WEAK WOMEN. Vhy ace they TYealc and Can they Be come as Healthy and Vigorous Men? Valuable Sneffesttons on the Subject, ittha uroiicAn Rj-inoro OftTriAn' New York. recently, fire women, for six 4laysxin succes-1 cles and at the end of that time were well and st ron". Thl3 proves conclusively that women have strength and endurance joften equal to men. Why, then, are ttey calha weak r? ce? j Because they make 'little effort to secure , nncrth or retn it after it has been secured.' woatnpasosRnd'whv? Because-they do not observe the laws of health and keep their twKoo aa thnv miiid . fiwMr. tilood becomes thin and beats slowly, it should be stimulated to strong and healthy action. Cosmetics win not do tbis. nostrums cannot, but pure whis- key.takenasamemcine. society reiurmn ijxilu f,,F w" XJ.Voii pingexpemuon, wiu tt,ll0"""w. Nature will oe assisieu, .J""" ; YH breaking down It will ce imeu uver. urnu ii can recuperate, "the weary woman wno is beset by work ana cares wiu ao me . same thin- she. too. will be helped. Anything that assists nature helps to bring health. The importance ot using only pure whiskey cannot be too strongly urged, but there is lit tle crood and pure whiskey to be had. The only safe one to take is Duffy's. It is a Pure Malt Whiskey, free from all impurities, and has been used by the most prominent men and women in America ror years. Jt ls.recom mpnnod bv the leadlne Dhvslclans. chemists. clergymen and It merits the great popularity It has. MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS' YETERIH ARY SPECIFICS Per Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTBY.- 000 Paare Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Stent Free. cubes ( Fevers, Conrtien,- Inflsmmotlon, A. A. J Soinal Bf eniniritls AUIk Fever. B.B.Scrains, Lameness, Bheamatiiioi C. C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D. Bots or Grnbs Worms. E. E. Coughs. Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F. Colic pr Gripes, Bellyache. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. jr.K..Diseasea of Digestion. Nt&hln rnin. with Srlflr. MAhn.l. Witch Hazel Oil and Medicator, 97.0 Price, Single Bottle (over 50doseV - 6 8 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on neceipt of Pries. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. f(B0U0?AHQ0 SPECIFIC Ho In uh SO years. The only art ttjesafal remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration f rom orer-work or etfaaroanses. 1 1 perTiaL or6 vials and large rial powder, for 9&. 6oU) B T DBUaGI8T8, or sent poetpald on reoeipt of price. WMpkrej lUdlcUa U., 1W i'toa Bt,, S. X. mch 2eo w ly.nrm - - ''- " lot nirjy ail k'.isi cf ici-. u.;,tl.r;v. J . clr.na lor rKiLrir b;r.ris:. u;u.aitioa 'fi t r.iut ji'.cul roH bv-t str fl . If so. syanfteilV.ioKOOIirOF' C-UJIS l BlKLT.-i. 1U pnitcs. 10 i!ljv?- tmlions. lia?itlaI;ecIor'l piai. Trw-iraest nu btveohkrit all Lirda. t:r uloMire aud profit. ad their cir. liw rcud tod slock an Aviaiy.' AU about Vairots. Prices c ail kmrij Jbircis,. ta : ftc. Jlaiiti it ' 15 The Cm te Uok, -lO Cl3. . ASSOCIATED-KAC!E?J3: 2S7S ;1h tili Srift;;'il-ltiyiiiA, , PARKER'S ' HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies. the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Rettore Gray Hair U it Yoethful Color. Preventa PanlriitT and hair falling 6..n1 $1 00 at Dniygtw'g. jy 8 4w Your name en this Pen anil Pencil Q II a stamp with Indelible or colered ink &UV ninK of Mcrhfc si. with- addrefiB 10c each extra. Write names plainly and state kind of Ink desired. ;Snd postal nets or mumeu rder and we wiUeea4 ftasoabv return mail postpaid. .Harultaxup3 ol everr description. STEWART tC-f 01 