TfllS .-lir,. Sundays excepted, TStor and Prop. TAGB PAID: LOO. one month, 35 cents. " flouts hv carriers, tree trill W fie Pak" ,rt of tDC CUj , " maw r- TV! r.--pTX': vreeS. ins rites low ana uuc iasereport any ana ;ir paper regularly. " Til i v - .! VI" i ll li'U- v Presents in the most elegant form iMD NUTRITIOUS JUICE yfc LAa Scr THS FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with me meaionai j & of plants known- to be SS beneficial to the human Sem, forming' an agreeable : effective laxative to penna- -ently cure Habitual Consti--nation, and the many ills de peading on a -weak or inactive condition of the RIDSEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. Itijthe most excellent remedy known to . : fW$f THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY Vita one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT UREELOOD, REFRESHWO SLBEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALU- FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it.' ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB SYHTJS OF 3PXOO MANUFACTURED ONLY BY " CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAS FRANCISCO, CAL. VHHMILLE. Kt. ' NEW YORK. N. Y For sale by KOtf'EltT K. HELLAMY, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, meh2tf lycLtw ' - iimington, jn. kj. RheuntatUm ami Catarrli. tt&eumatisra and catarrli are both blood diseases. In many severe cases they have jieldudto treatment with B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), nu'k y Blood Balm Co., At lanta. (4a. Write for book of convincing proofs, sent tree. ll. P. Dodge. Atl&ni says: "My wife Had catarrh and nothing Hid her any good. Her consfirution finally failed and poison got nto her Wood. 1 placed her on a use of B. B. K. and to my surprise her recovery was rapid aud complete." ;; W.P. McDanlel. Atlanta. Ga., writes: vismach emaciated and had rheumatism so tad I could not g-et along without crutches. a& had. neuralgia in the head. First class prolans did me no good. Then I tried B. B. B- ind Its effects were maglcaL I cheerfully wcimmend it as a good tonic and quick cure.' Irs Matilda Nichols. Knoxvllle. Tenn.. writes: 1 Lad catarrh six years and a most aiaressincougii, and m3" ej'es were much siaiita. live bottles or B. B. B., thank God ! ccredme."' JGin M. Darts, Tyler, Texas, writes: "1 was a nunioer ot years to speus or lnnam pory rheumatism, which six bottles of B. B.. thant heaven, has entirely cured. I lave not felt the slightest pain since." OCEaW view BINI2STO- ROOMS -AT Switchback Station ! IIIE CXDZRSIG21ED WOULD INFORM irs to wnhlsviiie, the Hammocks and cwn View, tfifcuer DINING BOOMS at SWehback statlorllire now open for the ac- cotmoaation of guests, and that no pains will te-vesa,isfactlonto all who will patrons ber tables. . iwvTr1 a11 nours and at living prices. -m arrangements made with lareo narties. n.; 'K-uct: mr spvprn spnsnTis ht. ! ucrPTni.-. rt . , w ue made to nipns IP w iM MRS. W. B AIAYO. Carolina Beach Hotel. .jKt'AKOLKBEACH HOTEL, AT' "THE ous watering;piaee of that name. -; : ' ISNOW OPEN My ror the reception of guests, kral rat es by t he day, week or month. iSiILuilexeePtlonaDle- Good rooms pish i nrst ciass atteildants MEALSjready on arrival of every train B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. ay!llr n nlovvirVrfi- Bpt on tbo Market! ii i TlTN . jX HOES, RAKES, c SPRJNK- onabovp01141 Attachmenta. Bottom apiSDtf i . V- K SPRINGER CO'iJ, rpnt st, Wilmington, N. C JAKT COUNTRY BOARD, TWO Lincointbn. DaUy maiL One free t0Lincoln daily, ii cesired. -16 tisfactok- -iaoies and Fruit, ' P'easara rooms -xa mi, ri AdtiNM!i . - lr - . - . - - - - -.- . . ------ "- r i A VOL XIII. LOCALi NBTsr INDEX TO NSW ADTXRTISXinCKTS B F Penny Clothing Munds Bros Pharmacists w M Cumminq Mattresses Morkis Bear & Bros. Notice Taylor's Bazaar Bear hx Mind Chas P Browne, Agt Butter, etc Clyde S S Co Change of Schedule K M McLntirk House-keepers Awake Braddt & gaylord The Racket store Day's length 14 hours and 5 niin ates. 1 Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 8-minutes past 7 o'clock! New moon this evening at 46 min utes past C o'clock. - We have a few Fluting Machines which we are closing out at less than factory cost. See them. