rvrv No appetite, IndIsetiOBrFltilee. SlcK Headache, ll ruu down," los- tug flesh, yott will find C n.i W in mi U'TUlIU tne remedy yo ied Veaenp tne wean itomacu flarrlnr 'caeKiea.'.- Suixerer tne roni meutal or physical avenrtoK wi" iw relief f rom t hemj Jfieeljr sugar eoated 1889. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar will continue to maintain 118 reputation as an unequalled family journal. Its art illustrations are of the highest order, its .lterature ion and practical tern-sheet alone will of the subscrl tlve art erv. etc. hold. . Its rles by Mrs. Frances 1 1 oukuu n u 1 uc Alexander. Wllliam lilaek and Thomas Uay and a series of papers on nursery management by Mrs. Christine 'Perhune lierrlek. . i j HARPER'S PERIODICALS; PKli TKAR: DARPETTS BAZAK HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKLY... HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ...f4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 2 00 Postage Free, to all subscribers in the United finite. Canada, or Mexico. I iThe yomme of the Bazar begin with ita first Number lor January of each year. Uhen no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will heg.n with the Number current at time of receipt of order. x.' ,. Bound volumes or uarper s ua.u.r, wi luiro one aouar per vuiumc;, iui w Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for blading, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order xr Draft, to avoid chance of loss. -Newspapers aTenot to copy this advertisement wittiout she express order 0 Harper & Brothers, Address I1ARPEK & BROTHERS, I10V15 ew Yorfc , 1 v A.frr nafirnllimo ' ' - ' 1889. i Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. HaKrTSB'8 Younq PtOTLK begins Its teith volume with the first Number In November. During the year It will contain five serial sto ries. Including "Dorymates," by Kirk Munroe: "The Red Mustang," y W. O. Stoddard; and 'A DarlnWaxlAndtby R, K; Munkittrlck; "Nels'Thurlow's Trial,? by J. T. Trowbridge; "The Three Wishes," by P. Anstry andBran der Matthews; a series of fairy tales written and Illustrated by Howard Pyle; "Home Stud lea UN atdraLUlsCDry." by Dr. Felix L. Os wald: "Little Experiments." by Sophia B. Her-ricic- "Glimpses of Chlld-llfe from Dickens," by Margaret E. angsten articles on various sports and pastimes, short stories by the best writers, and humorous papers and poems, with many mrnareas ot uiusu-atioua ui alo lent Quality JSvery une in uw unper i ouy order that nothing harmful may enter its col- leeted to the most ngia euitonai scrutiuy m iofvl m thA most risid editorial umjrs.fv - ... :-. i- " "An epitome of everything tliat Is attractive and desirable In Juvenile literature. J5oson Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the boys &nd girls in every family hlch It visits. Erookivn Union, , , It is wonderful In its wealth of pictures. In formation and interest,1 Ciirtstlan Advocate Terms Postage Trepaid, $3 pryear. Vol. X begins Noyemoer 1, 1888. Spetlmen Copy tent on receipt of two-cent stamp. Single Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. XcvDspapers are not to copy this adversisemcnt xMhaut the 9xprts order, of Harper & Brothers Address nov 15 HARPER& BROTHERS. 