. tots mm . PLZJLS2 IT0TIC3, . ' We will be clad to rectlva tTrrv.?t:e r. " rrom our menca ca any aaa an rutjecta general uiterest, but " 7" The name of the writer must always be far; nished to the JE2ltcr. j . cotimvri&UBka must be written ou but .. mootn, 35 cents. m0n ' deuveredty carriers, tree tl iu one side of the pa jer. Personalities xaust be ftYClfleo, 7.: fl r part of me city, at the above jr?. week. Ana it is especially' ana particularly Chder stood that t.r TMltftr dm .itfut. mw.- hi rates ju - - please report any and xi r i. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. JULY 6, 1889. NO 158. he views of corresponoents oniess so stated in the editorial columnii 7 . 1 the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE and NUTRITlOUBdUlOE PIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined tb themecucin virtues ol WXZ?JZ. m05t beneticiai iu u svstem, iormrag au agiswwK nently cure naDuuai pation, and me many -u pending on a weak or Inactive condition of the IIDHHS.UHEBUD BOWELS. It is the itost excellent remedy known to CllAlM THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Whei one is Bilious or Constipated 'SO THAT fUSIELOOD, refreshiiio sleep, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every xme is using' it and all are delighted with it. ' . ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MAMUFAOTURCO ONLY BY CALIFORNI A FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. VWMVllLE. KY. HEW YORK. N. V' Forsale'by ; ROiSBUT It. HBLIiAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch $ lydiw Wilmington, N. C. B. Ik D. (Botanic, Blood ISalm.) If rou try this remedy you will say as many hers have said, that It 13 the best bipod pu- aer and tonic. Write mood Balm Co., At- inta, Gx. for hook of convincing testimony 1'. Davis, Atlanta, Ga..(West End).writes u consider that B. B. B. has permanently tared me of rheumatism and sciatica." . R. K. Sauiter, Athens, G a., says: "BB.B, hired me of an ulcer that had resisted all oth treatment" i , E.G. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes: 7 mother and sister Had ulcerated sore flat and scrofula 1$ B. B. cured them." Joseph F. Sponcler, Newman, Ga., wTltes: B. b; entirely cured me of rheumatism In irsnomaers. i usa six Dotues.7 his. Reiniiardt. No. 2038 Fountain street itimore. Md.. writes: "I suffered with fMns piles two years, and am glad to say one oouie of B. B. B. cured me." W. J. Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., writes: "B. B. B. Is met rare for catarrh. Three bottles cured I had boon troubled several Tears." W Smut. Atlanta, Ga., says: "One bottle of t u. romnieteiv cured mv cniia or eczema." A. Pepper, Fredonla, Ala., writes: "B. B.nrca my mother or ulcerated sore hmes C. Munds, Agt , L'Lt LINE OF, PURE DRUGS AND icals PhTSlclans' Pwr1rt,1ons n. stw- M". Fancy and Toilet Articles In great va f7. Artesian well Mineral' Water: come in V. ATKINSON. rTesldcnt. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. ton Savings &'. Trust Ca, iit 3:5 Maey on satisfactory security, K' '"West On Denoslts. ts pmnowprftrt tn rurc Trusls of all kinds . - mch 29 tf - ?ork& WilminloD Steamship (3o PIER 39, EAST RIVER NEW YORK borireen Chambers i&na Roosevelt sts. tso-ciock. p.Mr VVPti : fS'ttnrH'iv Tnl- R veanesaay, jujy iu -Saturday, July l3 Wednesday, July 17 AtTbH.;;;;;;; I ntOX WILMINGTON- ...Friday. July 13 teEE:.; ftToit. 7.7.7. .Tuesday, July 16 tTiaay, juty Tuesday, juiy iSaSJ?,11 Laoins and Lowest Thro .SfSvl!0 frPm points In North r0rStSns&Ve unsurPassed passen- ,co- Ge1 Agents. and iln-micali M-icles, patent medicines. Crace, s. Trusses, etc., etc. Preacri Wons aidayornlghtat MILLER'S, INDEX TO NKW ADTSRTISKJflNTS ' B P Pinny Clothing- A Pebky Livery stabbles Muxds Bbos Pharmacists J J iikdrick White Goods W M Ctjmming Mattresses . P T Dicjesky Atlantic Cafe Taylor's Bazjjlr a Letter OtebaHocsk Little Tycoon J W II arper Carolina Beach E W Man siki Atlantic View Mrs Winslow soothing Syrup KM McIntire French Sateens Hedrice Parisian Outing Cloths . Bbaddy & gaylord Racket store "i ": " ' - - j For other locals see fourth page. Day's length 14 hours and 30 mini utes. . ' ' A' Sunset to morrow afternoon at 19 minutes past 7 o'clock. Bring in chickens and eggs and all kinds of produce for next week. "' ' ' . N .1 .1111 l, I.I II Church cushions made to order by W. M. Gumming, opp. City Hallv t See advertisements of W.M. Cum- ming, manuracturer or mattresses, t Bring in, send in, or in some way get in wood from the country to this city.