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co t Services in St. John's Church to monow: Holy Communion at 7.30 a. m. - Morniner braver 11 o'clock. Sunday School 5 p. in. Work on the new school house, between Fifth and Sixth and Mul berry and Walnut streets is pro gressing rapidly. The usual Sabbath morning and evening services will be held by the ppstor, Rev. W. S. Creasy, tomor row, at Grace M. E. Church. Do you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum or: other humors? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood punher. 100 doses one dollar. No interments this week in Oa k dale, two, one child and one adult, in Bellevue, and eleven, six children and five adults, in Pine Forest. Three trains on the Seacoast Rail road to-morrow, leaving here at 9.30 a. m. and 2.30 ana . 35 p. in., ana returning at 11.05 a. in., and 6.20 and 10.45 p. in. The exercises of the business men's prayer and experience meet ing at 8.15 o'elock to night, at the Seaman's Bethel, will be conducted by Dr. Thos. F. Wood. Headquarters for Sash, Doors and Builders' Supplies is the N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. They sell the best goods at nrices that vou pay for those of an inferior quality. Burglars. Be secure from them by putting our Burglar Proof Locks on your blinds. They are cheap and can be put on by $be most in experienced. N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Paint your house, with Regal Ready Mixed Paint, It is the best and cheapest. You will find all col ors in any desired quantity at the factory's agents, N. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t No morning service in St. An drew's Presbyterian Church to morrow, owing to the illness of the pastor. Rev. i R. C. Beaman, of Fifth Street M. E.,: Church, .will fill the pulpit at night. Many persons who would not hesitate to pay 50 cents to witness a poor play from a strolling theat? l x i X ,1nn-oif a ninlral neat-troupe win nuu u?yu9inn"" in a church collection plate for the privilege of hearing the Gospel. The Wilmington District Conferr ence oi tne hi. js. uuurwu owuvu, convenes at Whiteville, N. C, on the 8th of August. Bishop .Duncan will preside and Rev. T. Page Ricaud will preach the pppnjng sermon. Stoves.- We have a very large line, made by the best factories, of the. latest and most improved styles, which we guarantee to bake and cook well and to give general satis faction. Our low prices will aston ish and our Stoves please you. jst. Jacobi Hdw. Co. t Delegates to Conference. Messrs: Thomas C. Craft, James W. King, R. W. Beery and W. W. Hodges hftYe been elected as dele gates, andMessrs. George G Lewis, A. G. Hankins and J. Jr. UlarK as al ternate delegates, to representGrace Church at the district Conference, which convenes at Wnghtsville on; the 8th of August, j j Shirts, we have got them by the million, inade by good and skilful hand; come and see us, we can save you over fifty five per cent. We II not charge yon j fancy prices, treai ..roil riori't oe afraid, therefore , . UjOIiev av oome and patronize, us money av 1a irfmnnPV made, at ..the Wllming- ton ShirtFactory, 122 Market street. WILMINGTON, N, C, The amount of rainfall here since ine Degmning, at 1 o'clock morning, is 1.30 inches. A 1 . this Mr. J. A. Bonitz, of the Nessenaer, left, here last night for a short visit to Baltimore and Washington City. Services in St. Paul's Episcopal Church to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. The Register of Deeds issued mar. riage licenses this week to eight couples, threj white and five col ored.: r- ' :i Preaching at the Seaman's Bethe Sunday evening, at 5. o'clock. Sea men and the public generally arer in vited to attend. The mortality this week among the colored people has been unus ually heavy. There were eleven in termentS in Pine Forest and seyeral others in Oak Grove. The game of base bail played yes terday evening at Seaside Baseball Grounds between the Mutuals and Invincibles resulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 8 to 10. . A telegram was received here to day from Mt. Airy, relative to the condition of Mrs. Geo. Davis, and we regret to learn that she is very low, witn no improvement percep tible. The King's Daughters of Grace M. E. Church will give a lawn party next Tuesday evening at the resi dence of Rev. F. D. Swindell, south east corner of Mulberry and Second streets. - ! Refreshing and Invigorating Delicious Soda Water as drawn from Munds Brothers' magnificeut new soda fountain at a temperature of 34. Purest