DUFFY'S PURE Josh. T. Jamks, Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington, N. C. TUESDAY. JUNE 25. 1889. t Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington, N.C, as second-class matter. Many New York citizens are sur prised by the figures in the report of Dr. Tracy, Chief of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. He savsthat with- The President of Princeton Col lege announced in his report at the recent commencement that dona tions to the amount of a quarter of a million dollars were received ith in the past year. Princeton College was founded in colonial times, and has been enriched by many bene factions, one of the most notable of which as made by John C. Green, when he gave $750,000 for the en dowiuent of the scientific school ;but the old college has never been more out counting the better class of flats prosperous than it is in these times. EOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL A Scientific R3medy ; not a Beveray a. It Stimulates the Circulation. It Tones up the Life. It Purifies the Blood. It gives Life and Health to Women. It Imparts Strength to Men. It is Prescribed by Physicians. It is Endorsed by the Clergy. It has been Popular for years. It is sold universally. 'SECURE ONLY THE GENUINE. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., ROCHESTER, N Y. New York has now 32,390 tene merits, in which 1,100,000 people live. The most densely populated region of the city, covered almost w holly j with tenements, lies east of Broad- way auu sontn or i4tn street, i ne remarkable pages of Dr. Tracy's re port are those in which he gives figures to show the lowness of the death rate in the tenement quarters. MISCEIjIjAjNEOUS. Humphreys Db. humihiik vs' Si'Ecmos are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years in private practice with success, and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe cific is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg lng or reducing the system, and are iu fact and deed the sovereign remedies of tlteWorld. LIST OP PRINCIPAL NOS. CURES. PRICES. 1 Fevers, Congestion, inflammation. .. .25 a Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .Ho 3 Crying Colic, or Teething of Infants .25 4 JJiarrhea. or (jnuaren or auuhs . 5 Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic. Cholera Mornus, vomiting (i v-u u K un, vmu, uiuvui.iu Neurnliria, Toothache, Faceache. Headaches, sicictieauacne, vercigo 10 Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach.. ...... 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods... 13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing. ... 14 Salt Khcnm, Erysipelas, Eruptions. 15 Rheumatism, Kheumatic Pains.... 18 Fever and Ague. Chills, Malaria IT Piles, Blind or Bleeding I a ntiivrh. Tn fin rn zji. Ooll In the Head 20 Whoopins Coush, Violent Coughs. .50 24 eneral Debility, PhysicalWeakness .50 M7 Kidney Disease ..52 28 Nervous Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed. .50 32 Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation 1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Dr. Hcmphkeys' jhavusu., (144 pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, -.nailed free. Humphreys' MedicineCo.109 Fulton St. N Y. SPECIFICS. inch 22eo& w ly nrm , UKff- ricr tkicg- t.e .. li, a ! V v t apaf? I::ythcm. IMrvvUens vr VluLiH tor 10C-:tr. AvoVnl.i oi tft 9J . - . J- - -j- r . J 1 -a iJ-.' V.UH . Tho.i KSvJ f-ur l-rctiMJ i'OCL- tjiy it-vi i.m isau- tiful colored pfc.:e; t t-inilrittfca of nearly U1 kiii.j i fo:; dsu:'i tiona of the Lr.vxLi: box tJ crpimii&i J btuus for por.hry konbos; isfniu-.tlion 1 r.Lor.t incuytortf, fc:id v aetco i- Ht ' s iroui pesit itn-i. ot i per M'Uitf, Sent far 1 l. i. s i . tt, r -a i h . . . v. r - -" w m u m m tm m . tjz If so, youncod tbo HOOK OF CAO 1 liiiJi?:?. 