1 New Yor 1889. i 'Harper's jWeeklj .1 - ILLUSTRATED. iiiimi a wmtriT has a welL-Cstabllsnea nliA m the leadlncr illustrated newspaper in ".America.. The Jalrness; of Its editorial com- ? mtaitaqn current pouues nas carnea ior it me t reapect 'and comldence or an imparciai reau rs ani the varifitv and excellence of Its llte- - rary contents, which Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are freauentlv provided, and no expense Is . spared to bring the ? highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the hanfui chases of home and foreign history. A new work otncUon from the pen of William ' Dean HoweUs, and one by CharleB King, will be among the leading features of the Weekly IOT1889. j HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. -v ..... PER .YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY. 4... $400 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 HARPER'S BAZAR...J 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to alt subscrioers in the United States, Canada, or.Mexup. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When oo time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbfc Number current at time or receipt of IS Ol Uie CnOlCeS KinU, UUU 1 t om- i uv ft uctiuru iuio unvinvvi jiuv 1 V C T hi, J uu 1 vy.-i u pwv tl Li punri Housenoia aepaixmenis ui c; rri rnhihit tho sale of muon the other night, as you conressea to andeconomlcai cnaracier. i pi- " , . . ,lloo ! supplements ana lasmon , iri that city. Since men meAjijy . tt , , I... save us reaoers ten i uiw-- U ...m t.i i -i !. -x'" "r" . L. , ptlon, and its articles on uwuia- uouhcn iuts ,iu wj uuia.-c . "And -you buy what is called , social euqueiie.uuu- t t I nuor tratlic. 1'he nonls sometimes in the exnection of ..maKeitiiaispensiiu,u7c j - , , . . j -7, . -. - avs are amonsr m ucsuiiuuuniK, , - 1 iJVHmifiJtii ir columns that cculdi'- annll vtrio-ht KhrL stories aim i uui-ij . 1 wk iixed :ir. si.mxj. 1 i s iucimiik cii;'ctii -o - . . . . 1 , t , 1 - ' fend the most fastidious taste. .Aniong tla v - i,, years back, in neat cloth binding, win be sent, by mail, -postage paid, or by express, free of xiiehWmrxJtldba the freight does not exceed order. ! , , Bound Volumes of Harper's weekly, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be . "Bent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free - of expense (provided the: freight does not ex - as Ilxi one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per voL ' rl lion a'ih -cases for each; volume, suitable for oiiiousju ynll gent mail, post-paid, on twr. JWj, tl 00 each. I ? v ipt aces should be made by Post-Offlce ftTeE' -Uer or Draft, ta avoid chance ot loss y . QJapers are not to copy this advertisemen . JaZx Ite express order of Harper & Brothers Aores3 HARPER BROTHERS. Wonders exist In thousands of forms, but are surpassed by the .nnla nf Invantlnn . .ThKA whn living at home should at once send their Sddres Oailett. Cotv'lAorUand, M iUne. and - pcelve tree, fuU lurormatlon how either sex otaJi airesvc from 13 to t per day and .i pwawhere they4v,Yuare started : PJ12T)itni Aotieauired. Some have made - Tkpt tin in a single day at this work, AU sue- J i hot 23 cad v I .1 Josh. T. Jamks, Editor & Prop'r. Wilmington. N. C. .. ViTFrSDA4UUST 22. 1889. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N.C. as second-class matter. per A would take six years to build and ior Ann nm ,;isn f Since 1800 the iiiiiii ra. a i a i mm Europe has just double itself. Then the population was 175,000,000; in 1830, 210,000,000; in 18H0, 289,000, 000; in 1880, a31, 060,000; iiv 1888, .350, 000,000. ! The city of Rome, Ga., last week j es both to wholesale and retail Strict regulations were adopted. It is supposed this: still license will largely reduce the num ber of drinking saloons in Rome, whilst at the same time the cirv's exchequer will be replenished. . Workmen on the Columbus South ern Road in Georgia, while digging in cuts, turned up an immense lot of soil resembling rock phosphate. The soil contains skeletons of very curiously formed animals totally unknown in these parts at