BVat; Jew Fork ti(v. stablUhed 18501 Jy 8 4w : v AGKNTS WANTED, it 1 1 1 if tj 4-Vinili"iMnii il Refill ting from. iuckot Xoutn, Folly; Vice, If norance, Ac, may be cured at home without fall exposure, ' InTaJUble and CeaadeaUal. ' Lars Treatise, 300 pages, only $1 by mail, sealed, postpak Small book, with .endorsements of the press: frer Send now. Address the Peabodv Medical TnHtnf. or DrWParker. Nai Bolilach St.,BotoiuMasr Jy 8 4w . .v 10,000 AGENTS WAST KB AT ONCE to sell the Profusely Illustrated with vlewsof all sorts connected with the terrible scones-of the mighty inundation. 1 mo. 400 pages'. . Price $1.50. Liberal terms. Thousands Want It. UKJIAM) IS IMMENSE. Send quickly 30 Hmfc S I rtPltdVED ' tic. IN LIQUID NO SOILING EA&Y HA6E THTCPACKACE MAKES flYC GALLONS J per sildii:. boat 1v.t vnux AUTiiJsarno, qmptite' "ha Graphic History IMtM jMMovvFh 1 a i,t Jhe tnost APPETiZINO and WHOLXSOUB TalCPiaAJICB DRPfK in the worUU TRY IT. aak your Drnffgist or arocer for It. ' . AE; HIRES. Philadelphia. Ttio Daily RovioTsr; Josh. T. James, Editor & : Prop'r. i Wilmington, N. C. Tuesday. July 9. issa. Entered at the postofflce at w Ilmington, .c., as second-class matter, , -- - izzzr , ' : ' The Ci, icaiXo News recent I v assert . ne ; . , t1ft "the Renublican party of Illinois is not in a healthful coodi After the present struggle for snf,:iK i.as trone on for a few months r " "D 'e w, t I longer the prospects of John M. f seat in the United , . . . atates senate are jiKeiyio oe very , i., o ;..ifi gool. ' a utr lurt-Kuiug ,Yi4o diuih . onipd lpatled lnto the editor- j i . , ial department of the Inter-Ocean, a leadiner Republican oreran, without - , - ; - a word of eoinment. ; It is stated upon the authority of Representative Brown, of Indiana, that the President will convene the 51st Congrresj in extra sessfon about the middle of October. As the four new States are to choose Represen tatives on the first of nDctober, it wonld uot be advisable t6 convene Congress at an earlier date than that mentioned. The Administra.-. tion evidently appreciates i the ne cessity of meetimrthe financial em- t A barrassiuents of the treasury sur plus bv a substantial reduction of the revenues. It will be eress to decide how this fpr Con. reduction of treasury surplus-shall be made. There are at least four waysTof do ing: it: First, by increasing the Gov e rnment expenditures in aporopria- ons for shipment snbsidies. coast tions : .- -.. fortifications, new war cruisers, nv ers and harbors and pensions; sec ond,' by increasing the protective duties to a prohibitory standard, and thus diminishing the revenues from imports, as proposed by the Senate bill in the last session of Congress; third, by repealing the internal tax on whiskey and tobacco; and fourth, by putting raw, mater ials of industry on the free list, and by making substantial reductions of duties on necessities of living. In 1875 England and Portugal were disputing about the possession of Delagoa Bay,. and trusting to the strength of her case England con sented to refer the matter to M, Thiers, the French President,asarbi- tor. The d ecision was in Portugal's fayor,since which event the English government has not thought much of arbitration, except as! a dignified method of making a concession, The bad use the Portugese have been making of their control of the coast has not tended to make the English forget their chagrin. The interior of South Africa territory, which is chiefly English or under English protectibn, desires communication with the sea, but Portugal throws all sorts of obstacles in the way, Not long since an English company prevailed on the Portugues authori ties to