120 unges. IcO iilus- : ot' ail kind:-' Gt tralicUH. I reauacu t ana breeding nil How to build end stock i . i -. . j i prop t. birds. fir nlettanre their t.ura K an Aviary. AU about Pinots. Priccii ot all kinds birds, cafes, c. Mailed tf 15 I es.tf. Tho Tuiee ti.k8, 0 lb. . ASSOCIATSD FAN.Cl.E5, Sii7 South Kightu :J V:!ido.ihi. Pfl A BUSINESS EDUCATION AT Rome. For circulars, address CLARK'S COLLEGE. Erie, Pa. . Je 10 4w PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fail to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff ami h-iir falling 5Uc ana pa Bg Ht nrm je 10 n nainiiBii Resulting from the Errors of Youth, Polly, Vice, Ij norance, Ac, may be cured at home without fail t exposure. InfaflHile and Confidential. Lari Treatise, 300 pages, only $1 by mail, sealed, poetpai Small book, with endorsements of the press, Tret Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institnt or Dr. W.H.Parker, No.4 Buloucu St.,B6too3as! The orny sure CurB fjir Corns. Stops tl pam. Ensure xnfot t to thqfect. 15c. at Druggists. HiscoxgCo.,N.y tt CONSUMPTIVE fave you t;owsrh. Bronchitis; Asthma. Indigestion! Vat 'ARKER'S CINC5R TONIC. It has crec IB worst eases nn is t heoi remetW umueiiscuve nuiriuot iOKe m ume. or au ilia arising 60c. and Sl-Of 3 3 10 4W BEFORE PURCHASING Write to headq iartei-s for prices ot Threshing Machines I t&k Farmers' caunot do wit hour THK CELEBKATEI) . i WheelerVibratorv Thresher or other implements made by usi Mention this Paper. WHEELER & MELICK M'F'G CO., je 10 4w Albany, N. Y. The Cheapest. fJHB BEST PLACE AND TflE CHEAPEST Place in thecity to have all binds of TIN WORK done is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street, Nortn side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished" and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from- the country solicited. dec 7 tf In digging the foundations for a new building in Rome there was found a marble sarcophagus, bear ing the name of Crepereia Tri- phsena. with the lid still firmly fastened with rivets of iron imbed I tied in lead. Inside was the skeleton of a woman, upon which were found (a pair of gold earrings, a gold neck" i lace, a large and elegaut gold ! brooch, a thick gold ring, a ring composed of two gold circles, a long amber spiral pin, two combs of box wood, a silver box and a few other objects. . - . The Philadelphia Times says that William L. Scott is of medium height, slightly stooped and plainly dressed. He has a quick, abrupt manner, and will not parley or ar gue. This characteristic, acquired through the pressure of his multi farious business interests, is a very serioas drawback upon his political popularity. Mr. Scott, however, is said by his neighbors to be one of the most benevolent Aien in his sec tion, his purse being ever open to all legitimate demands. He is an Episcopalian in religion, and has built two or three churches for that faith, and ha also contributed largely for Catholic as well as Pro testant churches of other denomina tions than his own. A. Sound f.egal Upin on. E Bainbridte Munday, Esq , Ouuty Auy., CS ay county, Tex. says: "Have used E'ectric BittHrs with mo t happy results My brother also was very low w;tb Malarial Fver and Jaundice, but j was cun d by timely use of this niedi , cin. Am sansm'ti Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. I) I. Wilcox3on, ol Horse Cave. Ky., ndds a lke testimony, saying ; He positively believes he would have difd, bad it not been tor Electric Bit lers The great remedy will ward off. as well ascureali Malarial Diseases, and for all Kidney Liver and S'omach Dis orders stands unequaled Price 50c. and 41. at Robert R. Bellamy's whole sale and retail drug store. JUNE JOKES. On the 4th of J uly next the Society of Tammany will celebrate for the one hundred and thirteenth time, and in its usual striking manner, the birthday of our glorious Repub lic. As the grand sachem, James A. Flack, says in his circular letter, the organization has from time to time numbered among its members "the most illustrious names in the annals of our statesmanship." DeWitt Clinton, for example, is a name, of which any political body