-' v- --5-:- ' - . For fishing lines, leads,bobs, poles and hooks of all kinds go to the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. Rev. F. D. Swindell's appoint ment for quarterly meeting to mor row is at South port. . : ' Lawn rakes of the latest nd most improved patent. For .sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co ' t ; Canteloupes are coming in a little more rreeiy. rne aeaiers asK io cents for the best. Mosquito bars, a new and conven ient kind, for sale by W. M. Cum ming, opposite City Hall. t Mattresses Renovated and made to order into two. sections by, W. M. dimming, opposite City Hall. t -There is economy in building barb wire fences and in buying your wire from the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t TheCliarlotte News predicts that a large crowd of Charlottese will at tend the Encampment next wek. There was but one interment this week in Oakdale, and none in Belle vue. Pine Forest has not reported We can make you comfortable for $1.00 by supplying yqu with the Ironclad Oil Stove. Jacobi Hdw Co. . t Prayer and experience meeting at the Seamen's Bethel this evening at 8.15 o'clock, of business and work" ingiuen. v Rev. Mr. Coerr, Rectov of St. Mark's Church, has returned to the city an will conduct the services in his church to morrow. Distress after eating, heartburn, sick headache and indigestion are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It also creates a good appetite. ; a pienny oi cars ior tne accoui' modation of visitors to the Encamp ment' at .Wrightsville, Hammocks and Ocean View will pe put on next weeK, ' . ! . painters, save money by buying your .white lead, ready mixed paints; varnishes and brushes from the !f; Jacqbi IJd--. Op. ThpY 8e none but the best. ' " Services in St. John's Churcli to urorrow: Litany and Hply Com inunion at U a, m. There will be $er.vice for. the Wilmington Light Infantry at 6 p. iu. Enamoline, the best stove polish in the market. No ust, no mixing necessary. Use like shoe blacking. Every housekeeper should try it. For sale by the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Fill up the holes in the sidewalk that become puddles ot yater dur- ing rainy seasons, oi.wuiou mere i one on he'ljforth' and one on the Soath 'side of, Chestnut, : bet ween Second'and Third street, and ori Chestnut near its intersection with Sixth. -. - - - llefxeslilnff and Iuvlgoratlug Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificent new soda fountain at a temperature of 843. Purest Fruit Syrup,Milk Shakes and Jftitural Mineral Water. Shirts, we have got them by the nijllipn. wade by good and skilful hand; oome and see us, we can save you over fifty five , per cent. We'll not charge jon fancy, prices, treat you well.-don't te afraid.therefore come and patronize; us money sav : ed is monev made.' at the Wilming ton ShirtFactory, 123 Market street. Hon. C, W. McClammy was in the city yesterday for a short time on his return home from Burgaw. Capt. Manning's house at Atlantic View, at Wrightsville, is open ' dur ing Encampment, as at other timesi See ad. ' . I ? . .i - The Register of Deeds has issued marriage licenses during the week to two white and - three colored couples. i - - A gentleman who was at Bnrgaw on the Fourth says that the whole country side is talking about com ing down to see us next week. i Capt. V. V. Richardson, of Column bus county, was in ,the , city to-day and says that he will surely be with the boys of the bloody Eighteenth on Thursday next! Col. Fred A. Olds received a dis patch: last nigtjt ; from Fortress Monroe, saying that - two sergeants of the U. S. Artillery would be sent here to instruct the troops in artiKv lery drill during the Encampment. For the first time in 13 days we have had some fair weather. The moon quartered this niorning and the change in the weather was fore told. We lost our old straw hat on the Fourth but we have got in one day ahead of the Messenger. Capt. P. T. Dicksey has become sole proprietor of the Atlantic Cafe, at Switchback station, on the South side. J He keeps the best of every thing there and in a card published in this issue solicts the patronage of the public. I Services at St. 