Absolutely Pure. rriKla nnwrtor TlPVPr vatlP.Sj A marVCl Of PU rity .strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary knds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or Phophatei powdery Sold only in cans. KOYAL BAKING 10 DKli CO., 106 Wall St., J 0 ott IX dAwly tcnrm 4tnix 3rdpw WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1889. STATE NEWS. i There was a fearful accident on the N. C.-R. R. track Jnear Durham on Sunday morning and the Globe gives this account of it: It was not yet daybreak when the party step ped off the train, butthe faint light then present quickly showed the form of a man stretched out in the ditch near thre track.) He was bleed I ine profusely and was baldly bruis ed in his side, with Uoth of his legs crushed. He was recognized as Arthur Burchaiii, a young warned man who lives on a farm near Dur ham. Further up the track frag ments of a human body were seat tered over a distance- of two .hun dred yards. At thes bottom of a deep embankment was a mangled mass of flesh, with only the face left for recognition. It was easily iden tified as that or Calvin Holder, a young man about 24 years old, who had been seen with Bwrcham in Dur ham drinking the evening before. A careful examination of the ground and track on both sides of the scene of the accident and of the track in the direction of Durham was made. The conclusion arrived was, that the two men killed. Weie under the influence of liquor ,an!d while in this condition they had j seated them selves on the track and there fallen asleep. I Charlotte News: The farmers at tending court bring cheering ac counts of the crop outlook. From fjresent indications there will be the argest crop gathered tin's year that was ever known, --i Miss M it tie Kindley, of Alt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, eloped froift the Female College at Greensboro, last night, with Mr. Ed. Heilig, of Mt. Fleas ant. Mr. Heilig assisted Miss Kind ley out of a window and the two took the train for Salisbury, where thev were married, i There was a tremendous gathering of the col ored DeoDle at the camp meeting near Iron Station yesterday and enough preachers were jiresent to keen the journals not. it was a erreat Catherine, but I the noticeable feature of the day was a civil rights sermon by a colored divine who came in on the train to day. He made one of the bitterest speeches against the whites that has yet been heard in this section,! but our infor mant savs it was i received with enthusiasm bv somd and indiffer.-. ence by others. He told the negroes that they had the rjght to sit at a table with white folks, wherever and whenever thev chose; that they i " i ii t j l were tne eauai oi xue wniies auu the time was coming when they would be recognized 'as such. "Not onlv tnis." said the breacher, "but the time is coining when a colored man will be President of the United States, and I expect to "live to see that day come. 7 j 1 ; A feittio Girl's Mistake. Little Lizzie may npt have made such a mistake after all, when se told her playmate that mamma was ever so much better) since she be gan taking "Golden Medal Discov ery." Lizzie meant Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoyerbut many a restored sufferer has felt that the discoverer was worthy of a golden medal. Better than all the medals, is the consciousness that thousands of cases of Consumption, "Liver Complaint," Kidueyj Diseases, and diseases of the blood, have been cured by it. Lizzie's mamma was one of a countless aj'iny who have learned by experience the virtues of the "Discovery" for diseased livers and consequent impure blood. 