Is n a " r f i .- r ! I i in. f V; i i. ... ' n H ft: c i r ft !!! i.-.l I.'? 4 i; i - . . r S - MISCELLANEOUS, -YETEBKARi Per Eases, C&ttlv Sh$rX:svHcgs, . 600 Pace Bsok mn Treattsaeat of Animal . . and Chart Seat tfiT----cuRSSfFeirers." Coageitliiiii tnflmintk)n, A A (Spinal Meittls,.rTllver. B. B. Strain, Iaaienes8,lineBmatiam C. C. Distemper, Nssc I Ulscfcarges. D.U. nets r uruSi A F.F. Celic or Urtpe. uefrramw.w tJ.G. MiscarrlaaerUemerrlharea, H.II.-Urinary md liaTrrrineaeo EraptlTe Diseae Mange . , J .KD lactates of DrsrCtIB.- -' Stable Case, wttlrmgiaiiuI. Witch Hazel Oil and Medlcator. . 87.00 Price, single Bot(orerdoes... - - Sold br Irniai; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St, H. Y. H02XE0PATHXQ fb Q SPECIFIC IlOi fflU Hervous Debility, VilarWenass, and Prostration, from overwork- T"Trtfir auaea. El IHST YlJU, Or O TWIuawga tii powuvr, tur BoLDBT DBUQOisTa, or mt postpaid on racoipto: men 2Seo& w ly nrm " Then send far I'rnetipnl POUli- vnv luiilK. Kui tmurs: beau tiful colored pintcx caraYinM of neacty au uacs ex ioui -ucni. . tions f fcrwnis? how to etiKJwrcJ' Diana for potuur noaeea; mioraiauou aliout jneuhators, twliviit ihatora, snd Avlicrc, tu buy iK.i. tistTk4, Ifr Cent. Ejiitm trtt per NiiliK.x if neodtbiftXOO CAGE l trauwuk 'Maatitttt TolorpA-lJiatfi. treatment and broeaiiur of all kind Cg Kir da. far pleMmre and tfit '. Via&taeB mnri tKnfv ram -, f mac tn.hni!a and stock an Aviary. Afl about Parrots. Priea.oi , all Einda-wrcv rarcsi. etc. suuoa lor v 10 C ents. : Too XXaee Books. 1U l la. 237 South Klyhf n Kfcryet, PJiiUdetphi. P.u - is: PARKER'S J IT "C I HAIR DALSAtrJ Cleanse ynd bcauUfies too hair. Promote y JnJnrruigt0wth. Never Fails io Restors Gray Ha'trto itsVsstXful Color. Prevents UandnTft and natr falling aocmnd 00 at umjrg""8- lYsar nam en this Pen mail Pencil Oft stamp with indelible or colored ink L U W ZttVtiUamea plainly ma ewe aisu mXrknd we wifl lead fiaaa.ilj yetarn mail. postpaid'-llandstiuiipaof eVp'rv d'crlPAoii. STIWASitJc eiOB'wiyiJew City. Cstablisned 1830. uAaE2f TSATTEI)- Baa- . froxaX - Treatlae, SOQ naMttjstlnaiVle(JHe8toaM Small, book, with:d&rriLof Ifcrew, fre Send now. Addres the iAfcodTJtfadical Jratitnt' ox Ir. W.ILtaxkcr, Ho,i BolcA ftoii,it& Jy8 4w - HiNDiinconrjG. l"he nlr gnr Cut f or-Corr. WoeHfto.fnrJi mifort to toe feeV prugTicta. airSuixACo., N. cormtrfJifivi lareToa oeyBmnibit QJciired is worsT casea and i Owe TbWt roiedy torlLfXX arising tm deretiro uOtritloQ Take in time. 60c and aM- J7 5 4W 'r-fc 1 4 lie most IF BILLING knsrWEOiaUOaOl .MaTDtSSWBWJln ths wo ridRJ Tr JLaX-yoax Drufsist or Orocer for It. C. E. hires. philadeIphia. jy 8 4w 10,000 AGISTS WASTED to seiiNu ONLY AUTHENTIC, complete and Graphic History of the JotostdM Flood. ' Profusely J 11 natrated "with views of all sorts connected with the terrible scenes of the . mighty inundation; 13 mo 400 pages. Price $1.50. Liberal terms. Thaanda Want It. liKMANU IS IMMENSE. Send quickly 30 cents tor Outfit to J. W; KSSLER & CO., - r&i Chestnut St., PhUa., Pa. J7 84W .. -" . S : CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH .DrkfitL acM.nfcsataiM n liable pill for sale. ierer Fau. Ak fur ChieJuatar'i JOtfUth Diamoad Brand, red - callus touv ktaettb bua. At Drsttiata. Aeecst n atker. AJI toilU in paste. board boxes, l'n vrapper. are assJW eaterfeH. Bead 4e. (mtajopa) ax ptrUcalara and teUeCfor I4Jeaii UtttT. br vvftaM mall. 1 0.OAO tmaO. Oaitrricnl.ABUS vMUre Md tkrm. Kane Paper. ChlclifrsUr taemlcal CoXadisoaSq.jF2illAP .. B10 4W . !- :-; ,- ..." James C. Mnnds, At , . " DRUGGIST. FULL LINE OF PUBS PKUGS AND Chemicals ' Physicians' Prescrlpuons a spe--ctalty Pancy and Toilet Articles in great va riety. Artesian weu Mineral, water; coma in I . ' V-J If esiid far IHXi ?UYER f 8Ci2N. ltencrajiiSscf dfforacJ! tiweda. I j tth prlcej tlMy tra rorth. 4 where to I tV1? fcMyta'J0 lirpction forTrafrrfng' L Vazn&ndBroeCiiigh'vrrettu ililed l-W for Id Cents. Also Vatpf Dog, tUfc3 ynrniabinj; jUeoa of ;C1 iad. .'ST X Z , t T- s fiia try a sTiass yilK. .jan 15 I Th,o Dailjr Bovow. Josh. T. James, pditor & Prop Wilmington, N. C. T U ESD A Y. JULY 23. 