might be proud. Its present membership can be congratulated on the complete ness of their present control of New York city, the prize for which, with varying success,Tammany has stead ily fought during the past hundred years, j The recent prohibition election in Pennsylvania promises to cost a pretty penny to the tax-payers. An election expert in the Pittsburg Dispatch estimates that over $1;000, 000 have been expended in legiti mate expenses of the campaign. The printing and expressage of the tickets, done by the State, is really an inconsiderable item of the whole amount. The next question that arises in fact is being widely agita tedis who will ultimately pay for the election. As the matter stands, the counties have all paid the bills without any quibbling. Bnt the State will undoubtedly be asked to reimburse the counties. The cost of the election to Philadelphia, the banner wet county, is estimated at 99,000. j At iirst a little, hacking cough, "'Tis nothing but a cold," They sa"y, "'Twill very soon wear off." Alas, the story old ! The hectic cheek, the failing strength, The grief that cannot' save, And life's wan flame goes out, at length. In a consumptive's grave. If persons would use Dr. Pierce's Ciolden Medical Discovery when ir ritation of the lungs is indicated bv a cough, it would be an easy matter to avert consumption. Be wise in time. "The "Discovery" is guar an teed to cure in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. It is said that mermaids tie up their hair with a marine band. The crooked sixpence would never do for a straight tip. Hotel Mail. The cigarette is a miserable apol ogy for a manly pleasure. Saturday Review. There is always a suspicion of hypocrisy about people who are too good . A lexandna Gazette. Domestic skeletons are usually formed of the bones of contention. Boston Courier. Verv often the "May I?" of court ship is answered by tbe "You must" of matrimony. People who sro on larks at night do not rise with the lark in the morning. N. O. Picayune. It is very natural for an officer to be a little peppery when he musters his men. Baltimore American. "Love is a tender thing," Thus the poets sing; So when you feel you're hit Go straight and tender it. Somerville Journal. A Good Appetite Is essential to good health; but at this Reason it is often lost, owing to the poverty or impurity of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs and the weakening effect of the changing season. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite, toning the di gestion and giving strength to the whole system. Now is the time to take it. Be sure to get Hood's Sar saparilla. - Small pox is raging among the Okauagon Indians on the Pacific coast. WHY WOMEN FADE. Women lose their beauty because colds undermine their life. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption is an absolute cure for colds. Munds Bros , druggists 1 Libby prison building has disap peared entirely from sight at Rich mond, Va. Consumption Surely Cared. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will seud me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 rearl st., Newr York. There are 2,272 British soldiers of the height of six feet and upwards. Tbe Chief Rennon for the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in the article itself. It is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and ale greater than that of any other sarsapa- Maki'I Wine "a or blood puri Ivl v?ri v YT M 10 fler before the public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures jfcrpfula, ffa)$ Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, SiclC Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood' ai Ma pari I In is sold by all drug gists. 