the pres ent day. Oyster beds have been discovered, and sharks1 teeh and the'teeth of various other, animals have been found in abundance. The most curious discovery of. all was two live green bullfrogs, taken from an excavation in a solid rock. ''' ' The Princess of Wales has been very stern and particular in the education of her daughters. She had good material to work uponi aVher girls are clever by nature. The Princess has taken a great pride in their accoiuplishiuentsiud feels that, her discipline has been extremely . beneficial. The Prince of Wales has sometime pleaded with her fn vain to give her daughters a holiday. She has -.often answered that, as they were to hold high so.- cial positions they had no time to waste while acquiring social graces. - -- The history of the Trion Cotton Factory, of Chattanooga County, Ga., speaks volftm.es. for the South as the coming manufacturing cen tre of this country. Eleven years ago the mill was destroyed by fire, and was rebuilt by the present com pany, which then had 150,000 capi tal. Last week the , company pub lished a petition for an amended charter allowing an increase of its capital stock to $520,000. This in crease fsto be made out of the earnr ings of the thill". ; In addition to this addition of $270,000 to the capital stock, $225,000 has been distributed in dividends, and many thousands of dollars expended in improvements such. as a brick store, a brick gin house, anew race, numerous dwel lings for employees, jetc. : Now that Gen. Boulanger and his lieutenants have 'been sentenced to imprisonment In j some fortress, the next step is to get hold of them?. The French ambassador . lids been instructed, it is stated, to ask "the British, Government to extradite them, but the British Government is not likely to start a new line of precedents in regard to political exiles. Meanwhile the papers cf Paris are questioning whether the people approve the sentence of the Senate Court, Th Republican journals are positive that in the general election for members of the Chamber of Deputies the 'people will ratify, what has jbeen done. The Conservative and Boulangist jour nals, on the other hand, are equally positive that the people will' repent the nnjust treatment of their fa vorite. The trouble with Boulan ger as a revolutionist, it appears is that he is too peaceful in his meth ods for the French. A plebiscite is all very well, in their view, after you have gotten control, but as a means of getting .control it is ridw culous. "TVine, Women and Song," but the greatest, of these is, "wo uien." "Wine is a mocker." and song is good to "sooth the savage," out women respond to every active power and sentiment -of the humin mind when in good health. But when afflicted with disease vou will End them tantalizing, coauettish. cross, and hard to please.' For all "female complaints" sick head ache, irregularities, nervousness. prolapsus and other displacements popularly known as "female weak ness" and other diseases, peculiar to scription is thm great world-famed remedy. - s Old Bore 14 Which part v in fh church do you favor most?" She ,4I prefer a. wedding party."