'Paul's Episcopal Church to morrow at 11- a. m. and 8:15 p. m. . Evening sermon on the text: ! "For whosoever will save his life, shall lose jit, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it.'V Seats free at all services. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mr. A. Perry's livery, sale and ex change stables on North Front street! near Mulberry, have just re ceived several more fine saddle and buggy horses, Which are for hire. Mr. Perry has good, clean, healhty stables and is prepared to board horses by the day, week or month. i : i ii ' i m ii i ' "- St. Mark's Cliurcl. Tlie Litanv will be said, and the Holy Eucharist celebrated at 11 a. in. tomorrow by the rector. The Sunday school will meet at $:30 p m., and evening prayer will be said at 6 o'clock, " "" i - 7 Suuiier Homsby the Sea. Quite a number of building lots at-Carolina Beach have been pur chased by private parties desiroui of erecting residences. Messrs. W, A. French, H, A. Kure, D. McEach ern and W. H. Yopp, among others, have buildings either completed or iu course of j construction.. The Beach Company are selling lots to actual settlers for quite nominal prices in order to places-Summer homes within the reach of desirably residents at very smalt aost. , i ' Cle Fear Lodge I. O. O. F. ! At the regular meeting of ' Cape Fear Lodge the following officers were installed: . V B. (i John TJl; Bellamy, N. G. R. B. Clowe, V. (i. James L. Yopp, Wv Rev. M. C. Walton, C, Rev. R. C, eaman. Chaplain, , Rev. W. S. Creasy, R, S. to 1. Q, J. W. Fleet, L. S. to N. G, 4os, Ii, Smith, R.. S, to yJ q. Jasper j Pratt, 7U S, tOjV. G. Marcus Jacobi,R, S, S, Louis Hanby. L. S, S. Mv T.Davis,!. GVE. P. Boat wright, O. G. W.'M. Hays. ; . Tlie Little Tycoons. - f The Wilmington Amateurs will present their charming piece ft thft Opera Hpuse. in city on next Friday nignt, for the benefit of the Armpry Fund of the -Wilmington Light Infantry.' : It will b.a pjesenti ed with new attractions, new cot" tutne and a grand chorus, and we have no hesitation in asserting that there will be a rush for tickets. The price is very reasonabje-r-Qnly 5Q cents and nq etr charge ! for re served seats. The box sheet will be open, at Heiusberger's and also a,t the Island Beach Hotel qq Wednes day next tUe lQth Inst, f : 7- I - An Oflfentlve llMn 7 7 is most distressing, not only j to the person afflicted if he have any pride, hut to those with whom he comes in n.on tact. - It is a delicate matter to speak of, but it has parted friends and lovers, uau ureaiu uuu ciiiurru are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy q,ures the worst cases as thousands can testify. - - ...'. - -' -" . '' - . ": ' 7- - - . ' " 0 . Progress. . 1 It is very important in this age of vast material progress' that a reme' dy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its na ture and effects. Possession these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxative and1 most gentle diuretic known. 1 Duplin Connty Vets. I A county Confederate Veterans' Association for Duplin county, -was organized at Kenansville on the 4th inst, by "electing the following of ficers, -viz !-Rev, Julian P. Faison, President; Wui. A; Moore; Vice "Pres ident; Beuj. F. Grady, i Secretary! 