grant the privilege of con structing a railroad from the bay to English territory in. the juterior with Euglish capital. Part of the rail, road had been built, when the Por tugese government withdrew its contract to its construction. Nat urally this very much iritated the English company, and the. British Government seems to be determined to have j'ustice done. The compapy wishes Portugal to be forced to stick to its bargain: The least that Portugal can do, it is said, is to re turn the company the money it has spent and pay an indemnity for its outrageous proceedings at Dela goa Bay. The limes insists i that Portugal shall be made to. toe the mark. British war ships are to' be. sent in large force to the bay, and tue. outlook is threatening. What is at stake, of course, is the devel opment of the rich interior country, Portugal does not know how to de velope anything.and fears the result of having a too enterprising neigh bor. . I Kffects of Climate. We hear a great deal said about the beneficial effect upon invalids of the climate of Colorado and other wester localities, but when a man changes his place of residence in the hope 01 improviner his health withw out first trying Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, he makes a great mistaKP. . in nine cases out ot ten he might save his time and monev. This great remedy owes its 'power over all affections of the throat and lungs, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh and even consuuiDtion, which is lung scrofula, to the simnle fact that it Dii rifles and enriches thfi blood and invieorates the debilitat ed system. It is guaranteed to cure mall cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or money naid for it will be refunded. Obedience and prosperitv are linked together in God's plan. . , i i HOW DOCTORS CXNQUKK DEATH. Doctor Walter K. Hammond says: "After a lonsr experience . I have come to the conclusion that two thirdsof all deaths from coiurhs. pneumonia and consumption might be avoided if Dr. Acker's English Reined v for Cbnsuinrjtion vera onlv carefully used in time.'v This won derful Remedy is sold under a posi tive guarantee bv iMunds Bros.. , The Verdict Unanimous.'. W. D. Salt. Drngeist. Bippns. Ind., testifies: "I can recommend - Electric Bitters as the very be9t remedy;' Every bottle bas .given relief in every case, rino man innbr six bottles, and was cnr - ed of Rheumatism ot 10 ins ' ADraDam naru. uruggigr, .neu , vi lie. Ohio, affirms: -The best selling medicine I have ever handled in 'my 2 : r : , . u . . . it i ' i-n years t xporienw. mcvinu-oiiirrs. j Thousands of othors have added Ibeir testimony, so that the verdict is unani mous that Electric Bitter do euro all diseases of the Liver Kidneysor Blood. Only bait a dollar a bottle at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug store. . ' ' " ; JDLTJPMBtES In Greenland 'tis so very cold That each newspaper Solon, In almost every line he writes, : " Must pause to put the : I ' , . . , . , 1 ' Exchange. I Colored lad Gemman "5 tor see ya, mum.. Lady of-the house (at break fast Very -well, John, show him into the parlor. JohnOh! but it's gemman come to sweep the chiinbly. Lady (luucli nettled) Then show him np the chimney. Philadelphia Ledger. ''Can't I take your name for this new encyclopaedic dictionary ask ed the book agent. "It is an' en cyclopaedia and a dictionary all in . -tk-r- 9 1 At . 