Fruit Syrup, Milk Shakes and Natural Mineral Water. A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by considerable wind, visited this section at about 1 o'clock this morn? ing. It rained then and it rained hard after daylight. The atmos phere has been much cooled thereby and the themometor was only 86 a$ noon to-day. To Dispel Colds. Headaches arid Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per manently cure habitual constipa tion, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. German at the Hammocks. There was a good attendance at the ererman srivea at the Island W Beach Hotel last night. Mr. W. H. Northrop led and there vere about twenty couples. Next Monday night Mr. Piatt, the proprietor of the hotel, will give a full dress german, complimentry to the Misses Potter, who have been spending tne sum mer at this pleasant resort. For tle Hair. A solution of chloral hydrate, five grains to the ounce of vater, will clear the hair of dandruff, and pre vent its falling out from that cause. Ifjthe patient is nearly bald from dandruff this solution will help the hair. Arnica oil is also an adruira ble remedy to promote the growth of hair. A small quantity well rub bed into the scalp three or four Ijinesaweelt can. he tried with exr pectations of benefit. The above is from a recent medical journal. 1 They Can't Do It. j One of our morning cotempbr- aries says that "Mr. J. N. Moody, one of the directors of the Atlanta & Florida Railroad, arrived yester day morning, and will join a merry party of friends on a cruise on the revenue cutter Colfax." There must be some mistake here. The -Colfax is a government boat and is here for business, not pleasure. The revenue cutters are not alpwed to take pleasure parties, at least, the Colfax could not take the Governor of the State of North Carolina down the river last Summer, Nothing less than a Cabinet officer need apply," ought to be displayed at the gang way of all Government vessels. Therefore, we don't see how Mr. Moody and 'a merry party of friends" are going" to take t the con-1 templated ticruiseM on the Colfax. v " . .' Br. Pierce's Pellets cure soustipa-l bmiousness, sick headache, uhSaiiq Vianrlnnlio All ilorontrA.I jments of the stomach, liver aal llflEW, SATURDAY. JULY 27, , St. Panl's Evangelical Imtheran Chmrch. The services in St. Paul's. Evan gelical Lutheran Church, corner Market aria. Sixth street, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor,, to-morrow, will be in German at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. in. in English. All are wel come at theservices. r -TClty Court. , John Stewart was before the Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct. He was found guilty and fined $5. Two parties, charged with keeping unlicensed dogs, were each fined $5 and the cotrs, $3.15, amounting to $8.15 for ea' h" party. Cotton Receipts. . The receipts of eottbn at this port for the week ended yesterday are 41 bales, as against 116 bales for the corresponding week last year. Re ceipts for the crop year to July 26th are 158,015 bales; -to . same date last year, 168,000; showing a decrease this season as compared with last year of 15,985 bales. At Carolina Beach Yesterday. Yesterday was a gala day at Caro. lina Beach. It is estimated that in all at ; least I one thousand persons were there during the day. A large number went down on the Grove and the Passport in the afternoon and helped to swell the crowd which bad already gone down on the ex cursion given . by the Sunday School of the i Fifth Street M. E. Church. The Passport, which left here at 5 o'clock, had on her full complement. TThe attraction at the Beach during the day was the con cert of the Germania Cornet Band, the first of the series they are to give there every. Friday af ternoon during the remainder of the season. 