'It cures all Skiu, Scalp h,nd Scrofulous Affections, SalUrheum, Tetter. Ery sipelas, Boils and kindred ailments. It fg the only medicine of its class, sold by druggists, under a jyositivc guarantee that it will benetit or cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommended, or iiipiley paid for it will be refunded. " a. ---t Have You a Concli ? Attend to it in time do not neg lect it for it may become serious and end in Consumption.' Young's Cough Balsam will cure all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by Munds Brothers. Societ? Work. T 'HE SEWING SOCIETY OF yr. John's Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing', crocheting: and embroidery. 1 1 Ladles' ana Children's aprons a specialty. Orders left at the Rectory, or 224 North Third street, will meet with, prompt attention a r ,t ztuu.ioa " T?rr .Tames M. Wicker is a painter as well as a preacher, lie was eugaKtu i Wek in naintiugthe dwelling liouse of his father, Capt. A. iM. Wjcker near Sanford. oanioru cu.m furnish a fine afield for the-efforts of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion and several of the citizen have expressed a -willingness to encourage the organization of a chapter of it here. There are more acres in sorghum cane in Moorecounty than ever before and moch of it is luxur iant. There is every evidence that ihft farmers have commenced to raise more of their supplier IftlOV. w - i On- xsfprrlfiv afternoon, lichtnmg struck the store house lof Mr. J. E. Buchan, of Manly, and badly stun ned Mr. Ben Gunter,- Mr. Buchan's stiller, who was in the store at the time. It is believed this morning that Mr. Gunter willredover. .Other persons in the store at the time were not hurt.; 1 isticklen's Arnica Salvo The Best Saive in. the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, andall Bkin Eruptions, arid positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect! satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert :R Bellamy, wholesale and retail druggist. LEMON ELIXIIt A Pleasant Lemon; Urlnfc. For biliiouness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. 1 For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. i , For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixfr For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in anv of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. ' i Prepared only by Drj H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. j Fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. y j A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, billiousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a -.yell man. m th s Rkv, O. C.l Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. 5falidarSFIavorins , HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single trial that these Extracts ari the cheapest; they aretrueto their namts, full measure) and highly concentrateaJT 1 aug 23 dw 6m cod nrm Wilmington Seacoast R.R. iHE FOLLOWING CHANGE IN THE TIME 1 Tahle of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect on Monday, 2gnd Inst: 5'MmU 1 1 f?-:tpiii IT VT-X WILMINGTON. ..HAMMOCKS. Leave 6.00 a. m. Arrive 6..ri0 a. m. Leave 9.30a. m. Arrive ..laiOa. m. Leave.. 2.30p.m. Arrive 3.10p.m. Leave 5.00 p. m. Arrive 5 35 p. m. Leave 6.35 p. m. Arrive 7.15 p. m. Leave .. . . 8.30 p. m. Arrlvg 9.10 p. m. HAMMOCKS. WILMINGTON. Leave. 7.45 a. nx Arrive 8.20 a. m. Leate 10.25 a. m. Arrive 11.05 a. m. Leave 4.00p.m. Arrive....... 4.40p.m. Leave 5.45 p. m. Arrive. 6 20 p. m. Leave 7.30 p.m. Arrive 8.10 p. m. Le ave.. 10.00 p. m. Arrive 10.45 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS LEATE AND ARRIVE AT WILMINGTON.) LEAVE. I j ARRIVE. Leave 9.30 a. m. Leave 2.30 p. m. Leave 6.35 p. m. Arrive..... Arrive Arrive..... ..11.05 a. m . . 