' ' j ....... i t . r f i If ? f. " t !; I. I 5 ; 5 r I:; r - y t COMMERCIAI. NEWS. isacZclerTft Arnica Salvo The Besr Saive In tne -world lor:. WILMINGTON MARKET. UUtS, 13 raises, DOres, uikci omu - Inlv U -A T M Tw-r nAnwns PWandall SPIRITS TURPENTINE Fine pnntinna nTifi rrs?Hvl v ftnrps at 37 cents. Sales of receipts at 37c Piles, or no pay required. It is guar-f ROSIN - lnll i at 75 cents for anteed to give perfect satisfaction, strained ana, at cents, for goou tinnav rpfnnrfwl. - Pricft 25 cents ' strained." . ' ' M m a i . ru-,.. i 0 MISCELLANEOUS. anSCELLANEOUB W hite Goods 06. ner For sale by Robert R Bellamy, ! wholesale and retail druggist Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. - A marvel of pu rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than tbe ordinary .kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold onto in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 10C Wall St., N. Y. oct 20 diwly tcnrm 4thpd 3rdpw WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. 1889. STATE NEWS. Greensboro Workman: Rev. A. R. Morgan, who goes soon ns a mis- sionarv to Japan, was here Satur day, and from him we learn that he would leave for San Francisco, via Washington arid Chicago, on Thurs day next. By this it .will be seen that he goes out -by the Pacific route. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Morgan and his two children. Raleich News and Observer: Mr. Benoni Thorp died yesterday after noon about 4 o clock in ins room in the Agricultural -building. He had been here as Assistant Chemist in the State Agricultural Experiment Station . for about one year, and during his stay in Raleigh had won a very large circle of friends. He graduated at the-State University in 1888. ' He was from Granville county and was twenty one years of age. Goldsboro Argus: The heaviest fall of rain for the time being ever witnessed in that section by the "oldest inhabitants" passed over a good scope of territory East of Goldsboro yesterday, embracing Kinston, Falling Creek and La Grange In its' heaviest down-pour. Capt. Cogdell, of Grantham's township, brings us the news of a dastardly waylaying and shooting from ambush, in the night, of Mr. John Lee, who, in company with Mr. Marshall Kornegay, were ou coon hunting at the, time. The shooting took place in a swamp, at an unfrequented crossing, and Mr. Lee was the only one' of the two fired upon. 'Several shots" from a breach loading shot gun were fired at him, his legs&nd side being badly lacerated.- ..i.'fl... . Durham bun: Mr. VYC. Parrisb, a highly respected farmer of Man- . T ' gum townsnip, living on r mt iuver, died quite suddenly Snnday even ing. We are not in possession of any of the particulars. --Mr. John Hmton Ellis.' an aged citizen of Durham, died yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock at' the residence of .bis son in law, Mr. John J. Hall. He was one of Durham's oldest in habitants. A party of small boys killed a horned snake near the reservoir Sunday evening. They were walking along the road when they saw it rolling toward them like a hoop. They thought some boy had rolled a hoop down the hill, whfp one of the boys picked up a ro$f and struck It. Finding, out it waa snake they soon dispatched it. ?It measured about three feet. Charlotte News: Perhaps the largest receipt of dry goods in the history, of Charlotte, by any one house in any one day, was received to-day by the big wholesale house of 8. Wittkowsky. No less than 50,000 pounds, filling nearly four cars. -Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, one of the best officers in the Con federate army, whose men never tire of speaking his praise, was once a citizen of this place, and is per sonally known to many of our citi zens. Anything concerning ' this grand old patriot is interesting. A i recent Washington paper has this to say of him: Gen.' Joseph E. John ston is one of the best preserved of Washington's octogenarians. He has a fine, straight figure, and holds himself erect, sitting or standing," riding or walking. He dressesin the latest fashion,, and with scrupu lous neatness. He is a great walker, and tramp all over the Capital. riding very seldom, except in rainy webther. Gen. Johnston graduated from West Point No. 13 in the class of-1828, in