--Fan. A projected canal across the up their restoration to neaitn to tne Second (Halifax J JJistrict Judge j , ti.. use of the Great Alterative and ttovkin Warren, Sept. 16; North-! pan 01 ii.p, ...M..Up T - lr von nre troubled with any n,nton. Sent. 30: Edirecombe. Oct .1 driatic and the Mediterranean, dise.lSe of Kidney .Live- or Stomach tt4: Bertie. Oct, 2$: f laCfttX.Nbf ll; I I 1. .1 sf,t A t.fn InPnaf nI o nrnrin U7! .'Mrll itmi OA nt- rr- aw Epocfi. The transition from lonjr, linger inr and nainf uf sickness to robust health marks tui epoch in the life of the intlivjduaq, uen a remarKauie event is treasuredin .the memory ami the 'agency-- whereby the goiwi health has been attained is graft? - fully blessed. Hence it is that much is heard in praise of Electric Hitters. Bo many reel tney owe of lonsr or short standing yon will surely find relief by the use . Jf-Elecr trie Hitters. Sold at 50c. and 1 per bottle at Llobr. R. Bellamy's whole- ; sale and retail drug store. . Logic In the Fa?iily Circle. lf: Husband "Now "here's a tliiiig, ; Neliio. that I wish to ask your opin- ; ion about. 1 am reading some items of philosophy Here, . nrioone or these items states that there is a- fool in everv family?1'; u M "'il It:. i 11. v en, milt s 11 mut. rtth wiitiu ! has that to do with there being a ft 11117.11 .. r.. 4- t)..i fool in every family? ' W. "lam coming to it.' Now, vou have left your family the fami ly composed of your brothers and sisters you left your family : when you married hip.'' H. "That's correct.1' W. "Well, there's no fool in your family now." . : i . Then the husband fell into ,deep meditation, while the wife watched him out of the corner of her eye, fh)ston Courier. An Important Klemen Of the successof Hood's Sarsaparifla is the fact that every purchaser re ceives'a fair equivalent for his nioii ey. The familiar headline 41Q0 J)pses One Dollar," stolen by imita tors, is original with and true I only of Hood's Sarsapai ula. I his can easily be proven by anv one who desires to test the matter. For real f conomy buy only Hood's Sarsapa- nlla. Sold ly all druggists. .. , .- Glass eves ought to be made of peer glass. - A1MTTV TO VOUKSFXF. , It. is surprising that' people'will usf a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the. same money. Dr. Ack er's English pills are a positive cure for sick headache and all liver troubles. They are small, . sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. Sold by MniHls Bros., druggists. The. careless servant is a great piece, maker in the household, j HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if wo Jook on the dark side of every little ob stacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia,- Con stipation and Indigestion, ami inaKe life a happiness and pleasure. Sold Jit 25 and 50 cents by Alunds Bros., druggists. A Georgia Duel Pop pop, pop, pop. pop, pop! Shake! Jackson ville (Fla.) Times Union. Advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relievesthe lit tle sufferer at once: it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the cnild from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "brfghtas button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething " ' or othr ' causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. : july 0 deod&wlv , The (iiuef JRasoaTfor the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsapanfia Js found In tbo article itself. Jt is merit tbat wins, and Jh fact that flood's Sarsap&rtUa actually ac complishes what s clalme4 for . ft, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa-', Mrit WinQ rUla or Wood'puri-r l VI Cl l V v y 1 1 10 fier Defore tne pbiio. Hood's. Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rbeum "apd all - Humors, Dyspepsia,: Sick Headache, puiousnpss, overcomes 'That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetitp, sftrngth ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Ileod'a Sarsaparilla is gold by all drug tlsts. l ; six f brS. Prepared by C, I, Uood b Co.. Apothecaries. Iowell. Miu . - - . V I . - r . - Jan 1 Jyr d&wnrm 1 raws' 2d Drugs and )nmicalp. fJlOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, etc. , etc. Also Prescriptions rilled day or nlfhtmt ' - F. C. MILLER'S, a . . n 'Drugstore, L 1 Jan i , corner Fourth and xun Btai; sfh The Fall Courts. h - The Fall terms of Superior Courts n this State will be as follows Firf t ( HJflentori) DisrictJ udge . Gilmer uprruntyf, wept, taiu- den, pept-.; Paeuotaljk, Sept. 1G; perqtimahs,Sept?. 23;Ohowan, Sept. 30; Gaktes, Oct.fl Hertford, Oct. 14; Washington, OA. 21; Tyrrell Oct. 28; Dare, Nov. 4: Hyde, Nov. 11; piViiiiico, INov, IB; rieaufort, XNov. ao. 