7 Executive Committee Win, j D. B radshaw. B. B. Carr, W. H . Win ders', Jas. H. Carr, Thad Jones, Sr. ' The officers will meet at - Kenans ville on the 6th day of August next. : . TIae Accidentn the CiC K.K. The aecident on the C. C. R. at the "Pinehgut" filling, does R. not interfere with the. moving . of the trains. A transfer is : made, there and the passenger trains arrive and depart as usual. None but-the fire man was hurt and he was scalded, nut. not. Rfirinns v. hv Thft -psanliifir steam.as the engine went down into the cut. Six box cars were badly L smashed. Col. Jones is now at the wreck with a working force and he track will probably be clear and open for trains on Monday. "Pinch gut" is about three miles this side of Polkton. " " . Encampment Nots. The Light Infantry had full dress parade and inspection last night. Tha company turned out with forty five men in ranks, and the inspec tion by the commanding , officer, Captain John H. Daniel, shows that the men take a laudable pride, J in very thing that pertains to the "sol di r and will well sustain the good record of the corps at the Encamp - ment. The members were ordered to report at tne armory at 4 p. ni. Tuesday for" the camp at Wrights ville. - (".,.7 j The Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry will be the first com pany to go into camp. It will arrive here Tuesday morning. .The other companies of the State Guard will arrive here Tuesday af ternoon, at 5 o'clock, by special trains on the Wilmington & Weldon and Carolina Central Railroads. and will go through to the encamp- nenjt grounds at Wrightsville with ont delay. Twenty three coaches on the Wil mington & Weldon railroad and eighteen on the Carolina Central, will be required to transport the troops to the Encampment. The Veterans at Burgaw. The Confederate Veterans met yesterday in the Court House at Burgaw.and there was a big crowd present. - The Pender County Vet elans' Association was organized, with Dr. J. Powers as President, Dr. R. T. Saunders as Secretary, J. P. Stringfield, Assistant Secretary; Dr. J. C7 Shephard, Treasurer.. A Vice President was named for each township as follows: Union, WL, Rivenbark; Long Creek; A. J. Mc Intire; Grant, T. H. King; Rocky Point, D. H. Armstrong; Burgaw, Rj N. Blood worth; Columbia, A. C, Ward; Holly, J. W.Rowe; Caswell, J, R; Hawes; Grandy, J. P.Richards; Caintuek, A. Moore. Ex. Commitee, John Warper, T. H. W. Mclntire,- A: E. McNeill, Robert , Rivenbark and G. F. Walker.' Ladies recommended to the State Association, Mrs. K. B I Powers R T. SAimders. 1 A committee was , appointed to solicit subscriptions for the proposed Soldiers' Home, or sqoh other meas tiro as may be prepared and adopt ed for the benefit of indigent sol diers, and the sum of $ 150 was soon subscribed. , j Hon. C. W. McClammy was pres ent and mad a splendid speech, one jf iihe very best of his best, it is said. He was presented by Mr. Geo. A. Ramsey. - , r " AdvUto Mother). Mbs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are entting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the 1 little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme - dy for diarrluBa, whether arising from . teetliing or- oth-r causes. Twenty five cents a bottle., July 6 deod&wly . NEW A DV EKTI8 EM ENTS WHEW ITSTOPG RAirJIHG I WILL REMOVE TO THE BUILDING AT 17 PrinceoG Ct.- Between the Bank of New Hanover and the Star Office Respectfully, Hurrali for the We sold this Fourth" the sold in w llmmgton tor a nauonal holiday, and now all of our energies are bent on supplying the people of this city and their thousands of guests with supplies for the En-, campmen t This, as everybody Jcnowsi opens next Tues day at Wrightsville. ' ' ' 'v-;'.' - . Our customers , will please send in .tii'eir borders as early as they can make it convenient to do so. We always make prompt deliveries but it helps a heap when orders are' in ahead and not deferred until the last moment. Remember that Portner leads theworld, and Tivbli and Vienna Cabinet Eoo?o ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. . . Agent iy 5 tf Industrial Manufacturing Company. A meeting of the Industrial; Man-" ufacturing company! was held last night in the City Hall. The requis ite number of shares being repre sented the meeting proceeded to business by calling Mr. John D. Bel lamy, Jr., to