81 j sis for S5. Prepared by & ). Hood 6 Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas, jan IMyr.tl&wrirm mws ad WANTED AN INTELLIGENT, EARN est man to represent a large, responsible house in his own locality and outside of Iarce cjtles. A remunerative salary to right party Retereoces exchanged. Eldred Johnson suot." JJLE lock Box 35E5, N. Y The Robesoman, Published in Lumberton, N. c, by W. W. McDIARMID, o JS READ EVERY WEEK BY NEARLY every intelligent citizen of Robeson county and has a general circulation in ail the rounding counties, including Marion Marl. DoroandDariington in South Carolina The ROBESONIAN is now in the Eighteenth Year of prosperous and vigorous existence and is so nrmly established in the hearts or its patrons as well as a pecuniary ente rouse that business men can readily estimate as to its value to them. The advertising rates are exceedingly reasonable, considering the ace circulation, and influence of the paper Send 5 cents for specimen copy. aeptaj Superior Courts of North Carolina 18S9 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykln. Fall Judge Gilmer: Beaufon May 27th, Nov 25th. curntuck March 4th, Sept 2d. Camden March llth. Sept Jth. Pasquotank March 18th, June 10th, Sept 16th Perquimans March 25th, Sept 23d. Chowan April 1st, Sept ot h. Gates AprU 8th, Oct 7th. Hertford April 15tn, June 17th, Oct. Uth. Washington April 22d. Oct. 21st. Tyrrell April 20th. Oct. 29th. Dare May tfth, Nov. 4th. Hyde May 13th, Nov. llth. Pamlico May 20th, Nov. 18th. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. SpriDg-Judge MacRae. .Fan judge BoyKin. Halifax March 4th, May i3rh, Nov. llth. Northampton April 1st, Sept. 30th. Bertie April 29th, Oct. 28th. Craven May 27th, Nov. 25th. Warren March 18th, Sept. 16th. Edgecombe April 15th, Oct. Hth. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Fall Judge MacRae. Pitt March 18th. June 10th, Sept. loth. Franklin April 15th, Nov. llth. Wilson June 3d, Oct. 28th Vance May 20th, Oct. Hth. Martin March 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec. 2d. Greene April 1st, Sept. 30th, Nash April 29th, Nov. 18th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Wake Feb. 25th. March 25tu, April 22d, July 8tn, Aug. 26th, sept. 23d, Oct. 21st. Wayne March llth, April 15th, Sept. 9th, uct. in. Harnett Aug. 5th, Nov. 25th. Johnson Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge Graves. Durham March 25th. June 3d, Oct. 14th. Gran ville April 23d, Sept.. 9th, Nov. 25th. Chatham May 6th. Sept. 30th. Gulllord Feb. 18th, May 27th, Aug. 2Cth, Dec ytn. Alamance March 4th, May 20th, Sept. 23d. Orange March 8th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4th. Caswell April 8th, Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. Person April 15th, Aug" 19th, Nov. 18th SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judge Pender May 6th, Sept. 9th. New Hanover April 15th, Sept. 23d. Lenoir Aug. 19th, Nov. llth. Duplin Sept. 2d, Nov. 25th. Sampson-Feb. 25th, April 29th, Oct 7fch, uec. atn. Carteret March 18th, Oct. 21st. Jones March 25th, Oct. 2th. Onslow April 1st. Nov. 4th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. FallJudge Shipp. .'vnijon April jjytn, ssepi. aa. jnov. asm. Cumberland May 6th, July 22d, Nov. llth. Columbus April 1st, July 29th. Robeson May 80th, Aug. 19th, Sept. 30th. RlchmondJune 3d, Sept 15th, Dec. 2d. Bladen March 18th. Oct. Hth. Brunswick April 8th, Sept. 9th. iMoore April 15th. Aug. 12th, Oct. 21st. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge Merrimon. uaDarrus Apni 29tn, oct. 28tn. Iredell May 20th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4th. Rowan May 6th, Aug. 19th, Nov 18th. Davidson March 4th, June 3d, Sept. 2d, AO. Randolph March 18th, sept. I9lh. Montgomery April 1st, Sept. 30th. staniy April 8tn, oct. Htn. MISCELLANEOUS. An Important Announcement About six weeks ago. while at business, I was suddenly attacked with excruciating pains in my feet, knees and hands. So severe the attack that I took my bed immediately, and in two or three days my joints were swollen to almost double their natural size, and sleep was driven from me. After suffer ing the most excruciating pain for a week, using liniments and various other remedies, a mend who