'Craven', Nov". 25. , q'hi id Wilson- -District Judge , MacRae Martin. Sent. ,3. Dec. 2; j pjtt. Sent. 16; Greene? Sent" 30: - - - ! Vance, Oct. 14; Wilsou, Oct. 28; Franklin, Nov. 11; Wash, ov. 18.,- Fourth (Raleigh) 'Distrit-r-Judge Ariufield Harnett, Aug. 5, Nov. 23; Johnson.1 ;Aug. 12, -:Nbv: 11; Wayne,-; Sept. u, uct. 14; -waKe. yef (criminal term; Uct 22 (civil term; Fifth CHillsboro) District Judge Graves-Granville. July 22, Nov. 25; Orange, Aug. ,5, t Nov." tl; Person, Aug.. 19, Nov.fl8;,Guilfoil, Aug.,2G; Dec. C; Chatham, Sept. 30; Durham, Oct. 14; Alamance, Oct.' 28; 'l ' i, Sixth (Wilmington) Districts Judge Bynum Duplin, Aug. 5, Novr. 25; Lenoir, Aug." 9, Nov. 11 T Pender, Sept 9: New4 Hanover, Sept 23; Sampson, Oct. 7, Dec. 9; Carteret, Oct. 21;Jones,Oct. 28;Onslo wNov. 4. Seventh (Fayetteville) District Judge Shfpp On uberland, July; 22, Nov. 11; Columbus, July 29; Jlloore, Aug. 12, Oct; 28; Anson, fcept." 2, Nov.f25; BhinswfckrSe)' 9; Rich mond, Sept. 16, Dec. 2; Robeson, Sept. 30 (three weeks term); Bladen, Oct. 21. ,, "I . . . j Eighth(SalisburvJ District Judge Merrimon Iredell, Aug. 5, Nov. 4; Rowan, Aug. 19. Nov. 18; J)avidson, Sept. 2, Dec. 2; Randolph, Sept. 16; Montgomery, Sept. 30; Stanly, Oct. 14; Cabarrus, Oct. 28. . j Ninth , (Winston) District4-Judj;e Brown Rockingham, July 22. Nov. 4 '; Stokes, Aug. 5, Nov. 11;! Surry, Aug. 19, Nov. 18; Alleghany, Sept. 2; Wilkes, Sept. 9; Yadkin, Sept. 3; Davie, Oct. 7; Forsyth, Oct. 21. Tenth , (Morganton) District Judge Phillips Henderson, July 15; Burke, Aug. 5;Ashet Aug. 19; Wa tauga, Aug. 20; Caldwell, .Sept. 2; Mitchell, Sept. 9; Yancey, Sept. 23; McDowellj Oct. 7. ff ! ;Eleventh (Charlotte) District, Judge Connor Catawba,: July 15; Alexander, July 29; Cleveland, Aug. 5,; Oct. 21; Mecklenburg, Aug. 26; Union, Sept. 16; Lincoln,- Sept. 30; Gaston, Oct. 7; Rutherford, Oct. 28; Polk, Nov. 11. Twelfth (Asheville) District Judge Clark Madison, July99,Nov. 18; Buncombe, Aug. 12, " Dec. 2; Transylvania, Sept. 2; Haywood, Sept. 9; Jackson, Sept. 23 Macon, Sept. 30; Clay, , Oct. 7; Cherokee, Oct. 14; Graham, Oct. 28; Swain, Nov. 4. 18S9. . ILLUSTRATED i iiakpers Maoazink is the most useful, en tertaining and , beautiful periodical in tho world. Among the attractions for 1889 will Ik a new novel an American story, ent itled '.'Ju piter Lights" by constance.P. Wooison; ilius tratiohs of ShakeStoesire'sitVjmedles ljy E.' Abbey; a series of articles on liussia, lllustra ted byT. De Thuistrun: 'oaners .on the Domln ion Qf Canada -and. a cUai'aoteristic serial by Charle3 Dudley Warner- three "Norwegian Studies,?njv BiornStlerne Blornson: Illustrated: "Commodus," a hlstiorical play by the author of rjen-iiuT," iiiu&tratea Dy j. k. vvegiieiin, etc The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, WlUiam Dean Howella ana unanes iraaiey warner. - HARPERS' FRRJOPICALS PER. YEAR: n AUPElt'S MAGAZINE. . . $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY........ 4 00 ARPER BAZAR-;--.r;-. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the Unite Ssaies, Canada, or Mexico, , ; ' f The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year When no time is specified, subscriptions will pegin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order. ; Bound Volumes : of Harper's "Magazines for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume ciotn cases ior Dinaing, 50 cents each by mail post paid. : Indeft to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical and Classined, for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885. one yoL, 8vo, Cloth;, U 00. . - a Remittances should be made by Post-Offi e Money oraer or uraru to avoid chance or loss. newspapers are not to oopv this advertisemen without tne express oriipr of Harper & Brothers. Address , , ; harder brothers. nov 15 New York POMONA HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. C, Two and a Half Miles AVest of Greensboro, N. C rtP- rjihe main line of the K. & D. R. i R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet or the office. Sajeni trains makestops regular twlpe dally each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the- Largest KrirserT' 'in the State, and one of the largest In the South. -'Stock consists of Apples, Peach,. iPear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, 1 Apri cots, Nectarines.' Mulberries. ?om Figs, Raspberries .Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Piant- sh VTalnut,- pocans. Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evargrpens, Shads Trem. &c All the new and rare varieties as well as the oia ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 Will SHOW.. s . . . ' -Glve your orders to mv anthnri7vi cnn4 nr order direct from the Nursery. ti correspondence solicited. Destrlpqve Cata- Address j. van lindlet; PQMPNA, Guilford Co., N; C. 'Reliable SaUlsman SJy-.r--PPVlnsr commissjoa will e n Twlowers, V, Bt on. mo market ! f f lers, Rubber Hose.andf AttarjiaiesnlaL Bottom prices on above at . , 7 " ut'M,. w E." SPIirNGER KCrir-C " aplSOtf: M Front su. witoyrifci MISELIANEOUS. s. An Important Announcement : About six weeks ago,, while at business, I was suddenly attacked with excruciating : pains In my feet, knees and hands. So severe -the attack that I took my bed Immediately, r and in two or three -days my Joints were vnlbn trt .lmnnt rfrmhlA their natural stan. and sleep was driven from me. After suffer- - insr tne most excruciating pain lor a weer. tulnar liniments and various other remedies. a friend who sympathized with my helpless condition, said to me : - - - Why don't you get swirrg speeine and use it. I will using It the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. In a week I felt greatly beaentted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the room, and after using -six bottles I was out and able to go to business. Since then I have been regularly at my post of duty, and stand on my feet from nine to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from Fn8 in jam. 'i uw iv xixo liiuiu buu Buuyie xbcis t la. Tnese are tne Diain ana sunpia xacts bit case, and I will cheerfully answer all Inquiries relative thereto, either In person.or r by mall. Thomas Mjlbkilliz. 11 W. 18th street, New York City. Nasbvtxxx, Tans. I hare warded off a se vere attack of rheumatism by a timely resort to Swift's Specific In all cases where a par- L manent relief la sought this medicine com mends itself for a constitutional treatment j that thoroughly eradicates the seeds of dis ease from the system. . - iBer. W. P. HlWUSOU . D.. , ; New York, 51 7th A vx. After spending r $200 to be relieved of Blood Poison without r any benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Specific t' .