the chair and request ing Mr. A. J. Howell, Jr., to act as secretary. The selection of officers at the meeting previously held was confirmed.; At a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors, Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr, , was.elected 1 p resident and Mr, E. F. Johnson, secretary and treasurer and manager of the company, Capt. John L. Boat wright was elected vice-president. i ; Committees were appointed! to draught by-laws to fix the amount of bond of the treasurer and for other purposes, and the board ad journed subject to call. j Two hundred and thirty tn?ee shares of the capital stock have, been subscribed for, and the subscription books are still open at the office of the secretary, Mr. E. F. Johnson, on North Water street," where f also the first installments on stock will be received next Saturday. j NEW ADVERTI 8 EM ENTS. I h e At I antic Cafe QN WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, ATSWITCH back Station, IWest of railroad track, la the Only place on the Beach where a man can get a drink of good WHISKEY. We also keep a full line Of BKEK, WINES, CIGARS. &C. A call Is respectfully solicited, jy 6 lw P. T. DICKSEY, Prop. A. Perry'i JIVERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STA- bles have lust been supplied with several fine saddle and buggy Horses. Board for Horses by the day, week or month at living prices. Give me a can. carriages always on hand'. North Front St. (Taylor's old stand.) jyenn FOR THE BENEFIT OF , i Armory Fund of Wil. Light Infryi Friday Night, July 12h. New Costumes. Grand, Chorus.1 Reserved seats can be procured at Helns berger's July 10th, '89. 7 I. :,' " ! . '. ' - - ' . ' . . -lj ':' ' .. i- f ' - - . . General Admission, - - 50c, NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RESERVED, SEATS. , ' Excuisioa ticketa from Wrightsville and the Hammocks and return, including admls- ' on to the Operi House, 75c ) v Reserved seats can be procurea at the IsUuul uh Hotel on WW the loth j . -7 jnstant. : - - . jyt4: ELITTL TY600N. N KT5T AOVJEHTISCriEIITO. Manufacturer and Renovator of Mattresses. Encampmeiit ! largest amount of BEER ever 7.Tn Tier It Portner Urewloc: Company ATLANTIC VIEW, wiuoirrsYiixE, n. c rTflJB SOLDIER" BOYS ARE COMING AND the girls are happy, Board during Encampment week " ' Only 02 Per Day. EI. WILSON MANNING, Proprietor. Jye t Pine Applo Ice, v JIME-ADE, FROM A MAGNIFICENT LOT of Limes Just received from New York. Call in and see our handsome soda Foun tain. - - , i MUNDS.BROTHERS, Jygtf c-:- , KHN.rrontSt. Carolina Beach. STEAMERS SYLVAN GROVE AND PASS PORT leave dally, Sundays and Mondays excepted, as follows for Carolina Beach and Soutnport: For Carolina Beach at &30 a. m., 20 p. m., 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. Trains returning, leave Carolina Beach at 7:30 a. m.. 12J0 p. m., 6.15 p.m. and 8 p.m. - .-- : For Southport, leave at fti5 a. m. and S p. m. Returning, leave Southport at. 850 a. m. and 2 p. m. . - : . . - - . - - -Tickets by boats leaving at 5 p. m. and 7 p. m. , gooa to return same day only, 25 cents. Carolina Beach being situated upwards of 10 miles from any channel or inlet calculated to produce dangerous currents, the most "in experienced can safely enjoy . the, pleasures of surf bathing by s simply observing the plain rules of prudence and common sense, . New still-water bathing-houses, supplied with ocean water for ladles and children, are now open with- polite female attendants tn waiting. f Fresh fish of all kinds can also always be Wharf between Market and Princess 8tft - JOHN-W. HARPER; Jy 6 tf nac General Manager. Ail i ; ACQ cBUiiiiA 1 rJILLirJERY, STRAW GOODS. flatting, CARPETS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES Undervoar, ' Glassware, Tinware, ;; NotionSjFeatliorDaotoro, . OIL 0L0TH. ' ' - f Everything you need may be found there at - VERY LOW PRICES. - Racket Ctoro,' 11T S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, H , CL, BRADDY 6 GAYLORD, - lUtOPmETOR3. 1 Haadauartrs, ewTork. , tsyutttAt J Sign of the blue awmng. - ii