'The weather was charming, without rain, and the Band, verved . and encouraged by the large number of those whoTbad turned out to hear them, simply played as they had never played be. fore. Each. piece was rapturously applauded as it " was rendered ' and for the Band it! was simply an ova tion. There are many who will look forward eargely to the advent of next Friday,1 for it will briBsr an other; of the charming seaside con certs. I j Drowned in ne Cane Fear. A colored man, whose identity is not easily established, but who is said to have been named George Williams, and to hail from Fayette- ville, jwas drowned yesterday after noon, shortly after this paper was put to press. He was walking along the cap of the wharf at Josh Green's wood! yard, foot of Dock street where there was very little room to pass, and fell in and was drowni ed. - Only two persons, so far as is known, saw him fall. He rose once and then sank out of sight finally. The schooner Minnie Ward was lying near at lapd' and some of the men on board got into a boat hang ing atlthe stern of the vessel and went to the place where the unfor tunate man was last seen, but were too late to save him. A large crowd was soon attracted to the spot and an attempt w3 niade to. recover the body, with drags ana by diving, but without success. It has not yet been recovered, i Since the above was in type some other particulars have been obtain ed. The: man's name was John Ballard and he hailed from Scott's HJ11, He had ;been in the city for some time, in the employ of Capt. Skinner, and'lived on Tenth street, between Market aad Princess. . Ho could not swim. At 4 o'clock to day the body had not been recovered. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Butter and Shoulders. 2 TUBjS GOOD COOKING BUTTER and 3000 "vv"estern Smoked Shoulders that must be sold at once. . CHAS. F. BROWNE, Agt, 138 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. jySftfd&w I (Star copy.) NOTICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED TAKE THIS METHOD of announcing that the death of our brother, Mr. Morris Bear, win make no change In the business of the firm. We will continue the business under the old linn name of Morris Bear & Bros. : ISAAC BEAR, i : SAM'L BEAR, Jk., Wilmington, n. c, juSSSSSa?"4 1889. NO 176, NEW ACDVERTIS KM KNTS DR1WIC MEXICAN SHERBET, ; A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE. Only Of jy25tf MUNDS BROTHERS, 104 N. Front St. WANTED A WOMAN OF SENSE, EN ergy and respectability for our business in her locality; mlddleged preferred. Salary S50 per month. Permanent position. Refer ences exchanged. Jy 8 4w American Mfg. House, Lock Box 1585,N. T. Sew York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER NEW YORK Xjooated between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At3o'clock, p.m. BENEFACTOR. ..Saturday, Aug- 3 GULF STREAM; Saturday, Aug. 10 ji b'auiuk Wednesday, Aug. u PIONEER.... Saturday, Aug. 17 FROM WILMINGTON- GULF STREAM. . . . . B BNEFACTOR. .... GULF STREAM BENEFACTOR . . .Thursday, Aug. . . . Thursday. Axis. . . .Thursday, Aug. 15 ....Tuesday, Aug. 20 Throusrh Bills Ladincr and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and south Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent; Wilmington, N C. THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. ; New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen! Agents, jy 23 5 Bowling Green, New York. FOB iyjlLLIWERY, STUAW GOODS, j?" QSc OO D rJatting, CARPETS, BUGS, WINDOWSHADES, Underwear. SHOES, IL.A.03BS, GHassware, Tinware, Notions,FeatherDusters, j OIL CLOTH. Every thing you need may be found - there at ; : VERY LOW PRICES. Racket Store. U7 S. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N C, BRADDT & GAYLORD, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters, New York. my 11 tf sat PIG FISH ! PIG FISH ! I AL.WALYS KEEP A SUPPLY OF FISH on hand. As Thave y own boat and seine I always keep from 200 to 300 on hand. - Pic nlc parties can be served with Fish or coffee. Meals 35c or $1.00 a Day. ; JA.81 A. IIEWIiElT. Restaurant in 100 yards of Switchback." : Good CIGARS and ice cool BEER alwavs on hand. - tv 11 tf H. CRONENBERG, L PHOTOGJRAP1IEB, v RTISTIC AND SUPERBLY EXECUTED Photographs at reasonable prices. . FRAMING A SPECIALTY, feb 23 tf 116tf Market St., South side. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL, V."J'-; J";, : AT THE V rilrilS HOTEL IS NOW OPEN FOR THE AC X commodatlon of the public, and the Propri etors will be pleaded to entertain their guests. With several years' experience at one of the leading resorts of he North, "Bay Ridge Ho tel," on the- Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, we feel confident we can supply the loog felt want of the public here. - - The cuisine department of our Hotel 13 one of the lpadlog features. Rates $5.00 per day. The Cafe Is now open and guets can get Meals on the European Plan. Fish suppers at i the Cafe a specialty: and Meals 50 cents. -r Respectfully soliciting the patronage of tne publie, we remain 1 , Respectfully." ' i HOKACH FLATT & CO., 1 . je 20 tf Proprietors. pleass roTica , r TTe will be clad to recclTD ccmntmlcatR cs froxa our friends on" .any trl all; objects general interest, but' ; '; t '.t':'. . ; of thewriter mWaiways be fur hlshed to the i Editor." '" - : CommTutfcattwafii imttui' on but one side. of the peper.r ": j Z?, -' v Personalities mnst be avoidea. Cl Ana it tt espaily ana; parUCTUarly , nratr stood that the Editor floes not alwars endorse the ! views pi correspondciits anless so stated In the editorial columns. m " NEW ADVEBTISEHENTff. NOW THAT TnE ENCAMPMENT IS OVER WE HAVE LEFT A FEW OF OUR Spring;and Summer Suits, WniCU WE ARE OFFERING - Begardless of 'Cost IN OKDEKJO MAKE ROOM FOB OCR FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Call and be convinced of the above I guar antee to - ' - Sell 20 Per Cent. Less- than any other house in the city. B. F. PENNY. THE CLOTHIER, ' . Jy 19 tf 110 Market Street. For Sale Cheap YOUNG HORSE, TOGETHER. WITH Huggy, Harness, Bridle'and Saddle.. Will bo sold cheap. .Reason for selling want of ise. Apply to Jyl5tf " j. n. JONES. Wilmington Seacoast R.R, lllE FOLLOWING CHANGE IN THE TIME Table of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect on Monday, 22nd lnst WILMINGTON. HAMMOCKS. : Leave.... 6.00 a.m. Leave. ..v.... 9.30a. m. Leave......... 2.30 p. m. Leave 5.00 p. m. Leave 6.ap. m. Leave ....... &30p. m. Arrive . . . : r. . 6.50 a. ml. Arrive.... ..mio a. m. Arrive...... aiOD. m. Arrive........ 5.35 p. m. Arrive....... 7.15p.m. Arrive A. 9.10 p. m. AMMOCKS. WILMINGTON. Leave...... .. 7.45 a. m. Leave 10.25 a. m. Leave. ...... 4.00p.m. Leave. 5.45 p. m. Leave ........ 7.30 p, m. Leave. ...10.00 p. m. Arrive..:..: ; 8.20 a. m. lArrlve . .11.05 a. m. Arrive 4.40 p. m. Arrive....... 6 20 p. na. Arrive...;!.. 8.10 . m. lArcive....... 10.45 p. m. SUNDAY WtAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVE At " ' WILMINGTON. . LEAVE. --AKRIVE. Leave..;. Leave. . . . Leave,... 9.30 a. m. 2.30 p. m. 6.85 p. m. Arrive.. Arrive... ....11.05 a. m'. .... 6.20 p. m. ....ia45p. m. Arrive... Supper Train wiu be the 6: p in . train leaving Wilmington. Round trip tickets wlU be sold at 25c for this train to parties return ing the same night. : J. R. NOLAN. jy 23 tf . - . aen'I Manager. jiXVMVJ y AA.VAIVJ J rjpHE FINEST BROUGHT TO THIS MAR- ket for years, put up in one pound Boxes; fall and look at it. WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE - MARYLAND : Cream e ry B utter, Packed in Refrigerator Boxes. The only place In town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My ; ' r PAROLE FLO UFS still stands unparalleledi and is certainly pro nounced by thosg that" once try it to be the best sold In town. Also, a very nn FLOUR for less money, which Is guarantee. Cakes of all Kinds, Crackers, Preserves, Jellies, PICKLES, DRIED PRUI'irS, and an endless variety ox Canned Goods. -Imfact i keep everrthlnar which -r can be found in a first class Grocery Store. - cau ana examine my uoous. - ; . . Jno. L, Bdatwright, 3y 22 1517So.FromtSt. ; i ? A. Pe rry'o TITERY, 1 SALE AND EXCHANGE STA- bles have lust been supplied with several fine saddle and buggy Horses. Board for Horses by the day week or month at living . prices. Give me a caU. Carrlatres alwava on hand. North Front St. (Taylor's old stand.) Jy 8 lm Brown's BeachEestaurant ' - : . Jr-AND ; ' ; ' BATH HOUSES. : I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUKCB to the public that my Restaurant , and Bath" Houses on Wrightsviile Beach, opposite the Hummocks, are now open and ready for the accommodation of all who may favor me with, their patronage. - Ilg Fish. Son SheU Crabs and Sandwiches ready on the arrival of all trains.- - - TJie Bath Houses stc clean, well ventilated and supplied with fresh water, clean towela and careful attendants, v A call Is solicited. .Respectfully, my 22 tf ; It & L. BROWN. A r c h i e F re oman fo IS THE PLACE to GET' FRESfl PIG TISH; Deviled Crabs, Clam Fritters.- and au of the delicacies of the salt water. - Wherirou ro to Carolina Beach ' a fnr Arrhin . Vnvmn's" place and anybody will tell you. - TTrm AT7 TTAn dxr Jei2 1! -MRS. . J M. RICHARDSON, ooaside, Llacolnton, J(, C. Sign of the blue awnuig. jy 18 lw i th sa tu . - - , - . A. FItEKMAN." )7 tt Ha ' . Carolina Beach,