. rVH TUTS nno Sundays excepted, 0 was Editor and Prop. -it T. JAM3' " W rnVS POSTAGE PAID: sC . th $2.00. Three $4.00- vK nium"- one month, 35 cents. year. ' jo live red by carriers, free kPape n:irt of the city, at the aoove L,rv. in rtu; 1 "r' .... Trnrk orlfl8 ' ,nfi liberal. iu" rafP? ase report any and saW. .their paper regularly. !''' ' " : , ...- to The MILT Review VOL XIII. WILMINGTON, N, C, SATURDAY. JUNE 22, 1889. NO 147. LOCAL NEWS. KTDEX TO New advertisements li F Penny Clothing Munds Bii03 Pharmacists J 3 Uedrick White Good3 W M CUMMiNGaiattresses Cape Fear Club Restaurant Taylor's Bazaar Great Sale K M McIntire Embroidery, &e J J Hedrick Hygienic Underwear yV M Powell Island Beach Saloon Emma McEachern Executrix Notice Braddy & (iAYLORD The liacket Store Services at St, Paul's Enisconal ! Forecasts. i Church to morrow at 11 a. m. and j For North Carolina, fair weather j 8:15 p. us. The evening sermon will j succeeded by light rain on the coast do me utra in the course on Eter and cooler. haul Punishment, Special subject, hients in the most elegant form .LAXATiVCANO NUTRITIOUS JUIOE ' OF 1 HE PIGS OF CALIFORNIA, with the medicinal known to be . - KAtiffunal to me xiuiiia.ii an agreeable PoEp.biqeu virtues I of plants most bene! crdem. forming 2Dd effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti and the many ills de eding on a weak or inactive . . ,1 r.ii t i I Mi1 IHMETS, UVER HBDB0WEL5. his ihemost excellent remedy known to MUSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Mien one is Bilious or Constipated iO THAT PURE LLOOD, REFRE8HIMO SLEEP, HEALTH and 8TREMCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. . . . 1 - -1 1 Every one is using u ana an are delighted with it. . ASK YOUR DRUQOIST FOR SYH.TJI3 OF FIGS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, mtSVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N. I For sale by KOHEKT K BELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, w Ufi ly tl&w Wilmington, N. U. ' Liberal Theories." Seats free at all services. Sunday School at 10 a. in. Day's length 14 hours and 30 min utes. Sunset to morrow afternoon at 14 minutes past 7 o'clock. Chair cushions for sale, 25c, 50c md 75c. W. M. Cumminer. Church cushions made to order by W. M. Cumming, opp. City Hall, t See advertisements of W. M. Cum- ming, manufacturer of mattresses, t Lawn rakes of the latest nd mos t ru proved patent. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t A special train will leave Front street depot at 10 o'clock to morrow morning, on the Seacoast R. R., for the accommodation of those who j wish to attend the camp meeting in progress at Ocean View. There will be a coach attached to this train for the accommodation of white persons. .- Mosquito bars, a new and conven ent kind, for sale by W. M. Cum ming, opposite City Mall. t Raspberries have been in market or several days. They hnve been selling at 12 cents a quart. There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacbi Hdw. Co. The First Presbyterian" Church being under repairs will be used to morrow for the last time until the repairs are completed. The ser vices in the morning will be in con nection with the communion of the Lord's Suppej , and in the afternoon Dr. Hoge will preach a sermon to men only. li. B. li. (Botanic Blood Balm.) you try this remedy you will say as many tliers have said, that it is the best blood pu- Kiier and tonic, write moou Bann to., ai Liiit;i. (;a.. ior book oi convincing testimony. J. P. Davis,. Atlanta, da.. (West EncD.writes I consider that B. D. B. has permanently tired me of rheumatism and sciatica R. K. saulter. Alliens, G a., says: "B. B. B I neol an ulcer that had resisted all oth tr treatment." E.G. Tlnsiey, Columbiana, Ala., -writes: My mother and sister bad ulcerated sore Ihimt and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them." Joseph F. Sponcler, Newman, Ga., writes: I ii li. i;. entirely cured me of rheumatism in ayshauidei-s. i used six bottles t'has. Keinhardt. No. 2026 Fountain street. Baltimore. Md.. writes: "I suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say iaatonenottie or li. li. B. cured me. ' J. J. Hardy. Toccoa. Ga.. writes: "B. B. B. is i 'iuick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured pe. 1 had been troubled severai yeans." a. srmk. Atlanta. Ga.. sa.vs: "One bottle ot E. K. B. completely cured my child of eczema." W. L epper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: "B. i. cured my mother of ulcerated sore rent." James C. Mimds, A&t , DRUGGIST. f t LL LINE OF PUKE DRUGS AND Chemicals Physicians' Prescrtntions a soe- . Fancy and Toiler Articles In ermt va- Kty. AltPStan Vtll Minora! Water, mmd in Bfltryaglass.FBEE. ianlo W. ATKINSON, President. Mattresses Renovated and made to order into two sections by W. M. Cumming, opposite City Hall. t We can make you comfortable for $1.00 by supplying you with the Ironclad Oil Stove. H. Jacobi Hd w Co. The many remarkable curesHood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes are suffi cient proof that it does pssess pe- culiar curative powers. Preaching at the Seamen's Bethel Sunday evening at 5 o'clock. The public generally, and seamen in particular, are invited to attend. Mr. L. W. McLaurin has been appointed by the Governor a Jus tice of the Peace for Newr Hanover county. The switchback is kept going alf most without intermission from early morn till dewy eve. And the shekels keep time with the music of the rails. w. p. TOOMER, Cashier. li ngtoii Savings & Trust Co., 108!'U1N( Ks"r'i'- WILMINGTON, CM Mv.ut j uu Sill ISKICI UI SLCUI1L , "f wsi uu Deposits. Is empowered to I rusts ot all kinds. mch 29 ti CLlfDE'S HER 29, EAST RIVER NEW YORK ited between Chambers .and TfonspvAir, ma. At 3 o'clock, P. M. K'arToH . Wednesday, June 19 ...Saturday, June 22 d luu Wednesday, June 26 ..... 1 1 . . a nA ow , o uur FROM WILMINGTON SMSBv"1 k Friday. June 21 1 tMAvti' CTUB Or There will be no Sunday morn ing service in Brooklyn Baptist Church until further notice; but there will be service in the evening at 8:15 o'clock. Painters, save money by buying your white lead, ready mixed paints, varnishes and brushes from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell none but the best. Enanioline, the best stove polish in the market. No dust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Tourists, V Whether on pleasure bent or busi ness should take on "-very trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, is it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, pre venting fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c and $1 00 bottles by all leading drug gists. Shirts, we have got them by the million, made by good and skilful hand; come and see us. we can save you over fifty five per cent. We'll not charge you fancy prices, treat you well," don't be afraid, therefore come and patronize; us money sav ed is money made, at the Wilming ton Shirt Factory, 122 Market street, Sign of the blue awning. tf Hope It'll Pan Out. Capt. Edward Everett, of thiscity? has invented something by wjhich we hope that he may make a for tune. It is described as "a device .ruesaay, .nine a - ji.'rir nn thn trunk wbpn a ..Friday, June 28 i Tuesday, July 3 i ear wheel jumps the rails, and at sttar3r mila fading and Lowest Thnr the same time acting as a brake and hc-:..,"""". in id, fmm nn ntc n Vnrth .. .. - -. , , r u . w.v- n-aironrmtr mo i oral pn w ipp I r i 1 1 ,. ; - have unsurpassed passen Kiattons. v ,. c,n,lit or Pi..,. ... . u Q ui .t i !.,i;wlse apply io ONES. Snnerlntp.ndent.. Wllmlntrton. N C. t i-A.Lu. Traffic Manaerer. vvv i, , New York 11: v "V " CO.. Gen'l Asents. a r.owimg Green. New YorK. 8 and ( hemical?, striking the crossties."' It is Capt. Everett's invention and is said to be a splendid one. The Pennsylvania Road is to give it a test. Don't be Humbugged With the foolish idea that Catarrh cannot be cured! The world moves. -i rwl mpiliVnl Reifnnfl is nrrMrpoefiiro ' A in ( I.ES. PATENT HHmcraKS ' Tl npnnpiptnrs Tf Tit- Sn rrii'w O.i - - - . . . . I f ' - " . - . rwm Km . V " r"vl.,i,- ,. , . . i . J ;n . Trusses etc etc rarrn aeuieuyv.ni pay ow reward .1,., ,. ? . for a case of Kaai Catarrh, no mat- 'iuoas tnieo i day or night at ter how bad or of how long stand- Jan 4 Drugstore. ' ; lug, wn cu iiiey cauuuieure. nem" u uer ourta and sun Sts., euy soiu uy oruggiMs. t ouiy ou cxs. Cape Fear Club House. Two of our most enterprising col--ered citizens, Daniel Howard and J. B. Dudley, have opened a nice restaurant on Wrightsville Beach, at the terminus of the Ocean View R. R. They have also a separate room and separate service for whites and are largely patronized by those who know a good thing when it appeals to the palate. See ad. in this issue. Camp Meeting on the Beach. A colored camp meeting is in pro gress now at the pavilion for colored people at the terminus of the Ocean V(ew R. R. It was at