1889. Entered at the Postofiice at Wilmington, N.C., as seeond-class matter. A man by the name of Karr,-who was for many years a servant in the liouselicnaof the' late Simon Cam eron, has fjiven to a newspaper cor respondent a story of how Cameron, Ben Wale antl Zachariah Chandler entered into a solemn agreement in 1858 to resent the insults of Southern members of , Congress, . accept all challenges, and in the event of the death of any member of the trium virate the other two were to avenge him This because Mr. Seward, the recognized leader of the Republican party, was lacking in personal cour age. The agreement was signea and Senator Don Cameron, it is re lated, has a copy. He ought topro duce it and thus allay the publi6 doubt which the unauthenticated story is certain to arouse. ... 4S -. . The strike of the glass workers which began in December, 1887, con tinued for twenty one weeks, 2,760 men beitng engaged in it. Assuming that the average wage of each par ticipant was $15 per week a fair estimate for those employed in this trade the actual loss of wages amounted to, in the twenty one weeks, $869,400. The aggregate, amount of relief afforded the strik ers was $250,000, or considerably less than a third of their actual wae loss for the time specified. But it appears that 1,000 of the men were engaged in it until August, 1888, and that the association has been con tinuously paying benefits to from 400 to 460 members since the day the strike originated, the smaller number still being en the list of beneficiaries. It will, consequently, be seen that in wages alone this strike inflicted a loss upon the men of quite a million of dollars. Bradley Johnson has compiled a table. showing the amounts paid and received on aceount of pensions by the" Southern States in 4887. The total amount received by hem in that year was $1,724,115, against $26,717,032 paid by them. Of this the St. Louis Republic (em.) makes this comment: "At the South this, great burden bears hardest on the negroes. The money is chiefly drawn directly from their labor, but even if this Ayere not the case they, as the poorest class, would be most oppressed by the stringency so created and .continued. Without the intelligence to understand it, they are forced to 4buy their free dom1 over and over in taxes for pen sious. The Southern States are pay ing out every year for pensions more than $27,000,000, which stands for interest at 3 per cent, on a fund of over $900,000,000." "This," says Mr. Johnson, "is the indemnity for the civil war actually levied on the Southern States." : The New York Times says: "There is no worse place in . the coufitry for judging of the state of public sentiment on political matters than the'eity of Washington, and no per sons so blinded to its actual condi tion as those connected with the National Administration. They ex ist in an atmosphere so permeated with official and partisan mists that their vision is distorted and per verted until they see men like trees walking. 'Uncle Jere Rusk, of the Department of Agriculture, is one of the men who assume to know all about 'the people arid tneir opiu Ions, and it was he who lately found Tanner so popular, ttough he is ex citing the disgust of most sensible persons and even gjivingjhe Ad' ministration some alarm. 