6.20 p. m. . .10.45 p. m Supper Train will be the 6:35 p. m. train leaving Wilmington. Round itrlp tioketswlll be sold at 25c. for this tfain t6 parties return- iag tne same nignt. i J. R. NOLAN, Jy 23 tf Gen'l Manager, Look, Stop and Think! IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS MY ENTIRE LINE OF Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OF Clotning, Hats AND ' FURNISHING GOODS AT NEW YORK COST We have just finished taking stock and I will leave In a short time tor the Northern markets. I MUST HAVE MONEY TO BUY FALL AND WINTER GOODS WITH, and hence no reasonable cash offer will be re fused. ! ! B. F. PERJWY, THE CLOTHIER, i ang 23 tf HO Market Street. Cape Fear House. A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT HAS BEEN opened at the terminus of the Ocean Vjw R. ic Tesn ngnsn, uiams aaa u always on hand. In connection with our Restaurant we have a nrst class Dining Room for our white customers. Give us a call and we guarantee to give jou entire satisfaction. je 22 31a 1 COMMERCIAL WETTB. WILMINGTON MARKET. Auff. 28. 250 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 41 cents. Sales of receipts at 41 cents. . . ROSIN Finn at 75 cents ior strained and 75 cents bid for good strained. ,' TAR Firm at 1.60. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $2.25 for yellow dip and virgin. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer A P Hurt, Robeson, Fayetseville, TD Love. AVEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND AUG. 23, 1889. Cotton ashore, 68; afloat 56; total 124 Spirits-ashore, 5,502; afloat, 605; total. 6.107. Rosin ashore, 36,050; afloat, 5,600; total, 41,650. Tar ashore, 1,689; afloat, 000; total, 1,689. Crude ashore, 990; afloat, 000; total, 990. - RECEIPTS FROM AUG. 16 TO AUG. 23. Cotton, 78;spiiits, 1,919; rosin, 4,517, tar, ,921 j crude, 674. EXPORTS FROM AUG. 19 TO AUG. 23. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 52: spirits, 307 rosin, 395; tar, 1,010; crude, 385. ISLAND BEACH HOTEL. rpHE HOTEL AT THE HAMMOCKS IS NOW in the hands of the Wilmington Seacoast R. R. and is under the management of the Super intendent. j I It has just undergone a complete renovation and has been put in first class order. The rates of board for September have been materially reducedJ The best the market and the salt water af fords will make uo the bill of fare. Oarerul. attentive and polite servanls and none others will be tolerated . Prof. .Miller's Band, from Schuet2en Park, Baltimore, wilt furnish music, both morning and evening. Facilities for sailing and fishing unsurpass ed. Safe, comfortable boats and experienced ornire i n-v -."W I. rf fr Via now rrtftnorrAmPnf la In plenfc and no pains will be spared to accom plish this result. Enquiries by mall as to accommodations promptly responded to. aug 23 tf P00NA HILL VUKSERIES" POMONA, N. C, woand a Half Miles West ef wreensboro. N.C rjiaemaln line of the R. & D. li. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 leet of the office. Salem trains makestops regular twice dally each way. Those interested In Fruit and Fruit Growing are cordially Invited to inspect this, the Largest Nwrsery In the State, and one of the largest in the South. Stock consists of Apples, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese Persimmons, Apri cots, Nectarines, Mulberries, Quince, Grapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie Plant. English Walnut, Pecans, Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, &c. All the new and rare, varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 will show. - Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. Correspondence solicited. Destriptive Cata logue free to applicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford CO., N. C. tw Reliable Salesman wanted In every County. A good paying commission will be giw v The National Life -AND- Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Has Paid to Mem- -bers Over - -,$600,000 Accrued Liabili- ties - - - - None. HORATIO BROWNING, President." SAMUEL NORMENT, Treasurer. GliOUGE D. RinGE, Secretary. Manager an- Actuary. QEO.'.J. EASTERDAY, Ass't Secretary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost." ' M ' A Guaranteed Policy. Vt An Inconte8tlble Policy. - Maturity value in Cash at Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely. Limited. Only Four Payments per Year.