-worked a perfect cure. .. , .. C. Pobtss. . VrianrA, Oa. My little girl, aged six," and j boy, 'aged four years, had scrofula in the worst aggravated shape. They were puny and sickly. - To-day they are healthy and ro bust, all the result of taxing S. 8. S. ; . . Jos T. Coixraa. ' ' Lady tAke,' Sumter Co.J PiX Your (.. S. 8. has proved a wonderful success 1 la my L case. The caricer on my facf no doubt. . would have soon hurried me to-Ay grave. I -do think It Is wonderful, and has no equaL' - B. H. Btrd, Postmaster. -f . i: waco, Tkxjls,' May M888. , S. S. C!Om Atlanta, Ga. : . - . Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate . voluntary testimonials, we take pleasure In stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large -bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Hertroubla ; was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe ; , culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. Three books mailed free on application. . All druggists sell s. s. S. Tub swirr Sphctpic Co., . Drawer S, Atlanta Ga. Hew York. 756 Bioadwa . f nov 2a law lydo en sat Homes in Nortn Garohn -0-- ii. nlv 20 Hours Rido froti New York 1 .A, U) Mf inHSoutn of Italeigb '" t - ; ) . . i . .. ; . . ; j . O.i tb lialelarto and Augusta Atr-Llife U.h 'flpaf pine retrion Kor sale on? easy ; terms IB i ta to amt purcnasera.. ;onr acre ror v!r liivrger tracts ft per?aerc, lii smonthrr'pay mvintd of 10. This land . adjoins .the; t'Soutb im Pinea". a recently ' petabliahed' health re nrt (oi sanitarium), and 1b spec-Jally, adapted f r Frull Culture, as Tweli as all the cereals. A number of New Uagiand people have bougbt ! ts in the 'tovru Of "southern Plnea," and it 1.4 the desire of the ksvjiertj of tld land tQb l ice small rarrncrs, mechanics, and. others 't orn the New England and MUldM 'States, fcfi i'eii as else where, to locate here. No State Jb : ie Union 0uer6?greaterJlpducementa Jio fefc t t-r. than North Carolina $ Nowhere, can. l- iter farming country or ms line a' climate be f ':url 1 his Is the opinion of Northern men w o have settled in foi;th. Carolina1 This 11 - Idc offer, and la limited t ; r 'X fprlhei particulars write at once to -J- HN T. PATlilCK. 'IS mnils'r of .ImmiacratVoh, EaleighrN. Q or,B. A R1COAUU8QN. :1 tt 'hrohile Office nertt-u' ' Ready Mixed Paints WHITE LEAD, VARN ISHESV BRUSHES, 1 SASH, D0OBS, BLINDS Largest and most complete stock In the State. : can nn an orders promptly. ; Builders Supplies ot all Rinds DRIVE WELL PUMPS, ! Window Glass of all Sizes, French and American, Single and Double, Obscure, Ruby and Colored. Wire Netting and Frames For Doors and Windows. , ,t,, Platform, Counter and Tea Scales ! ; Most improved Cotton Plow on M arket. Fishitigr Supplies of all Kinds Wood, Coal and Oil Cooking Stoves 1 Selng Factory Agents we are in a position to meet any ana ail compeution. - - 1 N. Jaclobi Hard ware CoI my is . So. Front St. Don't Delay. -j f .V I OEND pUR mOm OB tNJDHED FUR niiure to me anq 1 win repair ip promptly on4 at low prices. j T , w ; ; I propose to make my llvin? this war and will do the work weilnnd will not charere too much for doing it. Call ana see some of the repairs I.have already made. I wlU also re pair Sewing Machines. Miislcal Instruments' 4c.V as well as Fnrnlture. Will - cheerfully give est4mates or probable cost of ; repalrs.1 WMHfP 4f ' J 4, JJ. FARRAR. oct j No. UN. Second st, JT. W.ATKINSON, i ,W. P. TOOMER, i s Cashier. , President. Wilmington Savings &; Trust Co., f ftfi PRINCESS ST., WJ LM JNGTON, N. C, Pays Interest on Deposits. Is -empowered to execute Trusts of .an kinds. ' - - rnch 29 tf Orreil's Stables, CORN RR TDI RD AND-PRINCESS ' ST 3. , are well equipped with everything necessary -'. " - . - -, ' In fi firt class Llyery and Sales Stables. . , Good borses a torfcabje fphicles ana careful cut vein ready on demand. - Attention la- spiaily-invited to lour large stockj-ard and our facilities for housing horses and cattle, m the basementof ourr large' sta- y Ratfes as loir (fan be fodnd elseivhere.4" lve t i call and we yt 111 do our best to Jy.29 tf I 'proprietor. -. in kl w ' .'