'Uncle Jere' now proclaims the wenderf ul popularity of the President, and says tkere is no doubt : of his nomi nation and re-election. He thinks the people have a special admira tion of Harrison' way of doing things, and it is just possible that the President himself is a victim of ihe same delusion. The real state of public sentiment is something that official circles inT Washington know nothing of." Can You Gneaa It? Two E's and ari I, an R and a P, Put them together and then yon will see The name of the maker of 4G. M. D." The letters spell Pierce, of course r-Dr. ,Pierce, of Buffalo, G. M. D. means "Golden Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's guaranteed cure for Consumption, if taken in time, and for all bilious derangements, skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases. Have yon a hacking cough, lassitude, low spirits, and other kindred syiup- toms. Take this remedy now be fore it is too late. It : is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it will be returned.' Every day we are made to suffer because of favors done to others years ago. .This is what you ought' to have, in fact, von must have it, to" fully en joy life. - Thousands are . searching for it daily, and mourning because they Hud it not. - Thousands; upon thousands of dollars are spent an nually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by a'l. -We guar antee that Electric 'Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring youJxood Di gestion and oust the demon Dyspep sia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electrie Bitters for Dys pepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1 per bottle at Uobt. R. Bella my's wholesale and retail drug store. JULY JUMBLES. Ten to one 12.50 o'clock. A dark secret A kiss in a tunnel. Single stickers one cent " stamps. Quite a swell affair A society belle's mumps. Bookkeeping taught in one lesson Do not lend them. I The sun is grand; but the moon takes the shine from it when she comes out. ! l Life is full of compensation.! The tnnp-ue of the deaf and dumb man never gets him into trouble. You cannot depend upon the man who makes bogus money. He gives you false impressions. N. Y. New. "Marv." asked Charles, "what animal dropped from the clouds?" "The rain, dear," was the whisper ed reply. ! ! : ' It Won't Bake Brkad. In other words, Hood's Sarsaparilla will not do impossibilities. Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done, submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliability, and ask you frankly if you are suffering from any disease or affection caused by impure blood or low state of the system to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of others is sufficient assurance that you will not be disappointed in the result. ! No man is fit to have power unless he wishes to wield it for the! good of all. I i "It Works Like Charm." Rulou's Magnetic Liniment is a safe and speedy cure for Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Gout, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, Diph theria, Inflammation of the Kidneys and all painfulaffecttons. For sale bv Munds Brothers. It beats all, the lies some persons eat tell in order to gain a little property. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shalfbe glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address, i Res pectfully. T. A. SliOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl, st., New York. The Chief tteaaon for the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in the article itself. It is merit that wins, and tha fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what is claimed for it, is what haa given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa- Mprit WlnQ rilla or -Moo!01- I VI Cri L V V 1 1 1 5 fiec before the public Hood's Sarsaparilla - cures Scrpfala,' Salf Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Biliousness, overcomes , That Tired Peeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the "Whole System. Hood's Saranparilla is sold by all drug gists. $1; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood b Co., Apothecaries, Lowell Mass. - Jan 1 lyr d&wnrm mwa 2d WW Orrail's :: -: - - : -CORNER JTHIRD AND PRINCESS STS., are well equipped with everything necessary in a nrst class Livery and Sales Stables. Good horses and comfortable vehicles and careful drivers ready on demand. Attention is specially Invited to our large stockyard and our facilities for housing horses and cattle m the basement of our lanre sta bles. : . , Rates as low as can be found elsewhere. . Give us a call ana we win do our best to please you. j t s a. ! R. C. ORRELL, Jy 8 tf Proprietor. Table Board. FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated wlth.Table;Doard on application at mch37tf Z!i N. THIRD ST. Ai Perry's I ITERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STA- blea have Just been supplied with several nne saddle and buggy Horses. Board lor Horses by the day, week or month at li nn" prices. Give me a calL Carriages always on hand. North Pront St. (Taylor?s old stand.) jy 6 lm 1) .