- t Non Forfeitable After Three Years, 4 P. S. RIDDELLK, M. DA Medical Director! W, H. GIBSON, Special Agent Home Office, central National Bank Building, Washington, D. O. JOHN HAAR, Jr., Local Agen't, oct 28 Wilmington N.C University of North Carolina CHAPEL Hfl L. N C JHE NEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 5, 1889. Thorough instruction is offered In Literature, Science, Philosophy and Law. Tuition $30 per session. For Catalogues, &c, address " . 4 J - HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, Jy 5 tf President. For Sale. QLD JJE WPAPKS FOR .SALE, AT TOUR own TJrte at - u 1 ug . REVIEW 077ICE MlSOEIIiANEOUS. Lime.; me. lime in exchange for PROVISIONS, LIME " "; ' " GROCERIES. LIME " DRY GOODS : LIME " " .;',. 4 " HARDWARE, ), LIME ' ; " LUMBER. LIME " " CASH. PBENCH BKOS.; sept; Rocky PoUit. Honey, rpHE FINEST j BROUGHT TO THIS MAR- ket for years, put up In one pound Boxes. Call and look at It. WE ARE STILL RECEIVING THAT FINE MARYLAND i Creamery Butter, " - .-V -- i i Packed in Refrigerator Boxes.- Tke only place In town you can secure a solid one pound print of fine BUTTER. My PAROLE FLOUR still stands unparalleled, and Is certainly pro nounced by those that once tiy it to be the best sold In town. Also, a very flneFLOUB for less money, which is guaranteed. Cakes of all Eifids, Crackers, Preserves, Jellies. PrCKIE DRI KD PItUI l'", I: :' - 1 - - - .:! and an endless variety of Canned Goods.. In v fact I keep everything which can be found in a first class Grocery Store. 1 call and examine my Goods. j t Jno. L Boatwright, Jy22 15 17 So. Front St. Sale of Real Estate Under Fort closure, j JgY VIRTUE OPj THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain Indenture of mortgage executed? by David Dear and" Lucy A. Deal, his wife, to "The Citizens' Building and Loan As- soclatlon of Wilmington, N. C," (default having been made therein) the undersigned, as attorneys for said mortgagee, will, on Thursday, the 5th day of September. 1889, at 12 o'clock M , at the court House door, in the city of Wilmington, sell, by public au -tlon, for cash, the lands and premises conveyed in and by said mortgage deed,. Mhlch are sit uated in the said city of Wilinlogton, and are bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on tite East line of Ninth street im feet North of the Northeast intersection of Princess and Ninth streets, a d running thence with Ninth street south 33 feet , thence East parallel with Princess strt et YSi feet, thence North 81 ,feet,. thence West parallel with Princes street 133 feet to the East line of Ninth street; the beginning being the West part of. Lot 3, In Block .18ft. ,ccordlng to the official plan of said city. " MARSDEN BKLLAMY. A. G. R1CAUD, Attorneys for "The Citizen's Building and Loan Association of Wilmington, N. C" agl 30t r "'I' ' aug Arch Freeman's JS THE PLACE tQ GET FRESH Yltl VIMU Deviled Crabs, ( lam Fritters, and all or me. delicacies of the salt water. When you go to Carolina Beach ask for Archie Freeman's place and anybody win tell you. . . - : A. FREEMAN, jy851m Carolina Beach. WEW YORli OBSERVER. ESTABLISHED IN 18 The Oldest and Best j Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad Stories, Reviews, Condensed News Departments for Farmers, ! JMer chants, Bankers, Professional Men Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Observer will pubj .ish more than i . . j FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, ! i '' ! " i : I i and the5 ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the Observer, and it wil give fifty-two unexcelled papers in uie coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. G rear Ind ucem en ts fo r 1 889 1. The NEW YORE OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub scriber, for ONE DOLLAR. i 2. Any subscriber sending his own subscrip tlon for a year In advance and' a new subscrt niuiM.w, im uityo a uopy oi me viren ffl us Letters." or "The Life of Jen? fcAuieV.7 3. We will sen4 the . OBSERVER for the re uiuuiuBr ui uu year, ana 10 January l, ibo9, to any njw subscriber sending us his name and address and S3. 