which Robert E. Lee stood No. 2. Sanford Express: Mr. W. T. Buch- m a 1 anan Kiliea a Dine nerou uert ou Thursday. The distance, between ltx wing tips was six teet. itonert Huske. Esq., a prominent lawyer and highlv esteemed citizen of Fay etteville, 'has lost his reason. On last week he left his home, for Wil mington, and from that eity he wan dered to Atlanta, Knoxville and Chattanooga. His Tamily in Fay etteville heard that he was in Chat tanooga and one of his brothers went . , . . , mi mere to urmgiiim uoiue. vju iuur day he was carried home by the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad in a most pitiable condition. His family hope that mental hallucination is only temporary and that care and quiet at his home will restore him. LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For billiousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir.- For indigestion and foul stomach. take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches. take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility. take Lemon Elixir. : - For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any or tne aoove diseases, an oi which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels Or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. 'A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Liuion Elixir and am now a wU man. m th s Rkv. C. C. Davis, Eld.M. E. Church South, No.28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. Orreil's Stabies, CORNER THIRD AND PRINCESS STS. are-well equipped with eyerytlung necessary r in a first class Livery and Sales stables. Good horses and comfortable vehicles and careful drivers ready on demand. Attention Is specially invited to our large stockyard and our facilities for housing horses and cattle m the casement ji our large sta bles. Kates as low as can be found elsewhere. Give us a call and we will do our best to please you. jy8tf Proprietor. CRUDE TURPENTINE Fine at 1.00 for hard, $1.90 for yellow! dip and virgin. .. , WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF WHITE j " GOODS, AND Propose to Sell Them SHUCKS, ; R - SOUND MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Fayetteville, T D Love Schr A. P. Nowell, Conwell, Phil adelphia, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. - Nor bark Agatha, Roha, Campana, Argentine Rep., C. P. Mebane. Ger bark Paquita, Moller, Ham burg, Peschau & Westerman. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fea-r, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND JUtrjlO, 1889. ashore, 214; afloat 42; total To effect this, liberal concessions will be made in prices. They have been placed on the coun- Tomlinson, ter and must be sold. r. j : tf " We show a variety .of FORTY DIFFERENT j STYLES in OR - STRAW. 13 QC . v mm CD . FROM - BEACH Cotton 2oG " Spirits ashore, total, 4,989. Rosin .ashore, 27,129; total, 30,050. 1,950; " afloat, 3,039;! afloat, 3,522; j 571; fotal, 5; total, Tar ashore, 1,886; afloat, 2,457. . Crude ashore, 895; afloat, 900. .. - : r:., ;. :.;!- -: RECKIPTS FROM. JWLY 12 TO JULY 19. Cotton, 1; spirits, 2,113; rosin, 4,008;! tar. 1,005; crude, .905. EXPORTS FROM '. JULY 12 TO JULY 19. DOMESTIC. i Cotton. 7; spirits, 65; tar, 214; crude, 337. - ' - FORKIGJf. Spirits, 1,820; rosin, 3,275; tar, 1. on'tBuy STREET TTNTIL YOU GET TO PRINCESS Depot, as I keep a line assortment of Cigars, Cigai-ettss and Tobacco; alo cool Slilk, Soda w arer. Ginger Ale, c. Try me. . : je si iw , u. La. xajns. Carolina Beach. fl P( tND P ASS ORT leave dails", Sundays and Mondays excepted, as follows for Carolina Beach and Soul b poii: For Carolina lieach at 9:30 a. in., 2::J0 p. m.", 5 p. m. and T p. m. Trains returaLDg, leave Carolina lieach at 7:30 a. m.. 12:30'. in., 5.13 p. m and p. ni. " For southport, leave at 9:45 a. m. and 5 p. m. Upturning, leave soutnport at 8:30 a. m. and 2 pm. . Tickets by boats ieaving at 5 p. m. and 7 p. m., good to return same day only, 25 cents. Carolina 13each being situated upwards of iu mnes irom any cnannei or miet calculated to produce dangerous currents, the. most in experienced can saieiy enjoy t surf batninz by simply obser rules of prudence and commn lieiise, New still-waer bathing houses. ' supplied with ocean water tor ladies amjtf children, arb now open with