Features, Practical Farmlnsr. Progress InSclena, Notable Pulpit utterances, t itnixifnro anrl Art Stories by our Best A INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS. Address, JAMES GO MM gSl decH The AMERICAN MAGAZINE Bfantifnlh Illustrated. 25 cfc, $m . JW SOOPK.-THE AM , Z1JNJS gives preierenw - are.y scenes" and its literature andart hicrr.ftSr, standard. Famous Amenwgj Hllits pages with a wide va"Dture. J inrr ciroVr.hPt! of travel ana rL-ta ei tbifes, descriptive ' foremost problems of the penoa, MA je 8 A NEW LOT OF OUR Celebrated Flour JCST RECEIVED. Jno. L. Boatwright, Valuable Lands for Sale. QSE TRACT OF LiND, LYING ONE naiefrom Llncolnton, N. C. conslattng of 83 acres, 53 acres ciearea: s nest for cotton but gives good crops for all grains. Has a runnIf tteowh it and a fine spring ---------- "'""''i 'uu uu me uran 'n ana SO acres In wood, ok and hickory, well Urn ucreu . unf Ivlng 3 011163 Lincolu ton, ml:e from.' C a k IJj a ra 2i one fcprlog of dliclono water.' about S 5?75 f b.ltom land r "on ir e 'rar ch; wen , 75 acres In yellow pine and oak xr price and terms apply to mh i CBONLX MUKKla W 19 U Auct'rs Seal Estate Hrok tbls Magazine Is uiatincuv .PSffiw and. It is acknowledged by tue PfJJngof " be the most Dooular and enteri blgb-class montlilles. and Special toJffiSe -Sf f I'remiums wuu mentis CCipt 01 loC., ll F1 " tff- Responsible and energetic ee ed to souclt subscripaons. wnw clHSlveterrltory. AjSS&ng&. feb