1 one." "2iO. sir," saiuine man aa- dressed, "I have no use for it;Twhat ever. You see I married a- Boston girl." Somerville Journal. , First tramp Goin in that house over there, pard? Second tramp I tried that house last week. 1 ain't coin' mere any more. First tramp 'Fraid on account of the dog? Sec ond tramp Me pants are. uirst tramp Pants are what? Second tramo Fraved on account of the dog. Detroit Free Press. Snectator Cto defendant) Well, I cuess the ji jury will nnd lor you . , ' The judge's charges were certainly very much i very much in your lavor. uoirt you m T"V think so? Defendant (moodily) Oh, I knew all along that thejudge s charge would be all right, it's the lawyer's charge that's worryin' me. Detroit tree rress. The career of a faith worker at Sorinfield. 111., has come to an in glorious end, because she announced that she would turn water into wine by prayer, and ;when the crowd came to watch she couldn't do it. It may be hard to turn water into wine bv prayer, but right here in omer ville men turn water into milk every day without prayer, and charge eitrht cents a quart for it. Somcr ! ville Journal. j I . ' '. ! It Won't Bake Bread. In other words, Hood's Sarsapariua will not do impossibilities. Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done, submit nrnofs from sources of unnuestioned reliability, and ask you frankly if you are suffering fronv any disease or affection caused by impure blood or low state oi tne system to try H ood's Sarsa barilla. The experience of others is sufficient assurance that you will not be disappointed in the result. I . rne consciousness oi autv ner- formed gives us music at midnight. DO NQT SUFFER AJjTY I Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the first stages I oi consumption proven iq. a weeK, we hereby guarantee Di. Acker's Enirlish Remedy for Consumntion. and will refund the money to all who i j t ix. "l j.1 j j pay, ty-Kt! it as per uirections uuu uo not find our statement correct. Munds Bros,, druggists. 99HKBS Th Chief Beaioa for the great sue cess ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Is found in tha article itself. It is merft that wins, and the fact that Hood's BarsapariUa actually ac complishes what is claimed tor H, is what bas given to this medicine a popularity and. sale greater than that ol any other sarsapa- Marit Wine rUla or blood purl ll yl I y V V 1 1 IO fier before the public Good's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt EbeunV and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Tfcat Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System, : Uol' Sarsaparilla is sola by aU drug gists, $l; six for $5. : Prepared by C I. Hood, b Co., Apothecaries, Lowelillass. jan 1 lyrdAwnrm mws 2d i ' HINDCRCOnriS. Th only snre iCure for Corns. Stops aJlpaJn. Eturara tarorttatbefeeC15o.atDrB8glgta. HisxaCo3y jy u w Smnmer Board. DLJEASANT wuaiKi board Twn miles from Lincoln ton. Dally mall. one:f ree visit to Llncolnton dally. If desired. Table Satisfactory, with abundant supply of Meats, Vegetables and Fruit. Cool, pleasant rooms, j $30 per month. Chil dreniess. Address t ' . MRS. J. M. RICHARDSON ' 13 tx Woodslde, Llneolaton, 'a " ' ... - Stt c o im s u r.i PT i v e -1889 " Spring Judge Boykln. . I au,! UUgV vJ-v. Beaufort May 27th, Nov25thi Currituck March 4th, Sept 2d. (linden March 11th. Sentbth. i 1 Perauimans March 25Cn. Sept 23d. i Chowan April 1st, sept yoth. ; ; , n . Amnll 4-l .1a. Pf.V. M UlCS Xipi IX oui, 4111. Hertford April 15th, June 17th, Oct. 14th. Washington April 22d. Oct. 21t. i Tyrrell April 20th. Oct. 29th. - ' Dare May 6th, Nov. 4th. i j , Hyde May 13th, Nov. llth. 1 ; pamllco May 20th, Nov. 18th. r sscoxn judiciai. distkict. ! Spring Judge MacRae. ! ' ' Fall Judge Boykln. Halifax March 4th, May 13th, Nov. nth. Northampton Aprir 1st, Sept. aoth. r Bertie April 29th, oct. 28th. - I Craven May 27th, Nov. 25th. - . - i Warren March 18th, Sept. 16th. i Edgecombe April 15th, Oct. ih. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, ! Spring Judge- i u an juagc juacKac. Pitt March 18th, June 10th. sept. icth. rramenn Apni i5in, jn ov. ntn. i Wilson June 3d, Oct. 28th I Vance May 20th, Oct. 14th. I Martin March 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec. 2d. Greene April 1st, Sept. 30th. Nash April 29th, Nov. 18th. FOUBTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. . Pall Judsre Wake Feb. 25th. March 25tn, April July 8th, Aug. 26th. Sept. 23d, Oct. 2lst. 22d, Wayne March llth, April 15th, Sept. 9th, Oct. 14th. . . i - Harnett Aug. 5th, Nov. 25th. Johnson Aug. 12tli, Nov. llth. - ' ' FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge - i Fail judge uraves. Durham March 25th. June 3d, Oct. 14th. Qranville-April 22d, Sept. 9th, Nov. 25th. Chatham May 6th, Sept. 30tu. t Guilford Feb. 18th. May 27th. Ausr. 26th. Dec. 9th. I - Alamance March 4th, May 20th, sept, 23d. ; Orange March 8th, Aug. 5th, Nov, 4th. Caswell April 8th, Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. : Person April 15th, Aug 19th, Nov. 18th ! SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. ! Fall Judee Pender May 6th, Sept. 9th. . ! ' New Hanover April 15th. Sept. 23d. Lenoir Aug. 19th, Nov. llth. Duplin Sept. 2d, Nov. 2otli. Sampson-Feb. 25th, April 29th, Oct 7th, ueceth. Carteret March 18th, Oct. 21st. Jones March 25th, Oct. 28th. Onslow April 1st, Nov. 4th. SKVBKTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. i , - Fan-Drudge smpp. AUJUU AyiLl iSCpU iJU, XMOV. Oilll. Cumberland May 6th, July 22d, Columbus April 1st. July 29th. Nov. Uth. Robeson May 20th: Ausr. 19th. Sent: .Mth. Hichmond June 3d, Sept 15th, l5ec 2d. Bladen March 18th. Oct. 14th. Brunswick April 8th, Sept. 9th. Moore April 15th. Aug. 12th, Oct, 21 st. j.: EIGHTH JUDICIAI, DISTRICT. I Spring Judge - i rail judge Merrlmoji. uaDarrus Apru 29th, Oct. 28th. IredeU May 20th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4th. Rowan May 6th, Aug. 19th, Nov 18th. navidson March 4th. June .id. sent. 2d. T- M - Randolph March 18th, Sept. lflth. Montgomery April 1st, Sept. aoth. Stanly April 8th, Oct. 14th. ; KINTH JUDICIAL DISTEICT. spring judge Philips. 1 - Jb'aii judge . Rockingham July 22d, Nov. itiu Forsyth May 20th, Oct. 2lgt. 1 Yadkin-Feb. jam, Sept. 330. t "Vyllkes-March 4th, April &9th, Sept. 0th. AllegUany March 18th, Sept 2d. , Davie April 1st, Qct. 7th. ! Stokes April 15th, Aug. 5th, Nov. lltbj Surry April 22d, Aug. 19th. Nov. 18th. - T8NTII JUDICIAL PISTRICT. Spring judge Connor. I wi ' Fail judge Philips. Henderson July 15th. I Burke March 4th, Aug. 5th. ' i ' v Caldwell March 18th, Sept. 2d. Ashe March 25th, May 27th, Aug. 19th Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug. 29th. Mitchell April 15th, Sept. 9th. ' ' Yancey April 29th, Sept. 2:d. ! McDoweU Jjay 13th, Opt. 7th. ' r SJ-BYEVTH JUDICIAL DISTBICT, Spring Judge Clark. -Fall JudEre Connor. Catawba July 15th. '., Alexauder Jul 29th. J umon--tiepu lfith, Mecklenburg Feb. 25tht Aug. 26th. Oaston March 18th, Oct. 7th. Lincoln Amu 1st. Kentisit.h. Cleveland April 8th, Aug. 5th, Oct, 21st. ikumciium April zza, ucl. zsia. PQk-May 6th Nov. llth. j TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Gilmer. Fan Judge Clark. Madison Feb. 25th, July 29th, Nov. 18th, -Buncombes-March llth. June lrth. Ano-.it.h Pec. 2d. ' i ' " ' Transylvania April 1st, Sept. 2d. Haywood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson April 22d, Sept. 23d. Mapon-Ma? 6tU, Sept. 30th. Clay-May J3th, Opt. 7th. Cherokee May 20th, Oct. uth. Granam June 3d, Oct. 28t. Swain-June 10th, Nov, 4th, jThe Cheapest. rVUK VEST AND TfJJS CIlEApEST Place In the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK dhe is at McCAKTNEY'S SHOP, on Market ooicct,, ixuroa siae, Dec ween second and Third, i Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders j . country soUclted. ; ' dec 7 tf On Corni Peaijiits and Potatoes KY CARBON4TJS OF LIME, ; . . ailP WITH K MNI1 UB ULT3 ASTONISHING. i Addrcv 1 FRENCH BEOS.. Bockv Point N.c1 o1t 9 It , ONWARD IS THE WORn- ITpHE i PKOUKESSIVE PARMER ENTE ts THIRD vpLUME at the following; i ; X subscriber, year. ,.........,. 