.1 . .. a 'KT . "A iCv ' lU forT.'aft; sedily when-this rpmA,w ;t?.,!a OiV ties.- pIlffeVSRte6 ia stance, . The TvlarMrnit'J11 f 13 r!l sont by mail. MEXlclWite 100 North 3d StSpm 1 , The ereatsecretoftheeanirit io Harti Mountain ISgISJ? Manna wi 1 i restore the softrV rmanr. L,, prevent t n eir iunenta S5 rL?1" r aool coudit theeascn vuuhiuii. r Riven in i IUF i sen ofsheddingfeaihr nW"1 W arr.y. t he H We62? I cases carr.y virr,y. vV",lltle musician Vw1'"--critical pen. 1 wftb-utloSS it !fr tl. ji;n i oil rec. ,nt ot 15 ct in t nt i, :OUV CO., 4UN. 3rd Si Hil! easj mention tliis pauer "aatlii, p ept 9 tu th sat l XVCti'Ti if Can learn the exact ed of :an7;.:propoEja Une c LavertisinginAmsrici! " N;W AdyertisinVBuf lO Spruce St.. New vt vlvtlL iTand then acU ntent that will not take them fmnL.': and families. The profits are Jarre i " for every Jndustrlrus person, many Lv? ?&axXFialaB several btindred t h0nUj.:-1 is .easy, for .aay cr. to i and upward per lay, who is "wininir to Sir young- orold; capital cot t WiTlstart ivoii ' Kwnnmiint nan. abHlty required; you; reader, cando' t ' j cuij uutj - vv iiujlo oa at once for fu; cuiars, which we mall free, Address s:; Co., Portland, Maine. w nov 22 (to?? A POSITIVE Fo'i-osBorFAiirca rr fill S? "P! Weakneat cf Bodytal Kind;!... V MJ JLZt i ftf Error r Etmm ia (.A m V Bobnst, Kobte MANMOOB folly Kerton. Hnr u (il lrSte WKAk.USDKYKLOPEO OKOAXR k PAEttou ADMUUfteiy MIMII119 HUaK TKKATMLATSfMtll alt iot wnie inrm. noor, ruiirTpiutuoa. id it. Uoa,ai it 3. 1 Zap17 eod&w ly r r ji 7, v- -.aaucemury. noi among the wonders of inventive prwpess method and system of work that ci 1 tepr, formed all over the country wtthou j r; i ting the workers from their homes, ; Py eral4 anyi one can do their wortseiUm t young or old; no special ability required, t . Ital not needed; you are started tree, tut t out and return to us and we will send you &r something, ot great value aad.lmportasr youvthatwlll start you iir business. r wilt bring you In more money rtgat twayJ. anything else In the world. OroMAmtM' Address Tans & Co., August Xah -noT22tandlTW;yj 1 .' :.t- mmmmm i Jlanly Yigor,- Weakness, or Lp of. XmT aiientJy restored by the nee f aa eapft-..-jinedy. Tlie Yerba Santa from 8;a. f "h Trochees nevjr fail. 0r illustrated, 3.,"'" dtestimonials,'(Fcnt'08ie(l). ryr jd it. VON GRAKP TROCIlELl, j 9 ParH PUce.tbcr lorL. The 4VKRICAS Z1NE gives preference to naUonw k, scenes" and Its literature and JtJ highest standard. Famous Anwig mTits pages with a wide jrart ( lng sketches of travel andadw foremost problems of the period, this Magazine is It is acknowledged by the ggLK' ha tva mnst. . nnDuiar and enierw- be the- most popular and high-class monthlies,.? :? --. ; Importantii.S and Special inauceurcuuo M pnonslhieaiwes-:, ' Ll 1 edttrsouutsuhscnpiwu . exclusiye temtpry. 4 mffla& t fep On Corn, FeanW? and Fc'-t; - iriiW Kiff?. RBTJl.T3A8TONISmf0f v&5tk. Addre ,b!v t . ? ONWARD IS THEU rjMIE PROGRESSnB A, &TnjRi)TPiJMEattMi?hr.;r i 5 sttterriberall 10 lutecribers, 1 year.....-' One copy, 1 year, free U club of ten .nmIlS ireeHT' Eight pages, 4fl columns." (charges prepaid) to, . ufrr-: fcevr, - s-tori atiM--:.w-a V ADVERTISERS A'MERICAi! Premiums to CluD u&r&fcr. -..i ceipt ol ipc.. If th3 paperfg tie' - ' . r

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