00 in advance. To such snbscri bers we will also give either the volume of -ueuumsu.Mrs"or "xne uie or jerry mc Auley." Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal ter Large commissions, sample c free, s Address, i Nw York Observer, : NEW TORE fiTakirig Room forFallGoods HILE ? OUR "STORE IS - BEING EN larged and remodeled we will close out bal ance of bummer Goods at greatly reduced prices. i Brown linen Vesta 70c, White Linen Vesta 75c, Alpaca Coats $L00 to rLOJaoo casalmere PantSS2.00 tO 14 Efl VKIWh Pamtala Khim or 75c, worth f L25w r-.- .jstkaw UA io at less than cost. Must be sold. ' asgajm 83 Martet Street. Honey,Honey MISCELTjAHEODO. Ttl ! a New and Ifaaterly lfeKcal Treatia, and indlspenaable to tverr YOUXS.r AGED, and OLD MAN who U suffering from WeaKnesB, tAngnor, Loat of Mwaory.l Tnrauinn of Htrita. Liver Comnlaint Diseases of the Kidney, and all diieaaea it A9tUrv gTfirwnii, Folly, Vice, Igmfg NervouJ peblflty, YiUl Ehauttion. and i if 1 1 m MiViiifrwwiifMi Bound la leather, full gttt. Price, only one doUartf ttauieaied la ))kla imppt;, CONFIDENTIAL. Addmi Uixbt DuMokt, M.D., No. 881 Cfttambu ArBfc,ctl ,34C2, Boston, ilimm. Prefatory Leetar with aumeru teattmonUl from hkh owm, tl Tkb U th only CLECTItOMEDICO PHYSIOLOGY Ter pubUahed.ndUb)hik!j and perfeet. It is inralu&bla to aB afflicted aa it reachea the very root and vitali of Hjtm. For all Diaeaeea of Keo, by thejdistingnlahed author,! Hbkbt DtjMokt, U. Wftohaa DISCOVERED ' THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE Er 8ENOE OF MANHOOD, may be , eonenlted ta strictest confidence.iu person or by fetter, hisKlectro- fcteaico innrntary, a Q.38I uoiampaa AT.tisou, n V HEARD. A VOlCEy if ?AlDf WCOVIK AMD SEE. -.1-1 'I Is' the place to get Fiishioriab Goods and are Leaders Low Prices. Straw'Hat 2 d WIHrifcDress StiawK reduced to 48c "eachfFIpVerfiH price $1.98, now selling at5 Net and Brussels Iet Mali value. The Crescent tBustl demand. Silk Mitts, warranted all silk, 23c a pair.. Pan and Sun Shades in all shades. ; Fans? irrfrriehse stock :tc lect from. Corsets of f every rm1iky amlke ub. Gents' Linen 'HemWeJi-Stiteh'-Colored Borden 1 each; and lots of other desirable and Seasonable Gocv reiiiurKciuiy luw irnces. I 118 rJarket Gt., rJilmington, H.f Big discount to the; trade. Orders by promptly lultilled. .; - The Acme; MANUFACTURING 00: 1 MANTJFACTUREES DP . . Fertilizers,. Pine Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON. N O. rjHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the results of three years' use In the hands of the best fanners of this and other States , will attest their value as a high grade manure . The MATTING, made rrom the leaves of our native pine, la conceded to be equal to any wool carpet, ior comfort and durability and the demand tor It is dally lncreastncr. It has vir tues not found in any other fabric.. - ? - t f upholsterlngr. purposes, and as a flllinp tor, VVaSWts, sffjjf -Mawressea is almost eaual to hair, beink? Birht i --m flhlisrr At3 fiilfUb Or JJU VS CJLhGU&lYKkJ UXU LUX tffMeud proof arlnsectt.. ' : 2K5"itt5w ico to 9W ueruacates rrom reuawe parties osingr ovr fiPiacted. "'ZxocS goods can Be seen at our offlce, orwm be mail- Fi Geo, yis eutrpciieppuciuoa. ian0 au?54W MOSQUITO NETS, MTJSKEET0 NETS, M08KET0E NETS, MUSQ UIT0E NETS, MOUSQ UET0 NETS. Hi 0 w MOSKEETOE NETS, JHUSKETO NETS, MOKEYTQW NETS, MUSSKIETO NETS. Yonr Choice, F j x t u rs Complete, " ggf mtr . t t MNt.t I ' ' ' I J vunam-. k tr'-ic t',i: 1TZ 7EV 5 JinL PIG PISH I WOK lALWALfSKEEPA : pr?E3H P' on HaW ' as I nave mi ott V ? I always Keep from 200 to W .... parties can be served wlt. Meals 35c. or S!1 jab A. fl; Restaurant m WVj2$$K - GOOd CIUAKS JMiu T hand.., :'- . a i'r . .ggBAKKKWCAB; 128 Nortn w . 4 aug 26 u dw