- . -,. 'Wilt?;. Superior Courts of North CaroUnav 18S9 1 :-y' FIRST JUDICIAL PISTBlCT. ' ' Spring Judge 3oyfcln. - , . . Fall-Judge Gilmer: Beahfot May 27th, Nov 2th. . currituclc March 4th, Sept 2cL - Camden March llth. Sept 9th. Pasquotanic March , 18th, June 18th, sept 16th if -. . v.- 1 Perquimans March 25th, sept 23d. - Chowan April 1st, sept 30th. Gates April 8th, Oct 7th. Hertford April 15th, June 17th, Oct, 14th. Washington April 22d. Oct. 21st, Tyrrell April 20t)u Oct. 29th. Dai-e May 6th, Nov. 4th. i , Hyde May 13th, Nov. llth. i PamUco May 2uth, Nov. isth. . ; SXCOND JUDICIAL DISTKICT. Spring-Judge MacRae. . , Fall Judge Boykln. Halifax March 4th, May ist.h, Nov. llth. Northampton April 1st, Sept. 30th. Bertie April 29th, Oct. 28th. - , Craven May 27th, Nov. 3'ith. Warren March 18th, Sept. 16th. Edgecombe April 15th, Oct. Hth. THIKI JUDICIAL DISTKICT. Sprtng Judge Fall Judge MacRae. Pitt March 18th, June 10th, Sepr. Hith. Franklin April 15th, Nov. llth. Wilson June 3d, Oct. 28tb Vance May 20th, Oct. 14th. Martin March 4th, Sept. 2d,-Dec 2d. Greene April 1st, Sept. 30th. Nash April 29th, Nov. 18th. FOURTH "JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. - " jb'au juoge Wake Feb. 25th. March . 25tn, April 23d July 8th. Aug. 26th. Sept. 23d. Oct. 21st. Wayne March llth, April 15th, sept. 9th oct. in. Harnett Aug. 5th, Nov. 25th. Johnson Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge ; Fall Judge Graves. Durham March 25th, June 3d, Oct. 14th. Granville April 22d, Sept.. 9th, Nov. ; 25th. Chatham May 6th. Sept. 30th. 1 ' Gulltoiti Feb.. 18th, May 27th, Aug. 26th, nee ytn. Alamance March 4th, May 20th, Sept. 23d. Orange March 8th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4th. Caswell April 8th, Aug. 12th, Nov. llth. Person April 15th, Aug- 19th, Nov. 18th r . 'SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shippr Fall J udge - Pender May 6th, Sept. 9th. New Hanover April 15th, Sept. 23d. Lenoir Aug. 19th Nov. llth. DuDhn SeDt. 2d. Nov. 25th. Sampson-Feb. 25th, April 29th, Oct 7th, uec. 9tn. Carteret March 18th, Oct. 21st. Jones March 25th, Oct. 28th. Onslow April 1st, Nov. 4tlu SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrlmon.. Fall Judge Shipp, An3on April 29th, Sept. 2d, Nov. 2oth. Cumberland May 6th, July 23d, Nev. nth. Columbus April 1st, July 29th. Robeson May 20th, Aug. 19th, Sept. 30th. y Richmond June 3d, Sept 15th, Dec 2d. Bladen March 18th. Oct. 14th. Brunswick April 8th, Sept. 9th. Moore April 15th. Aug. 12th, Oct. gist. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Fall Judge Merrlmon, Cabarrus April 29th, Oct. 26th. Iredell May 20th, Aug. 5th, Nov. 4t&. Rowan May 6th, Aug. 19th, Nov 18th. Davidson March 4th, June 3d, Sept. 3d, D3C aa. i Randolph March 18th, Sept. 19th. Montgomery April 1st, Sept. 30th. Stanly April 8th, Oct. 14th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Philips. Fall Judge Rockingham July 22d, Nov. 4th. Forsyth May 20th, Oct. 21st. Yadkin Feb. 18th, Sept. 23d. Wilkes March 4th, April 29th, Sept. 9th. Alleghany March isth, Sept. 2d. . Davie April 1st, Oct. 7th. Stokes April 15th, Aug. 5th, Nov. llth. Surry April 22d, Aug. 19th. Nov. 18th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. ! FalWudge Philips. Henderson July 15th. Burke March 4th, Aug. 5th. Caldwell March 18th, Sept. 2d. Ashe March 25th, May 27th, Aug. 19th Watauga April 8th, June 3d, Aug. 29th, Mitchell ADrtl 15t.b. Sfinf.. Qt.'i - Yancey April 29th, Sept. 23d. jiay iotn: oct. 7th. SLEVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Clark. FallJudge Connor. Catawba Juty 15th. Alexander July 29th. Union Sept. 16th. -Mecklenburg Feb. 25th, Aug. 26th. ' " Gaston March 18th, Oct. 7th. Lincoln April 1st, SeDt. 30th. Cleveland April 8th, Aug. 5th, Oct. 31st. Rutherford Anrll 2M net. oct-h Polk May 6th, Nov. llth. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTKICT, Spring Judge Gilmer. -' Fall-Judge Clark. Madison Feb. 25th, July 29th, Nov. 18th. Buncornbe March llth, June 17th, Aue.l2th, Dec 2d. - ' Transylvania April 1st, Sept. 2d. Haywood April 8th, Sept 9th. Jackson Aprtl 22d, Sept. 23d. Macon May 6th, sept. 30th. Clay May 13th, Oct. 7th. . Cherokee May 20th, Oct. 14th, Graham June 3d, Oct. 28th. Swain June 10th, Nov. 4th, TheCheapest. J'HE BEST PLACE AND THE CHEAPEST Place in the city to have all kinds of TIN WORK done Is at MCCARTNEY'S SHOP, on Market street, North side, between Second and Third. Estimates cheerfully furnished and all orders given prompt attention. Orders from the country solicited. tiecTtf On Corn, Peanuts and Potatoes J1RY CARBONATE OF LIME, r MIXED WITH K MNPJ. BE UlvTS ASTONISHING. Addree IFRENCH BROS., Rockv Point N.c. ONWARD IS THE WORD rjlHE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ENTE ts THIRD VOLUME at the following; 1 subscriber, 1 year. ............. .$1.25 - i subscribers. 1 yea ............. 5.0c 10 subscribers, 1 year. .1Q.0C (aubfClen'lyear'fre6 u tne one sending Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly, send caa (charges prepaid) to , "CCir- oeriacas Me ' I L. L. POLK, PIe I Raleigh N Lime. Lime. ttw !n. excee for provisions; LIME r " HARDWARE, " LUMBER. " CASE. LIME " LIME FRENCH UICOS. t v Rocky Point. sept: H. CRONENBERG, PnOTOGRAPHERr s. ' A RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable Dricet .ltAilWP aspeEiStyJ MISCELLANEOUS. I 6 0 1 An Important ; Announcement - About six weeks ago. while at business, I was suddenly attacked with .excruciating pains In my feet, knees and hands. 8 severe tbe attack that I took my bed Immediately, and in tweor three days aw jints were swollen to almost double their natural slie, . and Bleep was driven from me. After suffer ing the most excruciating pain for a week, . UBing liniments and various other remedies, a friend who sympathized with my helpless condition, said to me : . ,v " Why don't - you get Swift's Specific and use It. I will guarantee a cure, and If It does not the medicine shall cost you nothing." --1 at once secured the S. S. 8.. ana after using it the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly -benefitted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the room, and after using six bottles I was out and able to go to business. -: Since then I have been regularly at my jx?st of duty, and stand on my feet from nlns to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the plain and, simple facts In my case, and I will cheerfully ana wer all Inquiries relative thereto, either in person or bymau. Tbohas Markduux - - 11 W. 18th street. New York ttty. Nashville, Tkkx. I have warded off a se- ' vere attack of rheumatism by a timely resort to Swift's Specific. In all cases Where a per- : manent relief Is sought this meuiclne com- , mends itself for a constitutional treatment . that thoroughly eradicates the seeds of dis ease from the system. - Rev. W. P. Hasrisov, D.'D. ' - Nrw YORK, 51 7th Ave. After spending -$200 to be relieved of Blood Poison without any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific worked a perfeet cure. C Porter. - ViEifWA, Ga. My-Mfcde"'girl, aged six; and boy, aged four years, had scrofula in the ; worst aggravated shape. They were puny -and sickly. To-day they are healthy and ro-." bust, all the result of taking s. 8. B. , .. j.- v -; ;, . job T, collier. . Lady Lake, Suutrr Co., FLA. Your S. a. 5. has proved a wonderful success In my v case. The cancer on my face, no doubt, would have soon hurried me to my grave. - X do think it is wonderful, and has no equal. j B. H. Byrd, Postmaster. ! I Waco, Texas, May 9, 1883. 6. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. : Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate voluntarwtestimonlals, we take pleasure In stating that one of our iady customers has. regained her health by the use f four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Her trouble ' was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe . cullar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. . Three books mailed free on appucatioa. All druggists 6eU S. S. S. . ; The Swift Specific Co., . Drawer SfAtlanta Qa- ' New Yjrk. 756 Broadway nov 26.1aw lydo N ' : eh sat. MMI WTio are Weak, Servous and Dt UlUatea and suffering frosa Aer wus DcbUity: Seminal - wiakness ioJdto Emissions, and all the ef fects of early Bvil Habits, which t : lead toPremalure Decay, Conswnp tton or Itmanisy, send for Pears' -Treatise on Diseases of Man, with particulars for 'Home Cure. - Cures guaranteed. Ko cure no pay. . J. S. Pears.612 and 614 Church st.,Nashvllle.Tenn octly 9 dw m - - RICHLY Rewarded are those who read this and then actr they will find honorable employ ment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sure for every industrials person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month, - it is easy tor any one to maicess and upward per day, who is willing to work Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. . .Everyuung new. io special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stinson & Co.. Pqrtland, Maine. nov 22 d6mwiy C A DfKITIVF For L(J5or FAILING HANHt3 H lUwl 1 11 C General Ad NEK.VOUS DEBTT.TT1 fTTT? "TP1 Weakness of Body and Kind: Effeo W J JSL JU of Errors or Excesses in Old or Yanri Rinst, Nobl 9ANH0OD fully Restored. How to Ealam M Strengthen WEAK, L'NDKVELOPKII ORC.AXS PARTS ofBOtf 4bM)lutelr nnfallins H09K TREAT HKNT Benefit la a da Sea tettiry from 47 States, TerritortM, and Foreign CoaatrJ Ton can write them. Book, foil explanation, and proofs mall 8ated) free. Adlrtw FRJE MEOICAl CO.. BUFFALO. N. apl 17 eod&w ly ; . : - ' : ; :; " INVENTION ssr; ( among the wonders of inventive progress is" method and system of work that ci 1 be peri fortned all over the country without separa ting the workers from their homes, Pay lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed: you are Started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to you, mat wm start you in business, which will bring you in more money right away,tap anytning else in tne world. Grand outjv . Address True & Co., August ' Xain uov a uma ivw - . ' !! stly restored hy (he use of an entirely iw , -uy, te a ei sct sauta irom Spain, span -It a-ronhees xiWi fail. Our illustrated, 82 page bool 1 testimonials, (sent scaied. Every man BhonS id it. VON G1UKF TROCHEE CO., cl j -SO Paris Xice, Jiew York. Tel The 'National Life -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. . - - . Has Paid to Mem- bers Over - $600,000 Accrued Liabili- ties - ,-t - - None. ; : HORATIO BROWNING, President. SAMUEL NORftJENT, Treasurer, . GEORGE D. I,xj;RIDGIS - j Secretary. Manager aw Actuary, GEO. J. EASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary, . t v Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. -r A Guaranteed Policy. . - . . . Ah Incontestlble Policy. - Maturity Value In Cash at Fixed Aee " -; AnnuRl Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. , Non Forfeitable After Three Years," ' . P. S. KIDDELLE, M. D. - w tt ifi ,,M.eifcal Ulrectorj ?vnNmnal BUI Wine;, JUhfl 11AAK, Jr., Local Agent. -ct 26 Wilmington; N. C. . "STOKLEYSa WE - ARB NOW PRE- all who may call upon us with the Finest Oysters nria,lLon C0 We have made specla preparations for the Season. - - - - Myrtle; erove, Middle and m Sound 0sters : mi OEM I i Tp p ? T to Pi F I f air r&v$w. C stimw,'1 it Asove A "TOI Tar.,.i0H kin' T speedily when this romedy UvkL f no raoro ettectnal relief for th.n- 'C' ; i; ,iut u u in iartA -"-- Samole warkairpa if. ,r?e nicest v ' fcastainpc The reularlinniL01 sent bv . MRYrn a xV .."