sympathized with my helpless condition, said to me : "Why don't you get Swift's Specific and use it. I will guarantee a cure, and If it does not the medicine shall cost you nothing. I at once secured the S. 8. Sv, and after using it the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the room, asd after using six bottles I was out and able to go to business. Since then I -have been pegalarly at my peat of duty, and stand en my feet from nine to ten noujs a uay, ana am entirely iree zroin These are the plain and simple tacts wHi cheerfully answer all p m person or Lin. in mv case, and I ina uiries relative thereto, either bv mail. Thomas Markillib. 11 W. 18th street, New York City. Nashville, Tana. I nave warded off a se vere attack of rheumatism by a tiatelpresort to Swift's Specific. In aH eases where a per manent relief s sought this medicine com mends itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly easdleates the seeds of dis ease from the system. Rev. W. P. HabxXSOK, D, D. New Yobs, 51 7th Ave. After spending $300 to be relieved of Blood Poison without any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific worked a perfect cure. C. Pobteb. Vienna, Ga. My little girl, aged six, and boy, aged four years, had scrofula in the worst aggravated shape. They were puny and sickly. To-day they are healthy and ro bust, all the result of taking s. s. S. job T. Collihr, Lady Lake, SttMTEX Co., Fla. Your S. 3. 8. has proved a wonderful success in my case. The cancer on my face, no doubt, would have soon hurried me to my grave. 1 do think it is wonderful, and has no equal. B. H. Byrd, Postmaster. Waco, Texas, May 9, 1888. 6. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. : Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate voluntary testimenials, we take pleasure in stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Her trouble was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. Three books mailed free on application All druggists sell S. S. S. Thk Swift Specific Co., .Drawer 3, Atlanta Ga. Jlew York,?56 Broadway nov 26 law lydo on sat MEN: NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Philips. Fall Judge Rockingham July 22d, Nov. 4th. Forsyth May 20th, Oct. 21st. x aoKin ireD. lotn, sept. 33d. Wilkes March 4th, April 29th, Sept. 9th. Alleghany March 18th, Sept. 3d. Davie April 1st, Oct. 7th. Stokes April 15th, Aug. 5th, Nov. llth. Surry April 22d, Aug. 19th. Nov. 18th. TENTH JUDICIAL DI8THICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Philips. iicuuciduu jui) i;lu. Burke March 4th, Aug. 5th. Caldwell March 18th, Sept. 2d. Ashe March 25th, May 27th, Aug. 19th Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug. 29th. Mitchell April 15tb, Sept. 9th. Yancey April 29th, Sept. 23d. McDowell May 13th, Oct. 7th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT) Spring Judge Claw. . Fall .Judge Connor. vxawiwuu duty ioui. Alexander July 29th. Union Sept. loth. Mecklenburg Feb. 35th, Aug. 20th. Gaston March 18th, Oct. 7th. Lincoln April 1st, Sept. 30tn. Cleveland April 8th, Aug. 5th, Oct. 21st. Rutherford April 22d, Oct. 28th Polk-Mayeth, Nov. nth. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Gilmer. Fail Judge Clark. Madison Feb. 25th. Julv 29t,h. Nov. iBMt. Buncombe March llth, June 17th, Aug.l2th, Transylvania-April 1st, sepr, 2d. Haywood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson April 32d, Sept. 23d. Macon May 6th, Sept. 30th. Clay May 13th, Oct. 7th. Cherokee May 20th, Oct. 14th. Graham -June 3d, Oct. 28th. Swain June 10th, Nov. 4th. 0 INTEREST Manly Visor. Wcakncps or Loss of Memorv nei toanentiy restored by the r.sc of an entirely nei nriedy, Tlie Yei ba Saiita from Spain.- Spuo h Trochees never fail. Our illustrated. 