polite female attendants In waiting. - Fresh nsh of all kinds ean also always be obtained In abundance. Wharf between Market and Princess Sts. JOIIN V. HARPER, Jy 6 tf nac Gejaeral Manager from the tiny hair cord check for infants, to -u. tne largest naia. - r" We show Twenty Different kinds of P LAITJ GO OD S i from 6c. to 60e. per yard. Em broidere d Flouncings, IIEiSJITniED TKIMaBGS, Embroidered Pique & Pique - Skirtlr gs Our stock Is complete and worth the atten tion of Jtmyers. The Ladies are respectfully invited to can. . . :. JSO. J. IIEDIUCK. my27tf ' Table Boards A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN RE ACCOMMO- dated with TableJBoard on application at men 27 tt - Si. Til 1 UD ST. A. Perry's T I VERY, SALE AND EXCHANGE STA les have lust been supplied with several fine saddle and buggy Horses. Board for Horses by the day, week or month at living prices. Give me a call, carriages always on hand North Front St. (Taylor's old stand i Jy 8 lm The Gorinaii House, XT- H5 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN ; IT PRINCESS FTBISET. : P. , S. Mosq a i to- Bars Ian d Net s, Y , rpwanaunair iJushion?. y Mn,i L - cj-;j., w-vi :timi i . v. iu uma iSsse Awake all Goods are sold ht very ; CLOSE PBI(- " . y This; is! the season for luent and A : " irn.Pluw Mil) lUlT UiUlOl X OI TflA Hnnca t. "lrt'n.lli. i UP and tHus help usio move alon throu tl'daH srSE! are still proinff at fair prices, and a niceQsortmentof nutto,, V v W A;.I?I;E S , - i jy 23 NORTH FUOKT ear in Mind THAT- . i Front and second. -is now accommoaauon oi guests open for The table is the sup- jyifist' J.W.ATKINSON. President. W. P TOOMER, Cashier. NOW THAT THE ENCAMPMENT IS OVER WE HAVE LEFT A" FEW OF OUR Spring and Summer Suits, WHICH WE ARE OFFERING Beg&rdless of Cost, AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Beantifilir lllastratk. 25 cts., $3 Year awuuiuiuuiiuuu ui guusia. me tuuie is sup- t .t i . t" - j . . j jelled with the best the market affords. Board IS the place tO gfet r aSTllOnable Goods and n rf T ; by tne day, week or month. T - . tt . ax c v A-caaers C reduced to 48c each.; ; Flowers, fine French'FlowPrV ri once si. 08. now sellinp-at.cr enrh T ao t c-j 1 feB Wilmington Savings & Trust Co., Net and Brussels INet Maline and Veiling at one-haS I fio princess st., Wilmington, n. c, vduic. me crescent iustie, lust received, and in otp- IvO Lends Monev on sat.lsfactorv Kpnuritv I J 2 : i hmi -v ' - I J ... " auu III Vf qemana..-JauK mitts, warranted all si k:.5in.a ra;r rzy and Sun Shades in all shades. Fans, immense itnrl tA 1 lecc irom. torsets ot -every make. Handkerchiefs from 2; up. Gents' Linen Hemmed-Stitch Colored Borders Q eacii; and lots of other desirable and Seasonable Goods a remarKaDiy low rnces. - Lends Money on satisfactory security. jfayg interest on Deposits, is empowered to exeeute Trusts of ail kinds. mch-29 tf For Sale, LBS. OLD TYPE METAL, CLEAN Will j be soU cheap THIS OFFICE. 1.000 and la good condition. - Apply at myJ7tf .. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Call and be convinced of the above, anteeto ITS SCO PIS. THE AMERICA! MA i. ZINE gives preference to national topics an scenes, and its literature and art are of ih highest standard. Famous American writer fill Its pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and ' adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our foremost problems of the neriod. acnd.in short, this Magazine is . I guar- instinctively Representative of i -American Thomght and Progress. It is acknowledged b.r the press and nubiiR to be the most popular and entertaining of the high-class monthlies. TrnTiiirfanr A specimen Number.with AUIUMI littUt Illustrated Premium List. and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable premiums to uiuo Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of 15c., if this paper is mentioned. f f SOO, or a Care. For many years the manufactur ' era of Dr. Sage's Catarrh .Remedy, - who are" thoroughly responsible financially, as any one can easily ascertain by enquiry, have offered, through nearly every newspaper in the land, a standing reward of $5o0 for a case of chronic nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long ' standing, which they cannot cure. -The Remedy is