first deter mined to have it at the meeting house at Wrightsville but instead i was carried to the beach. It began today and will continue through to morrow. Capt. Nolan has put on a special train for their benefit. It will leave Front street depot at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Tlie Hishop at t lie Beacli. j Bishop Lyman, who is now at Island Beach Hotel, will remain there until July 6th, when he will resume his visitations. Many of our citizens have called to see him and we are glad to know that this dis tinguished divine has expressed himself as greatly pleased with all he has seen and encountered. He thinks the Hammocks a delightful resort in the Summer and Wrights ville Beach one of the finest in the world. He will probably pay a visit to Carolina Beach also before his return to Raleigh. For Great tin turn and the Continent. Mr. B. G.Empie left last night for New York city, where he will stay until next Wednesday when he will sail on the steamer City of New York for Liverpool in company with a party of Wilmingtonians, consist ing of Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke Jones, Mr. D. M. Williams, Mr. Fred. Kid der, Mr. Harry Walters, and Mr. E. Chambers Smith of Raleigh. The party will separate at Liverpool and Mr. Williams and Mr. Empie will travel together for a month, when they will again join the others at Paris. They will visit Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Ghent, Vienna, Bremen, Havre, Barcelona, Rome, and other places on the continent. The many friends of the voyagers here wish them a pleasant journey and a safe return. Death of a Distinguished Physician. Hon. James Wilson received very distressing news to day. It was that of the death of one of his two brothers, Dr. Benjamin Wilson. The sad event occurred in New Sork city last night. Dr. Wilson was 55 years of age. He was a ma a of a large reputation in his profession. He graduated at the New York Med ical College and was for some time past in charge of the Yorkville Dis pensary. For some years he was the physician in charge of the Mag dalene Asylum in New York city. He has been in bad health for about two years past and for some time has traveled extensively, hoping for relief, which could not be found. Bishop Lyman and a party of young ladies enjoyed a surf bath yesterday at Wrightsville Beach. Prayer and experience meeting of business and working men at the Seaman's Bethel this evening at 8:15 o'clock. There was only one case before the Mayor this morning, that of Abram Smith, who was held for safe keeping. Drop harness, similar to that in use at the "Atlantic" and "Adrian" engine houses, was put in yesterday at the "Cape Fear" house by Mr. B. R. Russell. There .were no services in the Temple of Israel to day because Dr. Mendelsohn was not well enough to hold them. We trust that the rev erend gentleman's indisposition will not prove serious. Gen. Anthony wants to secure 35 to 40 horses for mounts for his men on the parade along the streets of the city during the Encampment. They will be carefully treated and not ridden out of a walk. They are for the Scotland Neck cavalry, who have their own equipments. It was so warm last night and there was so much electricity in the atmosphere, that everybody thought it would rain. But not a drop of water fell here, though, so far as we know. During the night the wind got around to the West, and then to the North and it was cool and pleasant this forenoon. The Island Beach Saloon. Mr. W. M. Powell, of. Columbus county, has leased the Island Beach Saloon for the season and has it well stocked with the best of everything in his line. It is nicely arranged and handsomely decorated. Those who yisifc the Hammocks will find courteous . attention there. He is aWy assisted by Mr. Martin Daniels, well known as one of the best mix ers in the State. Mr. Powell was in the city to day and paid us a pleasant little visit. NEW ADVEKTISKMHST8. PUSAS HOTICA we will be glad to receive communieaUf ns from our mends tm any ana all subject s general interest, but The name of the witter mra always be fur. nished to the Editor. communicatteffl must be written on but one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially ana particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the yiews of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. Died iu Durham. We regret very much to learn of the sad affliction that has visited the household of that esteemed