32t3sre bool d testimonials, (sent sealed). Every man fehcnJI ad it. VON GRABF TliOCHEE ( O;, t ? ' Who are Wen Jc, Nervous and De bilitated and suffering from Ner vous Debility Seminal Weakness Xiahllv Emissions, and all the ef Ll'ect8 ot" early Roil Habits, which lead toPremalnre Decav. Consump tion or Insanlsy, send for Pears' Treatise on Diseases of Man, with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. No cure no pan. J. S. PEARS.613and 614 Church st..Nasliilie.Tenn oct ly a d&w FOR MEN ONLY R PfKlTIVT For LOST or f AILING HANHWS H rtiai lilt General and NERVOUS DEBILIT1 nYT"? "E Weakness of Body and Mind: Effec w - of Errors or Excesses in Old or Youri Robust, Noble MANHOOD fullr Kestnred. Hot to Enlarge a) Strengthen WKAK, I Xi'KVM.OPKI) ORGANS A PARTS of SOU AbsollitelT unfailhi HOME TREATMENT ReneSts In a d Hen test irj- from 47 States, Territories, and Foreign Pountr!.' 1 on earn write them. Rook, fall explanation, and proofs mail scaled) free. AtMresa RfE MEDICAL 60.. BUFFALO. N. apl 11 eod&w ly RICHLY lie warded are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable eniDloy- ment that will not talec them from tnelr homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every industrirus person, many nae made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make $5 and upward per day, who is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everytnlng new. No special ibility required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, wnich we mall free. Address Stinson & Co.. Portland. Maine. nov 22 d6mwly INVENTION"sf ftl T AalAl Vlualfcentury Not among the wonders of inventive nrooress is method and system of work that cn i be per formed all over the country withou , separa- erai; any one can ao tneir work; either sex. young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to juu, ina i wm siarx you in Dusmess. wnich will bring you In more money right away,tj?ap auytning eise in tne world. Grand ovtjv Address Truk & Co., August Yai nov 22 6md lyw On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes J1RY CARBONATE OF LIME, MIXED WITH K MNI1 RE ULTS ASTONISHING. The National kite ANC- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Addre? ;feench BROS.. Rock v Point N.C. C. O. P. COTTONSEED LARD, ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. Warranted Free from HogFat puns, WHOLESOME, ECONOMICAL. jfui aa.iv uy au urqeers. Send for Illustrate Phamftkln. . -. , , "Some Tblpgg Abowt Lard." TflRjCOTTON (Ilk PKODUCTSCO Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili ties - - - - None. HOI? ATI O BROWNING, President. 2 SAMUEL NORMINT, Treasurer. OEOROM D. HIDGK, Secretary, Manager an., actuary. GKO. J. KASTERDAY, Ags't Secretary. JFor Sale by Holmes & Waiters .t n m Jno. L. Boatwright; Bfldgeri lnkln W Qlameyer Kuck, Wm. Oterson ian 10 eod rUK8Ui1 Agent, jan iu eod 2m Wilmington, N.C Clean BiLUfHealthT rjiHBRE HAS BBEN NO DISEASE WHAT- Kespectmily, . C. OBRKLt, WIUUNOTON, N. c, April 1 fa NEW 10RK. ZZLlfe Insurance at Absolute Cost. An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Aee Annual Cost Absolutely Limited, only Four Payments per Year Non Forfeitable After Three Years; P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D. Medical Director: W H. GIBSON. Special AtmnV. uirecrori Home Office, Central National Bank Buildine Washington, D. C. "s' John uaak, Jr., Local Agent taH Wilmington, N. c. "STOKLEY'S?' JWk AKK NOW J'1E- gflV pared to accommodate all who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters to be had on the Coast. We havp made sneWa DreDaratioriK r.ir th c,,, maut pccia mw n-nfrmt. Myrtle Grove, Middle aijd Stump Souiid Oysters oct lutf Wilghtsvllie. ;MI8CELLANEotjS. iffri,;'r.u ... . - -. ., Pre.ssi0, 'T . , . vvvvuui ii-m-i inr T in ilk. . 1 '"-IJ 1 1 , V. f r..... . 