mild, soothing, cleansing, antisentic, and - healing. Soldjjy ail druggists, at 50 cents. Sell 20 Per Cent. Less thanany other house In the city. B. F. PERlftlY. THE CLOTHIER, Jylfltf 110 market Street. PJ.G PISH ! PIG FISH ! I AL WALTS KEEP A SUPPLT OP FRESH FISH on hand. As I have my own boat and seine I always keep from 200 to 300 oh hand. Pic nlc parties can be served with Fish or Coffee. Meals 35c or $100 a Day. The Oldest and Best JA8 A. HKWtE'IT. Restaurant In 100 yards of switchback. , Good CIGARS and ice cool BEER always on hand. jy 11 tf tw Responsible and enenretic persons want ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territory. Address, i THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., teb 749 Broadway Btaw Yrir. j MEW YORK OBSERVER. EST A BLISHED IX 1 8 Scribiier's Magiiztiie For 18SO. . The pubUshers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make It the most popular aud fehter pnsmg or periodicals, while at all times pre serving us mgn uterary cnaracter. ne vv Feadcrs have been drawn to it during the ptist six months by the Increased excellence of its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus and an assured success. The illustrations will snow some new effects, and nothing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and In teresting will be neglected. THE RAILWAT ARTICLES will fee centln- ued by several very striking papers; one espe- uicuijr uiiiesuiig vy js.x-1'osim.asier tsenerai Tnomas l. James on "The Railway Postal Ser Tlcc" IlltistvctUL MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S geila movei "xiie jaasier oi caiiantrao," will run inrougn ine greater part oi the year, ; - Begun in Xavemoer. " " A , CORRESPONDENCE and collection o manuscript memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters wiu iurnisn tne suostancc or several articles. luusiraica. ; . xne Drier end papers written last year by xvuuei u iAJius iBLevensya, wiu do replaced by equally Interesting contributions by differs t famous authors. Mr. Thomas Bailey -Aldrich win write the lirst of them for the January Many valuable LITER ART ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Method of worK, musiratea rrom original MSS., a second -onen ot uia jjooiis," Dy Airs. James T Fields. and many other articles equally noteworthy, Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a tea ture rapers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. H. Blashfieid, Austin pobson and many oiners. illustrated. FISHING ARTICLES describing sport in the uesu nwmng grounaa - win appear, salmon. winninisn, uass and Tarpon are the subjects now arranged. The authors are well known sportsmen. illustrated. ; i ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great variety. wutiuug uimu an uiiuiuer suuieccs, travel. Coll., MAinBr44J touching upon ail manner of subjects. I uliiM y tiD W5 Ud Ju 1 1 oiograpny, description, etc., will appeaa, but - i5tcanisnip Co. Six Regular Editors: Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Condensed News, Derartiuet9 for Farmers. Mer chants, .Bankers, Professional Men- Students, Boys jand Girls, r : . t This year the Observer will nnlv I XI . ii8ii more man not of the conventional commonplace sort. i xuusiraiea.. . Among the most interesting In the list ! able article bj scientific papers for the year will bo a remark-. y rroi. dunn 'rmwrnnw nnnn the most recent developments and uses of r jiui uwitAit x . illustrated.; a ciass oi articles which has proved ef spe cial interest will be continued by . a group of yaycia uuua jijjEiUTKitiT x lnitsmost recent applioatlbns, by eminent authorities: a re- I?T I?TV Dl) I7ry nnrk i - xtio ,"T""u miiniinu, and ether A Still on Deck. fVERTBODT OF THE MALE Sit slon visiting Wilmington during PEKSUA- the En. c&mpment Is cordially invited to call and hare a Shave, or a "S nam poo, or a Haircut, at my establishment, 29 Market street, between Front and Water, only 10 cents for a Shave , SO cents for a Shampoo, 20 cents for a Hair cut and 20 cents and upwards for Dyeing. - Respectfully, . JOHN WERNER, . If 9 ti Practical Barber ana Pertumer. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW TORE Located between Chambers and RooseveR sts. At 3 o'clock. P. M, GULF STREAM. ........ . . .Saturday, July 27 FROM WILMINGTON- - BENEFACTOR... .. .Friday, July 26 4ULF STREAM Friday. Ausr. 2 vx Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro" Rates guaranteed to and from points in Nortu and south Carolina. These Steamers have unsurpassed passen ger accommodations. For Freight or Passage apply to - II G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, - : wimilngton, N v. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. . . - - New Tork WM. P, CLTDE & CO., Genl Agents. ' if 22 . , :5 BowUDg Qreen, New Tortc and the ablest and most. nnnnlsiT ? J ;n .t . -. ! writers wm contrioute to its col uuins. Poets and prose writers, an mors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill th a at1. umns ef the Obskrvkr. and it wil give fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. ' . Clergymen, f 2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 l. The new YORK observer wiitDe sent for one year to any elerevman nn a c scribcr, for ONE DOLLAR. 2. Any subscriber sending riio r- li?tVJfrin znce and a new subscri ber wlta fo.H0, can have a oopy of the '-Iren anis Letters." oj -The LlJe or Jerrv Air Milov we vrm send the observer for the re mainder of this year, and to Jfimifirr i -loan to any kkw subscriber sending us his name and address and $3.00 in advance. To suchsubscn bers we wiu also give either the volume of 'Ircna3usLtttcrs''.or "The Life of Jerry Me- Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Large commissions.. Sample c free Address, - , . New York Observer, - NEW YORK , : ' ; UnimUP. YTlllStrntirms SPECIAL OFFER fn anvAr loot T-ani ?SS7olSwsrlnClU(ie ..1J1?"- Abeerafo?iSsriP.Un ilm mathe nnm" tt A year's suhscrintif.n'nfisa bers tr 1888, bound inTloth....r: 6.C0 3 year; 23 cents a number! Charles Scribner!s Sons, T43-T45 Broadway, N.T. ' Making Room for Fall Goods 7 BILE OUR STORE IS BEING EN iarged and remodeled we will close out bai. ance of Summer Goods at greatly, redtfeed prices. Brown Linen Vest3 70c, White Unen Vests 73c, Alpaca coats $loo to Koo, 200 Casslmere forthtjf'50' French Percale Shirts at sVltAWHATS at less than cost. Mustbe 118 Hrlarket St., Wilmington, IJ.O. Big : discount to the trade. Orders by promptly fulfilled. , , - . Honey Honey Honey rjIHE FINEST BROUGHT TO THIS MAR &5?tPut UP In "ne Pound Boxes. CaU .vuu ivuo. it,. .... . WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE - ! MARTLAN : O tea mery Bu tt e r , Packed in Refrigerator Boxes. The only place in town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My - PAROLE FLOUR still stands unparalleled," and Is certainly pro nounced by those that once try it to be the best sold In towm. Also, a very fine FLOUR for less money, which is guaranteed. Cakes of all Kinds, Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, I?It!lvLE-4, DRIED FRUITS; ! ieadiess variety of Canned Goods. - . , In Jact I keep everything whlclTcan ho f0.HnInaflrsass Grocery sSe! cA.iuiuue my isoods. " - ATLANTIC VM WBIGHTSVILLE, N. C rHE 'SOLDIER BOYS ARB C0MISC the girls are happy. j , - . '- - Board during Encampment Weet Cnly S2 Per DJ ED. WiLS JN MAS5TIS0' jya tf Drugs and Chemic fJOILET ARTICLES. PATENT KC1 Shoulder Braces, Trusses, eta, etc. ' Also Prescriptions filled dg or rfgj nn I fnrnPf KOUTLU u--- , or Rent at the Hammc: Uiitil April PRIVILEGE Oe Ut, 18 nti TVG ' Jy23 Jno. L. BoatwnVht. - i 15 & 17 So. Front St. Ope Fear House. ; FIRST CLASS RESTAUItANT HAS BEEN opened at the terminus ot the Ocean View R. u. irresh Plgflsh.- Clams n ?.?J nrst Claw Dinthg Room7 for mir nrhlt MlOTAtMAnr. . . a uovyujna. Uive US a cn.ll and to give you entire satisfaction guarantee Jo 23 3m For SaJe c;.;rp;; A TOUNG HORSE,: TOG ETHER WITn Buggy; Harness. Bridle and saddle.; :will be sold cheap. Rejison-lor seiiinsf want of ti rpHE . PRIVILEUU VJj ; Drlnts, Confectioneries and Fraltrf o warfs formerly occupied by Mrs. . ward allblds under seal to J. , Manager. , ' ,V Also, for lease BuUWWJpir Beach. Terms very moderare. Nolan, Gen'l Manager, t jjow - " Sec'y vlimlngton jC29tf r he Atlantic C (YH WRIGHTSVILLEUKACE, bak Station, West oi : wggf & only place on ithe Beach j wre . $ j 5 -rtiik of good, vflisKEY call Is respectfully &WiC$S&T' . Star and jHes".- . For Salo KLD NEWSPAPEliS FOR.SAIA . i ... .SOMartet Street, f7tc ... - -Z. S. TONES. own price at aug