gen tleman, Rev. E. A. Yates, D. D., now of Durham. A telegram was received here to day from him by Mr. W. E. Springer which states that his youngest daughter, Miss Pearl, died last night. The hearts of Dr. Yates' many wariu friends in this city go out in sincere sympathy to him in his loss. The interment will be in Durham. We have no particulars but the event must have occurred suddenly as we know that the deceased young lady and her sister had been inak ing preparations to visit this city , where they expected to spend the Summer as the guests of Mrs. W. E. Springei. Iilppiucott's Magazine. "Ten Minutes to Twelve" is the title of the new novel, by M. G. McClelland, in the July number of LippincotVs Magazine. The story cannot fail to add greatly to this brilliant young author's reputation. Mr. George W. Childs publishes the second instalment of his interesting "Recollections." "Our Greatest In ventor" is the title which John Habberton gives to a comprehend sive article upon Ericsson. The num. ber contains the eleventrMUstalment of Tourgee's series of stories under the general head of "With Gauge & Swallow." Thomas Nelson Page, whose charming stories of Virginia life have made his name famous, contributes an article upon "Au thorship in the South before the NEW ADVBBTI8BMEITM. SPECIAL OFFER. If you want your Mattresses made in Two Sections (whether old ones being Renovated or new ones being made to order) I will do it without extra charge, though it takes more ticking, time. and trouble. Respectfully, ' Manufacturer and Renovator of Mattresses k1: . . . Don't Buy JJNT1L YOU GET TO PRINCESS STREET Depot, aa I keep a fine assortment of Cigars. Cigarettes and Tobacco; also Cool Milk, soda Water; Ginger Ale, c. Try me. ' 3e 21 1 H. L. DEANS. For Sale. VALUABLE ItEAL ESTATE. FIRST-TOE LOTS FRONTING 66 FEET each on Front and Nutt streets and 167 feet on Mulberry street; can be divided into eight building sites for Stores, six of 23x66 feet and two of 17xx6 feet. This is the meet val uable and desirable piece of unimproved real estate in the city. p secondA Lot on west side of Fourth street, between Princess and Chestnut, 66x128 feet : has a two-story dwelling, known astbeAlfred Prince residence. Third a Lot on Fourth street, east side, be tween swarm and Nixon streets, fronting as feet on Fourth street and runs 150 feet to James street; has dwelling of five rooms. Apply-o Jeaiat CO AS. M. ST EDM AN. TRY TIE MET The Register of Deeds issued six t marriage licenses this week, two for white couples and four for colored couples. There were two interments this week in OakdaIe, both adults, one in Bellevue and eight, three chil" dren and five adults, in Pine Forest. One life line was stretched vester day for the wreck of the bloekader off Wrightsville Beach, to the shore, and another will be run out in a few days. Services in St. John's Church to morrow: Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Morning Prayer 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer ( o'clock. Sunday School 5 p. m. "The Little Tycoon" will be pre sented at the Opera House here by the Amateurs during Encampment week, and not "Said Pasha," as was stated by us. The latter is not yet fully prepared for presentation. Ger. barque Van den Bergh, Reh berg, cleared to day for Glasgow, with 2,906 barrels rosin and 825 casks spirits, valued at $17,167, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. Excursionists from Conway. A large excursion party, contain iug between 250 and 300 persons, came in this morning over the W., C. & A. and the W., C. & C. roads, from Conway, S. C, and interme diate points. Most of them spent the forenoon in looking about the city and this afternoon they went down to the seacoast for a breath of salt air. Some of the best citizens of Horry county are with this party St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Chnrch. The services in St. Paul's Evan gelical Jjutneran unurcn, corner Market and Sixth streets,Rev. F. W E. Peschau, pastor, to morrow (San day, will be in English both at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. T. S. Brown, Pastor of the English Luth eran Church in Charlotte, will preach both morning and night. All are welcome at the services. Veterans' Day. Gov. Fowle has designated Satur day, July 19th, as Veterans' Day at the State Guard Encampment, at Wrightsville. The entire brigade of the State Guard will parade on the afternoon of that day, and will re ceive the veterans with the highest honors, a review being among the ieremonies of the occasion. The railways have been requested li give special rates to the veterans. It is particularly desirable that the at tendance of veterans be as large as possible. Col. Wui. L DeRosset, of Wilmington, has been req nested to take command of the veterans on the day named. For fishing lines, leads,bobs, poles and hooks of ail kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Go. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Cape Fear Club. FIRST CLASS liEST AU KAJiT UAS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean View R. R. Fresh Plgflsh, Clams and Reer always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant we have a first elass Dining Room for our white customers. Give us a call and we guarantee to give you entire satisfaction. Je 22 3m Executrix Notice. TJAVING TO IS DAY QUALIFIED AS EXE "H catrix of last will and testament of John 8. McEachern, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said decedent to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate wiu present War, fcdgar r awcett has many j my attorney, N. M. McEachern, or this no- nice and appreciative things to say i ee win be plead in bar orheir recovery. MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, DRY GOODS, Matting, CARPETS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, Underwear, Glassware, Tinware, Notion8,FeatherDu8ter8, OIL 0L0TH. Everything you need may be found there at VERY LOW PRICES. i Racket Store, U7 S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N C, BRADDY & OAYLORD, PKOPKIETOKS. Headquarters, New York. my li tr sat ISLAND BEACH HOTEL, AT THE finis HOTEL IS NOW OPEN FOR THE AC X commodatlon of the nubile, and the Proori- etprs win be pleased to entertain their guests. With several years' experience at one of the leading resorts of the North. "Bav Ridtre Ho tel," on the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, we feel confident we can supply the long felt want or the public here. The cuisine deoartment of our Hotel is one oi the leading features, Rates f&OQ per day. i iwyuw iB now open ana guests can ger nesDectruIiVi?fji7t? tno ofltronfiSB or Tin- public, we remain espectruiiy, HOH ACJfcl I'LATT CQ proprietors. je 20tf Drop In A ND SEE OUR NEW SODA FOUNTAIN to-morrow. It will be In full blast Friday morning. Je 19 tf MUNDS BROTHERS, 104 N. Front St. about Mrs. Chanler's last novel, 'The Witness of the Sun." Ann H. Wharton contributes a timely skit to the same number entitled "The Courtesies of Summer Re The funeral services will take place j SOrts." Clinton Scol lard contributes on Monday and the interment wijl a SOnnet, i4A Dervish;" Florence be in Greenwood. Mr. Wilson will j EaJ.,e qq& a quatrain entitled leave here to night to be present on t'Life;" and another quatrain, UA the sad occasion. Gala Day, KefreshiiiK and Invitroratinz Howe, Jr. Delicious Soda. Water as drawn from gents a brief poem entitled "Inspi taiL Munds Brothers magnificent new ration soda fountain at-a temperature oi 34 . purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes Je It Executrix of John S. McEachern. Island Beach Saloon. J1HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT -fully notify the public that he has leased the Island Beach Saloon, attached to the Hotel at the Hammocks, forrthe season. I will keep nothing but the best of -nr. i . 0 - is by m. a. Do Wolfe wines, Liquors, Beer, uigars. etc. Debbie H. Silver pre arwi promise uoUte and courteous attention H. CK03ENBERG, PHOTOGRAPHER, RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY KXEC'UTBD Photographs at reasonable prices. FKAMING A SPECIALTY. feb 23 tf 11X Market sr., south side. CAROLINA BEACH AND hOL lHPOKT. STEAMER "SYLVAN UUOVE LEAVES tor Carolina Beach daily, except Sunday, ar Jhaoa. m. p. m. and 7 p.m. Train ieaVee Beach at 12-.30 p. m., &15 p. as., anl 8 p.m. Steamer Passport RUNS A DOUBLE TRIP DAILY BETWEEN I,W.,1iD 8othport. living - - iu. ouu a p. m. Leaving i v. muington at 9:45 a. m. and 5 p. m., stopping Mr. Martin Daniels is my assistant and will boaU at 5 n rrTn ?7mwn and Natural Mineral Water. 1 ration." The various departments oi.'i me raiiuiuiiy m my eideavore to please retuinor mme evening 6aiy arc up to their usual standard of "e public " j Except Stmday! Monday. exoelUnce, Jelw ' w.m.powbll, tt -w8l ondaT. wTharper. yni Manager,

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