1 - - . . . - 1 : .. than th,s article. Pnt upm l tie, pimple pakafjes in voxeSmft ('ut l" t oy mail to any addresa on rti-t irt J'TMx " ;n stampc. The remilnrl iom,! T h) 7Pt by mail. MEXICAN MEDfiTv!?,l !00 North 3d St., Philadelphia P. & UNb' IRD MANNAi fie frrsiic secrec ot cue canarv hir,i i ot KrtlfarM Mountains l gL, Manna wi 1 ; restore the song of cafohu feir prevent their ailments and mV a;oa conuuion. ji given to a bini .1 .,c the reason of shedding feathers itw ii; m,s cases carry the little musician thmni1" critical pcrsr.ci witluuit loss of son- S iail on reee.pt of 15 cts. in staw, pi ''J 'OOD CO., 400 Nl 3rd St. PhdSLi?? e9Se mention this paper. mM epttU tfa a Wl Mi l Ai raBf w mm Ml I'll Sewlnc-JMIaeljiapi trade in alt pans. h I blaonir our ihi hi,, -I - ',- . ' a a ... thpm u. .;ii..r, riv can ,m -i ""i scna ir... pewon in each localftfrkl Wo &MaS lina of our costly and iC0?f,1 snow vvnat wc seurt lVk-r' may call at your hwM months a U shall ...,ntf property. Thi, iZTJL mle after the filiTL" which liavc run out ; EafoJZS run out it sold for ful machine in the woricTiTt; free, ho can tni -:. t? M tef inatructions friven. Those who write te us at m... eat Unof works of high art ever shown togeihi IfcUE ds CO., Box. AmiSuSS dec 10 em d&w; ADVERTISERS Can learn the exapt cost of any proposjd line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New Ycrlc. Send JOets. for tOO-parre I 'amhlif 25th Annual Session, THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION of Misses Burr & James' School will com mence on Thursday, Oct, ith, at St. John's, Chapel, on Third, between Ked Cross and Campbell streets, where it has been located for the past two years. The street care run ning en Ked Cross, a few yards from the bulg ing, can cover any objection to distance, i well ventilated schoolroom, pleasant play ground, good cistern of water and retired sit uation make It more desirable than more central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, will spare no effort for the advancement of the pupils kind ly entrusted to their care, giving individual attention to each, and ruling with firm tot loving discipline. Their many graduates, some of them not occupying the position of teachers, testify to their success. As always stated in their cfr culars, scholars received only for the session, no deduction VeingmarJe except in cases & protracted sickness. Those entering after ( tober charged only from date of entrance. . MUSICAL INSTRUCTION given by Mrs. M, S. Cushlng, whose life-long devotion to the science and long experience in teaching, should be a guarantee for her ability. Vocal music, Calisthenics and Free Hart Drawing, free of charge, daily exercises. Instruction in Needle-Work of all kinds. I so free of charge, given weekly. For further particulars apply to sept 18 THE PRINCIPALS Homes in North Carolina Onlv 20 flours Ride from New York I 69MilesoutiiofKa)ei?l) Oa the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Ltae 8 1 500 ACBSS oy IAND 01 THE m leaf pfce redo. For sale on eaat tt1 lots to suit purchasers. Four acres m Larger tracts 5 per acre, in monUi pu mentsoftlO. This land adjoins the J am Pines", a recently 8tabllshed IfS aort (or sanitarium), and is BPeJ. "2K for irruit Culture, as wen as " ' iff A 11 lots number of New Hngland people ihave MJJJ a in the tow of "Southern rWJ is me aeeire or inc qwntiL' u. 7, chanics - --; from th Now ttr.ffland and Middle o" dtice small farmers, nicer it ti hnv. no ok- - the Union oflbra greater lBjL" a tiera than North Carolina. ""sLit s better farming country or as S found. ThishVthc opinion of Jirtl L 1M who have seUlei In North Carolina. bonafldt offer, and la limited For further particulars write at onee Commle'T o ian-;i tf or 'hronlcle Off'' Don't Delay. QENP OUK BROKEN OR CJ ... , wumjtiyu1 and I win repair it nlture to me : ai low prices. tKla ffar an 1 propose to make my living this x(f) will do the work well and will nw tW much for doing It, Call and see wm K repairs I have already made. I rsis' pair Sewing Machines. Musical in riullJ fee, as won as Furniture. -"'"U aira. give estimates or probable cost o Come and see me. wawraB. tux-- Oct 29 No. Carolina House, tt p nnirflr Princess and .second - iiTTii a - m TT A S BEEN RE F ITTJii' ,i utaur, 11 rnt,a nn T.nwp.h KOOm Tr ill' The finest Wines, Whiskej y Xbe oa. waysbnhand, Bjfflg&fcse week;or monrn. xiew yjy got a OCt 27 Corner