5 subscrlbera. j yea ... ....... 5.0C ; I . 9 . 10.0C 10 subscribers, i year. . One copy. 1 year, free in the ono sending club often. Eight pages. 40 columns wpotw Send cas (charges prepaid) to L. U POLK, Raleigh N hie Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for limb ' nrp "it , LIME LIMS RY GQDS Hardware LUMBE1L , r M 41 FUENCU Bubs.; Rocky Point. sept n. CBONESBERG, j - P HOTOGRAPHElt, t m ,0, .ixxj BurjJTHBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. " J - FRAMING A SPECIAITV fifcSStt ll&Maricltrsttasiac, Superior Cottrts of North Carolina- I FIBST JUDICIAL DISTKlCT. - i MISCELLANEOUS. i Jo nereury,- Ik Mash, Or any other Mineral Poison. T is Nature's Remedy, made exclusively fr m Boot3 and Herbs. It is perfectly Harmless. It is the only remedy known to the world that has: ever yet Cured contagious Blood, Doison in aU its stages. . - It cures. Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer; Scrofula,1 and other blood diseases heretofore considered incurable. It cures any disease caused from impure blood. It is . now pre-. scribed by thousands of the best physicians j In the United States, as a tonic We append the statement of a few : "T. " I have nsed S. S. S. on patients convalesc ing from fever and from measles with the best results. , J. N. Chknky, M. D.t Ellavule, Ga." Bremek, QA. Willie White was afflicted with scrofula seven years. I prescribed S. S. -S., and to-day he is a fat and robust bo v. - ; L : C. W. Parses, M.D. Richmosd, Va., Deo. K, 18S5 I have taken -three bottles of Swift's Specific for secondary . blood poison. It acts much better than pot-' ash or any other remedy I have ever used. t B. F. wisiKUD, M.D., Formerly of Sussex Co. Va. Da. E. J. Halb, the well-known druggist v and physician, of Nashville, Howard County, Ark., writes : " Having seme knowledge a to what S. S. is composed of, I can eafely - recommend it as the remedy for aU skin dis--" eases, it matters not wh&ttne name may be." :: - , We have a book giving a history of this wonderful remedy, and its cures, from all ' over the world, which will convince you that . all we say is true, and which we will mail free on application. No famHy should be -without It. We have another on Contagious Blood Poison, sent on same terms. ; . Write us a history of your case; and our physician, will advise ith you by letted, in strictest confidence. We will not deceive -you knowingly. . , . For sale by aU druggists. - j Ths Swift Specific Co.; drawer ts, Atlanta, ua. JNew yorK, 756 aroaaway. London, ng snow ma. nov 26 law lyao uh sat . nau century, wot among the wonders of inventive procuress Is; method and system of work that 0 x be per. formed all over the country wlthou ; Separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, yuunjj or 01a; no special aomty required, cap ital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to ' j- uu, xnau win sian, you in ousiness. which will bring you In more money right away,tJr anything else in the world. Grand ovtp Address True & Co., Augusta (al nov22 6md ivw . km P 4 s to vi A'an;y Vijrcr ' Woa!rr,.3R- or Js of 3!tswy i tciy restorer oy tnc use of an eiitireiy i'-;;ay .Tlic "Yci ba Sunt si from Snain. Spaa n t raehecs nevjr fail. O.ur illustrated, 33pnge booi 4 testimonials, (scr.t soit.xjt. Every man shock iu 11. v r wiia Kt- i KOCIIKK CO., r'; ill Who are Weak. Nervous and De bilUaiea and sufferinsr from Net vous Debility. Seminal Wealcness 1 MQitly Emulsions, and all the ef 'fects of early Evil IlabUs, , which load tQPremallire Deoau. Cnnsnimn- i cewt ur M-ftsauuri, seuu ior rears' Treatise on Diseases of Man, with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. Ko mre tinn. j. S. PEARS,612and 614 Church st.,Nashville,Tenn octly 9d&w RICHLYE1 Rewarded are ; those who read this and then act: they will nnd honorable emDloy- ment that will not take them from their homes and families, v The profits are large and sure for every lndustrirus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month. - It is easy for any one to make $5 and upward per day, who 'Is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not-needed: we start ybu. Everytnlng new. No special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson & Co., Portland. Maine. . nov 22 demwly A POSITIVE orLS5r FAILING KANBOKl K v VI General and NERVOUS DEBILIT1 rjt I B "R Weakness of Body and Hindi Effec J J JmVJmd of Errors or Excesses in Old or Yourf Robust, Noble BIA!SHOOIfollT Kostorwl. How to EBlarveM oirentnen n .AH,eaiiKEiUf KU OKUANS tc PARTSfBOu Absolutely ufkllinar HOME TREAT J1KNT- htm In a da. Reu testify from 47 States. Territories, and Foraira rnnntrW Benefit uupun wims ttooK, run zpiMbUtn, sad proof, mall MOM' freei AMrtiis ERIE ISE01CAI CO., BUFFALO, N. apl t eod&w y ' : " j' t " t . , . .wr?, oh rvingaimuiini Tho National Life -AND- J JliaiUHty ASSOCiatlOIl OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Has Paid to Mem bers Over - -$600,000 Accrued Liabili- ties - - None. HORATIO BROWNING, President, SAMUEL NQKMENT, Treasurer. ' GEORGE Ji. H.Xj7BIDGE, . 1 Secretary, Manager an,. Actuary. GEO. J. EASTERDAT, i Ass't Secretary. j Life Insurance at Absolute Cost, ' A Guaranteed Policy. An Incontestable policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Aee Only Four Payments per Year. " Non Forfeitable After Three Years; . P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.' w n.TUBSON, speciaiS Wrcct0ri SSSgton I)? tlonal Building, JOHN 1IAAR, Je.; Local Agent, ' ' . oct 26 . ; v Wilmington; N. C. vyjfi are NOW PRE "if pared to accommodate aji whp may call upon us with the ' : finest Oysters C ; to be had on the Const, watio n, ii' nrenaratfonsfor thn opvwa R4.i O ' ' r . - myrtle (yrove, Middle an d C4.'.. ' , "uu,H'AiU oouna uysturs my i o . I -f MARK I " IT: 11 ..' MM W. H. STOKLEY, . Wrightsville. OCt JOtfi 2uriiier"" velous in,:lir stlmulaiAt. ior . -"Mir i?a riession . r W8xL mm TdQisit i, 9" Mr 1 m i, 1 - speedily when this remedy is taken a1 reef tor the S'-. lu tnan uus article. Put up inlivA " E ties. Sample packages in powntR- f'?Bt than this article. py man to any address on rcceinrT,? vi.Y 8eot uistamps. U'he reffnlarliouidforn,V0lw Cr sent by mail 4CQ North 3d St., Philadelphia. E fBIRD HAMNAI The great secret of the canary him k. . of tballartz Mountains irrGerKr,vreei1(,I Maiuia wi 1 1 restore the song of ca wi prevent their ailments and testorft th.?'xiU ,oki condition, if given to a ia,a lu,.i theseasoa ofshetlding feathers, it win u"nii coses carry the little musician thronVh I.' ' critical period vithmtloss of sone i,? nai ) on recast of 15 cts. in stamm 'OOD CO.. 400 N. 3rd St. PhiktdoShi? '.ease mention this paper. . t1 1 - cpt29tn tb aa: SOU swlnor.BXcalnel io at one abllihl traao in ati pmn; by I placintr our machine! and rood rhM th. ...ia world, with all tat atUrTT will alas tend fpVlv- line or our costly and . samplaa. In ret Jr. we. u.' -bow what we tead. toalri! may can at your hoiu(,IBi ,"7 months all than becomeTl? . mad. after th Hlmgn l which have run out : hr(L.r ontitao!dfor8la.whk2 tef tnst ructions given, l noae who write to t at im I "e free the beat aewinr.machine In the worM nt Una of work of hiRh. art erer shown toreth i. .rl1" ADVERTISERS' Can learn the exact cost of any . propose line of . in American4 1 p 1)7 addressing P-. Howell L Co.. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, -IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOets. for ICO-paae Pamphl 25th Annual Session, THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION of Misses Burr & James' Scliool will com mence on Thursday, Oct. ith, at St. John's' ' unapei. on i nira, - Deiween iiea Cross and Campbell streets, where it has been located for the past two years. The street cars run ning on Red Cross, a few yards from thehuiid. "- mg-, can cover any objection to distance. A wen ventilated schoolroom, pleasant nlar- ground, good cistern of water and retired sit uation, make It more desirable than more central localities available. The Principals, as heretofore, wlU spare ne . effort for the advancement of the pupils kind ly entrusted to their care, giving Individual ; attention to each, and ruling with Arm bat ; loving discipline. , Their many graduates, some of them now t 'occupying the position of teachers, testify to their success. As always stated in ibeir cir- culars, scholars received only for the session, - no deduction telngmade except In cases ol protracted sickness. Those entering after Oc tober charged only from date of entrance, MUSICAL INSTRUCTION given by rs. M. ! S. Cnshlng, whose life-long devotion to tee science and long experience in teacaln?, should be a guarantee for her ability. Vocal music. Calisthenics and Free Hani Drawing, free of charge, dally exercises. instruction in jyeeoie-worK oi au kuub, u ? so free Of charere. elven weekly. For further particulars at iicmars appiy to THE PRINCIPALS Homes in North Carolina Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New York I 6UMiles8outii of Ealei&h Oa the Baleigh and AujubU AItUm B R - 1 CAfl ACKBS OF IAND leaf pine region. Tor sale on em 1?. , lots to ault purchasers. lour acrerior jh . Larger tracto W per acre, in menta of $10. . Thla land adjoins the r ern Plnea". a recently established heaM sort (oi eaMtarlum). and la specuiuy , for Fruit Culture, as A number of New En A number of New Enkland people navBw-j wis lq me town or oouuicru - .v, Is the desire of the owners rof this w"5r-; ta in the town of "Southern Pine?, duce small farmers, mechanics a from the New Englacd and Middle 8k. well as elsewhere, to locate here. 0aB"ll(. the urnon'offcrs greater mvlncementfl w new man worth Carolina .rw u better farming country or as fine i a forma. thU fa th onlnlon of Kortnern1 who have settled In Horth Carollns- te bona fide offer, and is limited t m For further Puhs writet once p 21 J - VbroBicleOffioo nr" ; DonH Delay. gEND OUR BROKEN pB INJCKKD FT nlture to me and I will repair It promptly tf . at low prices. ' " , .v and I propose to make my living tms l00 will do the work well and will not cmw. much for doing It. Call and see wj".' n repairs I have already made. I fm pair Sewing Machines. Musical i?s1inr &c; as well as Furniture. m pifa give estimates or probable cpst 01 wr come and see mp. . . wB AB. OCt 29 Corbiiiia House, S.E, corner Princess;ana second SU- n been refitted jnyS. 11 class BaLimch;R(X)maKJ I weecor month. oct 27 " comer Second and Princes a." t - g --r j w yum MM Aw mil advertising