."""i rann. . 100 North 3d St., Philadelphia Tp. HAHNA! prevert tbeir ailments aniSA., the season Of sheddine feathM..3.lttrii cases carry thelitUe musiciiH rw11? cri t leal pc nod withetit 1 oss of 8our Is N 'OOD CO., 4(K) Ni 3rd St. Phil&i, 61 leaso mention this paper, w h ept 9 tu ta sat i V iu. trada itt- all putt br niacin an 3 aaa room wan tat aiSj 1 world, wltatuSii wor!i ,!.rs.irT;al aL WomTlaUacWi i tine of our cowly Z k we Mad. t. .r-." r . BUT call at t.J wt k k months aU shau bL'!?,t liDroDertv. Tk-. TT '"" aaT nn out; fcfi."! V m run out it od forBSs iCT? .ltuchmnt. .T2J,.!i , . - - " n mw WOlfl CA . . , - frftrt thft tieml iniii.j.lla,:.. "lit. rt Una of works of high art erer anowa tZliT?.' n&p. hi rtti riivrvv - i . i ," Can learn the exact cost of any propose ling Cf advertising in American Papers "by addresskg Geo. P. Rbweil) &7C(L Newspaper Advertising Bureau, Send. lO cts. for ioO-paae Pamphlet. if 25th Annual Session, THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSIOS,' of Misses Burr & James' Scaool will coo mence on Thursday: Oct. 4th, at St. Jom1 ChapeL.on Third, I between Red ensatst Campbell streets, where it has been locaut for the past two years. The street cars mi hlng on Red Cross, a tew yards trom tne Mi ing, can" cover any objection to distanca i well ventilated schoolroom, pleasant pli? ground, good cistern of water and reared t uatlon make it more desirable than m central localities available. , i The Principals, as heretofore, will sparei effort for the advancement of the pupils kit ly entrusted te t heir care, giving IndlTidi attention to each, and ruling with Ann lovfng discipline. V ! . ( Their many graduates, sojhe of them r ; occupying the position of teacters, tesoiu , their success. As always stated In their culars, scholars received only for the sessa ' no deduction being made except in rasa a, protracted sickness.1 Those entering: after tober charged only from date of entranoe. -MUSICAL INSTRUCTION giren by Ml ! S. Cushing, whose life-long- devotion to ft science and long i experience in teacM should be a guarantee for her ability. b I vocal music, caustnenics ana rrecni "Drawl ntr. frfiO nf filmrm. rlftllv PierclseS. ' I v- Instruction in Needle-Work of all kiads, iL so tree of charge, given weekly. -. KVvr friT.rifir rtarilnnlarci nrmlv tft Sept 18 . 1 THJSPKfliCIPAB. Homes in Nort Caroto Only 20 Hours Ride fros - f New York 6MUe8SontliofBale On the Raleigh and August AlrLhi V j 1,500 A0.or,?ro!" leaf pine region. For le on T lota to suit purchaaers. Four to Z Larger tracts $5 per cre,IJ.,1JS "Sotf ments ol $10. Thialand fJtiitt era Pines", a recently efltoblltfed vaaA a s-aayj a c waa aorwor sanitarium;, wu 'rznfoec A number of New Englan d peopled" lots In the town of f 'SoutherH -JeSBds la the desire of the owners of on duce small farmers, mccluni" from the New England and MSo8as well sb elsewhere, to locate hew. u t the Union offers greater mducefflW" 0 tiers than North Carolina better tarmlng country or wf.36 ,1 found.- Tblafs theiophilon ofnXiiijl( wno nave BCttiea in rtorui -y-" - 6otwd offer, and is "i .toaee ; CommlB'r of Imrnlflpratlgjoji. an 21 tf ChofflAnr Don't Delay. QEND 10UR BR0KN OK i$ nlture to me and I vrlU repair it PX-. atlowprices. ,J .tjhl3 Ht ' l propose to marai uij ur9 r0C &w? . wilido the work well aiidwiun1 i mnrli tnr rlftlnc It. Call and JvTHJ repairs I have already niaae. Ifl3f re pair Sewing Machines. Jinsicai &a, asreU as Furmture. W rl give estimates or probable co . come and see me. i ... .. ; n iiBPT NallU. oct "rfiimlifiA fl0USr S. E. corner rttocessf! r-' wao m?wxr U1PW1TTED WTXf1...!? The fitsVOTetotMcaaryblrt';' of the IJarU IVLountaina IftGH flTAr K SLSTi t U a- IT'Saju lWsH83HBaWBBBBBBHBBBBBSBKHBJHBBSaa: ADVERTISERS t pu u . ilex Market Bt., souuiBiac v wv Wrights vllle. ) - l .

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